POV: | Angela | Next POV: | Aug 4th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 6th |
HOH: | Angela | Next HOH: | Aug 9nd |
Noms: | ROCKS and Tyler | Have Nots |
7:37pm HOH room. Bayleigh and Angela. Bayleigh – If you make this move tomorrow (take Tyler off and put up Scottie), I promise to use my power on you. Angela – do you!? Bayleigh – and its literally me and you ride or die! Angela – what?! Bayleigh – I just thought of it and I am SO serious!! Bayleigh – AMAZON ALLIANCE FOREVER!! Angela – amazon alliance, amazon alliance, amazon alliance! Bayleigh – amazon alliance, amazon alliance, amazon alliance! Bayleigh leaves. Angela talks to herself – Someone might get backdoored tomorrow! Who will it be?

Angela – "Someone might get backdoored tomorrow!"#BB20 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/zx9cXiHRxx— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 6, 2018
8:05pm HOH room. Brett, Kaycee and Angela. Angela – so Bay just came up here and said okay! I just decided huge news! If you decide to make the biggest move in big brother history.. AKA Scottie and Tyler …backdoor one of them. I will use my app on you. I was like really!? Brett – really why would you want the app to be used on you? kaycee – if she is in jeopardy of going up. Brett – yeah because now she is in jeopardy of going up. What an idiot. Fes is paranoid as f**k, he thinks its him. Angela – what does he think is going to happen? Brett – he thinks he is getting backdoored. Angela – really?! Brett – Yeah. I kept telling him that I think it is me. I think after Bay leaves he is going to latch onto me. Kaycee – they both came up telling her she is going to be a legend! They laugh. Tyler and JC join them.
8:14pm Bedroom. Brett and Sam. Brett – I just wanted to let you know that everything is okay with us. Its all a part of the big plan. I promise the world, okay?! Not between me and you but between me and Angela. I am just keeping you in the loop, that everything is okay. Sam – okay. And me and you? Brett – oh god yes! They hug. Sam cries and says its just hard.
8:55pm Kaycee does a choreographed dance with the other house guests when the health nut music comes over the PA.
*** Bayleigh thinks she could be pregnant ***
9:25pm Bathroom. Bayleigh and Haleigh.Bay – I had a dream.. Haliegh – like mine? Bay – worse. You have to read my mind. Haleigh – are we on the same page? Bay – I hope so! Haleigh – how did you feel about it? Bay – freaked the heck out! Haleigh – we’re on the same page. Bay – oh that would be so fitting Bayleigh .. that wouldn’t happen to you on national television!? Great!? Haleigh – has that been confirmed to not be a thing? Bay – no. Its more like pure fear. I don’t even want to know. Its fine. Haleigh – everything happens for a reason. Bay – like cool. Haleigh – but that is a story to tell! Bay – laughs can you try and not use me for television right now!? America its fine! Are we?!? What day is it?! Haleigh – are you going to purse the avenue of discovery? Bay – maybe next week or the week after. Literally I will just wait. Haleigh – we will notice. Bay – you and me. We’re on the same page. Haleigh – then what will you do? Bay – we will talk when we get out of here. Haleigh – can you imagine the conversation. Bay – Yup, that’s literally what I’ve been thinking about. Imagine the conversation with my parents! Haleigh – how does that even start? It starts well because I will be there holding your hand. Its so fitting, like this is how it was supposed to happen. Bay – that is the part that is so funny .. did you (god) really bring me here for this?! Really!? Like I need you to be in a stressful environment for this .. completely away from your phone. Haleigh – take hold of your life. Bay – so we will just monitor. Haleigh – nothing but good things.
