POV Holder: | JohnnyMac | Next POV | July 11th |
POV Used | Yes | POV Ceremony | July 13th |
HOH Winner Team 1: | Vanessa | HOH Winner Team 2: | |
Nominations 1 : | James & Johnny Mac | Nominations 2: | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Jason and Meg | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 16th / July17th |
Original Nominations: | James & Johnny Mac | ||
Current Nominations: | Jeff & James | ||
Have Nots | No HAve nots this week |
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10am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Clay talks about how he was called into the diary room at 4:30am .. I don’t have the right mindset to talk about things. Shelli says that she was talking to Jeff last night. He still hasn’t asked for me to vote for him. How can I vote for him? Clay says I can’t get passed the point that he literally said.. tried to campaign to get us out. Shelli says then he came to us and said he did it to protect us. Clay says I think he would be loyal now. I’m not a really .. how many times do you give second chances you know? Shelli says it sucks! Shelli tells Clay its like what (Audrey) was saying .. I know when you leave you go back to being a college boy. Clay says its not nice to say that. Shelli asks why are you naive. Clay says I know you think I’m clingy. Shelli says I don’t think you’re clingy at all. Clay says the amount of enjoyment I get from you and our talks .. I enjoy those a lot and I could … enjoy those more and more. Shelli jumps on Clay and tells him he’s so cute. Shelli said she talked to Audrey about how if Clay is as popular as we think and he had 8k instagram followers ..he has a lot more now.. and probably a good percentage of those fans hate me. Clay says they love you because you’re a sweetheart. Clay says he doesn’t like the spot light. Shelli says you don’t like the spot light but you came on tv. Clay says I want to get to know you better but I don’t want to if you’re not feeling the same. Shelli says I know ..well we have a hot date tonight so we’ll so how it goes. She laughs.

10:50am – 11:20am Kitchen – Vanessa, Shelli, Clay and Audrey are hanging out. Shelli kissed Clay on the cheek. Vanessa gets called to the diary room. They talk about how she is probably going to do her blog now and get the HOH camera. Clay comments on how the eviction before jury is a double eviction where one person goes home and the other goes to jury. They head out to the backyard. Audrey says you want to know my deepest thoughts and fears.. I’m in an alliance with 2 couples. You and Clay and Austin and Liz. Clay jokes we could bring in James for you. Audrey says there are no alliances just cliques.. that’s really dumb. I’ve committed myself to you guys. The people that I could see actually making the move to split you guys up are Jeff but he’s going, James, Becky because she’s logical. I think the expiration date is 2 weeks. Clay thinks the second part of the game is going to be harder. Shelli says I don’t know why you feel every time you’re with us you need to sell yourself to us. Audrey says I think Austin is loyal to sleeper cell but I think he has these sub things going on that are good for him but not for the group. Johnny joins them and the conversation ends.
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12:10pm – 12:30pm Backyard – Shelli and Clay are talking about their families while Audrey sleeps beside them. Johnny Mac is in the kitchen eating cereal. Vanessa is doing her HOH blog in the HOH room. All the other house guests are sleeping. Big Brother tells them they’ll be on a backyard lockdown.
12:30pm – 1:35pm All the house guests get up and eat / get ready to be locked in the backyard. Vanessa has the HOH camera. They take a bunch of group photos. Audrey gets annoyed and says she’s had enough of the photos.
James sneaks under Audrey’s lounge chair.
