Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney, Matt
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: Lisa used the veto on herself
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo
DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie
7:30pm HOH room – Angela and Kimo
Kimo – I’m going to go out there and fight for it.. and whatever happens, happens. Angela – I hope for the best. I’m trusting the people that I’m trusting.. so I’m going to be your biggest freaking cheerleader! Kimo – Thank you. Thank you. Angela – I’m not kidding. I’m your biggest cheerleader. I just want you to win it. I know you don’t need to but I just want it for you. Kimo – I want to do it. That’s the first of its kind ever. Angela – I know. So I know I’m excited. Kimo – Yes, yeah, yes. I’ll be here next week, and we will 100%. There’s no doubt in my mind. Is that your boys next door? You are the boys next door. Yeah, yeah, yeah. True. Angela – Every one of them have your back. I have your back. I mean, I can’t vote, but if there was a tie, it would be so much fun, but it would be between those two. If it’s a tie between those two, because the house does feel a little maybe divided.. and I get to make the deciding vote of who goes home. The look on his (Matt) face! Kimo – I’m excited. I’m excited. Putting all positivity. I’m going to be here next week. Angela – It’ll be a wonderful win tomorrow. It will be a glorious win. Kimo – Yeah. Yeah. Angela – Victorious. I want to hear the scream when you do it.
7:40pm Unicorn Bedroom – Lisa and Leah
Leah – There’s no way anyone in the house wants to keep Angela. Lisa – I know but whatever she’s planting, whatever she’s planting, he’s just changed a little bit. And I don’t know if that’s cuz he wants to work with someone else. Leah – And I feel that way about Chelsea too. I think she’s acting a little differently.
8pm The house guests wish Lisa’s brother Jason a happy birthday. Most of the house guests that is.. all except for Angela.
8:15pm Storage room – Lisa and Makensy
Lisa is upset that Angela turned around and didn’t participate in wishing her brother a happy birthday.
Lisa – She didn’t turn around. That’s so unclassy. That’s so rude. It was rude. Makensy – I know. I caught it. And I’m sorry about that. Lisa – That’s just icky. It’s just gross. It’s just gross. That’s not my character. Makensy – I know. Lisa – I’m nice and inclusive and normal. And she is acting a certain way again. “Please stay away from me.” That’s just gross. Makensy – No, I know that’s a reflection on her. So it’s so gross. Lisa – Thank you. Makensy – But the thing is like again like that’s a reflection on her like I said and the problem is that we can’t do anything if someone doesn’t want to change and have their eyes open to seeing things a different way and being open about stuff then we can’t do that. That’s their choice and it’s her choice to be rude and irresponsible and immature right now and if that’s what she chooses… Lisa – I’m not gonna sit here and tell her to grow up you know, and I think that’s just something that we have to realize but nit’s just like a lot it’s just like a lot. I’m like isn’t this the 10th just to be a problem intentionally treated with and she really thinks she’s getting at home. Makensy – She is still trying to work people to get him out. Lisa – No, I know I know. Makensy – Oh, how the turns will table.
8:45pm Kitchen – All the house guests are hanging out in the kitchen. Quinn and Lisa talk about how they’ll probably go to bed early since tomorrow is a big day. Lisa – Tomorrow morning is the AI competition, then the eviction and the head of household competition.
8:55pm Bumper Pool Room – Quinn, Tkor and Lisa
Angela walks by and goes into the HOH room. Lisa about Angela – Do not believe anything that comes out of her mouth. Anything that comes out of her mouth regarding me is an absolute lie. I need you to trust me on that she’s been playing me since day one. You will see on TV. I’ve been nothing but transparent this week. It’s really tacky and I hope that you guys see that. Anything she’s attempting to spread or do around the house needs to be shut down.
9:10pm Kitchen – Matt, Kimo Kenny, Makensy Cedric and Tkor.
Matt – I’ve Gathered y’all here today.. this is the death of man as a player. Kimo – You should do like a funeral. You should do a funeral. That’d be good. That would be a good idea. Kenny – I bet no one’s ever done that before. Kimo – Yeah, you know,, it’s just one of the most famous things.
9:44pm Bathroom – The house guests and hanging out and chatting / laughing about random things.
9:55pm Unicorn Bedroom – Brooklyn, Leah and Chelsie.
