POV Holder: | James | Next POV | Aug 1st |
POV Used | No | POV Ceremony | Aug 3rd |
HOH | James | Next HOH | Aug 6th |
Original Nominations: | Shelli and Clay | ||
After POV Nominations: | Shelli and Clay | ||
Have Nots | Austin, Liz, Julia |
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12am -12:45am Becky and Jackie are painting their nails on the backyard couch chatting about random things. Clay and Shelli are cuddling in silence on the hammock.
12:50am Hammock – Vanessa is talking to Steve. Vanessa says here is the problem he’s (James) pressuring people .. he is basically bullying people to evict Clay. I was the only one that stood up and said I was going to evict Clay. Steve says so you lied. Vanessa tells Steve that she is trusting him with information and letting him know what’s going on because if I didn’t you would think that our final 2 meant nothing. I was the only one that said what I was going to do and Austin starts to argue and defending himself saying who is coming after me. I feel uncomfortable keeping him (Clay) because he is more likely to come after me than Shelli is. Liz joins them and the conversation ends. They talk about how Austin just pulled Clay in to the cabana room. Vanessa says if we have to keep Clay because of Austin’s unwillingness to go against them.. like I get the feeling that you girls are on board. I’m on board. But I feel like Austin is wavering. Liz says because he feels like his a$$ is on the line but I feel like my a$$ could be on the line too. I don’t knooooooowwww! Vanessa says there is no reason we can’t just tell Clay and have him take the place of Shelli in our group anyways but Clay would try to work with them instead of us. Liz says and I know Shelli would work with us. Steve says there have been many instances in big brother history where people have had a good relationship in the beginning of the game and then gotten back together later in the game. Vanessa says we need to decide what we’re doing. Steve says I thought we already did decide what we’re doing? Vanessa says that Austin just got a lot of pressure.. it was a bullying. Liz says its hard because if they win they are coming after us. Steve says they’re already coming after us. Liz says but not you. And at this point it obvious who votes for who. Steve says they’re target is Shelli right now. If you’re worried about protecting you and your sister keep Shelli. Shelli will be target number 1. Vanessa says that Austin needs to tell them he is voting to keep Shelli so that it isn’t a blindside.

12:50am Cabana room. Austin and Clay are talking. Clay says that he (James) put her in a tough spot. Shelli feels like sh*t obviously after saying what she said. He said straight to her face she is going home. It took her 15 minutes to say anything. She finally said some things and then after she said I should have never said anything. Even if she didn’t say anything he still wasn’t going to use the veto. She always would have wondered what if I could have said something to have stayed. Austin says and she went for it and I told her I forgive her. Clay says I’m not coming after you or the twins. There are people that are much more on my mind than you. Austin says I know he wants her out pretty bad. Clay says it is what it is.. I’m not campaigning against her. If I were to win double eviction none of you three would be going up. Austin says thank you. I was trying to think of every possible situation on how to flip this but I was a possibility of going up. Clay says yeah we know we talked about that after. It was just a bad night. Between me and you… I know he’s (James) going around saying I didn’t put you up.. pretty much saying you owe me. Even though this was the plan since the beginning. He’s going around to you, Steve and Johnny Mac saying you owe him because he didn’t put you up. Austin says choosing between you and Shelli is tough. Austin says after this you’re not who I want to go after.
