Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Leah
Nominees: Kimo & Rubina
POV Players: Leah, Rubina, Kimo, Angela, Chelsie, T’kor
POV Winner: Angela (Veto), Leah (Jankie Veto)
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: (they all have to sleep outside)
2 VETOS: Leah can only use her Veto, if Angela uses her Veto first
6:35pm – 6:53pm Leah and Angela
Leah – how did your talk with Kimo go? Angela – it went good. He was really emotional. Leah – I am proud of you I just want whatever you want to do. I respect it. Please know that. So you know that
whatever happens, you won’t put me in to uncomfortable in the
situation because all we can do is have each other. You know what I mean? Angela – I knew you would be okay with whatever I want to do and you would be like respectful of it and everything. And I think my heart is telling me to go ahead and and use it on Kimo. It’s the right thing for me to do Leah because both times I’ve been on the wrong side of the votes and I’ve been there with and it’s been terrible you know, but I think this will give us cause he said he would not put us up if he wins and I believe him, I do too. So I think he gives us a little bit of safety.
Angela – I feel really bad about that and I feel like I know you have a game to win possibly tomorrow and that would be very difficult to put up another person so I’ll leave that to what you want to do with that. I want to be very truthful with you and forthright I asked him you know I said I don’t have it 100 percent but I’m kind of leaning toward doing the right thing with my heart and I think he understands what that means I just I don’t want him to go to bed tonight just feeling sick to his stomach.
I think it sends a good message too that I do want to leave with
my heart and be a kind person and what I did was very hard for
Angela – if I take him down who would you put up in his place? Leah – I think if we want to break up kind of the trio situation. I don’t want to but I would put up Tkor and we would still vote out Rubina. My worry with doing that is she (Tkor) now has a reason to win and put me up. Angela – but you have me and Makensy 100%. That’s huge in this house right with these few numbers. Who is more of a threat in the game Tkor or Rubina? And we can discuss this later. Leah – I don’t think Tkor would go this week. Angela – yeah because Chelsie loves her but that’s also very scary because she works both sides. If I win HOH next week, I would have no problem putting her up. None. I don’t care. Its such small numbers at this point. There’s not way I could put you up there and everyone knows it and I would not put Makensy up. I love you and Makensy.
Leah – if you I want you to talk to everyone just like because I’ll get that chance but and then you talk to everyone use that because I’ll be able to have like after tomorrow your power is used or it’s not used or whatever the case may be and then you won’t be able to have as vulnerable conversations as you will today I’ll be able to have them throughout until it makes your night so you better just
take advantage of that and then we can meet.
Angela – I will… and FYI Rubina is pushing the all girls going at the end really hard. Leah – I know. Angela – And I understand that I really do and I loved that idea but I still think it could happen without her as sad as that sounds. Leah – I agree. That’s how I feel. And I wanted it before she even mentioned it to me. Angela – yeah. Leah – and you know because its the first thing I said in your HOH room. Angela – it was. Leah – week one. And now you (Rubina) want that but you didn’t whenever you were freaking (messing around with Tucker). Angela – exactly!

7:40pm Angela comes over to Cam and Tkor
Angela – I am open to having a one on one if you want. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to. I’m totally open to it. If not, that’s up to you, if you want to, you can. If not, it’s okay. Tkor – I would love to. Angela – Yeah, okay. Tkor – Thank you. Angela leaves. Tkor to Cam – I don’t know what to say. What do I say?
Chelsie – I will always continue to be as honest with you as possible where I stand. Angela – Thank you Chelsea. Chelsie – when you finishd your punishment out here I was like I got this girl’s back 100 percent and then I think you saw that when I was out there I got your back and you fought hard to be here. You deserve to be here and however I can help keep continue to push you further I’m going to continue to do that. I’m going to continue to do that like I did week two. I’m going to continue to push you further. I feel like we can get there and then battle it out and just have fun because whoever is remaining everybody still deserving to win the game. Angela – absolutely I feel the same way so deserving and jury is going to have a really tough time. Chelsie – they are if that’s the five jury going to have a really, really hard time but if
you make it to that final two I’d be so proud and I would show how proud I am that’s all I’m going to say. Angela – thank you. Chelsie – I love you. Angela – I love you too.