9:39pm HOH room. Angela, Kaycee, Tyler and Scottie. Angela – Scottie this is probably going to hurt your feelings a little bit but.. I want you to know that both Haleigh and Fes’s pitch to me was for me to .. basically what I did at the veto thing was epic and I convinced you and Tyler to hand over your life to me and that it was amazing .. that this could go down in big bother history .. be a legend if I backdoored Scottie or Tyler. Basically telling me that if I was to put one of you back up on the block or not use it on you. Telling me that it would be an epic move in big brother history. Scottie so next week when we win HOH, we’re going to fry their a$$es! Tyler – f**K THEM UP! Angela – its crazy what comes out of their mouths when their backs are against the wall. They haven’t talked to me all week .. they thought with Tyler on the block he would stay there and then as soon as I won the veto .. anything that anyone tells me from here on out is just total bullsH*T. Angela – she originally told me that she would not use the power on me and then just now she came up here and told me she would use it on me if I made this move. Tyler – she would never use it on anyone but herself. Angela – you four are the only ones that know what is going to happen tomorrow. Angela – everyone act scared.. Scottie – If I win HOH next week .. when I nominate them that will be my speech – “I always wanted to be a BB legend.. ” Tyler – I will probably get my vote cancelled. Scottie – if you laugh during the ceremony you will totally be cancelled. If you don’t it will probably be Kaycee’s vote. They talk about how in Angela’s speech she will pretend to have a hacker detector .. and point it towards Bayleigh.
9:45pm Haleigh and Bay yoga in the backyard..

Scottie during the veto ceremony – "It going to take everything in me to not be like F**K YOU!"#bb20 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/wHSpl4pcLj
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 6, 2018
10:13pm Hayleigh and Bayleigh telling Brett about what the best position to give birth in. Bay – I’m going to be crazy fit when I’m pregnant.
10:43pm HOH room. Angela and Kaycee. Kaycee – do you really think you should do the beep beep thing? Angela – I don’t know. Do you think its stupid and insensitive? Kaycee – I think it would be funny but then.. Angela – it would cause more drama? Kaycee – probably. Angela – it would be hilarious though. Kaycee – you can be funny in another way because you know that is very funny. You reasoning for putting her up is her messing with your HOH. Angela – I was wondering if I should make it ambiguous about who I am talking about .. so that it could also fit Scottie. Kaycee – yeah. Angela – you know I’ve know since day 1, every conversation we’ve had was just a string of lies to further manipulate my HOH and I’ve know all along and I’ve been planting the right seeds so that I could end up with the veto. And so the identity of the hacker is ..SCO.. BAYLEIGH. You had your week last week how dare you take mine from me. Angela – she’s been telling me that she’s wanted to work with me this last week. ..I’ve known shes the hacker so if you really wanted to work with me you would have told me you were the hacker. JC joins them. JC how pathetic Rockstar being the nachos.
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OMG Angela is savage but I’m kinda here for it!
I was hoping just a little that Angela would go and get Bay’s bible and make Bay swear on it!! That would have been savage elite.
OMG that would be SO savage but SO deserved!
“I promise to use my power on you” Bayleigh didn’t want to lie, so technically she could put Angela up and still be using her power because her power is to nom 2 people. Hmmm I wonder if that is how Bayleigh is thinking when she said this. Little late honey Bayleigh…back door Tomorrow! But don’t worry, all the time you are in the jury house, your family has been entertaining Saggy.
Lord give me strength!!!!!!
Beauty fades, dumb is forever
I JUST THOUGHT ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep….Bay…you’ve been up in the HOH umpteen times since Thursday….But NOW..hey..RIDE OR DIE BESTIE,
Newsflash Bay. This part of your ride is done. and your game for $500.000 just died.
If nothing else…when you watch the show..please learn something about how to talk to people…how to lose the ego…and understand what goes around comes around.
Both her and her boyfriend got a backdoor
But they will never learn from that
She will be siting in the jury very bitter
I hope most of the jury wont be
At least in the jury the hives gonna learn whats happening(unless its just them in the house lol.. imagine all the hives on the couch.. fess “what happend.. sam is running this? ” hay “theyre using tyler”)
After this week Bay maybe getting backdoored again. But it wont be a BB20 backdoor, She will be getting backdoored in a different type of way.
They could NEVER write a better script for this week!!!
