10:45pm Austin and Liz
Liz – Julia told me you had no idea.. can’t you tell
Austin – I do now.. I feel a big connection with you.. I look at you in the eye’s .. the energy was different.
Liz says Julia told her on Wednesday that the house is catching on. Says it was on Tuesday Da started asking her questions.
Austin says he can tell the difference 100% Jeff is going to know
Liz says her and Julia are the same person they are really not all that different. She says Julia doesn’t have the same connection with Austin as she does
Liz says she can’ tell them about the production aspect of the twist they swtich every 3 or 5 days. Liz was able to talk to Julia yesterday she was in tears.
Austin says Jeff wants to get rid of him so he can be alone with Liz.
Liz- You guys need to just help me.
Austin- I’m going to try to protect you with everything I can.. I tried to win it for you
Liz – I heard she got really close
Austin says when he won the HOH Jeff looked depressed and worried. Liz is so happy she says Julia told her the only people they can trust are Austin, liz, Vanessa, and Clay
Shelli runs up screaming hugs Liz
Liz – I’m LIz
Shelli – I’ve met your sister
Vanessa joins them they start trying to fix
Liz bows to Shelli for not putting her up as the replacement.
They’re all comparing notes telling Liz what she needs to know and what she needs to not know.
Vanessa warns them if Liz gets taken out they will bring someone already evicted back into the game.
They tells her only the past 5 days can they tell them apart before that they don’t know who they were talking to. Liz asks if she stays in a Hotel when not in the house. Liz says she can’t tell.
Shelli asks them if Audrey is the plan
Asutin no, ‘Bigger than that..”
Vanessa – Big Moves
Shelli – why
Asutin – if she goes we’re next
Shelli says the other side is tlaking about making sure Austin is the HOH not Vanessa.
10:58pm Storage room Jackie and Jeff
Jeff saying it’s bad for them to be seen together people are so freaked out.
Jeff – Anywhere we go is sketchy.. people are so weird in this house
Jackie – you feeling more paranoid
Jeff – peopel are lilek Jeff’s sketchy there’s a lot of talk going around..
Jeff says Vanessa is really unpredictable this week.
Jeff says he heard today that Vanessa was telling meg she needed to double check with jeff’s’ vote. Jeff says steve is saying he can see right through them., “Like we know each other more than we say.. he sees it as a issue
jackie – it is what it is we came in the way we are
Jeff – some of these people are 21..22 they’re Nieve and young
Jeff says he’s now being seen as the guy who’s friendly with everybody
Jackie doesn’t plan on going up to the HOH tonight. Jeff mentions how Austin wants to snuggle.
11:30pm Vanessa, Shelli and Liz
Vanessa says she would have told Austin earlier but she couldn’t have a chance. Vanessa mentions that Austin tried to cuddle with Julia and she shrugged it off he was really embarrassed.
Liz – You guys should know I don’t like him like that
Vanessa says she thinks Austin likes her. Liz can tell.
They give Liz tips on how to handle “transitioning” they think she should lay low the first day and wear baggy clothes. Liz and Vanessa were calling Julia the ‘Skinnier” one they decide to stop calling her that because Liz and Julia both look amazing.
Liz – That b1tch is skinnier she’s always been”
Austin comes in says the house is going nuts downstairs.
Vanessa Heard Jeff and James talking “that’s the way the game is sometime it’s worst case”
Liz shows off her fake pimple
11:43pm Liz is scared to go downstairs. Austin doesn’t thin there’s any point of them hiding he’s working with her.
They’re looking at teh HOH screen at Jeff looking into the camera.
Liz – Ewww.. He looks so ugly and creepy
11:48pm Liz heads downstairs to get her stuff. Tells James and Jackie she’s Spending the night in the HOH.
Liz – I’m like Marlon Monroe I sleep with people in power
She says it was Audrey that first said that week 1
11:52pm Jeff and Austin
Jeff is trying to make Steve out as the target says Steve is a rat.
Austin says he’s going to make Steve squeal this week.
