Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan drinks a barrel of wine and the three girls gab ***Update***

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Big Brother 11 Spoilers

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

9:00pm They just had their clothes luxury comp and are digging through all the winnings. Natalie is really excited but is finding that most of the clothes she grabbed were too big. Michele is really happy she says she grabbed a lot dresses because she knew those are the most expensive. Jordan is excited she found 2 bottles of win in the storage room.. She brings them out and opens the white bottle pours 1/2 of it into her giant wine class. Michele walks in “is it going to get crazy up in here, 2 bottles of wine!” Jordan tells her that the white bottle is heres. (HHAHA insane). Jordan begins to cook a pizza and drink wine. Michele with Kevin and Natalie in the Red room. Natalie going on and on about her clothes being too big. Michele suggests she get a tailor to take them in.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

9:16pm Jordan taking the lose hard sitting down drinking wine Michelle joins her and they talk about the HOH competition. Jordan says she didn’t understand the final question and she wrote 100 down but than changed it to 24.. She really upset about is feels like she blew it. Michelle says they have to win on Sunday and send Kevin home. Jordan BUMMED OUT….

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

9:30pm Kitchen. Jordan is telling Natalie she wanted Natalie to vote for who she wanted to not for someone else. Jordan tries to explain that their earlier conversation was more of a pep talk so Natalie knew that Jordan would not be mad at her if she voted against her.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
Jordan brings up her speech and says she sounded stupid.. Michelle said she sounded better than Jeff. Jordan “HUH?” Michele explains that Jeff’s speech was horrible, Natalie agrees. Michelle almost took her vote away from him for it. Jordan knew he was going to say that because Jeff was really hurt from what Kevin did. Natalie understands she swears she wouldn’t of put Jeff up if she won HOH. But in this circumstance she had to do what was best for her this week. Natalie says that what Jeff did was bad because he basically was campaigning against Jordan right in front of her.

Jordan brings up when Lydia crawled into bed with her and Jeff and Lydia tried to fondle Jeff’s unit. Natalie “No way” Natalie says Lydia was thinking she had a chance with Jessie. Jordan doesn’t think Jessie and Lydia “Match” she’s totally not his type and he doesn’t look like her type. Jordan “Lydia gets around” Natalie: “Lydia was a bitch ” Natalie says she’s putting Kevin up Jordan is shocked.. Michelle isn’t shocked she says she knew it. Natalie says she told them both. “this is a game i want to win.. sure Kevin is my friend but he’s going up”

Jordan “I thought Russell was a Pansy” Jordan really working Natalie trying to convince her that none of them will win against Kevin in the final 2. Jordan tells her this whole cast is going to vote on personality not strategy. Natalie agrees but thinks that Jordan has a good chance. They go back and forth who is going to vote for who. Natalie is trying to tell them that she wouldn’t win against Jordan or Kevin. Jordan tells her that Jessie will vote the same way as Lydia because there probably banging each other upside and down. Michelle yells out that everyone will win against me in final 2. Jordan says no, people vote for you because you did so many big moves in the game you won 3 pov’s and 1 hoh. Michelle “The only reason why I won 3 POV’s is because I was on the block so many times”. Natalie says that she thinks Jordan or Kevin have the most jury votes. Jordan defending why nobody will vote for her.

Natalie calling out Jeff always saying he saved Natalie.. Natalie calls it bullshit and says Jeff never saved me in the game. Jordan explains to Natalie why Jeff took Kevin off the block and not Natalie. Kevin had approached Jeff and told him he heard Natalie in the bathroom scheming and Jeff was worried that If he took Natalie off the block she would flip the vote and Keep Russell. Natalie says she would never of done that..

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:30pm – 10:45pm Natalie gets her HOH Theres a picture of her and her “Boyfriend” Jordan says he looks very Latino and much older than she is.

Her letter.

My dearest Natalie
If you read this letter it means you won HOH
The fact that you were chosen means something and your something special
Winning the 500K would be nice but don’t do it at all costs.
That he doesn’t know if Anita would be allowed to watch. But him, the boys and all his friends from work are watching him.
make us all proud
love Papa Jorge

Natalie’s boyfriend wasn’t mentioned in her letter so she claims that it must be a old letter she also brings up Anita saying why would she not be allowed to watch.. “This must be old letter” (Does anyone know who Anita is?) . Jordan points out that they gave Natalie 2 bottles of mike’s hard lemonade. Natalie is very excited acting grateful for all the things she’s been given. Theres a giant tub of red vines candy ensuring we get days and days of lip smacking fun on the feeds.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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236 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jordan drinks a barrel of wine and the three girls gab ***Update***”

  1. Can’t stand Natalie! How can she say that she has keep her word in the game when she is lying to them all about her age? Once jury members find out, they aren’t going to vote for her to win.

    I’m so bummed that Jeff didn’t kiss Jordan the way he said he was going to when he left. I like that boy.

    1. THANK YOU!!!! I totally agree about the age thing! How can she say she’s never told a lie when the 2nd thing out of her mouth after her name was a LIE!

    2. Jeff got played by Jordon on tonights show….Jeffs my best friend in the house. Then when he went to kiss her she turned her head to give him her cheek….JEFF GOT GOT!!!LOL

    3. Everyone in the game lies. Natalie took a risk lying about her age. It took her this far didn’t it? I may not be a fan of hers but she took a chance and it got her this far.

  2. does nastalee have extensions in her hair? cause it looks really long all of a sudden. even jordan notices the pics of all nats “high school buds” look alot older than from just grad last yr and oh I think nat has a secret crush on jord ( when she got drunk last night she wanted to sleep with jord and now she gives jordo cookie dough )

    1. They know shes not 18 now because you have to be 21 to drink and CBS would have a huge lawsuit on them if they provided beer for an underage person. HUGE LAWSUIT!!! MILLIONS…they wont say anything to her because shes HOH…Wait i take that back Jordon is still clueless about her age…but shes just that dumb.

  3. Like I’ve said before I watched BB1 religiously but haven’t watched again until now so I have some catching up to do…that being said, can somebody help me understand what a Diamond Veto is? I’ve seen that phrase used a few times and I don’t know what it is. Thanks for your help.

    1. if one wins it, the person decide actually who goes home. Let say Mich & J are on the block. If Mich wins POV, she would take herself off (1st power) and kevin would be on the block. At the eviction ceremony, Mich would be the only one voter (2nd power), thus she will decide who goes home. I hope nor kevin neither Nathalie will win the POV….

    2. The diamond veto was used in BB4. It basically gives you can veto your nomination if your on the block, and your the sole voter. You have the single vote, and you can evict whomever you want. 100% diamond vetos decision.

      1. I don’t understand – on BB4, was there a POV and then an additional diamond veto after that? It can’t be just the regular POV, because if it was, then by default, every final 4 POV would be a ‘diamond veto’. The only difference might be that if HOH got the diamond veto, they get the only vote? That would suck. As it stands, Natalie may be HOH, but she doesn’t get to decide who goes. The only person not on the block gets the only vote.