Hope that Tyler just leaves already. On the show (because they show EVERYTHING he says, whether we want to watch it or not) they had him end it with him saying that it is about time someone besides him made a big move. What big move has he made exactly? Last time I checked he has been HOH ONCE, took out Steve, which was obviously going to be the first person out, spent a few weeks manipulating Kaitlyn because he thought that was going to be his big move, and has done nothing but mope around since. He and JC have played the exact same game.
Way to be a floater Tyler! Keep up the great work of riding on Angela and Brett’s coattails.
I don’t think he is riding Angela or Brett’s coattails!
Tyler IS this season so far. Anyone not seeing that needs some Granny glasses.
Angela IS this season!!!
Exactly. Win or lose he will be back for sure.
I want him on The Amazing Race and even more so on Survivor.
On Survivor would be epic!!!
I think Tyler would struggle on those shows. He needs a needy woman or man for his manipulations towork. This season there are some needy people.
I don’t get the “Brett is so strong” sentiment. He hasn’t won anything.
Yay! Welcome back Granny! Hope you had a good vacation.
Thanks! I did! 🙂
Welcome back Granny hope the cruise was a blast.
AMEN Granny! So glad you’re back!
J C had been right up there for me . he has made it so fun . i love how he calls fez dumb to his face and the doorknob laughs.
I’m sorry, I forgot that he’s leaching off of Kaycee too. Didn’t mean to exclude her.
You are proving how good he is by listing everyone that is allowing him to leech off of them.
Swaggy, is that you?
Learn what a floater means!! Tyler’s not a floater. He has a true alliance and playing the hives. His whole alliance is playing people.
while tyler hasn’t made any big moves himself per se, he has manipulated others into making big moves that weren’t exactly the best for their game. the backdooring of swaggy may have been kaitlyn’s hoh, but most people attribute that move to tyler and he’s expertly steered the votes against winston, kaitlyn, and rachel.
Umm, yeah, because he takes credit for other people’s ideas and actions. That isn’t game play, it’s just being childish and a attention whore.
tyler convincing people to keep brett twice now is pretty significant. brett is terrible for jc’s and sam’s games and rachel was better for kaycee and angela than brett.
Angela also had a big role to play in keeping Brett over Winston/Rachel.
week one sam would have been gone. tyler found out about her power, broke a swing vote away from her alliance by passing on what was said about her by her alliance, thereby flipping kaitlyn’s vote, and got steve evicted.
week two he kept feeding kaitlyn’s sense of injury to backdoor nominate swaggy, and won the veto to ensure it as a possibility.
week three it was tyler’s idea to keep brett over winston, because of the two, brett was easier to coerce, and slightly better at comps.
week five, he played wounded bird to get bayleigh not to target him. he learned rachel was talking about him, and suggested she be evicted.
the only eviction he wasn’t the leading force in keeping his alliance focused on a singular target was week four, all the while maintaining a good relationship with the people he was bamboozling on the other side weekly.
add to that yes, he has won an hoh and two vetoes (and thrown three more now).
It was the girls who wanted to keep Brett because they like him, Tyler just went along with it. And while his voting with Brett, Angela, and Kaycee has been nice for them, they have never actually needed him any more then they need Sam or JC.
Bay probably wouldn’t have targeted anyway, even if he wasn’t talking to the cameras about playing the wounded. And Kaitlyn probably would have put up Swaggy anyway because she wanted to mix the house up after she realized that her alliance sucked.
Game wise he is at a point where he is irrelevant to both sides, and JC and Sam are far less annoying and arrogant on the show. So he can just leave now. No one believes a word out of his mouth anyway, he has told too many lies and half truths. The other players are just humoring him and stroking his ego because it’s easier for them.
