Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Laura talks about how her dad gave her pepper spray and a high voltage tazer.


8:50pm Big Brother Time: Ronnie, Jeff, Natalie and Chima in the backyard talking about the POV ceremony and how funny Braden was and how chill he was about it. And that he talked during the ceremony when he was nominated and said congratulations and that he was now a nominate.
9:35pm Big Brother Time: Jesse and Nat have joined the others outside. They are all laughing about the veto ceremony saying it was one of the funniest veto ceremonies ever. Saying how Braden was really funny at the ceremony. Jeff was impersonating Braden say “I just got vetoed” and how funny it was. The laura-232feeds keep cutting out. Laura telling about how her dad gave her pepper spray and a high voltage tazer.? Jordan is finally awake. Kevin, Michelle, Lydia, Ronnie and Laura still in the kitchen making/waiting for dinner.? Outside they are trying to figure out what day it is. Big Brother has given them alcohol. The House guests are in the kitchen eating burgers & potatoes as Ronnie watches them.
10:40pm Big Brother Time: Ronnie and Chima are in the bedroom talking about Braden..”I like him” even though he has his faults Chima tells him.? Ronnie assures her “you’re safe” They were whispering about Casey and Jeff and warns here to be careful what she says “to Kevin. Chima says Casey “obnoxious”.? Chima says says the back-dooring of Braden “made no sense” Chima says if she wins HOH “everyone in her alliance is fucked”…saying she will be talked out of everything by Natalie, Russ and Jessie “that’s why she can’t win” Chima says “she might put me back up” Chima “they took her off the block she’s is not going after them” Ronnie says “she’s a mess” about Lydia. They talk about HOH sayng “My memory is really good” when she asks about Michelle’s memory. “Jordan and Laura” Ronnie says are the only two who have had plastic surgery…as that was one of the questions on the questionnaire…braden-23455
10:55pm Big Brother Time: Ronnie and Chima talking about the POV competition and figure out “how many pimples” there were and the number of letter tiles… Ronnie gets up to check the door as he thought he heard something and they continue to discuss the number of tiles. Jeff and Michele are playing pool and talking “gansta to the pool table” ? Chima getting tired of being a have not saying if she keeps bothering them “in the dairy room” it will be sooner …she’ll be off. Ronnie says before there was drapery in the have not room and he looked behind it to see the silver door. They discuss before it was all drapery and Chima gets called to the dairy room.

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