8:20pm Leah riding the horse. Chelsie tries to get on the back. Chelsie – Ouch! My Crotch! I can’t! I can’t! My lady area! My snacks and my groceries are too..
8:40pm Kimo and Tkor
Kimo – I love you the most. That means I love you more than Infinity. Tkor – Well, guess what? I love you to infinity times infinity to the infinity times infinity. Kimo – Okay. Well, all right, that got competitive. Tkor – and times infinity of those to the Infinity of those. Infinity times over and over and over again. Infinity overs. Kimo – Wow. This is a lot of love.
8:50pm Smores time..
9:05pm – 9:17pm Leah and Makensy
Leah – Angela is going to use it. Makensy – on who? Leah – Kimo. Makensy – I figured she was going to use it. I don’t want Tkor to go but I feel like Tkor is a bigger threat. Tkor and Kimo are closer. But I think putting Tkor up will be good. (planes are flying overhead so you can’t hear any of the whispering) Makensy – So you’re not using it or you’re going to throw the game and not use it. Leah – yeah. Whatever you guys do, I don’t care. Makensy – I do think Tkor going home over Rubina is smarter but I think anything can happen. They talk about telling Tkor or not telling her she’s the remon. Makensy – or just don’t tell her and say you didn’t know Angela was going to use it.. and then just talk to her after.
9:20pm – 9:40pm Leah and Rubina
Leah – I don’t think I am going to use mine. I don’t think I am going to throw it, I am going to wait and see. Let me start over, I don’t know what I am going to do. I don’t know what she (Angela) is going to do yet. Like I said, it wouldn’t be fair to promise anyone. Anything else? Like, even if I say yes. Like if I don’t win like I would be f**ked. Rubina – all I can say is that I don’t feel like I am a threat to you or Angela’s game. Me and Kimo aren’t taking it personal. I know that we can be perceived as threats as a three but I still am very logical and how we’re going to have to take shots at each other at some point. If I survive this week and if I win HOH, I would have other people before you know .. you weren’t that I would be thinking.. there are other people that are bigger threats. I am not here to throw anyone under the bus or like even Kimo. I think we’re at the point where its like you know everyone do what’s best for their game. If and when I am still here if I were to win HOH, I will protect those that protect me. Leah – yeah. I want you here. I recognize that you’re a benefit for my game. I believe that it will work out and I’m sorry for putting you up. Rubina – I appreciate how much it challenges me. Its really testing me to see like who I am at the end of the day.
9:45pm – 10:16pm Leah and Tkor
Leah tells Tkor that she doesn’t know what Angela is going to do so can’t say what she is going to do. Leah – I just don’t want to be the one to like put especially you in that position. Like if I had, I if I had to do that like it just I don’t feel right doing that like I don’t know. I feel like and this is just like me talking through it with you it’s like the truth of the matter is like I know for a fact like that if anyone is next to you at some point like there’s no way that that person is going to stay does that make sense like I know that you’re very insulated and protected but at the same time I don’t want to put you in that position cuz you’re not just dispensable to me do you know what I mean? Tkor – MMmmmMMMhhmmmmmmm. Leah – I don’t know I just have to like weigh out my options and I’ve talked to obviously the other girls about this too but like about themselves obviously and it’s just like that’s the toughest part so yeah. I know by no means like if that if I had to make a tough decision no matter who it is like I just by no means want you to think that I ever would like want anything to put you in any negative position that’s not what I want like I just I just it’s it’s just getting like very horrible and dicey and awful I don’t even want to bring it up honestly because like what if it doesn’t happen and then you think like that I’m even considering you but I just want you to know that it’s not just you it’s all three of you and it’s terrible you know.
Tkor – definitely see and understand that point of view and ultimately at the end of the day I’ll respect any decision you
make. I know it’s a tough position either way. I really appreciate not being put in that position if it came down to it.
Leah – are you okay?
Tkor – yeah, just processing.. (they then sit in silence.. its very awkward)
Leah – don’t get too in your head about it. It hasn’t happened yet .. and I still haven’t known my choice yet. Don’t get all freaked out when it hasn’t happened.