Really? I was rooting for the Hive myself until Bayleigh messed things up (still rooting for Scottie tho). About Tyler tho, he’s playing the best game so far. Maybe you need to reboot your cable or something, some signals seem to be crossed on your end.
tyler fed the info of rachel ratting out angela that got them to want out rachel. rachel had potential to gather information for angela and kaycee (information tyler’s already gathering himself making rachel redundant to his game but useful to the women). brett is a relatively worthless shield. jc and sam are only numbers because they like tyler and otherwise wouldn’t work with level 6. both are absolute garbage in terms of information recon.
kaitlyn never would have went after swaggy without tyler in her ear during the sam/steve vote.
no one should believe anything tyler is saying, but a significant portion of the house still does.
kaycee and tyler have had a final two since before feeds.
angela wanted to keep winston originally, not brett. tyler is a member of level 6. jc and sam are not.
playing wounded to the hoh is playing the game. it’s exactly what Bay did when Sam was the hoh. when sam wouldn’t have targeted her anyway. kaitlyn had to be handled every day. She lost her nerve to target swaggy multiple times daily. even after swaggy left, kaitlyn was still trying to stay with the alliance she backstabbed.
come on.
the reality: hive fans dislike tyler. the dislike tyler because he was behind swaggy’s downfall. they dislike tyler because he clocked haleigh’s flirt strategy. they dislike tyler because he outplayed balyleigh by using bayleigh’s own tactic. they dislike tyler because he is outplaying them.
admittedly…. his 125 ish d/r comments as of thursday’s episode are excessive.
Obviously YOU don’t like him. However, most of us love watching him play the game. He’s great at reading people & keeping his story straight depending who is in the room. He can get along with anyone and everyone. He’s like a cuter less abrasive Paul. I hope he wins!!
I don’t normally respond to this kind of post, but
OMG! There is no possible way you could be watching the feeds. Don’t believe gossip and edited shows at face value, Steph! Form your opinion based on all the facts.
Level6 has been in control of this game with Tyler at the helm. His game play is not only masterful, it is dignified!
And here I thought that the Hive alliance were the most clueless…… good grief.
He plays wounded baby bird and poor baby lamb SO well lol.
What a king he is.
Hang on….are we watching the same Big Brother?
And Steve too.
Dude, which one of The Hive are you related to??? I suggest we all take an offering to buy these poor people Lasic Eye Surgeries because the blindness is REAL!
It’s bay’s baby daddy.
Steph……What show are you watching? That’s a bizarre take…..
I’m watching Big Brother give one stupid kid that they think is cute the roll of the star of the season and frankly am just tired of seeing him. He has played no better or worse then Sam and JC, and both of them are much better people. His big plan for the season was to take advantage of a crazy girl and that is who CBS is rooting for. Screw that.
tyler is playing significantly better than sam and jc. also jc has indicated he really isn’t that great of a person if you’ve been keeping up with the feeds.
Then crazy people need not apply for BB because they will manipulate the hell out of them (while we sit back & applaud).
Steph is one of the following:
1. A troll, which means she is trying to get everyone riled up.
2. A complete newbie who really doesn’t understand how Big Brother is susposed to be played.
Calling Tyler a “floater” is like calling Derrick a floater and Derrick is one of the greats.
i’d also posit “3. someone who knows tyler personally and dislikes him”
oh wait, now i think it’s kaitlyn or friends/family of kaitlyn.
That comment just shows how BB brainwashed people are becoming. I can not respect how a player is playing without having something personal against them. Tyler has played a shady game and is boring to boot. L4 could play a better game without him as the other members do not go out of their way to be malicious towards houseguests that they are not aligned with and production does not feel the need to broadcast every dumb thing that goes through their heads, making for a better show.
Tyler has played a shady game, you say. Of course he has! That’s the name of the game here. It’s a game of lies, deception, and skepticism. In the house now, Tyler is the master of all those and more. If you can’t see it, there is no help for you. You just don’t get it so you might as well give up.
So far this season, but he very well could get out played. Expect the unexpected.
Derrick actually strategized with his alliance. Tyler’s alliance barely even let’s him do the happy dance with them, there is a big difference.
The only person who is even pretending to talk game with him anymore is Scottie,and really that is probably more out of kindness then anything else. Sam could see through him as early as week 3 and no one but Kaitlyn has been dumb enough to even let him think that he is making decisions with the HOH. He is kind of just there, which wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t disrespect everyone else constantly and proclaim that he is running things.
