Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: ?
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: No havenots again this week
9:50pm The live feeds return from being blocked for the HOH competition. When the feeds come back we learn that Angela won head of household.
Quinn talks about how he will be using his power and having talks with everyone to figure out what he will do.
Quinn – If they start early. If they go in at 12 we normally wake up on nomination day pretty early right So I can just Sprint to the shower and let everyone know. Hey your boy is going to be meeting it up. That’s funny that she thinks I won’t use it because she’ll clearly put us up.

Bedroom – Tkor and Makensy
Tkor to Makensy – we can talk more if you need to I can offer some words with encouragement and also game plan game plan.
Makensy – I don’t know what he’s doing and like I love them and like all of that but yeah. I feel like my things I’m gonna talk to you I’m gonna talk to a couple I haven’t had one on Los Angeles Angela since the blow up I’m actually terrified especially after how that just went I was just like just like a blank statement of like we’ll see what he does and her like reaction towards me even saying that I’m like that wasn’t like a dig at you though it’s just like a like. let’s be rational and think what is actually going to happen there’s no way Quinn wouldn’t use it and if he didn’t use it he’d be dumb not use it to ensure that well he can you know?
I’m so f**ked and the thing is I’m f**ked because I’m going against Tucker. You know. So that’s funny. I know. Feel like oh I guess cam
I know it was iconic but at the same time they put people like you
put Quinn in like a rough situation and I feel bad because Quinn
had to be put up. Granite he is safe and he knew that we all had his
back. I just hate that.
Tkor – I think honestly continue to talk about because at the end of the day as long as you have the numbers no matter what happens you
can secure your safety So that’s what I’m gonna do too. I’m gonna
Makensy – I’m just terrified to talk to this woman terrified because
there’s no way I literally am terrified because I don’t know how that’s gonna go. Tkor – do your best and I’ll you know do my best to have our back when I talk to her. Makensy Thank you.
Tucker – Angela hasn’t been annoying this week. So I don’t think it’s going to be that bad. So she was up there more times than anybody. So she heard it. Rubina – I don’t know. Tucker – She was up there 5 times, 4 times. Rubina – That’s true Tucker – than anybody that went up there. She crushed it. Rubina – I know. Tucker – I’m going to be up there regardless. Rubina – Yeah, but you don’t have to keep saying that. Tucker – he (Quinn) fucking said it publicly to America. We’ll see. I’m just preparing for whatever. Like I did last time, you know. They head to the storage room. Tucker – He (Quinn) is gonna beat everyone in this game. He stays longer. He’s got the strongest power ever and could have not used it this week. Rubina – I know nobody would have been able to not use it. No, Im gonna tell Angelas to put me up so she can get close to Quinn
save her game. Why wouldn’t she do that? He’s only going to use it if I’m not up there. She’s gonna put me up there to get tight with Quinn again. Makensy joins them. Makensy – I’m going to wnat to have a chat tonight. Tucker – see you up there (on the block)
Tucker – I think she puts the 3 up and then before the nomination ceremony is over like before the veto ceremony is over he’s gonna be like wait no hold up. Makensy – no, no the thing is an HOH take over it’s like she will pop up on a screen and it will be like her saying my nominations are. It won’t be in person. It’ll be like the Al nomination type thing. Tucker – I don’t know.
Bathroom – Makensy and Brooklyn.
Makensy – She gave me attitude out there. Brooklyn – Really? Makensy – She was saucy. I like was telling her. I was like Congrats. I was like That’s incredible because based upon how Quinn said his power works. I was like congratulations. Like that’s incredible like you insured your safety. I was like I’m like terrified to see what he does. That’s what I said and she was like what he does? And she was like what he does and I was like yeah like Quinn, Quinn’s power and she was like he’s probably not going to use it because I bet you he’ll like who I’m going to put up and I was like. Okay. I’m going to shut up and walk away now.

Bumper Pool Room – Angela and Tucker
Angela to Tucker – This is ours! This is ours! I know, I know. I saw him, he already talked to Brooklyn. Angela – She’s pissed. She won’t look at me. She won’t hug me. She did nothing. I was put up multiple times. I love you. Nothing but good things to say about you everywhere.
Tucker – I don’t know how tight you guys are, but if you want to put him up there, Quinn. So if you want to put them up there and expose his power. I would be forever grateful because that’s all I want to do. I just want to get this fucking power exposed because he’s already very strong player. And that makes him a lot stronger and he sucked on that block, and he was shitting bricks up there. He’s a very tough competitor. I know he’s going to put me up. So if you can put him on the block.