    3. look on youtube for diamond veto you can watch BB4 episode 28. Same as regular veto….its just the last veto and the winner decides who goes home. They are the sole vote…IM THINKING PANDORAS BOX IS GOING TO CANCEL HOH POWER IF SHE PICKS WRONG AND SHE WILL NOT BE SAFE FROM EVICTION.

  4. NAT Nasty is annoying, liar and stupid. I hope Jordan or Michelle wins this game…I have little wish for Kevin because he’s hanging out with Nat Nasty.

    1. Geez, I’m not a drinker nor am I Jordan who is in love w/ Jeff BUT I am ready to down a couple of wine bottles myself. I hate this BB. Jeff & Russel need to come back and win this. I hope that greedy Nasty is sent out the door soon. Hate her! I hope she takes Kevin with her!

  5. NAT Nasty and her boyfriend are a weird couple. I hope the HGs finally got the clue that she’s not 18 because the picture of them looks like her boyfriend is a child molester and looks like he can be her dad. HAHAHA. And I don’t get why Natalie is jealous of Lydia being w/ Jessie or just hanging out when she have a boyfriend back home. I want to know how her boyfriend reacts on that.

    1. Yeah, she said she was jealous of Jordan getting one last night with Jeff, too. It was “more than she got with Jessie.” Sounds a little more serious than a “good buds” thing, but whatever. Jessie looked like he was having a great time, though.

      1. Jessie is having a great time because Russell is there. Did you notice how fast he ripped his shirt off when Russell walked in the door?

  6. nat is still lying the letter had no bf comments ( and the live letter with feed that aired on cbs ) did not include any BF) but the pics show A “person” with her ( could be bf or could be just a BFF)

    1. Yeah and their all done with the show, but their still on here and they will be in front of their TVs praying that BB will let Jeff back in the house. lol

      1. I’m not crying over Jeff being gone. I’ve pissed myself laughing three times since last night. It was the best thing on tv all summer to see his face look so sad and depressed when Kevin got up and put him in his place. Jeff was a jerk and a sore loser and couldn’t even exit the house a man.

    2. I’m not, Dan. But, I have to tell you that I am finding the commercials more entertaining to watch now. Not because of Jeff. Just not too much fun to watch right now.

    3. Hi Dan, I’m a woman. I used to like Jeff not because of his looks (couldn’t care less) but because he seemed different from the others…not mean and nasty, maybe even intelligent. Then it turned out he could be just as nasty. That’s when I had to cheer for someone else. But who?
      They’re all highly unattractive (personality wise). Maybe Kevin? – detecting some underlying likableness. Michelle? – want to like her but she is so frustrating! Jordon? – could be forgiven for being so dumb but she showed her ugliness too. Nat? – no way.

    4. NO, no fuss. He’s a good looking guy, but once he opens his mouth to speak, it is a complete and utter turn off. I am not sure what all the hype was/is with him.

  7. natalie is definitely lying about her boyfriend. she used having one as a code.
    she says her letter from her dad was an early one because there in nothing about her bf in it. she lied about it and her dad has been trying to back it by talking about him and sending fake pictures. the letter was written in the begining of the show meaning before she said she had a boyfried that her dad could hear about it. kevin also said one of the pictures of her and her boyfirend looks photoshopped.

    reguarding her age: a picture with a friend that natalie graduated with jordan said she looks older than 18. she got alcohol and a graduation bear.

    kevin, jordan and michele all had looks on their face like they know something is up.

  8. I am still wondering what happened to Big Brother’s expect the unexpected theory. This season has had all of one twist. The Coup D’etat

    Big Brother hasn’t given anymore twists and turns, and I am just really bored with it. I mean everyone keeps talking about the Pandora Box not being over, but they havent mentioned anything about more twists to come.

    They really need to throw in a twist this week to spice it up, because I am just losing interest. I hated to see Jeff go, but michelle was also someone i wanted to see win.

    I think they should bring a Jury member back.. anyone.. except Lydia.

    1. Wow, Lydia was super annoying at the Jury House. I was a Lydia fan early on, but absence did not make the heart grow fonder, I guess. Maybe it’s the whole domestic Mrs. Jessie thing. “Oh, dear, that is so interesting when you spontaneously rip your tank tops off like that. Here, honey, let me patch it up for you. Why don’t you show our friend Russell the pool. I’ll bring lemonades out in a tad.”

      1. wayyy yin the beginning lydia was alright, but she just got worse as the game went. She is way too hung up on Jesse.. I dont understand why, the guy is not appealing and they would make an odd couple.

        Also, what is with Jesse, and the tearing shirts? Does it make him feel big? I dont get it… maybe those two are better fit for each other then i first thought.

    2. The CDT ruined Big Brother this season. There were no twists or turns and I think too much focus was on Jeff and Jordon and exposing their showmance. If you liked Jeff and Jordon, well you might have enjoyed it but for those die hard fans like me who love twists and turns and expecting the unexpected, this season sucks because of J and J.

  9. You know i live out here in Arizona ( where nasty’s from ) and i can honestly tell you that she is a disgrace to all of us that live here . She makes me sick and wish that i lived somewhere else .

    1. Oh, don’t feel that way. I am in Oregon and look who we had in Season 9. The bikini coffee girl and stripper. We got over it and you will too. She is no reflection on you or AZ.

    2. Oh slim, you should be proud. Natalie is playing the game in a fish bowl. Her game play makes Dr. Will look like a kitten. She is awesome

  10. Is it just me??? Or does everybody notice that Jordan is coming alive without Jeff in the house….How come she’s drinking now that her boyfriend has been evicted? Well since Natalie already said that she’s putting Kevin up, I hope she will put Jordan up too. I want Michelle to win the game. Maybe after she puts Kevin up he will get so pissed and spill the beans about the last minute lie…Jordan is dumb as rocks so I hope she gets evicted next. I’m so glad Jeff is out of the house…Now I can start to enjoy the show again………Finally!

    1. There’s nothing genuine or real about Jordan. She’s as fake as her boobs. I hate Nat, but I’d rather see her win than Jordan. At least with Nat, what you see is what you get. With Jordan, everything is fabricated. She disgusts me.

    2. It doesn’t even matter who gets put up. I’ve been re-watching Season 8, and it’s so ridiculous how mad Evel Dick got when Zach paired he and Dani on the block together. Also ridiculous how Zach was bragging about his stones for making the move, when it doesn’t even matter in the F4!!!!

  11. Someone else might of already mentioned this but I havn’t seen it. How in the Hell does anyone in the house believe that NataLIE is 18. Don’t any of them realize that she was drinking…..duh. Do you really think that if she was under age that BB would sit behind the walls of the house and put a camera on a minor drinking. that would be condoning it and if she got drunk and did somthing stupid while under the influence like hurting another house guest that BB, CBS and a whole lot of others would be SSSSUUUEEEEDDDD!!