Tkor – I don’t want to say anything specific, but I can’t. But I’m saying, guys, I want.. Leah – but that’s not something, that’s later thing. Don’t worry about that. He’s (Cam) not going to skate to the end, please.
10:40pm Leah and Angela
Leah – So even if she is not gonna be like I get it like I wouldn’t be happy in her position either but also like it’s not a normal situation and we’re getting lower and the argument that they were using just isn’t my kind of argument like give me something else like 0K so you know you wanna see ..she’s like I have something like its history to see girls making to the top six. Its history to see this many girls make it to the freaking top. Angela – it’s crazy it’s good. Leah – I think it’s already history. I don’t think this many girls have made it this far. So like we’ve already done that and we already out number them severely we generally have two guys. Angela – I know. She’s not a threat and then even if she wanted to put me up she doesn’t have a vote. Leah – no so that’s true.
Angela – you know, I was reminded and asked, did we have a final two name? And I said, no, we don’t need a silly name. But we both have the middle name. Lorraine. We could be The Lorraines. Leah – That’s so iconic! I love that.
Angela and Leah agree on an alliance name: “The Lorraines”
11:12pm Jankie Dance party..
11:50am The house guests are hanging out on the couch chatting about random things…
3:20 am
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I think it would be smarted to get Tkor out over Rubina, although Rubina can win things.
Tkor has a HOH & people wanting her to win over them, Rubina has none of those things.
Rubina won the AI comp where they had to untangle all that cord from the scaffolding, stretch it like 60-75 feet and plug it into a socket. It was a good physical win for her.
In another AI, she barely lost to Makensy, and BEAT Cedric, in the roll the ball up the slope and make it stop on top, and then once all six were up there you had to knock them off comp. The finish was so close (and poorly edited) nobody could actually tell who won in the end.
No doubt in my mind Rubina is the toughest physical competitor of the three Godots. T’KKKor may have Chelsie on her side (maybe Cam too – he’s such an idiot he doesn’t seem to recognize his species is getting eliminated one by one), but game wise, she’s no stronger than either one of her Godot alliance mates.
The sad thing is these players aren’t voting on game play, and we all know that. If they were, T’Kor wouldn’t finish in the top 4.
Put T’kor up and she gives the advancing POC and empowering women speech and no one votes het out.
Rubina is a poc too. Lol. Everyone but Angela, Mak& Ms.Like are not a so called POC.
I think the perception of Tkor not winning is similar to the one about Leah and Angela that CCM were floating last week.
Tkor might start stepping up on winning mental comps now.
What has Rubina won? The AI was only against Kimo bc Joe was totally useless on that one. And he got close, even though he’s far less limber than Rubina.
I don’t remember what else she’s won. Getting close don’t cut it at this point, lol. Leah and Angela could just as easily comp out, then.
Rubina lost focus on that marshmallow when she responded to Tkor. Which is great karma, lol. But also an obvious weakness in staying on point.
She hasn’t won anything else, but she came within a whisker of beating Makensy in that rolling ball AI comp (and she did beat Cedric), where they had to roll the balls up the ramp, stop them on top and then knock them off once they got all of them on top. Remember? It was so close and the edit was really bad – nobody knew for sure who won until Makensy started celebrating.
Thank goodness it sounds Mak is safe. Leah and Mak were the girls that gave us nothing but now they are pulling thru and have a good chance at winning!
No. They don’t. Sorry.
Mayne they are watching a different show…
makensy can maybe comp her way to the finale and she can potentially beat rubina, kimo, cam, or angela, but it’s a pretty hard road to get there. leah’s only chance is to be sitting next to angela on finale night which seems a very unlikely outcome.
The only way Leah or Makensy can win is if they take each other to final 2 or take Angela. The DEI picks will vote for a POC to win over any white girl.
Caucasians do every season. Blacks typically don’t make it far enough to have an input. Hence the reason the cookout had to play the game the way they did; to at least have a black person to ever win Big Brother.
The scales are already leaning against a black person as soon as they enter the house.
I don’t know why a black person would go on Big Brother. Their better off going on Amazing Race. The only person that could hurt your game is yourself or your partner
The scales are tipped against anyone white, now.
