Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Jeff gives Lydia a plan to Survive and Watch out “Russell the Hustle” is in the house

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:15pm Spa Room Jeff and Lydia – Jeff is complaining about Russell says Jessie and Russell walk around with there chest out like there all tough. Jeff mentions that he’s finnished with those two and wait till next week he’s going after them. Jeff says Natalie and russ think theyre too cool but Jessie at least talks to him if you talk to him
Lydia saying that she wants to get all the guys out and keep the girls. SHe adds that Jesse is afraid to go outside his clique. Jeff disagrees and reminds her that he’s been in the house before “If you talk to Jess he will talk to you he knows how to act.” Lydia says Laura is buddying up to them now and Jeff says Laura only wants people to talk about her and talk about her, “can get Laura on her side in 5 seconds by focusing on Laura.”

Jeff says Jessie and Russell think they are so badass because they’ve won this first week. But if flips each week. next weeks gonna be different when those 3 are scrambling to find friends if they dont win HOH. They both do not like Russell but don’t mind JEssie. Jeff’s advice to Lydia is to not worry about if Russ uses the POV but to worry about how he’s going to vote.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers
Jeff goes off about Russell and Jesse “if you are a real bad ass, you don’t have to act like you are a fucken bad ass, people who are real, don’t talk about it, they do it” Lydia says she feels like the underdog doesn’t have anyone to talk to. Jeff tells her he’s going to start talking to Ronnie and Michelle more because they would appreciate it, “The rest can wash my balls”


Jeff starts to lay out a plan for Lydia to help her survive this week. He tells her that Jeff, Jordan, Braden, Ronnie, Kevin are who they decide will keep Lydia. First four Jeff, Jordan, Braden, Ronnie are guaranteed votes to keep you. Jeff suggests she works Ronnie and Kevin because they are the unknowns, “you only need 5 but 6 would make a statement”. Lydia’s plan is to tell Michelle, Ronnie and Kevin if she wins HOH next week or has anything to do with it, she will make sure they do not get put up. Lydia asks where Casey’s vote is and Jeff thinks it is for her to stay.

10:38pm upstairs outside HOH Lydia, Braden, Ronnie and Kevin – Lydia telling Braden, Ronnie and Kevin about how Chima complained she didnt want to get her hair wet during the pov comp

Lydia says if she’s here and she can put him up, Jessie is going up and one of the other two is going up. She says Jeff is her home boy. Says he’s been segregated because he’s friends with them. She tells them that she wants good people she can trust. She promises them she won’t put her people up. Ronnie says he will call them all out if they put him up.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:50pm Bedroom Natalie and Chima. They are both in Natalie’s bed. Chima starts complaining about being in Big Brother. She says nobody knows how to wash her clothes she wants to do them herself. She’s lost 6lbs since being in the house and on top of that she scraped her hands in the Compeition. Chima wonders if Russell will use the POV. Natalie assures her that he will not be using the POV. Natalie goes on to say that Lydia told Ronnie that id she wins HOH next week she will put Natalie and Russell up. That is
why Russell wants Lydia out. Chima says that everyone is calling him Russell the Hustle because he’s so smart. Both agree taht Russell is much smarter than you think, “Despite Russ being an MMA fighter he’s also smart”.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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