Tucker – if you want to do Quinn and Cedric. Those are the only two that I care about. Quinn’s, Quinn’s the biggest snake in the grass here and that’s why I threw away the Andersons and I threw away the two ones. I was here with the shakers, which was just me Cedric and Kenny and then we started doing this whole plan two days before the the ceremony and then Cam tried to walk in one day and we were just like, yeah, let him in so the Shakers cuz we’re going to shake things up. The Shakers became the players cuz it was time to play ball. Angela – okay. Tucker – I’m really uncomfortable under those situations and then I’ll keep my ears out for you because I am tight with a couple people, but I do. I trust you more than any of them trust you more than anybody. Angela – Yeah. And there will probably never be anyone else. Tucker – this is fun! All I wanted to do was get it started. Angela – love you. Tucker – good job. Angela – you too.
10:50pm – 11pm Bumper Pool Room – Angela and Brooklyn.
Brooklyn – Congratulations again! Angela – Thank you. Thank you, Brooklyn. Brooklyn – You’re welcome. You deserved it. You won. My only question. You can ask me whatever was. Why did you do that? Angela – You’re smart. You’re strong. I really wanted this again. I wanted to do over. It is nothing personal at all. I put that on everything. I’m sorry I could tell you took it that way. Brooklyn – Yeah, I did. Because I’ve been one of the only people that I’ve been honest with you the whole time. And I can guarantee you that. So that’s why. Angela – It wasn’t personal, I think it was not personal. I promise you that at this point, I was just like, I want this too. And I want to win. And this is something I could win at. And I just kind of looked at everybody and you were so determined. I knew you wanted it just as much. Brooklyn – After the second time you picked me back to back. That’s when I said that’s how it’s going to be and I felt it trust me and it wasn’t because no one else was doing that though. Angela – we all put up there many times but not back to back. Angela – I really want you to know it was nothing personal against you and I just really wanted it. Brooklyn – you deserved it you beat everybody so you deserved it. I am proud of you. Angela – I didn’t do it like that. I didn’t do you dirty. I didn’t do you dirty honey. I promise you on everything. I was locked in and wanted it so badly. I didn’t mean it like that. Brooklyn – I believe you.
11:08pm Workout Room – Brooklyn and Rubina.
Brooklyn – she’s like, I needed to do over for week one. She was like I wasn’t going to put you up. She has no idea that she doesn’t even get to do noms. She thinks she gets to put people up and he (Quinn) can change them. No, he’s taking over. She won’t even get the HOH room. He activates it before to do his own noms and she’s no that’s not right.
11:16pm Unicorn Bedroom – Makensy and Angela
Makensy – Well, one congratulations. Seriously, I really. am like also you fucking killed that game. Like that was incredible. Sorry. Yeah, no, I’m shocked too. Also, I don’t know if you want to sit on hill and I’ll sit on here, but I just wanted to see how you were doing. Obviously, I know it’s been difficult. So, and I haven’t talked to 1 on 1 with you in a while, and I just want to see where we’re at with each other. I understand completely if I’m an option, I get that. I would obviously hope not. but completely understandable. But I just want to see where your head’s at, how you’re feeling. I know being in this house the past couple weeks obviously has been mentally probably pretty difficult. And honestly, I completely understand that. And in a weird sense, and I am not saying one is worse than the other, but like, I’m completely alone in this house right now. I just want to make sure that we’re good personally as well, whether it be game play you put me up or not. But like, personally, I just want to make sure that you never felt that I did anything cuz for me like that is my least wanted thing ever. Like I would never intentionally ever be rude. I am not that type of person and I want to make sure you never felt that way from me. Angela shakes her head to say no. Makensy – OK, amazing. Well, it’s good. 0K, good. Well
Angela – Well, the hardest thing I deal with here is just feeling like I fumbled so much winning the first HOH. I didn’t get an opportunity to be in a room with girls and bond and all the things I felt very isolated and had a lot of pressure. I had a lot of my plate and I had so much power, if you will. I didn’t know how to use it right. And so I ended up exhausting myself and getting too emotional
about it. And I just fumbled it up really, really bad. So I understand that the girls. No there’s nothing between us that you need to be worried about. Makensy – okay okay. I just wanted to make sure because like I really and I can understand like I got you. I think you are athletic I think you are smart and I would love nothing more than to work with you. Makensy – I was gonna talk to you about that.