Well that didn’t happen on Canada’s last season
i think cam can vote mj or leah against kimo .
not sure if he care so much about poc , once he is out..
if they got him, they prob win. but they (angela and leah) need mj and kimo loyalty . not sure they got it. also leah trusting cam would hurt her , if she wont wake up in time.
And the poor white girls don’t have a clue! I’m so sick of the racism toward whites!
If the Final Noms are Rubina and T’kor, this is how I see the eviction votes:
T’kor – Angela and Kimo (has Final 2 with Rubina)
Rubina – Chelsie and Makensy (if she follows Chelsie)
Cam is the swing vote and I don’t know what he does.
While T’kor would dominate in comps memorizing days certain events took place and certain things about HGs in jury, Rubina is better at physical comps and has the stronger connection with Kimo for now.
I think Csm would keep ztkor
cam likely does whatever chelsie tells him to do.
Is that why they didn’t vote the same every time. They weren’t on the same side of the vote.
They’ve voted the exact same every time they both had a vote except once and that was the Joseph vs. Kimo vote. It was clear Cam wasn’t voting his bro Joseph out, so he voted Kimo.
Oh, there was the time Cam was nominated and Brooklyn was going out and everybody knew it, so Chelsie gave her a sympathy vote by voting Cam out. She left 8-1.
WHAT?? Kimo wouldnt vote out tkor and is way more closer to her than to rubina…
Cam and Chelsea keep T’cor. if there is a swing vote it would be Mackenzie and she does what Cam/ Chelsea tell her
she cant be a swing vote cause they dont need her . they have kimo.
cam is the swing vote but not really , cause i dont see him keeping rubina over tkor.
he would also for sure would know soon how rubina is pushing the women agenda , while tkor would remind him the agenda who is in his favor.
Ready to hear AN’s opinion of the Sunday episode.. *twiddles thumbs*
He always puts it on the previous post. Smh…
Every time I see Kimo I want him evicted. Who will come out ahead this week? Chelsie.
Ummm….ok, I’m just gonna say it. This season has been so… what’s the word… Jankie. I want Angela to win. This season deserves a Nope.
From the Leah d/r in the episode….
okay half of those sounded like proof of life hostage videos. Like she did NOT want to say what she was being instructed to say. Just saying.
It sounds like the storyline is currently Leah is looking to take a number from the Godot trio but doesn’t trust the others either.
Chelsie used her Angela one on one to stroke Angela’s ego.
Chelsie used her Leah one on one to play lone wolf, doesn’t know why that duo of Cam and Mak didn’t tell Leah and Quinn they were voting Quinn out (let’s remember one thing, Mak tried to flip the vote back to Kimo, and Cam wasn’t having it, but Mak was never going to tell Leah and Quinn while Cam’s talk to Quinn on eviction morning did not sound like it was in Quinn’s favor).
Rubina is feeling defeated.
Kimo, told not to say a word, has already told T’kor that Angela might use veto.
T’kor has spent her one on one time with Angela talking about gratitude and female empowerment (she only pulls the girl power card when one of her trio is in danger, and wanted Leah and Angela exculded from the woman thing…. Angela wants Rubina excluded because she doesn’t think they can get T’kor out).
Mak and Leah are plotting the demise of T’kor over Rubina when the veto gets used as their one on one. Mak points out T’kor would nom Leah and Mak over anyone else in the house. Not sure on that one. but… it’s what they are seemingly agreeing on.
So Chelsie bused T’kor saying she only had a deal until Jury and owes her nothing now.
Cam pushed T’kor pawn renom. Angela pushed T’kor renom. Mak pushed T’kor eviction.
Rubina is talking to Leah and it’s gobbledegook. Kimo and Rubina knew eventually they’d have to turn on each other. Girl power… bigger target than Leah or even Angela if she stays. blahblahblah. we’re not a trio i’m a lone wolf. blah blah blah.
Thought my screen froze.
No… that’s T’kor telepathically answering questons.
Leah asks question.
43 seconds of dead silence.
Leah: don’t get too in your head about it.
Blink blink.
This is bbtwitter’s masterstrategist?????
hahaha hahaha wonderful!
The Godots this week:
T’kor and Kimo are first 2 out and distract Rubina enough she loses.
gave nothing in their one on ones with Leah as incentive to keep them safe.
gave nothing about anyone else in the house to motivate Leah to look elsewhere.
two get nom’d
The trio play in veto… with another veto there for the taking…
lose both.
