POV Holder: | Vanessa | POV Competition | Aug 22nd |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | Aug 24th |
HOH | Austin | Next HOH | Aug 27th |
Original Nominations: | Steve and Jmac | ||
After POV Nominations: | ? and ? | ||
Have Nots | No have nots this week |
12:55am HOH room – Meg says I can’t wait to go into the DR and once again make a big a$$ joke of myself. Like every single competition.. I can’t! Liz says except for BB comics. You did really good. Meg says I just look like the bimbo of the show. Julia says you’re not on the block. Meg says I know. I could have lost in any other way but the fact that it was my nose! (Veto competition was the Face Morph) And then Vanessa thought I was upset. Liz says Vanessa said you didn’t congratulate her but I got why you were upset. Meg says surprise it has nothing to do with you! Julia comments on how Zingbot called Vanessa masterful. And she is really good, like she creamed everyone. Liz says Julia got 4:45 and next round it was Steve who almost literally beat her. If he had gotten 10 seconds more Steve could have beat you. Then there was Austin.. Oh MY God! He did terrible! He was a train wreck!! He would have been there for 15 minutes. Fourth was Vanessa and she killed it! Like she was incredible! Then it was Johnny Mac and he didn’t do good at all. Liz says I honestly think Johnny Mac is going to go home this week and then someone is coming back. Its really important for Austin to get information from both of them. Meg says if its days (Next HOH comp about the days) then Steve is going to beast it. Liz says a million percent. Julia says The veto is not getting used. Meg asks who is Vanessa pushing for? Liz says Johnny Mac. Meg says that makes us want to keep Steve even more. Julia says someone is coming back. If he leaves I don’t think he will come back. Meg says I don’t think he would have a shot against the girls. Julia says she thinks Steve is a huge threat. They (JMac & Steve) have an alliance. One of them have to go. Meg says I have this feeling that she is going to want to use it. Julia sees Vanessa grab Austin on the spy tv to talk to him. What a sneaky a$$ bit*h!!
1:10am Steve and Johnny Mac are playing chess. Steve says that was a really iconic comp! Johnny Mac says a lot of things have been happening early.
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1:15am Bedroom – Vanessa and Austin are talking. Vanessa tells Austin that Meg and Julia are up there talking really loud with Steve and Johnny Mac right outside the door. Vanessa says listen just tell me straight up Meg said that she knew it was me at the time. Which makes me wonder was I the backdoor? Austin says no, no! I told her I wanted things to stay the same. Vanessa asks you never said I was getting backdoored? Austin says no way. Vanessa asks but did you ever say that? Austin says I told Johnny Mac that maybe you would be a target because he has been gunning for you for a while. But as far as Meg and James I’ve been telling them I wanted you here for sure and that you cannot go. Austin says its going to be Steve or Johnny Mac. Vanessa asks why would she cry though? Austin says I don’t know, that’s what I want to know. Vanessa says she was upset that I won. Austin says I thought it was more she thought James was a plan to get backdoored. They move into the comic bedroom. Austin wondered why Steve never put up James during the double eviction. Something is going on with Steve, that he is playing both sides of the house. Austin says all the bad stuff between you and I, I consider it done. And I hope you feel the same way. Vanessa says I felt it was until I saw Meg crying and wondered if I was the backdoor. Austin says no. Vanessa says I played that so hard for you. Vanessa and Austin rehash their past issues with each other. Austin says I’ve expressed I want Steve or Johnny Mac to go this week. Steve thinks he is 100% safe. Vanessa asks is he my enemy in this game? Vanessa says I will do what you want with the veto. Austin says lets do this together. Vanessa asks did the girls question if they could trust me? Austin says a little bit. Austin says he wants to get to the bottom of why Meg was crying. Austin says Becky said that you had deals with everyone. Vanessa says its not true. Austin says depending on what James and Meg want might hint at something.
1:20am Johnny Mac comes into the HOH room wearing his “Newly Zingle & Ready to Mingle” t-shirt. Johnny says that Vanessa wondered if Meg was crying because she (Vanessa) was the backdoor plan. I told her it was probably because she thought James was the backdoor plan. Johnny says I imagine at some point James and Meg are going to rat that they were asked to use the veto if they won it. Austin just needs to tell her yeah I lied to them to get them to use it as a backup. That if they used it he would have put the other one up. Liz brings up how Vanessa pulled Austin into another room to talk to him first. Julia says she is sketchy. Johnny leaves. Liz says this is even better because Vanessa will be pissed and not use it. What if Steve or Johnny Mac told her she was the backdoor plan? Julia asks was that the plan to backdoor Vanessa? Liz says not any more. Johnny could have told that to Vanessa. Julia says when she doesn’t use it, they’re going to freak out. James joins them. Julia says basically the veto isn’t getting used and one of them are going home. Liz and Julia thinks Vanessa wants Johnny Mac to go.

1:40am Liz joins Austin and Vanessa. Austin says we are back with her 100%! She is our girl! Vanessa says you have no reason not to trust me. Liz says I know. Vanessa says that Meg, James, Steve and Johnny Mac are working together. It was going to be 3 on 5 when it comes to this week. Austin says they were all going to flip on us. Vanessa says that’s why Meg was upset when I won! You know when you have that feeling when everyone is mad that you won? Vanessa says thank you for not putting me up. Liz says when ever we ask who is your target they’re always saying Vanessa, Vanessa. Vanessa says they were going to convince Austin to put me up with Johnny Mac saying they were going to vote him out when they were really going to vote me out. They were going to work together, who ever comes back in they were going to take as the fifth. Austin says I went into that diary room wanting to put you up and came out of the HOH room after talking to you not wanting to put you up. Vanessa says if “Brass Tacks” was really Meg shouldn’t have been freaking out that I might use it (Veto). Austin asks so who do we take out? Who is the ring leader!!? I have all the power right now! They head up to the HOH room.