11:25pm – 11:35pm Havenot Room – Quinn and Rubina
Quinn – So I just let the people know I am 12,000% using the power. Rubina – Oh, bitch. Quinn – This is a duh. Yes. She hates my guts. Runina – It does seem like she does not understand how it works or that you would be using it and she fully thinks that she can convince you to not. Quinn – I think my goal is to figure out who she would put me on the butt obviously but I would like to see if she would try to trick me a little bit especially because she’s the one who sold me out to begin with. She called me a narcissist. She called me an idiot. Yes I can confirm can confirm crazy things this woman’s 50 and listen I’ve always been on the assumption that with age comes like maturity but we have to lead our lives with compassion, understanding and listen she’ll probably change she probably won’t call me a narcissist or an idiot ever again. I do believe that in my heart we’re going to be optimistic. Rubina – Love that. Quinn – but the plan is I’m gonna host one on ones. I want to figure out where people are at. I’ll probably apologize again for the power. Rubina – No you don’t need to apologize again. It makes sense that you did but you do you. Quinn – I’m going to do one on ones and I’m straight up obviously tuck tuck is going up. Listen he publicly called me out. I said a lot of crazy words it would be silly to not yeah. So I’m going to meet with everyone gauge their thoughts and see who we feel has the best chance of like keeping Tucker on the block and who’s gonna win a competitions.
12:15am Big Brother opens up the backyard for the house guests.
12:20am – 12:35am Backyard Hammock – Kimo, Rubina, Cedric, Brooklyn, Quinn, Leah. They’re playing Kiss, Marry, Evict.
Quinn – Evict Angela, Kiss Leah, Marry Tkor.
Leah – Marry Kimo, Kissing Brooklyn, Evict?
Cedric – Marry Brooklyn, Kiss …Big Brother switches the feeds..
12:40am Backyard couches – Makensy, Tucker and Chelsie
Tucker – he’s (Quinn) a very sneaky dude. He’s literally been lying since day one. He’s very good at popping around. He’s sleeping in all different rooms Angela approached me to work with me if he didn’t call me I was gonna have a good talk and I won HOH I was gonna try to bring him in. I was gonna hash it out. Yeah. And be like go bro. Yeah, but you lied to me and I know that you like competitive nature cause I was out here running and you had to you had to Sprint to pass me to do your twenty laps being all doing 100 laps. That’s why I was
laughing. That’s why you were laughing in any type of acoustic you speed up and then later on he was saying shit. I don’t remember exactly what he was saying when he was saying he’s been throwing little jabs here and there.
12:50am – 12:58am Angela – Hey everybody! Who wants to see my HOH room?!!
Angela reads her HOH letter:
Hi, mom. Lexie here also. I’ll start off with seeing. I can’t believe you’re doing this. I constantly think about how cool of a mom I have
that she’s spontaneous and a little crazy to embark on this adventure. I just brag about you to all my friends all the time You’re finally doing something for you. It’s truly admirable
I’m miss calling you and filling you in on every minor inconvenience of my life. I’ll have to put that burden off my siblings. I just want to remind you about confident, funny, carrying a passionate wild and relatable. You are all this makes you so special. Don’t ever forget. Don’t ever get in your head and think otherwise. This is your time to show everybody who Angela freaking is. And it’s in caps caps. One of a kind. I want you to wake up every morning and remind yourself that you belong and be who you are. Can’t say I don’t miss you already, but I know a couple of months is just a short amount of time. You’ll barely miss anything. Actually, in this family, who knows? Laughing out loud I’m doing so good with my lash business and meeting new people every weekend. I couldn’t have done this without your encouragement. Encouraging me to live my life to the fullest on your biggest fan. Now put your gameplay on and win this show. You got this PS if there’s anything. If there’s any cute guys that give them my number. Love you so much, mom.
Help keep the madness going! All these updates wouldn’t be possible without your support. Thank you in advance!
yuck. angela is safe. quinn probably targets cedric.
It’s hilarious all these dumb fans voting for Quinn to see him use his power when anyone with a brain could see that the time to use his power was closed.
lol huh?
They still could have gotten him out so he could never use his power. Now he is HOH no matter what this week.
IDIOTS had the POWER to kick out Quinn along with his special power but they didn’t AND Angela AND Tucker are still there. WHATEVER happens to any of them from here on out is their own fault. To me, the only way Quinn should have been voted to stay was if he was on the block with Angela or Tucker…BUT they didn’t….IDIOTS! Tucker only voted for Quinn b/c he knows his own time is now short with Quinn still in the house. I wish just ONE person (other than Tucker) had voted Quinn just to at least stir things up/make others try and figure out who but nope! Stupid people make my head hurt!
I REALLY am beginning to hate all of 2024 (in and out of the BB house) at this point.
The world is going bat guano crazy!
I need a time machine to jump to say March 2025 just to get 2024 over with plus a little ‘breathing’ room!
Again, when does BB27 start?!
BB via CBS/Pluto won’t be getting any of my viewing until BB27. I am out for the season.
