Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Operation Sex Bomb a Bust and Ronnie wants Lydia GONE “Shes a Snake”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers


12:05pm Inside Lockdown – Russell and Casey are in the Pool room dicussing the tension that is growing between the girls. Russell: “Have you been watching it?” Casy laughs and says its hard not to. Russell says he’s enjoying seeing the girls be like this… he’s trying to egg them on. Casey tells Russell that they have to been seen together as little as possible.
Russell agrees says: “I’m trying to keep my distance from you today”.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
12:15pm Bad Room Russell and Natalie – Russ comments that the girls are all trying to play him. Natalie brings up Lydia being all over Jessie last night. Russell laughs “Oh God”, he says that he wants Lydia out. Natalie tell him that they have a dictionary upstairs and that Chima has it up in the HOH studying it. She says the POV competition must be a “brain thing” as they have a dictonary. Russell says it will be so perfect if they win.


12:25pm HOH Ronnie, Chima and Natalie –

Chima has been studying the Dictonary, Ronnie warns her to not overthink this compeition, “this is a brains competition”. Natalie says as long as one of them win it Chima is safe. If Natalie, Jessie or Russell win it Chima is safe as well because they are not changing the plan. Natalie says if she wins the veto today, she won’t use it Chima has the votes to stay.
They are discusing what to do if someone gets off the block, and they all agree that Jordan should go up. Natalie makes it known that she doesn’t like Jordan and will put Jordan up next week if she wins HOH. she also adds that her clique will throw the comp to give it to the Brains so they can put Jeff up.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers
The three of them think they need to get Jeff and Jordan out because of their growing affection ro each other. They say they should keep Laura around now because she doesn’t have anyone.They start to count the votes, They think Laura will vote with them. They think Casey will vote against his team and vote Lydia out. Chima says if Casey wins HOH he will throw a power trip. They expect Jeff will vote opposite of his clique.

Ronnie start to spill the dirt about Lydia. He tells Chima that Lydia was saying she wants Chima’s ass out the door. “she is just trying to cause dissention between the ranks” Chima laughs and says that in the Diary Room today she commented on how nice Lydia is.


Ronnie: “she is a snake in the grass, I knew that the first time i saw her”, “she might be a cool person to talk to but in this house NO! she is a snake in the grass” Ronnie retieriates that Jordan should go up as replacement nomination to ensure that Lydia goes this week. He thinks that no one will vote to evict Jordan over Lydia. Natalie agrees.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

1:00pm Spa Room Lydia and Kevin – Lydia is telling Kevin about her ex-boyfriend and how he dumped her at Disneyland and she was heart bromen. She said he wanted to have one last good day with her and then dumped her at her favorite place in the world. “It has Ruined Disney Land for me” She also brings up that he was cheating on her. She said he’s still in her life but “it’s so not hot right now”. Kevin asks her why she keeps those kinds of people in her life and she says she just hopes that eventually they’ll change. She hopes that they will eventually appreciate and value her. Kevin inquires if “OPERATION SEX BOMB” worked, Lydia sadly shakes her head and says no.

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One thought to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Operation Sex Bomb a Bust and Ronnie wants Lydia GONE “Shes a Snake””

  1. Lydia is a snake, on BBAD she was all over Jesse noodle, trying to gain favor. I can already tell she’s got NO GAME

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