If Sam saw through him why did she cry when he was nominated?
Smh, I’m at a loss…have no words.
Born to Troll
Are you watching the same Big Brother show I’m watching?!?
What a delusional hater you are lol..
Tyler is the only one REALLY playing this season. He is playing hard and the lies he tells are epic and masterfully woven.
Tyler is doing the same thing Paul did last year. The only difference………He’s likeable.
Are we watching the same show? Tyler is a GREAT player, and definitely not a floater.
Just to clear.
Hayleighs win netted Scottie $5,000.00…Tyler gets a trip to Hawaii. Bayleigh gets evicted.
And Bayleigh has the embarassmentt of leaving with her power in her bag.
Tyler still has his power.
And the Hive is down to Hay, Rocks and Fess. For the moment.
Not to mention a possible BBbay-b. ?
Bay’s power allows her to use it BEFORE nominations. Is she allowed to use it now (which is technically before next week’s nominations) and still impact the game after she’s gone?
Bayleigh needs to use a tissue – she picks her nose and doesn’t wash 🙁 This morning in the shower she had a finger in each nostril and stared at the camera and kept digging! Her “allergies” is probably an infection and needs to get treated.
Nope, she’s just rude & disgusting.
I’m pretty much caught up now and am in complete awe over everything that transpired this past week while I was cruising with the fam (no CBS on the ship and I didn’t want to pay the hefty fee for internet at sea)!
This season is going down as one of the best, IMHO, and we have so much left to go. I’m very impressed with Angela’s reign as HOH. She has definitely revealed (to more than just SImon, LOL) how cold she is. Her calculated play has been fantastic, and she hasn’t contracted the deadly HOH personality plague. Haleigh did the right thing putting up Tyler, but if he escapes this week and Bay leaves, then I feel safe saying the Hive will continue buzzing around in a tizzy (can’t help but picture Faysal as the doofus cartoon bear with his head stuck in a busted beehive…Rock-A-Bee, Haeigh-Bee, and Bay-Bee circling his head…honey dripping off his nose and a confused look on his face).
How in the hell the “Hive” has remained in the dark this long is a complete quandary. It seemed obvious to me that Haleigh was the Hacker given Tyler was the replacement nom. She is not a dumb girl, and if she is as wise as I believe she is, she will keep that Hacker role a COMPLETE secret.
Can’t wait to see how this week unfolds. I’m sure the next 3 days will be equally exciting.
Glad you’re back, we missed your comments! I don’t know how you survived at sea without your BB fix!?!
It was really rough, Dawg! The only updates I was able to get the whole week while on the ocean was that Tyler won POV, didn’t use it, and that Rachel was evicted. Funny thing is, that’s exactly what I expected to happen. LOL! What I didn’t expect was the Hacker and Tyler nom….and of course Bay not using her power. OOPS!
I love cruises, but will never cruise in the summer again….for many reasons!
Oh I bet she will keep that secret. Major backfire! They way things are looking, RS and Bay will be on the block together. The campaigning will be fun to watch.
I did agree about Haileigh being a smart girl; she’s just immature which is evident in her struggle to form better relaTionships throughout the house. Welcome back, Granny. Where did you all cruise? In too cheap to pay for internet on cruises too. It’s outrageous!
I agree that Haleigh is immature. I have to keep reminding myself she’s only 21.
Thanks. We went to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel this time. The internet package was $175….No Way!
Wow.. totally LOL about Faysal with the bee hive over his head.. that is hilarious.. nice to have you back..
Welcome back Granny. This site hasn’t been the same without your calming influence.
So. Just noticed BB is not on the schedule for Thursday night due to NFL game. Where can you watch live if the network isn’t airing it ?
Depending on where you live,a local alternative channel will air it.
it’s airing on a sister station in some markets.
I have Dish network and it is scheduled on CBS both Wednesday and Thursday as usual.
I have Dish as well. We are in Texas but our CBS station is Louisiana and they are airing the Saints game :(. I’ve seen in the past when BB was preempted they would air Bb at like midnight. But it isn’t showing it to be aired at all.
