Big Brother 11 Spoilers – The PoV players : Jesse selected Russell ~ Lydia picked Jeff ~ Chima picked Natalie!

Big Brother 11 ChimaBig Brother Russell & MicheleBig Brother 11 Casey & Laura

9:45am Big Brother Time: Russell and Michele are in the bathroom mirror doing morning things. Laura is in the shower and told them not to talk so that Big Brother wouldn’t film in the bathroom. Everyone looks tired. They are all waking up and getting dressed. Braden is putting on pink swimming flippers. Braden is also putting on a matching pink snorkel mask. Braden, Lydia, and Jordan are getting ready to go swimming in the pool. Lydia and Jordan are talking about Jessie coming in their bed last night. Lydia doesn’t quite remember what happened. One of them said they thought it was Jeff.
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10:25am Big Brother Time: Time to pick players for the veto comp Everyone seems to be ready. .they are going to pick the POV players. Lydia picked Jeff, Chima picked Natalie. Big Brother says House Guests please go outside this is a lock down. Lydia & Jordan are outside tannin on the lounger & Jeff is Big Brother 11 Bradenworking out….Jordan ask Jeff about his modeling and he says that hes done it was only a few times a while ago ..nothing big though. Chima & Michele are in the bathroom brushing teeth getting ready to go outside for lock down they are all questioning now since the lock down is OUTSIDE if that means that the POV comp will be something inside.
11am Big Brother Time: The PoV players : Jesse selected Russell ~ Lydia picked Jeff ~Chima picked Natalie. Chima talking about how she doesnt expect anyone to win the POV and take her off because that could mess with their own clique being put up. Shes saying that she picked Natalie only because she wanted to play in the comp not that she expected her to win for her…. Natalie says if she does get POV and uses it on Chima the Chima will owe her (She says this right in front of everyone else). Chima & Natalie talking about how they always tell the truth Chima saying that’s probably not the best strategy & they should start lying.
11:25am Big Brother Time: Lydia & Jordan back to tanning on the lounger…Russell is still in the pool. Braden is doing some situps & pushups. Lydia is talking to Jordan about her dislike for Laura….how Laura is always talking about them & Laura asked them if they were doing their hair yesterday to get air-time. Jordan admits that she frequently pees in the pool, however she won’t this time because it’s Big Brother. General chit chat in backyard …Jessie talking about HGH and its effects, Lydia & Jordan washing some towels..Russell & Ronnie in the pool & Casey is sitting on the side of the pool chatting with them Ronnie yells out that they need some “lovely ladies” in the pool but no one really responds … Everyone is just laying around for the most part and not talking much.
Big Brother announces over the intercom: “Did you know that there are over 300 species of turtle living today?”
Big Brother 11 JessieBig Brother 11
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