Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell to Jeff: “Jesse Banged Lydia, Natalie is Pissed its going down tonight”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

4:35pm Chessboard Natalie and Jesse. Jesse is telling her he’s going to prove to her that he doesn’t have a final 2 deal with anybody by voting people out the door. He says I do not have a deal with RONNNIE. He than makes a jokes that he is in with Jordan and she’s really a master player. He mentions how Janelle was possessed or got lucky and was able to win all the competitions she won.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

5:00pm Backyard Casey, Russell and Kevin. Russell is saying that Ronnie is already playing for next week. he’s really going in overdrive. Casey wonders if they everyone would band
together to get Ronnie out. Kevin doesn’t know for sure, he says that there are other players they would rather take out first…


5:40pm Storage Room Ronnie and Lydia. Ronnie is telling her about his conversation with Michelle. HE’s saying that he told MIchele not to tell anyone. Michelle told ROnnie that the other group isn’t mad at them they are just jurt. Ronnie get called into the diary room. at 6:05pm Ronnie leaves the Diary room and slaps his own ass, he says he had funny twitter messages. He walks by Jordan giggling saying his twittering was funny but she doesn’t say anything back… so he keeps walking.


6:10pm Kitchen Rusell and Jordan. Russell is preparing dinner. Jordan apologises for
spreading the fat fuck comment around and saying that Rusell said it about Ronnie. Jordan telling him that she told Ronnie that she hopes Russell wins because he’ll put Ronnie up. Russell smiles, “What goes around comes around”. Jordan goes on to say how big of a liar Ronnie is, Russell says he’ll talk to her later and he walks outside to talk with casey and each his food. Russell tells Casey that the first person he’s taking out is going to be Ronnie. Casey agrees and mentions he likes Jesse. Russell does to but doesn’t like how he’s been acting lately. They both agree that everyone seems like their star struck kissing Jesse’s ass. Natalie enters and they change the subject……


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

6:20pm Lydia and Jesse cuddling in bed. Lydia starts off by sayig Russell told her that they need to break Natalie and JEsse up. Lydia asked him to hold her hand under the blanket,
Jessie said he couldn’t because his arm would fall off. He mentions some guy in the bible that had their arm fall off when they touched a girl. The conversation switches to making babies…. Lydia lists off some names, THOR is one of them.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

6:30pm recycling room Jeff and Jordan. Jeff is telling Jordan that the atheletes are trying to manipulate him. He brings up the conversation he had with them earlier. they told him they were swinging the votes in Jordan’s favour although he know she already had the votes anyway. He says that they are offering him a guarantee in the jury house if I join back with them. Jeff now says that he’s been talking to Russell and that something is about to go down between Natalie and Lydia over Jesse, Apparently Russell told Jeff that Jesse slept with Lydia…. He tells Jordan that she’s safe for sure its going down 9-0 for Laura to leave. He explains how she’s gotta be cool and keep her mouth shut. Jordan tell him they need to win HOH or its over… Laura come in crying saying she can;t wait till Thursday she feels so stupid… Jeff trying to be nice and tells her she looks great and alot of people have seen her she’s going to get offers. Laura says she is going to Fuck with Ronnie’s head when she leaves because he is so paranoid. Thats the only revenge she can get at this point. Laura says she now knows why CHima was such a bitch last week because she was on slop. Laura says if she was in here with any other cast she would be fine. It’s
the high school Shit that is hard

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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4 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Russell to Jeff: “Jesse Banged Lydia, Natalie is Pissed its going down tonight””

  1. Ronnie’s Twitter messages were not funny or even the slightest bit amusing. I hope Laura does try to mess with him before she leaves. I want Jeff to win HOH and really shake things up.

  2. Lauras last minute attempt to screw with Ronnie, might work. Lets cross our fingers.
    As much as I like Jordan as a person, she is out matched terribly and Laura will be a much better player than her.

    Go get him Laura and Good Luck!

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