Head of Household: Austin
Nominations: Josh and Kiefer
The Power of Veto Players are : Kiefer, Tera, Josh,Tina, Victoria
POwer of Veto Winner : Kiefer
Power of Veto Ceremony : Kiefer used the power of veto. Rohan is the replacemnt nomination
9:30 am Breydon, Jed, and Latoya working out Squats, RDL, etc etc.. (Damn Latoya is fine)
Rohan joins them starts using the bench. He reminds them to wish Tina a happy anniversary today. 21 years.
10:00 am Josh, Kiefer, Ty
Josh – I can’t even bother speculating on time anymore.
Kiefer says it’s Ro’s birthday tomorrow and it’s Tina’s 21st anniversary today.
Ty – you don’t think anyone is coming still?
kief – I don’t. I don’t think anyone else is coming into this house.
Josh – there’s something up Big Brother’s sleeve
Kief – With Rona it’ll be kinda a shortened season
Josh – it’s not that hard to lock someone up for two weeks
Kief – It’s not that easy
Josh – it was my job for 1/2 a year. It’s not that hard
Ty – Imagine it’s Julie
Kief – Julie and Josh come back as team captains reshuffle, repick the teams (WTF man)
Ty – crazy
Kief – That would wild
josh – Phhhh come back I’m not out of here yet
Kief – ohh yeah ..
Josh – RUDE
Kief – My bad
TY – Kief is something else.. Comeback. Think we got anything today
Kief – there’s nothing to do today ..
10:10 am Tychon and Keifer talking about Keifer’s slip up
Kief – that was ruthless what I just did I feel horrible.
Kief – It just slipped I feel so bad dude Kinda
Ty – no you don’t, you don’t, care stop it
Kief – as soon as I said it I was like sh1t
Ty – This guy has no filter. That’s ok my Dad has no filter..
Kiefer – I already told him he doesn’t have my vote.
Ty – Fair enough but that’s savage there’s like 7 days left until eviction .. not 7
Kief – don’t tell people I did that ..
Ty – that’s too funny
Ty – just like you said JOsh and Julie could come back
Kief – Chill chill
Ty – better hope he doesn’t stay I come for your head
they laugh..
Feeds block
10:30 am Kiefer and Tera
Tera mentions how she was saying why not put Josh up against someone they know will go. Someone like JEd nobody is voting Jed out.
Ter says she feels good about Ro personally but not in the game.
Kief – If I would win HOH you wouldn’t be on my radar
Tera – Me to
Kiefer says he was put up by Austin so that would be an easy nomination for him
Kief – she told me I wasn’t her target and legit I don’t blame her at all. I never talked game with her I never really had a conversation with her.
Tera – especially with the limit options
Keif – Exactly
Kief – I feel like I’m on the outs
Tera – I 10000% think I’m on the outs. Do you think it’s because we’re old?
Keif – for me yeah.. I don’t feel like you are on the outs.
Tera – I’m not in ..
Kief – with that Julie thing I really wanted to push for that cause I foresaw me going on the block
Tera – when me and Latoya talked that was the only game move I kinda knew and I have been kinda chatting as if I didn’t know. You have to keep that so low key
Kief – I will
Tera – I am playing that as if .. I don’t want people to know that flip started with you two
Kief – People think I found out last but it was Latoya and I that initiated that
Tera – people think it was Jed
Kief – I convinced Jed. I really feel like I convinced Latoya to I saw the writing on the wall if she stays and Josh goes then it would be me
Kiefer says the people “at home” know how it went down ad it’ll be “Brutal” cause “I’m going to get dragged”
Tera – it was a game move it wasn’t personal
Kiefer – it was a game move for me. Austin was with Julie and if Austin is in power with Julie it would have been me and Ro up and the house would have voted me out. I would be gone.
11:00 am Victoria and Kyle
start off with chit-chat about dogs. Victoria has a dog named Astro with her Boyfriend. (damn thought she was single)
They talk about both being “free agents”
Kyle – you don’t feel tight with them anymore? (The majority group, Jed, TY, Austin, Beth, etc.. people that are in conversations)
Vic – I do there are just so many conversations that go on without me..
Kyle – who would you put up
Vic – If you say anything I will kill you
Kyle – I won’t, I’m so sick of the drama
Vic – depends if there’s teams or not
Kyle – let’s say there wasn’t
Vic – I would put up Latoya and Tera
Kyle – you think those two people would put you up?
Vic – I know Latoya would I can tell she doesn’t like me
Victoria makes note that Latoya is always pulling people away to have conversations when she is talking to them.
Vic – Just wait for your moment when you’re alone
Kyle – yeah ..