12:50am Austin joins them and tells Liz, Vanessa and Steve that he just talked to Clay and he has other targets and he’s not coming after us 3 and that he has other targets. Steve asks Austin if he is still on board. Austin says we need to talk. Steve tells Austin that keeping Shelli is keeping a bigger target in the house. Vanessa suggests they fill Clay the plan too just in case he stays. She says we can put up up as a pawn too. Austin says Clay said he is going to talk to all of you too. Julia says I’m not talking to him. I will but I don’t want to. Liz says you can’t act like that. Austin says I don’t think he would come after us. We’re equal numbers on both sides. And we didn’t take out his girlfriend. Clay said he’s not mad at me any more. He still have my back. He was upset and was basically squeezed for information from James. He said he’s not campaigning and that the twins and I aren’t his targets. Vanessa suggests they tell Clelli going into the eviction .. right before we say listen which ever one of you stays we have to put you up but we 100% have the votes to keep you. When we do that they will be so loyal. The only way we don’t potentially keep they is if its against Steve. Austin says then we take them out and we actually go along with the plan. Jackie joins them. Vanessa asks Jackie does Shelli know she is going home? Jackie says that James kind of told her but I don’t know now. Jackie asks did you think Shelli was going to stay? Vanessa says it didn’t look like he wanted to be here so why vote for him to stay. Becky joins them. Vanessa says she might just vote for her because she doesn’t want her to go out on a unanimous vote. Jackie says she thinks James wants Shelli out because she has 2 HOH’s. Vanessa says to vote out someone who has two HOHs is better to keep in the game because they’re a bigger threat. Jackie asks but what if she wins. Vanessa says same with Clay he could win too.
1:05am – 2am Shelli tells Clay about how she was asked in the diary room about how they were making out. She tells him he’s going to get asked. Steve joins them and talks about his tooth aches. He says they’re (production) is going to call him in again tomorrow to see how it is. Steve says he thinks they would bring in a doctor like they did with Victoria last season. Steve says that Johnny Mac looked at it and says they asked specifically what Johnny Mac thought about it. Johnny had said there was minor swelling and redness. Clay notices that Shelli is now more touchy. She says that she misses him already. Clay and Shelli head to bed.

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James scares Liz @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/sl19vmElzr
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 5, 2015
Steve scares Julia @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/7XDKvYfj2R
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 5, 2015
Sneaky Steve Scampering @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/tjuSA1ZV7G
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 5, 2015
2:35am Backyard – James says that he doesn’t have a problem with them on a personal level. Steve tells James its awkward because neither of them want to campaign. James says everybody thinks they’ll start campaigning tomorrow but I think they’ll just say whatever happens, happens. Steve says I have a hard time seeing either of them saying anything bad about the other. Steve says I think the game means more to Shelli than it does to Clay. Clay was recruited, Shelli wasn’t. James says he thinks Clay’s thrown in the towel. James asks do you think he would be happy to stay? Steve says I don’t know I think he would be surprised. He expressed that to me last night about keeping Shelli. They head into the kitchen because Steve thinks its too suspicious talking alone in the backyard.
2:50am – 4:45am James says they put a lot of hot girls on the show. Steve says they never put ugly girls on big brother. James whispers Jenn City (Big Brother 14) James says I was worried about breaking up America’s sweethearts. Steve brings up how Donny broke up Nicole and Hayden and he was super liked. James says but he was really nice. Meg wakes up and joins them. James asks Meg what is it going to take for you to get into bed with me .. as a friend.. because the way I look at it you’re not going to win HOH any time soon. Steve says there’s no camera’s in jury. James says she’s going to be doing lap dances. Meg says oh my god. Becky joins them. They talk about who will get America’s Favourite. Becky says she thinks Jason would have gotten it if he was still in the game but now that he’s out prejury James will get it. He’s playing the game, he’s funny, he’s got a kid on his side. He’ll appeal to so many audiences. Becky jokes and says the reality is that’s not even his kid, he took a photo with some strangers kid. James says secrets and lies.. find me a half Asian baby! Becky says people won’t even know I’m in the game till I make top five! Meg says that’s not even true potato girl! (Becky uses a potato to roll out knots in her back) Steve asks they asked you about that? Becky says f**k ya! Meg head to bed. James comments on how its weird how big of an age gap Clay and Shelli have. Becky says she thinks it will work. Clay is a nice home grown guy. James says we have a 1 in 12 shot at winning 500K. Becky says and a 1 in 6 chance in winning up to 50K. James says well 1 in 11 shot because one of them is going home. Becky talks about how James’s deal with Shelli during the HOH comp wasn’t real because he was cornered into it. James says that Clay pretty much insinuated that if I didn’t win HOH my a$$ would have been on the block. Becky gets called to the diary room. James wonders around the house. He knocks around the pool balls and then starts throwing the hula hoop around.