Austin points out Johnnymac and Steve were playing chess outside the door when did they ever play chess.
Clay joins them. Jeff – I don’t know who’s scarier Audrey of Steve
Jeff saw Vanessa and Audrey up in the HOH for 40 minutes today
Austin is going to ask her what that was about
Austin wants to find out who got the power.
11:58pm Bedroom Jackie, Jeff, James, Johnnymac
James is thinking Da had the power. Jackie and Jeff agree. James says jason would have known so that means he was in on trying to get Meg out. Jeff isn’t sure Jason knew for sure none of them did.
Jeff about Da’s speech – Da, who’s this pack of cowards that sent you home it was two people (Clay/Shelli)
Jackie and Jeff mention bringing up the twin twist in the Diary room and they laughed at them.
Jackie doesn’t think there is a twin she’s just playing along because it’s fun
Jeff says Liz must have done a lot of “Substances” because she can remember one day to the next.
JohnnyMac – I need to see this liz right now up close”
Johnnymac says he saw Liz(Julia) with a crown on number 9
JohnnyMAc says the one before definitely has a crown he doesn’t know if the liz in the HOH has it..
They run upstairs to talk to liz and find out.
Jackie stays in the kitchen tells Shelli and Clay JohnnyMac thinks he noticed a crown on liz and they want to see if liz up in the HOH has one.
12:14am Jeff and Austin Austin says the plan is Audrey he’s just trying to figure out who the pawns are
12:20am Vanessa says he’s not target
12:20am Liz tells Jeff, JAmes and Steve they are being creepy
12:22am Jason and Austin
Jason saying that Audrey was the second vote for Da.
12:26am Jeff and Liz
Liz tells Jeff Austin was sketched out by how he acted after the HOH.
12:32am Vanessa talking to Jason, Austin talking to JohnnyMac
Jason tells her Day had the last laugh, Says supposedly Audrey was the second vote for Da. Vanessa tells him he’s not her target.
Austin tells him he doesn’t want to use him as a pawn.
JohnnyMac says Audrey is a easy move and the house will be happy. Austin is going to put the people that took Jace out up as pawns to take out Audrey, “that’s the plan right now but we’ll see if it changes..”
12:41am Austin and Jeff
Austin – Dude you name isn’t coming up at all
Jeff says there is a conspiracy theory about liz and it’s super interesting
Jeff – Twist type crazy half the house thinks it’s true
Austi – Why don’t I know about that
Jeff – You know who we talk about her memory isn’t good
Austin – ya
Jeff says sometimes liz likes to work out sometimes she doesn’t
Austin – Sometimes she sleeps a lot
Jeff – do you think it’s possible that Liz has a identical twin..
Jeff – we’ve noticed weight fluctuations
Austin – Oh no.. why won’t she tell me this..
Jeff – DUDE we can use this as our advantages
Austin wonders if he’s the target now because he’s close to her.
Jeff says no. He brings up Liz not knowing about the Jace Shrine today.
Austin makes a big deal about this says this is a lot for him to process right now. (Austin knew about this)
Jeff says the general consensus in the house is get Audrey, Steve, Becky than JohnnyMac out
Jeff – We need to collaborate.. the only people worried about you is James and Jason
Jeff says one of the twins has a crush on Austin the other one has a crush on Jeff.
Jeff – Johnny just was up there looking at her teeth he says she has a crown on number 9 .. he’s good.. Dude keep you eye peeled
Jeff – dude it’s really weird on was into Jace the other wasn’t into JAce
Austin asks him what they should do with this twin information.
Jeff doesn’t know.
Jeff hasn’t noticed any difference yet he thinks they are going to change Thursday night or Friday morning.
(Austin plays along with Jeff)
Jeff now claiming they should protect Liz. Warns that JohnnyMac is with Steve and Steve is calling him and Austin sketch balls.
Clay joins them.
Jeff warns them about Becky says you can’t figure out where here head is at.
They wonder hwy Da had so many cheers during the show. Austin suggest maybe they’re the villains.
