1pm Natalie and Kevin are sleeping in HOH bed, and Jordan and Michelle are sleeping in the pool room.
2pm Natalie and Kevin talk about how the first part of the 3 part HOH competition is tomorrow (Tuesday) and that it finishes on Thursday. Kevin and Natalie both discuss not talking to Jordan or Michelle about how the competitions work and when they are…
2:20pm Jordan is in the bathroom getting ready, doing her hair. She then leaves and goes to the red bedroom and asks Kevin who’s laying in bed if her hair looks good like it is … Kevin asks why …for what? Jordan says for the diary room sessions and stuff. Jordan then goes and grabs her hat and shows Kevin. He tells her he likes it half way up half way down.. Jordan then says she wishes there was something going on today. She heads back into the bathroom and continues to play with her hair. Jordan then finishes her hair and then goes to Kevin again and asks him if its alright, and he says ya. Jordan goes into the pool room and sits on her bed staring off into the distance.
2:43pm – 3pm Big Brother calls Jordan to the diary room. Kevin is now sleeping in his bed in the red room. It has been a very quiet day….
3:37pm HOH Pictures
4:40pm Splish Splash Room, Jordan and Michele are packing there stuff up for tomorrow. Jordan thinks its strange that production asked Kevin to pack to. Natalie agrees she doubts Kevin even will.
Jordan asks Michele if Kevin told her who he’s voting for. Michele say no, Natalie claims she doesn’t know. Michele Leaves and Natalie tell jordan that Kevin is voting Michele out. Natalie also adds that Jordan still needs to talk to Kevin because he’s stressed out about this vote and you don’t want “her” (Michele) to get in his head. Natalie offers Jordan the HOH room so Michele will leave them alone. Jordan thanks her and says she’ll go talk to Kevin tonight.
5:39pm Kitchen Natalie and Kevin Playing cards.. Earlier today Natalie and Kevin decided on a hand signal to use when its time for them to drop. Natalie reminds him that they HAVE to make it look believable. Kevin and Natalie plan on throwing the competition tomorrow once Jordan falls. They are assuming that Jordan will be pathetic in it. The rationale around Natalie throwing it to Kevin is that Natalie is better at the mental comp than Kevin so they’re taking a risk and hoping Jordan drops early on the endurance 3rd than sucks ass on the preceding mental comp.
6:06pm Houseguests eating.. Michele is in the Diary. OMG can you believe this is probably going to be the final 3!!!! Scappy Doo, Kevin and Jordough, WOW expect the unexpected is right.
7:18pm Kitchen Natalie and Kevin playing Cards.. I’ll spare you the dialog but after cheating on every game she’s played inside the house Natalie has finally caught Kevin cheating and it jokingly making a big deal about it. They briefly talk about tomorrows competition. Kevin tells her he’s very nervous before competitions. Natalie doesn’t think we should be she doubts Jordan will out last them. Kevin knows he also isn’t as stressed before this comp as he was for the last veto and that turned out alright… Natalie tells him that the 2 other girls are going to me on him like crazy tonight he should sleep up in the HOH to avoid them. Kevin doesn’t want one of them to keep him up all night…. Jordan and Michele are both sleeping in the splish splash room.
9:00pm Jordan Staring into space trying to calculate the forces exerted on a electron as it orbits a proton. Michele is stretching on the floor.
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Vote Now for Ronnie to Return!
Hey Ronnie STFU
I have the Right to request!
This is America and the I Want my 1st
This is cut & paste from the last episode…just wanted people to see my Rockstart ass kissinf
Rockstar?you are the smartest blogger on this site? the fact that I agree with you 99% of the time has a lot to do wih it. Against all odds you root for Nat and you havent had a drop of the J&J kookaid. I think you like rooting for the underdog and hated the blind adoration of J&J.
Rockstar are you like me and have 3 eyes and 6 toes, talk with a stuttering lisp and a have a permanent limp???
You go (????) You just go!!!!!!!
Are you wanting me to have your babies or are you totally mocking me? I’m a little confused. I have 2 eyes, 2 boobs, one really big set of balls and they are all natural. haha
Seriously, its Labor Day and we’re having some people over for some bbq and a game of Taboo… Anyway I’m already buzzed on beer & tequila, listening to some Beatles, and just kissing yo behind cuz I agree with you A LOT!
Have a good day! Oh yea…I dont need no mo babies but I am up for protected sex.
My Grannie always use to say, “God love yah.” She used it for those moments when she didn’t know what else to say.
I love to play charades. I won last time by laying down on the floor, closing my eyes and pretending I was in a coma. No one could guess. haha
And I now prononuce you man and man
its funny how people have forgotten that jeff and jordan WERE the underdogs. in fact, initially, they were THE underdogs. from the start to about, what? week 4 or 5 when jeff got the coup detat?
jessie, natalie, kevin, lydia, chima, ronnie… they all ran the house for the first few weeks. so saying you cheer for the underdogs wouldnt exactly be legit would it? because that would mean you used to cheer for jeff and jordan… and now cheer for jordan again… so underdogs? no. you just like natalie and kevin. it truly is that simple.
jaycane- you can record Jeff’s ” jock anti itch formula commerical” that he has been hired to do once he is out of the jury house. You can watch him over and over and over and over again. Jeff lost. It’s okay, you’ll get over it eventually. Hopefully.
No matter how many times you try and twist it though, Jeff is gone and Jordon will never win BB.
okay, you look stupid. first and foremost just thought i would point that out. where did i try and turn and twist anything? where am i even supporting j/j? and where am i saying anything about how i wish jeff wasnt gone or that i want jordan to win?
i simply said this… j/j were the underdogs. so saying that you root from underdogs would not mean kevin and natalie in anyway possible… except maybe for like a week in the house.
go ahead, feel stupid. i would too if i were you… and if i used the name rockstar lol. such a rockstar bro! go rock it out… haha joke..
bitch say wha?
Jordon and Jeff were never the under dogs. In your sad mind, sure but in mine, no. I have not and never will vote for Jeff nor Jordon and no, they were never considered the underdogs. A bunch of women had their reproductive eggs all twisted up and voted for him because they thought he was cute.
Rockstar,please explain why you get so hot for Nasty Nat,you actually seem kinda smart and i’m sure you bathe regulary,just curious!
nasty – Natalie was loyal her alliance. very simple.
so were hitler’s soldiers…..loyal to the end
Lydia didn’t run a damn thing… except her 2 fingers on Jessie’s #$^#.
Sorry to say Rockstar, but Jaycane is right. Right on! But hey, keep on rocking! Nothing wrong with your name.
These people sure do sleep a lot! :o)
wow i just found out kevin really cheated and allison grodner is apologizing and they are going to do another pov im excited!
where did you read that info?
Omggggg they’re really gunna do a redo for the pov?!?!?! Where’d you find that out??? I hope they do!
I call bologna… unless you post a link to prove it
as far as I know no POV redo
… and you haven’t steered me wrong yet my friend. I’ll believe it when Simon writes it!
LOL i’ve been wrong before, I haven’t heard anything on the feeds about the POV redo.
Bitch please, u kno dat ain’t gon hapin, so get ova it! Yo favorite loss!
ugh! i meant to vote for jeff but i think i accidently voted for kevin! shit!
Are you from Florida?
Rockstar, you got my laughs!!!! Good one!
Thank you, thank you very much. I’ll be here all week. haha
michelle deserves to stay over jordan.
This season has been such a bore since Jeff was put up. But here is a youtube video for the fans that know there were only two decent people in that entire house towards the end. This is a tribute to Jeff and Jordan I ran across.
Hello gay Brian… Just like all of the HGs those 2 suck!
I just watched the video. LOVE IT. Is it true they are redoing veto tomorrow?
Thanks for posting that Brian! All I have felt lately is horrible, negative feelings about this season. If J/J do have something outside the house, it would be the ONLY good thing to come out of this season. Some may call it cheesy, but you really can tell there is something there between J/J. “Showmance” my ass. Most of the haters have just never had someone look at them like that.
i love them together
they are adorable and genuine and didn’t feel the need to drop their drawers for the world to see
they rock together…….and for all the nasty comments, its sad you’ve never had a drop of kindness and sweetness in your life which is why you obviously repel against it when its in your face….sad for you
brian,,get a life,,j/j probably would even give you the time of day,if they met you.jordon is dumb and jeff is the worst player on bb11..
neither one gets my vote
russell all the way
Great job, I really enjoyed all the scenes most of them I never seen. These two look soo good together. I did see Jeff on one of the talk shows and he said they will just be best friends. They had to be the best couple together on Big Brother ever. Thanks for the site Brian.
ratings were 20 % down on sunday…im just saying…….like 2.5 millions people less watching…..that say alot about this final 4 ……
Not valid… its Labor Day so a lot of people are out of town. Not everyones as nutty as my wife. No BS, we’re from LA and went camping up in Big Sur, which is like 500 miles away for us… Anyway, she brought along a portable tv so we wouldnt miss any of BB whatever it was at the time. We’re driving, heading home and shes yelling at me to pull over so she could watch it…
Any I think you are pretty great for pulling over for her to watch. Very nice!
I agree. Go tell your wife to start posting here. Well, as long as she is a Natalie fan, if she is a Jeff and Jordon fan she will have to feel my wrath. haha
Thats your opinion, i stated a fact, not an opinion….your dreaming if u think the ratings on tuesday will go back up to 8 millions viewers…
Danggggg people really did not watch bcuz bb’s ratings plumetted!! It used to be like a 2.4 or 5 rating and sundays show dropped to a freaking 1.8!! I hope bb realizes they need better twists to keep the show going and they need to make their comps better so the hgs won’t cheat!!! Cough cough lol
the P.O.V. wi not be redone.Tuesdays show is a live eviction followed by part 1 of the 3 part HOH..The winner of the 3 part HOH will decide final 2.The jury will then vote.America will vote only in the event of a jury tie
YES I Totaly agree with anonymous Michelle does totally deserve to stay over JORDAN..Big BOOBs CAN ONLY GET U SO FAR…. NOW a Gay man left so he certainly doesn’t care..So let the real games begin!!
i dont believe they will redo the pov, sorry.
I wish that all the Jeff-lovers would get on a boat and sail far, far, far, away!!!…I’d APREESH!!!
That would so rule! That would get rid of a lot of hate, and make it a much better world!
We could video tape it and wait for someone to eat the other one, then sail up along side, grab them, beat them and staple every post they made about how vile Natalie was for fighting to save herself.
Nasty is a nasty,dirty ho! any person that likes her,must live and act like her,to agree with her and her hygene speaks volumns for all you Nat lovers.must all be poor white trash!!!
Oh Rockstar, we all could only hope and dream to grow up to be as smart and witty as you…..oh, wait, we already are grown up. You should try it.
I don’t claim to be smart nor witty. I’m having fun in this sea of Natalie hate that has congested the whole website. I can either A.) yell at everyone for being a Jeff fan and being blinded by the fact you thought he was cute and can’t let it go that he is gone
B.) have a little fun and laugh and joke with a few of the people here that are cool and feeling the same way I do minus the stick up their arse.
Let’s go for the laughs!
rockstar is a joke. plain and simple haa
ha! you sound just as immature as kevin and nasty!!
I take it your name means that you are disgusted that Jeff is gone??? MU HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!! His dumbass deserved to get evicted. All he did the entire time was lay up under a dumb bitch………Yeah, I said dumb bitch….And rely on America to carry him through the rest of the way. Well too bad for him!!! The homophobe got got by the gay guy….Fitting isn’t it?!?!? 🙂
and as unloved as they both apparently are…….JEFF WILL WIN AMERICA’S FAVORITE AGAIN BY A LANDSLIDE
Their has been alot of people who said that AG will do a re-do, but i have not found where you have all read that. Can someone please tell us where you read that at.
Thank You.
Give me a break!!!!!!!!! Who the F is AG??? Spell it out bee-otch!
Its Labor Day putos and I’m f’n drunk on beer and tequila!!!
Where’s the party????!!!!
BBGrandma – I think ‘no no’ is drunk and frisky. Watch out. He might try to touch ur tenders.
And, I might let him try but “they aren’t where they use to was.”
lol good one granny
…btw…the excellent response comment was for BB11
no no moose: You are a sloppy drunk! No need to resort to that kind of low-rent language, my friend. AG is an abbreviation for BB exec. producer Alison Grodner. Peace!
Just having fun…. bee-otch is light weight but I do apoligize. I’m sure you’re a cool person.
anyone have trouble voting?
ya it take about 4 or 5 times for me to cast my vote i type the code lioke it says but it comes up sorry and it puts up a new code
Isn’t it time for Michelle to walk out the door? This is taking so long, just like when Jeff’s ass was on the block. Since I and Rockstar will be the only ones watching, we’ll let you all know how it goes. To not have any more interest of the show, ya’ll sure seem to be hoping a lot. 😐
Nat FTW!
I am still watching, I thought it was funny when Jeff went packing. It was his own fault and it is a game well sort of a game. I do think it was unfair to stick a sociopath in with the other house guests, but if she wins for it good for her. So there are at least 3 of us still watching.
Your an Idiot…!
no, I am a real fan who has been watching bb since season 1. If I did not have access to the live feeds and bbad, I would not know how gross natalie was and would probably vote for her. I do however think she is icky for lack of a better word but I also do not have to live with her and see tons of people pick and flick while they are driving in their cars etc. I am anything but an idiot and think that if you need to call me a name to make your sorry butt day a little better I am glad I could help you out.
The only way I can find your name NAT is if I do a search to find you because there are so many people claiming not to watch BB but knowing every little scene verbatim. It’s crazy.
Whenever I see Gnat’s teeth, it’s like they are yelling at me, “Punch me out of this mouth! i can’t stand having all these filthy lie coming through us!”
NAT, I am there until the end. I am watching. Don’t really have a favorite. Got to know how it goes.
STFU idiot!
Ronnie,please quit posting Nat FTW,we know its you,you simple ass!
I also believe that they will not redo the POV and are setting up for the 3 part final competition
Kevin never even said he cheated… or could see the answers.
He simply said it was good for tech difficulties b/c they had been asked SOME questions already and so he was like”oh these are the TYPE of question they are asking ” Ok and he focused on those types of things in his mind and won, NO CHEATING no wrong doing…
Get a life J/Jer’s this is a game…
Yeh, right, but if J or J had been the one who heard the exact same thing……all of you would be screaming sabotage, and that the show’s rigged wah wah wah….whatever
I kno right, dey just mad dey favorite loss, dey really need ta kick rocks!
GO Kevin. What ,he didnt cheat. You are all just jeff fans. whaaaaaaa crybabies!
The last time I checked, hell hadn’t frozen over yet (not even a little frost) so there won’t be a POV redo.
No, hell did freeze over already. That is when Natalie told the truth about seeing her BF, if he was her BF. Anyway, someone already said that and I had to laugh. It was funny!
I really miss Russell. You gotta admit that he livened the house up. I still watch the show but not with as much excitement as before. Please vote for Russell to get the 25K. I like Michelle too but I just think Russell deserves the money more. Besides, I’m hoping for a miracle…Maybe Kevin will vote to evict Jordan….Then Michelle and Kevin can beat out Natalie for the final two…..Oh well……I can dream can’t I? 🙂
You sure can, Lena. Nobody can say you can’t. I miss that Russell, too. But, the show must go on without him. Darn it anyway.
Russell has 47 different jobs. Michele does meaningful work with little compensation. M for the $25K!
Hey I will still be watching. I don’t really care for any of them, but I don’t like Jordan, and I don’t like Michelle. She is even worse than Ronnie.
Can we vote for Day Yum Yum? I think he sould get the money. 😛
or the dragonfly that scared the heck out of Nat, he is my fav.
or the poor camera guy / gal who has to watch the booger picking, talking with food in their mouthes cry babies? They should get a bonus after this season.
so morrow eviction for michelle then thurs pt 1 of last hoh right so far? and nats allowed to play right? ( is that live too) then sun has to be live cause the HOH gets to evict who they want right? then tues final 2 ( although last year they had a 3 pt final hoh ) i think they cut that to two cause survivor airs that same week on thurs. if I am right let me know. I am new to BB ( only watched last year and vagely member that. ( it;s like once BB ends my memory of it all does too) 🙂
one more comment, everyone keeps saying 3 part HOH but i watched the DVR abd Julie says 2 part HOH then the finale 🙂
In the past seasons, it has been a 3 part competition, two of which are shown live. Unless they changed the competition, it should still be the same way.
What the F happened to Casey? Usually the older ones hang in there longer that he did…He did have the best lable of dorkapotamus but I’d bet he stole that from one his 5th graders.
I searched on web and found this MANY places:
Many people say they have called and it is legit – I have to leave for a couple of hours and will try later, but wanted to put out here for all to see.
i called it and it is a general VM for CBS. I doubt Alison will ever get any messages.
Thank you for calling Aliison Grodner at CBS, im not at my desk right now. If your calling to listen to CBSs upcoming season, press 1, If your calling for our office hours , press 2, If your calling to say your done with Big Brother, Get a life, Your call is important to us at CBS, goodbye.
How did I miss this one earlier????
2 things 1. The CBS effort to make Natalie appear human via the proposal did not work..too little to late CBS the damage has already been done 2. Natalie will be hated and loathed by all the jury including Jessee when everything comes out they will have no respect for her at all it would be in her best interest and that of CBS if she did get final 2 she would be alot safer there than the jury house (this includes Kevin but his backlash won’t be as bad as Natalie)
did anyone else’s gaydar go up when she walked in the room with her supposed boyfriend? how freakin’ awkward……no passion…..just like two basketball buddies in the same room………………..very very very awkward…..Gnasty has the feminity of a piece of concrete
Oh, picture their honeymoon night! No, don’t.
Dear god, I just threw up a little in my mouth…..thanks for the visual……LMAO!
so if michelle goes to the jury then say kev or jord they will be able to tell all of em bout her behavior and the proposal. or are they not allowed to talk about the game at the JH?