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1:50am – 2:35am HOH room – Vanessa, Austin and Liz come up to the HOH room where Julia is hanging out. Steve joins them. Liz asks so what’s up?! Steve says that he wanted to get away from the late night scamping. Austin says well I want to go to be. Steve says have a goodnight Austin. Steve leaves. Vanessa explains how she figures she was going home. She says everyone was going to get Austin to put her up as a pawn. James & Meg were going to lie to Austin and tell him they were going to keep me. And Steve was going to lie. Everyone was going to lie. Then evict me. It was going to be you 3, Johnny mac and Steve… who ever comes back .. 5 on 3 and then you’re done!! Julia says so Meg and James are working with Steve. Vanessa says 100% that’s thats thing that explains this. Vanessa talks about Meg being upset that she won. Julia says she was upset that she lost. Vanessa says bull f**King KAKA! Vanessa says I would love to hear anything that’s been said about me. All of my diary rooms have been .. who are my people? Austin and the twins! Austin says that Steve has been adamant that James and Meg have been his targets. And he did take Jackie out for us during the double. Maybe Johnny Mac is still the target. Vanessa asks has Johnny Mac ever talked game with you. Austin says yeah when he came up here wanting to get you out. Liz says it was after you and him had that fight. Vanessa says I have never met anyone that can’t get over something. I guarantee Steve is the mastermind behind the 5 against the 3. Don’t ever tell Steve anything you’ve said to me. I am going to play Steve’s game so well right back at him. I’m going to be fake as F**K! Which he deserves after how two faced he’s been to me! F**K IT! Two faced f**king two faced!! Little f**Ker!! We’ll do that so we still have him in our back pocket. I’m going to pull a number on him and have him convinced we’re cool with him… even though we’re not! Austin asks don’t you think it might make him mad if we don’t pull him off. Vanessa says you told him Johnny Mac is the target and you don’t want to get more blood on your hands. If we can get Johnny Mac to squeal and prove Steve is a liar. I’ll say Clay and Shelli they had a final 2 deal with Steve. If he admits it then Steve is a goner because he’s been lying to me. Julia says Steve has to go!! Austin says maybe. Vanessa says I don’t even care if Johnny Mac is gunning for me if I have you guys. Austin says we can get James and Steve to think each other are squealing so that one of them squeals. Austin says I could tell Steve that I’ve been talking to James and Meg and they’ve been saying a lot.. is there anything you want to tell me. This room is the deciding factor on who could go home. Anyone of them down there could go home. Vanessa says that James wanted to win this HOH. It would have been his 3rd HOH. For someone how wants to win a third HOH means they think their a$$ is on the line. Can we please take out James or Johnny Mac this week. Austin says I’ll talk to everyone individually and then say after that something is fishy. Vanessa says if we’re going to catch someone in a lie .. this is my forte! Vanessa says thank you god, thank you god.. I had no idea I was about to get backdoored. I’m going to go give Steve the fakest of fake right now! He can go f**k himself as far as I’m concerned! Wait till I win HOH .. his a$$ is going up! His word is no good! Vanessa leaves.
Vanessa "I'm going to go give Steve the fakest of fake right now! He can go f**k himself!!"
@bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/DovapxzbgM
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 23, 2015
1:50am Steve joins James in the bedroom. James asks where everyone is? Steve says he was up in the HOH room with Austin, the twins and Vanessa and I got kicked out because Austin wanted to go to bed but I was the only one that left… SO it looks like I will be going this week. James asks where? Steve says home .. or jury. James says you don’t know that. Steve leaves. Steve sits in the living room deep in thought.

2:40am Comic bedroom – Vanessa’s talking to Johnny Mac. Vanessa says that she was just up talking to Austin saying that she would do whatever he wanted to do. She said someone people said some shit about me that wasn’t true and they need to get to the bottom of it. I’m happy to have that thing around my neck because you never know what could have happened otherwise. Johnny Mac saying MmmHmmm, MMMmHmmm.
2:35am – 3:30am HOH room – Austin, Julia and Liz talk. Austin says I don’t know what is true or not. I don’t know if Steve is a rat or not. I don’t know if they were going to band together against us. Austin says now we have Vanessa as our forth for sure. Now its not as easy to break us up. If Vanessa went home it would be very easy to break us up. We need her going forward and she’s an awesome competitor for this next HOH. I still think the best thing to do is send home Johnny Mac or Steve. James would be the big betrayal move. If we find information we can do it, if not we don’t. I’m going to tell Steve if he has any information on James he needs to tell me or he is staying on the block with Johnny Mac. I’ll say I heard some things and he needs to tell me. Tomorrow is my day of power! The Judas day! Julia leaves. Liz says you had suspicions about everything. Austin says I’ve watched this game for so long. Liz says I’m to stupid for this game. Austin says people will do anything for money. Liz says I’m just scared we’ve been making too many deals with everything. What do you think about Steve you’ve been telling him a lot about Vanessa. Austin says its okay I told Vanessa everything. Steve might be good and Vanessa. Austin says I hope James is on the up and up .. he did it to Jace, he did it to Clay and Shelli, he is not going to do it to me. Austin says I’ll talk to everyone tomorrow and figure it out. I won’t blow up anyone up. Tomorrow we decide if we go after Johnny Mac and Meg & James.
2:50am – 3:30am Bedroom – James tells Meg that both Johnny Mac and James think they’re the ones to go home. James says they were up there for awhile .. but Liz was pissed when she came out of that room. The only thing I can think of is that Vanessa has cut a deal with Steve to take him off. Vanessa told Austin about you crying. And they talked about the plan to backdoor Vanessa. I don’t know what is going on now. Steve told me I am going to be okay. James says they are trying to keep Vanessa so that she will go after Me, You and Johnny Mac. She’s a meat shield for them. Just watch your back around them. Their conversation turns to talking about their lives outside the house.
4am All the house guests are sleeping..
10:27am All the house guests are still sleeping. No wake up call yet.
10:45am – 11:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Bedroom – James says that Julia said she was going to scare me but I ruined it. Backyard – Johnny Mac is laying on the couches staring off into the distance. in the kitchen – Vanessa tells Steve that he looks good. She likes his outfit. Steve says that James told him he has a gut. Vanessa looks and says if you have a gut then I have a gut. Steve says your is up higher (her breasts). Steve says I believe its spelt phat. Vanessa heads back to bed. In the HOH room – Austin and Liz are making out.
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Vanessa needs to implement the ‘ backdoor James’ plan today. I know he is a fan favorite for some mysterious reason so I will get lots of down votes, but getting rid of him is crucial for her game.
I can’t believe that he hasn’t been austin’s target all week.
Nasty Nessy looks like a muppet. Why does she always have a permanent duck face look for? It kind of looks like she has had multiple plastic surgeries on her face. I swear i cant stand looking at her anymore. Her rambling is soo f’n annoying.
She has a duck face because she’s homly. Shellishe’s a bully and the other are sheep.
Yes, she’s annoying but slamming on looks isn’t called for. You don’t know if she’s had any plastic surgery. Don’t know why that comment bugged me but it did. But she is still annoying. Last night I just kept screaming “Vanessa, shut up!”
Oh… Shut Up CoCo!!! Im so tired of all of you PC police running around here condemning anyone who says something YOU dont like! Look at the thumbs up vs the thumbs down…..YOU ARE OUT OF LINE WITH YOUR COMMENT COCO! Good day!!!
Why can’t you people (and you know who im taking about) just come on here and talk about the houseguests game . Why do you have to keep making fun of someone’s apearance. What does that have to do with big brother? Are you people so insecure of your own lives you have to make fun of others just to feel good? Just stop acting like children and talk about game. You look so stupid when you make fun of the houseguests apperances. Like really what purpose does it serve to do that? God forbid were all not perfect looking. Grow up!!!!