1:55pm – 2:25pm Shelli and Clay are sitting by the pool. She says I like today. Its been relaxing and low key. Shelli says I’m worried about someone putting us up together. Obviously our goal is to get to the end. But if that were to happen ..like if we got split up once jury happened that would be okay because eventually we would both be in there together. If you or I went home before jury I would die. Clay says I would tell them to keep you. Shelli says no you shouldn’t do that. We play together but you play for yourself. The goal is to always win. You have to try all the time to win. Shelli asks does Audrey know she’s in a group with Liz? She said this morning that she’s in an alliance with two couples you and I and Austin and Liz. So does she know? I’m going to have to ask Vanessa. Shelli says right now we have too many connections .. too many numbers. Shelli says I wish you were in the room the other day when we had this conversation. We heard the whole Audrey information about not being able to trust her. All of that came from Jeff. He could have thought all of that up. That’s his way of being in close with those people and then acting like he’s protecting us. Just remember what a good salesman he is. He targets her every single time. And now the whole rest of the house does that. Shelli says I made up the thing about calling Jeff the male Audrey and that Steve is 3 fold (Steve, Stevie, Stephan). All of that got circulated because you started telling people. I don’t want Steve to know that we’re on to the fact that he might be playing a character. Clay asks if you won who would you put up? If Steve isn’t someone we’re going to put up we should make a 1 week deal with him. Shelli says Jason is the one we know is gunning after us. Shelli says Jason and James. The goal is to break up that side of the house. Clay asks what about Jason and Meg and then if one of them wins put up James. Shelli says I can’t put up Meg again. Clay tells Shelli we could have Johnny Mac throw the BOB again, putting him up with Jason. If James won he would probably put up Vanessa to backdoor Audrey. Shelli says we’re at the point now where we have so many people we don’t want to put up. At this point every single week is going to be lines drawn. Every single week there is a twist, you have to save yourself from the twists. Big Brother tells them to go inside – they’re on an indoor lock down.
Austin give Jackie a back massage.
2:25pm Cabana room – Jeff, Shelli and Clay are talking.
2:40pm – 3pm HOH room – Liz goes up to the HOH room and Vanessa tells her about the hand shake they could have where they have 3 fingers out and bump to 4 fingers. Liz says that depending on who win next week I’ll say we’re coming in top 10. Vanessa says you might not need to say anything. Keep that as a tool. Liz agrees. I am definitely not telling Jeff about the twin thing. If the people we don’t want to be in power are in power I might need to tell someone. But I’m waiting for sure. I’m a better talker than Julia. If we switch out after the HOH then I will tell her what to say. Vanessa says the only person that doesn’t know is Audrey. Don’t tell her, don’t give her any ammunition just in case she gets in trouble next week she can’t use it. Liz tells Vanessa she is doing good with her. Vanessa tells Liz to keep getting close to her. Vanessa says I’m not scared of her. Once your twin comes in we have nothing to worry about. Vanessa says Audrey said last night she really likes you and thinks your a really good conversationalist. She has no idea you’re two people. She thinks your secret is that your a marketing executive. Liz says what if they do what we did to them.. like they put up me and Austin. Vanessa says it would suck but Austin is a bigger target. It wouldn’t be terrible for you. Then it would be me, you, Julia, Steve, Shelli and Clay. If you did go up next to Austin he would need to win veto because there are so many people they could put next to you that would go home over you. Liz says its obvious that Austin likes me. I don’t know what to do. Vanessa says at this point you might as well not care because everyone sees it. Vanessa asks do you like him. Liz says I like him but I don’t know 100%. Vanessa asks if you were in real life would you date him. Liz says I don’t know. Liz comments on how Julia had a cold sore and I had to use make up to make a fake one. That’s the most embarrassing thing ever. Vanessa says to fake one when you don’t have one. Liz says she stopped faking it and told Julia that sh*t better be gone the next time she see her. Put ointment, put whatever one it.. I don’t care.
Vanessa's secret handshake – 3 fingers bump to 4 fingers (Austin, Vanessa, Liz + Julia) @bigbspoilers #bb17 pic.twitter.com/4bUBFZ1GIh
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) July 14, 2015
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I don’t get it, was that supposed to be funny?
Poop is hilarious! Been around for years…everytime the chat goes into a frenzy of messages on cbs.com during a show….
Poop is there….to say poop!
I found out last night that I had the channel for BB after dark but it was the most boring shit to watch omg. Anyway isn’t it the same thing as the live feeds that you pay to watch??? Is just a question.
There’s a ebb and flow with the excitement levels. For the most part there is always some scheming going on.
The big thing you get with the live feed subscription is the ability to re-watch anything that happened in the past. There’s a calendar, time and Camera selector. So you can use our site as a index and go back to watch what happened on the live feeds.