Austin wants to know what Pawns should he use.
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12:56am Vanessa and Jason HOH
they are agreeing to work with each other. Jason warns her people are going to try and manipulate her HOH. He thinks his was during his short HOH.
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The fact that Audrey is so hated by the house and is so untrustworthy and a target that nobody plans on evicting her. Wow lol. They will regret not getting rid of her sooner.
Honestly Day really exposed it during her eviction. No One wants to be the one to nom her.
I think that’s part of it, but I really think the players feel if Audrey is on the block she goes home no question. So essentially it’s a waste of a week. These people are real players, going for big targets. They know Audrey is a big target but she’s alone and can “easily be taken out the next week” in their heads.
heck, i think there’s starting to be a group of people considering taking her to the end as she loses to anyone in a final two.
Tbh I think “real players” would be people smart enough to realize that an early HOH should be used taking out someone the entire target wants gone, not creating waves and new enemies.
Let other people do the dirty work. Take out the sitting duck.
Yep, remember last season? The house wanted Devin out, and Derrick took him out. And, by getting so little blood on his hands, it helped Derrick’s position later in the game.
Austin and Vanessa are in a unique predicament as far as an early HoH… the #1 ally in the house is Liz/Julia and Julia trusted them enough to tell them. Now the whole House knows that Liz/ Julia are twins because when Da’Vonne noticed she told Jason and Jason blabbed it too everybody else. Now the entire House knows about Liz/Julia (I can’t say their Team name because try as I might I just can’t refer to a lady as Jiz (icks).). If they use Audrey this week for an easy week (which would be the norm, Steve and Audrey would be the best choice.) Taking Audrey out this week GUARANTEES Liz/Julia go’s next week. Then Austin after that.
Nope targeting Jeff or James is their best bet for this week. Normally way too big of a move but in this Season as you can all see the dynamic is truly unique (which has not happened in almost a decade.). So make it is the Backwards Season make a Big Move Early so you don’t have to later. Lets be honest Jace and Da’Vonne were unusual 1 and 2 week evictions. The norms would be Steve, Meg, Audrey or Johnny Mac… those would have been the norm for week 1 and three. On week three it would be a good time to take out the support systems to he bigger players someone like Jackie, Meg or Becky… not who everyone thinks is the Big Dog… truth is Jackie runs Jeff and Meg runs Jeff and James they are the other sides Big dogs.
They remind me of that line from my Big Fat Greek Wedding “Yes the man is the Head of the House… but the woman she is the neck and she can turn the head anywhere she wants.”… watch you will be blown away at how much they are actually the ones in control of them not vice versa.
I hate that Audrey is safe, all she can do is lie and scheme. But I am happy that Austin knows they can not trust her.
Lie and Scheme…isn’t that the point of Big Brother?
Yay am so happy Liz/Julia are save. I don’t care about anyone else
Y r the twins safe?, no one understands the twin twist. And Y Vanessa said for Liz to wear baggy clothes, who r they still hiding it from.
Yes, why are the twins safe. They have been exposed as twins. Julie Chen said to Day ” You had “suspicions”.
Day knew and said so. What is the twist here??
Well they’re safe for this week for sure. They only have to survive two more after this, and with a group of people helping them like they are, their chances of survival just got a whole lot higher. They have to make it through 5 evictions, then they can both come in. Several people in the house, especially those protecting her, already know this…
Wow. I finally got to watch the show & BBAD. So glad they are onto Jeff. It’s iffy over who gets out next Jeffery or Audrey. I love this show! As a sideline,I was robbed today. Feeling vulnerable.
Sorry to hear that Sam. My family and I were robbed at gunpoint in my own driveway by three gang-bangers. You won’t feel the sense of safety you did before but you won’t feel as vulnerable as you do right now either. Hang in there.
Are they allowed to talk about their diaries on the US-Version? They would always get reprimanded in Canada as soon as anything from the Diary room gets mentioned.