You wanted thumbs down you gottem sugar lumps
I think both of James’ HOH was a success. He had a target and stuck to it and didn’t get manipulated by anyone. James has been a target the whole game and he hasn’t had an easy ride. He’s loyal to his alliance and seems to have a good read on the game (given the limited info he has, i.e., no one’s giving James info like the other players where they’re all reporting on each other).
I also like Vanessa because regardless of her crying and her crazy theories, she’s playing hard.
Steve is the one I want evicted for knowing the game and still if he had won this HOH he would’ve put up James and Meg. Steve taking out Jackie was a sh*tty move.
Already a lot of thumbs down, but I agree 100%!! We’re talking about a game move here people, not a popularity contest!! James would 100% break up the 3 headed monster if he gets the chance. With the moves that James has already pulled off with his HOH’s, everybody knows (or should) that he is not afraid and will make big game moves. Well, it’s all about making the move before it’s made on you!! Look, I’m not a James lover because of his mouth, but I do love watching his antics. GAME WISE…he’s got to go!!! Now, give me all your thumbs down and prove your ignorance to the game!!
As a competitor, Austwins can’t beat Steve, Vanessa or JohnnyMac..
But they can beat James since he is only good at endurance..
James was going after Liz/ Vanessa but Vanessa/ Steve/ JohnnyMac are going to do the same thing… They are not stupid enough to let the Austwins coast to Final 3. Vanessa was also asking Steve to guess her target for next week but didn’t reveal it. If it was James, she wouldn’t have a problem revealing it
Why does James have to go? You want Nasty-Nessa or the Awful Aus-twins to win the game? Why can’t James stay and take them out & WIN the game? He’s a good player – so apparently you are like Ven-ass-a & think he’s got to go?
Unfortunately, since the demise of American Idol, the morons who ruined that show, by voting for Cutest Straight White Boy instead of Best Singer, seem to have migrated to this forum. They have no comprehension of game play. They only know who they “LIKE.” Whenever I read a post whining about JMac, I assume the poster is a 14 year old girl with a smartphone who has nothing else to do ,besides being annoying. I really hope JMac goes out and his “fans” go with him.
Austwins and Van haters worst nightmare happened last night.
Austin/Van hashed it all out, everything on the table. Now there alliance is bonded. Vanessa will take them to the final 4. Which actually isn’t a bad idea, she can beat either of them in final comps.
What is it with Liz. First she snuggles with Jace. He’s evicted, then she flirts with Austin and he catches her in bed with Jeff! Jeff is evicted and after saying she doesn’t even find Austin her type, she is constantly letting him maul her. I can’t stand the Austwins, but I’m sure Liz’s parents are so proud…ugh.
Getting rid of James, JMac, Steve and whoever comes back from jury is crucial for her games. She’s everyone’s #1 target. Giver her own alliance a half hour of free time and they’ll start targeting her again.
Vanessa is the Illuminati.
It’s always been her season.
Personally I think an awesome move that Vanessa could do is make an alliance with Meg and James and take out one of the twins (liz would be the better target). Austin would be devastated and his connection to Julia isn’t that grand. A bold move like that would serve them right for keeping her around as a shield and hoping she stays the bigger target. Why stay in a alliance with of 4 when you are clearly at the bottom. At least an alliance of 3 is a bit higher than at the bottom with a good chance at beating james in competitions to stay in as the final 2.
As much as I despise Vanessa I have to concur with you here, for the most part. If she can align with James and Meg, (possible but not probable) then she should be able to get the Asstwins out and beat Meg with jury votes. That being said, with these nimwits voting in the jury, who he f*ck knows how it will go… Actually, while observing this, something comes to mind about those would be jury voters……How the hell WILL they vote? Crapshoot IMO
OMG they are all such idiots. This is really very hard to read and watch… I feel like I’ve become more stupid listening to these idiots.
They just sealed their own fates! Now that you admitted to Vanessa you were going against her…do you think that she’s not going to use that?!? I can’t even believe the stupidity level with those 3!!!
Vanessa is one step closer to going super nova crazy!
You know what Austin, you supposedly are a fighter against Anti-bullying in real life, yet you let Scaressa bully, manipulate and scare you out of your 6’5″ shoes. And you bullied and lied to JMAC. Austwins are a nightmare and now, instead of putting Scaressa up, you’re “100%” back with her. You really are a WIMP! I guess hosting CBS’s After Buzz Show got you on BB, you keep reminding us you hang out with #1 BB winner, Eddie, and a host of other BB alumni…Give me a break!
They can’t put Vanessa up now because she won POV.
Regardless, Austin is still a pussy.
Omg….Austin thinks he knows the game because he has been watching for so long. He’s not that good because he believes all of Vanessa’s theories! Lol
If the floaters weren’t just floaters they would be trying to break up Austwin and it wouldn’t be a theory. Vanessa has given Team Feces way too much credit. Even she doesn’t realize they’re still just floating in the toilet.
Yah, if Zingbot gets Van… and somehow implies she is a mastermind… EVERYONE, take fucking note!
James, Is Van a meat shield, or are the Austwins? FUCK! There is too many of them!!
Maybe we should ask Vannasty who really assassinated JFK?
It must have been Meg, because she cried.
Omg – it was PAINFUL to watch the Austin/Vanessa talk in the comic bedroom. You have all been SPARED by Simon/Dawg because it was just THAT Crazy. The Black Widow was spinning her web of lies ALL over the place and this JACKASS Austin (who has been throwing her under the bus for two weeks now) all of a sudden was led like a lamb to the slaughterhouse following the wolf in sheep’s clothes with her line of bull shit. It is just unbelievable that people are THAT stupid in real life. She just goes on and on. I loved JACKIE so much because she would go right back at her poking holes in her story. Austin doesn’t even interrupt and ask her follow up questions or even try to challenge her! It’s just painful to watch, really. I can’t take this season. I tell you, at least Derrick had the guts to be honest in his diary room sessions of the master manipulator he is. I respect that. But, with this crazy crazy of a girl – Vanessa – she is a purely Narcissistic Sociopath that believes all the shit she spews. She actually believes everyone else is lying and she has played this stand up game. WOW! Big Brother – why don’t you round up a bunch of Narcissistic Sociopaths for all your seasons and let them all go to town on one another. I had a crazy ex husband that would fit the bill. He still believes his lies to this day. People like this do NOT deserve air time or money. They deserve to be locked up for their mental illness. Peace Out. Poor James – nicest guy in the house – will be shafted this week. I can only hope that Steve/Johnnie Mac go home as originally planned but of course Vanessa will get her way and take out James because he is a threat to her game.
Austwuss has just proven he’s earned that name. He knows when Crazy Train goes into hyper mode she’s lying and manipulating but once again he falls for it. The twinkies share 1 brain cell so nothing can be expected of them. If only they wouldn’t have had the BoB this year we would be watching a whole different game instead of this hot mess.
Jackie got ass!
Vanessa can’t fathom people crying for reasons other than manipulation.
Probably because the majority of time Vanessa is crying in there that’s why she’s doing it.
