Arisa Cox “I’ve got some news for you! TONIGHT IS AN INSTANT EVICTION!”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner Kevin Next HOH April 8th
Nominations: ? and ?
Have Nots ?
POV Players ?

Feeds will be down from the afternoon of April 2nd to the evening of April 5th

A lot happened within this house but essentially Zach and Jordan are siding with naeha and Johnny to take out Bobby.


Week One there’s a lot of Alliance but we’ve tried to make sense of it all.. Read our alliance help guide

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*** UPDATED WITH THE FOLLOWING DIARY ROOM LEAK – Showing Kevin just learning about the instant eviction a couple hours before the other house guests***
When Kevin gets called to the Diary room – The house guests scream thinking he’s going to get his HOH room. After Kevin goes into the diary room there is an audio leak of him talking to production saying: OH SH*T YOU GUYS! WE’RE GOING TO RAISE SOME SPOILS! YOU GUYS ARE GOING TO LOSE IT OUT THERE!! THEY’RE GOING TO LOSE IT!! Hey girl! How you doing? Oh my god! Get the cameras ready! SOME SH*T IS GOING TO GO DOWN!!

** (Apparently Kevin made his 4 short list nominations Wednesday night and then on Thursday after learning it was an instant eviction he nominated 2 house guests right before Arisa comes on the living room tv to make the instant eviction announcement.)

Big-Brother-Canada-3-2015-04-02 11-47-17-329
2:45pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds. All the house guests are sleeping in the bedroom during a lockdown. All of a sudden host Arisa announces “House guests please make your way to the living room!” “No bathroom breaks please.” All the house guests jump up and head down stairs. Sarah and Bobby stop for bathroom breaks. They gather in the living room with their eyes glued to the TV screens.

KEVIN comes out of the VAULT and stands in front of the tv screens in front of everyone and waits for Arisa.

Big-Brother-Canada-3-2015-04-02 11-50-56-809
Arisa comes on the tv screens and says “Hi everyone! You’re probably wondering why I’m here in an empty studio… I’ve got some news for you! TONIGHT IS AN INSTANT EVICTION!”


This camera view shows Arisa on the TV screen:

House guests close up waiting for the announcement:

House guests view from farther away waiting for the announcement:

The live feeds then cut to the following screen:

Big-Brother-Canada-3-2015-04-02 12-11-45-688

Here is a photo from last night’s show where Kevin is in the vault possibly making his short list and or nominations: A special thank you to Billy @patschampions for send us the photo that Arisa Cox posted on her instagram page.

Big Brother Canada History involving Easter weekend:

*** Simon and I will be watching all the camera views this weekend in the hopes of getting you a live feed leak before Sunday night’s episode. ***


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68 thoughts to “Arisa Cox “I’ve got some news for you! TONIGHT IS AN INSTANT EVICTION!””

    1. LOL – cant wait til the houseguests get rid of the brow cow Naeha! Time to go get those brows and that attitude fixed girlfriend! LOL bye bye Kar-grump-ian!

      CHOP her brows on the way out Graig!!!!

      Chopp Shopp 4 life playaz!

  1. why do people think kevin nominated Nae & Bobby already? why would he be agreeing to all these plans to get bobby out & save naeha, knowing that he already had nominated nae? it wud make him seem shady.

    1. There is a leak from HampsterWatch on Twitter that says Kevin nomminated both Nehaa and Bobby

      1. JMO i bet the leak from BB was just Kevin’s pick for the “short list” of 4, then they gave him the night to think who the final noms would be. so what was shown at the taping was a tease and will be shown tonight on the side show, the producers of BB would want people to speculate all weekend till sunday’s show, this is BB after all

        1. Or he already nominated Bobby n Naeha … He is not allowed to say anything about it.
          If this is the case then he set himself up well. There’s still well enough votes to get Bobby out.
          Hamsterwatch is usually right on.. Besides I want my voting points on global…..

  2. Do you think BB told Kevin that there won’t be a POV competition, hence he should nominate Bobby right away?

    1. yes, last year when neda was hoh and there was an instant eviction, neda was told by bbcan that the two people she nominated would not get a chance at POV and houseguests would be voting to evict right away (hence “instant eviction”).

  3. thinking kevin’s game position will be improved if he nominated bobby/naeha regardless of result of the vote.
    if bobby evicted he can say he had to nominate before the alliance, so he thought he was on her radar as a target (bathroom overheard conversation).
    if naeha evicted he can tell the meatheads bobby was always a pawn because who would evict such a likeable guy (I knew you had the numbers bro, and hey, makes up for you putting me up too).
    all depends on how he words his nomination speech. which he says is his target to clue in pilar.

    1. Kevin DID nominate, so you were the FIRST to be WRONG! (People are far too quick to scream “Fake!” today and it’s out of arrogance.)