The jury will not be able to see her for the evil person she is till after they return home and watch the tapes
BB screwed Natalie over by allowing her boyfriend to come into the house. Never in BB history has someone from the outside been allowed in and I think Natalie was as startled as I would have been to find my boyfriend or husband or girlfriend or whomever the hell I had in my life standing in the next room. I would still be in shock.
Rockstar, why that is almost the nicest thing I have seen from you said. That is very true. I said earlier that I thought she was probably so wrapped up in her game that she couldn’t even remove herself from it for the 20 mins she had with him.
I read somewhere that Natalie wanted to say something cruel about Michelle’s brother that died. Does anyone know what Natalie was going to say?
Why was Natalie allowed to know what people on the feeds thought of not just her but also Michelle?
You know Nat lies about everything. She probably said that to the HGs to make them feel sorry for her. Nothing is beyond this girl’s intentions. She has got to me the most repulsive HG I’ve ever seen. But at the same time, I give her kudos for making it this far based soley on lies. Believe me when I say I don’t care for her at all, but I do give her credit for making it this far.
I still don’t believe that Natalie has a boyfriend. I think that person”boyfriend” is someone she made plans with before she left her home town. It was a set up to ensure her some extra votes. That guy had his part memorized and she was trying to wing it. That’s why the whole scene came across so fake. This was something she schemed up before the show began and they believed her. Chalk another lie up to NataLIE.
At first they thought they had only 5 mins. (which was strange since it was obvious that there were meals on the table.) But you would have thought they would have been all over each other. They got more time with the envelope she opened in there. It was a very different type of engagement and I have had a couple myself. Had a divorce that was more hot than their night of engagement!
Something is definitely fishy about the whole engagement.
That is the funniest post I’ve read on this site. I call him the ” twist tie” fiance. Come on, he asked her father for her hand in marriage 2 months ago and comes with a twist tie…kick that boy to the curb in front of a bus.
I read somewhere that Natalie gave an interview before the show. She was supposed to have said she had a boyfriend for 2 years, but broke up with him 8 months ago. Now this guy comes crawling out of the woodwork? Where’d this guy come from? It’s a sham.
I agree with Bonnie. I don’t think Natalie’s boyfriend is real at all. She did not act like someone in love when she saw him.
He’s real alright. He was about to cry during the proposal. Gnat just acted like she didn’t even care. PUKE! Bring back Jeff!
You know, I thought that, too. He did look like he had missed her. I think she is so wrapped up in the game she couldn’t change her focus even for 20 minutes. She just had given up being in the POV comp and she was trying to think about that, too. Also, come up with a lie on the PB thing. Why she thought she needed to lie about seeing him and his asking her to marry him, heaven knows. But, she sure was proud of herself when she said to the HGs, “you all got punked by an 18 yr old again!” No, sweetie, you are 24, remember?
I think the only reason he looked like he was about to cry was because he was scared to death being on tv. His nerves got the best of him.
PLEASE READ### OK SO IF HE CHEATED IN THE POV PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE POV CONTEST WAS? I feel if theres so much evidence that he cheated and a redo should be played…what did they have to do during the POV comp?
Did I actually hear Natalie ask Jordan, “If you’re not here for the endurance competition, can I wear Jeff’s hat?” OMG. I didn’t hear Jordan’s answer but is that NERVE????
That “girl (?)” takes the cake.
jeff would be PISSED!
So will I.
Grow up. Its a hat, not an engagement ring. You two need to get off your computer and go find a romance of your own.
OMG they told kevin to pack also. maybe they are redoing the pov tomorrow too? i hope so since he cheated and i hope michelle wins!
No Freaking Way! REALLY?
Where did you get the info that BB asked Kevin to also pack his belongings?
about 20 minutes ago jordan asked natalie why they told kevin to pack too and natalie said she didnt know and that kevin wasnt going to pack anyway.
I really hope he goes home as the cheater he is with none of his new clothes!!! HEE, HEE!!!
its on the updated post on here……… so it was on the live feeds
Uhm, the article above…
They are not redoing the POV comp and Kevin is not going anywhere.
where did you hear that one?
Perhaps Kevin leaving could be a result of Pandora’s box… I highly doubt they will redo this competition
Think of how many redo’s fans have wanted:
1. Julie – “How many gallons would it take to fill the spinning cup?” .. since there was an open door on the cup the answer was a mere nine gallons as opposed to the 80 gallons it would have held with the door shut.
2. Julie – “Fact or Fiction, there is still a preexisting relationship left in the Big Brother house?” … as it turns out she was referring to the hamsters in the house.
CBS is does not like creating waves. It is much easier to sweep things under the rug. Kevin’s veto will stand.
But those were pre-determined questions. Kev’s alleged advantage is something that should not have happened, and should be rectified.
I don’t know why you guys are so surprised! He is still on the block, you know! Of course they would ask him to pack.
Technically since Kevin is still on the block until the live POV – he would have to “pack”. If for some reason he did not use the POV (not at all likely), he “could” be going home.
how did Kevin cheat? did i miss aomething?
People here are calling a technical mistake by BBP cheating by Kevin. Kevin was given more time seeing the questions than other HGs.
I just Love the new pictures that you put in the place of the houseguests. Thanks for all you hard work….
must say the new photos look great
all of jeff fans are depress fat desperate housewives.. jeff would never look at those bitches..he like dumb bimbos with big boobs.
that be funny if jeff dont win ac,,he has to go back to his mommy basement wearing her clothes,,friggin psycho
Peachie, dont know if you are a woman or man, but you need to go sit on a big cock.
don’t know how you got so bitter and nasty, but you need to get over it.
jeff has his own place.
and by the way, i am a jeff fan, 22, single and no where close to being fat. so your theory is wrong.
i would date him in a second!
Jeff lives in his moms basement – Correct
Vote for JEFF for America’s choice ( Before Wed )
Jeff played the game stupidly despite getting the coup d’etat. VOTE MICHELLE FOR AMERICA’S CHOICE FOR $25,000. She played hard, smartly, and alone plus she was putdown at every opportunity by everyone else in the house.
Peachie, my other comment to you was misplaced and you probably won’t want to read it!
Wrong! Go back to school to learn how to write a paragraph.
What do you mean kevin cheated? I didn’t see the pov
Live Feeds Right After POV:
Cam 1
Kevin: And it helped that we had technical errors, cuz I was like, ok, these are the questions I need to think about.
Natalie: What do you mean, technical errors?
Kevin: Like, we had to stand next to the door and face the wall…
Trivia… momentarily, while production tries to hide any signs of impropriety around Kevin’s win.
How fair is that, really?!? Come on there is $500,000 on the line, not a washer and dryer from Sears!
Kevin wins POV?
Yes, but he admits to cheating. They should sent him home…not even jury house.
If tha’ts the case, technically he didn’t cheat but, he DID have an unfair advantage and because of that the POV should be redone.
something going on about the packing cause Jordon did ask Nat why Kevin was told to pack and Nat told her that he was not gonna pack cause he was not going anywhere but on the feeds I notice Nat is up to something Can tell by her looks and actions hmmm wait and see
again everyone on here says it’ll be a 3 pt HOH . I did the math, there are 4 shows remaining tues (tom) the 4th person gets evicted, thuirs Pt1 of HOH, sun pt 2 of HOH next tues finale. what part of this are some of you BB fans not getting? has Jordon rubbed off on you’s?:) Plus Julie said at the end yesterdays show that thered be 2 parts. people watch your dvr and fast foward to the end and you too will hear her say it 🙂 and again (since most of you BB fans are alot like some of the contestants on the show) last yeard did have a 3 part but I quess they shortened it because survivor starts next thurs.
i got an email saying that the first part of hoh comp will be held tomarow after eviction
okay. you’re wrong. the finale is on the 15th… which is sunday. so. yeah. you are wrong.
Unless they massively change it up….. Tuesday is the beginning oh Phase 1: endurance. I guess on Wednesday, they tape Phase 2. Then Thursday, they show who won the first two phases, followed by live Phase 3 questions and the Final 2 decisions. Sunday is a highlight/throwaway show. Tuesday the 15th is the finale.
lol…..do u know how to read a calendar? the 15th is next tue.
15th is next tue. !!!
So, it will be the final 2 from Thurs to Sunday? Boring!
And before you call people out as dumb ( referring to the Jordan reference) sometimes things happen between the show on Thursday night and the next show…Chima leaving, and Kevin cheating, say… so Julie Chen would not have knowledge of that would she?
Wow the 15th is next Tuesday people!!!
They will evict tomorrow after pov, Then they will start part one of the hoh…endurance.
15th is tues for this year 2009
What date is Tuesday????
Who is on second??
Whats on first
and I don’t know is on third
Jordan is that you?? posting
Well, you are right! The 15th is Tuesday. That is what I get for reading something on here and not looking it up for myself! Made me out an ass! Like the calender isn’t at the top of this page, too! I am stupid! Okay, the final two will just be from Sunday until Tuesday, right? Well, that part I was right about, that will be boring. Thank you for clearing the mud out of my brain!
maybe you should consult with kevin, nat, or michelle… they might let you borrow their caledars 🙂
I don’t think I need to do that. My mistake was in reading the posted comment and using their dates. The calendar is on this website. My error was reading a comment and not checking it out first. I was made to look dumb and I earned that stripe fair and square. Never said I would win at BB either.
I am just going to pretend you agreed to party with no no and had a few coctails, making you abilty to put a day and date together difficult 🙂 every one gets all whipped up into a frenzy of each and every spelling, quote, wrong day /date/time. I however look at is as an excuse to not use my adult brain, read a few wise cracks and just be silly for a few minutes a day…used to be a few hours a day but as with every other season bb gets boring when there are only a few hg’s left. I am quite capable of writing a real sentence, using proper grammer etc, this is just the fun stuff….so tell them to leave granny alone
Deebee, I think that might be my problem, I haven’t had anything to drink today. I am now going for a glass of wine. Thank you for reminding me.
aw grandma! i was just joking! im sorry if i offended you!
cryin over jeff, thank you for your concern that you may have offended me but you didn’t. I was joking back with you. Love that you thought you needed to say sorry and I appreciate it.
all these people whining about cheating, rule book etc etc. I have a question, have you actually seen the rulebook? Can you provide a link to it? I have looked for it online and been unable to find it. Without seeing it you dont know the rules and are in no place to comment on them.
Just google, Jeff fans are poor losers. Im sure something will come up there.
I am a Michelle fan and your comment is a little out of line. People want a fair game…that’s all! Now go and hibernate for the winter!
And your point is??????????? Ok just google, Michelle fans are also poor losers that were Jeff fans first.
I understand and agree on wanting a fair game, that said though cheating is playing outside the rules, where is the rule book that you think they acted outside of, not referring to the pov since no one knows what happened yet, but for the calendars and such.
She has no idea what the rules say. Just another Jeff fan that cant admit that he screwed up the outcome. Oh sorry, I mean Michelle fan, now.
I just love how graphic that canadian language is! You crack me up! Thank you for that.
Hey Grandma, got another one for ya that would apply to Jeff and Jordan.
‘Dead from the arse hole up” ha ha
That’s my boy!
It might be CHEATING if a TECHNICAL DIFFICULTY like Kevin having knowledge of the questions beforehand by overhearing other people’s questions by Big Brother were to happen. Do you need a rule book about that!?
Buddha would not be happy with you for accusing Kevin of cheating when it was BBP’s fault with a technical issue that gave Kevin an advantage. Did Kevin lie about the advantage? That would be “cheating”. No, he didn’t. Without any prompting whatsoever, he admitted the advantage the BBP F-up game him. I’m no Kevin fan, but fair is fair.
He only admitted it to Nat, not BB.
And with 4,071 cameras covering his convo with Nat then interupted by the FISH by BBP, they didn’t know about it, but you do? Lol.
If he had any decency he would have told the producers himself!! But then again, it’s Kevin.
“I have a question, have you actually seen the rulebook? Can you provide a link to it?” Exactly. Rules change. Games progress. This rush-to-judgment by morons here to call it “cheating” by Kevin & Nat continuously disregard that Michelle also created a calendar and that Kevin & Nat spent a lot of time, hard work, and study while Jordon & Jeff just talked “shit” (literally) and ate cookie dough. Duh.
they’re probably moving them all to one room after the next person is evicted
why r they having kevin pack too ,,did they have pov meeting yet
r they waiting until 2morrow to tell kenvin about his cheeting
and has to give it to michelle
Natalie hasn’t washed her hair since Thursday. It is still straight from when Jordan straighten it before the live show. Just thought I’d share.
It looked super greasy on last night’s show. Gross!
I believe the boyfriend is a set up and not really her guy she acted wierd during that time with him
Now they wont us to love nat ,,,,, NO WAY SHE ISNT GETTING MY VOTE
Or mine!
Why are they making Kevin pack?
I thought that when two people are up for eviction, even if one is assured they are safe, both
of them have to pack.
Because when you cheat you get to go home! Possibly and hopefully, she said.
I live on the east coast but the advertisements for Tuesday nights show specifically say “live veto competition and eviction” not just veto meeting… I think they are redoing it and that would make sense why production told kevin to pack
Anonymous was right. They told Kev to pack….Jordan: “Why are they making him pack?”
Nat: “He’s not going to”. Then, fish.
i dont get the live feeds, so what does it mean when yall say it cuts to FISH? I just kind of assumed it was like a fish tank, but i didnt think that would be capitalized. (I know you didnt capitalize it, Jen, but most people do). Just wondering!
The feeds show a fish tank. Sometimes they cut to the control room or trivia.
it is stuff they do not want us to see, like the actual competitions and people discussing how they cheated
One other thing, Not too bad looking, not too old and would definitely do him…Jeff that is, not you Peachie!
Or maybe everyone has to pack because this endurance, eviction thing might be going down tomorrow so it’s all up in the air. I shouldn’t get my hopes up, though, that they’ll re-do the POV ’cause they probably won’t. 🙁
i wonder if Natalie will make sure Michelle gets her gloves back or there would be a penalty point if Natalie is in final two and loses cause she did not give her gloves back and lost by that point? That would be so funny, I lost cause of Michelle gloves! LOL
I find it absolutely amazing that people call this fat. http://s3.amazonaws.com/bigbrother/dawg/sept/7/224pm.JPG
Jordan is not fat
and she doesn’t need makeup to make her beautiful
She’s alright if you like that chronically confused and/or empty look in her eyes. Girl’s retarded.
Why don’t you find a picture from behind? She’s not obese, but she is really chunky and she’s getting bigger by the minute because the BLOND BITCH CAN’T STOP EATING.
Jordan gave Michelle a pair of of her jeans yesterday and they were either a size 2 or 4 I can’t remember, anyhow if she gained weight and went to a size or two bigger that doesn’t make her fat. It is sick to see how some people judge others on what they eat or how they look, I think you need to clean the shit out of your eyes and take another look!!!! ENVY may be defined as an emotion that “occurs when a person lacks another?s (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it.
Idiots, they want him to pack just in case he is an idiot and does not use it, you know it is just to prepare or something just in case he doesn’t use it since he is still technically on the block.
Devin, exactly. Technically Kevin and Michelle are on the block, right? Kevin has won the POV. He has not used it and taken himself off as of yet, right? So, he would pack because he is on the block. Now, of course, he is going to take himself off and Jordon will go up. Knowing that is a possiblity, they have told Jordon to pack. But, should he go “brain dead” before the show and not take himself off, he could be voted out. Do I have it? I think I do. Do others?
The 15th is next Tuesday…Here is the schedule for this week
Tuesday 09/08 Veto comp, Veto meeting, eviction and start of pt 1 of HOH
Thurs 09/10 Pt 2 and Pt 3 HOH comp and live eviction
Sunday 09/13 Review show…Best of BB11
Tues 09/15 Finale show
I seen that also,something is going on it seems!
I like how people fight on this site. You all are entertaining.
There’s more action on the blog that on BB
HAHA you got that right Marc
do they really do a best of show? i dont recall. what like bloopers etc… the BBAD has become so boring and i am cancelling my showtime on the 14th ( cause I had it for a 3 free month trial) but probably am just gonna dvr it and fast fowrd through the bS like i have been doing since the final 4 ( so I watch prob 1 hr outta the 3) LOL one thing about you BB fans everyone is a know it all on here. at least I was just asking what the schedule was gonna be not saying what its gonna be.
Kevin Cheated and if big brother allows this to continue then the back bone of the show is gone. There has to be rules and rewards. Big brother has allowed the rules to be broken. They are also watching what we type. so let them read this. PANDORAS BOX WAS A FARCE. IT MAY BE SOMETHING THAT IS COMING AND WE WILL ALL LOOK LIKE IDIOTS INCLUDING ME BUT THE THREE ANNOYANCES, BB the key jeff got opens the door and he should come back. that is something god nd something bad. It makes sense, as far as the producer, she should grow a pair and shake this show up with announcments. perhaps, she opened pandoras box.
Kevin cheated and america can’t have cheates winning.
If anything, the show’s producers are responsible for putting together a bad setup. Not Kevin’s fault and he certainly didn’t cheat.
He is a CHEATER. He should have maned up… oopps my bad
So say its final three and Kevin wins the first two competitions would they go on with the third competition, or just give it to Kevin?
If Kevin wins the 1st, then he plays in the third against whoever wins the 2nd.
I’m thinking Pig Pens real life boyfriend is Jessie. So when she saw her boyfriend because of opening Pandoras box, she saw Jessie, her real boyfriend. But maybe that changed because of Lydias hand work on Jesse! Otherwise Jessie is trying to be her boyfriend to get a cut of a half million. Why did Pig Pens boyfriend ask her to marry her NOW? Damn, someone sees the girl possibly geting a half million and they want in on it.
I would marry Michele in a heartbeat if she never had a dime. But then again, isn’t Michele adorable?
You’re joking, right?
