Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Has Russell Defected? and Ronnie Says they Call Kevin “The Gay”

Big Brother 11 Spoilers


9:05pm HOH Ronnie, Jesse, Kydia, Kevin, Chima and Natalie. Ronnie is talking about which players they can trust and which ones they can’t. He tells them he can trust jordan and he wouldn’t put her up. They start discussing who they are going to pick to play in POV. Ronnie tells Jesse that he will pick Ronnie for POV. Jessie says he has played in every POV that has happened while he’s been on the show. Chima tells ronnie to put Casey up if he has to replace a nomination. Natalie is warning them about Casey… All of them are wanting to get Casey on the block they mention that they should back door him. Ronnie complains a bit but really doesn’t say much.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

Ronnie says he’s been true with everyone since day 1 and thats the way its going to go. They list through the people they want out. Chima says Michele, Natalie says Jeff and Kevin says Casey. Ronnie just told them that last night he heard Jeff say he can’t remember Kevin’s name so he called him “The Gay”. He quickly looks at them all and demands they promise never to say anything outside the HOH room.

They continue to bash the other side and also have time to lay into Dan from season 10. Lydia calls Jordan, Laura and Jeff, the superficial plastics. Natalie races in takes Jesse outside and says that Russell and Jordan are talking in the storage room. They are talking about the Competitions and the jokes. Natalie now wants to back door Russell… Jesse doesn’t think thats a good idea. Natalie reminds JEsse that Russell is making deal with everyone and she heard him throwing Chima under the bus.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers9:15pm Backyard Casey and Jeff playing pool, Jordan and Laura join them. Laura keeps saying how good it is that she can play for Veto. Larua says she almost certain she is going home unless she wins POV and then they are going to backdoor Casey or Jordan.
she says she mad a big mistakes trusting Ronnie and standing up to Jessie. Laura says she doesn’t like Jesse as a person he’s a liar and manipulator. She goes on to say her biggest mistake of all was trusting Ronnie. She says whoever wins HOH needs to put Ronnie and Jesse up… She doesn’t think Jesse would go home. She calls Kevin and Lydia floaters who will float their way into the jury house. Laura realizes not that she’s not as strong as she thought she was, “I can’t take it” Michele Joins

Laura says she told them who the rat was, And when Jeff goes home later, he better come buy her that fillet he owes her. The entire group can’t stand Lydia and Kevin because they are floating around. Larua says she’ll be casted the villain, they think it should be Natalie and Chima.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers9:30 Storage Room Russell and Jordan.

Jordan tells Russ that she thinks he’s not the person she thought he was. Russell asks her why she’s mad at him. She says its because he hangs with them and acts like he’s with them even though he says he isn’t. She brings up the last competition and that Lydia and Natalie where saying nasty things when they shouldn?t of. She says she can’t be nice to people who make fun of others and are rude. I know its just a game but she can’t change who she is. Russell explains to her that him and lydia are not friends. jordan says russell has no idea what its like to be in the house where no one talks to you and, when you walk by, the talking goes to a low whisper. She warns him that it’s going to happen to him he’s going to walk in a room and everyone starts whispering, and they’re just rude, they’re walking around like they have all this power. Jordan goes on about the jokes Natalie and Lydia were making about Jordans and Laura’s boobs. Jordan tells him she being honest when she says it a shock to her that Larua is up on the block but not Jeff. Jordan saying that they were nasty when they put the condom wrapper by Jeff’s bed trying to make it look like they had sex. Russell says the condom was beside his bag they were trying to frame Russell.
Jordan says this is not the house to make friends in. (Well duh) Jordan says everybody besides her group back stabs. Russ asks her when he back stabbed her. She can’t answer him. He says he’s not like them. He hangs out with everyone not just the misfit group. She warns him to wait until it’s him on the block or they are hating on him when it’s them against each other. It looked like Nat was in the hall trying to listen to them.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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8 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Has Russell Defected? and Ronnie Says they Call Kevin “The Gay””

  1. i cannot believe kevin’s and the others are upset at the fact that he was called “the gay.” if jeff did say it, it was merely used as an adjective….like “the blond girl” or “the busty one.” there’s no malice intended behind it. come on…get real folks. i’m sure kevin’s been called a lot worse. they need to get over themselves.

  2. yeah – i have my doubts if jeff really said it or if it was just ronnie’s game play.
    what a joke – i’ve called kevin worse until i got their names straight. chima just needs to go, then ronnie, then kevin….


  4. Chima is a dawgggggggg ! Those eyebrows and lips are atrocious! And that ole’ dyed
    blond, tatooed body of Lyndia’s is horrible and pleaseeeeeee tell her not to laugh and
    open her stupid mouth so wide………………she is missing TEETH ! For all the money
    she spent on tatoos……she could have gotten a dental implant…..knowing she would be
    seen my millions on national TV !!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Lisa,

    You are saying it’s said that pattypoo is calling Chima ugly, yet you call her a bitch and then ask for a picture to make fun of? Pretty hypocritical. And why should people stop complaining? In any game or competition it is human nature to root for your favorite player and root against those you don’t like. Get a clue.

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