Vic – yeah we’re not going anywhere
Kyl e- I don’t know who I would do.. Not you. I don’t think the guys will put me up
Vic – I don’t have an issue with the guys. Just Latoya, She’s pulling a lot of strings Even when Josh didn’t go home that day everyone was doing the conspiring.. It was her doing all the work. She was sitting pretty doing one by one (convincing people to flip)
Kyle – that was the first time I talked to her that day
11:30 am Just a bunch a bros
Kiefer talks about his podcast “Oolichan grease” He has to explain what Ooligans are. (I remember as a child catching Oolichan fish on the Fraser the river was bubbling over with these tiny fish. Its oil is used as a medicine, preservative. Powerful stuff)
Josh – is it fishy
Kiefer – very fishy
NOON Beth and Austin
Austin says there’s no way getting away from her friendship with Breydon, “everyone is like YOu two are friends”
Beth – I know. there are some people saying Latoya and the boys. Have you been talking to Latoya?
Austin – a little bit. Teeny tiny bit. I noticed you talked to her a little bit. How did that go?
Beth – She’s a scary player it’s important that I have something with you
Austin – I hope someone else wins HOH and we can get her out. I don’t trust that
Beth – that’s a strong F***ing three.. man
Austin – how do you feel about our four?
Beth – we need to connect
Austin – we never talk. I’m so scared they have a thing with Latoya to pick us off
Austin – that’s my fear it’ll be them three, me, you, and Breydon they will cycle pick us off we’re done
Beth – not when there’s floaters.. RO’s going to float.
Jedson joins them. “there’s thirty more balls in the hot tub”
They suspect the have nots will be given the room today.
1:33 pm Kiefer and Ty (Sunsetters meeting minus Tina)
Kief – Ro and Kyle approached me about starting a three-person alliance with them. I never said yes
K – I said I feel good about you guys.. they were like yeah we’ll talk later. I might be able to chill with those guys and influence them.
K – they think that you, Jed, and Latoya are working together
Ty has heard that going around.
Latoya joins them.
Kief fills her in.
Latoya – yeah they approached me to about joining with them I didn’t give them… I said that it’s really early like.. but like we should talk next week. Kyle has been saying he watching everybody and is noticing a shift. He thinks there’s a totem pole and it’s very clear like who is in an alliance with who.. he thought Kief is all by herself and Beth was like a wild card. can’t be trusted..
Kief – which is great for our game.
Jed joins them.
They talk about nobody being onto their alliance but there are rumblings about TY, Latoya, and Jed working together.
Beth joins them. They start talking about Kyle and Ro trying to pull everybody in. Tera included.
Latoya warns them about Kyle and watching what they say in front of him. She adds the only person Kyle talks to is Ro.
Keifer – it might be best for your three games to flip it now. Is that crazy?
Beth – and expose the six?
Keif – we dont’ have to expose the six .. no that’s too crazy
Ty – yo think Kyle and RO can be dangerous
Keif – If Kyle wins HOH it’s not good for you three (La, JED, TY)
Latoya points out that Breydon doesn’t talk game he just tries to get close to you and be your friend, “He’s hoping if you like him you will keep him safe”
Beth – the same is with Tera she doesn’t really know how to talk game.
Keif – yeah
TY – yeah
They talk about how Tera and Vic will both spiral once they get on the block.
K – this house would be upside down.
They compare notes that Vic has been talking to everyone about an alliance.
L – I feel like Kyle would go after me for sure
Ty – have you thought of a scenario where Josh stays?
L – no that’s not a possibility. trust me
Jedson – why
Keifer – I’ve thought about it
L – we have the numbers
J – what if we purposley keep him
L – why?
They start mentioning “Kyle and Ro”
Ty – that is what I am getting at
K – when ro’s gone he’s (kyle) not as dangerous
L – I gave him my word already
Ty – this is big brother your only word is to yourself right now
L – I’m not voting him out. I gave him my word that I am not voting against him
K – but keeping Ro is bad for you game
L – I want Josh out
They need 6 votes. They convince themselves that getting Ro out is better for their game.
Kiefer – we came to play
1:16 pm Ty and Kiefer
Kiefer – Austin might be the next to go she’s a comp beast and she put me on the block
Kiefer says he never told anyone not to use the veto on him. He’s had a couple of people come up to him and ask him if it was.
Kiefer is most definelety useing the veto.
Kiefer doesn’t think Austin, Kyle, and Breydon are talking game. Ty mentions that Austin did say something about getting Kyle in with them.
Ty – if they go Kyle, Austin, and Breydon. They have numbers. Who do they think they can sway?
Keifer – I would be with them.
Kiefer wants Kyle out before Jury. Says if he wins HOH he’ll put up Austin and Vic.
3:00 pm Latoya and Tina
L – I’m telling you it’s in the talks. One of the six will approach you and talk about it more. it’s an option it’s out there.