I think Jessie’s gay, to be honest. He’s got that gay look on his face, much more than Kevin. Plus, didn’t you see those gay nude pictures that he supposedly took for some mag? Those are 100% gay. He hasn’t come out of the closet yet, though.
That was my very first impression, too, and I have pretty good gaydar. I’ve now come to the conclusion that he is only obsessed with one person — HIMSELF — and he doesn’t have eyes for any other person, girl or boy.
Nasty should NOT have allowed to talk to someone outside the house. Her BF telling her everyone hates her is an advantage. She now knows that she won’t get America’s vote (america voting for Chima) So, now it makes it easier to decide who to take to the final two if she gets that far. All you idiots said Jeff was getting help from BB- get real, Nat and Kevin have been getting away with WAY to much. Cheating and hiding stuff, going thru Michelles stuff….disgusting. BB should be ashamed. I guess they are telling everyone, cheat, cheat, cheat and win $500,000. Way to go CBS and BB. You have hit an all time low.
That’s because BB does not want a white person to win this year.
The reason we are stuck with this final 4 is because of a white person. If it weren’t for J/J and stupid choices, we’d have a decent game to watch right now. You can’t blame Jeff’s poor choices on BB, because BB tried to get Jeff to open his eyes, but he was too stupid. Since it is clear they tried to help Jeff, how can you try to blame this on BB being racist? Maybe, since you are the one bringing up the white person issue (when its clear they’ve edited these two white people to look like they’ve done no wrong), the only racist here is you.
Kevin cheating may be more than a production techinal problem. What is this convo about?
” Natalie says yes?in questions I could beat him, I would have? I saw that questions thing in the diary room, I would have done that easily. Natalie says he asked me those questions before we went out, ya know ..and I told him the answers, I told him what to say. Jordan says OH I WISH YOU DIDN?T! Natalie says 5 minutes before he went out he was like asking me certain questions, he was like so whos been on the block the most times, I was like Lydia,?and that was one of the questions. ” Hmmm>>>>>>
CBS TV promo just said tus. LIVE VITO AND EVC.
i also noticed that. But I think it is just when kevin decides what he will do with his veto. save himself or someone else.
We get to see Kevin use the POV at the live meeting ceremony. We get to see Jordon be out on the block and than we get to see Michelle be evicted. The final HOH begins after.
On Thursday we watch the rest of the HOH go down and someone will be evicted.
On Sunday we get to see the final 2 in the house, we get to see them celebrate, BB throws a party for them.
On Tuesday, it’s the finale and the winner is crowned.
By, George, I think I got it! No, by, Rockstar, I think I got it! Did others?
This is what happened last year BBGrandma, I’m assuming the same would happen this year and from what Julie said and the commercials, this is how it is going to go down. I could be wrong but I don’t think so. It happened the same way for Dick, Dan, and Adam
not Marcellas or however he spelled his name, that was so funny! I love the dumb ass moves in the house. perhaps that is why I do not care for Natalie, she has not made any of those yet…unless she gets in trouble for taking the gloves.
It’s time to see a HG pack and go!
I bet Michelle can’t wait to let Jeff stick it, since there will be no Jordumb or cameras around.
Michelle liked Jeff and if Jeff had been smart enough, he could have used it to his advantage but he had been too much into himself that he couldn’t see past his nose.
I’m sad to see Michelle go. I would have liked Michelle to have made it to final 3, but there is too much of a risk. She would win HOH no sweat.
wow you people need to get a life. this is a reality show based on who can lie their way to 500k. Nat is a nasty liar who believes her own lies…she thinks she has been honest throughout the game. Kevin is a sheep following the herd which is what he has done throughout the game. Jordan is a ditzy blonde, she means well but wow she is not bright. Michelle is odd at best but she is the one that deserves to win…she made it on her own no coat tails.
Nicely done, really.
why would u say we need to get a life ur on the same site and watch the same show just cuz someone is into something more then u are that dont mean they need a life.. that just means u need an attitude adjustment
Natalie is scum, full of hate. I really don’t believe all that crap about her man coming and proposing. It was all a rehearsed deal. I agree about PANDORA’s BOX being a farce. I am so sick of what use to be my favorite show. I also think Michelle has been mistreated.
well if you looked at bb on tv yesterday you would have known nats boyfriend did propose .
i am a fan of jeff jordan and michelle hope one of them wins!!!
as for kevin cheating …. they better redo the veto!
i want michelle and jordan-the two people who arent psycho demons-
hopefully pandoras box does help j/m win bcuz i will not watch two evil houseguest(k/n) in the finale hell no!
if natalie wins this thing i consider this season a waste
but hope is still there! rmember julie said p box will affect the game and so far it hasnt….. so hopefully they keep michelle and make kevin go home lol
When PP was proposed to she was as excited as a slug and then talked game to him thats her idea of romance. I can’t stand her. Michelle has been kicked to the curb since day 1 and she has been loyal to J/J while they bashed her all the time, so that’s when I lost all respect for Jeff and when he told her to get away from him after veto it just shows what a loser he was, now jordough is telling PP and Kevin everything that girl can’t keep anything to herself . I was a fan of J/J but no more they showed their true colors. Kevin is just lost and PP is just nasty in every way So go Michelle FTW She really has been treated unfair in this game and the POV should be redone because Kev cheated
it is unfair to let an outsider come into the house he has been watching the show and could have told her everything
Unfortunatly, he didn’t need to, she was doing pretty good on her own. I don’t agree with her getting to meet with someone from outside but I don’t think she needed anymore info to help her out. She has got the game down and is doing everything it takes to win this type of game. He did tell her to keep doing as she had been. She was doing good. Darn her anyway.
ok lost they havnt showed kevin winning veto yet so that would be the veto coming up tuesday right so then he will but up jordan and then they vote or am I totally lost ???
no it says live veto abd eviction,the veto was taped,so it can’t be live! something wierd is going on.no other houseguest has been asked to pack when the won POV,why would they need to pack,hence why Jordon asked,why kevin had to pack,don’t you think after almost 3 mths,they pretty much know how it works? somethings up!!
Because usually the veto ceremony is taped on the weekend and shown on Tuesday. By Thursday’s live show they know who the replacement is. This week the veto ceremony won’t happen until Tuesday’s live show, so technically everyone but Nat should pack. I wish it meant something, but it doesn’t. The only hope is that Kevin understands that he can’t win against Natalie in final two and takes out Jordan. Michelle deserves to be in the final 2 based on game play, and of the remaining 3 Kevin was the least floaty. He didn’t really team up for real until after Chima left, so he didn’t ride anyone’s coat tails. Nat is a seasoned liar. My biggest problem with her is that many of her lies had no purpose in the game. She lies for the sake of lying. She has cheated, stolen and I don’t think she deserves the win. Jordan has done nothing but eat cookie dough and push Jeff to make the worst decisions of the game.
they always pack when they are on the block – veto or not! Why do you think when someone gets the back door they dont have a bag and they walk by two on the floor on the way out. Julie says the evicted guest will have just a few moments to get their back and leave
I’m really confused- It is Monday night and just now- at 9:16 pm- There was just a commercial for BB and it said watch Tuesday for live veto and eviction- They said it and it was in writing on the screen.
they are just making sure Kevin wins . I am not watching bb ever again.This is really the first time I have ever seen them allow cheating. This is something, but if that is the way the producers of this show want to be, well good luck getting another audience for BB or anything else on Cbs. I have watch BB every season , but after this I am thru and I am making sure everyone that missed this knows they allowed him to cheat.
1st time — hmmm have you watched the show b4? What about crazy james? DR gave him hints and clues so he would win PoV. Once they finally got him out the alarms sounded and the house guest voted him back in over a mystery box. Well when he got back into the house he won HOH that night. HMMM get with reality tv….its not always REALITY
Piss on you, BB 11. A sorry season. Nat is the ugliest, meanest witch ever. I hate her.
why doesnt kevin see that natalie is playing him to take jordan bc that will mean she is a definite choice for final 2 since both would choose her? he is losing my respect by acting clueless here. he sees all the signs. we know bc of his humorous comments on the shows and what you guys reported on the feeds. and whats up with michelle all of a sudden laying down and playing dead? she isnt even trying to get kevins vote. is this bc she saw what happened to jeff and isnt willing to kiss kevs butt? its bb, you gotta try everything!
and simon, i love you guys and the blog, but we are over the pics! please change them to the contestants actual pics. thanks
i cant vote for my fav player until i know if michelle is leaving. if she isnt i know she has a great chance at taking it so i wouldnt vote for her. if she leaves, she gets my vote. if not, casey gets my vote. he was the best! i really hope we wont make another foolish mistake and support jeff again. we did enough for him in this game and yet it wasnt enough. he is leaving with almost 15, 000 and a hawaii vacation- thats a prize right there. please dont make the same mistake we made with the cdt!
If Casey was the best (which I agree), why wouldn’t he get your vote regardless of what Michelle does?
NAT- were you a Casey fan first?
I was always team Jess. But without a doubt, Casey had the best moments on TV. Remember Rockstar, I don’t hate and give props even if I’m not rooting for you. But when the athletes won the first competition, Casey said “Looks like we’re going to have to make some friends with some athletes”. When and how he said that, I knew he was going to be funny, and that he was!
Since there is no Chima, my vote is for Casey.
I liked Casey. I won a stint on our radio station as a dj for a summer in a competition and was offered a job afterwards but declined. As soon as I heard Casey was a dj, I got excited and hoped he would have picked my team to align with but sadly he did not. I still do like him though even though he is not a fan of Team Jessie.
bc i love love casey and his humor. but dang cmon michelle went through the ringer with this show. and she really earned a win here. so i would reward her game if bb doesnt because thats what the show is supposed to be about. i also know from several blogs that casey is using his bb stint well and getting gigs (rightly so) from the show which i doubt michelle will be able to. if michelle pulls out a miracle and makes it to final 2 i will be very happy to vote in support of both of them.
btw how awesome would a casey show be?
when did jeff win 15,000? It was 3100.
they get paid 10k for being on the show. he also won over 3k and a hawaii vacation. plus i am sure he will be getting deals fpr acting/hosting from this gig since so many have just fallen for his “charm”. gag
Speak for yourself, I like the pics.
In fact change jessy to a d$ck. A small one, remember in Ross Mathews The Inside Dish, Lydia gave him a 4.. The week before Ross pulled out a sheet for jessy in honer of him getting sum under the sheet. Jessy face was priceless.
how can we hate on natalie when we are acting the same with these crude pics?
Jordan is a lot smarter than they think in mental games. They will lose if they expect her to just fail!
Have another drink, get up go outside and give your head a shake.
That’s priceless, she the dumbest human being on the entire planet.
Ha Ha, had to go have a drink myself after I read that. I wouldnt say she is the dumbest anymore either if ya know what im sayin, lol.
Great liar!!! Thumbs up!!!
Shut up, Jordan!!! Go have some more cookie dough, FAT ASS!!!!! And pull some more hair out so we could see that BALD SPOT better!!!!! Hey, still don’t know how to TELL TIME!?!? Hahaha!
I personally feel that if Kevin did cheat that the show’s producers should send him home–it’s not fair for someone yo cheat like that and apparently he has admitted to cheating If the show doesn’t do something about it then tell us why we should watch BB anymore? What is the purpose–they sent Chima home for breaking the rules isn’t cheating doing that?
I am just now catching up on the post and I have an issue with PP. NatLie hasn’t seen her “last minute staged boyfriend” in at least 2 months and all he gets is a peck. Forget about eating I would have been sitting in my mans lap advising BB to cut to fish for the next 20 minutes. Ugh… then she had me rolling about how her man does not look at porno. Seriously….. I think that’s a little suspect.
He looked like someone that would look at porn. In fact, I think I have seen him in porn! (joke)
I am voteing for Jordan she is the nicest one this year and sick of ppl winning that dont respect others
Please bb dont let keven get away with cheating your are better than that
all you Nat and Kevin fans are pathetic. Jeff gets the CDT fair and square and you all scream it’s rigged and BB is helping him! Well, in all the seasons of watching BB, I have never seen BB let any player get away with the cheating that they are allowing Nasty and her little bitch to get away with. Absolutely baffling. All you Jeff haters, you are pathetic. He played fair and square and there was a reason America gave him the CDT and not your beloved skanky Nat and bitchy little sidekick Kevin.
can someone tell me how they cheated???
I could say something about everyone of these imature adults. And so I shall. That was disgusting about Jordan sanding her foot over the hot tub. Disgusting that Natalie went in with her tampon on and picking her nose all the time. I did not like the way Jeff talked to Jordan. I definitely do not like the way Kevin talks about everyone in a mean way. Michelle, oh Michelle, well the truth being she has socializing issues. She is not mean spirited. The way everyone talks about her is horrible. Poor kid, I will hate it when she sees the show and all the mean things that have been said about her. Chima was totally nuts. Russell was entertaining to say the least. Jesse is so in love with himself, I am surprised he even knows there is a game going on. Lydia, where do I begin? She is way out there somewhere. Casey was fun. Laura never had a chance. Ronnie, you cut your nose off… Braden we will never know about you. You at this point would get my vote.
Nicely put.
Braden starred in some gay porn a few years back.
Russell was entertaining? when?…………when the pin pricked little shit was screaming at women or when he was charlie manson’ing over in a corner by himself??? entertaining ? maybe in prison.
Wouldn’t it be great to hear Big Brother say in a booming voice, “NATALIE, GIVE MICHELE BACK THE GLOVES YOU STOLE!!!”
I totally agree on the gloves. They should give her back the gloves b4 she leaves. She has been treated poorly & stills smiles. What a good sport. She needs 2stay & win
I was just going to comment on the fact that Michele is franticaly looking for her gloves & that little snit Nat-a-lie has stole them!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH BB ? they are ignoring theivery and under age drinking both criminal offences!! Come on bb STEP UP TO THE PLATE & BOOT HER OUT!!!!!!!
I believe all ofthe contestants are of legal drinking age. Natalie is 23 or 24…not 18 as she has been telling everyone.
What I meant was they should know that Nat is older than 18 (ie under age drinking) they are in Calif and the age is 21, they even discussed the fact a couple of nights ago that you had to be 21 to play the game!!!!
I never thought of that. Good thinking.
Do you think that those 3 characters refer to NataLie and all the comments made about her? ithink the copy cat represents Ronnie, the Big Cry Baby maybe either Jessie or Russell, and the Roach definitely Ronnie or NataLie? Just trying to figure out who & what they represent.
he should take mich
They CANNOT let Kevin win this after he cheated. They need to address this.
I wondered bout that NAT was not there which is true,,,,did Kevin or J/M not tell her about it??
Michelle is looking for her gloves. Nat admitted stealing them. BB stated if they continued this behavior they would be gone.
So Nat needs to go, or is this another lie by BB.
Is there not some kind of regulation in place that you cannot let contestants cheat in game show. If so BB would be forced to act on Kevins cheating or face fines. Could someone explain if you know.
This is not a game show, it is an entertainment show. There are no media rules that govern cheating in this venue. All of them have cheated and everyone needs to get over it.
Many of these shows have a clause that says the producers may be involved in decisions… That’s to avoid getting sued. If someone tries to sue, alleging that they lost unfairly for some reason, they don’t have a case because the game doesn’t claim to be fair. Even if the producers don’t meddle, they’re covered by this and won’t have to go through the lengthy costly legal process of proving it was fair. It gives them wiggle room.
Sorry if that’s confusing….
No, you are not confusing and you are right. I have seen the contract.
Did you hear anything more about the punch that the jury house is packing? I just went back and watched the preview for it but on sunday they didnt even mention it.Thank You!
Haven’t heard anything yet. I think at this point the producers are just messing with us because interest has plummeted and they want to get every once ratings they can.
maybe the endurance competiton will have the jury ‘punching’ the final three off a ledge, something like Wipeout?
Remember, they play on words they use. It maybe that they are bringing drinks in a punch bowl. Don’t count on too much!
Kevin is a fool if he thinks that Natalie will take him to the final two. A part of me wishes Natalie wins HOH and gets rid of Kevin… Now I understand how bizarre that comment sounds as I really dislike Natalie and think she is scum, but it is what it is, with Michelle gone, we are unfortunately left with these sad final three. ( I like Jordan but for the life of me she is way to gulible)
nataLIE thinks she is liked by America and jury members because she is so nice. ha reminds me of WHAAAAA Amber of BB 8. Idiot.
Is it just me who thinks Jordough has a drinking problem?
its just you
drinking and eating. It is not healthy whatsoever. When she leaves she is going to be in serious need of a detox or colon cleanse.
that…or to be in a loving and supporting environment unlike the one she’s been in the last few months
This is about the $25,000 award. I’ve seen people comment about how many times they’ve voted for Jeff. I like Jeff a lot too, but to give him the money because he’s handsome just isn’t fair. Michelle played at LEAST as good as Jeff and needs the money a heck of a lot more. Don’t you remember Jeff saying that some people in his office make 6 figure salaries? Jordan is poor too and Braden didn’t even have a place to live.
I didn’t vote for who was most poor, I voted for who Iiked. Russell got my vote hands down. Crap, what does that say about me?
I also voted for Russell, because he is my favorite who I think got the shaft. Just like in business, the personal crap should not enter into the decision because this is not a charity game. Face it, if people did not need the money, they would not agree to be on the show, so they are all equal on that point in my book. We know all of the HG lie, and any of them could make up the biggest sad story to try to get us (or other HG) to help them win money – I think the only smart thing we can do is vote for who we feel deserves it the most — not whose sad story we believe. It is a game and we need to vote accordingly.
I agree voted for Michelle, not Jeff
Michelle, hands down.
i didnt vote for jeff because he’s handsome, thats very presumptuous. I voted for him because he was my favorite player… just as im sure you voted for yours.
DITTO…. I voted for my fave…..JEFF!!!