This is what bothers me about Liz and just women in general, behind Austin back she’s telling her friends Van/Shelly that she doesn’t like Austin like that but yet she’s spending the night with him cuddling in his HOH bed, it’s not cool sending mixed signals
Austin is saying/doing the same.
“Women in general” Please! Maybe the chicks you roll with…
Mixed signals?? Austin has a girlfriend and he’s cuddling with Liz, that sounds like a mixed signal to me. Oh wait, he’s just lonely…yeah right
Regardless of her winning HOH, I actually disliked Audrey since day-1. Not that she does something that irks me beyond tolerance (like the Confederate couple — Clayhole and Smelli — does all the time). It’s just that I was instantly repelled by her energy, her aura, her demeanor…, by the fact that she’s making her living by cheating, or that she whined and cried after only 5 days in the house… Oh well, you cannot like them all!
Austin OTOH is fun, he’s theater… and you could tell he’s on a power trip right now. Good TV
Audrey isnt HOH… Vanessa is. (confederate people?) way to be judgmental with a racist undertone… let it go.
Somebody needs to remind Austin he has a girlfriend. lol
I don’t think he really has a girlfriend. He mentioned her early but only talks about his family-nothing from her or of her in his HOH letter. I think his strategy is to align with girls to take out the guys and his “girlfriend” was a way to make them feel comfortable. Now he’s trying to woo them
and he’s coming off badly. Oops.
The odd thing about Austin is he and Clay are setting off my friends and my Gaydar like crazy. In some cases i think it comes down to wishful thinking but on other occasions Ping ping ping he’s gay or at least Bi… closeted because he is a Pro wrestler… him and Liz/Julia re really not that into each other very friends like energy… My friend swears that he caught Austin checking out Clay and Jeff than he ever did any of the girls… the same go’s for Clay… maybe it is just in our heads… wishful thinking for a BB Canada 2 kind of Gay man.
why so many are bothered by Audrey not being a target. yeah, she lies, and no one trusts her
lets go over that again. they know her game, ALL of them, and no one cares what she says. she is actually less dangerous than Jackie. yes, I said it. heck, I expect Jackie to make it further even with the PC protection, Grodner protection and everyone knowing Audrey’s game.
No worries Nessa has that house on lock. Some things will change here and there and she will have to readjust. Austin is so in love with Liz that Nessa will have to keep eye on him cuz if he gets butthurt when he starts realizing she isn’t that into him he could start making waves.
Perhaps I’m overly tired but I am feeling theres one dumber Johnny and one smarter one. I see differences a lot in him. Then I thought would they really do two twin twists in one season? K I need sleep. But wouldnt be shocked if later on in game we find out Johnny has been playing with his twin.
People underestimate Meg and Jackie. Everyone seems to think that Jeff, Austin, James and Clay are the Big Dogs in the House… Not true at all… the actually Bosses in the House are Vanessa, Jackie and Meg. Watch closely and you will see what I am talking about. I finally figured why Meg set of my Big Brother Warning Alerts, she controls James and part of Jeff… Jackie controls Jeff. Watch the real Big Dogs in the House are not who you think they are. Come the Jury Stage it will become more noticeable as the House thins down. Those Women run that House.
Austin is funny, but seriously…
Him talking to Jeff, “being surprised to hear about the twins”, has to be the worst acting in the history of mankind. Literally.
that ball didn’t bounce, steve gets 2nd HOH and no one is suspecting Austin and Vanessa as a for sure team.
now? sigh. Jeff needs to go. he has needed to go for weeks. people point to Audrey as the should be target. screw that, Jeff is the target, should be the target and I REALLY hope they don’t just nix evictions because its Gronk week
Audrey is the simple and safe target. No one will care if she goes, so it makes sense to save her for when there’s danger of ticking off too many people and the HoH isn’t ready for a bloodbath. Right now using Audrey as a screen to divert attention from who you really want gone makes more sense.
