Big Brother 11 Spoilers: Diane Henry Dishes ‘Big Brother 11’ and predicts Casey will win BB11!!

LOS ANGELES (CBS) Diane Henry joined to report on the latest news from the world of Reality TV.BIG BROTHER: ALL STARS
Last year, web producer Alan Carter was sure … absolutely sure! … that Libra was going to win the top prize. She was smart, she was savvy and she knew the game inside and out. There was no doubt she was going to win. He thought Dan didn’t stand a chance. Too nice, too easy-going…too laid back.
We all know Dan won. Sorry, Alan!
So much for trying to guess who will win and who will be voted out early.
BUT as someone who has been in the Big Brother house not just once, but twice…I thought I would take a stab at predicting what would happen this season.? Make sure you get the live feeds they are so worth it!? You can watch all the action before it airs and even the racy stuff they cant show you on TV. Try the live feeds FREE for 3 days.?
Anyways here goes.

  • First To Get Kicked Out: Braden
  • Most Likable House Guest: Casey
  • Guy I Would Ask Out If I Didn’t Have A Boyfriend: (Sorry, honey! I did kinda ask Jeff out. Sorta kidding. Sorta not!) JEFF
  • Fan Favorite (Male) Jeff
  • Fan Favorite (Female) Lydia
  • Most Physical Game: Laura, Russell
  • Most Mental Game: Michele
  • The Wildcard (Lookout For…) Natalie
  • First Shomance: Jordan & Jeff or Russell
  • The Best Chance Of Winning: Casey


Try the LIVE FEEDS FREE for 3 days, then only $39.99 $29.99 for 3 months, that?s 25% OFF the regular price., which will allow you to watch the entire season of Big Brother 11 100% uncensored from start to finish for LESS THAN $30!! Or go for the monthly option, 3 days FREE, then $14.99 per month. As you can see signing up for the 3 month deal is an incredible offer, DON?T MISS IT!!? This offer is only valid until the premiere of Big Brother on July 9th.
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2 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers: Diane Henry Dishes ‘Big Brother 11’ and predicts Casey will win BB11!!”

  1. casey is going to win my prediction any way. I knew dan and adam would win casey just stays under the radar in my eyes. I just think he’ll win.

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