4:50am – 5:55am Becky asks which ever one stays in the game would you work with them? James says no. James says if Shelli leaves Clay is going to latch onto possibly Meg and Johnny Mac. Definitely with Johnny Mac. I don’t think he is going to want to work with our group possibly because I’m in there. But I don’t think he will want to work with Austin’s group because Austin was talking about targeting Clay. And Vanessa told Jackie that she wants Clay gone too. Sh*t changes and next week I might be the target. If Clay wins its going to be a sh*t show! If Johnny Mac wins I couldn’t tell you who he would put up but it could possibly be me. Becky says I think you think you’re a bigger target than you really are. You’ve played your HOHs really well. Becky says I’m going to try like hell for this HOH. I am going to pray that you, Jackie and Meg step up and have my back. Becky and James talk about the veto comp. Becky is very surprised Austin hasn’t been on the block. James says look who’s been HOH.. me, Vanessa and Shelli. James says that he would really be very surprised if Shelli stayed. The only person that could sway the votes is Vanessa talking to Liz. I’ve been very vocal about wanting Shelli out. I did a lot of work and took a lot of grenades. Johnny Mac is going to keep Clay. Steve is up in the air. It really depends on the twins. I feel like right now we have 3 solid votes. It depends on Austin, Liz, Steve, Julia. James says Clay told Steve to keep Shelli she has been a fan her whole life .I just got recruited from a basketball game. James says why not get the threat out this week and if he wants to go home get him out next week. Becky and James go to bed.
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Will someone paleeeze tell Vanessa she is NOT John Gotti!!!!!!!!!
So now i’m confused. Are they voting to keep Shelli or Clay?
I know Vanessa is gunning hard to keep Vanessa – is Austin just playing at sending out Clay, or is he serious?
Do THEY even know?
BTW, i’m liking Jackie more and more. I hope she, and James do well – and if Meg can bring in Becky and JMac too – that’s awesome – but i do think Jmac is way too close to Clay for it to happen.
I love watching Vanessa’s brain work. She is the only person playing the hell out of this game. Why would I be hoping Meg and Jackie – catty girls who sleep all day and insult people behind their back – win. And JMac will nap himself to Final 4.
What kills me is how shady & hypocritical as hell Van is. Yea it’s BB,but honestly to go run & tell Steve that James is bullying people is beyond laughable! Damn she sickens me! Van is the ultimate bully & tells her minions exactly who to put up, who to back door etc. These idiots (Austin,Twins & Steve) are delusional. Pretty easy to control a group of people that can’t think for themselves. Grrr… love that Jackie has set radar & target on Van,& sees her for what she is. What I love even more is she will call Van out on her nonsense b.s. reasoning: Oh so this week you will keep Shelli but next week double eviction will be fine with putting up Shelli-holy shenanigans & full blown b.s! Please let Jackie win & take out Van. Seriously want to see how people will play without her in the house.
Sooooo on board with everything you said!!!!! You nailed it.
I’ve got my fingers crossed for Jackie….I hope she can pull out the win for next week’s HOH. She knows a lot is riding on it.
Oh, dear Becky, you can’t win a game in the last two weeks. Too little, too late.
I was pretty excited watching James win his week and spice things up. Now I’m over it. I hope its double eviction and James and Jackie get shown the door.
Meg – “do we really trust that side enough to go after floaters” Absolutely girl, they are definitely going after you, Jackie, and Becky.
Did I miss something? I didn’t see James bully anybody over how they vote. Why did Vanessa tell Steve that? Just lying?
She thinks that Steve is naive and will believe whatever she says (she believes that of pretty much everybody). She talks negative about people just to suit her own agenda…even though it’s clearly not true. She’s the biggest bully in the house. She’s pissed she can’t control James’ HOH.
James, Jackie, Meg, Austwins, Vanessa and I think Becky were having a meeting in the HOH room for a deal on double eviction (everyone in this room is safe). Jackie said this deal is contingent on Shelli going home on Thursday, otherwise, its open season. So now Austin is changing his vote because he does not want to be a target as well as the twins.
Miss you better not lie to me because if you do, I am coming after you, is constantly lying.
I know Vanessa is the favorite to win BB, according to the media, but I sure hope not. She is just shady.