I got to say big brother 17 is real good I like it this year to me the game is played last two years the game was about doing 21st you told to you get evected
I do not understand the point of people covering up the twinTwist when everybody knows it ALREADY! Whats the point? Hahahahaha
The point is they DON’T know.. they suspect. This is why Austin’s response was so dumb. He should have been like “I don’t know man, I spend a lot of time with them and that doesn’t seem plausible to me, she just seems a little ditsy.” Even dummy Clay was smart enough to try and deflect and got Jeff double guessing himself.. “I think we are just looking for differences that aren’t there because we have that thought in our head.” Jackie even said (Yeah I know Jackie is pretty clueless right now) “I don’t think its true but I am going along with it because it is fun.”
The only person they really have to worry about blowing it up is Johnny Mac with the tooth thing and I think if they brought him in it might work.. the problem here is Jeff. Johnny Mac seems to tell Jeff everything, which is really frustrating.
I’m pretty sure they know.
They can kick hero after Julia comes in (they need to get rid of Jeff, Jackie, maybe James). Plus with Vanessa and Jason both being gay, I don’t think what Day said will come true. Part of the house is nervous about removing Audrey too early but no one wants to sit next to her in Top 4.
Jeff and Jackie are dangerous….Jackie is flying so far under the radar it’s unbelievable because she showed her true self on the amazing race. Totally fake and unlikable, as well as outspoken, which she has not shown.
I love Vanessa, want her, Liz/Julia, Johnny, Meg, or even Becky to win, but she’s playing kind of hard. Her coaching and mapping of the house isn’t very DJ and while it’s great for the Twins to get tips, it makes her seem like a great strategist. Plus she told Julia she played pro poker? I dunno if she crushes her or something, but seems like a big no to have leaked that….even if they can trust each other week 2/3.
You can dislike this comment but Audrey is Entertaining!!!
Sixth Sense alliance are legit my 6 favorite players. Vanessa, Liz/Julia, Austin, Clay, Shelli!
I absolutely hate these players…. Someone please tell me how in the world Austin could think that Shelli is on his side. Last week when Shelli was HOH She treated Austin like he was a step child and barely had 3 words for him. At least she attempted to make Vanessa feel she could trust them, those skanks, she and her side kick boy toy Clay. It sickens me, these players are so weak and can’t think themselves out of a wet paper bag. The problem is as soon as one person takes the lead and tricks the camp with some Jim Jones Kool Aid, no one from that point on can have a thought of their own. Even when a new person takes power, Jim Jones (Shelli & Clay) MUST to always be consulted first before they can make a move. Where are the players of old who thought and fought for themselves…. Weak I tell you, REAL WEAK!
I am totally on team Liz right now. I hate all the people she listed as well, REMOVE THEM ALL
and poor steve. ball bounces bad, and now he is likely facing the block yet again. fortunately Vanessa isn’t dumb enough to waste their HOH on freaking Steve. who evidently is with J-Mac AND Becky, who knew? I bet steve doesn’t even know!
Vanessa has a alliance with Steve…”S.O.S.” Steve will probably be her final two person..unless something changes and she has to cut him loose.
I think Austin will have to be cut loose sooner than final two because he not only is a failure at his showmance tries. But he also is a failure at his bromances lol….Jace and Jeff..how that work out for ya Aus? I do like that he calls Jackie a “Vampire”. That smile of hers…so Vampire. And she is a total bitch. Well ok…Vampires arent usually total bitches:)
I’m worried for Steve. Hope he can stay out of Austin’s way and let the heat stay on Jeff.
The skeptic in me believes Audrey will outplay herself and out the secret alliance to curry favour from the other side in case they get power.
Of course the same skeptic believes that Clay will begin to attempt to hedge his bets by reforming bonds with the other side now that he isn’t safely entrenched in the hoh room with Shelli. Again, just to try to maintain safety for the next week (and because he won’t feel that he is in control of the game this week). He’s asked Shelli, “should we trust them,” too many times. He’s still stuck in the idea that he can play a middle of the road game after he’s already chosen a side. twice. in two hoh’s.
I’d like to be wrong, but neither really has a strong history of actual loyalty so far. They’ve both been in an alliance with just about everyone, and it’s only week three.