Vanessa can’t fathom why someone who has done nothing in the game has anything to cry about.
Nailed it!
Vanessa said catching people in lies is her forte.
And if she doesn’t catch you in one she’ll twist it so by the end of it you think, ‘damn I guess I did lie..’
What a psycho ass manipulator. Vanessa’s poor partner must be a mess to put up with sht like that.
I know big brother is all about being sly and cunning and having mad social skills; lots of people in these comment threads think that she’s running this sht, but people, Vanessa’s just plain paranoid schitzo. Ain’t nothing cunning about that chick!
That’s what they said about Hitler.
that should be a clue to anyone who is listening to her complain about Meg right now.
why couldn’t meg be crying because losing the veto should mean that austin can backdoor her or James. as far as vanessa is concerned, they should be worried about what Austin’s backdoor plans are. but instead she takes it as some kind of conspiracy.
SURE it WAS a conspiracy, but she just jumped there. i cannot believe austin would even consider it to be a good idea to go forward working with her instead of just stringing her along until brass tacks takes her out as they already planned for when the comeback happens.
Meg’s crying wasn’t just because she is terrible at comps. No matter how many times she says it, it isn’t the truth. Yes she was crying because she realized she will never win a hoh or pov. But she was also crying because of who won the pov.
Think about it all week Austin had been hinting of a back door, that Jmac and Steve were pawns. Meg had hoped Vanessa would be that back door. With Van winning the pov, part of her thinks she or james could go up.
Meg was crying because she is powerless in this week and going forward. Thought of losing James added to the stress.
I think it really is that simple that she’s embarrassed and ashamed.
You could see it when she lost that HOH and said ‘big surprise!’. She tried to laugh it off but you can tell she was really disappointed.
She did a face plant in the OTEV POV, got mocked by Julie, they showed it 3 times on the live eviction, she’s out first in the HOH, gets mocked by Zingbot, and messes up on her own nose.
She does a metaphorical face plant every single competition. She’s the joke of the season and while she is able to laugh at herself, it’s become too much for her. That’s why she’s crying.
If she’s so smart why doesn’t she just ask meg?
How can you “tell” if Vanessa is lying…….her lips are moving
You stole that from Judge Judy, “How can you tell when a teen is lying? Their lips are moving”
Can’t steal something from a show I’ve never watched. And it’s highly doubtful that she was the first person to ever say that either.
Actually she was being truthful to Austin last night. I went back and watched the convo. They both were candid and cleared the air. The Austwins and Vanessa alliance is stronger than ever now.
When Van was telling Austin she wants to go to final 4 with him and the twins, she doesn’t need the money. She was being truthful. Austwins are her ride or die.
Maybe the conjecture on this board might be true: that Vanessa has a Vegas bet that she’ll make 4th or better for more than $500K. I can see that.
HAHAHAHA…That would be awesome if Vanessa did place a bet on herself…Brilliant, in fact…
I think, yes, she has bet with gambling buds -and if she loses it could be substantial -could explain over the top control. A win could be mega. And if she has money problems, a loss might cost her dearly.
I only seen one picture of Meg the Sloth in this post and she was laying down, how appropriate!
The girl has rheumatoid arthritis. It’s potentially debilitating. She’s got great stamina for someone with her condition. Haters going to still dismiss that, while whining about Walk a mile in her shoes.
why did they RECRUIT her if she had this, surely they knew she couldn’t win any physical comps…it’s kind of a waste to have people they know can’t win anything…She’s only an asset to james as far as being on a team, I’m sorry she has this RA, but its sad she can’t win anything..I don’t think she should of been on BB.
Everyone has issues to some extent, but this season the producers chose a number of HGs with specific issues (emotional/ mental as well as physical. It’s made me uncomfortable to think this was intentional. Its wrong to exploit people. And yes, I know the HGs chose to come on the show- it still says something about the producers they sought out and/or chose people who were so vunerable.
Who cares why they cast her? Every year there are HGs who are not capable. The point is that she doesn’t deserve the ignorant judgements against her.
Knowing the difficulty she has walking, I find it curious that she is a waitress/server/bottle girl, whatever she is. Those people are on their feet for hours on end.
I’m sure her rheumatologist could clear up any confusion for us. There are many misconceptions out there about health conditions and disabilities. People speculate based on minimal information. It’s not black and white.
The girl has rheumatoid arthritis. It’s potentially debilitating. She’s got great stamina for someone with her condition. Haters going to still dismiss that, while whining about their own minor aches and pains IRL. Walk a mile in her shoes.
Go darling go! You have this figured out and the country is voting for you sweetie!
lol. right….
Mental illness and being delusional obviously runs in the family!
Your daughter is mean she twists everyone’s words and she is paranoid. Calling Steve a little f@#$%r and putting him down when he has been loyal to her. Being Mad at Meg for crying because she lost and did not congratulate her for winning she is self centered. And the only way she justified getting someone evicted was to create lies about them so she wouldn’t have blood on her hands she should have the guts to own what she does but she doesn’t she just Cry’s about it. She will be gone before final four.
There are so many things you have wrong in your paragraph of crying…I can’t even. Smh
The alliances every week are solely dictated by who wins the carny games. Not a single deal has any real meaning. Honestly reading most of these reports is pointless (although Simon and Dawg do an awesome job!).
I hope when it’s all done after Vanessa finds what was really going during BB that she gets some help. Talk about overthinking. Myself, I wish she’d overthink and lose so she’d be more inclined to find out what really happened. Whew.
Vanessa to break up his Austwin threesome. He can’t do it; the others are too weak to do it.
Austin needs the twins out to win the big money.
Austin just moved in to her #1 target slot. She knows that she can control the twits. Austin has become a wildcard and she’s so on to him. Stupid…stupid…stupid! Should have gotten her out last week!
This is the season of the
“should have!”
Fuck Austin annoys me..
Judas this, judas that – Judas my day of power – come on man! You’re a grown assed man, act your fucking age. I feel embarrassed for his family.
But then he’s a cheating sack of shit, so i guess i’m expecting too much from him to do anything decent.
Soooo ignorant, they know Vanessa spins everything, and yet they fall for it again. I don’t like her, but the three deserve to lose to her. Wonder if she really wants Steve, her real threat, out. Or if she has Jmac as her real target and making them think it’s Steve just to throw them off, hmmmmm.
Unless Johnny Mac stays, the season is done for as far as viewers. He’s better than Steve. REMEMBER, Steve is playing like Andy. No one liked Andy. JMac is playing quiet but he’s no rat.
Yes he is a rat. A little scurrying rodent.
Not Steve. You have things so wrong, Vanessa.
Has everyone seen the video going around of Austin’s girlfriend dumping his stuff on the driveway? I guess he was actually living with her and left his belongings with her. What a dumb move. Here it is if you need it: http://imgur.com/a/THRFn
That is not his ex girlfriend. This girl is full of sh*t. His really exs name is Jenifer and she is keeping private and not saying anything.