Leah – Kimo is a great person and is not a threat in a comp. He can help me in that way. Matt has my back and he can probably win a competition. Not that he has yeat. Not that I have any proof of that bug I know he would fight for me. Kimo has a great story. Everybody has a great story. Everybody deserves to be here. I love. I love him. It’s it’ll be tough. I’m genuinely fifty-fifty, unfortunately. So it’s
going to be tough for sure. And I know you also made connection with Kenny too. And I love Kenny as well. Yeah, doing the goodbyes
was weird. Brooklyn – That was weird. Lisa joins them. They talk about how painful it will be each week voting someone out. Leah – if anyone needs support.. I am in the mindset to give that today. She starts to leave and then sees Kenny’s nipples. She freaks out – Oh my god! Oh my god! I just saw Kenny’s nipples. I can never look at him the same way again. I’m sorry Rene (Kenny’s wife). Leah leaves. They talk about Kenny being okay to go and how he misses his kits. Quinn joins them. Chelsie – I am just being honest I am not voting Kimo out of the house. Quinn – I feel the same way. Lisa – it just doesn’t sit right.

10:20pm Brooklyn and Chelsie
Rubina – Everybody is like, are you sure it’s keep chemo if he’s against Kenny? Brooklyn – Keep chemo. If he’s (Kimo) against Matt, Matt is going home. Rubina – I’m like, worried that I’m gonna be the only one. Brooklyn – No. Rubina – I’m not getting a little, I don’t know. Brooklyn – I talked to Quinn’s, and they all want Kimo to stay.
11pm Unicorn Room – Matt, Brooklyn and Rubina.
Matt – I’m going to say it in my speech because I feel like it’s honoring to both of the other two but it’s true is that it would be a shame that because of what has happened that it’s no longer about my game versus someone else’s game it is but it’s not fully now there’s also influences and pieces of putting me out would be letting how she treated me and so many people win and that is unfair that’s not the game you know what I mean and it’s unfair to the other two and I hate that that’s sport we’re at but I I have no problem going out and there’s going to be plenty more times I’m gonna have to sit up there and times all of us are probably gonna have to sit up there and I would be glad to go out if somebody beats me but to utilize what she’s utilized in order to even just keep me up there is so wrong. I want to be here. I want to keep playing and also next week I want to do everything I can to get her out. I’ll take all the blood if I can get it. I’ll wear all of it proudly because I mean I’ll wear all of it proudly. I’d love to avenge my family and my name and honestly show her as a ex-year-old however and show this country how to accomplish that but also to do it as somebody who can maintain their character while doing it.
11:20pm Kitchen – Matt and Leah
Matt – I was thinking to myself about how would it be for you to be HOH. Think about it. It it would be hilarious. Leah – It would be so weird. Matt – I really do hope you pulled out. It’s like if I don’t get to do it like I would love if you did it. You would be so great
You’d be so great. Leah – It would be the best. I would have one request though.. they have to give me ears and their nose. It’s not going to be the mouse of the house. I’m coming down the stairs and I’m like I’m bringing the block. It’s a block of cheese and I have the ears and the nose and I have to put like the keys, the knives and the block.
Think of mouse as the head of mouse hold. It is my responsibility to
put two rodents, pests on the block of cheese.. on the cheese block. This is really hard, you guys. I know we’re just a bunch of rats and mice. Someone’s got to get two types of people in this house. There’s
two types of mice. Maybe I should identify first so they can get the picture. There’s nice fucking rats and I’m talking to you, Maddie.
11:35pm Bathroom – Kimo and Matt
Matt – It’s pretty weird. Kimo – How do you feel? I feel scared. Yeah.
Like, I want to be here. Yeah, we weren’t really given a lot of, like
control over getting here, you know. I guess the only thing to do is fight. I don’t know who I’m voting for if I’m being honest. If I were to take myself off the block. Kenny told me at some time the other day not to pick him if it was between you two. I don’t know. I think he feels like two things like one he’s on the block and he misses his kids.
Matt – I mean my whole thing is like I don’t know I am curious like what’s your relationship with Angela been like I’ve been kind of hesitant to ask cuz I haven’t known and I think at one point I kind of I assumed whether that was like fair or not and it kind of like I didn’t really get a lot of time to get to communicate with people that I felt like we’re close to her because of what happened you know. Kimo – Angela, at first I thought we were close until I was put on the block that blindsided me 100% so at that point. You know one thing about me too though is like I will have maybe even too much grace for people I think because the way I was raised like I would have wanted a lot more. I don’t know, I don’t want to say I didn’t get a lot of love grown up because I did but I’ve told you this already right just like growing up queer in a really religious family.. so whatever that is for me like I’ve always kind of just tried to strive to like even when people do some of the worst things. Control what you can control right like I try to and then it’s become like I feel people started to look at me like I was condoning maybe the things that she did which I don’t. None of it I mean I told you I talked to you after. I don’t know. She’s like a mom and she kind of reminds me of my mom so yeah I don’t know I don’t know where I side with her at this point.