T’kor and Rubina have sent Kimo to jury in their minds.
T’kor after a d/r call tells Kimo to fight his way into the d/r to fight his way to getting a one on one with Leah. He promises her final 2 and says the trio is her trio as a plus one. he mentions the other side.
Rubina goes girl power.
Kimo, told not to say anything, tells T’kor the veto might be used to save him.
T’kor pushes woman winner. T’kor doens’t want to be renom with one of her allies.
Kimo thinks that Leah should be aiming at a real threat, not a trio that will vote as a block when only 3 votes control the vote.
No really.
Angela and Leah now agree Chelsie isn’t the target anymore. They are confused that T’kor and Rubina already wrote off Kimo… by fighting for themselves and telling Leah what they think she wants to hear.
Their error: What about Leah’s game makes anyone think she is a girls girl player? She ditched her female allies like they had social herpes. She flirtgamed EVERY guy. She called her people EVERY man that has left. So… yeah bring op Shelliance to the guys girl. Good job.
Even now Leah and Angela talk about still doing a girl thing…. but it’s sooooo fake you’d think Chelsie were saying it. THE ONLY PEOPLE I ACTUALLY BELIEVED AS OF WEEK 2 THAT WANTED TO ACTUALLY DO THE SHELLIANCE WERE LISA, BROOKLIN, AND MAK. By week 2 Rubina was sucked into the underdog idea more than the girls thing. Then her entire world became showmance (she was hours away from a nope). T’kor? She’s more about race than gender. Chelsie? is only for Chelsie and don’t let anyone tell you different. lol.
I actually don’t mind Chelsie being there for Chelsie. Wish they were all there for themselves, maybe the game would be interesting.
It’s not judgement, it’s statement of fact.
While Chelsie is willing to play along with the idea of a girlthing or a culturething or a pentagon strongthing….
reality is she doesn’t give a rat’s ass as long as she wins.
Again, not judgement. fact.
I’m not sure what is going on.
T’kor says to the other 2 that the renom choices would be Chelsie or Mak.
The talk she had with Leah seems to have already hit the revisionist history mill.
Leah was feeling bad about putting T’kor on the block and talked to Angela about not using either veto.
Before anyone says T’kor misted Leah… that convo did no misting.
I don’t quite understand WHAT got into Leah’s head.
Angela has tried to get Leah to put on her big girl pants.
Why does Rubina always come to the defense of the biggest a-hole in the room?
Angela needs to use the veto on Kimo, then Leah needs to use the Jankie veto on Rubina. Replace Kimo with T’kor and Rubina with Chelsie.
I don’t understand why no one wants to send Chelsie home. She’s the strongest contender for the win.
Because if Chelsie goes, you’ll have The Trio at Final 7 compete for HOH. They’ll have a 50/50 chance of winning. T’kor already won HOH once and Kimo has been close to HOH in the 2 comps before “Jankie” week.
You want to test those odds before Double Eviction?
To be real, it has to do with how the house and the first week set the tone.
The environment became something of a cult structure. One person with the loudest mouth pulling tantrums put everyone into a fear state. Even with him gone, the fear state conditioning still exists. Now they all fear the wrath of Chelsie.
Him? When you said “the first week set the tone” and then “One person with the loudest mouth pulling tantrums put everyone into a fear state”, I immediately thought you were talking about Angela!
Didn’t Tucker’s shenanigans start during week 2? I guess the point stands no matter when they started, but I was just shocked to see the word “him” in that fourth sentence after the first three.
I think the people who have to fear her wrath the most aren’t Leah and Angela, but Makensy and Cam! Hahahahaha
No, day four Tucker threw a fit. He had told everyone he was lone wolf and didn’t want an alliance but was incensed that nobody talked game to him. He then took offense with Matt and went to every person telling them what they were going to do this week. (most were already going to do it, but he still pushed very hard that he wanted it and that’s what the house was going to do). He set up dynamic where he was shot caller, and because of his volatility people feared saying otherwise. That started day 4 and was kept out of the episode edit. Think Patty Hearst locked in the closet being conditioned to join the Symbionese Liberation Army. A bunch of people locked in an environment already prone to anxiety then being placed into a fear state and a need to please the loudest voice.