    1. I noticed that a while back, too. I wonder if she has trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) from the anxiety. Every time she’s nervous she’s tugging on her hair, especially when she’s in the hot seat like she was tonight.

    2. That is very common. My wife of 40 years did that, she would go bald in a small spot and then move to another spot. It drove her crazy. Then she just stopped and all her hair grew back stronger and longer.

  12. nat is so materialistic she does not want to see anyone have anything but her ( she even says to queerven that she wants his most expensive hoodie ) fagven needs to stop letting the dyke intimiadate him ( he’s not afraid of his own shadow is he}? dumb down america

  13. first thing jeff dug his own grave and deserved to be voted off …he got lucky we gave him the coup detat or he would of been gone way before that…he was a horrible player….but it is funny how cbs is playing up natalie to be a villain which she is and i despise…how cbs airs on air i did it for you chima…all of america hates her and guess what???? pandoras box wil effect the game right from julies mouth…when???? right after natalie finally won her first hoh….they are building us up how she feels all high and mighty and get us all real sick like we are rite now and…BANG GOODBYE NATALIE….BB IF YOU DO THAT I WILL STILL FEEL LIKE THE SHOW IS RIGGED BUT I WANT TO SEE THAT PIGS FACE WHEN SHE IS BOOTED FROM THIS HOUSE…I DESPISE HER AND THERE IS NO WAY THAT FILTHY BITCH WINS….NO WAY…

    1. if the show was rigged jeff would have stayed so drop that crap already.

      the show is planned before casting, prepared, and executed on schedule.

      1. Oh, I think there is a little tricky stuff that goes on. I have heard the HG make comments about being told to do things by the DR which is quickly followed by “HG you can’t talk about your DR discussions”. Evil Dick said they told him to do something and Dan said they told him to vote a way to keep it exciting. He got upset because he thought it was going to back fire and he was mad at the DR for telling him to do it. They push them a little. Maybe not really tell them to do something but make suggestions and “why not this, why not that”.

  14. Did you guys hear when Natalie was reading her letter from her father that he told her to always play the game with integrity. Oh, Pappa, can you see me? Pappa, can you hear me?


  16. k so how old is queerkev? ust wondering cause he has alot of sagging face. if he is only his 20’s then imagine him in his 40’s ) all downhill from then and nat wants all th eclothes they won ( maybe to cover up herself)

    1. you really seem redonkulous when you use these offensive terms. and then you ask his age? dude, find a website and get some alone time.

  17. I’m wondering if Michelle really will stick with Jordan now that Jeff’s not there. If she does, Chima just might get her all-girl finale yet (although I doubt she had those particular three in mind at the time).

  18. This disgusts me. Jeff finds the key and gets nothing for it??? I was hoping that doory would’ve been stuck shut or they made him walk through another door leading back into the house.

    Natalie and Kevin deserve absolutely nothing. Jeff and Russell were the true players of this game.

    I give my nod to Jordan…..and i hope something good comes out of her and Jeff after the show… he said “Destiny”

    1. you forget so quickly, Jesse was the true player of the house the first few weeks, and that only transitioned to Jeff when he was given the freeby cdt and was able to do the ultimate back door to him, prior to getting that for doing nothing he was fast tracking out the door, dont have selective memory. as for kevin he has played the game, won 2 pov’s, 1 hoh and been there at the end on a couple others. Jordan deserves it less than him.

  19. I HATE Natalie but after thinking about it, it may have been the best thing for her to win. The other house guests got to see all her pictures and ask about them and hear ll her stories plus see the MIke’s Hard Lemonade. It’s one thing for BB to watch her drink someones alcohol but to buy it specifically for her should be a dead giveaway that she is over 21. Hopefully at least Michelle will be able to put 2 and 2 together to figure out the dates don’t match up for her to be “18”. Too much shit happened since graduating and starting the show, it would be impossible for her to be only 18.


    1. You would think that someone would have realized this – she’s talking about paying off student loans for crying out loud! What high school student has student loans??!!
      Please let Pandora’s box screw her next week! She already said she is taking whatever they offer. Nata-LIE MUST go – she is just vile.

    2. I think Kevin’s got it. Natalie had to do some quick thinking when she said she’d never seen the graduation bear before; that it must be for high school (“Yeah, that’s the ticket! High school!”) I don’t think it was quick enough. I think Jordan’s still fooled and I don’t think Michelle really cares. I’m not sure how much of a difference it makes. The producers tried to make it look like the Jury Houseguests were terribly offended at the lie, but it was a weak sell.

    3. Well I think Michelle is on to the fact she might not be 18.
      Did you see the way she was looking when she was walking around?
      I love Jordan ,but think there is no hope for her to the finsh line .Michell has done a very good job in this game . I hoped for Jeff But !!! Well now i hope Michell

    4. kevin has called her out on her age in the past and i think michele might have also questioned her age to others, but not sure.

  20. Well, all the excitement is gone now. Nasty has finally won, mainly because no one else is left. People getting by on free rides is boring TV. And, I won’t be setting the DVR to record now. Kev and Nat are terrible people, and it showed with all the lies and dirty tricks. I really think Jordan would help her family if she wins. I just don’t know if she can make it to final 2. Michele has a shot. I just don’t want to see K or N win. Sad thing is the house is now all “girls”, like Chiapet wanted. And, who really believes Nasty has gotten this far by keeping her word? Child PLEASE.

    1. Free rides is boring TV? Jeff basically had a free ride for 3 weeks straight. First the Coup (which didn’t just take down Chima noms but also she couldn’t even vote? I always felt that was unfair). Then when Jeff finally does have power he use it stupidly. I get he needed to get Jessie out, but he was stupid for doing it so late. Then when Jordan had POV, he waited a week to backdoor Russel over Lydia? Kevin and Nat knew they would be up on the block next if some backstabbing wasn’t played. Personally Nat have all of my respect. Right now she could take Jordan, Michelle or Kevin to the final 3 and walk away a half millionaire. Say anything you want against her, the girl knows how to get things done without getting her hands dirty.

      As for “keeping her word”, didn’t Jeff promise a final 4 with Jeff? Didn’t Michelle promise Chima she wasn’t going up? Everyone in the house lies, it’s apart of the game. Don’t get on Nat because she’s doing it better then others.

    2. It was good guessing and DUMB luck! There was no skill in the competition. I can’t believe Michelle and Jordan blew it!

    3. So, you agree Jordan should be booted out because her free ride lasted longer than anyone’s this season.

      By the way, lies and dirty tricks are basic strategy for this game. Kevin and Natalie have done a fantastic job. Especially Natalie. She deserves to win based on that alone.

    4. Nasty has not the Won yet nor do I think he will.
      If michelle can get pass this week , She will walk away with it.
      Jeff will get America’s vote and get a large some that way .