I like Vanessa’s gameplay but I don’t like her personality. She was my fave to win but as of now i wanted her gone, maybe because of the underdog effect and because her presence is keeping the house at a stalemate. I just hope that someone rats to Jmac that she is targeting him so that he could pull the trigger on her and bring justice to his popularity.
I never liked her, as soon as I read her Bio. You have to have a certain quality that most successful poker players have. The poker world has changed and modern poker players have to be good at math, manipulative, nerdy, and a little bat shit crazy. Its borderline narcissistic, egocentric, and lack empathy. I saw it in Kevin on BBCAN too… He would have shown his true colors if Pilar didn’t get involved. I spent a majority of my life around poker players, and been around some greats. I am not saying that ALL poker players are like this, I am saying 90% of the good ones are.
JMAC can’t stand Van nor trusts her. He knows what a shady,hypocritical,bully Van is. That being said, he will stay with that side until Clelli is gone,IMO. Then he will work with possibly Becky on the sly. I liked Van early on,but week by week, she became too foul to stomach. It’s the same reason I despise Clelli. Get off your high horse & don’t preach to people about honest game playing,morals, don’t lie to me,be a straight shooter b.s.. It’s BB, own your game play,& get off your soap box! Seriously sit down Van! I would love to watch how the others would play if the “true bully” was no longer around.
You people crack me up with the whole “she’s shady” , do you realize what show you’re watching? Lol wtf
Why does everyone hate the only person playing the game?? No one else is playing as well as her, she is trying to work people and manipulate their game play. THAT IS WHY WE WATCH BIG BROTHER!!! Why else would you like this show??? This underdog, “feel sorry for” attitude is becoming worse and worse every season.
I’m still trying to figure that out. When I first started watching Big Brother, I always rooted for the underdogs. Now that I understand the game a little better, I want to actually watch the game being played. I don’t want to watch a bunch of floaters and/or ding dongs having some fun at summer camp. I would love to root for the underdogs in this season, but their blindness drives me a little crazy. I get that it’s easier for us because we are on the outside watching. But COME ON! Literally half of the house is in one big alliance, they have been TOLD they are in an alliance, and they STILL don’t get it! I cannot root for that.
Vanessa is there to play the game. And for that, I respect her. Shelli too. If people truly like the game, they respect the game players. Period. Everyone else is just enjoying watching Summer Camp 2015, I guess.
People hate other successful people, ergo, they hate Vanessa. Short of a fluke HoH, she’s going to get really far in this game. People on these boards despise her game because they wish they could play as well as her.
I agree with you! There is no pleasing people. Calling her “shady” like you know her personally. It is a game about who can lie and deceive the best and still have them vote to award you the final prize. It amazes me to see some of the comments like “If so and so get evicted this week I am done with this show”, ” If so and so wins HOH I know it is rigged”
The best was one yesterday said they were going to commit suicide! (I don’t remember what the reference was)
People get far too emotional and invested in a “reality” show.
On a separate note you are by far the best in the house, On a scale of 1-10 your cleavage is borderline 11!
(your game play on the other hand is in the negative numbers)
Watched that HOH meeting on BBAD, it sure sounded bullying to me from both James and Jackie. Him going on about what he gave up to get POV and “this is what the house wants” and Jackie go on about how everyone has to vote the same as the house wants. (Since when did 3 people make up the House?)
No more bullying than any other HOH. Vanessa was very specific on how she wanted the vote to go…She is playing the game, I just don’t care for her and her childlike fast talk with all the ummms and making her eyes big. I fear if Shelli stays it will be Vanessa and Shelli alternating in the HOH room. Boring. It will turn into last season, totally predictable.
Spoiler Alert:
Shelli stays. Shelli and Vanessa steam roll the house. Shelli and Vanessa final 2.
The question is, do I get frustrated? OR Do I say “well played ladies, well played.”
There’s no way they go to final 2 together. Neither of them are stupid enough to risk the money and they know they are the biggest movers in the house. Top 4 or 3 maybe but one of them is out by then.