If you look at Austins Facebook page, his ex is the one who commented “oh baby” on his profile picture. Click on her and you’ll see that her old profile pic is with him.
Vanessa is on cruise control to $500,000.00, these people are stupid. I can’t stand Van but at least shes playing BB. Austin is a PUSSY, and Van is going to find out he lied, and we. know she is the only one allowed to do that. Becky doesn’t look so dumb after all.
Guess zingbot was a bust and gave no insight to the HGs regarding gameplay.
Zing probably got hit with the PC stick and is afraid to offend anyone.
This season has the stupidest people This season has sucked
The season was good but unfortunately all the people who would flip the script got tossed early. Vanessa is the only one left. Everyone else will follow her because they think she’ll get them close enough to the prize. James and Meg are screwed because they can’t take out enough targets in time to matter.
Jason, Day, Jackie all waited too long to start really playing the social game. They may have been social but they didn’t bother with talking game with anyone.
The thing about Vanessa’s theory of Steve/Jmac/Meg/James “alliance” is they should be thinking but the reason that never came to be is because of Steve’s horrible gameplay. Steve gets rid of Jackie, tries everything in his power to keep Vanessa when she would’ve been an easy target last week and Steve keep saying Meg and James to Jmac as who his target should be.
I think James is actually going home this week because it never changes and you can tell Julia, Liz, Vanessa, Steve, Jmac just do not like James. It’s bizarre actually but it is personal. I believe Austin truly likes and trusts James but he’s too much of a coward and will go along with what Liz wants.
The thing about James is he’s only good with physical comps and I think Steve could beat him in those because I believe he’s been throwing all the comps. I mean, why would he?
I’ve always thought that Steve and one of the twins will be the final 2 but now that Vanessa blew up Steve’s game, maybe it’ll be Vanessa and Julia. hahaha
How’s keeping Vanessa in the game working for you James and Meg? Keeping Vanessa over Shelli was a dumb move on everyone’s game, except Vanessa. When you have a big treat on the block, you take them out. I don’t care for Vanessa’s game…in your face, tell me you lied type. But, everyone else deserves to lose because they kept her in.
And for all the BB Fans in the house…who starts to trust people you didn’t align with until middle of the game? These so called BB Fans suck at this game.
Vanessa’s paranoia will probably send Steve home this week. His inability to finesse her questioning due to his social backwardness will seal his fate.
I don’t get the Vanessa haters…She’s not making out all over the house she not running around throwing chocolate at all the women…..she’s not hanging around doing s***…..she’s playing the game people isn’t that what this is a game for money…..is the same s*** Derek did it last year….
Derek was low key. Not in your face “oh you lied to me, you’re done” they are not playing the same game. No one ever wanted to target Derek because he listened and then took the info and used it to his advantage. He didn’t bully people. I don’t like Vanessa, but out of everyone left, she is playing the game. She just needs to settle down. She is a target but no one will take her out. She tried to play a Derek by aligning with Steve. But her and Steve were no Derek and Cody.
There is no comparison to how Derrick played and how Vanessa is playing. He was never mean to anyone. He didn’t run around crying because he wasn’t getting his way. He didn’t corner people and bully them into keeping him safe. I’d say she’s playing more like Russell from survivor…he made it to the top and because of the way he played…he lost.
She’s definitely no Derek!
BB16 and everyone involved sucks Austin’s sweaty balls. No matter how painful parts of this season have been, nothing compares to the losers from last year. Even the Austwits are more entertaining.
How is it that no one has targeted the twins and Austin!!? These people are delusional. It’s going to be extremely hard to get rid of them the further along they go. It would be such a disgrace to the show if one of them won the game. They don’t have a clue!!!
The only salvation the entering jury member will have is to aline with the power in the house, even if it’s against previous alliances and who may have gotten them out. With Shell, Jackie, Becky and either Steve or Jonny coming back into the house. Do you see this happening? Should priority number one for all other house guests, other than the Austwins be splitting the threesome up?
Jmac has a tshirt that says: “Newly zingle and ready to mingle”
Maybe it should say: “I threw the HOH comp, now throw be out on my rump”
“I hate how my voice cracks, I’m spineless, that’s the facts”
“When I speak my tone is high, I’ve got no balls, that’s why”
OMG I am pulling my hair banging my head against the wall with these morons. I’m just speechless. And Julia with her “We got to get her (Vanessa) out” “We got to get him out” yada, yada, yada. I swear it’s like watching a Saturday Night Live skit with her random outbursts of revelations. She has no clue…
This jus proves real life is stranger than fiction . You would think this is a movie . It’s the same story every week ! It’s like watching Gilligans Island, in hopes that this week is the rescue . But nope . I legit just watched Meg not only lose, and it was her own nose ? Can’t be . Vanessa made up a hair brain scheme to why Meg was crying, that she will tie in to an eviction plan some how ?! No way . Austin is playing hide the sausage ? Impossible . The twins are eating and saying ewwwww, for 7 th week in a row ? No chance right ? The rest of the house playing the background . Has to be fake right ? This is going to just play out like this ? Haha. Same episode EVERYTIME . Haha . Yet, I will watch in hopes that the cast gets rescued . They won’t ~
Every week they talk about how Vanessa spits out lies but every week they believe her! So clueless I hope Steve stays and takes her out
Anyone else annoyed by Vanessa’s face?
She is so fucking entertaining! Without her this season would rival last year as the worst ever. With her this season may be the best ever.
Steve and his playing all sides is about to end. He had it made and could of rode Vanessa all the way to final two but he tried to be in every alliance. And now he done unless he goes to Vanessa at once and at least admit his final two with Johnny. Johnny is dead who cares if you hurt him. Vanessa will respect Steve telling her and save his ass. She knows already anyhow. So Steve save your life fool.
Liz is jealous of Austins respect of Vanessa. Those four (Julia Liz Austin Vanessa) how they gonna all try n take eachother out at some point is going to be BB epic TV.
Anyone who doesn’t like this season is just a butthurt Johnny Crap fan. He sucks. Move on. Jump on a good bandwagon and enjoy the rest of the season!
#team vanessa!
Love her or hate her, Vanessa is definitely saving this season.
She does drive me crazy with her antics and I hate her for that, but I keep coming back.
Thumbs down all you want, because I don’t know any of you and I could care less.
If were true fans, you’d respect what Vanessa is doing because she’s the ONLY PERSON playing this game like it should be played.
Johnny Dud just turned out to be a big disappointment…like someone said here before…if evicted, JohnnyMac will just throw his chance of getting back into the house anyway. Sit on that, boys & girls.
NOW…HATE AWAY!!! *kisses*
Is it true that Liz is a month late? If so, talk about Karma…you play the w***e to further your game only to be stuck with him for life! Lol
I guess Asstin didn’t pull his finger out in time. Bummer.
So if it’s true….is it Jeff’s or Caveman’s?