    5. I so agree withevery word you said – Its almost like I worte the most myself!!! I despise Natalie – and I hate when someone has the chance to win who truly does NOT deserve it!! And to make the comment about that she kept her word to Chima. Chima was the absolute worse BB player ever – such a really mean horrible person and that’s the type of person stupid Natlie keeps her word too!! What an idiot!!! It is tempting not to watch this show anymore – but i will watch hoping that Nat and Kev get screwed!!!!!! I just hope if horrors of horrors she makes it to the final 2 – it’s a unamimous vote AGAINST her!!!!! I’d rather see that ass Kevin win than her!!! Although Kevin winning will make me sick too!

      1. A-ha! Thanks. I thought maybe it was a wet T-shirt hazard or something, but then it’s Big Brother, after all.

  21. Watching Natalie try on clothes hurts my heart. What’s BCBG? What’s Bloomingdale’s? Seriously? And I need her to stop trying to give out fashion advice to the gay guy. Ugh.

  22. @ Jeff Fans…. Get a life…. Jeff is the dumbest player of the year…. even when Julie was questioning him about his decision to Back Door Russel, Jeff said it was the right choice…. Karma is a b****….. He is gone get over it….. Jeff fans may hate Natalie / Kevin…… Guess what? They both made I longer than Jeff / Russell because of the LML….. *** L-O-L ***

  23. Okay…did ANYONE notice that Jeff didn’t get any goodbye messages, why? Did I miss them some how or did BB not show any? I really wanted to see Jordans goodbye message.
    And does anyone remember BB9 when the twist was keeping the newly evicted HG or trading for the person in the mystery box (James I think?) I bet they would chose Russell to come back. And he would be put in pandoras box.
    I wonder if the twist is coming with pandoras box and Jeff, and the house votes on which HG stays, but with 2 votes for Jeff and 2 against, wouldn’t Kevin decide the vote?

  24. With all this thats goin on in the house now the only thing i say is ” Here i sit broken hearted , came to shit and only farted . ” LMAO

  25. I wish that inside the pandora’s box is jeff and he will get back to the house and kick some asses (Natalie’s and Kevin’s but I want to really see Natalie gone). Isn’t it true that after the HoH opens the mystery door, they can’t go back and redo what he/she did and has to go on with what the instuctions says. I wish Natalie will fall for it, because she will think it will be money but instead it will opens the front door for Jeff to come back on. That will be so AWESOME! I hope the twist would be THAT! And by the way, why did Jeff and Jordan went in to the diary room together and BB didn’t show anything of them 2 today. That’s a little mysterious…hmmm…Big Brother, expect the unexpectable.

  26. EVERYONE STOP BASHING NATALIE! She isn’t disgusting.
    Just everyone looks for everything that she does and has to say something about it doesn’t mean she’s nasty.
    I like her. Man shut up with the comments! I bet you people don’t look any better…

  27. Question:

    I have heard that the jury house cannot talk game. Does anyone know if this is true? It seems like BS but I keep hearing that from comments on other sites.

    1. That seems unlikely to be stopped, I think, even if Big Brother says “No.” How could they not talk about the game? And the Thursday episode even featured Lydia asking Jessie and Russell about who they would vote for and other similar questions. And they watch that DVD. I don’t know how you could do that without making game-related comments.

  28. I wonder something? First, I don’t really believe that Natalie has a boyfriend. Second, I wonder if she may be a lesbien? She could have had her Dad play it off on the phone call cuz the BF was not on the call and at 24 yrs old I would’ve wanted my man on the phone. Plus, he was not mentioned in the HOH letter and also according to the photos, that could have been anybody as they just seemed so mismatched to me. I think she loved Chima more than Jessie and maybe for more reasons than we think. Any thoughts? Nat has lied about every other thing so maybe her sexuality and age was a planned strategy for her?

  29. Natalie is more masculine than feminine…plus she chews like a cow, snoops thru others drawers, schemes, lies, and doesnt care who she stabs in the back…she thinks her crap doesnt stink! She is the only one with a high opinion of herself…..I hope she doesnt win..she doesnt deserve to…Then again, I dont want Kevin to win either, or Michelle…..Id like to see Jordan win but I doubt she will get thru the 3 round competition at the end…unless she really toughens up!!!! She misses Jeff but honestly, his goodbye to her wasnt what I thought it would be for two people who have spent so much time together in the house. Jeff is pissed he got put out, he thought he would win it all…but he got what he deserves for thinking hooking up with K and N would be the right move….where was his smarts then? Bad move Jeff..

  30. I can’t stomach Natalie or Kevin. I’m done watching . All the excitment and class is gone when Jeff walked out the door. Jordan needs to stop being stupid. I hate stupid women. It’s insulting to women. The only positive thing Jordan is she can cook. Natalie is extremely calculation and irritating. Absolutely dislike her. With the remaining four, I’m pulling for Michelle.

  31. Jeff last minute speech had to have been the worst in BB history, what a hypocrite!

    First he makes a final 4 deal with Michelle and Russell, then backdoor Russell (backstabbed). Then he goes outside to confront the guy, telling him he did it because Russell made a final 2 deal with Michelle. So freaking what! You have a final 2 deal with Jordough (which everyone knows), and final 2 comes after final 4. Then the idiot has the nerve to throw Kevin under the bus for putting his ass up, yet he did the same thing to Russell just the week before.

    Jeff ?Sometimes you have to let destiny take its course, for my circumstance right now an 18 year old stands in the way of my destiny. I just want to point out a couple of things right now. You know Nathalie there?s a couple of things that are important in this game your word, your family, your boyfriend and you have tonight to uphold all those things Nathalie. I know you?re not HoH, but you gave me your word and did promise me safety and you have the chance to uphold that right now and save me. You have an opportunity tonight to have a free HoH room to see your family, your boyfriend and an opportunity to have HoH. If you don?t vote for me, then you take your chances with someone who you know who is a backstabber; someone you know will not take you to the finals. He doesn?t have the votes to beat you, he know it we know it. You?ll just have to ultimately do what is best for you.?

    What a class act he is!

    At least Michelle showed a little class by admitting she didn?t like his speech, although she voted for him anyway.

  32. Jeffs an idiotfor not getting that goodbye kiss and turn it qromd on him Jordan lost. All his truegameplayingand prep forJordo didntgethim asfar as hoped. I hope the key allows him to vote for chima in the jury house.

  33. I watched it tonight and is Kevin so stupid to think that Nasty is not going to go against him? She always said that she’s taking Jordan to the finals (way back when); NOW as far as Jordan she did not throw Jeff under the bus….he told her on Showtime what to do and look out for herself. Michelle will most likely take Jordan just because they all think Jeff is going to be hated in the JURY house. Russell did warn Jessie & Jeff that all three of them were going if they didn’t cut a deal. Women vs Men? Please we have 3 females in the house but Nasty looks like a twelve year old boy!!!!! Come on. Screaming this is you for you Chima…Natalie will not get the votes to win. I think Michelle thinks her best shot is with Jordan. I am only going to watch until Pandoras box is over this week & See the guys all hug it out in the JURY house. I’m a feminist & I am so appalled by Chima, Natalie & Kevin. Chima was racist towards Russell….she should of took Nasty with her. Go Michelle & Jordan.