Hate to see it but theres going to be a James / Meg split….she flips to the power side….I saw the script !
i know meg is a dumb floater, but one thing she is not, is a flip flopper. i do wish meg left james though, it would be better for his game IMO.
I would rather Shelli stay and I do like Vanessa but for her to try and paint James as bullying irks me a little. He’s had the least HoHist by far.
I think she’s calling him a bully because just before noms Vanessa told James she would vote however he wanted her to and he told her to vote however she wanted, as long as one of them goes. He then said he doesn’t think it’s right to tell people how to vote. I’m sure he felt like that when he said it, but he’s realized having Shelli in the game is not what’s best for him, so he’s now saying something different and she’s calling him out on it. It wouldn’t be a new week if someone didn’t say that about the current HOH…
Meg is as dumb as a bag of nails,but she does have a nice set of hammers !!!!!!
Is there a player more houseblind than Meg? Victoria at least had an animal instinct to attach herself to a player who was really running things.
Becky! Are you kidding me?
Vanessa! Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla x1000times in one day
Johnny Mac was in a good position until he started to cry when Shelli and Clay were nominated. He just put a big target on his back. Vanessa now knows that his loyalties are with Shelli and Clay and not with her, and she is going to want him out. James also lost trust in him and knows his loyalty is not with him. Steve is in the best position right now more than anybody.
I dont think so, I think Austin will still gun for him if he wins… However, I am not sure if he will be able to defy Vanessa. I think the safest at this point is Meg. She is not on anyone’s direct target list. I also like Beckys position, but I think she will expose herself to one side, sooner than later.
Production being so interested in. Shelly and Clays relationship worries me. They talk about takeovers before. They might decide to take over the situation and find away to keep them together. Or maybe they will go ahead and put whoever gets voted out in the jury house. Please don’t let there be a reset.
Oh hell no! if by any means production or cbs pops out and says “BIG BROTHER TAKEOVER! no one is going home on this HOH, SURPRISE!!!” i will flip the fuck out. nonono! get one of these 2 baboons out now!! i dont know about james, BUT I WILL BE 100% PISSED IF CLAY/SHELLI FOR WHATEVER REASON STAY. thats gonna be very messed up if they pull that rabbit out of their ass.
Usually, CBS tells the viewers about any twists on Sunday. There is no takeover. Everyone wants production to interfere or think they will. Calm down and enjoy!
JohnnyMac sucks, he’s soooooo annoying
i agree with you. For some reason, i don’t like Shelli or Clay but i want the
one that want to stay and play the game not evicted. my favorites are Austin
and the twins, Vanessa, and the good guys (James, Jackie and Meg) do you like
any of them? i think Becky not Steve, is in the best position because Becky
plays both sides of the house.
Bag of rocks OMG!
They all need to play charades or take a day off of game talk. Just chill. Seriously. Everything started too early and now is in a torrid pace. Vanessa needs to go or the spin cycle won’t end. She is responsible for all the emotional tornadoes. Take an Audrey break and go silent for a while. Fuck!!
Vile Vanessa needs to go asap. At this point I’d rather have Audrey back than Vanessa or Shelli. At least everyone knew she was a liar. The James gang needs to open their eyes to see Vanessa for what she is. At least Jackie knows Vanessa is up to no good. I’m hoping Jackie wins HOH this week and James the next, otherwise they may as well hand all the money to Vanessa. Lying is part of the game but Vanessa likes to start fights then pretends to be all innocent.
at this rate the final 4 will consist of meg, steve, becky and one of liz or julia. what a great one that will be
I have really enjoyed how there have been no unanimous votes this season. Can’t stand “vote with the house” of previous seasons. The twins should split their vote for safety. Clay needs to tell Johnny Mac he wants to stay. The votes could be Meg, Jackie, Johnny Mac, Becky and a twin. Would love to watch Vanessa’s face if Shelli is voted out.
LOL did u miss the 4/5 weeks that have passed in this season already? vanessa and shelli have been playing the “its what the house wants” card for 4 straight weeks… where have u been?