Mich will get my vote also. Still hoping she stays and at least wins 50K plus $25K (for all the shit that J/J and Gnat/Kev said about her!) It would serve them right! idiots.
i voted for jeff because instead of lying, cheating, stealing, and manipulating in this game like nat and kev has done he just played the game.
yes, he may not have won but at least he isnt a low-life like kev and nat.
I voted for Michelle too. I liked Jeff the most in the beginning, but after he got ego crazy during his HOH-I didn’t like his character either. Michelle played the best and conducted herself the best IMO. Wish she’d make it to the end instead of the three other knuckleheads.
production knows michele is looking for her gloves and that nat took them. will they step in and make her give them back to michele?
I thought the rules were you are not to take peoples thing you can hide stuff, but Natalie stole Michelle gloves. She hid them in her things. Now that should be a point taken away from Natalie. What an evil person she is. I bet she is that way in real life
Amen to that Celina. Re-your last two sentences, I got the same impression after week 2.
Gloves were given to the house guest….not Michelle’s property they are BB property
If the gloves were GIVEN to the houseguests….they ARE Michelle’s gloves!
Nasty still took them w/o asking. That is my friend stealing. Lies come very easy for her. Nasty has no remorse for her actions. How can you be in a house for months and “the real personality” not come out.
I believe Mich brought this gloves, because The Gnat stated she didn’t bring any and that’s why she took them
I do think she is like that in real life. She is a natural when it comes to lying & stealing. It like it is her second nature. She does it so easily. I have no respect for her. I did like Kevin, but he has a mean & nasty streak. I will give Jeff the benefit of the doubt. I don’t think he has ever been around someone who lies & cheats like Natalie, but his mistake was getting rid of Russell & allowing Jordan to influence him. I will vote for Michelle for the $25,000, as I feel she has proven herself as a winner over those that are left.
i would hope so, I thought stealing was against the rules.
maybe we should all complain to cbs so nat will face some consequences
piperlilly: I wonder if Natalie is stealing from her work? (i.e. Blockbuster) the way she is stealing in the Big Brother house.
Good point – production seems to step in when it is convenient for them, but they do not consistently enforce the rules. If they stopped Nat/Kev from hiding others belongings, how is taking Michele’s gloves different? Yes, BB issued each HG a pair of gloves, so what they did with them was their own choice – once given to the HG, it belongs to them and Michele kept hers, so they should remain Michele’s. She was smart enough to realize they might be helpful later!
Simon I love you… Its so nice that you do this for us everyday, How do you have the time?
Are you getting enough donations? Does BB help you out?
i love michele and kevin and jordan. i would love to see them in the final 3.
unfortunately, natalie is a final 3 so it cannot be that combination.
Im curious how exactly did kevin supposedly cheat?
Read “older” comments. A technical glitch during POV that gave Kevin an edge is being called cheating by Kevin by sore losers in here. Possibility of a redo POV live Tuesday, also discussed earlier.
Oh, so you conveniently omit the fact Nasty said she saw the questions in the DR and coached Kevin prior to the comp? I know that could be a lie by Nasty, but production has done many other things in DR, so it could be true. Even Kevin said he saw the question before Mich and Jordo, and that helped him – so not sure how these Nasty/Kev supporters reconcile the fact it was an unfair advantage at the least and blatant cheating at the worst. We are just asking for a fair comp, since it is the most crucial comp in the whole season.
If you were asking for a fair comp, then you would also be bitching about Jordan cheating at her POV, and M/K/N using calendars. You only want a fair comp when there is some imagined slight against your fav’s, and you strenuously justify, or completely overlook, behavior that is cheating by those you endorse. That’s a double standard and has nothing to do with a fair comp. This is one reason that society is so messed up these days … because some people don’t believe everyone should have the same rights and responsibilities. Sorry, but you crying foul and ignoring other cheating makes you look ridiculous.
Your reading comprehension leaves room for improvement. Read it again. Natalie said nothing about seeing the actual questions in the DR. That’s in your own fabricated mind. Natalie had been coaching Kevin for a day on a comp based on evictions, etc. Just like anyone prior to a test, you might ask a classmate to go over a few possible questions. That’s what Kevin did. He asked her to go over some possible questions and ONE of them was actually in the POV comp. Is it CHEATING to be well-prepared? No, only in a lazy, fabricated mind would that be an issue.
Hmm … logic. I didn’t think that was allowed on this site 🙂
They do it the same way Chyma threw her mic in the pool and Nats first words was…it slipped outta her hands! I bet anything,if Michelle or Jordan would go dump Nasty’s shit out,she’d throw a fit and head straight to the DR.If Michelle leaves tomorrow,she should punch Nasty right in her lying cocksucker,and look at her and say there bitch,thats for toucjing my stuff!
This is a privately-owned website. No first-amendment rights here, only the privileges granted to you by Simon and Dawg.
If Simon and Dawg access that a poster is abusing those privileges, say by posting abusive comments to other posters or inflaming other posters by posting in all-caps, they have both the right and responsibility to ban the offending poster’s IP. Incessant blog trashing drives away their audience to other sites and limits their revenues. Why would you want to do that to them?
WDF, when did you speak personally with Dawg and Simon? You try to act like you are so so smart, but in reality you act like RONNIE on BB….Leave me alone, unless you have something worthwhile about BB to say. Stop trying to police this blog…it is not your job…Complain to DAWG and SIMON since you seem to think you are their BFF. Your such waste of my time Ronnie, Jr.
Jordan … is that you?
This would be awesome. Nice post!
Someone please let me know about this cheating thing. I am totally lost as to what and how this happened. Thanks
This is an entertainment show. Everyone that is in the house has cheated one way or another. No one is innocent. Bottom line: everyone needs to quit accusing those they don’t like, quit justifying for those they do like, and stop whining.
Can you tell me how Jeff and Michelle cheated?
I was wondering how Jeff and Jordan cheated too??? THEY DIDN’T…..either one of them should get the $25,000….They are the only 2 decent players this whole season. Nat and Kev should get a huge bad of crap for their prize. I wouldn’t want them near me in real life….I know they are the same way out of the house as they are in the house. Disgusting human beings!! Natalie wouldn’t know how to tell the truth if she tried.
First of all, Jeff isn’t in the house. Second you are NOT Jeff’s girl. Geez .. get a life and quit drooling over a guy who would never give you a second look. Third: Jordan is not a decent person. She’s as nasty as Nat, but you just can’t see that because you are too in love with their showmance. Fourth: Jordan cheated when she played the POV. As the post said, quit justifying for the people you like.
How can you say J/J are the only decent one the whole season???? What a load of crap. There are only a few who are totaly disgusting. Michele is better than J/J! Some of the others weren’t even in the house long enough for you to know them to make such a statement!
Jeff is not in the house. No calendars allowed, but N/K/M all used items in the house as calendars, so that’s breaking the rules which = cheating according to terminology tossed around on this site.
I agree. That was so unsanitary Jordan filing her feet in the hot tub! YUCK! and Kev and PP were in the water too. The tampon thing is unbelievable. A 24-year-old who doesn’t know how to use a tampon! COME ON! J/J have been my fav all along, but now with Jeff gone Jordo is not playing very smart on her own. She needs to keep her mouth shut and listen more when with Kev/Nat. Too bad she can’t see they are just playing her. Michele gets my vote! I hope there is a game changing event that keeps Michele in the game. She has been the smartest player to date! Go Michele!
Excuse me but the first one to start filing her feet in the hot tub was of course! non other than Nasty Natalie, followed by kevin. At least Jordan asked if it was sanitary to do that when she went to do it, and Natalie replied “of course it’s ok”
No, Jordan started filing her feet first and she kept dipping the dirty file into the hot tub to clean it off.
no, natalie did it first, then kevin, then jordan came out and she did hers. if you were watching only showtime then you didnt see the first two because it came on when jordan was doing it.
Oops … my mistake. You are right, I didn’t watch the feeds. I quit watching days ago and, due to the lack of entertainment, didn’t even remember that I hadn’t.
Did anyone else hear Natalie say that someone is coming into the house? I heard her and Kevin talking about it but we got fish.
Never mind…she said “nobody’s moving in” and I thought she said “somebody’s moving in.
Maybe I missed reading something, Nat took something again??? That’s what pisses me off most about her. She has no RESPECT whatsoever, and it all about herself. She thinks that everyone should give up everything to her. ERRRRRR can someone just knock her out please.
I still think Natalie’s “finance” was a CBS prop to boost ratings and make her look not quite so vile, didn’t work for me! I wonder how CBS is going to “promote” a show with liars and cheats and child like actions next year.
Their going to call it Big Brother 12 and promote it as such. It is a game of lying and sometimes childish actions. As for the cheating, that seems to depend on who your going for as to whether there has been cheating or not.
Oh, you can keep them coming!
How about Big Brother 12 and all the contestants are 30 and 40 yr olds that claim their just 18
How about 60 yrs old and we act 18?
I wonder how much of a stipend he got for giving her a twisty tie engagement ring. there was no excitment in Natalie or the BF. Heck look how they act on Survivor when they have not see loved ones.
Like Nasty and BF its all a fraud. As for endurance comp, I hope she falls flat on her corn cob ass.
I agree with her lack of excitement the poor poor guy was practically in tears and she says ” for reals hell yeah your stuck with me” then barely kiss’s him THEN as she walks out she doesn’t even look back what person doesn’t look back to a loved one when they are leaving? Then theres the whole lack of even saying I love you. Props to Jason it takes quite a secure man to be the only one crying after he’s gotten engaged.
Plus the whole time,she was staring at the covered plates,how was being HOH and giving up POV gamechanging? they should of made her give up her HOH instead,plus where was the thing about the jury house at,nothing about PD’s box affected them.I’m seriously thinking CBS and Vince McMahon from WWE are in cohoots here.This was the biggest joke in reality tv,Christ the news has more suspense than this did!
LEGAL QUESTION: Does Michelle have legal standing to pursue a lawsuit against CBS if she is evicted by a questionable win? What about if the competition involves something where the use of her gloves would have made the difference and Natalie uses them and wins?
There have been questionable wins throughout BB history and while we see things and hear things, BB has every inch of that place on tape.
Gee yeah, bring in the lawyers, that will make it truely honest witout any lying or cheating. God bless the honest lawyers, where ever they are.
It’s not Wheel of Fortune so they do not have to follow game show rules. Notice they call them houseguests, not contestants. BB can basically do what ever they like it falls under unscripted entertainment so the answer is no, she does not have a leg to stand on.
True that it’s not a game show and not regulated by US Code. However, forget contract law for a minute, since I’m sure she signed a release to CBS. If we wanted to just “issue spot” then under California tort law, she might have a claim for “arbitrary and capricious” conduct by BBP in not providing a redo for an obvious advantage to Kevin. But, she could show that other malfunctions in POV were redone, while this one was not. People identically situated must be treated equally is the theory behind the tort.
WDF, Thank you, that was the answer I was looking for. Nina
Hey, Nina, glad law school helped someone. Lol. ( I meant to type “would need to” in my post. She would have to show that in identical circumstances, she was treated differently.) I’m sure she signed a release to CBS that waives her right to suit. However, the law swings 180 degrees on exclusionary clauses, depending what’s currently happening in case law. After years of the courts finding exclusionary clauses were unfair and highly favored one party (CBS), the law swung in the other direction to enforce them. Not sure if current CA caselaw still favors CBS–been a while since this was a hot topic for me–but I suspect it still does.
I am pretty sure CBS or WDF’s so-called connections with Simon and Dawg care less about you legal advice and THE CHANCES OF MICHELL asking for your advice are slim…She does not need another RONNIE. If you are really a lawyer then I am sure unless you can prove it, you are just another idiot trying to sound smart. BYE RONNIE
I really hate The Gnat but I don’t think Mich will be needing gloves.
Nat needs to go home or to the Jury house where she has all her friends (right) not little does she know they cant stand her just like the rest of us. and as for as Kevin cheating he needs to go with chima were ever it is
i can’t believe that big brother allows the stealing and bullying by natalie. what a loser.
Natalie is the most self absorbed, control freak I have ever seen. The way she kept bossing Kevin around in the fashion show was making me sick. Come on Kev, stick up for yourself. She is a lying, conniving person that lost my respect a long time ago, maybe never had it.
It looks like Nasty has everyone but Michelle under a spell….cannot believe how Kevin just follows her around and does everything she says, including making her food….she is so lazy and bossy. I would think that they would have figured outby now that an 18 year old can’t be as manipulative as she is.
I agree, Natalie’s AWESOME. She’s been lying her ass off the whole game and she’s gotten this far doing it. Genius. Best liar and manipulator I ever saw! She is my ROLE MODEL!!!!!
Lol. Agreed. Despite her personal vileness, she’s playing a great game. Did you see the post from Simon with the definition for a sociopath? She’s definitely playing the game as effectively as a sociopath would; whether she is one in reality, is debatable.
But she doesn’t seem to be able to turn off all those sociopathic characteristics.
Point well taken. Scary thought that BB puts candidates through a large battery of psychological testing…. Were they specifically looking for the type, knowing how smoothly they could charm their prey while manipulating them?
Many of the attributes on that list can be attributed to other players in the house as well. Let’s call them all sociopaths, shall we? Interesting how people try to diagnose others when they have no clue how psychiatry works. Read a DSM IV and I guarantee you will start siting personality disorders in everyone you know … with the exception of yourself. Funny how that works.
I’m in law, so I have been involved in suit using DSM-IV several times, but you need more than its legal description for your case. Same here. But you miss the point, which is: “Considering the battery of psychological testing done on candidates, is BB actually looking for sociopaths for HGs?”
Yes, WDF, I see/saw your point, and your question is a valid one. My post was mainly addressing the point made by Nina (and others) about a list of characteristics used as “proof”, when a list such as that can’t possibly be used to conclude anything.
Agreed, Um. While Nat does appear to have a substantial amount of the traits of a sociopath, we do not know if she is merely game playing or not, nor do we know, without a lot more research, whether she qualifies for the label in reality. What other current or past HGs appeared to you to be playing as sociopaths?
oh happy day 🙂 don’t worry be happy, h a p p y people.
I am surprised that Michelle didnt even try this week to convince Kevin to keep her. She spoke to him once after the POV and then nothing.
I think Michelle knows that there is no way Kevin’s stupid ass is keeping her. That moron will take Nat to the final 2 if he can, or he’ll ultimately let her take Jordough to the finale.
I so wanted Michelle in the F2. But oh well. Kevin is going to pull a Jeff and screw himself.
I think if Nataliar goes to final two that she might be in for a big let down. Because I think the Jury is put out over her Im 18 lie. So she just might fall on her own sword.
what up BB fans everone on here seems like they want to get this show dun um hum
I never thought I’d say this, but the HGs this season make Coach from last season’s survivor look like class.
sorry to burst your bubble, but natalie does know about the characters. They told her all about them.. If you watch BBAD you’d know that. So…think of something else to make you feel better. Natalie is my choice…GO NATALIE!!! WIN THIS M_____F_____
Using caps is rude and yelling, but more than that it make your post impossible to read. If you want to be heard lose the cap lock on your computer.
Simon/Dawg how about eliminating this type of post because it’s a waste of space when written like that.
And why don’t you take some good intentioned advice? Or are you just as dumb as Jordan?
Okay is this better for everyone who can’t read caps…It looks to me that everyone is bitching on this blog and I have seen caps used before. But you are all babies and have to be hand fed…Do you know Jordan’s actual IQ or mine for that matter? I can tell yours isn’t very high if you involving yourself in a debate that does not concern u…Last time I checked this was America freedom of speech baby, so hear this…I DON’T GIVE A DAMN IF YOU READ MY BLOG.
I like this girl,she has spunk!!! can we take Jordan out,and put her in,I’m thinking she’d beat Nasty’s ass for her….lol
Good gawd. You’re single-handedly trashing this blog. Give Simon and Dawg some respect for their work product even if you don’t care about how you affect the reading enjoyment of the rest of us.
Thank you Simon and Dawg for letting us express our freedom of speech and all the hard work you have put into this SITE… THANK YOU
And thank you for going to lower case and a highly effective usage of upper case. WELL DONE.
Ooohhh … how I love your posts!
Lol. Seeya on the new thread….
Your previous CAPS post was so long, I skipped it because it was annoying trying to read your screaming. Doesn’t bother me — just gets ignored.
girl u dun told her use da caps all u’s want to we be up in here in A MER I CA, we got feedum she prob white gilr
Yes, I’m white, and proud, that is why I speak correct english….What school did you go to? You can’t speak correct english, much less write it. By the America is GREAT along with the First Amendment, if you don’t like it go to another country…While your there hire an english teacher…
Perhaps it is YOU who needs to hire an English teacher. But yu should definitely be sure to write correctly before you criticize someone else for their writing. “By the America” makes no sense. But more importantly: “Your” is a possessive form of “you”. You’re means you are. You might want to brush up on that.
Oops … typo. yu = you.
Maybe you should check your type-o’s before commenting on someone’s English…Go back and read my comments to your other statements…Stick to BB news…and stop acting like your BB Ronnie’s sister. That is who you sound like…
Haha,I love this girl…she’s a cocky ass…..give’em hell.
Cap Lock is yelling and hello, its a g-a-m-e. Chill people chill, we’ve got a dozen or so reality shows to watch, this is just one.
is this better sweetheart, can you read now or do still need to go back to school? THIS IS ABOUT THE GAME NOT YOU AND THE FACT YOU CAN’T READ. THERE IS ENOUGH SPACE FOR EVERYONE’S POST YOU IDIOT.
Put down the bottle and go to bed now and sleep it off.
I wish i had a bottle to help me read you blog…You must have already had a bottle if that reply is the smartest thing you could come up with. Thank God you not on BB.
Thank you NAP I did know CAPS OFFENDED PEOPLE i am like u…This blog is about the game and that is all I was doing stating my opinion, like everyone else and all they could focus on was MY USING CAPS. Thanks being a smart intelligent person.
