Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Michelle and Laura about Ronnie “He must Honestly Think we’re Stupid

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
9:40pm HOH Ronnie and Laura. Laura is telling Ron that people have been spreading lies about her to try and get you to put her up. He tells Laura that he mad a big mistake putting Laura
up. He blames it on Michelle saying she told him that she would have put up the same two people and the same replacement nominations. He tells her to make sure and tell Jeff and Jordan Michelle is not their friend (good fuck i hope she doesn’t believe that). Ronnie tells Laura that Michelle is playing both sides, that she is the one that gave her info about her. that he would have targeted her if he could.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

Ronnie says that he heard Laura was calling him a puppet master, and she denies it since the only people she talked game with was Jordan, Jeff, and Michele. Ronnie tells her he was going to vote out CHima but some information was brought to him 20minutes before the ceremony and it changed his vote. Laura understands that he’s doing what he needed to do. that she doesn’t want to play personally, that she regrets yelling at Jessie Laura saying she wants to apologize to Jess. It was the time of the month and she was mad. Laura says that Jeff and Jordan are a threat as a couple. that Jeff is a threat and that he has said he’d go after Ronnie. Laura tells him she doesn’t know why they wanted to keep Jordan because Jordan and Jeff are a pair and playing together.


Laura tells him that she can keep Jeff from putting up Ronnie and she will try and take out Michelle. Ronnie says the house wants Russell gone. Ronnie asks if Jeff is voting to evict Jordan. Laura says that Jeff would never vote to evict Jordan. Laura assures him she won’t put up Jesse that she will put up Russell and Michelle but she doesn’t know who to put up in case POV is used. Ronnie suggests Casey saying that Casey is not an ally for anybody, that he’s only out for himself. Laura says she agrees and would put Casey up. Ronnie tells her Casey should have a coke and a smile and shut the Fuck up.

Laura tells Ronnie that no matter what, Jeff is going to come after Ron. It can be Jeff lone or Jeff and Jordan together after him. She assures him she will go after the HOH and she won’t put him up. She will protect him. Ronnie swears to Laura that if any of this comes out he will know it’s her and make sure she goes home. Laura keeps going saying she’s a better ally to have than Jordan. Ronnie tells Laura that someone is talking crap about everybody, there spreading lies and he swears its not him. Ronnie tells Laura he has Michelle and Chima’s vote she just needs to get Russell?s and if she can get Russell?s vote than he will get Jesse’s and Natalie’s vote. He says he doesn’t know what Kevin and Lydia will do they are not trusted.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers
9:55pm Beer and Wine. Everyone but Laura and Ronnie in the backyard having some drinks. Jeff pours a massive glass of wine. General talk Casey says he shops at barneys twice a year and thats all the clothes shopping he does he goes near the end of the season and buys up everything that will stand the test of time. He goes on to say he saves up to 70% sometimes. The girls are talking about getting pedicures… Lydia tells them about a eucalyptus pool and how awesomely wicked it is.
Russell mentions that he won’t have sex when he gets out because of the way they will portray him.
Chima says he won’t have any problems. Lydia brings up how dreadful it would be to have Natalie as your wife, Lydia says that she would hold the reins of her man tight. CHim acorrect her saying she’ll old on to those balls. Jesse is the only one that doesn’t laugh.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:45pm Kitchen Laura and Michelle trying to cook something out of slop. Michelle is asking her how they meeting with Ronnie went.. She said it went ok I think i’m still leaving. She says it was hard to sit there and listen to all his lies, it made her sick. Michelle agrees and say “Ronnie honestly thinks i’m stupid enough to believe him”. Laura and Michelle both agree to talk about it later.

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3 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Michelle and Laura about Ronnie “He must Honestly Think we’re Stupid”

  1. It’s hilarious how Ronnie keeps saying that he changed his vote to evict Braden because he got “some information 20 minutes before the vote” over and over, but he has never said what that information is. I’ve seen him say that like 5 times. And everyone just goes with it. No one says, what information? I don’t get it.

  2. ronnie’s a loser who is creaming himself because he got his taste of power, and the first five minutes of fame ever. “national persuasive speaker” champion my ass! everybody knows he’s lying. that sack of shit is going home soon & good riddance. i don’t think i can watch another second of that loser.

  3. I know most people dont like jesse, natalie and russel, but i do. The thing is i am starting to hate their old alliance, so i think they should definetly team up with jeff and jordan, then one of them takes out ronnie next weeks and they would automaticaly have the votes, to run the game

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