Shelli and Vanessa may be saying that as the reason for nominations, but its been their alliances that have voted against the house the most (Liz and Steve to keep Jeff and Austin to keep Audrey)
But Vanessa was right in saying it is “what the house wants” as her side has made up the majority of the house for the last few weeks. James saying it when he only has 2 real people backing him is not.
This is so off the subject, but if i hear these comments one more time. . .
– “thrown under the bus”
– “where your loyalties lie” (Vanessa. . .ugh)
– “at the end of the day”
– “smoke bomb” (courtesy of James)
– “blood on my hands”
maybe you should watch a different show!
You forgot um um um like like let’s make a deal
My GF was commenting on a drinking game and how you would be an alcoholic at the end of the season to those phrases 😉
At the end of the day, where your loyalties lie, thrown under the bus, smoke bomb the blood on my hands.
Oh Becky, top 5??. smh
I don’t get why people hate her game. She is being loyal to James, Jackie, and Meg. She had a conversation with Johnny Mac yesterday saying she is loyal to him and feels used by Clay and Shelli for giving them info last week.
Hands down Austin is the biggest floater. I’ll never get over that pathetic begging to save his ass. He genuinely is a stalker and useless.
could be worse, he could be like meg. another meg is exactly what vanessa needs. someone to talk more than she does, and someone that throws them off track from the real targets. HELL, james and jackie should offer meg to vanessa on a silver platter, that would make some good TV.
Austin got a little panicked when Jackie said the double eviction deal will only work if Shelli goes home. But once Vanessa gets hold of him AGAIN (which she will) he will do exactly as she says. Lord these people are blind.
Meg is so stupid she is the reason her alliance is ultimately going to obliterate next week.
And does anyone know where Becky’s loyalties actually lie? She is the only one I cannot read, such a rat.
She is now 100% with James Meg and Jackie after realizing Shelli and Clay were not being loyal and were using her. She is also loyal to Johnny Mac but they are trying to keep it secret so they are not targeted as a couple.
The one and only thing that would make Shelli’s staying a plus is that I would PRAY she gets it in her head that she has to get Vanessa out. Once Vanessa got wind of it, she would go batshit bonkers and that would make for some great TV. Add Red Bull, Adderall, and a set of strip-mall veneers, and you’ve got a battle royal worthy of the WWE.
agree 100% Valentina
I’m starting to wonder if Becky is in a good position the more i think about it. She’s laying low, no one really knows for sure which side she’s on, and she doesn’t seem to be on anybody’s radar. Who knows, she might make Top 5 with that kind of play. And what is Steve’s beef with her? Did something happen with them?
I think Vanessa’s meeting last night was a big mistake. She always over plays her hand when she should just let things happen. She is not in danger this week, and probably not next week either. By pressing the matter she only freaks people out. She might have lost the twins, and if the twins vote out Shelli, so will Austin. If Shelli stays, it will be evident to everyone that the 3 of them flipped on James. Even if one of the 6 win HOH next and one of Jackie, James or Meg go home, they will be the primary target the following week, pretty much doesn’t matter who wins because they are a threesome. Perfect DE targets.
However, if the twins and Austin keep Clay in the game, they will be able to pick up James, Jackie and Meg, who need new allies more than Shelli and Vanessa do, and James has proven that he is a man of his word, while Shelli was driving a fleet of buses over them this week. Taking out Shelli weakens Vanessa but helps everyone else in the game. I will be so disappointed if Shelli stays, but I will also give props to Vanessa for misting them so completely. Austin is a pussy if he is scared of Clay.
How quickly forget about Jame’s deal with Shelli. He is no man of his word. I hope he goes home next.
Keep Shelli! At least she is interesting and wants to play.
How about Shelli breaking deals? She promised the house she would get out Audrey, then made a deal with Audrey and then next time she sent Audrey home via the backdoor. She also promised to help get Austin out last week, and then threw Jason under the bus and was one of the main reasons he was backdoored, even though she promised her Dark Moon alliance that they were tight. I don’t care if people break their promises in the game, but I hate it when they don’t own their betrayal and delude even themselves that they are somehow better than James. Shelli has broken more promises than she has kept, so I think James would be a moron if he kept the deal. It was clear that Shelli was about to drop when she made that deal, James still would have won, she didn’t throw it to him, only in her own entitled narcissistic mind.