Bye! See you next season!
I hated last season and now I’m hating this season. Production can really pick ’em. Shitty.
Look at all the turds down voting me for not understanding simple basics here.
Y’all wanted him up on the block so he WOULD use the power and nominate 3 new candidates on Thursday.
The power doesn’t work that way.
Why you all are focused on him being out to get the power out is ridiculous. You’re the same people bitching about how big brother votes in blocks and no one gets their hands dirty and the game is boring the first half of the season too.
They don’t want the power out because Quinn has the most alliances in the house. Everyone who’s with him wants to use that thing to their advantage.
You completely misunderstand why people voted for him. America wanted him out before he could use his power. The houseguests were just too dumb to do it.
Why on earth would America want him out? America doesn’t want a boring ass show and 10-1 eviction votes every week.
That’s ridiculous. America if anything would want to see the chaos of him using it.
He’s targeting Tucker. I don’t think he’s mad at Cedric for the dumb move of putting Mak on the block, although he should be.
I think it’s LOL hilarious that nobody seems to know how these powers work. Brooklyn said, not only does Angela not get to make noms, she doesn’t get the HOH bedroom either! Well lo and behold, there she is in the HOH bedroom reading her letter and opening her gifts from her basket!
I’m not sure either, but it will produce more drama (and blood) if Angela gets to make her noms and THEN the HOH takeover occurs, with whatever noms Quinn makes, replacing hers. I’m assuming Angela’s noms will NOT be safe as “removed” noms, since they wouldn’t have been true noms in the first place, but those are just my guesses and assumptions. I tried to look up the power on-line to see if I could find a true explanation of them, but no dice.
All I’ve seen so far is Quinn said Angela, Tucker and Rubina, but that was before Angela won HOH, so she’s safe now, as you stated. My guess is he will go for either Leah or Makensy as his third.
Quinn has to activate the power to get the HOH room. I think he said he has to activate it by 12?? I wonder if Angela really is safe since he gets to take over all of the power?
Elimination rounds HOH.
I figured Grod would save her grodboy…. but she saved crazypants.
I can’t have nice things. She’s nope. dagummit.
Everyone knows Quinn is the real HOH this week…. except Angela apparently, who thinks Quinn wouldn’t take over HER HOH. Is that really her feeling? Really?
So nutjob #1 is safe. Nutjob #2?
Who did they send to face Angela in the rounds is my question.
I mean…. how bad you gotta be that loopdeloop out buzzes and outanswers ANYONE in the house?
Deepfake Angela is going to have Angela wondering if she really made those noms cus you know….. delusional paranoid nutjob. By veto ceremony she’ll be taking credit….
oh HEEERE we go.
somebody take over hitting me over the head with a frying pan…. my rolling eyes got stuck.
Another whackjob week. eyeroll.
Angela thinks Quinn’s power is 6 weeks not 4 weeks. Where did she get that idea? The voices added to Tucker saying 2 extra votes in the first 6 weeks.
She thinks she gets to make nominations. She thinks she has power.
She has immunity this week. She can’t play in the next HOH.
She’s not going to build any new relationships. She’s just going to paranoid delulu herself into arguing with someone again because she’s safe right now and doesn’t think long term.
She and Tucker as a duo…. uhm… he made his life mission getting out the woman that stepped on his spotlight, she picked fights with 2/3 of the house because the voices in her head said they were conspiring against her.
give us strength.
Meanwhile…. Chelsie, the woman keeping the women from forning an alliance, and Leah who plans to play a pick me game with the men…. are saying Makensy would target women. Who pushed and pushed week 2 for a women alliance? Not Chelsie. Not Leah.
Do either of them hear themselves or is the bullshit blocking their ear canals? Now that Mak doesn’t have a power, she’s of no use to Leah. We knew that was coming. Immediate gratification player forming no LASTING bonds with ANYONE.
Cam came in second in HOH. That means last picked usually. That means safest houseguest in the house usually. That would ALWAYS be my prime target. Just me. Safer than me means more social capital than me means dangerous.
Un autre nom, I posted on the eviction page but want to see if your thoughts are like mine on Tuckers AI win. Did you notice he immediately dropped to the floor to begin grabbing the balls almost like he was coached on the best way to grab the required red balls. While the other two stood up in the booth and could hardly catch anything.
jusy curious on your thoughts.
I feel sorry for you. How the site allows that comment or other members upvote that garbage says a lot. TRASH!
This pentagon group love to make the non pentagon group members feel bad/guilty about decisions they make towards the pentagon group… lol
The pentagon members convinced the house that who ever america votes for the new nominee, we wont vote for them, its not fair. And that if kennys a nominee to vote to evict kenny because he is against women… lol
Angela back to back targeted Brooklyn.