Depends on your location. It’s not interrupted in my market this week, but when it has been in the past, they ran it either right before or right after James Corden. As mentioned above in some cities cbs affiliates run it at the normal broadcast time on one of their sister stations or HDsub channels.
I feel your pain. In Texas, the entire rest of the season will be preempted by football.
I use this videobrother.net/live-stream
I feel bad for Rockstar ‘s poor jaw. Come tomorrow it will drop to the floor again. Going to need some medical attention soon for all of the times it has hit the floor in this game!
Bayleigh thinks she’s pregnant! She just finished a cryptic convo with Haley in the bathroom. Saying she’ll “pursue” that Avenue next week or the week after…
Twitter is blowing up with congrats to Swaggy C on the baby. Best asked if he was gonna make a onesies
And she thinks God wanted this. Sorry Bey, it wasn’t God’s plan for you to sin. And Bey, when you have unprotected sex and get pregnant, it’s not a miracle. It just science. And when you do it on reality television, it just means you have no class or self respect. How did such classy and intelligent parents have a child like Bey?
Stop attacking people’s character and religion.
If she is pregnant and leaves for jury house this week. By the end of B.B. this season she’ll be close to her 2nd trimester. Do you think she will stay in the jury house without communication with Swaggy that long?
Maybe she’d stay just to delay talking to her parents. Don’t they forfeit all their pay for the summer if they leave? I wonder if production would waive that part of her contract under the circumstances. If they did they could drop the jury to 7, or have 8 and have America be the tiebreaker if needed.
“Bay – Yup, that’s literally what I’ve been thinking about. Imagine the conversation with my parents! “ hey Bay, Swaggy is with your parents now, sleeping in your bed. So they can find out together that you made the first B.B. Baby!
Swaggy must be sweating.
Or at least bees with a sting?
Bumble bees?
Maybe ( who knows) this week will put some perspective into the remaining hive alliance.
They need to be busy little bees and put in some real work.
Angela is a stone cold b@tch! And I gotta admit that its turning me on…….More pics of Angela please!!!!
Even Bayleigh thought Chris was dumb for calling himself SwaggyC, that coming from someone who calls herself QueenBay
They were made for each other
Scotty can screw this whole thing up. He said he plans to flirt with Haleigh later tonight. If anyone can get Scotty to talk it’s her. I think he has a crush on her. If he spills the beans about Angela’s plan to back door Bayleigh…she will tell Bayleigh and Bayleigh will use her power. Just sharing my nightmare. Team Tyler.
She can’t use her power…it had to be used at the first non, not POV.
Scotty isn’t that dumb. Is he? She has flirted heavily with 3 other dudes. In front of him. Angela is WAY more attractive! Even Kaitlyn was more attractive. I just don’t see anything special about Hayleigh.
Kaitlyn more attractive than Haleigh….. Kaitlyn’s bulbous eyes would be frightening to wake up to…. well, for at least the first hundred or two times
You mean to tell me that Scottie has forgotten that L6 has thrown his name out there on multiple occasions as well?
He was always the “go to”
block sitter for L6.
He’s not even suspicious that he’s being used for information? This boggles my mind. I’m not about the teams. I like a couple people from each side. Scotties one of them and I don’t see how it benefits him to spill his guts to a side he’s been opposing.
scottie’s always wanted to play the float game all season but until now was at the top of L6’s target list instead of the bottom. he wants to keep it that way, and that the hive is throwing him under the bus (while hopefully still keeping their eyes on angela and brett as their main targets) just makes it easier to finally get in with L6 while riding the middle until one side eliminates the other.
his only mistake now would be to win hoh and throw up hive members. in all honesty he should probably throw the next few hoh’s until one side can string together multiple wins in a row.
What exactly is he supposed to do? Especially before the veto ceremony? He’s keeping himself safe by earning trust with the people in power.
Omg how flipping dumb does bay sound?
