Austin “You’re not going to try and f**king showmance. Its your right to say stop!”

POV Holder: Steve Next POV July 3rd
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June 28th
HOH Winner Team 1: James HOH Winner Team 2: Jason
Nominations 1 : Steve, Jackie Nominations 2: Becky, Johnny mac
Battle of the Block Winner Becky and Johnny Mac Next HOH/ Next BOB July 2nd / ?
Original Nominations: Becky, Johnny, Steve, Jackie
Current Nominations: Jace, Jackie
Have Nots Austin, Da’Vonne, Liz, Vanessa

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Big Brother 17 Alliance break down

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9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Meg says we get to talk to Julie Chin today! Jason says Julie Chen… I don’t know who Julie Chin is! Meg laughs. Jason says maybe Julie Chen is the takeover. Martha Stewart is the takeover! DaVonne says she can come cook. They talk about how Steve doesn’t often talk about himself. DaVonne says you have to pull it out of him.
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9:40am – 10am In the kitchen – Liz says I can’t believe Jace said that, I don’t blame him though. Austin asks what that you betrayed him? Liz says That you’re the only one he likes in the house now. Austin says I tried to defend you. Liz says its like survival of the fittest. Austin says Not even that he put himself in an impossible situation for you to stay loyal. Liz says if he actually had any respect for me he would like just understand. Austin says if he wasn’t doing that you could still talk to him. Austin says like you’re not going to try and f**king showmance. If he wasn’t doing that you could still talk to him. Liz says I know! He’s like way too forward. Austin says its not about your right to stay loyal its your right to say stop. Liz says I have my own back at the end of the day. Austin says we all do. We all do. Liz says its okay no hard feelings. I completely understand. I still want us 3 to have a little visit afterwards. Visit him in Georgia after. Austin says yeah. Maybe by the end of it he could be laughing about it. Or maybe he’ll be holding a grudge about it. Who knows. Liz says we’ll still see him at parties. Liz says good morning to the live feeders! Thank you for the Chinese food last night! Austin says go to Chin Chin next time. DaVonne says that was so thoughtful, thank you guys!
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10:05am – 10:10am In the HOH bathroom – Audrey says I spoke to Vanessa and she said I should speak to you. I was trying to figure out who was the person that got her all worked up. And she said you were at the meeting with her. And I asked her if it was Jeff. She said I should ask you. JohnnyMAC says what happened was we were all trying to figure out what was going on because we didn’t have all the information and I thought it was you. I thought that the person they were all talking about was you. We were speculating and then she got all mad and left. It felt like the vibe was coming from you. Audrey asks can I ask who was there? Johnny says it was me, Vanessa and Jeff. Audrey says I just want to figure out if I win HOH. You’re not a target for me. Why he felt like he needed to do this because its been my understanding that he also approached Jeff. Johnny says it wasn’t Jeff. Audrey says it was my understanding that Jeff approached Jace and before he left he wanted to blow up my game. Johnny says I don’t know anything about this. Johnny says I heard the same thing about me .. that Vanessa and I are masterminds. Johnny says that was all me just putting things together .. I don’t know if it was true or not. Audrey says its public knowledge that I was part of this larger group and they’ve thrown me under the bus. It all comes back to the same person. The person I am going to target is the person that has thrown me under the bus. I’m not going to target you or Vanessa. I hope in the future you can and will have an open mind to give me a shot that I am trustworthy. Johnny says okay. Johnny hugs Audrey and goes to listen to the HOH music.

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10:20am – 10:40am In the kitchen. DaVonne tells Liz your picture is the most unique. Liz says I know Jason’s is funny too. I didn’t even know I could pose like that. James says you look totally different in that picture! Liz asks me… well I didn’t have these roots first of all! Look what the hell! Day asks did you request dye? Liz says yes of course! I brought dye .. that’s how fast my hair grows. That was like 2 weeks ago. Liz leaves the room and James and Day whisper. DaVonne says me, you, Meg and Jason. James says that’s a good 4. DaVonne says we need to take Jeff to the Final 5. Day says Audrey this next week. Austin the week after. James says as much as I love John we can’t forget about him. He’s stayed so low key. We’ve got to fit him in somewhere. I feel like he is technically last on stuff. James says I really think its going to be hard to get Jackie out .. because of him (Jeff). DaVonne says MMmHmm. DaVonne gets up and says stay here I’m going to check something. She heads to the living room and Austin comes into the kitchen. DaVonne comes back. She tells James he can’t see us talking here. James says I feel like Jeff would work with us and Meg too. With you, me and Jason as a strong 3. I feel like if we get Jeff we get John.

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10:45am Big Brother blocks the feeds. When the feeds come back – Audrey is up in the HOH room talking to Vanessa about not being able to trust Clay. He didn’t want to compromise his position with you and otherwise. There’s this person that has a lot of influence in this house. There are people getting away scot-free with blood on their hands and he’s not doing anything about it. His actions tell me I shouldn’t trust him. The whole I would scrifice my game for you and for this person .. that’s not true. Vanessa says I can’t say this enough .. people are scared of how smart you are .. you could be a lawyer. You have to placate their fear. You have to stop talking game for a few days. Please take my advice on this. Unless you win HOH, that would be amazing. Audrey says there are people that still don’t talk to me. Vanessa says its fear. It’s not that they don’t like you. Audrey says I’m a firm believer that things have a way of working themselves out. If you’ve watched past seasons .. things that go around come around. And I really hope I win today. Audrey heads downstairs.