  34. then youre a disgrace to your community to allow others to poke fun at and enjoy you disrespecting a group of people that do not have equal rights or treatment in this country. and that shit will never change with people like you around opening your mouth. so, please shut it!

  35. cmon people give the bulldog a break lol she won so she is not a floater anymore. plus is bulldog evict queervon I would more than happy. Really I hate now more that queerfemqueervon . just her fem mannerism are disgusting ugh
    anyway would be inetresting to see finla between just 3 girls that would be awesome and btw dumber jeff where was the classy exit? gezzzzzzz there is no way america would vote for a doucheback and stabback like dumber jeffy happy he left
    go girls like chimonkey said
    girls power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

  36. Natalie getting HOH was the best circumstance to get Kevin out of the house. I really hope Michele or Jordan get the POV and take him out. Michelle can then go on to win the next HOH and take Jordan to the final 2 by voting Natalie out. I will really hate it if Natalie gets to the final two. Based on last night’s episode, the jury house seems to be thinking that the ‘smart moves’ will get their vote. If that holds true, and Michelle and Jordan are in the final two, Michelle should win. She played the hardest out of all of them in my opinion and pulled through when all was against her.

  37. I am done with this show. the diamond veto, the key, the whole nine yards. this show sucks. I could go without Jordan but this show totally WTF with Jeff going.

  38. Yes the excitement is gone for me as well – why watch disgusting creatures I can’t stand when there a tthousand better things to do – so I won’t be checking in here much anymore. . One thing though – it looks like Pigpens lie about her age is going to cost her this game – did you see the reactions with the jury members when they talked about it. Also if Michele or Jordan win POV – Kevin is toast and he knows it.

    Anyway thanks so much to Simon and Dawg for a great site that kept me really entertained and best to the other posters as well.

  39. Well I feel for Simon and Dawg now… like you said Simon it’s going to be hard to follow Nat now and if she does as she has in the past she will be terrible to live with as HOH. If Jordan thought about what Nat said it should make sense. If Nat put up M/J and one of them win the POV then Kevin goes up and he’s gone. If K/J are up and K/N win veto then M goes up and they get rid of one of them. I’m hoping M/J can pull through and get the veto. I’d like to see M/J in the final 2.

    Thanks Simon and Dawg for the updates

  40. I can NOT believe Nasty gets HOH!!! if ive ever felt that this was rig and staged tv by cbs, i now feel it is completely rigged for ratings…BB just lost alot of viewers after last night and thats only those in my family ,,I think all teens and younger should watch this season to learn that lying, backstabing, and not keeping ones word is the thing to do in this world today….GREAT LESSON,, BB will no longer be on my list of must watch tv,,

  41. If Gnat or the Queen win, we will no longer watch BB. Neither one of them did jack shit–except be so sneaky. I don’t care for either of them–and definitely not people to trust. Michelle should win this

    I still hope they bring Russ and Jeff back. That would be the BEST EVER. Then there would be hope–the twist in the show should be AMERICA’s wishes. Think about it–you have to do what we want — all the other shows are doing it and guess what–it’s working.

    Hope BB considers this.

  42. there is absolutely nothing for them to do in the house but talk, with that being said how do you not go over every scenario in the game, all that michelle and jordan had to do is choose opposite answers at the end

  43. her little sister cant watch! ha to see her big sister act like a little sh*t on tv. how proud they all must be. great example – BIG LIAR & CHEAT just what i always wanted to be when i grew up!

  44. So I totally wish there was a way to write Alison Grodner, this show absolutely sucks now. There couldn’t have been any worse of an outcome for BB. I have disagreed with everyone else at this point, but I really do now think that this season has kinda been lame. My highlight was seeing Jeff (hottie) and Jordan try to develop a relationship. Then Julie says there’s something with the whole “pandoras box” thing again. Honestly who gives a damn at this point, I actually feel like I just waited a week for nothing, and how can I believe her, after all last Thursday she said that we would find out a new twist on Sunday and it wasn’t until Tuesday that we found out what it was and that there was no twist. I’m pulling for Jordan and Michelle all the way, those other two are absolutely horrible!! That’s if I even watch it, this was my obsession, not anymore!
    Also, Nasty feels like she has this game in the bag, guaranteed no matter what the outcome of the game is, she is going to feel like she played this game better than anyone else!

  45. Is anybody else sick of watching Jordo play with her hair which is causing a bald spot on the top of her forehead? I’m canceling the 24/7 feed because I can’t stand the thought of watching her do this 24/7 anymore!

  46. Michelle and Jordan need to team up and buckle down and take HOH and POV this next round.Put NatiLIE and Kevin up, evict NatiLIE than either Michele or Jordan win and pick each other to go to the FINAL 2 and evict Kevin.

    I think between Jordan and Michelle both of them will be grateful for what they would win as 1st and 2nd place.

    My vote is for Michelle to win over all – she deserves it for taking all the crap everyone laid on her.

  47. I disagree with Jeff’s exit interview with Julie. Taking Russel out, and believing two people,who were never your allies, was stupid. Russel would of stuck to final 4. Jeff may have said he didn’t have final 2 with Jordan, but come on. Who cares if Russel paired up with Michelle. That was his downfall – took Russel out when it should of been Natalie or Kevin. Maybe he’ll understand when he watches this show in its entirety. Jeff did do this to himself, and I like him – so I’m not saying that to be hateful.

    1. In his own words he got got. Jeff just doesn’t know exactly when. He feels it was the POV and honestly that was the only time 100% control of his own game. To either win or lose POV ultimately was him winning or losing that week. But Jeff may have gotten got a week earlier, when he fell for LML. Jeff won’t know that until he watches the show, or its mentioned at the finale. It doesn’t change things, he lost. He is taking it like a man. Jeff isn’t dwelling on things out of his controll, like “what if” he kept Russel.

      That is why I like players with strong sports backgrounds, Dan, Nick, Jeff to name a few. Even Russel and Jessie’s attittude in the jury house displayed this attitude, someone who has played organized sports long enough to see the game for a game. Someone who can take winning or losing well and respect other players games.

      Unlike Natalie who is still hung up on what someone did to her “friends” Jessie and Chima a month ago. At this point those guys have been gone nearly as long as Nat’s entire relationship with them. “This is for you Chima!!!!!” (Sorry Pops, BF, mystery daugher Anita, my BFF Chima tops y’all)

    2. Russel even said Jorsan should have taken him out when she was HOH .
      Russell all so said if he would have won HOH Jeff would be his target !!!