God, did you bring me here for this? (to get pregnant)
Yes Bayleigh it has always been a dream of God’s since the beginning of time to get someone who professes to love him, believe in him, trust him, and swear to him
To get on national television and act like a ho by having sex with someone she has known less than a week so the she can bring forth a child and his/her name shall be
SwaggyBay or
Just what the world needs another QueenSwaggy
And Swaggy Daddy probably won’t be around long once he has to deal with Queen Bay “don’t call me honey”.
Disagree- they are perfect for each other. Very similar people. Both narcissists- and I say that literally!
Lol’d big time on this Tonja… good stuff
I cannot wait to see the veto ceremony. If Angela does her speech the way she is saying. Talking about the hacker first and saying she knows who it is. And only looking at Scottie. Haleigh is going to die. Then she will say Bay’s name. It’s going to be crazy.
So…Angela plans to out Haileigh as the Hacker. That’s great! Wonder where she got the info from. Angela is pretty smart and may have figured it out herself. Or maybe Haileigh can’t keep a secret and told either Bay or Fez. She is not allowed to tell anyone, right? What will happen when the DR find out that she has been exposed?
Angela thinks the hacker is Bayleigh.
Angela believes Bay is the hacker. Hayleigh hasnt told anyone, not even Fes, that she was the hacker. She knows she cant totally trust her alliance members given the blindside from last week (Rachel’s eviction). Needs 4 to evict this week, Bay & Rocklobster will be on the block (& Scottie is pissed at the Hive since Angela told Scottie of Fes’ / Haleigh’s pitch of throwing him on the block with Tyler); so its bye bye to bay bay come Thurs. I cant wait to watch the bloodbath and screaming!!!!
Sorry…how did I get that wrong? I knew she thinks it’s Bayleigh. I think when I was reading the posts I tossed the wrong name in there. Wishful thinking, I suppose. I wish Angela knew that it is Haileigh. Regardless, my eyes will be on Queenie Bay…
If the veto speech goes down tomorrow like Angela is rehearsing this is going to be epic! Bay Leigh will lose her shit. OMG can’t wait.
The way Bayleigh attacked Brett on the show tonight shows how delusional and self-absorbed she is. She put Brett on the block! He was her Target.
Join the discussion…Wait a second She had a right to bite his head of he called her honey and she corrected him and he backed right off saying sorry. I do admit Bayleigh was on a power trip her HOH but so was Sam and Tyler. This happens a lot when a houseguest gets that HOH key it changes them and they need to realize how they treat others as HOH can come back to bite the the following week when they are just one of the house guests.
I think Cujo was referring to Baleigh going off on Brett for “blowing up her game” after she nominated him and actively sought his eviction. She tried (and failed) to end his whole game, but she thinks she has the right to go off on him for taking a shot at hers? And Baleigh tells her so called alliance to “Shut up” all the time. How is that less disrespectful than calling her “honey”? Baliegh thinks it’s Baleigh’s world and we’re all just living in it, but she is wrong. She and Swaggy deserve each other.
earlier today, Bayleigh and Haleigh said they were going to sit next to Kaycee for the veto ceremony. I want to see Haleigh’s face as Angela gets closer with her hacker detector and the beeps get closer and closer together. lol. sure, angela will be wrong, but it should still be entertaining in terms of drama.
Did anyone else notice Bayleigh rubbing her stomach when she walked into the room to confront Brett?
Back Dooribg Bayeligh was The Doctora idea (production). It’s so obvious how Angela all of a sudden flipped on Bay out the blue…. Production knows she is pregnant and they can’t risk her continuing to play the game.
All of a sudden?! LOL Amongst all of the Hive members, Bay is the strongest & is the most strategic in their alliance, plus Bay has the power app that Brett announced to the whole house on Rachel’s eviction making her the most dangerous… why wouldnt Angela take out / backdoor Bay? (Bay is going to jury, so she’s stuck in BB world until finale night on 9/26)
Yea but being in justly she don’t have to compete in physical competitions while being pregnant! Angela was all up in the HOH ROOM WHEN BAY WAS HOH! She had got close to Bayleigh when Kaitlyn was on the block…
All of the sudden, you mean after Baliegh spilled to Angela that her power has to be used BEFORE nominations, so this would be a good time to get the power app that can take over the nominations out of the house?