I think the point is that Stephanie is upset and she wants everyone to know it. She is yelling to express her frustration. Sweetie, we know! To some of you it is not fair that the ones you wanted to make it haven’t. The ones that played the game that apparently it takes to win are. That is frustrating. I don’t think it is clear that Kevin cheated in the POV. He just said that the technical problem gave him more time to think about the questions and type of questions that were going to be asked. That is not cheating. Did they play dirty? Yes they did but so did everyone in one form or another. CBS has created a show that is getting attention. Do they care that you are angry with who is left? I don’t think so. Will we watch again? Probably so. Maybe next time will be better. I hope so. I didn’t care for this cast much either. Stephanie, you yell if it makes you feel better. And, the rest of you, scroll on down and not listen. Just like turning down the volume on the TV when Natalie speaks or eats in the mic. Believe me, there is much worst things to have to live with than this TV show! XXOO
Thank you BBGRANDMA….I was just posting an opinion i had about the show. Am I upset about how BB handled it, yes. But I know it is just a game and you are right, more than half these bloggers will watch bb again. I won’t….It is just a shame so many people on this blog is upset about the game thatthey attack someone who happened to use caps on their computer. How stupid…..TAKE CARE BBGRANDMA…..
wat did keven chest on when? i missed it 🙂 fills me in 🙂
Chest????????? He wishes he had a chest. Lol
i mean cheat all they be talkin bout on here is kevon be cheatin on something, did he cheat on his man? i miss it was it on sho
Kevin was supposed to have cheated on the pov. Don’t know for sure, but that’s what i’ve been hearing.
how he gonna do that wit all those camras on him that is racis sayin a blalck man cheats um hum big bro don want to give the prize to no black peepo
*rolls eyes*
you are stupid. Are kevin( btw- no letter O in kevin) and Natalie even black? You are the only racist in this room. We are calling them out because they are cheaters, not because they are black, you dumbass!
I think Natalie did say last night that she was partly black.
and when did nat still sum globes :)is gonna get rested for dat? if kevon cheats dont he be kic off
u be sayin nat stole glove she gonna go to jail for steelin and if kevon cheat on his man do he get kick off show
lmfao; dumbass.
nother wite girl hatin on me caus ei got a booty girl
Natalie steals, cheats, lies, slanders people, stinks, picks her nose/butt/crotch, eats with mouth open. Cheats at pool, chess, cards. She is a skank. She is the most disgusting contestant ever. That is no way to play the game as far as I m concerned. She doesn’t do dishes, clean anything, cook or shows or clean up after herself. She is disgusting human being.
girl u jus bee jealous of her cause she black and sayin she be lazy is raceis
And you wanting her to win just because she is black is racist. Last time I checked being called lazy was not a racial slur. Grow up and learn how to speak english- or a least write it!
girl u be up in here hatin, i know i look bettr n u so go on girl u jus be jelous 2
I really wish I could understand exactly what you are trying to say. But I am still laughing my a$$ off! ( let me know if that was too many big words for you)
girtl i read i can read sum big word i know what comitision mean so take u white skinny blond ass back to country cause city aint wantin you and i spell too ju cant typo
LMFAO! I can’t argue with you anymore, I have no idea what you are saying. Maybe you should get out of the city, and go somewhere and get an education. ( this is like arguing with a 3 year old!) Gotta say, I have never laughed so hard on this site before! Keep up the good work
Do you know what retard means?
Kelly, I am with you! He is cracking me up!
T shah you need to get educated and learn how to spell. No one is racist for calling Natalie lazy. She just is whether she was black, white or friggen green for that matter, she is a lazy liar.
Do you not recognize sarcastic humor
Learn how to talk. It was not a racist comment, and you trying to play a racism card is what gives minorities a bad name. By the way, I am white, and feel that I am in the minority these days between all the other races, we are outnumbered.
She is not black dumb ass she is Latino and lazy. Can you spell LA TI NO.
she bee needin a weave girl like my girl tyra wear, she cute tho and she got a bootie so do nat michsell she need to get a booty
She cooked chicken the other night, didn’t wash her hands after handling it (raw) either. Her fiance will have to teach her to cook and about proper hygiene before they have children. Mercy!
oh yay i wants nat to win. this sho never had no a black weiner
oh yay i wants nat to win. this sho never had no a black weiner
A black weiner? What the hell? I think you meant winner?
um hum i shore did i not too good typin
you should quit, your making the rest of us sick
Not good at typing,spelling or talking in english.
Where are u from??????? Not that it matters, but your English is a little funny 🙂
What about them Detroit Lions, Shah? Thanks for providing the most entertaining convo on this thread.
det lions don u mean the pistons they the only sport i be watchn
Bless you, sweetie, I hope you are for real. You crack me up!
granny i bees real for shore i love my graany she done rais me to be real um hum i be watchin the real shoes like bb 2
T shah, I am glad to hear that you love your Granny. U bz a gooodz byz!
lol lol lol
Lol. Make mine a double.
Okay,now you are just annoying all around. Yo english is not english.
saiy who u up in dis house tellin peepo who to speak english you white white peepo they bees speakin funni i speak the real way we spoos to speaks this be america and we got a black man up in da white house we run this sho aint takin no moor order from white man. white man take orderds from mes
T shah, Obama is a very well spoken man. No black/white stuff needed.
You sound like a dumbass trying to stir up trouble by promoting a gross, ethnic caricature to, not so subtly, mask a slur. You’re not really fooling anyone.
Anonymous, of course you are right but it is funny if you read it as a joke. I hope no one is taking him serious! I wish the black/white stuff would stop, tho.
I’m white and i’d be tellin ya to STFU! and he’s part white dumb ass!
Hey Allison, go back on the feeds and check it out where Natalie stole Michelle’s gloves, isn’t that not following the rules and should be evicted like Chima? Something to check out! Why you are doing that, check into the cheating part too. 🙂
micheles gloves are in natalies black big brother bag!
is there a posting of the BB rules somewhere we can look at them
Why would Kevin be asked to pack?
Cause he might be dumb like marcelas and not use the veto and could go home. That’s my opinion.
he almost did that until nat told him he was wrong.
he had it planned to say “i chose not to use the power of veto” then nat convinced him that it meant he wasnt using it on himself and he would stay on the block.
I know, I caught that, too. Boy, did he almost screw the goose! He was worried that Natalie won’t have time to give her hate speech to Michelle.
Since the POV ceremony is live tomorrow, there’s a 0.00000000000001% chance that Kevin might keep himself on the block and get eliminated. It obviously won’t happen, but BB wants them to be prepared.
Because He’s A Fudge Packer
he work in a fudge store packin it for peepo
lol, lol, you refreshin fo shore, I be lovin wat ya say my chile
So it says Michele and Jordan are packing, and production told Kevin to pack, too – do you think that may mean they are going to do another POV tomorrow? Why else would they ask him to pack, too, and not Nat – must be something brewing.
ok so from other blogs i am reading gnats bf/fiance is currently married (seperated) had to also make his my space private cause of hate mail. also said on his page him and gnat are not together. so why didnt cbs just have her dad come on instead of a fake proposal that was very awkward you could tell by the body language they were not close. Oherwise that girl would have been going nuts in that house with enjoyment. Instead of making up bs. Even when she told the truth she was not excited then that night she calls her bf her ex to kevin bad tv!!!! as far as cheating i dont mind it unless it is a deal breaker wich this was, when jordo cheated it hurt no one. but if kevin cheated and michelle only lost by one that is crap and yes i would get a lawyer, i would also think bb would step in and atleast give her back her gloves or boot her out for stealing.
how can she be mole u white girl white girl don like no black sucesful woman they jealus um hum you betta be glad i can slap you over the cumputr runnin up that mouth my grammy would get a switch a wop u back to the countri aint got no sence
Thank you chima. We have had enough now. Have a great night!
How old are you? Does your granny know you are on the computer this late? You better get some rest, you have school in the morning. And you DEFINATELY NEED to go.
I agree! and I think this pandora’s box thing was stupid. It did not change the game. so natalie doesn’t get to play pov, so what, she’s safe anyway. and she’s playing all sides- so i really don’t think it hurt her feelings not to play. That was the stupidist twist ever. I was waiting for something big to happen- and Nat’s fake proposal is was we got. How lame!
the only f’n twist in this game,is on Nasty’s finger!
Nat was more excited about what she got in her HOH basket than her BF’s proposal! I guess he should have brought her some bagel bites instead of a twist tie. Or maybe she was just upset because he didn’t give her the ring she expected??
Throw Natalie out for stealing and Kevin out for cheating! Jordan and Michelle, final two!! Wouldn’t that be great!!!
amen to u. They need to evict both nasty and kevinstigator. Nasty wasn’t even xcited 2 see her boyfriend/old man. She kept calling him jesse. She needs help. She is probably in a gang.
We can only dream. Then J and M can play through the final competitions in a best-of-three, winner automatically gets the 7th jury vote.
Let’s all hope with the POV being redone…………that Michelle or Jordan win POV and send Kevin home. Nasty will be going down.
that would be awesome!
I Tivo BBAD and am a little behind on whats going on so forgive me if this has already been addressed. After Natalie chose to see her boyfriend, she was sitting in the spa talking to all the hgs and she mentioned how it took him long enough to propose to her. First she said something about 3 years, then she said she has been with him for 6 years….that means she was twelve when they started dating (according to her lies). Why did the hgs not pick up on that statement alone??? Its amazing that everyone is talking and no one is listening.
ALSO: The Big Brother 11 application clearly states that applicants must be 21 years of age or older. HELLLOOO??? Why haven’t ANY of the houseguests picked up on that??? There have been so many times she should have been caught in this lie, but none of the hg’s have a clue. I thought for sure she would have been called on it by now, but it seems the hg’s just aren’t doing the math!! CLUELESS, ALL OF THEM!
Didn’t Jordan mention that she thought you had to be 21 to be on BB one night on BBAD? Then she dismissed it. She said she must have been mistaken because Gnat was only 18.
Natalie doesn’t even know what’s true anymore. during her interview w/Diane she said they dated for 2 years but have been broken up over 8 months. The video’s on YouTube. Also – HE’S HOMELESS! He had an eviction hearing in Maricopa County on the 24th. Google Jason Majerena, and it comes right up. He posts on SurvivorSucks – they’re made for one another!
i tried more than once to google nat’s boyfriend name…it didnt work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can thank Jeff for that. If he had only been a decent player we would have a great final 4: J/J/M/R, and THAT would be a great show to watch.
do anyones on hear like tyra bamks that be my girl um hum
And that has WHAT to do with the game?
cause tyra be the bomb girl she should be on BB talkin to nat and tellin her how she can be next top model um hum
T shah, I think Tyra has way to much going for her to spend anytime on BB. But, T B it whz U.
Sorry she is not tall enough. Now let’s get back on track um hum
back n trac who you tellin this be america and we gots a black man up in da white house we run this sho aint takin no moor order from white man. white man take orderds from mes slave en days dun
WTF??? Not to be mean but what the f**k? I said let get back ON track
come on just cuz a black man is pres really??? lets grow up!
thought he was half black?
why would u only pick a black man. he has a diverse heritage.
Without a doubt Natalie is like this in person… gotta hand it to her, she does manipulative really good. I’m starting to think if 500k is gonna be worth all the negative attention and hate mail/ comments she’s gonna get when she leaves the house. (Remember, she thinks she’s gonna leave the house as an honest person who will be viewed by america as a sweetheart) Well, I say karma’s a bitch; the public is gonna be as harsh and relentless in making your life miserable as you did to Michelle in the Big Brother house.
Her BF (I sure) told her their was alot of hate and she thinks it because of her assc with Jesse
IMHO, the fact that Kevin didn’t stop them to let them know he saw the questions and continued to look is the same as cheating… he clearly knew he had an advantage over Michele and Jordan… as he stated himself. If BB doesn’t redo that veto… then its last season for me after 11 seasons… pretty pathetic production AG, BB, and CBS. After listening to Natalie and Kevin complain about it several times… this appears to be a season set up for a minority win… pretty sad circumstances!
I so agree. A re-do is in order…What is wrong with BB production????
It maybe the Obama effect
Oh, Stephanie, I took up for you before but this is just silly.
BBGrandma, I thanked you in my older blog for taking up for me…I know this blog is about bb; but OBAMA does try to control everyone, please pay attention to the news…This Country is in big trouble and I am afraid the older ones will be the ones to suffer. It has nothing to with OBAMA’s race, it has to do with the way he is handling his position. I am just worried about what he is doing to the healthcare for older people and the poor. I may seem uneducated because I reply to this bb blog, but i am not. TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THIS COUNTRY (not yelling)..I mean no disrespect to your opinion, so please don’t pass judgement on me…Thank you and take care…
Sweetie, I am on Medicare and I hope all of you can get Healthcare at least as good or better. I don’t go for scare tactics and I won’t buy into those games anymore than BB is an honest game of chance. I do not watch entertainment news and I suggest you not either. Watch PBS. Now don’t get me started on politics. I have been at that a lot longer then you. There are sites for that. This is a BB site. Thank you for your concerns. They are appreciated.
BBGrandma I use Medicare too. I know we won’t get a cost of living increase for two years and the Federal Government is getting one. I don’t watch entertainment news I watch FOX NEWS….However, you are right this is BB Site not a political one. So no more political talk just remember this conversation when your Medicare goes up and you are not getting a cost of living raise. Take Care…I do respect your opinions…
My last comment on this, FOX News is entertainment news! Very one sided. Explains a lot to me and why you are so opinionated. However, we are not getting a cost of living raise because of the pharamactical (sp?) companies raising their costs to the government. That is not the government fault! That is because they and the Insurance companies are ripping us off! Follow the money! They are making it in the billions. Watch PBS. End of subject!
You’re the idiot because obviously you seem to deliberately ignore that just like in real life, there are rules when you post online. Writing in CAPS means that you’re shoutiing (for no reason, in your case) on the top of your lungs. I’m quite sure that you write in CAPS just because you are not intelligent enough to know how to turn them off. As if whenever YOU read something, everything is written in CAPS… Dumbass! Hurting our eyes like that!
@Stephanie you disgrace my name, it is obvious you are the STUPID one, when you can give me a quote out of a computer manuel about typing in all CAPS and that it means means just yelling then send it to me. If you think I am a dumbass, then I guess that makes you one too, because YOU ARE RESPONDING TO MY PERSONAL OPINION BLOGS. BUT PLEASE, KEEP EMBARASSING YOURSELF. YOU ARE THE SELF-RIGHTOUS BITCH…NO, MAKE THAT A COLD UPTIGHT BITCH….
I put in a big paragragh to “inform” you on the healthcare debate. I thought about it and now I just feel sad for you. I pay for your heathcare. I also pay for my own. I hope Obama does not stop your Free Healthcare. It is like Driving across country to DC and bitching about the Interstate Highway System.
Stephanie, I was totally with you on the whole Obama thing (because I completely agree that our country is really in jeopardy with him in office) but you lost me once you called someone a Bi@#h. That was completely unecessary. Anyway, back to BB…
thank you for telling her the rules. obviously she is a k / n person and does not understand how to follow them or act like a human. my 10yr old even knows that all caps is yelling. her personal attack on you was uncalled for and she is probably someone who spent her life acting like natalie and it finaly caught up with her so now she is the bitter one….just my personal opinion, usually I do not comment on stuff like that but this is not the forum for her to bring up all that obama / health care etc…
Jeff is responsible for his own actions. Jeff’s poor choices led the game exactly to where it is. You say nothing about the way that these players are edited, why is that? Have they edited the minorities to look good? No, they have not. Have they edited the cute white couple (as Kev said) to look good and therefore almost guarantee them the $25,000 prize? Yes they have. Now you want to make the claim that this is rigged for a minority? How is it you can overlook all that has been done in J/J’s favor, and make such a comment about K/N simply because they are minorities? How prejudice can you be?
first of all prejudice means nothing, racist maybe, but prejudice means that you have some sort of preconception of anything, which everyone does, so everyone is prejudice. Sorry but thats the most overused “i think im smart” word for people who love to think of themselves as politically sensitive and socially and morally superior.
Anyway, I dont get why people find it so hard to believe that minorities can be just as racist as non minorities. I dont have any doubt that there are organizations that would influence the outcomes just to have a minority come out on top, to make themselves look better and more appealing to a broader spectrum of the public. If you dont believe that this is possible you are seriously delusional. There are definitely white people out there who are racist, but just as surely as there are racist whites, there are racist minorities, and anyone who tells you differently is selling you a bucket of steam. (this is coming from a minority)
I’m also a minority, and if you can comprehend my post, there is nothing there claiming racism is one sided. I’m of the belief that K/N can win this on their own, without it being “rigged” in their favor.
I agree with bb fan! Get Kevin and especially Nat OUT! Haven’t liked Nat since day 1!
I agree with you laura i can’t stand nat’s ass! I hope & pray something happens to get kevin’s & nat’s ass out the house! Kevin is a different person when nat’s not around if he was smart he would back stab nat since there’s only 6 jurors in the house america get’s that 7th vote I’ll vote for kevin even though i don’t want to!
I have a question, if the only rules in BB are to not break the rules and to not swear on live tv…how come nat and kevin got away with that too…because kevin said mofo and that caused them to go to the fish and nat said shit…so where was BB when that rule was broken?? When and why did Nat steal Michelles gloves?
Why is it you bring up Nat & Kev swearing, but none of the others? They ALL swear. Jeff was one of the worst. How is it you only bring up K/N? What’s that about?
Because no other HG did it live, they are allowed to swear but not while they are on air, as far as I know Kevin was the only one that broke that rule.
Your saying people on here need to get a life…than why are you even reading BB spoilers and commenting, maybe you should get a life because if you can take the time to write a comment like that then you are a BB fan which means according to you “get a life“
if we didn’t care, we wouldn’t watch, and there wouldn’t be a show for lack of viewers.