Angela’s shenanigans… they were already putting people on edge. Everyone was worried about alliancing after her freakout… It left everyone in a heightened state of anxiety and open to conditioning. As the loudest voice prone to having fits and going off? That’s the personality their anxious fear state placated.
Leah is afraid of Chelsie. Angela supposedly isn’t. Mak thought she and Chelsie were final 2 and is having second thoughts now. Cam isn’t afraid of Chelsie, he thinks she’s nuts. It’s the other trio that seem to fear an upset to Chelsie’s equilibrium. They cater and pander to Chelsie and act as if they are doing God’s work to support Chelsie’s mental health.
So what i get out of tonight’s late night bullshit:
Five people were cuddled under blankets: Cam, Mak, T’kor, Rubina, Kimo.
Chelsie comes along and takes offense that her not a showmance Cam is cuddled up to Mak.
She seethes.
She moves her bed to the other side of the yard.
She makes herself the wronged girlfriend… that doesn’t have a boyfriend.
Mak asks if it’d something she did. Chelsie doesn’t answer. Instead she has plenty of hard done by side comments to Rubina and T’kor.
AGAIN, they are not dating. This is more love island bullshit.
Gamewise this ties into Chelsie’s poor me sob story lie she was giving Leah earlier.
She has no final 2’s or 3’s and she thinks Cam is more for Mak than for her.
So… is she intentionally playing up this crush shit as her social game….
or is she the nutjob that Cam should be running from?
She seems like someone who has never been in a relationship. BTW, did I miss when Cam ever showed any romantic interest in her? Are we all just living this season in Chelsie’s head?
According to one of Chelsie’s first retells way back when, Cam had mentioned something about getting to know her better or seeing where things go after the season.
The game talks late at night in their room were cut from view (which feels very Paras doesn’t want her game defined by a showmance and production doing her a solid by hiding it)… but for all we know, he has expressed no interest in being her beau from his mouth… only from her retells, so she very well could be making it p and deluding herself. Remember, she had a thing for Matt, wanted Makensy out week one because he was showing interest in Mak. SHe wanted Cam, and got hella jealous that he expressed interest in Leah. Now she’s mad at Cam for flirting with Makensy.
There’s no ring on his finger or through his nose with a leash attached to Chelsie’s hand. She’s just a self involved entitled weirdo that thinks because she wants it, then that’s how it is.
Dude needs to RUN.
Chelsey has been playing a masterful social game. She has set herself well so that T’kor will protect her, MJ thinks she is in Chelsey’s pocket, Leah, who is in a powerful position to make a game changing move, doesn’t want to be on Chelsey’s bad side and Rubina, even if Kimo is saved from being otb, is willing to go to jury for T’kor. Say what!? Angela is the only one not afraid of Chelsey’s ire or not being on Chelsey’s team. Chelsey has already told Leah that T’kor is a threat. CamIs Chelsey playing a Derrick L game? She( C) pushes an agenda, backs away from it, gets someone else to do it, then circles back to the original idea she has always wanted. T’kor has, with her awkward silence and death stare dared Leah to put her otb, because T’kor is not ever to experience the block, or slop or betrayal – didn’t Leah get that memo! Leah is not reading T’kor mind( shame on her) she better put up whoever T’kor is thinking about ( right now ity Cam. because Cam irked Chelsey) .Chelsey has gone into her jealousy mode Over Cam. Cam will ride with Chelsey or Leah or MJ whoever gets him to F2 or F3. I guess we won’t being getting our Khalessi comes to Westeros moment after all( I suspected not) but just another day in Port Charles.
no one protected by race is playing a great social game
quinn , two hohs. leah. angela (the 1# week ). all kept her safe as well.. race? for those 3?
also mj is tight to her and brooklin was VERY close to her. its not only the poc who is protecting her .
I have watched BB since the very first season. This is the saddest cast I have ever seen. They could not get through one day in back yard without crying and whining omg. Its the first time I have thought I cant watch anymore. lol I can only hope someone with guts gets HOH during the double and takes out Tkor or Kimo or both.