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In the Cabana room – Jace says dude did you see how fast she turned her back on me so quickly. Austin says next week its going to be me or him. Austin says make Jeff the target instead of me. Jace asks do you mean James and Jeff. Austin says yeah. Austin asks are you going to sing “Long hair, don’t care…” Thanks for telling me that Jeff. Jace asks there’s no way I can get the votes up. Austin says unless Clay and Shelli. That would be your last play. I would try one more time with them. And if they say no .. then its all over. And you better hope you don’t see them in sequester. Jace says If I do I am coming back in here with a vengeance.

In the bedroom – Meg talks to Audrey. Meg says I have this thing that I don’t want to win HOH except to get the letter. Right now I have no idea who I would put up if I did win. Right now that wouldn’t be my game play though. I think the unexpected people would have to go first.

11:15am Big Brother calls for an HOH lock down. All the house guests head up to the HOH room.

11:35am The live feeds switch to the old Jeff Schroeder interviews.

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26 thoughts to “Austin “You’re not going to try and f**king showmance. Its your right to say stop!””

  1. Why is DaVonne and co. complaining about Steve not talking much? Maybe its because he sees that once you say anything in this house, it blows up with all the crazyies! He’s waiting until he finds a true teammate before he shares, unlike all of these people that talk about everyone behind their back.

    1. because they know he’s collecting info and not contributing. in a game of big brother i would be wary of a person who keeps quiet

        1. I thought they were trying to engage him. idk. I don’t have the live feeds but just reading updates here.

          To say you’re socially awkward is a cop out. I think most of us would be socially awkward in this scenario where you’re thrown in with people vastly different than yourself but big brother is a SOCIAL game. You can’t say I’m socially awkward so make me feel comfortable and include me. Include yourself into conversation.

          It appears that Austin, Audrey, Meg, DaV, Jason have a pretty good read on people.

          James, Jeff, Jace can’t read people.

          I don’t read or see much of Vanessa to know anything about her.

          Jace calling Jeff a bully is a bit hypocritical since he did the same thing to Steve.

    2. They complain he doesn’t talk, and they would complain if he did. It’s a no win situation bunch. Can I just say I’m tired of Audrey conducting business upstairs like she’s the Godfather. I expect her to ask them to kiss the ring anytime now

      1. She actually reminds more of Jim Jones in his final days wearing the shades and staring blankly into space.

  2. Listening to Audrey talk to Johnny this morning. I think she is plotting the overthrow of the Holy Roman Empire !!!

    1. Everytime she starts talking – it puts me in the mind of vomit…seriously. I’m ready for her to be a grayed out memory. She tells lies on top of lies on top of more lies and I can’t even keep up right now!!!

      1. I get a head ache trying to keep up with her conversations … my head spins and not sure how hers is still on her shoulders…. if she told the truth I am sure our mouths will drop …lol

  3. I had a feeling the Audrey-DaVonne alliance wouldn’t work because they both have very strong personalities. However, now i’m not sure which one to root for. I’m not a fan of Day and James’s plans, getting rid of audrey, john, taking jeff to final 5…i kinda hope their plans get screwed up.

    1. I hope Audrey is out soon. She needs to play her game, and not be Amanda 2.0 spending the summer in bed – summoning people to come meet with her. Her conversations go nowhere.

  4. I am hoping that the votes to evict for most of remaining weeks are not unanimous. That was the most annoying part for me last season

    1. I’m not too bothered by the numbers as long as there’s a scramble for votes. Last year it was just an announcement of who was the target and then nothing until the eviction. CBS cobbled together enough scramble for about 20 seconds worth of fight but even that was weak.

      Jace is scrambling for votes and it’s been entertaining so even if he goes out without a single vote to stay it’s been good. He may even have upset future plans with his scramble even if he can’t save himself.

    2. I hate the unanimous voting. Last season was over the top with that. I don’t know why this started, but that’s part of the game. Vote the way you want, and if you’re the only one, blame someone else. Think for yourself – only one person is winning $500,000, so to go with the pack is ludicrous.

  5. I don’t like Jeff, and I cannot believe these people don’t think that Jeff and Jackie would take each other to the end. I hate the sound of Jeff’s voice. At least Jackie is being smart and laying low for the most part. Cannot wait for the reign of James to be over too. He is becoming annoying.

  6. Audrey really nailed Jace when she said he had no self awareness and that he was making people in the house feel uncomfortable. Unfortunately, the same can also be said about her. She has no self awareness and she also makes some of the other Hg’s very uncomfortable with all her lies and manipulations. She’s a control freak. She cant be happy unless everyone is under her thumb. I think if she had just come clean and admitted she was playing too hard too fast, people might have reacted differently towards her.
    On the other hand, Im glad she’s been throwing Clay under the bus. He ‘s way too conscious of where the cameras are and always positions himself perfectly in front of them. I hope he realizes this is not a Hollywood audition. Just play the game and stop trying to play us.

  7. Why does Jace think the producers want him back so much seriously WTF. It’s not like anyone in America likes him that much. I’ve noticed almost everyone on big brother thinks that they are a star for some reason. GET REAL

  8. I hope Audrey & Austin win HOH just to make this season even better because just think about how unpredictable this game will be if those 2 win HOH!! Chaos = entertainment

  9. Can I have some honest proof why everyone here thinks Jeff is bad or a scumbag? I really haven’t seen or read anything he has done to deserve these judgements?
    Just cite some proof…not name calling ?

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