Im a BB fan but I dont get upset over stupid shit. when people I’ve liked have left I wasnt screaming about how “unfair” it was. I didnt give a shit. why? because I watch the show for entertainment purposes only. I dont care who wins becaus as I have said Im not getting a dime of it. and if you read my post I said a bunch of you need to get a life not EVERY SINGLE PERSON. so just the mere fact that you had to jump to defend yourself means you obviously felt that you personally dont have a life so you needed to say something to make yourself look a little better. if I didnt have a life you’d se me posting on here daily with my opinion. I actually just found this site and I guarantee I wont be spending all my time on it.
Please don’t defend yourself here. You have a life to get back to. Go!
Must reply again to those with issues with Jordan having a boob job. She’s in her early twenties and has made some choices. I bet she ‘s not thrilled with all of her choices-I know I made some unwise choices in my 20’s. But give her a break! She really and truly has a kind heart!!!
Yes, everyone should excuse Jordan … after all she is 2 whole years younger than Nat, right?
I agree 100%. What person in their 20’s hasn’t made mistakes or regretted some things they have done!!
plus and i could bw wrong but didn’t she say she worked 3 jobs and saved a long time so she could get them. and in all reality what does it matter what she does with the money not like the rest of them are going to put it all to good use.
I think they lost the house,before she got them also.
Having a boob job often opens doors and ups the tips so it is like and investment.
No question on her heart, its the brains that are suffering. At 22 you would expect some dumb decisions but when your mother cant make the mortgage payment maybe you should keep the tits you have and help out.
Was the breast enhancements before the foreclosure or after?
I think after. She still had a stich hanging out and she could not wear a wire bra when she came to the BBH.
Well, maybe she didn’t have the money in time to help her mother save their home. But, apparently she could have borrowed some if she had to borrow for the breast enloargement. Sad.
whoops, enlargement.
I guess when you were young and your husband left you-you would expect your 18-20 year old kid to pay for a house for you-I would have hated to be your child grandma.
It has already been said that they lost the house a few years ago and she only got her boobs done a few months ago so she couldn’t help her mom save the house. She does however help her mom out financially and like another poster said, having her boobs done is not only good for her self steem but most likely also will help her get better tips and therefore, make more money so it is probably a good investment. Plus, they (boobs) probably helped her get into BB.
I can’t believe people are actually ragging on her because of a bob job. I am completely against MYSELF getting a boob job but shit, who cares if the girl got one. Who are we to judge her for that! We don’t know her circumstances. Just like people don’t know ours when we make decisions in our life.
I agree with you. She does have a good heart. She is probably paying the boob job off like a car payment.
lol. I have no issues with her boob job. she’s young so she wants to make herself look good. its just that people say she deserves to win because she’s poor. well what poor person do you know that has a boob job? I dont doubt for a second she is one of the sweetest people Im just saying I bet that she doesnt spend her money wisely.
Again I say a boob job is an investment – I know I had one and believe me it pays for itself in no time if you are a waitress.
I was a Career waitress (14 years) and luckily I was blessed. I does make a difference in what you look like. Teeth and boobs make the most money.
I think the point here is she says her mother lost their home and she went for a breast enhancement. They may help you in tips but if you don’t have the money for a home, well, choices are made different by different people. My opinion only.
All of this info was taken from watching BBAD feeds — Jordan is only 22 -she would have been around 18 when her parents got divorced-family lost home over 2 years ago because of father?s gambling and divorce. Every 18-19 year old I know is able to make enough money to save an expensive home from foreclosure-not??She has worked 2-3 jobs at a timer to help support mom and younger brother mom works part-time at a bank-(you know how much that pays). She lives with mom and has to share a bed with her. She got the boob job because of real issues-not the jumbo size others on this show(Laura) and past seasons have displayed. She saved most of the money for it and charged the rest on a credit card. It was done shortly (2-3 weeks) before she started on this show. Jordan?s and (Jeff?s) main problem is that their core value system doesn?t give them the thought processes to deal with the psychopathic behavior of other people like Kevin and Nat I Lie. Remember Jordan is the youngest person on the show and by far the most truly innocent person to play the game.
can we see…lol
I didn’t see any evidence of a kind heart when she and Jeff sat around for weeks berating and trashing everyone else in the house. Sorry, but she showed just how ugly she is on the inside, and no matter how cute people think the exterior is, that type of ugliness can’t be faked. No kind heart, there, that’s for sure.
They are not even close to Natalie and Kevin and the way they are acting and the things they have done!!! They are DISGUSTING
This was posted somewhere earlier and I think its worthy of a re-post, considering your statement:
I can?t believe you can criticize Nat for being so nasty, but you call Jordan a good person? How can you not mention the fact that Jordan is nasty? With all her talk about poop (describing it in detail), blowjobs (claims she is good at them and has to fill the world in on how guys like that big vein to be licked), a$$ holes ([couple] of convo?s about those), periods, checking out her friends vaginas, talking about clits (and all the different types, asking people in the house about theirs! Whats THAT about?), sex & anal sex, adult stores, pee, farts, tampons, periods, making fun of her friends back home, and the list goes ON AND ON. She has talked the filthiest and nastiest of ALL contestants in the house, yet somehow you completely overlook that? How is that a ?good person??
Because she isn’t trying to be gross,most of it was,she was asking or telling a story about it.Christ according to Nasty she was 12 when she started dating her BF.atleast Jordon showers on regular occasions and knows how to use tampons,Nat hasn’t washed her hair in 5 days now!!!!
Gnat plays this game exactly how she plays cards, chess and probably eveything else in her life. Most likely if her fiance is real he will get cheated on too. I know she is going to get it on with Jesse. I only wish she could have got more time with Jesse by being in the jury house with him.
if she would’ve left,instead of Lydiot,she’d be telling her BF in a few months,yes dear,you are the daddy,I had the baby pre mature by a few mths,even though it looks like Jessie,its yours hun…lol
“9:00pm Jordan Staring into space trying to calculate the forces exerted on a electron as it orbits a proton. Michele is stretching on the floor.” ——- HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!
I dunno, I think that’s giving her too much credit. I think she’s just trying to figure out what time it is. A quarter to what? Wait, bbbbut what’s a quarter?
A nickel pass the dime. A penny to the hour.
I don’t understand why Kevin would say Jeff or Michelle is stupid for not campaigning, if they knew they were going home. Even if they were to campaign or try, they were going home regardless. I don’t get how a person would point out that someone is stupid just for not kissing ass?
When did Jeff and Jordan lie???????
Most would point out the obvious of how Jeff got Russel evicted when he said that they had a final four deal. There is also the issue of how Jeff and Jordan constantly made fun of Michelle and ignored her and then acted like they were friends when they needed something from her. Most of them talking about her did not air but it did air when Jordan lied to her face and said that she (Jordan) had been nothing but nice to her (Michelle).
After Jessie was ousted, they lied just about all day, every day, until Jeff was evicted. That is,unless they were busy trashing and saying vicious things about everyone behind their backs.
Hey wait, why did kev Have to Pack??
i think they should have something where the remaining house guests have to swap with jury house!!! let the other 4 come back and play cause this is damb boring and if i see gnat wear that robe and kevins hat one more time i am going to throw shit at my computor. That was kevins idea the girl cant even come up with her own ideas. And the speach she made to michelle how horrible she is just a pure evil person. She has admitted her so called bf/fiances family does not like her so i do not think this is all game for her i think this is the true natalie wow bet she makes daddy proud, and CBS way to market a great person for your show. Evil dick was evil i loved him but gnat is satin i am sorry.
That would be awesome. With jessie, russ, and jeff endurance might actually be worth watching. ( Oh, and lydia- hmmmm- she could hook up with the winner)
Evil D is an angel compared to Nasty Natalie. And he was funny which Nat is Not!
For what it’s worth do you think CBS would show the POV comp with Kevin getting the advantage he spoke about?… Have you not read any of the blogs on here and then watched the show and how edited it is for T.V. I bet that when they do show the POV comp tomorrow night on CBS that they will make it look really close that Michelle is almost going to win then Kevin will pull it out at the end…. CBS edits the crap out of this show…. It’s not surprising if this is the last season of BB because they seem to have run out of ideas as to what to do with the twists especially now that all the houseguests pretty much can figure out what is going to happen in the comps and prepare for it.. It was fun in previous seasons when the HG didn’t know what was going to happen…. Just one more thing the whole Pandora’s Box thing could have been so much better if the choice Gnat had to make was see her so-called BF or give up POV for everybody and have to leave the NOM’S the same…..
I don’t know but in BB After Dark they were running an add that said that tonight there will be Veto comp, Veto Nom, Live eviction and the HOH comp ALL live.
has michelle found her gloves yet?
The worst case senario! has happened. It’s not bad enought that pigpen made it to final 5 but shes guarenteed to be final 3. and jeff went home was bad enough. then it was 2vs2. jordan and michelle didnt win POV and kevin is glad he got away with cheating! WTF? if BB has cameras at all times. how could they NOT see that? RIGGED! for that comp at least. and so the worse is the 2 worst are goin to final 3 and jordan or michelle has to go home. i cant choose between them. i wish kevin would of left. i dont care if a girl wins. it will end up that way anyway. KEVIN AND NAT float their way to the end then BB actually GIVES THEM The POWER! THE HOH AND POV! thats not FAIR! expect the unexpected is stupid if that is allowed. it should be more of a shocker in a good way. or something that seems entertaining! not have the 2 losers get to final 3 while the ones who get everyone else out and SURVIVED the game have to leave. GOSH i wish that pandoras box would of brought back jeff. and wish jordan would of left last week instead of him! cuz him and michelle would of made it to final 2 no DOUBTS!
ok im done. what a weekend. its been quiet and kevin won POV. gosh how much more do i have to take? its been the best season up till now! now i dont kno. its about average. why did BB screw up the ending. i kno its a game but they used random questions to HOH which was the only shot nat had. and kevin got to cheat on pov. geeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. i hope all is well by tomorrow.
Jeff got exactly what he deserved for playing so stupidly, and if you want to blame anyone for who is left in the house, blame him and his lack of intelligence.
blah blah blah
Yes this is just a game. BUT the money for the winner is life changing.
I definitely agree on that. Im just saying that a lot of people on here comment on why so and so shouldnt get it but in reality there are a million reasons why every single house guest doesnt deserve it to.
Most of the women on here believe Jeff should get back in the house and win every dime there is to be had cause he makes them wet in the secret spots. Thats real game logic. I cant believe that people think someone should be handed money for being a mimbo, or a bimbo. I dont like Nat either but she is still there and thats what the game is about, the jury will decide who gets the half mill and if they decide Nat, well live with it, theres always next season.
Not a very good commentary on women, but from many of the posts here I’d have to agree. I’m embarrassed for my gender.
BBAD is scrolling POV COMP will be LIVE on Tuesday, not POV meeting. Dare I hope there is a do-over since Kevin admitted to cheating with Natalie’s help? CBS, have you heard our outrage?
it does not say live it said the POV will be aired….they mean the video of the original competition not a live POV.
It DID say Live.
I vote to REDO the POV competition!
Is BBAD always this boring when it’s down to the Final 4?
Anyone know why they had Kevin pack too? Could it be they might actually hear our pleas for a veto do-over?!?
You gotta admit, Michelle’s lies are nowhere near the magnitude of Natalie’s lies! True, its Natalie’s game play to be this way, kudos to her. But what has really struck a cord in people is HOW she played the game… she really was a nasty, dirty player and THAT is the reason why there is sooo much hatred towards her.
Allison Grodner is getting just as much negative talk here as Natalie is…. If that is not motivation to rectify the ‘cheating’ in Big Brother, I don’t know what is.
I”ll tell ya what….I haven’t watched the last 2 episodes and that’s the honest truth. Hard to believe since I’ve been such a huge fan since the onset of this show. Yes, I’m reading the blogs now, but I no longer care who wins. The good ones are all gone. Kevin will win…Natalie in 2nd. Who the heck wants to witness that. Sad.
did th skank ass ho bbz t shah msn up chka get up out mah face ?
WTF did you just say???????
sorry to disappoint you, but Showtime always has written on the screen what CBS has said at the end of the previous show. Last year Showtime would write who won POV or something else that would give away what happened without having to watch afterdark. As far as Kevin packing, too, I think there just might be something about a jury member coming in– but that’s as doubtful as a veto redo. ** I hope Lydia stole Gnat’s gloves and packed them in Chima’s bag that night… Hysterical to think if Lydia (psycho that she is) thought that far ahead back then. ALSO: I WISH someone in DR would “slip” up to a HG (preferrably Kevin or Michelle) and tell them about Gnat’s age among other things!!! Let’s see a good fight one last time!!!!
I don’t know about all of yous, but for Christ sake how the f did this happen, super queen Kev floated along with ” when I win HOH next week” gNat get all the way this far. Watching their DR’s is liketort
If Kevin cheated, the Game should be re don Period! I will not Watch BB anymore, if they do not do a POV re do. Another thing, they asked Kev to Pack could it be that the POV will be live 2morrow? I hope so it would be unfair to Mich, Jor and Nat!!!
I have been watching BB since season 1 and this is by far the worst season ever. Not one person there is likable and no one deserves to win. The only person I kind of liked on this show was Jeff and even he was an idiot!
i gots 2 go i be needin 2 get up for my job at the hospital morrow i be a nurce butt for all u haters on hear who don like black stron woman then u be missing out on sum good stuuf i gots me sum good booty and it is big um hum and don tell me wats to says we run this we gots a balck man now he be prezidant whity can tell mes no moor
T shah, go to bed and stay away from the drugs at the hospital! No more black/white hatred. Got that? Yez u doz, u knz u duz. You do crack me up tho!
How did you get a job at a hospital without a kindergarten education?
A nurse? Please tell me at which hospital so I don’t make the mistake of ever going there, but I sure don’t want to miss out on (sum good booty). LMAO
Where did you learn your English?
Again, thank you Chima. Have a great night. Dream about the 500k you lost.
That is enough, T Shah. I am black and what you are doing is the most offensive stereotype. Simon, can you block this person’s comments?
so ridiculous, there was proof get over it….
michelle is as good as gone, it makes no sense for kevin to not keep jordan, she is such weak competition for this final 3 part…michelle wins too much, If I were there, Id get michelle out nothing personal, but because she wins
Id roll with nat against jordan instead of rolling with michelle against nat
since you can win in the jury with nat, you cant with michelle, people respect her gameplay.
she is nuts though 🙂
I hope its jeff comeing back! – jeff/j
hatee baackk off!
If he does buhbyee nasstyyy
Simon can you put a picture of a flaming fire to replace chimas picture since she got fired?BTW is Chima gonna be at the finale? does anyone know?
Let’s see, BBAD is on now………paint is drying……………..carpet hasn’t grown.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
agreed whats more boring than watching a 25 minute silent chess game between nat and ken? ah probably the 25 minutes of the camera zooming in on Jordan sleeping, ah no but wait what about the 25 minutes of michelle playing with herself ( solitare) get your minds out of the gutters 🙂
this is a crazy boring final 4
I agree! After about 10 minutes of BBAD, and not one word, I gave up. I’d rather watch that golden girls marathon on hallmark- LOL
i switched to dateline nbc , watching a show about 2 kids who killed their father was much more well entertaining ( the subject of datelines show ) ( not a good thing ) butt BBad cant deliver. is there really a golden girls marathon on? I watched that show when I was a kid ( my mommy always watched it so what she watched i watched and roseanne ) 🙂
LOL -Yeah there really is a golden girls marathon on
those girls were crazy but arent they all dead now (minus blanche) and rose I saw rose in the movie “the proposal” and on ugly betty ( vanessa williams took her cab and kicked her to the curb) 🙂 LOL
Chima has been fired, there is no reason why she should be there.
I think the boyfriend is a setup, another lie the nasty little hood rat made up before she went in. Hope she feels the hatred when she gets out and changes her life. She needs a lesson in compassion among other things.
She thinks she is great….she will never change. I hope they fire her from her high paying Blockbuster job as a manager or whatever she said she did…which is probably a lie too.
BB (blockbuster) is fixin’ to be disfunct. She need to take her stipend and learn a new skill. Like pizza delivery.
i realised that all the BB fans know we cant change the past but we can change the future. dudes rebel dont accept the final 2 as nat and kev! we want michelle , that lil devil LOL i voted for her and i hope you all did too ( or else you might go to hell) 🙂
Michelle easily is the most deserving of all HGs for the $25k. VOTE MICHELLE.
For me its a toss up between Michelle, Casey & Russell.
Michelle had to stay in the house after Jeff screwed up the F4 and endure endless taunts from The Nasty One and Kevin wanting her to spend a week kissing his a*s to save herself. She’s played the game alone with everyone calling her names and treating her as an outcast. She’s gotten where she’s gotten by her own smarts, not by the use of a coup d’etat like Russell. Did Casey ever win anything for himself?
I think you mean like Jeff. Jeff is the one who got the CDT, not Russ. Russ was the one who Jeff broke his vow to, although that was never mentioned on CBS.
i like michelle too, she does deserve the money. she was alone most of the game and fought hard in comps.
jeff also knows that she deserves to win and in one of his interviews he said he wishes he told thepeople he cared about in the house how he felt and to give them tips. he said those ppl were michelle and jordan.
I do feel bad for Michelle, she really has shown what a strong competitor she is. However I had had had to give me vote to Russ. I hope Michele wins it all!
I agree with WDF,Michelle played this game alone for the most part and she did pretty good.As for Casey(he was my fav in the beginning) was too sure of himself…didn’t play to win because he thought he didn’t have to….and then he was sent home.Anyone who is that stupid I can’t vote for.Now as for Russel(who is handsome and oh my what a body)his mouth was too big and when he did blow up it sounded so childlish and when he kept making fun of Jeff and saying technotronics ………OMG……he made himself look so stupid……………………So with that being said,that is why I’m voting for Michelle…she is not crazy like the others.