Am I the only one that saw this? When Leah dropped her stick the marshmallow didn’t fall. There are few frames as they zoom in you can see the stick down and mallow still up.
Then they cut to anther angle of Leah and you can tell she knocks it off with the stick.
Cam must have noticed because in the overhead shot he goes and picks it up and looks at both sides. Go back and watch and tell me I’m wrong.
Oh, Julie………
You saw nothing. There is nothing to see here. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
Did anyone catch T’kor telling Leah, “no one considered her feelings about putting up Kimo and Rubina” Sure T’kor they’re otb and we should all consider how that makes you feel. But then again, Kimo will do anything for you and Rubina too. Rubina is clueless that Chelsey and MJ have both been pushing TKor to Leah and before that pushed Rubina. So, if Rubina and Kimo don’t care and are willing to go to jury( Rubina thinking her kindness will get her AFP) to jury for T’kor then that’s a win for T’kor. This same Leah who said in pregame interviews that she would flirt her way to the end. The same Leah who wondered why more woman have not won since it was” so easy to use men.” Now plays scared. Unless Angela wins HOH next week, they will go back to ignoring her then get her out during the double. Chelsey, well she will get MJ to take T’kor out for her( something MJ has been longing to do). So yeah, Chelsey,or as some have called her ” sinister minister” the very same Chelsey who yelled at Cam, a boyfriend she never had, is sitting pretty good no matter how things shake out.I never thought I would say this but I am almost cheering for Angela to have another sleepless night and come up with one of her plans because she appears to be the only one not afraid of taking a shot at T’kor or Chelsey. Angela is there to play! Somebody tell Kimo and Rubina that why they are there too but like Leah not playing scared it may be to late.Sigh
This is a do you want win check….if so when Angela puts up T,kor you have to put up Chelsea….this isn’t a all girls slumber party….this is WHT players like Tucker are sorely missed because he would have made the moves to grab the cash…if Leah leaves Chelsea in the game and she wins HOH it’s a guarantee she goes up next week because she isn’t putting anyone of color up and she won’t touch Angela so guess who…..
T’kor needs to be on the block with one of her trio; otherwise, those three will remain in the game. As much as I would like to see both T’Kor and Chelsea on the block, you can’t run the risk of T’kor staying and the trio remaining in tact.
WTF is going on with Big Brother? I thought I was back in the fifth grade at school….am I in the Twilight Zone here…..how juvenile and boringly stupid can you get….I can’t even anymore….production must be having a personnel problem….a 10 year old can put together a better show for us ADULTS……..this is the worse season EVER…..Come on SURVIVOR…I’ll be watching that from now on…instead of this crap….after that circus last nite…I’m DONE
It could be great if Leah and Angela would both use the veto’s put up Chelsie and Tkor they both alliances are on the block.
I don’t believe Rubina, Kimo or Tkor will win anything over the rest of them. They could get one them out later during the double.
NOTICE: when production wanted those Vetoes used on Angela…. the Veto ceremonies ere a half hour after morning wake up call (well feeds went down, and there was a 2 hour d/r call for Leah, and a half hour d/r call for Mak)… and those damned vetoes got used.
This week when the prodoplant isn’t in danger….
they’ve been awake for hours and no veto ceremony.
We See You GROD.
Did anyone else notice that not all the pre-drilled holes in the marshmallows were in the middle? A few were closer to the top, making it more difficult to sustain. Hmm, just thinking…
So today we’ve had….
Chelsie lamenting the breakup of her 50 year marriage to the guy she hasn’t even been on a first date with…. get used to it honey cus with your attitude you should be single for a long long time.
Leah and Mak have been talking about the possibility of T’kor leaving. Something feels off. No idea what has my radar going, but something feels off.
No veto ceremony as of 3pm bb time. Let’s get real here, those veto ceremonies when Grod’s sorority sister were on the blcok… those were feed cuts by 11am bb time.
Kimo has been somewhat chatty… gee sad sack eeyore has been talking i guess he isn’t projecting that the veto will save him.
They keep showing zingbot did I miss that episode? I think tkor should go she hasn’t Sat on the eviction couch yet and it would throw kimos game off “I love you no I love you” under the blanket. Send her home she thinks she’s so safe.