      A friend of mine was at the live show and said Kevin had to PRIVATELY nominate to Big Brother, but he wasn’t allowed to tell the housemates about it.

      1. but he just came out of the vault so it means he JUST voted NOW like duh are you guys blind or what?

  4. Well since the nominations are, in theory, Naeha and Bobby then the votes are as follows, in theory,

    Naeha – Sarah, Zach, JP, Johnny, Brittnee
    Bobby – Ash, Willow, God, Graig, Bruno

    So you know what that means? Pili is the swing vote. Great!

    1. Ha! I wonder if she’d keep Naeha around just because if Naeha is gone, Johnny will attach himself to Kevin for comfort and cut down on her suckface time.

      1. This sounds mean, but I doubt she thinks that many moves ahead. She probably just waits until someone tells her who to evict.

    2. i think kevin would have had to say in his speech who his target was because pili’s allegiance isn’t to bobby or naeha as far as i know? so her vote would be a complete wild card. im guessing if kevin did nominate bobby for an instant eviction, he wants him to go.

    3. Kevin, was slated for this HOH! He is the only one who could have a “poker face” for an entire night. He already locked in his votes, listened to a lot of game from Naeha, realized the house wanted him gone last week. Still didn’t show any signs of stress. I think the show wants him to win. He’s like the Derek, of last season’s US.

    1. She just wants to resume cuddling and kissing Kevin, anyhow this is the bachelor for her and doesn’t really care about who will go or not as long as she is with him.

      1. The reason why Kevin is always kissing her is to shut her up her voice is just horrible its like yikessss please stop talking

  5. Why the constant twists? Plus it’s like we rarely get feeds. Couldn’t they have have done this twist later on.

  6. I agree with the points in the above posts and it sucks that a non-entity like Pilar will have so much influence. Just wanted to throw this point out there as well, and it supports my personal opinion that Kevin is pretty darn smart. If the leaks and theory are true that he put up Booby and Naeha, then he effectively put up a target from each side of the house. In this way, he gives each side what they wanted, exposes/confirms alliances in the house through the voting, and puts the blood on the House’s hands just as much as it is on his hands. He could totally argue that he was doing what the House (divided as it is) wanted, it’s up to them. Not sure, of course, that he will word it that way, but this is what he has essentially done.

  7. Just read the Alliance guide. My new, favourite alliance, in name anyway, is Pillow – toooooo funny!!!!! And pretty accurate.

    1. Pillow is awesome, but my fav is the showmance above it which I think is called Kevlar? I hope its accurate for Kev’s sake… he already dodged the bullet once!

  8. Why BBCan are the feeds always down when I actually have uninterrupted time to watch! Going to be a long quiet weekend!

  9. Was this just the most amazing night of feeds, or what? 😀 (the more frustrating that they cut the feeds!!)
    Thanks Dawg and Simon for all these videos, so much action!!!

    I don’t understand those who say that Kevin nominating Naeha AND Bobby would be a smart move for him.
    Unless there were some major conversations between him, Jordan and Zach that weren’t on the feeds, that would be a blindside to them. He seems to really believe in his Fortress alliance with Jordan, and he just agreed to the Bromuda Triangle alliance with Jordan and Zach. I don’t see him going against them.
    Also, if he puts Bobby and Graeg/Bruno/Godfrey on the block, only that group of 4 will be angry at him, only 3 of them will be left in the game after the eviction. If he puts Bobby and Naeha on the block, that group would still be mad at him for putting Bobby on the block, plus the other side of the house would be mad at him for putting Naeha on the block. Doesn’t make sense to me.
    I’m confident he put Bobby up next to “anyone between Graeg, Godfrey and Bruno”, and Bobby has left the building with 0 to 2 votes to save him.

    1. He’s already put up Bobby and Naeha though. He had to put them up right after he won HoH and couldn’t tell anybody. He most likely put up Naeha because the general consensus of the house at the time was she was the target, and put up Bobby next to her because he put him out last week and it was an easy cop out. Luckily it worked out okay for Kevin.

      1. No, he didn’t have to nominate right after his HOH win.
        Between his HOH win and the nominations, they spent half the night discussing what he should do, who he should nominate. He debated with Jordan and Zach whether to “go for it” and go to war with the “boys”, or to stick with the “boys” and nominate Naeha (and Sarah).
        They ended up agreeing to “go for it”, and were pretty stoked about it before they went to bed. The nomination and eviction only happened the next day.

        1. Yes he did have to nominate after his win. Spoilers have come out from people who were in the audience that he had to immediately after his win but faced getting evicted if he mentioned it to the house. That is why he debated with the boys later that night as of he still had to nominate. He knew the whole night it was an instant eviction and that’s why in the leaked diary room session he said immediatly after going in “holy shit get your cameras ready, they’re going to freak out in there”

          1. Oh, ok, I understand now. Thanks for the info!
            If that’s really how it went down, then it’s quite a weird way for BB to handle this…
            Now I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens sunday!