Banana suit- hello! LOL
I voted for Michelle. I have been trying to vote several times for her. I hope something interesting happens tonight…
speaking of the devil can michelles pic be replaced by a devil ( since Nat said she was) cause we all know if nat said it , it must be true : replace nats pic with a lie detector machine 🙂 better yet BBshould just give her one. and as for kevin cheating well enough said on that one ( don’t want to beat a horse to death)
This entire game is like a big tainted psych experiment on human behaviour. As much as I hate it I have come to accept that either Nat or Kevin will be the last woman standing. After seeing the more abusive and trashy you play the better your odds are of winning I am thinking um I am glad I never let my 12 year old watch this. I am going to watch it to the end of this season as I have to admit I am curious to how it ends. My question is – are all the BB’s like this? Is it really worth watching or should I skip next year??
They are not all like this. This was the worst season yet!!! If they hadn’t brought back the loser Jesse everything would have been different and so much better. He changed the game for the worst.
I want to know what they are doing with the POV? Will they redo it tomorrow night? It doesn’t make sense that they asked Kevin to pack too. I can only hope that they do have a redo or that they bring someone from the jury house back in!! It seems like they might bring someone back since there is still a week left. I HOPE they do that!!!
Yeah, they should’ve dubbed this season “Expect the Worst” cause that’s what I’m resigned to do. At least in the past there was someone to root for in the finals- even old Evil Dick was more likable than these ass clowns. If they have another BB All-Stars I hope they don’t bring these psycho’s back.
I would and have Janelle wipe the floor with her, lol.
I think Jessie’s comeback really did ruin this season. It caused Pig Pen to act like a complete fool. I think she would have been a scumbag anyway but him being there didnt help. I question weather or not I’ll tune in next season but I probably will.
I don’t think it’s all that tainted. I don’t think that producers need to intervene to cause or encourage bad behavior. Then again, check out the story of the Stanford Prison Experiment. In that experiment, even the people overseeing the experiment became influenced by the events. Maybe that’s what’s happened to the producers, as well. It could certainly explain why they could care less about cheating if they really don’t care about the people (“inmates”) at all. Maybe they are just as disgusted by them as some of us are (which, by the way, is something to consider: we’re all part of the experiment, too). People with power tend to abuse it and once one starts, the others all either comply or join in and those few that resist or displease those with the power tend to get treated the worst as a result. It’s human nature and its common, no matter how disturbing it is to us. Add to that a $500,000 reward and it’s no wonder we spend so much time talking about immoral behavior in the House.
Interesting points. I saw a special on the Stanford Prison Experiments and it was seriously shocking the levels of depravity that impacted everyone involved. You may be on to something here.
i find that quite interesting. now i am curious and would like to see the stanford experiment. thanks!
Go on YouTube and watch through Season 8. That season rocked!
Was that the season with Evil Dick? I loved him- his outlandish behavior- hilarious!!
Thanks will do, – the blogs here are far more entertaining than the show itself – how do I donate (technically challenged I am).
found it
simon not to belabour the pics of the “cast” but can you change them all to be something funny? I mean come on’ it’s a week away from the ending and i think it might breath life back into this site. also I know you got alot of feedback (suggestions) for what pic should be for who. thanks 🙂
sure I agree lets get every ones opinions on this one. I know you want Chima to be flames.
And of course a banana for Casey… A horse for Laura… A rat for Ronnie… Tuna for Jeff…
Perfect choices!!!!! can you put shit for Chima, just a thought
can you put Kevin’s picture over Chima’s name since he is a flamer….
Flame her!
LOL. We don’t do that to witches anymore, Granny!
Mighty mouse for Jessie. Everytime he does that stupid flexing pose he looks just like that mouse from that cartoon
Lol- I thought it looked familiar. Good one!!
Please don’t insult Mighty Mouse, Put a Big piece of Chap for Jessie in pink tights
Jesse reminds me of the pinhead, muscle-bound toy in the Chuckie movies…..
Jessie “The Body” is a wannabee WWE pro wrestler. That flexing pose and the tearing of his vest in the jury house are steals from Hulk Hogan’s routines. Instead of Mighty Mouse, how about a three count 1…2… 3… (you have just been pinned) to replace Jesse’s picture.
yes and maybe caseys a carrot ( for ovious reasons) and maybe weights for jesse um just suggestions , I love suprises though. maybe this will get everyone heated up again on here ( and make the server go crazy like it was a couple weeks ago) :0 shit the BBAD is sooooo boring that’s why I ‘m on here now .
correction a banana for KC LOL the carrot was from whatever 🙂
Bluto or Brutus from Popeye for Jessie
Elmer Fudd for Ronnie
Foghorn Leghorn for Casey
Don’t forget the knife in the back for Russell!
It should be a piece of cauliflower for Russell….
The pics really aren’t that funny. At least not funny enough to undo how immature and crude they come across. Don’t incite idiotic behavior by asking! We are better than stooping to this level. I thought your blog had more class then to support homophobia (Kevins pic should be changed asap; its not based on anything he said or did but what he is while the others do.) We are better than that. Witchhunts are fun until the fire spreads.
Pinocchio for Nat-a-LIE!
Anyone else get that awkward creepy feeling when PP “boyfriend” came in? Seriously had to be a complete stranger the way they acted. I know if I was stuck in a house lying my ass off to everyone about EVERYTHING and something “REAL” comes in for a few minutes… anyway, I’d be throwing my BF on the bed no questions asked. Cut to FISH- lol. That was the weirdest proposal & acceptance ever. No passion, very strange. We saw more passion when Kevin got Pandora’s Box (lol- bent over handcuffed to a box- lol) then we saw with Nasty face to face with her “boyfriend/fiance”. Then her lying to the other HG about the whole thing- WTF!?!? They didn’t buy it, then she’s saying they got punked by an 18 year old. Bitch, please!! Hopefully this guy not only told her how much she’s hated, but also how embarrassed he is to have to portray her man because of how outright disgusting is. How she got this far in the game is beyond me. That skank should’ve been sent packing a couple months ago. Couldn’t stand her from day 1 when she said in DR how she’s gonna lie about her age. Even Kevin said something funny about how the bizznatch dreaming that she’s 18- lol. What an insult to the players, the viewers, everyone- that she’s going to be in the finals. Sickening. I would’ve been content to see Casey & Russell in the finals. Had to vent a little.
I agree 100 percent…
I won’t be surprised to find out that the whole proposal is something Gnat schemed up before she left home. I read that she did an interview saying that she had a boyfriend for 2 years and broke up with him 8 months before the show. The proposal was probably staged. That boyfriend looked scared to death (don’t blame him). That’s why he looked like he was about to cry. He probably agreed to the scheme and when the time came his nerves got the best of him. No romance there. The kiss made me want to vomit.
Is BB going to have anymore twists? I thought they were suppose to gain a houseguest!
The twist they had had everyone wondering whats the twist. They really sucked this season so lets not ask for anymore trick the viewers crap. What the hell was the keys purpose? Ooo it unlocks kevin (big deal). Whats the purpose of an HOH, whose safe, given up POV? Ooo that’s big twist there.
Right on sistah!
( bored thatd be me) whats with the scarfs on kevin? is that the latest gay thing? that is such a stereotype for gays. you know they lisp, they swish, they are bitchy,they wear robes, etc.. I think they are trying to be like a real woman only they take the most negative parts from a real woman and exxacerate them. ( the bitchy, catty, over swinging their asses etc..) yawn bet ken is real pop with the gays about now ( setting them back 50 yrs)
That is called a sterotype.
And steroetypes are WRONG.
The scarf thing- my brother is bi (which my hubby says is still gay) anyway, he went to europe with his “buddies” a few months ago, and brought me back a scarf from Venice. He got one for himself as well. lol.
Also, was it hilarious when they had the clothes comp & had to pose? I was laughing so hard. Kevin was really working it. Jordan looked like a deer in the headlights. Michelle had the naughy librarian vibe going on. Nat- ugh! Butchy poses are not very flattering honey. And why did they pixel out the manequin’s ass when Kevin stripped him down? They should’ve been worried about Jordon’s nipples popping out.
I don’t think it’s a gay thing. It’s just a fashion thing. Depending on how old you are and what kind of music you listen to, you may or may not know that they are pretty common, especially in indie rock. Nine Inch Nails’ Trent Reznor wears them often. The guitarist from Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the guys in Kings of Leon, etc. LOL. Even Rachael Ray has been seen with them (in that controversial Dunkin Donuts ad) It’s actually lifted from the Keffiyeh, a type of Palestinian scarf. It used to show support for Palestinian solidarity, but–like most things–it eventually was consumed by popular culture. Check out the wikipedia page for more info.
I actually really like the way Kevin dresses. I think he has style. So what if he wants to wear a scarf. He said he was the feminine one in the relationship. Hey, I wear a mans shirt sometimes and I love the way it feels. Kevin had the most style in the house, IMO
Please, please, please let them either redo her VETO or bring a house guest back. This is too boring for words. I never watch BBAD. VOTE JEFF FOR AMERICA’S CHOICE~
Couldn’t have said it better myself and I did vote for Jeff. I thought what he did to Russell was wrong but I still like him.
Michelle is way ahead in the Americas’ Choice. If you look on the CBS web site and go to their forum, you can see the results. And, if you tried to vote more than once but could not, simply clear your cookies and you can vote again and again (as long as you clear your cookies before each time).
NastaLIE apparently talks so much BS, even she can’t remember! In ‘Natalie Martinez interview w/Diane Henry – pt 2,’ she states that after dating for 2 years she and her EX brokeup 8 months ago. /on YouTube/ But I guess they’re made for each other since he failed to mention to Gnat that he’s been evicted this past month. AHHH… deceptinon — the cornerstone of true love!
Should any of you ever make it to BB, please, please, never eat into your mic! Remember that if nothing else! I just hate that. No matter who it is! Watching BBAD. Boy, Natalie and Kevin are sure workers, aren’t they. They are all about control of poor Jordon. I don’t think they could do that with Michelle. They have never stopped playing the game or planning their actions. Natalie does not let Kevin speak, so, let me restate that…..Natalie never stops controling the game.
I hear ya sister!
Oh! Wait! I am too old for BB!
Are you older than Jerry? I can’t remember how old he was, but he was the oldest BB contestant. They have had older people on before, but none this year. Maybe part of the poor casting is due to the fact there was little variety in age this time. Plus most were from the LA area this year – only a few from outside CA. Even Nasty grew up in CA, but moved to AZ later.
Weeks ago when I made a comment about their disgusting eating habits while wearing microphones, no one reacted. Glad to see others now agree. It is a total lack of home training. Between Gnat and Mich, I have had to mute my tv multiple times when I see either heading for the kitchen.
Nasty is going to back stub Kevin. 100% guarantee. She wants Jordan with her in final two.
Yeah, she is working that hard. Why else would she try to convince Kevin that she wants to throw one of the comps to Jordan? How stupid does she really think Kevin is? In the final HOH no one should ever throw a comp! That is suicide! Final HOH is all out effort by everyone.
OMG!! I’m literally sick to my stomach thinking that this fake ass Nat is going into final 2! She is a bonafide CON ARTIST! She’s done nothing in this game but boast about how great she is and how she can kick ass in competitions. She is a fraud and I hope her “fiance” finds out soon that she really has the hots for JESSIE. Wake-up Jason, she showed more emotion making Jessie his eggs in the morning. UGhhh…bb, please have another twist in the house, cause it Nat wins, you will have thousands of fans simultaneously explode!
Yeah she even slipped a few times calling him jesse. I think she was disappoited it wasn’t jesse- bitch be making him a sandwich before the others even know he’s there-LOL.
If she wins, she will have EARNED IT by:
being fake,
and backstabbing.
That’s what this GAME is all about and she has done a fantastic job.
simon whats the warcraft supposed to mean? and dah who is it replacing pic wise?
It is for Ronnie – the self proclaimed dorkapotumas
I think Big Brother has to do something. There will be an even jury of 6. They need to do something about that. What if its a tie? Has anyone thought about that….Please leave your comments. Vote for Michelle or Russell !!!! Not Jeff…He blew his chances. What a stupid guy to side with an enemy.
Gah, quit asking this!
AMERICA will vote.
In case of a tie it is America’s vote.
Yes, this was re-hashed for days back when Chima was fired. America gets a vote, so the vote will not be a tie.
Its a game, there are no friends in this game all enemies………………….. VOTE FOR JEFF…… He made biggest moves in the game. Also he is hot…. And yes I will vote for him because he is HOT thats my business. Tough shit on the others for looking, acting like freaks and giant size idiots on steroids…………..
I will post this again next week: If Gnat and Kevin are F2, send a message to CBS, don’t vote for either, so they can say they received the smallest number of votes in the history of BB. Neither one deserves my vote
oh yeah its ronnies pic but shouldn’t ronnies pic be like princess laya or something to do with star wars ( or just a rat ) the warcraft does’t identify him well 🙂
BBAD update: they are trying to play jord like the dumbass they think she is. hopefully nat will backstab kev and jord and nat will be the final 2 ( oviously mich is out tomorrow)
Jordon. Stop the yeah ya know, like ,us uh, ahh, like, and huh. Girl up. You have ovaries you are powerful!
he did not get a hoodie.
OMG, please take the bow from the fiddle! They are playing the tune again and poor Jordon is a dancin’ to it again. Kevin should be taking Michelle but he is scared of Natalie. I don’t know if Natalie is going to throw him under the bus or not. However, I think she is pretty sure she has the votes either way. But, I don’t think sssssooooooo!
Jordan should shut up! She is throwing herself “under the bus.”
I agree BBGrandma!
I feel soo bad for jordough takin all this for real,
She’ll be with jeff before she knows it…in the jury house!
PS anyone know why kev packed ??
before i call it a night i have a question, why does kevin have razor shaved fades in his hair? last time i saw that was on the arsenio Hall show ( and that got cancelled in 1993) i think kevin is the real liar about his age, I think he’s more like 40 ( he certainly has the puffy , cheeky look that most gays get from drinking to max for yrs look)
Even the DR couldn’t take it any longer. They called Jordon in!
America gets the 7th vote in case of a tie
I can’t believe Kevin told Gnastalie everything he and Michelle talked about!!! Oh wait– I believe it. There was hope for a second there that his f2 with Michelle would kick out Gnat ( which could be easily done). Why oh why doesn’t Kevin just grab Gnat by that ratty ponytail and heave her over the balcony???? Kevin says things that would be perfect for his game, then does the opposite!!! He must really be threatened by Gnat– take the chance, Kevin!!! The jury hates Gnat right now ( I know he doesn’t know that) I mean really, what’s she gonna do? One of her pathetic pranks? Make him wear her filthy, stinky clothes? ( that would be sheer horror to anyone) I just don’t understand how he thinks he can’t get away from her wrath!!! Just kick the cockroach to the curb!!! She’s going to do it to him!!!
They’re really trying to fill Jordan full with BS, and its a good thing she didn’t buy it.
I’m PRAYING that tomorrow Jordan wins the first part of HoH. If Kevin or Natalie win I will be sooo disappointed.
I want Jordan to take Natalie to the finals so bad I can taste it.
kevin has gotten SO annoying lately, calling everyone a bitch or biznatch.
Like dude, shut up. And he said “do I really have to slap the biznatch” and stuff a lot, he might be gay but he is still a man!
Men shouldn’t say stuff like that, gay or not.
Now I’m just rambling, so I’m gonna go to bed.
Can’t wait for tomorrow’s show. Thank you Simon for updating and doing everything so quick.
you’re awesome.
on showtime the banner said that the POV comp, POV ceremony, and the eviction were all live tuesday. i am hoping that they redo the POV and MIchelle wins it. she truly deserves the money.
Now thats a dumb ass statement,do you get money when you root for your favorite team,do you bitch when they lose,or throw an int,or get a bad call,yes you do,we all do.To say who cares,we aren’t getting no money is dumb,its called rooting for your favorite player,there was people on here bitching when Braden,Casey and Laura left also,nobody wants their favorite player to go home.Theres a difference between lying in the game….about game play,then lying and being down right mean to others.Nat and Kev are just plain ignorant,they possibly have this game won,but still insist on screwing with the other 2 girls,and trying to turn them against each other,for their own satisfaction of watching them do it.
THey are all mad at Nasty at the Jury house because she lied about her age. That was one of the first things Jessie told Russel-Nat is 24. THat is the least of her lies-but it may hurt her the most.
Jessie will not be the same Jessie she knew if she makes the jury House.
He no longer needs her-and Lydia would have told him a lot to turn him against Nasty.
I do not think Nasty has any jury votes. They will vote for Kev or Michelle before they vote for Jordan or Nasty.
I love BB as much as you all do. I have watched every single season. I also agree that CBS royally messed up this year. I also don’t like Natalie. I feel like we can’t blame everything on AG. Or CBS because Jeff was a dumbass. I also want to remind everyone that although we are not happy with the final contestants we have to contine to watch and support BB cause if we don’t ans stop watching they won’t put a new season on and then we won’t have this terrific website to enjoy and we all wouldn’t be able to bitch about the contestants next year!
sorry … i’m not buying what you’re selling. we do not have to support a television series, a network and a producer that allows cheating. it’s that simple.
I agree!!!!!!!!!!
I AGREE also!!
Simon and Dawg you can can start or switch this over to the New Improved Brady Bunch site i CBS pulls BB RIGHT?
Ok according to BBAD there is a veto comp tommorrow. What is the purpose of having a veto comp tommorrow?
i’m sure it means that they are going to air the veto comp that they have already played in the house so that the rest of america can see it and know that results prior to them doing the LIVE veto meeting, eviction, and start the HOH comp.
what hapened to Kevin saying that he cheated…. They have to do something about that…. If they were supposed to be in separate rooms so that no one gets an advantage, then him seeing the questions while another contestant was playing than that was clearly an unfair advantage, and they either need to do another veto or give it to the 2nd place finisher.