Its the casting agents
The only salvation the entering jury member will have is to aline with the power in the house, even if it’s against previous alliances and who may have gotten them out. With Shell, Jackie, Becky and either Steve or Jonny coming back into the house. Do you see this happening? Should priority number one for all other house guests, other than the Austwins be splitting the threesome up?
Austin is such a fucking brainless spineless pussy! Those ditzy ass twins make me itch! I can’t stand them. I have to laugh cause it’s a game and these ppl are just stupid. I swear they’re the cast of idiocracy. If you’ve seen that movie then you know it’s bad! Geezzzzzzuuuhhhhhhhh
Asstin gives a whole new meaning to “Fickle Finger of Fate.” Those women will dump his sorry ass when they’re done with him and he and his magic finger are useless.
Besides winning HOH or POV of course,Vanessa is only as strong as she has the ability to get the others to do what is in her best interest when she’s not in power. That’s why I hope the nominations stay the same and Steve goes out and doesn’t come back in. I don’t like JohnyMac’s game but that’s the way he chose to play and he’s still there as of now. And on an entertaining note he’s so opposite of Vanessa it actually was pure comedy seeing his disposition in contrast to hers when she was trying to mind f*ck him and manipulate him. I would prefer him to stay out of those two.
Steve thinks he’s playing some sort of Usual Suspects plot game thinking he was going on the side of the numbers fooling around with Vanessa who is the mob queen with her tactics. When she has no problem cutting him loose if she even perceives him as a threat to her game. This is the same person who was going to backdoor Austin. I hope he keeps that in the forefront of his mind. But either way, if I didn’t go after Vanessa I would definitely go after the twin duo to weaken her pool. One of them needs to go preferably Liz.. I don’t hate their game because they were lucky enough to benefit from Shelly and Vanessa wanting them in there so they could have more numbers. But one of them really needs to be evicted sooner than later. And I don’t put it passed Vanessa to try to get someone to do it for her depending on who wins HOH when the time is right after next week after they see who else comes back in.
This is the first year that I totally rely on the online updates. This season is the listed in The Top 5 Worst BB seasons. I am sick of people voting with the house and flopping like sandals. The older seasons were more authentic. At this point, I think the final three will be Vanessa, a twin and a floater (Meg).
I myself rely on this website for all BB info too (thanks guys).
The thing is, compared to last season, this season is a lot better. Yeah they flip-flop, yeah they’re dumb, yeah Vanessa is over the top & annoying, but that’s what makes it so much better. Taking Meg to Final 2 is definitely smart, because she hasn’t won anything & just “a bimbo” (her words, not mine)…who’s gonna vote for Meg? Unless Jury hates Vanessa so much they vote against her (remember Russell from Survivor anyone?)…HaHa…like how I put Vanessa as Final 2?
Personally, I think BB should just recruit people to play, instead of having the so-called “Superfans”…people who don’t know the show, have a different and fresher game play (no matter how silly it can be), as oppose to the “superfans” who try to copy (& fail) Dr. Will, Dan or EvelDick…it’s just embarrassing (Zach from BB 16).
Vanessa need to get hit by a train!
I’m glad these updates are here, so I know not to bother watching the show. Too bad, I really wanted to like Big Brother, but the only way to let CBS know that it sucks is to change the channel. Bring on the premiere of Fear the Walking Dead tonight!
I am disgusted with this shit show of austwits & vanny. Austins Angels need to be taken down I cannot listen to them anymore. They are so full of themselves!!
Anybody else notice how alliance names have been reused this year? Remember BBCAN season 2 when Rachelle and Sabrina were the gremlins, and then BBCAN 3 when Pili and Ashleigh were the goblins. And now they’ve combined both of them for James and Meg!
Sick of the Austin and Liz show. Can we just have a true game of Big Brother? I cannot wait until Austin watches this season and sees the things Liz was saying about him, what a fool he looked like when he walked in on her and Jeff under the blankets, and how disgusted most people were of watching him and LIz and their groping. I just hope that whoever comes back from jury does something to stir the pot and get out Austin, Liz or Vanessa. I don’t even mind Julia, but the other 3 are complete head cases that need to be sent packing sooner than later. I cannot help but remember that Jason was the only one who was like, “we have to get rid of Liz before both of them come into the game”. Bunch of idiots.
New game–who da baby daddy!!
Haven’t you heard? It really isn’t Austin doing these things…it’s “Judas”…so Austin is in the clear and it’s okay. Be upset with “Judas”…NOT Austin. :o)
I’d love to see Asstin in court wearing that stupid freaking hat explaining how Judas knocked up Liz and anyways it was just a finger and not even the longest finger and she said no to Asstin but I was Judas and anyways Asstin has no balls and I don’t see how I owe child support because I pulled my finger out in time honest….
Meg is crying………………………………………..AGAIN!
How is backdooring James an ultimate betrayal, but sending Steve out isn’t? I would prefer that iMac, Steve, Meg, James all stay but Austin has been aligned with Steve for weeks and he is actually on the same side as Austin/twins. Can’t even understand these people.
Vanessa can force Austin’s hand in voting out James & his dumb pussy-whipped ass will do it. Vanessa is only smart because her alliance is too dumb & or caught up with this showmance bullshit. I could honestly respect Vanessa’s game if it wasn’t for her constant incoherent whining, playing the victim & claims of being bullied. I can even understand why Becky didn’t want any deals with her, you grow tired of ppl like Vanessa. Steve, Jmac, or James are going next.
Vanessa is the master manipulator! Austwins believes everything she says. I hope Van is just trying to make Austwins do her dirty work then flip on them when she wins HOh next week. I’m hoping they BD James this week then Becky comes back from juror next week and work with Vanessa to start a 4 person alliance (van, Steve, jmac, and Becky) then take Austwins out then Meg. So final 4 will be SJBV then they send Van packing lol. I know that will never happen bec Van is too good of a player. A girl can dream though 🙂 But seriously, if Van makes makes it to F4, I am rooting for her to win! I don’t like her but she’s playing this game good with her manic personality and crying when she gets caught in a lie lol
Is someone really coming back into the house? Julie Chen’s words were ‘your game may not be over’. Seems I remember that from another season and someone came back for a Pandoras box, but not back into the game. As for Vanessa, doubt if she will ever be able to compete in WPT, anyone who has seen her on BB is on to her game, any game.
Julie said on Thursday, watch next Thursday to see the 4 Jury members compete to get back in. Up until then, she only said their game may not be over.
She has been a professional (and seen on TV) poker player for quite a while now. I believe her career winnings are around $3 million. She is one of the top lady poker players in the world and holds her own with the men poker players too.
Steve, you have pulled me off my puppet’s head, I was the one pulling the strings the whole time, muahahaha. Now Hell will be released into the house (Rachael’s coming back as the new BB Twist)
The only salvation the entering jury member will have is to aline with the power in the house, even if it’s against previous alliances and who may have gotten them out. With Shell, Jackie, Becky and either Steve or Jonny coming back into the house. Do you see this happening? Should priority number one for all other house guests, other than the Austwins be splitting the threesome up?
