Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Casey abandons the “Plan” and Fat Rats Trying to Lie Its Way back into the Game

Big Brother 11 Spoilers
7:15pm Recycling Room Jesse and Lydia. Jesse says Chima is doing really well with the practice. Lydia doesn’t think Michelle will throw the competition tomorrow. Jesse says Michelle is horrible at that game only made one shot out of about 15 Jesse is telling them Casey is saying that Chima and Michelle will compete in the competition. Jesse goes on to say tha Chima is now the best at that game and theres a good chance she will win. Jesse asks why Lydia was giving him attitude in the bedroom earlier. She says its because he keeps waking her up from really good sleep, with really good dreams. They chit chat a bit JEsse starts to leave and She asks him if it was just a drive by….. He asks Lydia if she has talked to Natalie and Lydia says o he makes a comment that Natalie isn’t doing anything right now.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers
7:20pm Jesse and Jordan Pool Room. Jordan tell Jesse that her and him not getting along was because of ROnnie’s lies and she thought Lydia said that you didn’t like me. she tells him if she would of one HOH last week she would of put JEsse up because she thought he was a jerk, but now she knows the truth and doesn’t feel that wau. she wants to start clean just like everyone else is. She now says that she called JEssie a jerk in her Diary sessions and she’s sorry for that, again she blames it in Ronnie. Jordan saying Ronnie used to lurk around corners to eavesdrop and then when he told people what he overheard he would lie about it.

Jessie tells her what he did as HOH had a purpose. Jessie tells her that he didn’t think she was playing the game. HE says he never said one bad word about her. Jesse says that you and JEff are like me and Natalie we talk game to each other but not always. She saya that it was all because of Ronnie’s lies he talked game non-stop and the only reason she is on the block now is because of him because she told him how she felt about him told him to stop talking to her. She tells him that everything is cool now. Jordan believes that this season has a lot more drama than last season. Jesse says the first 4 to 5 weeks of last season were drama packed. And the difference is that last year it was mob mentality, and this year everyone is playing for themselves.


Big Brother 11 Spoilers

7:50pm HOH Russell and The Fat Rat. Russell has brought Ronnie some food. Russell is freaking about how risky it is to be up here. Ronnie tells him that Chim ais pissed off at him but he doesn’t think Lydia and Kevin are because they smiled with their eyes. He goes on to tell Russell that he has never lied to Chima once. Russell tries to explain to him how freakin mad everyone is. Ronnie “SWEARS” on the bible that he didn’t lie to their group, “I’ll pull out the bible right now and swear in front of everyone”. Russell asks him why was Russell the target next week? Ronnie again “SWEARS” on the bible saying that Laura was saying that Russell was getting vote against us not Ronnie.
Russell tells him the plan is to win HOH and Save Ronnie. Ronnie thinks it’ll be a hard competition. Russell tell him that they think the game in the yard is for POV. Russell tells Ronnie that right now there is a firing squad of people that are going to vote you out. He says he’s not sure what Micehlle will do but she’s pretty pissed to. Ronnie now is claiming that he has never Talked game to Micehlle ever and anything she says is a bold face lie. Russell keeps reiterating that he will keep Ronnie safe. He now tells ronnie that Casey is the ring leader to get ROnnie out. Ronnie says he knows that it doesn’t worry him. Russell instructs Ronnie to wash the dishes he brought up and out them back in the kitchen tonight when everyone is sleeping. HE than ads that He’ll be up there to talk at 4am
Russell is now trying to is trying to sneak out of the HOH room but nobody will leave the kitchen. Russell suggests they pull an acting gig, with them at the door and Ronnie swearing at him saying “DON’T TRY TO COME INTO MY ROOM!” Russell decides to crawl out of HOH while ROnnie distracts them. You can hear all the houseguests asking where Russell is. Casey says he’s either in the Diary room or upstairs again.
Big Brother 11 Spoilers

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One thought to “Big Brother 11 Spoilers – Casey abandons the “Plan” and Fat Rats Trying to Lie Its Way back into the Game”

  1. Is it too much to ask that Ronnie burst into flames while telling his lies with his hand on the bible, trapping Russell in the HOH room with him, burning them both to death?

    If there were a God you’d think he’d be pissed at Ronnie using him like that.

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