Bayleigh “I feel attacked right now and I’m the only one taking the heat!”

POV: Tyler Next POV: July 14th
POV Used yes POV Ceremony July 16th
HOH: Kaitlyn Next HOH: July 12th
Noms: Winston, Scottie Swagz Have Nots JC, Fessy, Haleigh, Rockstar

Big Brother Spoilers – Swaggy’s going home.

8pm HOH room. Brett gives Kaitlyn and Angela a massage.

8:30pm Haleigh and Tyler. Tyler – I do think you’re going to be okay. Haleigh – I hope so. I’m stuck in the middle of both sides. Haleigh – I said Rockstar when you know your ship is sinking you jump ship. Tyler – jump off and swin to the.. Haleigh – Life vest… life boat. I just need to tell him I don’t want a t-shirt. (Swaggy C T-shirt) Even if I was voting for him I don’t want a t-shirt. Tyler – I say just sleep on it. Haleigh – I will, its just hard when you’re sleeping in a room with Fes, Rockstar and JC. Have you talked to him? Tyler – yeah, he and I are the main ones Swaggy is trying to reel in right now. Tyler – And I don’t want it to be a tie. So JC is going to vote to keep Swaggy. Haleigh – what are your thoughts on it? Tyler- on keeping Swaggy? Haleigh – on the whole situation. Tyler – mainly I want to protect Kaitlyn right now because this is a huge thing that she’s done. And I don’t want anything to fall back on her. The other side if Winston were to go home, there would be so many people coming after her. They would also come after me too. Then again, I trust everything that Swaggy says. Haleigh – I do too. And I trust him when he says he is not coming after Kaitlyn. He will always be a target in this house. Tyler – I am prepared to have Bayleigh, Rockstar to be at my throat over this. Haleigh – they got nervous about how much time you and Kaitlyn were spending together. Tyler – Once this because real, I thought I was going to be taking more heat from her. Bayleigh understands. Haliegh – she’s being rational. Tyler – she is smart. She is not going to pop off. Tyler – I believe Fes and JC too. She made me and Fes promise we weren’t going to come after each other. Tyler – you’ll figure it out. Haleigh – I probably won’t until I walk in there.

8:45pm Haleigh and Tyler head into the HOH room. They’re all watching the HOH spy cam.

9:05pm Outside the HOH room. Kaitlyn and Bayleigh. Kaitlyn – are you going to wear a Swaggy C shirt. Bayleigh – yeah. Kaitlyn – I don’t think it is over till its over. Like last week you just don’t know. Bayleigh – I want to spend as much time with him as possible but he has to campaign. So its hard. Kaitlyn – its a sensitive day. Bayleigh – obviously I want him here. Kaitlyn – I wish it wasn’t him but I did’t feel comfortable or safe with him in the group. Bayleigh – because you’re in a group you had every option to say something. You admitted to saying things and so did he. When I said told you things you got mad at me. Kaitlyn – I didn’t get mad at you. Bayleigh – he is the only one that admitted to saying things about you. Kaitlyn – he should have been telling who else. Bayleigh – he would never ever throw his friends under the bus. Kaitlyn – he is the only one that said I was shaddy. No one has said otherwise to me. Bayleigh – its a lot of people. Everyone agreed that it wasn’t the time to come talk to you. Kaitlyn – that is the time to come up and talk to me. Bayleigh – at this point the only thing that people are worried about is that things are getting too personal. Real talk, from where I’m standing it looks like everything that’s changing, everyone is making it seem like you’re the one that is changing it. Kaitlyn – what?! Bayleigh – from every single meeting it seems like you’re the one that’s changing things. Everyone thinks this is person. Kaitlyn – who?! Bayleigh – everyone. Kaitlyn – okay lets call a f**king meeting!!

9:20pm Rachel and Swaggy. Swaggy – The five people that are voting for me tomorrow shows that they trust me. Rachel – I trust you. Swaggy – if you keep me safe and you pull me aside and say it was me. I can tell you a lot of secrets in this house. Secret showmances that no one has any idea about. That I know. Like there is a lot of sh*t on the low that your side has no clue about. That I know about and Bayleigh knows about. Whoever keeps me safe, they’re safe no matter what. I am the quote, unquote leader of the other side and every told me information.. now that I might be leaving I have to someone all this information. If they say Swaggy C you’re evicted. I am wall’in the 20 seconds I have left in here. And if I don’t get evicted I as still doing it. I am calling everyone out! Rachel – you’re playing the game and I am taking that all into consideration.

