From Dick’s Myspace Page
Current mood:?sassy
Category: Pets and Animals

I have had so many people asking me what is up for me this BB season…
I figure I will tell everyone all at once and save myself the carpal tunnel….
So hold on to your panties, this will be a long, blabbering, ranting blog.
I will be doing my weekly webcast for Real Player again this year.
RealPlayer Superpass has given me my own tab in their browser, which will closely link my website and my myspace etc… They have been great to work with and our relationship is solid.
I have some fun guests lined up and we will be out on locations more this season, we will also have more past houseguests….
The viewers were out in huge numbers for the show last year and I don’t see any reason why that would change.
But I will also be doing a weekly webcast with Janelle to fill the void left by the Cancellation of Housecalls.
It will be a call in show that will talk about the feeds and anything and everything else going on in the house and being talked about on the internet.
I will be in studio while Janelle will be in NYC, but will be as good as sitting next to me co-hosting the show (well, as good as for you people, but I am getting jipped.)
We will also be doing a “He said, She said” type blog or column.
Where one week I will start off by writing my summary/thoughts/opinion on the happenings of the week in the Big Brother house. I will send it to Janelle where she will then write her opinion/feelings/thoughts about MY writings. It will come back to me, where I will write my thoughts on her response, then back to her.
The next week she will start.
I will respond.
She will respond to my response.
I will respond and wrap it for the week.
Ok, did you follow that? lol…
Basically we both comment twice.
We will take turns starting it off every week.
I had a very long, fun talk with Janelle just a few days ago and we were batting ideas back and forth and thought it would be a lot of fun to do these two things together (although I had a couple more things I’d like to do with her.)
I have spoken with some people about both, the call in show with Janelle and the blob/column with Janelle and are talking to them now, but I will be speaking with more people about finding the appropriate home for each.
I am looking for sponsors for the Real Player show.? The more
money brought in means that we will be able to do more things with the show.
I am also working on a type of wrap party at season’s end
in Vegas……
This is gonna be fucking nuts!
And the fans are all invited!
We are talking with a few different hotels in Vegas and they all have been great and really would like us to do our little shin dig at their place.
We are looking for sponsors to cover the cost of rooms, meals, flying in,? and any other related costs to bring in as many past Houseguests as want to come out and be a part of it.
In addition to the party, there will be different events that will be available for the fans to attend. So, there will be different priced packages the fans can buy.
Some of the ideas we are bouncing around are, one or two of the Vegas Shows (with Houseguests tba)
Barry Manilow (who is a fan of BB)
Penn & Teller (who are fans of BB)
Chris Angel
Other ideas for the fan packages also include things like..
A pool party hosted by several HG’s
Dinner with your favorite HG.
And I am still looking for others and which shows will be in town when we will be there.
We will be choosing a travel agency sometime soon and the fans can book though them in order to get the discounted rates on the flights and hotels etc…
And part of the money raised after covering all of our costs for the shin dig, will be given to a charity we choose. I am looking for which charity I would like to be associated with for this event. I am looking especially for those that help runaway kids or
So, yeah…..
There is a ton of shit I am working on.
But as of right now.
Real Player and the show I do for them is solid.
I am gonna start shopping the show and blog with Janelle this week.
He’s how old and still looking and acting like a metal poser? I wonder if Trixter and L.A Guns do gigs in his backyard