Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie has been nominated as the replacement nominee..

11:10am Hayden is now talking to Monet in the Head Of HouseHold room. Hayden says that he wants to know what she thinks of Britney. Hayden asks for Monet for her first instinct. Monet says that her instincts told her not to trust Britney. They talking about whats been going on in the house and that they have been hearing different things from Britney and Annie. Monet says that it all makes her head is spin. Hayden tells Monet that he likes her and thinks he can trust her. Monet says she feels the same way about him. Hayden then asks her if Annie goes up, will she vote Annie out of the house. Monet says she will vote Annie out.

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11:20am Annie is talking to Brendon in the bedroom about Britney and how she needs to go. Annie upset about that Hayden told her that it is a very big possibility that she will be nominated. Annie tells Brendon that she’s going home because of Rachel; because Hayden told her that you wanted keep Rachel. Annie tells Brendon that she is going to stop talking to people. Brendon tells her to keep her to just keep her cool.

Annie is now talking to Enzo. Annie is really pushing hard to breaking up Rachel and Brandon. Annie says that Hayden and Brendon might have made an alliance and that Rachel isn’t going to be going home, but that replacement nomination will be. Annie says people are spreading rumors already and because they are a weak player, they are being believed. Ragan says he just wants the POV ceremony to be over, he hates all the waiting. Enzo agrees and says the house is crazy. Annie tells them that she loves Hayden but she is sick of everyone kissing his ass. Annie says that he isn’t going to be HOH next week, so whose ass will they kiss. Annie says that she will be really embarrassed to go week one. Enzo says he would use it as a compliment that they think he was going to do some damage in the house and so they got rid of him first. Annie says well you dont really have to worry about it, do you?!! Enzo replies yeah, Hayden likes me. They then start talking about the saboteur and Enzo says that he doesn’t think the saboteur is a guy. Annie says that she doesn’t want to compete with people who will drag her down. Enzo says that he wants to make it to week 7 and will be happy with the “25 G’s” as the favorite player. Enzo says he thinks Monet is worried because she won the $10,000. Annie hopes Hayden takes that into consideration when making his decision to day for the replacement nominations. Annie asks Enzo if she has his vote to stay. Enzo tells her that she has his vote. Enzo also thinks they need to break up Brendon and Rachel.

11:50am Andrew is up in the HoH room talking to Hayden about the votes. Hayden says he has Kristen, Brendan, Andrew. Hayden tells Andrew that if Annie stays he will be upset. Hayden says if Annie says in the house he will walk out the front door. Andrew reassures Hayden that he will vote Annie out.
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In the kitchen, Lane just went up behind Annie and put her in a head lock. (lol) Then he told her that she looks luscious today. Brendon is called to the diary room. In the backyard Annie says it’s POV time. Big Brother just put the houseguests on an Indoor lockdown, then soon after tell them its an outdoor lockdown.
12pm The feeds are cut to the We will be right back screen…
1:10pm The Feeds are back, During the POV ceremony Brendon used the power of veto to take himself off the block. Hayden then nominated Annie as the replacement nominee for eviction. Both Rachel and Annie are up on the block. Brendon and Rachel run off to the bedroom and Brendon consoles Rachel and tells her that everything will be okay. Rachel says that shes shaking shes so nervous. Brendon tells her that shes fine and that Annie’s the one going home. They leave the bedroom and Annie walks past. Brendon stops and asks her if she ok and she says NO …because I’m going home!! Annie is in her room packing her clothes. Lane comes in to talk to her and says he’s never said a bad word about her. Lane offers to go with her to talk to Hayden tonight if she wants to. Lane tells her that it’s not over so quit thinking it is… Annie is now by herself in her room, she looks at the camera and say she can’t wait to go home to be with normal people and that she can’t believe she dyed her hair for this shit!!!

1:15pm In the backyard Ragan is talking to Hayden on the couch. Ragan says he doesn’t want this to go anywhere with this but that having seen Rachel up on the block and being a have not, she has never badmouthed anyone that he’s seen and that to me shows a lot about her character. Hayden agrees with him.
Hayden: I Agree.

14 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Annie has been nominated as the replacement nominee..”

  1. Don’t get rid of Annie. Get rid of Rachel.

    I’m tellin’ ya.

    I guarantee if Rachel or Brendon become HOH, Hayden will be going on the block.

    1. Unc u r so rite. rachel and brendon will not vote or go against each other. it the bond of being first on the block because of each other. hayden’s booty will be cooked soon.

    1. I agree with sending Rachel out next, but we need enzo for entertainment. LOL this would be really boring without him

    1. Am I the only one who is sick & tired of listening to Anne run her mouth? All she did was run from person to person prior to POV trying to play everyone. Now she’s going person to person to beg for a vote! The sad thing is, she may get those votes! That’s what I’m afraid of. I want her to leave so bad! She is a liar & her game play is dirty! I hope she goes! Rachel has said nothing bad about her or anyone else. Anne has been the trouble maker since she opened her mouth, I hope we don’t have to listen to her tomorrow after 12 hours of her today! Enough already!!!

    2. I hate Brendon and Rachel because I hate ‘showmances’ Last year CBS dedicated half of each episode to Jeff and Jordan and I wanted to quit watching. I don’t want that to happen this year.

      Break up the ‘couple’.

      I had an idea that Brendon and Andrew were related somehow, too. Their eyes, nose and mouth look similar. I don’t think they are brothers, but they could be cousins.

    1. I get so tired of just seeing everyone laying aroung. Make them get up or go do something outside.This is getting boring.

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