Austin is a Fool, he believes everything that Vanessa tells him. And the Twins need to go, they think they are doing such a great job, and Liz is under the impression that her and Austin are running the house, now Vanessa won the POV, she automatically thinks because Meg did not come to her and say thank you, Meg is jealous and against her.
I am so sick and tired of looking at Austwins and Vaneessa, I am so sick of Austin the wimp talking about how he is in control, and he has the power. Austin is nothing but a big ass wimp, I cannot wait to see him on the block. Lets see how he handles it, I remember him begging like a little kid when he talked to Vanessa asking her not to backdoor him.
I am so sick of the Austin, Vanessa, Liz & Julia group, Vanessa has the nerve to call everyone a liar and they are two faced, when they are doing the same exact thing that she is doing. I want to see Austin and his group of two faced arrogant women gone. I hope Becky or Jackie comes back, I have a feeling if Shellie came back, she is going to team up with Vanessa and the Austwins.
Come on Thursday, I am really tired of looking at the idiot group of the Austwins and Vanessa. I hope Steve or Johnny Mac tell Vanessa everything Austin and the Twins have been saying about her, remind Vanessa when she was feeling like the 4th wheel last week, that is true, Austin and the Twins have been talking with everyone in the house about getting rid of Vanessa, make sure she knows they are just using her as a target to keep all of them safe.
…and breath…
Austin!!!! What are you doing? You honestly think Vanessa is going to keep you?? You honestly think Meg was crying because Vanessa Won! Oh…..my….god!! I cant stand the stupidity. Meg hasnt WON ANYTHING. SHES NOT A THREAT. Shes crying CAUSE SHE KNOWS SHE SUCKS at the competitions.
I can’t stand the Austwits! Austin and his huge ego is beyond repulsive. Yea Austin, what a tough guy you are,bahaha! Afraid if Van, totally clueless flip flopper! You were the one talking all big and bad about taking out Van/back dooring her & now you are planted right where Van wants you-up her ass! WTF is Austin & his blues clues ass gonna get to the bottom of? Oh the fact you played hard ass & ran your mouth about power & taking Van out?
It is painful to watch this go down,it truly is. The Austwits have been down with James/Meg and have stated repeatedly they rather have them around,yet these idiots are so fearful of Van, they will punch themselves in the face if she told them it would help their own game. Seriously, whoever comes back in needs to eliminate these mindless drones,& destroy the Austwits! I despise Van,but have come to the conclusion that I rather that 3 ring idiot circus be taken out!
These people are so dumb you almost feel sorry for them!
I find Vanessa so annoying, and I hate how she always over thinks everything. I cannot wait until she is is out of the house, and I hope she goes back and reads this site to see all of the things we have all said about her.
I wonder will she realize that she made herself look like such a Liar, and how she wants to promise people money & Gifts just to get farther in the game, it is so disgusting and annoying. I wonder if this is how she is in real life?
When she does read them she will see that some people saw what a good game she was playing. How she had everyone she wanted evicted even when she was the plan to be evicted. She is an awesome player. Admit it.
I am sorry, but I don’t believe for a second Meg’s crying was solely based on her sucking at competitions. It was combination of her realizing that she can’t win any comps and who actually won the veto.
Uh oh…Vanessa just interrogated Austin…she was/is a professional poker player and knows when he’s lying. Now she knows she was the backdoor option. Time for”The Inquisition”. “she has ways of making you talk…” Time for The rack…who’s gonna bag Austin first? She can’t take out Austin for it so the HG that rats might end up on the block as a sacrifice to the Godess of Schemes…levels of loyalty you know.
I refuse to ruin my Sunday by getting wound up over the HGs, because some of you have already written what I think and much more eloquently than I could. But I do have a question: are the HGs given a physical to clear them before entering the house? With Meg’s RA and knee surgery, Vanessa’s severe ADD, Steve’s whatever he has, etc., I don’t get how they would be cleared to play a game that is mentally and physically challenging. I know I couldn’t be in this game; I would surely have self-evicted by now before I killed someone or myself. I’m not being dramatic, I truly don’t know how some of these people thought it was in their best interst to play this game.
I hate to think it, but its as if Meg is filling the placeholder role. Jenn City. totally useless in comps, totally content not taking part in the game
I think its a shame that they cast people like that
I agree she hasn’t brought anything to the show IMO.
James is gonna take the fall for megs tears. Van will pin something on him and Austin will do anything to cover the way he’s been shooting off his mouth about backdooring van.
Vanessa is the only one allowed to cry…hers are selfish, loyal tears…meg’s. tears are real and based on disloyal meanness…it’s a threat!
I know people don’t like Vanessa. Yes she manipulates cries etc but the reality is everything is strategically planned including her behavior. Obviously it’s working. She eventually figures everything out. Watching players actually play the game and outwit each other is what makes BB fun to watch. Not sure why she’s criticized as if something is mentally wrong her is beyond me. It’s her game.
Wow, someone else gets it! Vanessa has a lot of undeserved hate. I personally love watching her save herself week after week. I know she has a great plan in mind and hopefully can pull it off. She has been playing this game from the start and isn’t that what you want to do if you are playing for half a million dollars? Big Brother is boring without at least one person playing a great strategic game. There are a couple of other good players too so this is one game that is really unpredictable and I love it! Once one of the jury members come back there will be fireworks and the game will really begin. Who will be left standing? It is anyone’s guess.
Vanessa has crazy eyes again and she’s on some kind of witch hunt. She does keep it interesting. In the picture above she looks like rose marie from the dick van dyke show. Sorry rose marie. And now we know what happened to those twins in the shining.
I’m tellin’ ya the farther she gets in this game the blacker her eyes get! By the end of this thing she’ll look like Boris Karloff as the Mummy and she’ll be wavin’ a dead chicken around and lighting hoodoo candles and chantin’ evil curses!
Since I’m very visual, Best Comment of the day. Just close your eyes and commence bellyroll.
Vanessa will set up the fake fight again to find out who lied to her today. Whoever joins the fight will be Vanessa’s victim for being on the block. Hopefully, John just needs to sleep whole day and ignore Vanessa.
When are any of these knuckleheads going to figure out Vanessa is completely running the game? Good for her (I guess) but it’s painful to watch.
Vanessa is so fucking ANNOYING!!!!! Please for the love of all that is good in the world let her be on the block next week. I can’t even take it anymore.
Van is gearing up to get Austwit out-she has already planted the seed of a all blond alliance with TWiT 1 and TWIT 2; it is just a matter of time. This week, Austwit will go along with anything big bad Van wants and then say it’s what THE HOUSE wanted. Apparently, Zingbot is a wuss and didn’t call LIz or Austwit on Fingergate.
Was also getting updates through Jokers, Simon are you advising people of posts there too? This one has your sarcasm written all over it: “3:16 AM Austin: “How did I find you?” Liz: “CBS.” ” LMAOROFL!