  10. Bobby, Sarah and Graig all go to the bathroom before Arissa’s announcement. Take a guess at who didn’t wash their hands afterwards. Hint: It rhymes with Graig.

  11. I couldn’t stand Kevin from the gate, and him being at the top of this pole is disappointing! I am a poker dealer, and knew him and his type from the beginning, as every successful poker player must have certain qualities. He is VERY smart, but he is VERY cocky and Very sneaky. A narcissist type with no emotional attachment. I will never root for that dude but these personality traits should get him far. Poor Pilar! She sucks at game, but she a good person to a fault. Kevin recognizes this and attaches himself to make it look like he has her traits. Smart and Slithery. My 2 cents.

    1. Wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of Kevin, but I still like him because I haven’t seen him pull any of the Derek moves yet such as victimization, untruthful triangulation and instigating witchhunts against his next victim evictee. Kevin did throw Cindsy under the bus, but not with BS, simply taking advantage of the chop shop lamebrains who are geared toward witchhunts anyway(e.g. they still believe Cisndy broke the camera).
      It is nice to think someone could go far in the game without being an ill-mannered and despicable liar.
      & Speaking of Graig – I think he is Derek 2.0, but with half the intelligence & twice the charm.

      1. What season of Big brother have you watched to compare Graig on Derrick?
        Derrick (as much as I hated him during his season) was able to control the housemates without being named as a target, he flew under the radar while controlling each of the players. Graig hasn’t controlled anyone and is already the main target of a few housemates. And it’s just week 2 of the show. Derrick is far from Graig and unless the meatheads wins the HOH back to back to back until the finale he has no chance of winning.

    2. I am going to assume that spelling is not among the top attributes of poker dealers such as yourself? You must have to reserve your intelligence for other endeavours. Sorry, the feeds are down. I’m grumpy and bored and could not resist pointing it out. I think Kevin would look pretty darn good at the top of a pole – the North, a nightclub, or otherwise 😉

  12. I understand why people are thinking Bobby will stay due to the short timing of the instant eviction, but couldn’t Kevin make it clear during his speech in front of the house that because he has found out that he was indeed the target of Bobby if it wasn’t for the girls conversation coming out, that his target with these nominations is Bobby and Naeha is the pawn, triggering Pilar and Ash to vote the other way?

  13. hey simon/dawg
    when kevin is in the DR and he’s talking to some girl from production, the part where you didn’t really catch what he’s saying is “get the cameras ready” not “…. buddy”

    1. AH!!! THANK YOU! I listened to it over and over but couldn’t make it out because Sarah was screaming so much! Thank you!

  14. been thinking about the edit of the episodes so far. been bothering me why the chop shop and especially graig have been getting such a good edit. comes down to one reason in my mind. Zach. no one can convince me he hasn’t been played as the golden child by production. in the 10 min of first sideshow I could actually tolerate he was labelled a good player but a Jordan meatshield. this week, I’ve been told talk of Zach and images of Zach took up almost 20 minutes cumulatively on the sideshow. he was now called the best player in the house. my point (in case I’ve gone too far tangentially), Zach is in the chop shop, a large brolliance like the bomb squad. that alliance wasn’t well received by the audience in general, so in order to keep him gold, they are editing out the target meetings and most of what comes out of graig’s mouth to avoid guilt by association. if / when Zach turns to the other side away from the chop shop officially, I would bet the edits of the chop shop members will change substantially. expect graig to appear more following that.
    separate but linked thought: the feeds going down a lot. why is it that the times when feeds go down seem to coincide with parts of aired episodes. example: hot tub scene. that was a mash of the parts feed viewers saw and added content during the feed block that ended up adding to the Zach Ashleigh romance (altered cam angle for the kiss from feeds where sindy willow and Bruno were in the bg or in frame on feeds), and made bobby the over-aggressive tongue beast (cus the kiss aired was not the bobby Ashleigh kiss seen on feeds). so, imo prod blocks the feeds when they are manipulating content to progress their planned storyline, or when they are pulling parts of the action for episode.
    my two cents while I go through feed withdrawal. if it’s even worth two cents or it’s just too many words, it’s where my head is leaning.
    not saying Zach is not playing well, just saying he is the production face of bb for at least the first half of the season.