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9:25am Kaitlyn goes into her HOH and kicks everyone out so that she can go to sleep. She then tells Fes to lock the door. Fes, Brett and Kailtyn talk. Kaitlyn – why the f**k is everyone in our squad talking way more sh*t than Swaggy was. You were saying sh*t, Haleigh was saying sh*t and you guys were all scared to tell me because I am little miss reaction. Which I am. Surprise, Like I am reacting. I’m reacting when I find out people are talking sh*t about me. Like what the f**k. Do you have something you would like to share? Does anyone have something they would like to share? Brett – think about this in a logical sense. She is going to say whatever she can at this point. Kaitlyn – but that doesn’t save her and she knows that. She knows there is nothing that can happen. Brett – all it does is cause an issue. Its the drowning syndrome. Kaitlyn – and I’m not helping by backing it up by doing this right now. Kaitlyn kicks everyone out so that she can meditate.

9:35pm Storage room. Brett and Winston. Brett – Bayleigh is getting in her head. Kaitlyn comes in an saying that Bayleigh said everyone is talking sh*t about her. Brett – here is the worst part. I know I can calm her down except Fes is right there so I can’t say anything because he is going to turn around and repeat it to the entire house. Brett – I said think logically she is desperate and saying anything that she ca.

9:40pm Havenot room. Bayleigh, Haleigh and Rockstar. Bayleigh – I am so pissed off right now. For her to be like everyone else hasn’t said anything, nobody was ever mad at me. How did me and Swaggy even get pulled into it. Why is she pissed at me, why is she mad at me. Why is she made at me. You want to send him home, saying its gang related. No its not and I feel attacked right now and I am the only one taking the heat. Because she said everyone can in her room and didn’t say anything about her. Like everything is perfect. That’s not fair! He shouldn’t have to tale the heat that everyone was. We had that conversation in the bathroom. She said the she didn’t believe it was said. Now she’s pissed at Tyler.

9:45pm HOH room – Kaitlyn and Tyler. Kaitlyn – I am really pissed off right now. I am becoming the person that they were talking about. I am becoming the reactive person. I am becoming that cannonball person. They’re literally right. Tyler – you are right. You are over thinking it. People want you to feel this way right now. People want you to to make you question everything. And the right people are trying to keep your mind at ease. And the people that want your mind to change are trying to make your mind freak out. Plant little seeds. I know its a tough day and Week. Tyler – I don’t want you to question what Haleigh and I talking about. Kaitlyn – I am so annoyed. I just feel so disconnected from myself.

11:25pm Storage room. JC and Haleigh. Haleigh – the more I think about it, I am leaning towards us keeping Winston. JC – yup we have to. Haleigh – if anything changes let me know.

12:15am Havenot room telling stories..

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7 thoughts to “Bayleigh “I feel attacked right now and I’m the only one taking the heat!””

  1. LOL you can hate on Kaitlin as much as you can but she makes this game a roller-coaster which is better than the snozzfest of the past seasons

  2. I dislike Kaitlyn so much I almost wish Swaggy would stay. Fireworks…
    Can’t believe I just said that.

  3. Well the Swaggy C show was fun while it lasted. Just don’t see the votes going his way.

    Would be cool though if Sam gave him the power just to throw things into a complete tailspin. Wouldn’t be a smart move for her game but for television viewing it would be outstanding.

  4. Kaitlyn stumbled on a good strategic move by thinking emotionally. There are two powers in the house. Those consist of Fez, Swaggy side, and the Bro’s gang. There are other people who are in the periphery of those powers and in that lies some numbers. This Season is different from other Seasons where there have been super alliances that picked people off one by one. Rockstar is delusional because she is not a core alliance person, she is a disposable player. In the group they shared with Fez, Swaggy, Bay, and Hay… her and Kaitlyn were disposable, they were, in fact, the bottom of that totem pole. So she made a side alliance with Tyler, a smart move because he is good and comps. That also means you have to look who has shown to be good at comps so far. The Bro’s are all bro and no show, there is a long history of flashy guys that were actually bad at comps. So let’s take a look at who won comps Swaggy=2, Tyler=2, Fez=1 Angela=1.

    So who is the best one to take out when you consider that for all intensive purposes you are a person who’s team will look at you as an easy person to lose? You take out a power player, and swaggy did say she was shady and did not want her on his team. He did brag that he was the boss. Swaggy as entertaining as he is, was the best strategic target, she also had Tyler use the veto on a lower threat Scotty, so if Winston went home instead it would still be breaking up powers.

    For me, it never matters if I do not like someone personally, with a few acceptions, I really did not like Bredon and Rachael or Jess and Cody. I am a strategy fan. In all honesty no matter how annoying Kaitlyns baby talk is and it will work my last nerve… I have to admit strategy wise it was a good move.

  5. Close your eyes Kaitlyn. Breathe innnnnnn all of the house’s negativity… into your heart center… see it become white light….. and breathe out. Exhale… releasing all of the light and love to all of your housemates. Visualizing a circle of light extending three feet out from their heart centers in every direction…. and within that circle of light…. is peace… and ease. Namaste.

  6. I did like Kaitlyn too, but the decision to get rid of Shaggy was not her own idea, it is Tyler’s idea. He is the one who felt threatened by Swaggy.

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