Did I hear cookie dough monster theother night on BBAD say,when they was talking about how they was getting yelled at for talking about production and DR sessions,that Nasty has also been told by BB to take a shower? I swear I heard her say that,that just fowl,24 and has to be told to take a shower.
Is it just me or does Nat look like the cavemens sister from the Geico commercials???
Been reading through comments tonight and noticed there’s still some talking about Kevin possibly cheating during the last veto. Just wondering…are the people complaining here also going to cbs.com and complaining through their feedback form? There’s no guarantee that anyone from CBS reads any of the other sites, so go straight to the horses mouth to file a complaint.
That’s Right Pam, I emailed thrpugh their feedback, Everyone needs To Go to cbs.com and complain!
I am so glad you commented on going to CBS’s feedback, I have stated that several times>
its just a shot, everybody try it, what does it hurt except the Nat/Kevin fans
Today is the day!
Nat FTW!
Nat will you Marry ME? I Love You!!
u sound liike one of those weirdos from ‘to catch a predator’.
haha awesome. I luv the cool people.
this site is now the WORST BB update site online….
What a bunch of whining despicable crybabies you all are…
she lied, he cheated…that is what BB is about, NOTHING worse this season than any years past. You just pile up on Natalie in such a disgusting fashion, you were all wrong about Nats BF and now look even dumber than before and what is the response well that is fake too…Hilarious Ridiculous,LOSERS!!!
Thanks Simon but I cant support the trash that gets posted here, the average age on this site must be like 3…
or 13 perhaps.
I’m still willing to bet money that the guy that proposed to Gnat was a hired stage hand…Who to hell in their right mind would want to marry that bitch? Is this Gnats dad or something? blech.
I LOVE NAT and want to Marry her on set at finale!
Learn to spell before you rip on everyone else.
ya because that is a valid point on here…
I’ll remember to wear a shirt too…
nice comeback!
honestly i watched that proposal, and it was so stiff and it seemed very rehearsed. and her response was less than excited. very strange proposal in my opinion! very strange!
Good,leave,GTF out,go hump your pillow and dream its Nasty Nat!
what??? lmfao
I love Obama and want to Marry him on set finale!
I’m convinced Natalie is a professional con-artist. She reminds me of those people that travel around ripping off old people with home improvement scams. She’s some sort of gypsy.
I agree BBGrandma thats its going to be very interesting to see how the jury votes fall. It didn’t sound like Jessie was all that supportive of Natalie when he told Russ how she lied about her age. I think and hope she is being too optimistic about her propects with the former HGs. Although it will be unfortunate to see her receive any money even second place, it might be worth it to see her lose the $500,000.
The only reason Natlie is getting away with the lie that she is 18 is because she acts the age………….
Lydia is soooooooooo in love with Jessie that she has been whispering in his ear for three weeks straight about how much Natalie hates him. Jessie is upset. He looked seriously hurt when Lydia told him Natalie was not liking him anymore. I’ll be very surprised if Jessie does not support Natalie. He likes her, she likes him and I think BB screwed Natalie over by bringing her boyfriend to the show.
Jordan is going to come through and blow Natalie away!! Kevin and Jordan final 2… come on Jordan you can do this!!!!
Go Jordan!!!!!!! That would be soooo great!
Gee Natalie: what would you do if someone played “just a prank” on you and put a bunch of creepy crawlie spiders in your bed when you were sleeping. Wouldn’t that be funny. Someone should do it and then hide in the corner and watch it play out and then say “it was just a prank” and laught their ass off and then hide your soap….oh wait, you don’t use soap so you would never know they hid it. Grow up Nat. Be respectful of peoples things and stop trying so hard to get attention.
Does anyone know if they are going to redo the veto tonight because last night on bbad they said on the screen live veto, live veto ceremony, and live eviction tonight? I hope they are redoing the veto because Kevin cheating.
I cannot believe Showtime actually aired 3 hours of silence ! Isn’t TV expensive to air
programs on ? ? ? BB needs to tell the 4 idiots that are left………….TO DO SOMETHING !
Anything………….argue, fight, screw, bitch, just anything ! What a waste of airtime !
Seriously……………….if BB doesn’t change something…………………..that show is gonna be
gone to the archives of television ! Here….Kevin has a shot at the $500K and will
probably lose it………………..because of a twit like Nas-ta-lie ! Hope his flamin’ boyfriend
breaks up with him over being an idiot !
You shouldn’t change Jessie’s pic.
It’s the perfect depiction of a big doofus.
Is anyone else who enjoys BB tired of all the sore loser Jeff and Jordan fans threatening to stop watching the show. Most of us on here dont care whether you watch or not, so shut the hell up and either watch or dont watch, just stop with the threats, nobody cares. You have the biggest pair of rose colored glasses in the world when it comes to whats going on in the game. Yes the game is boring now ,but thats because its almost over and what are you looking for when there are only 4 people left. Stop watching or better yet stop whining that you are going to stop watching. None of you know these people personally so stop trying to write some big story on what they must be like and how evil they must be. Greed for a life changing amount of money would have ya all acting like saints in there I know. Kevin and Nat are no worse then Jeff and air head, they just dont have the “sappy looking for love” peoples approval. Guess what, they dont need it, they are going to win anyway. Oh yeah and to CBS, dont listen to the hate mail, you went out of your way to help Jeff win but you cant help someone who doesnt have two clues.
yes, I am more tired of the how wonderful jeff and jordan are. I did think that jeff had a few funny moments in the house (besides when he got himself evicted) but the j/j worship is actually bugging me…the youtube montages, the ohhh bring him back I wish they woudl stop it. Just like jesse, he was evicted from a game he is not dead. I also think that jordan is just as gross as natalie, natalie just hasn’t got the sweet southern thing going for her so she takes more crap.
Jeff is the only one that actually played the game. Nat is a habitual lier and Kevin is just crazy for hanging on to her. I have wanted her out since the first week. Michelle is smart, just a dork. I really hope Jordan wins just because she needs the money. If Kevin saw the questions, CBS should have caught that and corrected it immediately. That is cheating for sure.
Canadian fan, you are right about half a million turning people into less than saints. The show would be quite boring if it were a love fest. We need the diversity for friction and deception to make it interesting. I think the appeal of 12 strangers being cast and competing in a “game show” is that most people can identify with at least one of the participants and their personality and/or game play. The very nature of this 3 month long game complete with live feeds, dishing up every booger picking minute of minutia, lends itself to uncovering the house guests true personalities.
True, everyone lies in this game but, not everyone is cruel. Natalie is cruel.
Her suggestion to “bring up the death of Michelle’s brother.. to shake her up” is unacceptable human behavior. I really wonder about the people who identify/are pulling for her win.
I am just hoping that Natalie took a moment and decided not to bring up the brother. I agree that may be crossing a line and who knows how michele will react. She may unleash all those years of being picked on? I doubt Natalie’s tkd will come in handy for that, I often tell my husband I do not care how many stripes you have on your black belt, they will not help you if you make me mad enough.
i can’t even say enough about Gnat. and besides i think everyone else said it. she lies, she steals and in general is a disturbing thing. she has a very weird engagement that she totally didn’t seem happy about, and keving cheating in POV i hope that is addressed! totally crap BB this year :S
I love Natalie and I want her to win, it does not mean I agree with every single word that comes out of her mouth. I don’t believe that every Jeff fan would backstab their friends or hurt someone on purpose like Jeff did to both Russell and Michelle. Jeff and Jordon betrayed Michelle worst than ever Natalie will or would. Natalie and Michelle know that they are both each others targets. There is no alliance, it’s the best player wins. Michelle would not take Natalie’s kick to the head half as bad as she took Jeff’s stab in the back.
STFU Rockstar,what a dumb bitch,your a loser just like Nasty Nat,go take a bath,and quit dogging everybody for who they like,sorry your girl left you for a hot blonde or you knew Jeff and he turned your sexual advances down,your a F’N broken record!
nasty tater- why do you follow me around? Are you like in love with me or something? every time I comment you post after me even if it’s hours later, you hunt me down and have to pick at me over and over. It seems like you are the broken record but you are probably Jordon’s mom or Jeff’s sister, someone without a brain, I’m sure. If you’re not, then you really need to get another hobby and get over the fact that I’m not interested in starting a relationship with someone on a fan site. Well, maybe, then again, who knows. Do you have money and are you good looking and can you spell technotronic?
I didn’t think Gnat could stoop any lower, but the suggestion to bring up the death of Michelle’s brother is an all time low (even for her).
Wait…did she actually said that about Michele’s brother? That is horrible!!!
OMG, (to oh brother) did that horrible Nat really suggest bringing up the loss of Michele’s brother to shake her up? When she’s already going home? What a cruel heartless bitch. Time to review the list of actions by a SOCIOPATH again!!! That is over the top sick behavior, more than a mean girl.
Ask Dick, he seemed to get fat pockets acting that way…
Holy crap 677 messages this morning. Simon, you need a message board along with the blog. It will save money and give us a great place to go nuts, err have brilliant sensible conversations.
there are so many comments because someone is getting lazy……….
I KNOW i totally want a message board i just don’t have time to install one now. Next year 🙂
That will be awesome Simon. I know you don’t think of what you do as a business but I think a few extras would benefit us all. It would cut down on your moderation which will give you more free time to watch the show. I could post more then as well.. haha okay, it’s all about me. -hangs head in shame-
I turned into Jordon at breakfast this morning. I ate strawberries with chocolate fondue. oh the shame!
I caught my husband eating cookie dough the other night. He doesn’t watch bb, but I think he may surf past bbad once in a while. It was so funny especially trying to tell him why.
You should tell him not to eat cookie dough because some girl on the internet would make fun of him and call him a chunky monkey. hahaha
Just the idea of hot choco & raw cookie dough makes wanna ralph (my apologies to all the Ralphs)… 792 comments??? 1000 isnt that far away. Played Taboo till 11:30, it was men vs women and as usual the ladies cheated because they made my Latino buddy stop using his hands in the game…its how he talks!!
Not ready for the world yet…death to the fool who brought the tequila yesterday. Can someone make me a bacon sandwich? I hear its a good cure for hangovers
They keep telling me to go make Jessie a sandwich so I suppose I can make one for you too. haha -rattles pots and pans to make a noise-
I continue to be amazed at is the glaring difference between Julie as host and the house guests. She strikes me as a mellow, soft-spoken classy person so when she speaks to the players, they try harder to be civilized. I’d love to get inside her head to know how she really feels about each one. Probably not her kind of crowd. How ’bout Evil Dick hosting one year and challenging the players after eviction about their game play? I’m sure he wouldn’t be as kind as Julie.
Wow 677 comments. Not too shabby…………….
bb comercial just aired and they showed clips from the veto comp that just passed. the then said big brother live veto and eviction. I am going to assume they mean live veto ceremony followed by eviction. clearly unless they are going to surprise us with a twist tonight, kevin is not going to be penalized for cheating
The live veto is the veto ceremony, it hasn’t taken place yet even though we know kevin has won it. Then after that, of course the eviction… and I believe phase 1 of the hoh compitition?.
The only way Kevin leaves tonight is if part 1 of the final HOH ends within 5 minutes and the part 2 ends within a couple minutes as well. BB isn’t taking any chances once Michelle is gone. They have no faith in Jordon or Natalie and one or the other will quit right away. Final HOH might be tonight.
Live Veto is the use o veto live only since it has not been completed. and then the live get you ass out the door.
NO redo! it is what it IS!
Boycotting the show….how silly! I am in it to see who wins it.
Nat is a terrible person and I am sure ALL the other houseguest know this and her rein of terror is almost over.
Kevin has definately been taking notes, watching the other Good players and is a great understudy and its his time to either take over or be defeated by his unjust loyalty to nat. No way is he a strong player….just maybe one of the strongest players left in the game.
Jordan sweet sweet Jordan…get a clue girl!! I am seriously hoping that her game play has been to play the “dumb blonde” Emmy time for sure! Hope she is smart enough to take the guy (Jeff) as a parting gift.
Last but definately not least there is..
Michelle..this has been a living nightmare for her I have been calling her MO HELL because she sure is geting it MORE HELL everyday form the evil twins and past houseguest she is a true survivor and that may be her saving grace..one can only hope…expect the unexpected…you go girl.
If Michelle is evicted tonight my vote for America’s Fav is going to be her..she deserves the battle pay!
yep michelle definitely deserves battle pay, they have maligned her and spread nasty rumors about her. and she is the only honest houseguest left lol
and as for jordan hope she is just playing dumb blonde and isn’t that dumb in real life 🙂
what ever happened to kevin for ‘cheating’ during the pov comp? why was he told to pack his bags along with jordan and michelle?
Kevin is still on the block. He did not use the power of veto yet, so it makes sense that they had all three of them pack their bags. However, your wishful thinking gives me hope!
I wondered about them telling Kevin to pack as well. Something is up and I hope it’s Kevin gone for admitting he cheated. Backstabbing and lying are expected, but not actual “cheating.”
have you actually seen the pack you bags to kevin or is it listening to people on here?
so many misinformation on here which keeps everybody on thier toes! People Lie!
by the way tonight the jury house impact o the Pandoras box will be reveiled and Jeff returns and he has a vote tonight.
I hope that Gnat gets in trouble for taking things that are not hers and Kevin gets in trouble for cheating, but I know neither will be done.
I have basically given up on the show – unless they confront these issues.
Kevin and Gnastalie keeping saying part 2 of hoh is questions. WRONG!!! It’s been an HOH puzzle of some kind, then A / B questions in part 3. I hope K/N don’t remember that and get messed up on hoh block people. There BETTER be something good on tonight’s show, if not, karma is gonna be a BIG bitch in the end. HA!!!
Natalie during the nomination ceremony was at best laughable. SHE couldn’t even keep her poker face. The whole “proposal” was creepy and awkward, not believable at all. Although it looks like Nat has him just as duped as the houseguests. Why no one calls her out is beyond me. I would have seen thru her crap week one. Anyone that would align with jessie is a douche bag too.
I have a question, I thought that Russell said on his eviction night that the only “rules” in the big brother house were the not break the rules and to not swear on live tv…well last thursday when jeff was evicted Kevin said “mofo” which caused big brother to switch to fish and Nat said “shit”…so how come they didnt get in trouble for what they said? Cause isnt that breaking a rule?
I have another question…Do you think for BB 13 they will have all the past 12 BB Winners? I think that would be a pretty good show! What do you think? (I know its only BB 11)
has anyboy heard if the jury house vote is split 3/3 … who will the deciding vote be? if ameria votes won’t that have to be like tabulated? anybody got a guess? thank you
i hope that kevin realizes that staying loyal to natalie is only going to let her win and him be in 2nd place……………… because fact of the matter is it was natalie was disloyal to him by putting him on the block we all know she intended to either get him or michelle out, that bullshit line she gave him about “her intentions was to get michelle out all along ” was BULLSHIT….. she didn’t know he was gonna win POV ….. he does realize that natalie has the most votes in the jury house, he said that in his DR session…. if he don’t keep michelle seein as NOBODY in the jury house will vote for her so only with her does he have any chance at that 500k…. i think that dumb fagot is literally playing for 2nd place i hope im wrong, “extreme floater” natalie is playing him like a fiddle, he needs to step up and show he actually got some “balls”
Jordan needs to pull threw she needs to win it all GO JORDO –
I hope they really do the POV over again and JOrdan wins she needs a boost of moral, if she wins the POV she may go to win the last HOH
What is wrong this season? Why does Natalie and Kevin refer to the two girls as “bitches?” It’s so low and uncalled for. Why is Natalie stealing things? Why is Natalie so untrusting and vindictive when it’s past that point already? Will Kevin step up to Natalie? I hope so.
I hope that tonights episode Julie will say that Kevin did cheat and that whoever got in second will get the veto or they will do the same game again but different questions but that one won’t happened cause you don’t know that someone could take 15 min of the challenge
Why are none of my comments going through? I just put two comments and they havent been posted!!
last night brother try fix show again. try get kevin keep michelle. this show so fix when big brother get involve
English please!
Simon, we need an update. The response board is on overload.
LOL I know things are slowing down now. I’ll try and keep fresher updates rolling so the comments don’t get overloaded. WOW 839! comments
Simon, why are the updates so few & far between? Are the HG’s that boring???
Yes it’s pretty much dead in the house. Plus I’m slowing down a bit trying to catch up on emails and such.
We need 1000 comments. come on people. haha
If Kevin was smart he would evict Jordan and keep Michelle – he will never win the game against Natalie if they go to the final two together. If he keeps Jordan there is no way she will win anything and he’ll be stuck with Natalie and he’ll lose. Natalie has set Kevin up to be the bad guy by taking out Jeff so most of the people in the jury house will vote for Natalie to win. If he keeps Michelle, he at least has a chance, though I would rather see Michelle win the game. Yes, Michelle has lied as all of the houseguests but I think she has played the game the best and has for the most part been loyal to her alliance. Go Michelle!
Michelle sucks!!!!!
smart move get rid michelle and either nat or kevin take jordon final and she will never win.she would big worst winner of big brother ever
Hey everyone!!! Why did production tell Kevin to pack his bags also??? I am not watching BBAD anymore and now I am lost!
If Kevin cheated during the POV he should go home. What’s right is right. If this is true he should have told BB immediately that he had an advantage. As it stands now the only person who deserves to win is Michele. If Natalie wins it could possibly be the first time in BB history that a winner gets booed and rightfully so.
Nasty bitch is not 18 and she is not from Argentina(South America) either like she said. Argentinians look a lot different than Nasty. Nasty ‘s father is from central America-El Salvador.
Right on, boo is right, cannot stand Natalie she is such a skank that can’t chew with her big mouth closed. and is constantly pickin her freakin nose she is just nasty. Her boyfriend better run for the hills she is just gross.