Hi Simon, thank you so much for this site. It’s the best. Question…I would like to show my support and donate again this year. Since I made a donation last year does that mean I have an active account? I don’t have PayPal. Thanks much
Hey Lizzie, Thanks for your support. If you don’t have a paypal account you can still leave a donation. There’s a pay pal link here http://www.onlinebigbrother.com/about/how-to-support-onlinebigbrother/ then using a credit card you can leave an amount. If you’re paying with this method I’m pretty sure no account is created.
Thank you Simon.
Everyone show your appreciation for this site and all of Simon and Dawgs hard work by donating!!!!! Enjoy 😉
AD is really hit or miss. It misses when everyone is put into the same room due to a lockdown or a task, like the gronk parties. unless you enjoy watching some of the things that make it on the episodes.
i find the best times to watch is thursday, friday & saturday. this is after the eviction show, & if they haven’t finished the HOH in the program you will see the result of the HOH comp. by friday they will have done noms & probably BOB and by saturday the POV in most cases. so in those ADs you are seeing the real outcome of the main comps, & the scurrying around to stay off the block, seeing the HOH room for the first time is often where the AD will start on a Thursday as well. then there are the one on ones, or group chats about who is going up, & talks with HOH with someone to throw it or play it etc.
by Monday you will see if you didn’t know already who goes up in the event POV is used, but it isn’t really that dramatic most of the time. Tues & wednes are boring imo, most of the time, there is’t any doubt about how people are going to vote, it is pretty rare to see a flipping of votes in action, & all the have nots do on wednesday is prepare food to eat at 11pm or whatever time they are released.
After Dark recording is usually 9 pm to midnite…i the BB.House then we get it on a TV station after that. Like I get it from 3 am to 6am my time…
Sometimes it’s 2 hours and sometimes 3 hours…just guess it depends on what’s happening in the house from 9 to midnite
After Dark is a small taste of the feeds. The prom was on there and a single podcast, and the Becky took a train to the face story. They jump around from group to group, I guess they are trying to find someone interesting. On the feeds I believe you can choose one of four cameras and flip around as you wish instead of having someone else do it. You have more time in the feeds to see the good stuff but you have to wade through the crap too.
The feeds will give you a better perspective of how each player is working and you’ll see a difference in how they are portrayed on CBS.
Simon and Dawg do a great job bringing in the highlights although I fear for Simon’s liver…it may not survive the season.
Really they are going to talk about Jeff’s loyalty to them, when Shelli, Clay, Vanessa, Austin, & LIz had a alliance that he was not in. Can we say two-face LOL.
The truth of the matter is, Jeff is going home because of Austin and his ego. I see now they are trying to sell that Austin’s girlfriend was never serious. Buddy make up your mind.
I hope who ever gets BOB, puts Clay, Shelli, Vanessa, Austin up on the block and let them battle it out…I want to see which one of them would like to throw the BOB. Now this would be funny, and entertaining!!
Yeah, that would be funny if Austin/Shelly were on one side and Clay/Vanessa were on the other. OMG……what would they do. LOL
I LOVE this idea!!!! LOVE it! What a week watching BB that would be! ? ? ?
Wish the next BOB someone would put up shelli and Vanessa one side and Austin and Clay the other! Have that lil group fight vs each otha the whole week . That would make great TV lol. Watch Clay fight for Shelli votes and Austin Fight for Vanessa
Austin, Vanessa & Liz/Julia need cut loose of Shelli & Clay. Both are Rachel & Brendan 2.0
Yeah…except Clay is Rachel!
Agree, Clay needs to go. I think Shelli’s game will improve when Clay goes. Just like Rachel’s game improved once Brandon left.
Next week whom ever the HoH’s are ill be about cleaning House. Jeff is gone the only one that can save him now is James… James would have to screw up big time.
Johnny Mac, Steve, Meg and Jason will not be HoH: They will throw it, at this stage of the game it would have to be a dumb luck competition that went all wrong to get them in that room. They don’t want it.
Audrey winning HoH????: Unlikely, but this would be a good time to do it because i she doesn’t.. this would be a time to get her out. A bloodless week that would give the house a break n a chance to heal. her expiration date is coming fast.