    1. I hate production interference and biased edit as you do.
      I saw Cody from BB16 do a lot of great stuff on the live feeds, including have talks with Derrick as to what they should do where they’d both talk as equals and come to an agreement as partners. Those very conversations were then turned by production into “Derrick tells Cody what to do, and Cody just nods”. They’d literally cut out the scenes where Cody would talk, and sometimes give Derrick credit for something that Cody actually came up with. I guess Cody was cast as the “good looking one” and Derrick as the “smart undercover cop”, so BB didn’t want to “confuse the audience” by showing them that the pretty one also had a brain.
      But in this case, to be honest, I don’t think BB is editing the Chop Shop – mostly Graig – so nicely just to prevent Zach from being found guilty by association.
      For every stupid or offensive thing Graig has said or done, there are several discussions Zach has had afterwards with other HGs where he’d make it clear how ridiculous he thinks Graig is. He’s called Graig stupid, inappropriate, delusional and a bad BB player. If BB was to show the viewers what a douche Graig really is, then it would only be fair to also show them that Zach – as most other HGs – doesn’t like him or approve at all. Just like in most seasons, the good players manage to keep their mouthes shut when they’d naturally want to tell that person “shut up!”, “stop it!” or “dude, you $uck!”.
      I think BB doesn’t show Graig’s inappropriate stuff because they don’t want to have him tamper with the show’s image as a whole, as happened in BB15. Which I think is wrong, since I could differentiate between Graig and the others, and also understand that for game purposes, they won’t tell him to his face how they really dislike him. But I’m afraid many ppl who only watch the edited show wouldn’t make this distinction and be mad at anyone who’s silently sitting in the room while Graig and Godfrey bully Cindy…

      1. hey frenchie, thanks for a well thought response. made me think for a minute.
        in terms of being worried about the bb15 comparison… they weren’t worried about that when bbcan2 came out after bb15. they showed the first five being at their worst without worry. so why now?
        bbcan hasn’t really shyed from showing an ass or a bully as an ass or a bully to at least some extent. think season one tom. think season 2 Andrew. graig has skated completely in episodes, they didn’t. so what is the difference?
        as far as the chop shop edit is concerned, I think they are probably trying to distance viewers from making a bb16 correlation. otherwise, wouldn’t their creation or at least one of their strategy sessions been included instead of a week later saying oh yeah, this exists. early game large testosterone abundant alliances haven’t been well received really. and its been good tv to show their antics and in the previous bbcan seasons, thereby creating a groundswell of big guy vs the little guy or good vs evil. so why haven’t they this year? why would they edit episodes so that it seems so very brady Christmas except for three seconds of godfrey calling out scindy?
        who is being promoted in episodes and promotional tools like sideshow. so far, kevin and Zach are being promoted the most. but Zach is being promoted sooo very hard. I mean, one third of an hour long show to discuss the game was spent on Zach and how wonderful he is. if that isn’t hardcore promotion.
        I like Zach’s game, don’t get me wrong. I do. his game and strategy are in my top 5 right now. but i’m looking at how the show is marketing him. i’m finding it annoying.
        when thinking of the marketing, and thinking of the golden edits, for some reason the two seem to meld together.
        i appreciate your argument and can see where you are coming from for sure, but it hasn’t changed my mind. thank you for responding to my post. 🙂

        1. Cody was carried by Derrick. He wouldn’t have gone far without him, disagree with Zach, the guy knows the game , reads people and is a better social player, he’s got the girls with him except Sarah. And is loyal to JP. I do agree with BB editing their favorites, but sometimes it’s good for the show.

          And Graig is Zach (bb16) 2.0 not Kevin, he is clueless most of the time.

        2. in the reply box it looked like my posts were so much smaller. sorry for writing novels. i’ll try to be more brief and concise in the future.

        3. Not actually liking the entire “show” that has been shown on tele so far, everyone seems so nice and kumbaya, which is so not true if you watch the feed. The confessionals seems a bit forced and scripted (which it is as slipped by Pilar) and the houseguests doesn’t seem to know how to act as if they were speaking their minds when in the dr. IMO this season seems a bit forced to be children friendly, which is a shame because the live feeds show that these people are more than what they were stereotyped as for.

          Although kudos to the production, Pilar has been shown a lot on the editing but feeders know that she’s completely invinsible in the game.

          1. Pilar sure is invisible in the game, yes… but not inaudible!!
            [insert kissing noises that sound like eating soup with great intensity] 😉

        4. Another Name, is it possible this change in editing you observe is related to the move from Slice to Global?

          1. hey anonymous, slice is a subsidiary of global, so it is possible. BUT global aired every season of big brother us. so possible, but imo more story / plot driven than network standards driven.

    1. I sure hope the diary room talks Zach out of giving Willow the “I just wanna be friends” speech until after the Easter Bunny has already been through and is long gone.

  15. hey dawg/simon,
    i just wanted to know what YOU think would happen
    (nominations and votes to evict)
    if you’re wrong, it’s alright
    i just wanna see some speculation XD

  16. I hope Bobby was sent home just so I can see Graig and Godfrey go another level of crazy all over the house! That will be fun to watch. Thanks for the updates Simon and Dawg – Happy Easter to you!

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