Can’t help but feel that by the beginning of week four, there will be yet another secret super alliance.
I disagree, I think they have been pretty loyal once they actually choose a path. For example Audrey was their first strong ally of the game then they were brought into that 8 person alliance. Yes they turned their back on that 8 person alliance but that is because Day made it obvious that they were no longer to be trusted and were going to be the first to go from it. So yes, they turned their back on that alliance.. however they didn’t turn their backs on Audrey. They saved her week 2 and looked like they really were going to work with her for a few more weeks but then Audrey blew it and started up with her old tricks again causing them to turn against Audrey for good.
Yes when Shelli first won HOH they were playing all sides of the house.. they were feeling out were they should truly align with. Because of Van’s hard work she decided for them and they have 100% given their loyalty to Van/Austin/Liz/Julia. They have shown they have chosen this side with how much they have gone out of their way to protect Liz/Julia. Clay immediately started deflecting to Jeff and James saying he thinks they are grasping at straws and by finding out exactly what they are looking for. He then went straight to Liz helped her create those markers they are looking for. I get the impression these two are actually VERY loyal.. to a fault, because it is going to bite them in the butt once Jury hits.
Now with that being said.. I do think they will go after Austin before final 6, but Austin hasn’t done a lot to prove his trust to them like Van has.
while I can see where you are coming from, my spin is slightly divergent from yours.
in week one Audrey and Clay both had multiple alliances on both sides of the imaginary line.
Audrey got outed. Clay snuck under the wire.
Clay didn’t have to scurry during second hoh week because Shelli was in power, and getting rid of someone that was targeting him.
Notice that Vanessa and Austin are playing up Audrey as the backdoor. Also notice that while he is helping with the Liz charade, He is also cozying back up to his allies from week one. Once his desires are not met (once his target isn’t the target), I can easily see Clay attempting to play both sides once more and making Vanessa or Austin’s target bigger in order to make himself less noticeable.
From my perspective the difference between Clay and Audrey’s game is the intensity. They’re both trying to play people against each other in order to draw attention away from themselves. But Audrey isn’t satisfied with making one ‘side’ go after the other as Clay is:
Audrey wants individuals to go after each other in addition to sides going after each other.
I’m not getting the loyal vibe from Clay because even when someone is suggested as double dealing (as his six alliance is proposing about Jeff) it’s Clay that sees it but makes excuses or deflects because Clay believes Jeff is a viable backup for him. Clay isn’t a choose sides player. Clay is the lets be on both sides player. If not, why would he still be asking shelli which side they should go with the day after he made the alliance with vanessa and Austin.
Go ahead and thumbs me down but i honestly don’t see the appeal with John. For one thing he’s not that entertaining and his personality comes off as rather annoying and jittery. He’s doing nothing else and he’s not as close with Shelli/Clay as he thinks he is so he has no true alignment to anyone. He’s just there.
As for competitiveness, he clearly threw that last HoH and has done nothing more but just roam along in the big brother house like it’s summer camp. Don’t get me wrong, he’s nothing at all like Victoria, however i just don’t see whats so great about him.
Someone care to explain?
Probably because he proved that he is smarter than he let on. I mean he won the freaking POV when he needed to and took himself off. Also the fact that he shut down Clay when he told him not to use it made me respect a lot more. Point is he is likeable and people aren’t targeting him to be evicted so he’s doing something right.
He reminds me of a Shaggy, from Scooby Doo, and Bobcat Goldthwait.
Someone please tell me why in the world would Austin of all people think that Shelli is on his side. Last week when she was in power she treated him like a step child and had nothing to do with him, she or her side kick Clay. The both of them, Shelli and Clay at least played Vanessa into thinking she was in some fake alliance with her crew. I absolutely hate how these people think. They are so weak. The min someone seems to take the lead as the Wizard of Oz, no one can make a decision, without the Wizards (shelli & Clay) in this case, approval. Where are the bold players of old, who thought and fought for themselves! Weak I tell you, real WEAK!