Austin winning HoH: It would be a good time for Austin to win… Vanessas, Liz’s, Shelli’s, Steve and especially Clays games are in danger along with his. He needs to put up Audrey with Jackie… it is absolutely crucial he doe that. It is the best strategy… it can get Audrey out and he can say that he gave her a chance to win the BoB and PoV… if she won the PoV… put up Jeff.
Liz winning HoH: I could see her do it with Austin… if Austin gets taken out… she has to win. Liz, Steve and Audrey are the safest evictions for them to make it past the fifth evictions one of her alliance has to be in the HoH for the next two weeks.
Shelli Winning HoH: Sh loves poer sh will go for it… with the amount of people that don’t want it she may win it… if yes… Jeff, Meg and Jason are all targets.
Clays Unlikely HoH?: Clay doesn’t want it… it would expose him working both sides. He would not be able to do what Jeff wants, He would not be able to do what the other side wants… his best bet would be to put up Audrey directly, tell Audrey they have the votes and if he doesn’t do this she might be backdoor by the other HoH… just tell Audrey YOU HAVE TO WIN THE BATTLE OF THE BLOCK… then if she loose that and the PoV… tell her she has the votes and let the House take out. Clay would be severely screwed if doesn’t do that.
Jackie Winning HoH???: She needs to win this one. She can’t risk being a pawn… it might be fun. She is more devious than they know. Jeff maybe the salesman but Jackie is the boss. Watch out if she wins… it would be explosive and a fan favorite week…. trust me.
Becky: The one I ant to win the most.
James Winning: I think that Jeff could only win an endurance challenge… shorter men like Steve and Jaon have the greatest advantage in those next to athletic women. Other than that… Extremely unlikely unless it is one of those challenges that gives points for a punishment.
Enjot watching Jeff go home
Hard to follow you have Jeff going home (Unless James “screws up”) and then you have a bunch of scenarios with Jeff involved. Austin puts up Audrey and if she wins BOB or POV he puts up…………Jeff
Shelli wins HOH her targets are Jason Meg and ……….Jeff
You finish up with James winning and how Jeff could only win endurance.
Maybe you have Jeff AND James winning HOH this week as well?
I will chalk it up to too many names with J or the fact that the severe drought in Cali has you dehydrated 🙂
In those cases I meant to say JAMES .. I do that sometimes this Season…It is like Houseguest Dyslexia… I think one guest and say another. I used to get confused on Meg, Becky, Shelli and Liz/Julia all of the time (They just blend into one girl for me.)
Glad I don’t have James or Jeff on my team.
Isn’t Nessa the Loch Ness monster? Oh, that’s Nessie. Answered my own question. LOL
i think people would want to throw it to becky if they want audrey to go up without them having to actually do that work. austin is not going to put up audrey & jackie, he is trying to work on jackie & audrey is in their sleeper alliance, it wouldn’t serve him at all to put her up. chances are better that he wants james out first and foremost, and would be working on that, with the reasoning being james tricked them into getting jace out.
i can see johnnymac trying to win HOH, just so he can put people up. He made a deal with vanessa, so she wouldn’t go up, he isn’t going to put up any of the J’s (of which there are far too many J names, including one of the twins, omg) he is unlikely to put up austin since they have a rapport. He has nothing with Clay since Clay was the one who presented him up as a pawn the first time to throw bob. I think he would think it amusing to put up clay, tell him he’s a pawn and he should throw the bob so they can get the real target out (whoever that might be)
First of all, Johnny mac has no intention of winning an HOH anytime soon. Secondly if he did win HOH he has a very short list of who he would put up. He is in an “alliance” (which only he thinks is real) with Jeff, Clay, Shelli, and Jackie. He has a deal with Van until jury. And although he doesn’t have an alliance or deal with Austin, Becky, or Steve, there is an understanding they will not going after each other. This leaves him with Liz, Meg, Jason, James, and Audrey. Audrey would be his target for sure with Liz as his plan b. He knows Meg, Jason, and James are a tight group that he will never be part of but I don’t think he would want to create waves with them yet.