Angela wants to be the ONLY housewife and mother in the house….
There’s going to be mom on mom violence.
More than Pinot will be spilled.
BOTH dr phil moms attempted to fake cry. Angela was pissed that Brook squeezed out a tear while Angela just got…. drysob. Not new. Angela has been fake crying for weeks. One thing a pageant girl can do is pull out a tear on command.
Angela still thinks she gets power this week to nominate whoever Tucker wanted to nominate…
I still say the deepfake fools Karangela.
No have nots.
2 weeks in a row.
meaning Chelsie, Cedric, T’kor, Brook, Angela, Joesph have not been have nots.
Who / What is the squeaky wheel?
probably Angela + prodo doesn’t want to put all POC’s as have nots in one week
Angela is HOHINO this week, so she can’t be a have not, but Brooklyn and Joseph are both pale face’s, so they could both do it, along with 2 of the remaining 3 POC players. I don’t see why that would be a problem this week with that mix – especially with Angela being immune.
Well congrats to Angela but damn. How did they all let her win? Now she is safe even though Quinn would have liked to use her as one of the nominees when he takes over.
It seems Tucker is one but then again Idk if Quinn wants to give him two chances to save himself. Of course Tucker could still be picked for Veto or an ally of his could win it and keep noms the same so it will be interesting to see what strategy Quinn uses to try and get Tucker out. I could easily see him surviving another week or two like how Frank took forever to take out in Season 14. With Angela safe I would expect Makensey and Rubina to be the nominees with Tucker (or add Leah if Tucker is off the block until Veto is potentially used).
But then it seems like Tucker would just win the AI competition for a third week since I would expect him to have the edge against Leah/Makensey/Rubina.
Same if Quinn had Kimo on the block to try and win a potential mental AI comp against Tucker. Kimo would obviously protest being a pawn but Quinn should sell it as he is the only other person who won in the arena beside Tucker and they need Kimo to beat Tucker. And at the end of the day Kimo owes Quinn for what he did.. Did Quinn ever talk to Kimo about why he spilled the beans? That piece of information leaking to Tucker started all of this drama so Quinn really should put up Kimo’s snake ass…
I would have serious doubts Quinn would leave Cedric and or Cam on the block to try and take out Tucker but they probably would have the best shot of actually stopping Tucker from three-peating. Of course Tucker could still win and then those two being on the block would be crazy. I’d love to see it since that core 3 (with Chelsea) think they are going Final 3…
This week should be pretty crazy. I think there is a high chance Angela pops off again and same for Tucker.
Frank was not a good player at all. Only reason he stayed so long was production was in his back pocket meddling to help save him. Needing an unannounced cancelled eviction to stop your backdoor at the live vote right after having a 2 for 1 HOH is a bad game. You could see his demise well before his second season getting 12th which is fitting because without production meddling cancelling his eviction out of left field that is place Frank gets his first season.
I’m aware that Frank was the favorite house guest of Production on S14. I think Tucker is in that role now which is why his skills at challenges and any potential help they can give him will make him hard to get out.
So Angela has officially made the jury?
I don’t think so. Still 13 players in the house (12 after this week), and you don’t make jury until you make final 11 (9 jurors and final 2).
Ughhh. This season so far is annoying. And it’s all due to “Angela and her No Tears Crying”. Tucker is annoying too. He keeps saying go after the big players. Does he not know that he is one of them? I mute my screen everytime Angela or Tucker talks.
I’m good with Quinn’s noms. Ideally, Tucker gets evicted next week.
If not, I don’t know whether it’s better to evict Makensy or Rubina. I’ll have to see how the week unfolds.
Would like to see brooklyn, Chelsie, and Joseph go out the door that would be great summer fun.
Why is Angela still here, she has won two HOHs now, they had many chances to get rid of her… these people are dense.
Angela is easy to beat in a Final 2 matchup. She’ll be easy to beat in comps that require memorizing events on the house.
Her threat level is ZERO after going off on Matt the first week. No one will respect her game or personal attacks to give her the win.
She’s essentially a perpetual pawn of her own doing.
Done watching…. I f***ing hate Angela and this cast are a bunch of idiots!
So, the plant won HOH, to force Quinn to use the power. Gotta love scripted TV.
Angela might win the whole thing. Looks like production wants her around.
I get why people were annoyed with Kenney. He did have some insight of what was going on in the house.
Looking at this cast of characters, I see why he wanted out of the house. I don’t know what game these folks are playing.
This site deletes comments that oppose hate speech? WOW!