    3. yeah I agree…I like jeff too but he made the mistake of getting russell out too early. at least I feel like he made the mistake himself..kev and nat can’t really take credit for taking him out

  48. I am so disappointed with BB in the last couple of weeks, mainly because just like most people out there, I despise Kevin and Nat. Its so funny to me how Nat is trying to convince herself as well as the rest of the houseguests that she kept her word and she has so much virtue. What a crock. She is the biggest liar in there and too bad her thoughts are still stuck on the end of Jessie’s cock…….Make a move for yourself sometime there Natalie.

  49. Glad Jeff is gone. Liked what he did to Jessie but Russell not so much. Tried of Jeff/Jordon lovefest. Not happy Natalie won HOH. That means more than likely Michelle or Kevin will be going home. Whichever one that doesn’t win POV. Given Jordon a free pass to final 3. Don’t have anything against her personally seems to be a good person in real life outside of the BB house but in the game she is horrible. She doesn’t deserve to make it to final 2. She doesn’t deserve the 500k or even the 50k. And with Jeff in the jury house I know she won’t even get the 25k. Out of the 4 left i am rooting for Michelle to win

  50. Looking at the 10 minute extended interview with Jeff, he is lamer than Braden. Julie tried to give him a chance to say something good about Kevin, but all he could say was Kevin is a backstabber. I knew that dude was dense, but not that dense. I take everything back; he and Jordough will make a good couple.

    1. He’s a complete hypocrite.

      It’s bad when Kevin stabs him in the back, but OK when he stabs Russ in the back?

      He’s a doofus.

  51. If Nasty Nat hasa real boyfriend….hmmmm…another lie…?? I bet he is married!! Cheater cheater?? Goes with her personality…OR she is Married??? hmmmmm

    1. Well Nasty thinks Jess is cute . So not cute .
      after seeing her boyfriend I guess you could see why she would
      think Jess is cute .Oh well ,Only a face her father could love .Looks like when she was little
      someone to a ugly stick to bad it carried over to when she was older.

  52. I think Jordan has a good shot to win because now the “top” dirty dogs will try to knock off Michelle and then I would suspect depending if Jordan doesn’t get the next HOH…backstabbing Kev or Nasty PP will knock each other off. Now if Michelle gets POV and then HOH next week…bye bye Kevin and chances are good for Mich and Jordo to make to final two.

  53. He didn?t want to look at Kevin, let alone speak to him because he (Kevin) backstabbed him. Yet, when he backstabbed Russell he thought it was all fine to go out to talk to him. Just like I said, he started the shit with Russell. Kevin should have gone up to Jeff and ask him ?Big man, you want to talk about it?? Now Jordough would have to have a half million dollars for him to take her to Hawaii, wtf? If Jordough wins 500G, she can go as often and with whomever she wants what a loser!

    1. He backstabbed Russ b/c Nasty and Kev where feeding him a bunch of lies and he belived them…When you get so close to the end I think thats when alot of mistakes are made..b/c you are trying too hard.. You know what I mean..It’s kinda like when you are in a hurry and trying to find something and it’s right in front of you but you keep passing it up….

  54. I’d like to see Natalie reach in Pandora’s box and get stuck there for the rest of the game. No one would unlock that witch.

  55. I wonder what Nats boyfriend thinks of her watching this show? Do you think he is more disgusted about her hygiene or her overall personality…? I truly dislike her and would be embarrassed if she was my GF or even my friend for that matter…her family should be mortified.

  56. Who knew that N?talie would be the be the best person to take to the f2. From last nights show, I question whether she has any sure votes in the jury house. Its hilarious cause the “18 thing” was so irrelevent to anything in the game.
    Wha? will make it worse is that if she makes final two she will be touting how she “kept her word the whole time”
    But I am beginning to think she used the 18 thing because she is not proud of being a 24yr old college grad working at Blockbuster. By saying she is 18 it makes her lack of true accomplishments in life somewhat explainable.

  57. I hope this new box isn’t something lame, like getting together with a jury member. We know she’d pick Jessie and do nothing but brag on how she’s playing everyone.

  58. For us Michelle fans there were three scenarios for HOH. Best, mediocre and worst. Best is winning HOH herself. Mediocre is what happened, Natalie wins HOH. Worst would have been Jordon winning HOH. If Jordon won HOH there would have been no reason to seriously play for the POV, leaving Michelle to fight it out against Nat and Kev. Now that Nat is HOH Jordumb has to at least seriously try to win POV with Michelle and hopefully not do anything stupid and they vote out Kevin. I hope the POV has a prize twist and greedy Nat trades in her chance of winning the POV for a prize. I know all 4 play for the POV, I?m just hoping they offer the houseguests prizes and Nat takes the bait making the odds better for Michelle to win.

  59. I have not seen the show but maybe the word she kept was telling Chima that she would get Jeff out….and by not voting for him last night she kept her word….I still do not care for her game play just trying to explain her….

  60. I didn’t get to watch last night’s live show, but from what I read here, apparently the Pandora’s Box thing isn’t over, and Julie also apparently hinted that a game changing twist is still going to happen. Is that right? If so, I wonder if this is true, or if it’s just an attempt to keep those of us disinterested now to keep watching.

  61. Like Jordan, but hate when she feels slighted by others, she likes to point out what a family would do to them. I think she needs to handle her own battles and stop expecting people to stick up for her. Also, I wish she realizes that there is a big world out there and expand on her horizons. She has now realized that she has a lot to learn and unfortunately it’s on television for the world to see. Let’s see if she is strong enough to take the attacks on her intelligence and body with a grain of salt.

  62. Hey Give It A Break, You are so dense. BB did NOT give Jeff the CDT, AMERICA DID!!!!!! It has been done in previous seasons and this season Jeff got it because America is routing for him. Get over it. Would you complain it was given to the player you like? Doubtful.

  63. My theory on how Pandora’s Box can get Jeff back and Pig Pen out (haven’t read other comments so I apologize if this might have already been mentioned)

    OK, so Julie said Pandora’s box is still in play. They’ve NEVER said what Pandora’s box’s powers are. No one questioned that money literally fell from the sky w/o any consequences. Wow, Jeff found a key and unlocked Kevin. To end it there seems dumb.

    Julie said Pandora’s box affects the HOH. In my plan, ask Pig Pen if she’d like, say $10,000 but she can’t tell her houseguests and she has to decide right now. She’s already said she’d walk out the door for $ in her hand right away. They word it so they’re not SAYING she get’s the money but that she thinks she will. Because she’s greedy they walk her right to the jury house w/o the money and the winner of the key becomes the new HOH (Jeff) and comes back in the game.

    Everyone knows Pandora’s Box is usually a bad omen so to play to her greed over her housemates and then to not actually give it to her because they ‘asked’ if she wanted it not say ‘it’s yours’ would be a play on it and she’d go balistic, which for my money would be awesome!

    1. I agree, completely. She’s definitely a dude. The letter from her dad confirms it. Anita, her GF, must be in jail. Can anyone think of another reason she might not be allowed to watch?