See, here we go again. Audrey starting her shit up again, this time about Austin. I don,t care if she gets to final 2 or not, no one there is going to give her the prize. By the time it gets to jury, I will be surprised if someone hasn’t blackened one of those crazy assed eyes for her.
Austins “gf” never existed. He lied cuz some desperate guys think it makes them more attractive to women to say they taken.
No man that has a gf acts that pathetic and desperate and butthurt over rejection. A man may cheat on his gf but no man makes himself look totally pathetic and desperate trying to find a gf when he has one.
Audrey..You are in an alliance with 3 couples…Clay?Shelli Vanessa?Austin and Liz/Julia…
actually I think that was supposed to read van/Austin. Her “alliance”- sleeper cell is Clay, Shelli, Austin, Van, and herself. Liz is not included in the alliance. Also she is the ONLY one in the house that doesn’t know Liz is a twin.
I’m not understanding the twin love…..they’re self centered ( calling other people ugly ) whiney voiced and most of all, a big liability
Agree about Liz’s irritating voice and ends her words funny like Steve-uh. Austin-uh.
Check out the Big Brother stats compiled by Captain
For Austin it was smoothing like 3 weeks… 2 with Jace and 1 week after Jace left that it feelt that all he had was Jace and Liz then just Liz against the whole house. The House slipped into alienation mode really fast. then mid week 3 Vanessa really joined them. It kind of creates a connection. Vanessa, Austin and Liz/Julia make perfectt sense adding Steve to that makes total sense… Shell also being part of that group… all of them were locked out of the mega group until Shelli won. Audrey being part of them would make sense if Audrey was capable of swhowing anything remotely equal to loyalty.
Clay is the odd man out in that group… I would not be at all surerised if Audrey or Steve are the ones that take out Clay eventually.
Austin an meg hoh form a new alliance with Jason james
I want to get on board with this Shelli/ Clay romance BB is shoving down my throat. Unfortunately, Clay mumbles non stop and I cant understand a word he is saying so all the lovey dovey moments are ruined for me. I found the Day/ Jason relationship to be very genuine and funny. The bromance between Jeff and James has also had its moments despite their often obnoxious behavior. Since pairs/friends seem to broken up thus far, Jace/Austin , Day/ Jason, and now Jeff/James, Im hoping the pattern continues and either Shelli /Clay go home next or Austin/Liz.
man I just can not stand Audrey, I got my hopes up and thought she would go this week, but she skates again. She is going all the way to the end, and I am tuning out.
Liz likes Austin…girl you need your eyes checked I’d much rather go after Johnny Mac who shes kissed twice or was that the other one?
Am I a bit confused or maybe it is Austin that is blowing up his alliance because his penis can’t remember who he is in alliances with. Last night he was filling Liz in and told her that they were in the Sleep Cell alliance with Clay, Shelli and Audrey and in the Sixth Sense alliance with Vanessa, Clay, Shelli and Julia. The problem is he is in the Sleeper Cell with Venessa not Liz. It seems that Audrey knows Liz thinks they are in an alliance and mentioned it to Shelli and Clay that she is in an alliance with two couples and names Austin and Liz as one. Shelli is now wondering how Audrey knows about Liz. Is Austin’s mess up going to blow up the alliance and put targets on all their backs when Audrey lets the house know they are protecting the twins? Great info for her to have to take the heat off herself.
I hope there is coup d edat forcing vanessa out of the game. Johnny mac and steve needs to team up to figure out how to get her out of the house. I thought johnny mac want to be a dr will type player but that does feel like it. He needs to be more manipulative on other person hoh to force someone to go after vanessa.
I prefer John to play the game honestly, competitively, loyally and have fun like taking vacation. I do not want him to stress out by these freaking liars. He has a career at home. I just hope he will not be poisoned by these freaking liars Vanessa, Shelli, Audrey and Austin. I hope he will stick with Becky and Jackie who are honest.
Can’t wait to see Shelli and Clay get screwed over by JOHNNY MAC. They’re taking him for granted so much that it’s only a matter of time before he flips the script on them.