11:54pm All the cams on the house guests sleeping..
12am Bathroom – Matt, Makensy, Tkor and Kimo
Makensy – Like, whole first week has been the fucking craziest week of Big Brother, I think, within Big Brother History, even since season one, like, yeah, it’s good. And everybody’s handling it like the best that they can. Kimo – And I think, well, considering, if I stay in this game and I get power, I would love to work with you both. Matt – and we are very open!
Matt – I hope it showed everybody is like, you cannot believe these narratives that you hear from other people. And I think that’s, I hope that that is probably an indicator of what is going to be a theme throughout just the personality and of this, of our cast this season at our house. I know it’s been for me, you know what I mean? Like, there’s so much about Angela that I thought was happening and wasn’t right. But then, I mean, maybe was like to some degree. But then, like, I’ve learned a lot in this experience, even up to this point.
Matt – I would love to play with you too. I mean, if given the opportunity, you know, so I want to be here. I think you have a lot going for you this week, if up against Kenny or I, just because you’ve shown you want to be here, you know.
Makensy – so I apologize too, because I do know that you are more of an
introverted type person, like on that aspect. And I kind of took this, no, well, I took a step back after it all happened, because I felt like, with everything with Angela, it just made a barrier, and I never
wanted anybody that was talking to me to have repercussions, you know, because that’s how it felt. I mean, it was awkward. It’s been weird. And it’s like, so apparent that it’s like him and l, like anybody, like even Leah, like Leah and her were super close. And now that she thinks that, like, now that she’s like really seeing, like Lee and I are super close, like she’s even like, distance herself from Leah.
Makensy talks about how Angela has treated her. Makensy – I mean if she does something to me, she’s already done it. Whatever. I can handle it. It’s very apparent. Like what I’m going to do, what I would do and if she wants to treat a 22 year old woman like that, so be it. I’ll act like the 50 year old woman in the situation instead. So I just, I think, after that day, I had a really good conversation with you, you know. And I would, and I would have loved to talk more about it until she kind of came in, which that wasn’t anything that like it wasn’t her, and it wasn’t you. I just think being vulnerable in that moment, whether it be that topic or something else, wasn’t safe for anybody, because I don’t want her to reprimand y’all for being close to me. Kimo – So I appreciate you sharing that. I know I said that that day, but that really changed. Yeah, big moment.
Matt – So nobody else has to, like, deal with it. It’s going to, I know it’s going to be hard for her (Angela) being on the block, comfort her like neither for and talk through with her. I can’t imagine how she’ll spiral if she’s on the block. But she has a lot of people to help you know. Care for her through that and I would if I could. I can’t. I’ve tried. Makensy – I’ve tried to have like I walked up to her and tried to talk to her and.. Kimo – I see all of those things. I know. Yeah, I know.
Matt – I wish so bad we were in the situation and and she (Angela) was in it too, in terms of we could just be done with it this week. I think like knowing like I could not be here, but then also like preparing for
another 7 weeks of like craziness. Kimo – I thought first when that happened, I was like for sure that’s a removal like that’s what I thought. BB switches the feeds.
Angela was way out of line. Her attack was personal, calling Matt crazy eyes is scary strange and definitely not acceptable game play. She made this big threat from him, plus the idea all these people are coming after her, all up in her head. I wonder if she has serious mental health issues, with all her mood swings that can change in the blink of an eye. She seemed a bit excessive in her emotional behavior right from the start. I thought it may be cause she was either nervous or acting. maybe a mix of both. So glad I’m not one of her kids..
She will come after each and every one of them, everyone has flaws from your hair, to your facial features to your clothing, to the way you speak and this year bb is not going to stop her. Maybe they think we the viewers like this game play but it’s her being a liar and a bully and I don’t like it. I mean first week and she pulls this stunt, she came downstairs and attacked him and if I hear crazy eyes one more time I’m done and I used to like this show
I agree, Angela’s behavior is unacceptable and calling names is defamation. She needs to go.