        1. Well, only one thing is certain. We will never know the truth out of Nat’s mouth. The reason I think jail, as opposed to being in the military, is the use of the work “allowed” by her dad and the apparent lack of contact by Nat’s dad with her. But, as I say, we will never know.

  64. I guess there may be an “Anita” in her family. [Shudders] Does she read that letter out loud? I don’t even want to hear my name come out of her mouth.

  65. his might be a good twist on the game – If Pandora’s Box somehow let one of the HG’s go to JH just for a visit (preferably Michelle or Jordon). They could campaign for votes, would be a huge advantage for one of them. They could also learn about things they didn?t know, like Nat being 18 etc.

  66. Michelle deserves to WIN. She’s the only one who is playing with some dignity and smarts. By the way, WHOSE PIZZA IS THAT? IS IT FROZEN? IT LOOKS YUMMY?

  67. The weird part of this game is that if you do not have the feeds or BBAD you really dont have a feel for the strategy or all the lying and backstabbing. That scence with Jeff giving the pep talk to Jordan would have a person who only watches CBS thinking that Jeff was the noble warrior who had been defeated. But the truth was that he was just as bitter and angry as every other guest who gets sent home.
    This has been a good year, i have no problem with the CDT, my issue was with the Cliques and putting Jesse back in the house. The cliques guaranteed too much safety for the strong players and putting Jesse back in the house was simply too much of an advantage. The mental part of this game is the biggest hurdle and having gone through he game one time he knew how to handle the ups and downs of the game and he knew how to manipulate people to his way of thinking.
    Jeff still doesnt know how to play the game, the fact that he really was going to follow through with the plan to let Nat have HoH was hilarious, I dont think he ever really had a feel for the last few weeks and how they work.

  68. They didn’t show any of Jeff’s goodbye messages this morning on the early show, I wonder if that means anything??

  69. I wonder what Jordough’s parents think of Jeff, saying he would take her to Hawaii if she wins the 500G. No wonder she didn’t give that loser any, he is just as greedy as the rest (myself included). The fake showmance, the coup d??tat, DR giving him hints not to backdoor Russell. They gave that idiot every opportunity to win, but he was too dumb to listen. Come to think of it, no wonder he doesn?t have a girlfriend.

    Rock on Nat!

    Nat and Kevin FTW!

    At least get to the final 2, 50 grand is better than nothing.

    1. He showed how low class he was. I’ve been telling people from the beginning how much of a sore loser and braggart he was. I am so happy Jeff is gone. Now maybe the show might get good.

      1. He was not a sore loser at all. His speech simply reiterated that Natalie gave him her word that she would “keep him safe.” AKA, not VOTE HIM OUT. There was nothing about his speech that indicated he was a sore loser in any way. He didn’t run around the house all week threatening people, making fun of them, screaming at them, like past house guests. Then Natalie wins HOH and starts screaming I did it by “staying true to my word”. Is she serious? That was the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. She just voted out someone who saved her the week before, who she GAVE HER WORD THAT SHE WOULD SAVE. She has broken promise after promise, she has lied repeatedly. Actually, Natalie herself is one big lie. From who she is, to what she does, to how old she is. In addition, she is running around saying this is for Chima and Jessie. She was a sore loser for Jessie!!!! Crying, complaining, yelling telling people she would revenge Jessie. Talk about a sore loser. She didn’t even lose anything and she was acting like that! If you watched the show without bias you would realize that Jeff was the farthest thing from a sore loser. He pointed out facts in a calm manner during his speech, end of story.

        1. no dear, spin it however you’d like but Jeff showed his true colors. He was a sore loser. Even Jessie was awesome. He doesn’t even hold sour grapes towards Jeff. Russell either. Jeff is just a sad pathetic human being

          1. I am pretty sure the fact that you LIVE on BB spoilers and post stupid ridiculous things makes you a sad, pathetic human being!

            1. How can I live here when I hadn’t posted in 10 hours previous and yesterday was only here for a few hours? Spin, spin, spin, pick on me and try and blame me for Jeff leaving and Jordon being fat. It’s okay. Natalie is HOH. Jeff has no class.

            2. Jeff gave his word, made people swear on families, and then turned right around and broke his vow. Why are you bitching that someone else did the same thing right back to him? You make no sense with your double standard. Payback is a bitch, just like Jeff was.

              1. I am not bitching because nat stabbed him in the back. I am simply stating the facts that Nat did not stay true to her word, she is a liar, just like Jeff, end of story.

        2. I can’t believe that no ones figured out yet that Natalie isn’t 18 years old. They should have figured it out when she was given Mike’s hard lemonade in her HOH room. Everyone knows you need to be 21 to drink in the state of California. BigBrother would definitely would not contribute alcohol to a minor. Why hasn’t anyone caught on to her many lies.She needs to get the boot!

    2. What is wrong with you??? Why would he take Jordan to Hawaii, he has known her for 2 months! Maybe he wants to take his mom…brother…anyone that he’s known for more than 2 months. Christ you guys are rediculous. Did you fall for the fake Showmance too?

      1. I think they fell for the showmance hook line and sinker. They probably still think Jeff is coming back. Sad oh so sad.

        1. You are sad. I cant wait for your greedy, disgusting GF natalie to stick her gross hands into Pandoras box and get her ass EVICTED! I guarantee that her greed will get her the boot this week and I cant wait.

        2. I am going to laugh soo hard at you if Jeff does come back. Because the only people that dislike Jeff are truly jealous of him. Jeff has a pure heart and tried to play his best, people messed with his head and he trusted people, he tries to see the good not the bad. You obviously lead a very pathetic life if you are going to bash Jeff. If you think Jordan is fat, I would love to see what you look like. You are probably this fat a$$ couch potato who has NO ONE because all you are is a bully…maybe try and be happy in your own life that way you wont be so jealous of everyone else around you!

          1. I’m not jealous of Jeff and I doubt anyone else who sees Jeff inside for the disgusting human being he is, are actually jealous of him. Anyone accuses someone of jealousy probably has a pic of Jeff as their screensaver and is bawling all over the commenting section crying that Jeff was good, Jeff was kind hearted, Jeff loved Jordon. The only people jealous are the Jeff lovers that Jeff was played and was a sore sport about it all.

            1. You know that made no sense right?? If I like Jeff why would I be jealous of him?? Im not fighting with you because you and I both know that you are jealous of him..haters are always jealous..end of story.

            2. Hey now,I liked Jeff,and i’m not mad he’s gone..i’m pissed at him,because after 2 mths of knowing Gollum and Nasty were snakes,he trusted them over another snake that he could at least control to a point.But Rockstar,please tell me what are the quality’s in Nasty that makes her your idol?

