POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | June 27th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Frankie | HOH Winner Team 2: | Caleb |
Battle of the Block Winner | ? | Next HOH/ Next BOB | ? |
Original Nominations: | Donny, Paola | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | Cody, Hayden, Joey, Brittany | ||
POV Players | Donny, Paola, Cody, Zach, Caleb, Victoria |
10:48pm Kitchen

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11pm – 11:30pm Camera 3 &4 In the living room. Paola, Amber, Caleb, Devin, Derrick and Joey are in the living room talking about random things. Caleb says that after 5 minutes in the havenot room he starts feeling it. He says that the havenots can use his HOH robe because he won’t use it. Amber talks about how much she misses her family. Devin is snoring on the couch. He wakes up and heads to bed. He asks was I knocked out? Derrick says yeah, you were snoring. Caleb says to Paola that Amber didn’t want to think we were in here for a showmance. Caleb says that everyone in here keeps asking him what’s up with you and Amber? Caleb says we’re both from the same place, we’re both 26 and have the same background. Caleb says that he really likes her. He says that he doesn’t want just a showmance. He would want it to be…. Paola asks would you move here for her? Caleb says I would move anywhere. Paoola says awe. Caleb says I am a real romantic person. I have tattoos and stuff but that’s just my shell. Paola says you’re like a book with a cover. Caleb says everyone thinks Amber and I have a thing. Derrick says you two are good friends and outside of here it might be different. Paola says maybe more to the middle. Caleb says that he hopes to call her up in the HOH room to just talk with her. He says just to tell her he likes her. I think you’re beautiful not just on the outside but on the inside and everything… Caleb says that Amber doesn’t want people to think we’re anything. He says that he just wants to talk with her and get to know her better outside of the house.I want to get to know you on that level. Caleb says Hayden and Nicole are obvious about liking each other. Caleb says that Amber told Frankie that she doesn’t like muscle guys but that he told her I wasn’t like that. Paola says that she wants to see it before she leaves. Caleb says that he doesn’t want to do it out in front of other people. Paola comments on how Caleb put her (Paola) on the block. Paola says just don’t tell Amber that you’ve been in fights, she doesn’t like that. Caleb says yeah I know that. Caleb says that he catches Amber looking at him. She is always sitting next to me. Paola says that Amber is one of the people she is closest to in the house and see that she likes him. Caleb says that she is the first person he’s meet in the last 4 years that he would actually take home to meet his parents.
11:40pm Lounge house guests coming in and out mostly chit chat
More chit chat going on. Hayden rubbing Nicoles hair. We’ve heard other house guests comment on these two getting close.
“Caleb says that Amber doesn’t want people to think we’re anything. He says that he just wants to talk with her and get to know her better outside of the house.I want to get to know you on that level. Caleb says Hayden and Nicole are obvious about liking each other. Caleb says that Amber told Frankie that she doesn’t like muscle guys but that he told her I wasn’t like that. Paola says that she wants to see it before she leaves. Caleb says that he doesn’t want to do it out in front of other people.”
I’m sorry am I watching Big Brother or the Bachelor? I know we’re 5 days in and it’s still early, but… we’re 5 days in why are we already forming showmances. Like I said 5 days in, I’d be more worried about the game than bringing home a woman i’ve known for 5 days
Caleb just said he knows Amber likes him because she looked at him. Dudes hmgonna end up getting expelled for doing something stupid
Caleb’s obsession with Amber is vomit inducing. He doesn’t just talk like the usual showmance people, he sounds like a creeper. Derrick deserves at least a beer for listening to all his crap and playing along.
FIVE DAYS??? Didn’t this thing started last Wednesday? Today is Friday, why 5 days??
They always know each other much longer than the show is on. they meet before the final 16 are solid, while sequestered for like a week prior to entering the house i think, and when they enter the house, by the time wednesday rolls around they’ve been together about a week. we just see taping of the entry that is done days earlier. That’s why they have so many random clips by the 2nd show, they can’t have all those clips and all that carrying on when people know each other for 5 hours.
still, way too soon for him to be obsessed. It’s like he is very insecure or desperate or something – not to mention OBSESSIVE. STOP.
i know! what is wrong with this guy?!? who loves someone they met 5 minutes ago. and what happened to the game (remember it’s called Big Brother)? RED FLAG. poor amber, RUN.
Caleb is weird to me, I can’t really explain it though. Weird vibes.
Caleb is the new Gina Marie and Amber is Nick……bro it’s only been 5 day and your in love already…lol…
Yeah. Caleb is something else. He’s falling way too hard, way too fast.
Zach openly admits he is a con artist… not sure if he is really into Frankie or if he is just conning him…. thoughts?
I hate how late the feeds are. It’s confusing how Joey becomes the backdoor target, who’s in an alliance and what has happened. I’m missing the production of BB Canada already. :))
I think Caleb is the new Danielle. Who could forget her crazed infatuation with Shane…lol #stalkerstatus
I like these new twist it keeps Big Brother even more interesting the past seasons were starting to become the same thing and people were fighting the system to well! just my opinion.
Totally agree on this. Everything was getting far too predictable and the producers & WE FANS needed a fresh start with new strategizing.
Simon and Dawg…Thanks so very much for this wonderful site. I’m so excited that the games have begun. At first glance, seems like all the houseguest are a legend in their own mind and I cant’ wait for the “Delusions of Grandeur” season to play on. We are all in for some fun this season…Happy Summer All