I have no clue why she calls Matt “crazy eyes?”They look normal to me.. Plus she brought his mother into her insulting rant. A person she’s never met. HIS MOM!!?? OMG.! .. I think Big Brother should evict her. Assaulting someone verbally can be as harmful as it is done physically and or emotionally.
she’s cracking under pressure. happens occasionally. the main issue is that she’d rather watch the house from the hoh room than y’know actually go down and interact with people. this creates a situation where people need to come to her with game strategy rather than her driving it and when you’re not driving the strategy you’re right of being sus of what comes to you, but you don’t air that out. you’re just stuck assuming people aren’t lying because you left yourself no other option.
I don’t understand why bb is letting Angela get away with her antics. Matt said 1 thing up in the hoh room just one and she says he threatened her. No he didn’t he stated a fact if you put me up you could go up. She took that as a threat. She then came downstairs and attacked him , the crazy eyes, his mother should be ashamed of him. Big brother producers should tell her to stop she is being a bully and with everything out there in this world there is no place for bullys. If she keeps this up it could ruin the show. She is attacking others too and until she comes after them they won’t get there heads out of their asses. Angela has been on many shows Dr. Phil , the price is right, and others and big brother knows this. One more out burst and I’m done Matt could have his mother’s eyes and so she’s attacking his mother too? She’s a monster.
I found it interesting you say she’s been on other shows like Dr. Phil.. Explains a lot .Perhaps she thinks she can make an acting career out of being on reality shows. For sure she lives in another reality she makes up in her own head. lol
Angela is crazy! She made no sense and made herself look like a jerk. It happens sometimes in there someone can’t deal with the pressure in the house so they lose it. I hope she’s out next week! I’m not a huge fan of Matt but it was defineatly over nothing.
Thoughts on voting criteria:
a) who is the nominee’s target if they stay. Is it you, is it your ally…. is it unknown? cut the unknown because that’s the biggest risk.
b) are you in an alliance with a nominee (real or fake). If yes, keep the alliance mate for week one so that week 2 you are covered regardless of HOH winner in MOST cases.
c) how many enemies do you make with your vote? How strong are those enemies?
d) how likely is a nominee to get jury votes if you keep them and they stay to the end?
e) what does each nominee do for YOUR game?
f) will the remaining hg be more of a target than you if they stay?
voting according to who is likeable or easy to beat in comps in a comp equitable season?
Sounds…risk reward ratio fail?
If they are likeable AND in your alliance? Are they MORE liked than YOU?
This is not the way these houseguests are measuring. They haven’t realized comp structure has altered.
Are they basing their vote on increasing their own likelihood of still being in the game week 3 (always base votes not on next week, but greatest chances of surviving next week’s vote to go into the next HOH)?
Personal theory discarding who i like and dislike and just crunching the data…..
Matt is the known. Kenney is perceived. Kimo unknown.
In order to increase odds to be playing in the week 3 HOH, the best odds for an individual player wanting to play in week 3 HOH tip in Matt’s direction unless you are Angela or Joseph.
who is targeting Kimo? It would be like kicking a puppy. who is he targeting? nobody knows? enemies if he leaves? At most 5. known to house? 1.
Who is targeting Kenney? three people throwing the HOH. Who is he targeting? Angela.
enemies if he leaves? nobody.
Who is targeting Matt? 10 of the houseguests at least. Who is he targeting? Angela, maybe Joseph. Enemies if he leaves? Mak and Kenney. Chances of getting jury votes based on current game? zero.
Personal theory acknowledging who i like and dislike:
Kenney does ZERO for anyone else’s game, has NO attachments and WANTS to LEAVE?
bye. don’t let the door hit you. His campaign was keep Matt.
Matt is hyper conceited lacks all awareness, talks too much… and can win veto comps which are most like the usual bb fare this season it would seem.
I really don’t even pay attention to Kimo because…. I’m allergic to puppies.
Conclusion from THAT point of view?
Don’t care. Send em all. How much does the season change with all three gone?
While Matt is the only one REALLY campaigning….
He campaigns poorly. IT’S REALLLLLLY BAD.
His campaign is based on ‘ME’ not the voter.
He’s even told voters he can’t promise them anything. Told one he might even have to nom them if it’s good for his game.
His campaign is why he SHOULD AND SHOULDN’T go home. He’s doing it…. but doing it SO POORLY that he should pack.
Kimo? His lame ass campaigning (if you want to call it that) has been whining and self pity.
Again…. me. not voter campaigning.
Kenney? His campaign is keep Matt. sideye.