L – right now the way I’m playing I’m still heavy in RO’s corner and I’m still heavy against Josh. If I do have to vote to evict RO I have to play shocked.. Argh it’s getting hard
Tina – Josh is a wild card
L – yes, They’re saying he can be used as a shield
T – what if he gets HOH. If he gets HOH next week nobody knows
Latoya brings up how the other members of the 6 think Josh isn’t going to win any HOH competitions. She’s not buying that though. What if a competiton comes up that benefits someone who is tall.
Tina mentions JOsh tied with her yesterday.
Tina – I personally disagree with getting RO out this week
Latoya points out that Kyle/Ro are not more dangerous than them and all the people they are trying to pull in are people they already have.
Tina – They’re not a threat to me
Latoya – if Josh win HOH we’re all screwed
Tina – I don’t think he would pue mt up
Latoya – he would put me and Jed up
Tina – I don’t think we will get as easy a flip vote so close to the eviction with RO as we did with Julie
Latoya – Agreed
Tin a- you will get a split vote in that case
Latoya – we can get teh vote s
Tina – it’ll be a lot more difficulty
Latoya – Mmmmm we have the numbers we can do it easy ..
Latoya – I want Josh out I really do I don’t want him to be in this house any longer gloating and thinking that like he kept himself her… I just don’t want him here, to be honest
Tina – nope
L – I just want him out. He annoys me. I don’t want to see him
They laugh
Tina – I just don’t want to be near him
L – I just don’t want him to play anymore
Latoya – we are the majority and we can take control as long as one of us wins the HOH next HOH we are good…
Tina – I’m afraid stringing him along..
They agree Josh can win competitions and they can’t risk him winning HOH.
Tina – my gut is josh this week
L – I think so too. It didn’t sit right with me completely.
5:25 pm Ball room is reveiled.
8:39 pm Jed and Latoya
Jedson talking about his parents. He has a Mercedes his mom drives a Maserati.
Latoya – you guys rich?
Jedson – I wouldn’t say rich
Jedson says his dad was a surgeon and his stepdad was a ER doctor. His mom was a ER nurse but is now a paralegal. She also administers botox.
Latoya and Tychon have a conversation about who to get out Josh or Rohan.
ty says Josh is the worst-case scenario if he gets HOH. Ty points out he just wants to make sure they weren’t making an emotional discision.
Latoya doesn’t care who goes before the six
1:30am Beth and Tychon getting cozy..
Hey Kyle3,
remember when you told LaToya that you’d possibly target Jed and Tay?
Yeah, out in the hot tub area, Jed, Tay, LaToya and Kiefer are considering a target switch to get rid of your ride or die Rohan.
Guess they’re thinking about the second option in the ride or die scenario.
Dummkopf. Don’t name a target to a person you yourself said might be in an alliance with said target.
*Won’t happen I don’t think. It’s for dramatic purposes for a show edit so the tv onlies don’t wonder why there wasn’t much gaming going on this week. But it’s still a valid point to make about Kyle’s game.
Yeah, Tina isn’t down. And LaToya isn’t really down either. Olg conversation puts that into perspective. The vote flip is just another flying Jozea.
I shouldn’t. I do.
I find myself a little annoyed about The annoyance LaToya and Tay have expressed at being lumped together as a duo or a trio with Jed. I’m annoyed they assume it’s racially motivated or microagression causing it. So, it’s not that the three huddled around talking low multiple times, and it’s definitely not that they invited other people to leave the room at one point so that they could have a talk. That wouldn’t raise an eyebrow at ALL. The argument ‘everyone lumps us together because we’re the black houseguests’ falls short when one considers nobody says Tay and Vic must be an alliance, or Brey and Jed must be an alliance.
I know. hit me. I just think it’s convoluted. And an easy way to dismiss that they’ve been sloppy about being perceived as together when they have multiple check ins a day.
Holly’s cam talk illuminates which game she is playing.
Kyle didn’t work out so now she’d have to put him on the block. Instead she flirts with Ty at night to keep him protecting her. She likes the 4 with Austin, Ty and Jed. FOR NOW, but those 2 guys are F2 minded not F4 minded.
She considers her F2 with Austin real. She’s not good with LaToya running the alliance.
She still prefers Josh leave. She’s not nomming Victoria like was being suggested earlier. She WANTS to gun for HOH but fears it would out her game.
I only bother with this because I was under the impression she’s an all in with WHICHEVER alliance she is in a room with that has a male present.
Hours later. Tina is STILL pissy that there was talk of a vote flip.
She doesn’t like having her vote dictated to her she says, to LaToya, who revealed the vote flip to her in a way that suggested it was a unilateral decision BECAUSE she wanted Tina to be miffed as cover for the fact that LaToya didn’t want to do it… hours ago.
Here’s the logic i’m having trouble with:
Tina says if it’s a team decision, that’s one thing, but just being given a demand makes her think she’s at the bottom of the alliance.
