Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Feeds are Active Brandon and Rachel Nominated

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

Big Brother 12 Begins… the Live Feeds are active and things are looking good. First week Big Brother Nominations and Head of Household are already known. Hayden is the HOH winner and Brendon and Rachel are the nominations. It’s 9:00pm in the Big Brother House and all the players are in the or around the hot tub engaged in random conversations.

Rachel is being revealing in the hot tub showing off her female assets.

11 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Spoilers – Feeds are Active Brandon and Rachel Nominated”

  1. Broke down & ordered Showtime for the next 3 months – don’t have the patience for the live feeds. Which is why I sooo appreciate the hard work ya’ll do to keep us updated. Wonder how long they’ll make us wait to see who the sabotuer is?

      1. excuse me i meant you can vote for who do you think the saboteur is (not actually vote for saboteur selection)

  2. I’m really confused about this season. I’m watching BBAD right now and the houseguests are saying “yesterday…”I thought they moved in today? They’re talking about last night. I’m confused.
    But I think this season will be good.

    1. The houseguests moved in this past Saturday afternoon. They normally move in like a week before the show actually starts. They have been in the house for a few days now.

  3. I’m confused about this season.
    The houseguests are talking about what happened YESTERDAY… I thought they just moved in today?

    1. they moved in earlier this week i believe on Sunday. What we saw today was recorded earlier this week… bbad is live so they have already done the nominations and picked people to play in the veto comp

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