Big Brother 11 Spoilage – Casey does impersonation Russell: ?Do Jessie? Casey: I can?t I don?t have a shirt Small Enough?

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

8:55pm backyard CHima and Russell. She says that everyone is ignoring Casey and she doesn’t
like it. She points out that Natalie, Jessie and Ronnie don’t even go near him. Russell says he talked to Casey earlier today. Casey walks outside. Chima asks Casey why he said his career is over. Casey thinks things in his live are on the Down slope he’ll still do his regular gig at the gator games and the bikini shows. He brings up his teaching and how great it is. casey says despite what Ronnie had said about him he goes out of his way to educate those kids. He teaches in the hood and loves ever minute of it. Casey brings up his family and after getting married and having a child he has cut back greatly on the hours. He brings up the shrinking demand for a DJ in clubs. He blames it on computers and young punks thinking they can DJ

with their computer. Casey talks about how crazy it will be for his students to see him on the show in a banana suit… Casey brings up that he’s thinking about going back to school and become a principal. Chima thinks Casey should be a

Superintendent becuase they need good people in that position. Casey would love to be one they make a shit of cash.

Kevin joins them.
Chima asks Kevin if the Diary room asked him about truth or dare. KEvin says they asked him a bunch of times. Chima is upset because she thinks her grandmother and father are going to see her suck honey off Russell?s finger.

9:00pm Natalie, Kevin and the rat in the red room. Ronnie thinks the nest twist will be the cliques dissolving, Natalie agrees. Ronnie also thinks another twist will put Alliances against each other. He goes on to explain that its like having Lydia and Kevin against each other. Ronnie also believes there going to have a rule if two members of the same clique in the final 2 than they will get double the cash. Natalie disagrees about the double prize money stating that there was budget cuts this year.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:00pm Backyard Russell is complaining about a sore next from diving into the pool. Chima begins to give him a massage. Casey is walking around saying Angry banana the bananas was angry that day… Casey says no one made eye contact with him last night suddenly his feet were real interesting to everyone. Chima tells Russell the closer she get to Russell the more mad Lydia gets. Russell tells her that he’s going to teach her how to play chess tomorrow. She seems excited. Casey begins singing another song. “I’m a man in a banana suit, Man in a banana suit, Banana suit at night Banana suit all day…..” Everyone is laughing… Casey starts doing impersonation. He does Russell and says that Russell leads with his chest and always has his elbows up. Casey now walks around the yard impersonating russell “Hey man… yo… what?s up man…. sup man……” Everyone is shitting themselves laughing. They ask him to do JEssie but Casey says he doesn?t have a
small enough shirt. Lydia and Kevin have joined them and start laughing. They start poking fun at everyone and having a great time. Casy brings up Braden and how he would tell them these crazy stories and every time Kevin heard he would look at a camera and smile. Jessie, Natalie and the RAT join them outside. Like a veil of darkness they absorb all remnants of
fun from the backyard conversation. SILENCE……. Lydia leaves Jordan leaves jeff is at the pool table.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

They start talking about presedents. Natalie gets all excited and says she met Obama he came to her school and did a speech for HER graduation. Chima looks puzzled, “He did?” Natalie tries to correct her mistake and says it wasn’t her graduation it was the schools graduation she was planning on going to. the talk sticks for awhile causing Russell and JEssie to fall asleep. Natalie starts to bark about how boring the Big Brother house is right now. She says she’s ready to go home and do some fun things. Kevin immediately says “Alright everyone you heard that Natalie wants to go home” Natalie gets very defensive and says she didn’t mean she wanted to go home like that. They talk about playing a joke on a houseguest… Jessie wants to do one to Lydia put it’ll be too hard because she stays up so late.

Kevin leaves to play pool with JEff.

Big Brother 11 Spoilers

10:50pm Jordon and Jeff in the hammock. They are trying to figure out what side Michelle is on. Jeff is convinced that says Michele is nuts she makes weird noises and she moans herself to sleep. They start talking about how weird Russell has become. They think Russell has a hard on for them both.. Jordan says he always asks Jordan about her boyfriends at home.. Jordan says she asked him if he’s going to hook up with CHima and he told her no she not his type he likes blonde. Jeff joke and tells her Jordan should hook with Russell.. He kicks him. There talking about how awesome it would be if Jordan wins HOH she’s going to put up Jessie. Jeff says that would be SO Sweet. Jordan asks if its Russell and her up on the block who does Jeff think would go home. Jeff isn’t sure he thinks Russell would go home. Jeff doesn’t think he would win over anybody if he was on block. Jordan is tells Jeff to be nice to everyone and lay low until after the HOH. Jordan thinks if she is her next week she’ll be put up as a pawn again. Jordan is talking about how Russell told Casey that if the time came he would lose her Chima. Jordan decides to keep flirting with Russell to get information.

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3 thoughts to “Big Brother 11 Spoilage – Casey does impersonation Russell: ?Do Jessie? Casey: I can?t I don?t have a shirt Small Enough?”

  1. I don’t know who’s more stupid, Natalie or everyone that thinks she’s really 18. I mean, if you are going to tell a lie like that you better be able to keep the story straight. She constantly slips, talking about a bar she used to go to or how Obama did a speech at her graduation. And none of these idiots call her on it. She’s a bitch, she walks around that place like a goddamn mini dictator and she looks like a ghetto tranny. Hopefully they do a double eviction next week and Jessie goes with Natalie riding his coattails right out the door just like everything else in this house. I am sick of these douchebags. They suck the fun right out of the house.

  2. “Man in banana suit! I’m a man in banana suit!
    Banana suit all night! Banana suit all day!
    Banana suit at work! Banana suit at play!”

    gonna miss the man in banana suit

  3. I’m gonna miss the Banana as well. The funniest imitation, though, was when he imitated the Gnat, how she keeps her legs apart as she walks. Case said she was like some kind of chihuahua. It was hilarious. And truly, when Ronnie, Jesse and Natalie joined the group and they called Casey to the DR, then there was total silence (except for Jesse eating) and all the joy was sucked out of the room. Amazing!

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