A recruit that probably applied for Love Island or Survivor, a casual viewer, and a brick walk into a bar. All of them say Ow.
I don’t think ANY of these people know how to play Big Brother! As you’ve already pointed out, they can’t even figure out how many people are voting this week (11), and are counting on Angela to break the “tie” (can’t happen) if it occurs. They also have “awarded” one of the upgrade prizes to someone who couldn’t possibly have won it, which they all should have logically deduced by knowing which group she entered with, and who voted which way in that group, and therefore which players were eligible to play for the upgrade and which weren’t.
But I guess if you can’t even count, there’s no way you could possibly reason your way to figure out who played in which contest. No way in hell would they have the logic to think the way you laid things out in this post, as to how each nominee might help or hinder their games even 1 day down the road, much less 2 weeks.
As houseguests say they are uncomfortable and feel cornered when Matt campaigns to them repeatedly, there is an easy fix.
Tell him you don’t think he has the votes he thinks he has and you will vote with the house, or say sure and continue the ruse until he’s gone.
There. done.
Instead everyone is lying by omission or silence, which keeps him coming back.
Don’t complain about situations of your own making, and blame the person following the process.
It’s stupid.
Really liking Joseph at the moment. He is definitely the one to watch for winning this game.
His comment after Angela’s rant was hilarious! “This will make the episode!” I really did LOL!
I don’t see how you could “favor” anyone with this bunch. They don’t know how many people are voting this week, are unaware of who even played for the upgrades, and that 2 of the 3 “leaders”, at least as measured by who are members of the current 3 largest alliances in the house, are “mascots” this week, and don’t even get to vote!
Once again this season there seems to be a “Let’s have a female winner” vibe from all the ladies in the house, which Joseph will have to overcome in order to win. Of course if any of the men said “Let’s band together and have a male winner” all hell would break loose, and they would immediately be branded as neanderthals, knuckle draggers, and misogynists, so you won’t hear any of that.
Personally, I kind of get a good vibe from Quinn, but think it was really dumb of him to share the fact he won one of the upgrades with both Angela and Kimo. I just don’t understand why players can’t keep that kind of info quiet, but then I’ve never been in that situation myself. Maybe when you’re in it 24/7 with nothing going on but BB, it might be harder to do.
Asking the sweet people from Online Big Brother: WHAT THE HECK IS ANGELA?
Though I know the BB house makes people extremely paranoid, she needs help ASAP.
Professional one.
I’m thinking she missed some med doses!
Most def!
Presumption before i sleep:
having listened to the bathroom convo between Mat/Mak/TK/Kimo something becomes abundantly clear:
during one of the feed cuts yesterday, Angela did something that Kimo thought was a removable offense.
EVERY subsequent feed cut since has been an effort to hide what she did because they can’t lose an HOH on week one that is providing the crazy and getting notice. Even bad publicity is publicity, the same way they originally tried to cover up and use bad behavior seasons until the heat got too much for them.
Most likely:
Angela used one of the prohibited words. Part of the contract that they now sign includes a list of Hate Speech terms that will result in expulsion. Remember Luke. Remember how when Jared used one of the words, it was during post comp or ceremony feed block, and he wasn’t heard SAYING it, all that was heard was Cory losing his shit at Jared for saying it.
Now, they are utilizing their five minute delay imposed to curtail wall yellers in order to cut feeds if anyone commits an infraction of the Ejectable Objectionable words. Then cutting feeds every time they think someone might mention it. Feeds have been REALLY twitchy when anyone mentions Lisa,in context of the argument so I assume she was the recipient of the vulgarity.
Puts a whole new spin on Angela saying High and Mighty Lisa, never makes a mistake.
She got a warning instead of expulsion and all of her behaviors today have been a response to that warning. SHE’S POUTING. Karen got told off by the manager, and she’s behaving like a two year old.
Angela appears to be not only the most unstable houseguest, but also the most immature houseguest!
May not be totally Angela. Feeds have cut when Matt & MJ have talked about Production
I almost feel like Angela is like whatever the female version of an incel is lol her hatred for him is so bizarre and she’s creating this narrative that he’s got minions in the house and they’re all after her for NO reason.
My husband thinks that Brooklyn looks like Cruella from 101 Dalmations, the animated movie, and now I can’t unsee it LOL!
LOl I said the same thing to my son the first episode.