LMAO at Liz. Watching after dark and Vanessa and Austin are using gummy bears for strategy talk and Liz comes flying in all excited and starts eating them all. lol. Not sure why I found it so funny but I just started howling.
Based on early discussions a couple things are clear:
Austin will nominate James and Jason who were the HOH’s that targeted Jase (the plan is for them to win BOTB) so Vanessa will remain HOH. That will remove Shelli’s number 1 target of James so then Jeff becomes the next option. I won’t be surprised if she tries to talk Austin out of nominating James & gets him to put up someone more competitive like Becky with Jason so James is still available as an option.
Vanessa prefers to back door James b/c he is the one person she doesn’t like in the house, however she knows a more strategic move is to back door Jeff and given Austin said his plan is to target the people who wanted Jase gone it’s pretty clear that James will be an initial nominee unless (as per above) she can convince him otherwise.
She also said all the pawns will be people “on the other side” so I expect her noms to be Meg & Jackie
These noms might arouse suspision (if the other side is smart) to see how odd it is neither Shelli or Clay are going up. It should get Jason wondering if there is an alliance at the very least between those 5.. 6 with the twins).
Much will depend on the POV as Jeff playing in it and winning it will save him this week. If Austin does put up Jason/James and they win BOTB then only Jackie/Meg can be ousted if she wants to nail someone from “the other side”. .
Don’t be surprised if Clay/Shelli get some treatment this week from the “outside” group if Jeff lucks out getting picked in the POV and wins it. Then perhaps we can see a Clay nomination (please oh please) Austin has never been 100% on working with Clay although they are in the group together.
With Clay not being very smart I can see him messing up this week and ending up a target which would make me jump up and down for joy. The problem is Vanessa really likes Shelli and can easily manipulate her so if she put up Clay would Shelli still work with her?
Vanessa really doesn’t want to oust Audrey but it’s always an option.
So when she is safe yet again, I think after this week if the other side can win both HOH’s and figures out the other side has no intention of ousting Audrey they may turn around and nominate Vanessa & Austin with Shelli & Clay so they can chip their numbers down. That would still leave Audrey as a possible back door (or Liz) but I have a feeling she will be safe until an instant eviction week.
At this point Vanessa is head and shoulders strategically above everyone in the game and is also the best manipulator. She can get Austin, Shelli, Steve and Clay to do whatever she wants and now she’ll also have Liz/Julia in her pocket. By pulling the over crying bit in week one many haven’t figured out how smart she is. Audrey is super smart, but I’m not sure if she’ll be able to do anything unless she gets deeper in the game when she would be the one who would have no problem blindsiding Vanessa and taking her out!
I think Shelli will understand a Clay backdoor if he starts talking like he’s untouchable. Shelli seemed annoyed with him several times last week when he kept talking game over her He also talked too much with people she didn’t want to know how things were going.
Shelli want to keep Clay as long as she can keep a leash on him but I think if she was given the ultimatum: Clay or Van, then Clay’s gone. Shelli knows the game is strong in that one.
I don’t think Audrey will be leaving us till the first double eviction , it sucks shlay won’t be put on the block this week I just want to see how they handle being on the chopping block, I wouldn’t be surprised if vanasa won this season she may have been a wreck the first couple nights but she is playing very strategically just like the narc from last season it’s a shame she didn’t want to save my girl Day but whatever can’t wait till the nomination ceremony
Jeff is obsessed with Da’vonne. For a person who thought her eviction speech was nasty and personal, he has no self-reflection about how nasty and personal he’s been to other people. Like, didn’t he call Da’vonne a b*tch when he and Clay were talking after that big blow-up? Talk about personal…
I really don’t think Liz/Julia have anything to worry about at this point, I see them making it easily to week 5. But I think if I were them I would have told Austin early on so that he could give her whatever info she needed when they switched. Just to help with keeping herself on the down low.
Aside from that, I’m super happy with both HOHs right now, and id be ok with Jeff leaving. I really can’t stand clay and shelli though, hopefully they go soon!!!