Big Brother 12 Housguests 15 minutes of fame Part 1

Big Brother 12 the entire season of the live feeds transcribed with pictures. Plus insane discussions from the spoiler crew


nnie from Big Brother 12 talks to the PopTalk Webshow @VegasBash 2010

Britney BB12 on KNWA


Lane from Big Brother 12 talks to the PopTalk Webshow @VegasBash 2010

Britney from Big Brother 12 talks to the PopTalk Webshow @VegasBash 2010

Monet from Big Brother 12 talks to the PopTalk Webshow @VegasBash 2010

19 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Housguests 15 minutes of fame Part 1”

  1. Could someone pleaseee tell me where to get that green flannel shirt hayden wore? My wife keeps telling me to find out, she LOVES it. I keep telling her “honey, it will NOT look like that on me” but she still wants me to get it! I have to bet that SOMEONE on here has to know where to get it, you all seem to know EVERYTHING about this show!

    1. Hayden likely buys most of his clothes at Pac Sun or The Buckle. Browse them online to see if you can find similar shirts

  2. From her interview, you can tell that it’s obvious that Britney is looking for some kind of TV deal. Look how she “over acting” her way through the interview. Eyes opened wide, eyes closed looking half ass dizzy, you name it, the girl was really trying to show her acting side.
    Well, like the title said: 15 minutes of fame.
    Now I’m going to watch Monet’s inteview.
    Note to self: Got my barf bag ready. Exhale and let’s get it over with.

  3. Okay, I watched Monet’s interview for exactly 50 seconds. I had enough.
    Stop telling the girl she’s pretty because her nose looks like a play dough.
    In my opinion, she is not pretty. Just plain Jane.
    Now if you want to talk pretty, bring on Kristen. She looks more like a model than Monet.

      1. What the hell is a butter face, she is totally hot, with an awesome body, and handled herself really well when backed up in a corner. Don’t get Butter face!!

            1. Ah, now that I think about it that old margarine commercial went “Everythings better with Blue Bonnet on it.” But, I guess it could look better, too. Anyway, I hope you got the joke.

              1. Got it and loved it! I liked Kristen too. I thought she was very pretty. She had “doe” eyes but more importantly I think she handled the situation well. Not so great for having a boyfriend and then making out with Hayden, but her BF was fairly new. I think they were only dating for 2 months. Not a lifetime but still…………………. Hope she is still hanging out with Ragan. I think he is a good sounding board for her.

              2. Hi BBGrandma! You know I liked Kristen.
                She was one of the hotter girls in the house this year and was a good sport when she had to wear that Hippietard and horrible wig, unlike Enzo who refused to wear his entire Penguin Suit ensemble.

  4. Brenden and Rachel will appear on 2 episodes of the “Bold and the Beautiful” on the dates of October 25 and October 26(not sure if this info has been posted already).

  5. no the boss is still alive, lol bra-gade!!!! damn i make myself laugh, bra bra bra -gade!! lol survivor sucks this year yo, its all up to the challenge cutthroat now, and amazing race, team brenchel forever!!!

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