Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Once again it’s Big Brother’ Media Day and whats up with “Large Male Sibling”

With 20 days until the Big Brother house opens up crazy ass rumors and news continue to pour in. CBS in the last hour updated their CBSTweet with the announcement you see the left.?? Don?t forget to follow our Big Brother Twitter Account too.
Today is the day the that a select few from the media take a run through of the Big Brother house.? The 11th season of Big Brother is set to air its premiere episode in just under 3 weeks and in an effort to attract attention, show off a condensed version of how the show works and provide a view of the NEW big brother house they are holding the regular media day.
The producers of CBS’s Big Brother show traditionally put on a media day that will likely include reporters from Extra and Access Hollywood?and possibly even Perez Hilton. The media will live inside the Big Brother house for 12 hours and go through and endure all the ceremonies and challenges that the real house guests will go through in just a few weeks. Following the conclusion of the grueling 12 hours CBS will release a highlight real of the media groups experience in the house. Check back here to see it, it will be quite interesting and it’ll give us a sneak peak into the NEW Big Brother house. DON’T MISS IT!!
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Large Male Siblings

Some investigative reporting over at BBheaven has yielded this interesting bit of information. Check out the schedule… what’s up with “Large Male Sibling” Is this the new name for Big Brother 11…LOL I hope not.
Big Brother Spoilers

2 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Once again it’s Big Brother’ Media Day and whats up with “Large Male Sibling””

  1. As if they would change the name now… It was probably just an error at Global!?

    Can NOT Wait to see BB11… Too excited for words OMG OMG OMG!

    p.s. Bring BB to Canada for Season 12 and I’ll come live… or I’ll send my boyfriend!?

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