Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo & Rubina
POV Players: Leah, Rubina, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie, T’kor
POV Winner: Angela (Veto), Leah (Jankie Veto)
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: (they all have to sleep outside)
2 VETOS: Leah can only use her Veto, if Angela uses her Veto first
2:10pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the power of veto competition.
Behind the set by the washers. Leah – At least we get a chill day tomorrow. Makensy – Right! Hopefully!
Backyard Dance Floor. Tkor – how many more days do we have living outside? Rebina – 4 more night.

2:25pm The house guests are playing the carnival games. The Jankie song starts playing and they start singing it.
3pm The house guests are getting ice cream from the ice cream freezer.
4pm Angela and Leah hug. Leah – I love you. Angela – love you. Leah – that was a cool veto. I like puzzles. Angela – I like doing them but it takes me FOREVER to do them. Leah – And that’s the thing. It’s like I have to take a breath during any of these comps. What I’ve noticed is like. none of them are meant to be rushed into. And you always want to rush and like you all of them have one thing in common. It’s like you have to be slow and steady. Angela – I feel like because I wasn’t stressed out about it and doing it just to have fun is why. I think if I had needed to do it, I probably wouldn’t do it. Leah – yeah. Angela – because I know myself I get too stressed out. Leah – I get that.
4:20pm – 5:05pm The house guests are trying to come up with lyrics to a song they’re making up.. Makensy comes out of the port-a-potty. The house guests ask her if she’s okay. Makensy – I just went in there and cried.I don’t like crying in the DR. Rubina – where did you do it in the port-a-potty? Makensy – yeah.
5:20pm Jankie dance party…

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I’m torn between wanting Chelsea out or T’Kor. Pull down Rubina, put up T’Kor might be the best move. I ultimately want MJ to win.
Splitting the Trio is the best move. Doesn’t matter who gets evicted, but all three of them are tight-knit.
But Dinah is the evil one. The other two are just followers.
That’s T’kor’s REAL name. Everything about her is phony and disingenuous.
There’s a new Comp beast in town.
Well a beast anyway and not sure of comp, maybe prod told her the correct order lol
So given the circumstances of BB this week, I’m curious what everyone thinks would be worse. Being trapped inside the BB house or being trapped outside? It looks like they tried to make it fun & comfortable for them, but they are outside where it is no doubt hot and have to deal with bugs & such at night and I don’t think they have “proper” kitchen & bathroom facilities. Being trapped inside you have ac, proper bathroom and kitchen facilities & comfy beds, but it might get claustrophobic being stuck in there. (My husband’s job requires him to work in a windowless room 8-12 hrs./day. This doesn’t bother him so much b/c his job is busy & mentally challenging. However, being in the BB house I think he would literally lose his mind.) I think I might choose to be outside to at least have fresh air, sunshine, and more opportunities for exercise and games.
Do we know why they are outside? Does it have something to do with the rats Chelsea found?
It’s something to do with the AI going on vacation and jankie taking over. They may have eaten the rats. 😉
Is this a joke? Chelsea found rats?
These wouldn’t be bad conditions for Army vets. More vets on BB!
A’s a disabled vet who would love to go on the show except for my disabilities, do you actually think ALL veterans like rats. I was an infantryman with the 101st and I can’t stand them and I guarantee you there are many more who can’t stand the filthy disgusting creatures.
Port a potties are a non-negotiable no for me.
Let’s hope Leah pulls one of the two down and backdoors entitled Tkor
two vetoes, like season 25.
Angela won the regular veto.
Leah won the Jankie power of veto.
What is the jankie veto??? How us thus going to work?
It was a Twist. Leah can only use her Veto if Angela uses hers
no clue.
A like Blue’s last year, just another veto.
B have to win a comp like the zombie comp to activate veto.
C does whatever Grod wants it to do.
What is the Jankie POV?
Simon and Dawg, You need to update your information. Angela won the real Veto and Leah won the “Jankie” Veto
Thank you!!
You’re Welcome
What’s the difference????
Leah can only use her Veto, if Angela uses her Veto first
In Angela’s case, it’s better to keep noms the same. She already tried evicting Kimo twice; might as well get him out a third time.
Does that mean both nominees could possibly come down and be replaced with two new ones?
ya it would be hilarious if Dinah and Chelsie were the renoms.
And, does Leah replace both if they are taken down?
Info so far:
Leah decides first if she uses her veto. If yes, she selects a carnival game, of which the winner decides the renom.
Then Angela decides if she uses her own veto.
This is not definitive of the power, but getting closer, lol.
Pull done Kimo. Put up T’kor
Angela pulls down Rubina and renom is Tkor … Leah pulls down Kimo and renom is Chelsea… great game move and she and Angela have total control in ensuring one of two leaders go home …
I like that they are stuck outside for the week. They have it too easy in the house. AC, comfie beds, big, well sticked kitchen, places to lounge around, real potty & showers, and lots of privacy. Fortunately, it’s not as hot as it normally is in CA. I’m sure if it gets too hot, they’ll let them inside for safety. Like last time, there’s always someone who just hates the inconvenience & heat. This time I think it’s Tkor. If only she was on the block too.
Chelsea and Tkor had an agreement that protection of each other would end when jury. started .She told Cam during her HOH. I think Tkor has conveniently forgotten.
If I’m getting the latest T’kor T”koring right:
she thinks Angela and Leah might be trying to take out Cam.
It would be stupid for Leah and Angela to target either T’kor or Chelsie now that we’ve reached jury.
Angela needs to be put in her place because she’s been putting T’kor on the bottom since week 2. Rubina encourages T’kor to put Angela in her place because T’kor is in a safe spot in the game.
Kimo is already in jury house praising the ground T’kor walks on in her latest version of future game theory.
Rubina says it seemed like Angela and Leah were working together in the veto and helping each other…. maybe they have a plan. Rubina worries there is a plan. Rubina and T’kor conclude that Leah isn’t backdooring anyone.
Chelsie is giving her stankface at everyone post veto. Leah sitting next to Cam and Mak gives her lemon sucking stankface.
Remember week 3 when Brooklyn told Chelsie that Leah had come in second a lot already and they couldn’t sleep on Leah because she was going to win comps eventually? They downgraded her threat to only capable of shopping because Chelsie was in her bitterbitch phase about Leah hanging out with Cedric and then Cam.
For some reason people are crying today. No clue. It’s like none of these people have ever camped before… only it’s better because nobody figured out how to take za and ice cream on a camping trip.
Leah has to use the Jankie veto first. whoever she saves can’t be renom if Angela uses her veto.
The way they are speaking, Leah has to successfully fulfill a task (or win a quick comp) in order to activate the Jankie veto. (Cam, Leah, Chelsie convo pieces put together…. but they are in the dark and this is supposition).
So is T’kor just going to sit around and bitch about Angela or does she expect Rubina and/ or Kimo to do something for her? Will Leah use her veto( I know she only can if Angela uses her veto).Does Angela, who likes T’kor, willing to risk rocking the boat knowing next is a double and Leah ( her one and only shield) can’t play in one of the comps.
Thank you!!! I love your site!!
Thank you!
The other of the trio would leave if one is replaced by TKor so swap them both out. Put up Chelsie (pawn) and TKor that will divide the votes. Chelsie will stay and the strongest of the trio to out. IMO