Big Brother 12 – Enzo’s Chicken Parm.. it’s serious “Like Taking a video game away from a Chinese kid thats how Serious it is”

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

6:30pm July 13th Kitchen Enzo’s Chicken Parm is finished and everyone gets ready to eat. It looks pretty good every is loving it.

Rachel: “this is yum yum”
Hayden: “good work enzo thanks”
Britteny: “This is incredible thanks enzo”
Ragan: “The best i’ve ever had enzo”
Kathy: “This is good” (lol, Kathy think you could of done better than that?)
Enzo: “Just sucks we didn’t have bread crumbs.. it took longer cause I had to make the bread crumbs”
Enzo “little red wine would of been nice to”
Enzo “Hard to make food for this many people i’m not use to it”
They start talking about what they are going to do tonight. They decide to some volley ball.

They all start joking that the twist this year is that the camera’s have been turned off because the ratings are poor. Enzo cracks a joke about the house being layered, “feels like they are still auditioning”.


Big Brother 12 Spoilers

Big Brother 12 Spoilers


Big Brother 12 Spoilers

7:00pm Backyard PLaying Volley Ball Lane, Hayden, Brendan, Matt and Enzo. Rachel is standing there but not doing anything. Brit and Monet are on the lawn chair. Kathy and Andrew cleaning up for everyone kitchen and bitching about how dirty all the other houseguests are. They point out that everyone is using 2-3 towels a day and it’s getting out of hand. Andrew says he only uses one towel and after he’s done with it he keeps it off the ground until he needs it again. He asks KAthy how many towels does she go through? she says a lot right now because if I leave a towel around one of the other houseguests will probably throw it on the ground…. She thanks him for helping, Andrew: “No it was my pleasure thank you” and Andrew heads outside. Monet and Brit – Brit mentions that America “LOVES HAYDEN.. Ohh he’s so sweet such a nice guy”, She adds that he’s this years Jeff (Brendon is this year Jeff, Hayden is this years Nick). Monet agrees she points out that Lane is like Russel (Lane is like this years Memphis).. They ask Rachel what her natural hair colour is, she says its like Kristens but with more red and a little lighter. They start talking about Annie being gone for so long in the diary room, Brit thinks it’ll be like Chima “Annie walked out and their not going to tell us forever”… Matt is fucking around with something in the backyard Brit keeps saying “Your totally going to get a MATT STOP THAT totally going to… your totally going to get that Matt Totally” Someone says “She been gone for over a hour!” now other house guests are starting to think Annie Left. Brit now is telling them she knows whats going on. Their getting her all riled up in the Diary Room so when she comes out she’s going to be like a wild caged animal and go ballistic tonight…

Big Brother 12 Spoilers

23 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 – Enzo’s Chicken Parm.. it’s serious “Like Taking a video game away from a Chinese kid thats how Serious it is””

    1. Hi Rockstar, good to see you back and runnin with the same handle, I tip my hat to you for taking lots and lots of shots and still runnin with the same name, I gave it out a bit last season too, and im not hiding either. HI simon and Dawg, great to be back but I haven’t seen the show yet this season, due to working away. Anyone hear from BBGrandma, she dissappeared at the last of season 11 and I was just wondering if she is back.

      1. welcome back to you too. I’m sure as this season progresses I’ll end up being on the wrong team again and people will want to serve up my liver for lunch, such is the game. I stand by everything I type unless it’s a joke or I’m making fun. If I make a friend, wicked, if I don’t, oh well I’ll drown my sorrows in a bag of Cheetos and a bottle of diet pepsi. I haven’t seen Grandma anywhere. I hope old faves show up soon.

            1. Hey Simon, she did dissappear in the last week or two of the season, she always had an opinion and she spoke a lot of her own expirences, she sometimes ticked a few people off but we all came to her defense. She was everyones Grandma on here and I for one hope she shows up again.

              1. I didn’t partake in the comments the last few seasons, but I was reading. I don’t remember what my name was in the Eric/Evil Dick season, but I was the one who got really into the production stuff and was appalled at how rigged the season was for Evil Dick or his daughter to win. I never got into fights in the comments, but I remember getting really pissed off at how rigged the show was in the last half of the season. God Amber was a hilarious houseguest to hate.

            2. Yup ! Grandma’s back, I read what she had to say this morning. Ya,all well have to look for it, cause I,m also a old grandmother & I don’t remember were. ” SORRY “

    1. I hated Jeff with a passion and Brendan isn’t annoying me to the point of cutting myself to ease the pain. Jeff was shit from the beginning.

      1. I liked Jeff until he went crazy with power when he got that stupid Coup d’etat, then I hated him. I like Brendon, he’s my favourite this year, and for some reason he reminds me a lot of Jeff.

        1. Totally agree that Jeff went nuts with power last year. Made me so annoyed b/c I was originally behind him 100%.

  1. Brendon is a douche. Annie’s probably in the diary room telling them the story. LOL Over, and over

    1. Annie is totally annoying with her story telling over, over and over and over again. I hope she goes home.

  2. Has anyone else noticed that the tag being put on all the photos says “”? It’s missing the E in online. Might want to get that fixed.

      1. It happens. Just want to make sure that if your photos get around the traffic comes back to you.

        Also, I have to say, the captions on the twitpic photos are most excellent. Here’s hoping Evil sticks around for a while.

  3. I hope this doesn’t come out as a double post. I made a comment about something I heard from a good friend of mine who works for CBS. Basically, this season’ was originally planned as a “fusion” of two past past seasons where 2 HGs were related (the twins), and the season of DNA (HG related but diidn’t know – i.e Cowboy and his 1/2 sister).

    Basically 4 HGs are related – Andrew & Kristen (brother & sister) & Kathy & Britney (mother & daughter). Annie and her girlfriend (the realtor who ditch her and the show) were cast as a married couple. Whichexplains why Annie is a mess and has none of her own clothes not does she have signed releases in order to talk about the people in her life.

    Also, each HG thinks that he or she is the only saboteur, however, in order for this “train wreck” to work all the HG were told they were being cast as the saboteur. The incentive being that they were guaranteed 10k for each week they are on the show. (Guaranteed 10K who would say NO to that) This explains all the hard playing by everyone right from the get go.

    I hope I explained this coherently.

  4. I say Brenden is this years Jeff also, but I don’t think anyone could ever really replace Jeff which is why I’m keeping this user name this year. 🙂 Hottest guy in BB history hands down. (and the moment where he revealed he had the ‘wizard powers’ and put Jessie and Pigpen up on the block is one of my favorite BB moments so I beg to differ. Lol)

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