Big Brother 12 Brendon Villegas Nude

Big Brother 12 Brendon Villegas on skype

Big Brother 12 Brendon Villegas Nude

The whole Brendon spanking it to a Guy pretending to be a girl on Skype thing all happened Dec 2010. It all started when Brendon started skyping with a mid 20’s College student named Nick. He pretended to be a whiskey swigging girl named Molly shepard resulting in Brendon sending her/him pictures of himself on a webcam. Since then Brendon has apparently become engaged with his showmance Rachel Reilly, found her a ring in a cereal box and is living in LA. Good luck to Brendon I hope you keep the beat alive…

Dawg posted some more about this a bit ago. It’s still 5 months before Big Brother 13 Starts but when BB14 Allstars 2 comes in 2012 Brendon and Rachel are a shoe in to be on it…

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12 thoughts to “Big Brother 12 Brendon Villegas on skype”

  1. This new is alot more then old and seriously nobody but hardcore bb fans even care, and they are definetly not a shoe in for all stars 2. I have about 15-20 houseguests i would choose before those retards.

  2. Brandon, Brandon, Brandon, you need to get ahold of yourself! Oh, wait…………….ah, Shape up, Brandon! Oh, wait………..ah, Brandon, pull your pants up!

  3. Speak for yourself. Theyre new to me and I’m glad they were posted. Only wish I could see more. That’s one big fat sausage. 😉

    1. Hell ya! I wouldn’t mind seeing that in person!!! Yummy! Only turn off is that it has been in rachel! Yuck

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