No threat to my career this house.
At least now Vanessa can’t reenter the house.
I want to see Vanessa try and talk Austin in putting Julia up.
Vanessa is a NLP Master Practitioner, read definition below
Set of rules and techniques proposed for modifying behavior in achieving self improvement, self management, and more effective interpersonal communications. Based on certain assumptions about how language and movements of eyes and body affect brain (neurological) functions, NLP is similar to self-hypnosis. Its basic premise is that to achieve any kind of success one must create rich imagery of the goal, and must imitate (model) and internalize the appropriate behavioral patterns. Its name is derived from how senses filter and process experience before storing it in brain (neuro), how one uses words and symbols to create mental pictures (linguistic), and how desired habits and attitudes become ingrained (programming). Proposed in 1970s in the US jointly by John Grinder (born 1940, a professor of linguistics) and John Bandler (born 1950, a mathematician) in association with the UK anthropologist and social scientist Gregory Bateson (1904-80), its claims are yet to be proven by scientific studies.
Vanessa is a strung-out raving mess who would have been bounced two weeks ago except Shelli decided to throw her game away over a sweatshirt.
Vanessa is starting to remind me of the adults on Peanuts. “Mwa-Mwa-Mwa”
So annoying!!!
Way to go Dwag! I’m glad to see so many people realized you needed to be higher in the polls, especially above the 4 you just jumped over.
POW POW! I don’t know that I’ve ever been higher than 4 hgs.
What the fuck? I feel like I’ve been thrusted into a nightmare watching these cult members being led by Austin & Courtney Love.
Seriously get me out of this house of horror ASAP!!!! I just CAN’T!!!!!!!!!
Vanessa is not being real with Austin. She is playing the game. She is spelling out the obvious to him so that if Julia or Liz wins next week she won’t be their target. I think that next week she will make a choice on which side she will go to and I’ll bet it will be to band together with the other 4, that is as long as Liz or Julia do not win HOH. She is playing very strategically and it would be the same move I would make in her shoes. So many posters don’t understand that most of what the HGs say to each other is for safety, or strategy purposes, it is not what they are really thinking. You just have to hope to not get caught. She will probably wait until the next HOH winner is revealed and if it is one of the 4 she will make her move to go after the Austwins with them by explaining if they put her up and vote her out, they will be down a number. They would be left with 4 against 3 without her. She will no doubt explain if they are not broken up no one will make final 2. I really don’t think that she is really with the Austwins. She is biding her time.
i can only hope at this point steve leaves…he has done nothing but hurt the goblins by getting jackie evicted…i hope vanessa turns on him..otherwise she may take take off Steve/Jmac, and Austin will put James up, and then he’s gone!! regardless of vanessa winning the veto, austin was never putting vanessa up..Austin is a BIGGER LIAR than even vanessa, but he’s not all in your face about it..I can only hope its him or liz to go next..like it or not him and liz are running this show right now..
this show is no longer about game strategy & competitions. Can anyone really even say it is good TV any more? the same people are in power making the same boring game moves. The only really interesting (albeit EXTREMELY annoying) is Vanessa, and that is only because she is straight up crazy. Everyone does what the house wants, votes with house, has an alliance with everyone in the house. Can they even be called alliances? they don’t mean anything & never last, and should really just be called bullshit groups people make up.
Meg – is useless. Yes I get it she has rheumatoid arthritis… so why would they let her on the show? she isn’t playing the game, she doesn’t win the mental comps, she basically lays there and looks pretty
Austin – only wants airtime to further his career and if we believe what he says he could care less about the money in the end. Also from what I have seen on his EX girlfriends – sisters twitter, he wasn’t in an open relationship and actually cheated on her with Liz. To do that to someone on a National/International tv show is disgusting. Plus he is boring and creeps everyone out
Steve – does what except lurk around the house being strange, doing what everyone else wants.
JMac- has thrown so many competitions (and not even secretly because everyone in the house knows he was doing it) that he deserves to be on the block.
Liz/Julia – know nothing about this game and have admitted that and were obviously only chosen for the show for their looks & being twins. And it shows.
James – is perverted and inappropriate at times BUT he is the only person legitimately playing old school BB. He competes hard, makes moves/plays for himself, and plays the game.
Vanessa is a good manipulator and regardless what anyone says she is doing a good job, but the crying and freaking out about people lying to her and not having any integrity because of it, is too much for me.
CBS needs to throw in a good twist or they might as well just flush this POS of a season, down the toilet where it belongs
*end rant*
Oh how I long for the days when Arnold was producing the show. Perhaps it’s time to drive a stake through BBs heart and put it out of it’s misery.
BB has a chance to be great it just needs some new ideas. The production team needs some fresh blood.
They need to screen the players better some of them this year are insane and sick.
Also why put in players that have a huge advantage like undercover cops and professional poker players?
Pains me the most is these ” clownshoes” are on major network tv 3 hours a week! Not including countless hours on after dark . That’s way more airtime than any A lister I’ve ever seen ! And yet this is absolute garbage they give the viewers. It would be so dope if they actually had 8 people left that plotted and schemed, and set up some elaborate plans for eviction. Yet they insult me with this crap. Every participant, can’t be the ” heel” . Remember the end of the movie ” usual suspects ” ? When all the twists and deception played out ? So fricken cool…. Instead we got these joke boxes.
I hope the one they send out next is the person that comes back in!!
OK just to be clear – if Vanessa does use the veto then isn’t she vulnerable to be backdoored and put on the block ? Though very very unlikely since Austin and his twins consider her a meat shield for them.
The person who uses the veto remains safe.
The thing that is unappealing to me about Vanessa is the paranoid rambling interrogations and blatant mind-control, gonna stare into your soul with her wide open, unblinking black, shark eyes. She slacks her face and opens her mouth with that expression that tries to force you to agree with every “obviously” and “honestly” – stated really fast because that makes it true. I also dislike how one minute she’s releasing a barrage of outraged expletives at someone, and ten minutes later she’s oh so innocently calling herself a “dum dum” with a chuckle , aw shucks van you are so clever…ugh. So obvious and way over the top.
Vanessa’s nickname should be “tale spinner” because she sure spins some wild tales. And they believe her. Reading one of her articles about exploitative game play, I’m trying to see how it would fit here. I think one way is she’s observed how often the twins say “F” this “F” that, so when she’s spinning her tales, she uses the F word a lot to become believable by talking their language. And for Austin, she considers his worst fear (Steve playing with the goblins) and spins the tale causing him to doubt just the way she wants him to. I thought it was amazing it was Austin that actually said maybe we should pull Steve off to show allegiance. If Van really has a final 2 with Steve, that would be a good idea.
I feel bad for meg I guess the comps are getting to her. But I don’t see how she thought she would be a comp beast in the first place. At least she’s trying. I bet seeing healthy people throwing comps would really piss her off.