Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin has Figured out What Ronnie is up to and Natalie’s Garbage Fashion Show

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

7:40pm Pool room Kevin and Lydia. Kevin is really worried about Ronnie. He is telling Lydia to watch what she says around him because ROnnie is up to shady business again. Kevin tells her that Kevin tried to send Lydia signals last night not to say things to Ronnie because Ronnie will just spin it his way. He says that she needs to be careful what she says to Ronnie because Ronnie is on gather information mode. Lydia tells him she has nothing against Ronnie he hasn’t done anything wrong to her. Lydia tells him that Ronnie is just playing the game don’t worry. Kevin explains that he told Ronnie one small little weakness and now ronnie is putting the spin on it. Ronnie is trying to blow everything up with Russell. Lydia says she’s pissed at Russell for hitting her in the head earlier today. Lydia doesn’t want KEvin to be nice to Russell. Kevin thinsk they better stay below radar right now. Kydia doesn?t want to she thinks they don’t have to be nice to everyone. Kevin keeps telling her that ROnnie is NOT to be trusted and that blowing up on

Russell or ROnnie is a bad idea right now. Michelle kind of agrees and tells him to chill till after tomorrow. Lydia adds that Kevin needs to start trusting Jessie and Jessie is on their side. Kevin looks stunned… Kevin goes over a bunch of things ROnnie is doing to them both and he just wants it to be very Clear that ROnnie is not on their side. They both agree that whatever you tell Mcihelle you tell Ronnie because she tells him everything. Lydia says if she wins HOH she’s not going to put Natalie up to show Jessie that she is loyal…. Kevin looks stunned (I think he knows Lydia is completely under Jessie’s spell) Kevin brings up the Athletes spreading a rumour that the Cliques are over tomorrow. HE explains that thye are only doing this to make us forget about there numbers. He counts 4 and tells Lydia that they are the strongest group by far. Lydia says that Ronnie told her that Russell told him it was a mistake for Ronnie to talk to Lydia. Kevin says he doesn’t believe that.Lydia says that Russell wants to mess up Kevin with things that Kevin tells him
Kevin says he wants to trick Russell into feeling secure with Kevin by telling Russ something sensitive. Lydia whispers that she just doesn’t get why people are so scared to go up against Russell.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

8:00pm Jeff and Jordan in the Red Room playing paper rock scissors. Jeff keep losing… Jeff finally says fuck it i know how to win they go Rock…Paper…Scissors….. DAMN!! JEff loses again he thought for sure she was going to pick Rock. They start ticling each other is very sweet. Jordan decides to put on a giant hat. Jeff asks her why does she have to make everything so weird. Jordan laughs and starts tickling him.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

8:30 Pool room Michelle is working on Natalie’s garbage suit… Lydia is almost done all she needs to make is the hoodie. Natalie tries on the garbage suit and walks into the kitchen to show it off. Everyone is amazed and the workmanship. Lydia has sewn in a draw string and everything. Michelle is bragging that she’s making her a hoodie to so during the endurance competition she won’t get wet. JEssie points out that they might use heat this year to make it tougher since its so hot out already. Natalie just laughs and twirls around so proud of her garbage bag suit.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

8:45pm Red room Chima and Ronnie. Ronnie is going off about his goodbye message to Casey. Chima looks like she’s had enough of Ronnie and Casey fighting. Ronnie doesn’t get the hints and goes on about his message. He brought up Casey being a hypocrite and his picture will be in the dictionary under that word. Ronnie also said that he wouldn’t of put his worst enemy though what Casey had put him through the past week. Chima just nodding. …. Ronnie adds that he made a joke about him being the manipulator and now Casey is gone.

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2 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Kevin has Figured out What Ronnie is up to and Natalie’s Garbage Fashion Show”

  1. New names for the sour side of the house! Nat-a-lie! Clydia!(as in chlamyidia) My favorite! Lol! And Kiniving!

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