I haven’t seen Rockstar all night! Did mister pectacular take her away???
she’s limping starting to get whiny and tired from the workouts. i don’t think any of us need to see that.
She’s probably a little too weird for Jesse, he won’t want her. He’s stuck on himself.
Whether it’s because she recognizes that haleigh would target her, or whether it was some insight from watching behavior, or whether it was d/r questioning… sam has told tyler she thinks haleigh is the hacker. her strange behavior did begin after a d/r session.
He doesn’t believe her. actually, if bayleigh was on the block, i think he’d entertain the notion. well, he might if he wasn’t underestimating haleigh. This is what i would call tyler’s first major error. he is applying his week two read to a house guest in week 6.
Of course, haleigh’s current read of tyler isn’t any better. she thinks he’s more malleable than scottie?
Angela’s misread of Bayleigh as the hacker: haleigh and bayleigh have been tag teaming her. Of course she’s going to believe the more dominant or alpha personality would be steering things. If she’d stop and ask herself which house guest entered every room and every conversation for a day with the words ‘it wasn’t me’ she might change that.
Bayleigh has begun to worry that it’s a back door set up. I’m not surprised. she’d come to that conclusion given that she had thought she had complete control last week, and lost it. the fact that she too had a d/r session could also be a factor.
Fes? don’t worry. Someone will get sam to make some crayons out of melted birthday candles and hair dye and left over beets so they can explain it to him.
Rockstar. If Brett gets the opportunity to turn to Rockstar and say ‘i’ve vote for you to stay… twice, so drop the crap,’ I wonder if she would. no, actually, i don’t wonder. she wouldn’t. not three weeks after her daughter’s birthday.
Is Brett going to lose his lone island status if he votes to save Rockstar? Is this going to become a thing? If Brett hits the block again… will his alliance save him yet again, given that saving him would again break his cover and being undercover defeats his purpose of being their big blinking neon meat shield? For some reason I don’t think this plan is well thought out. So many variables left unconsidered.
Bayleigh is one of the worst HGs in BB history. She’s ONE of them so no one needs to correct me by saying there are others that are worse. She’s a ranking member of Team Suck. Soober she receives the boot, the better this game will become.
Don’t get me wrong though, this season is pretty awesome! Will just be even better without the queen of all things there wanting everyone to worship her and be loyal to her.
Angela – “you know I’ve know since day 1, every conversation we’ve had was just a string of lies to further manipulate my HOH and I’ve know all along and I’ve been planting the right seeds so that I could end up with the veto. And so the identity of the hacker is ..SCO.. BAYLEIGH. You had your week last week how dare you take mine from me. Angela – she’s been telling me that she’s wanted to work with me this last week. ..I’ve known shes the hacker so if you really wanted to work with me you would have told me you were the hacker.”
Oh Angela Please rejoin the real world and accept the fact your HOH was sheer luck. You are not this huge BB mastermind because if you were you would know BAYLEIGH is NOT the Hacker. Being a huge catty bitch in the house is only going to come back and bite you in the butt later. You can backdoor BAYLEIGH and send her to Jury, but lets be realistic You will be joining her in the jury house at some point.
Tyler has a better understanding of this game than you Angela. At least Tyler has been working his butt off playing both sides of the fence. Problem is Haleigh has figured Tyler out which is why as the BB Hacker she put Tyler up and LOL Tyler thinks Haleigh is too stupid to be the BB Hacker. I guess there’s something to be said for Tyler being Sneaky , but he isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer.
So I admit took awhile to warm up to Angela, but now I see the gamer in her, and loyalty. Now I want to see Kaycee accomplish something and not “zone out” on game talk. Definetly still Team Tyler, such a good season. Also glad Sam is aboard with Tyler.
So in the picture where Angela has the “hacker detector”, did anyone else think it was a pregnancy test?
*** Bayleigh thinks she could be pregnant ***
Could it be that little rascai JC