    3. ok
      So I guess Lying cheating GOING BACK ON YOUR WORD will get u half a million dollars
      Good for u you are the best earning hooker ever GOOD JOB

  70. So, last night Michelle and Jordan mentioned they couldn’t hear one of the questions and just guessed….why the hell wouldn’t they tell Julie they couldn’t hear because of a plane??? I think Jordan screwed herself again by not speaking up…..

    And come on already! Natalie getting the graduation bear, the Mike’s hard lemonade….the wedding photo of her BFF?? put it together already people…

    1. um………..have you ever heard of tampons??? geezz…………get a clue.
      and what does pizza have to do with your period???
      go back to dancing in your car Michael Knight…………….

  71. Jordan had the HOH in the bag until her dumbass wrote down 24 cans! Well i guess we’ll have to watch natalie’s lying ass gloat for a week! Jeff screwed up when he got rid of russell now his ass is going to the jury house! I bet natalie will stab kevin in the back she thinks if she goes up agains M/J in the final 2 she will win! PLEASE BB LET SOMETHING HAPPEN WITH THAT DAMN KEY! It’s funny they didn’t show jeff’s goodbye speeches last night!

    1. It makes me wonder if they have a choice before they get evicted .. maybe the get asked in the DR do you want to see goodbye messages o tv or later ?

  72. Why wasn’t there any clothes to fit tiny Natalie and everything to fit the the doughball Jordons fat ass. That is not fair. Once again BB caters to Jordon for some damn reason.

    1. What the hell is wrong with you!!! Fat…you think Jourdan is fat?? She may not be a size 2, but fat come on!!! Everything you ever post is nasty….this isn’t high school. Get over the name calling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. Jordan looks a million times better than Natsy. She has curves and looks clean.
        Nasty’s hair is very nasty looking and she dresses like a boy. Jordan is not fat.
        She is beautiful, Jeff is a lucky man if he pursues her.

        1. that is flab dear. You are probably overweight yourself. It’s okay. I don’t hate overweight people, it’s cool, the more junk in the trunk the better. Jordon is just packing on the pounds. She’s getting a double chin and her ass needs it’s own zip code.

          1. All you people who are saying Jordan is fat are screwing up girls minds making them think that they have to be a size 0 or 2. there are enough girls out there who are dealing with anorexia! I am tired of hearing people bash peoples weight in here it’s disgusting and immature, GROW UP and find something better to do with your time then make people feel like crap .

      2. I’m not always nasty. I say lots of nice things about the houseguests but come on, a cow is a cow no matter if they have spots or not.

          1. If Simon and Dawg want me to leave then I’d tip my hat and fly away into the sunset. And they have my IP and know where I live so they’d know if I came back and pretended to be someone else, so by all means if you think you have the balls to come after me, then by all means, go for it. If not, shut the hell up and stop your whining. Jeff lost. Stop being a cry baby.

            1. Nah,Rockstar is ok,everyone is entitled to their opinion,the only problem about opinions is..their like assholes,everybody has one and they all stink!

    2. they did have all sizes. they had to put all the clothes on at once and she had to get bigger sizes to fit on top of clothes. get a brain loser and quit crying everything is catered to jeff and jordan. still cant get of your jealously can you.

    3. Nasty has some serious junk in her trunk,yes cookie dough monster has put on some wieght,but a month being home,I bet she loses it all again,the girl was not fat when she entered the house.

  73. First….That is obviously a NEW letter Nasty….your papa is embarrassed, your boyfriend wants nothing more to do with you. When she spoke to her dad on the phone everything was cool, now with this letter….ouch.

    I do believe there is something up with Jeff and the HOH Pandora’s box and I think we will find out today. The way CBS is handling Jeff’s exit is just off. Julie didn’t talke about anything with him on air at all, no goodbye messages…we shall see.

    It’s a present to all of us if he comes back, will deter from the fact that they gave Nasty a whole tub of licorice to torture us with.

  74. Just seen commercial saying Jury house packing surprises and it won’t be pretty, showing Lydia sittting at Jury house, Russell hitting punching bag and Michelle crying something more is going to happen or they arejust hypeing people up to watch

  75. Has anyone noticed that Natalie kept telling Kevin to sleep in the Splish Splash room ?????
    Funny how she slept in the HOH when it was his and now she wants it all to herself.

  76. I think Natalie is a lesbian.
    Or a single mom. That’s why the reference to Anita. This girl has a few more secrets up her sleeve that will come out in the end.

  77. you i think nat has alot of sercrets that she not telling and i think the one about her being 18 is going to cost her 500000 if she gets to the final 2 they all seem mad about that one in the jury house way to go nat.

    1. the whole Natalie 18 thing is crap BB would be sued for letting an 18 year old drink on their show come on how stupid are these people?

  78. I think that ANITA may be one of Nat’s relatives that is in the BIG HOUSE…..something tells me that prison will find Nat some day…..she is a sociopath in the truest sense of the word. She nevers mentioned mommy, maybe mommy is doing time?

      1. I can totally picture Natalie in Jail…….she is the devil incarnate…….I am shocked by her almost compulsive lying and cheating….and she seems to have absolutely no shame at all….fascinating, but a litttle scary

  79. Jordan fat????? hhahahaha that makes me laugh stupid ppl that are jealous and think skinny girls are fat make me laugh hahahahahahahahahaha god how dumb can you be and even if you are that dumb why not keep it to urself instead of posting ur dumbass comments on here now everyone knows how stupid u r. Im Still so team Jeff till the end! I dont really like jordan but she is team jeff so i want her to win. I want big brother to have something up there sleeve and bring Jeff back. this show will suck with out him the only reason im still watching is because im hoping theres a chance for jeffs return. N if he doesnt come back then i hope on the last episode he wins the Americas Favorite player n gets some money cuz he deserves it. I also want Jordan to win bcause i believe she will share her winnings with him or at least give him some money because she thinks he deserves to be there more then her. this is what i want to happen lets keep or fingers crossed lol

  80. Is this messageboard comprised almost entirely of 13-year-olds and trolls?

    My two cents: The only people who deserve to win now are Michelle and Kevin. Jordan and Natalie are stupid and mostly useless. Both have been equal parts lucky and overlooked. Nothing would make me happier than to see Michelle win this thing. I hated seeing her ostracized for basically being the only person in the house with a brain. I have no real problem with Jeff and Jordan but it bothered me when they were smack talking Michelle and throwing her under the bus for no reason. I personally felt like Russell or Michelle were the best players but Michelle has always been very likable so I’d like to see her get the cash. Ronnie, Jessie, Chima and Lydia are four of the least likable people I have ever seen on reality television so I don’t know how anyone could even notice faults with people as benign as Jeff and Jordan when those four were around.

  81. Did anyone else think that Natlie’s meeting with her boyfriend seemed really fake,like it was staged and then she lies about it , that the rest of the house got got by an 18 year old, and why is she lying about her age? I think we are missing something with her. I am confused with her , also when she was reading the Panora’s Box cards she was looking at the camera like she was reading a script. What’s up with her????

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