How quickly you forget the deal to keep Jason safe. The other side shot first, and he shot back.
Shelli’s deal was about as binding as her grip on the wall.
The only thing I would like to say to James is MAKE ME SOME RICE!!!
Megs clothes old fashioned
Who cares what her clothes look like? She would look good in a burlap sack! It is bad enough everyone is critical of their game play (or in Meg’s case lack there of) what they say, how their voice sounds, who they work with but now we have a fashion critic as well? holy crap what is next? Maybe you don’t like her hairstyle? She wears a lot of dark lipstick?
What about Vanessa rocking those suspenders and the whole grunge look? I know you can’t like her hat. James camo visor. What about Jackie wearing ripped jeans and a crop top with heels (KK wanna be)
Hell I have even heard from people who have the feeds complaining about how people chew. How production should cut the mics while people eat. Or BB should not give them apples because they chew and smack too loud!)
Is it me or does Meg ALWAYS have bright red lipstick on??? Not that it looks bad or anything, it’s just she never goes natural…ever.
I guess that’s just her look, or her trademark look for the show. Like Zach from last season and his pink hat. They do this so the audience has something to associate them with and not forget them like a hook for fans. They’re also allowed only so much into that house, so they can only use products or brands that have an affiliate to the show so there’s only so many lipsticks she can bring. And, she does seem like one of those that doesn’t like hanging around without a full face of makeup. I think there was a time on an air episode she didn’t have full blown makeup but it couldn’t been after a messy competition.
These people are crazy….. if u vote clay out over shelli and than Beckie,Jackie or Meg win HOH and lets say james wins POV how can u think they won’t put u up…. U didn’t do what they wanted and that was getting shelli out…. shelli should go this week but if she doesn’t i think it would be funny if shelli and vanessa were sitting on the block next week and when vanessa starts to campaign they should be like “i promised shelli my vote, its better for my game, she is a bigger target, sorry vannessa u have to go like clay”.
I really hate the way Vanessa talks in the diary room. She sounds so disgeniune and it’s obvious that she’s trying to fool the public into thinking she’s a nice/fair player.
Simon, who determines whether someone’s comments are rated up or down and why do i
get 10 likes and Anonymous has 82 likes. who has the time to rate these comments?
The comment ranking is up to the people reading the site.
Individual people thumbs up or thumbs down your comment. So 82 of the peoplewho read anonymous’ comment liked or agreed with it and 10 of those who read your comment did the same for yours. Some post get few upvotes or downvotes because they don’t provoke emotion or they are made after the summary has been up awhile and few people feel strong enough about it to click.
Vote predictions?????
Meg, Johnny Mac, Jackie – vote to evict Shelli
Becky votes to evict Shelli?
Vanessa votes to evict Clay
Austwins? I can’t decide which way they will go yet. I hope they vote to evict “Zack Morris”
Zach Morris and Stiffler love child.
Becky I hear that train a coming…………its coming around the bend !
Hopefully someone will win who will put up Vanessa, otherwise the only ones she as to worry about are the twins. Austin is a nonfactor.
It’s not looking good for James and his cohorts.
This is the first time since the season started where I can’t tell who is going to get evicted. Votes are on a teeter totter.
On a side note: I still can’t believe how useless and annoying Austin is. It’s shocking what short amount of time he lasted on the HOH competition! He got beat from some of the laziest and scrawniest people in the house! The only reason Steve fell was from being nosy and looking at Austin looking at the twins. He says he threw the dice POV to Johnny Mac but I really don’t think he did. His muscle is clearly all cosmetic and hardly has any function. Clay and Johnny Mac lasted a long time on the last HOH competition and they weren’t “low to the ground.” I hope he’s next to go.
I will say that he was at a disadvantage in that competition. He’s 6’8″ I think plus a lot of mass to hold up. The hand holds were at his waist. His arms had to work a lot harder than the shorter Hgs. Johnnie mac is very lean and a foot shorter, Clay is also much shorter than Austin. The location of the fulcrum is the most important thing in this comp.
I do think Austin is useless but not just because he sucks at comps.