Team decision? Sounds like that would mean a majority of the team would have to agree.
I don’t think that’s what either Tina OR LaToya want when they say team decision.
I think they want everyone to bend to their combined will when the two of them are pressing what THEY want.
Note. They say getting rid of Rohan is better for the guys, but not better for THE TWO OF THEM.
I really doubt that they want a “team decison.”
Each of Tina and LaToya wants their way.
Change my mind.
Okay. Show of hands:
Who knew the ballpit room was waist deep?
Just tuning in for the first time this season, don’t crush me if this has already been said before, but I guess we can finally answer that old BB21 question, “who’s Beth?”!
There’s a player named Beth this year. She’s not playing like a Beth character at all even though everything about her is Beth.
I think she plays like how i envision a Holly would play. So I just go with it.
Kraken hour. https://youtu.be/xMjsqUxmBKo
i think this would sum up where the house ended up as of about 11pm eastern.
it will likely change in the morning when the storyline editors and writers come back in tomorrow and say “what do you mean… they did whaaaat?”
Logic error in LaToya’s argument to others re the vote flip. Says next week they can just nom both Kyle and Ro. THEY ARE ON DIFFERENT TEAMS. So that can only happen if the team thing is a two week deal. Otherwise ONE of them is always safe.
Not way Josh is going, I personally think it was a mistake on Austin’s part to nominated Josh cause he’s gay and he’s willing to put up the bros up on the block. She (Austin) will definitely regret it later.
They should made an apocalipt have not room with rats trash and disgusting coachroachs not a ball pitt cmon global lemme help u
I hope Austin doesnt ended up being a daniele catty donato
Let’s go Flip this damn vote Beth
this was the have not room last year. looks like the overgrowth that took over the house started here lol
Feeds are down for Veto ceremony. Kiefer will come down Rohan goes up.
What I missed.
Last night Rohan “revealed” to Jed that Josh wanted Jed to be put on the block.
Jed brought it up to Josh. Now Jed isn’t down for the flip to happen, meaning Beth isn’t down for the flip to happen.
BUT Q: I thought Austin told Jed that Josh had named him. Right after it happened. So why the outrage now?
BUT Q2: I thought Kyle (not so much Rohan) had mentioned to Austin nomming LaToya and Jed… this one may have just been a joke or a “not like you can” inquiry.
BUT Q3: The reason for the vote flip was Kyle told LaToya that Jed was a target. Huh.
Yesterday I thought Beth was in on the F2 with Austin. Kinda Sorta. She’s in on that as long as it’s convenient, and wants it to last until the final 7. Tina is her ideal final 2. I don’t… think Tina HAS a final 2 with Beth. So this might be an imaginary wishful thinking final…2.
Clash of the Titans wannabe gameplan: I get the feeling Kyle and Ro are setting themselves up in their plan to be the conquering heroes that slay the three headed dragon that is Jed/Ty/LaToya. Today they are back to preferring to work with Austin and Breydon over any of those three.
Speaking of bad read society that is Breydon and Austin, along with Victoria. They want to offer a deal to Kyle (without Rohan) and Tina. They are just soooooo bad at this.
Victoria and LaToya talk. I don’t know if V is snowing LaToya. I assume she is snowing LaToya. She says her targets would be Tera (for interrupting V. when she speaks) and Breydon (because he is a social threat). Yesterday it was LaToya because LaToya actively shuts down conversations V. is having with others in an obvious manner which i why i think V. is snowing LaToya. I know a squirrell gonna squirrell, but that list of noms seems unrealistic. I prefer seeing V. against LaToya because they are COMPLETE opposites in psychological perspective. Squirrell. Bad enough she contributed to joshing by saying Rohan is just a pawn… while standing right next to Josh.
Speaking of Squirrelly. Josh. Josh, you oddball. You’re planning to name Austin as your one and only target to get votes. Okay. That’s a plan. You’re planning to out Rohan’s role in the get Jed plot. Less impact because Josh was ALSO involved in that plot. Planning on revealing Austin’s role in the Day 3 Drama (that we have got almost nothing to go on… but it already was used as the reason for Julie to go home, and the reason why Josh is considered sketch. I don’t see whatever happened that day as having enough legs to be a huge plot point in weeks 2 or 3 unless we are shown the resulting chaos in a flashback. Offering to be a pawnstar. That is the closest to being the valid argument.
The house has done too good a job at villainizing Josh. He’s got cooties in the house. The only way he’s actually safe is if the house finds out BETH and JED are ROHAN’s targets.
I still think the teams go for first 4 weeks. No evidence. just a theory.
Second feed slip of the secret room attached to the olg room in two days. still dark.
I think it will come into play week 4 at what I would consider the end of teams.
Brey and Austin notice a non production door. It has the eye symbol and an arrow like the have not room arrows on it.