Ragela (Angela) is a narcissist with paranoid delusions..fact…she has always been this way since childhood…it is now being shown as her true self to the house….she really needs to be booted off this show….people like that are unpredictable and could be dangerous to herself or others….why does big brother always seem to find these kind of people…everyone else on the show this year seem to be normal, maybe a little naive or dumb but normal…she needs to be escorted out now before thing get worse.
I do agree! Been thinking of that poor boy all day! I don’t want to watch ppl being bullied! It bothers me and I would speak up! She needs to go! She is too old and should know better! Guess Dr Phil couldn’t help her!
I’m surprised Angela is allowed to call Matt ‘crazy eyes’ and make fun of him that way. If he called her fat or old would that be ok too?
Angela is an unstable person she needs to be removed before she hurts someone. Matt Sleep with one eye open.
What everyone is forgetting is that Angela started with Matt on night one attacking his looks. Watching the live feeds, I only saw the conversation which did seem confrontational. But when watching the show, the first night in the bathroom before the HOH comp, the way she commented on his looks and being a target due to Matt’s possibility of being part of a “showmance” showed her own insecurities. Now seeing that Angela has been seeking publicity by being on Price is Right, Let’s Make a Deal and ……Dr. Phil. She really is seeking fame or “something”.
I can’t put my finger on it but I’ve never seen someone behave like Angela. It’s just plain weird. There is something just not normal in her cognitive thinking. Is she a genius to have all of week one focus on her or she is just plain crazy. I’m not sure yet.
If I was a House guest, I’ll tell BB either she goes or I go. I think she is unpredictable, over emotional, unstable and dangerous. Someone who could end up on show like Fear Your Neighbour or Roommate.. She actually scared some the other young people. Matt showed incredible restraint, most likely because his instinct was if confronted she could dangerous.
both. She’s an immature entitled delusional wannabe legend star that causes public drama for notoriety in the eyes of the fanbase, but also over gamebots non existent threats because her base personality is an insecure immature passive aggressive whackjob.
She wants to be the biggest star in the institution.
I think it’s both. She’s not on there to play Big Brother. She’s there because she’s an attention whore and it’s also abundantly clear she’s got mental issues. She’s paranoid as hell, which is not something you want to be when playing a game like BB, and especially not when you’re HOH and have “spying” equipment available to you like it is in the HOH bedroom. She sits in there looking at that TV, switching it from room to room, and whenever she sees two or more people talking, in her paranoid brain, they must be conspiring against her.
If they don’t get her out of there fast, she may be ready for a rubber room by the time they finally do!
There are three delusional players: Matt, Angela, & Lisa. Angela gets paranoid easily and Lisa so far has gone on long spin-outs twice
Ok, so unfortunately I have seen people behave like her, to varying degrees and manifestations.
BB knew she was unstable and chose her for drama value.
She has at bare minimum, an abundance of emotional problems.
She has poor emotional regulation. She has a lot of neuroses, and paranoia. She jumps to conclusions, she magnifies situations, she catastrophizes. Emotional reasoning, shoulds, all or nothing thinking, mindreading. Overgeneralizing, personalization.
She is highly insecure. She seems to have some childhood trauma that makes her lack a solid sense of self. She is, as she’s already stated, a people pleaser. She didn’t want anyone upset with her when she was choosing noms. So she gets apologetic. Then she shifts to suspicion and fear of rejection, which makes her flip her opinion about the person. She flip flops constantly.
She’s emotionally immature and reverts constantly to childish behaviors as a way to manage her distress.
She’s manipulative, making herself the victim and despite her awful behavior, gaining just enough credibility to have other HGs question Matt’s role in all of it.
She’s incredibly self-centered.
I feel people throw the word narcissist around too easily, but she has exhibited some strong tendencies.
It seems producers do screen out people who are too extreme in mental illness, but they were lenient on the criteria this season with her. They’ve done it in the past as well if you think back on erratic HGs of prior seasons.
I think it’s funny as heck, that every season somebody inevitable says we have best whatever(feel in the blank)
That big brother has EVER seen. Best alliance name, best first week and on and on. I know this just me but if I hear (let’s go!)one more time, I’m going to lose it.
There’s so many alliances this season and a number of them are either on shaky ground (The Pentagon) or fake
Sorry fill in the blank
I guess I haven’t been around women that take hours to put on their makeup. Wow. It’s like you can’t see their true beauty under layers upon layers. Hope I don’t get slammed by this. I might just be naive
Not sure about usbb, but in a season of bbcan, three women discussed how they were instructed by production to be in full makeup every day including contouring. A couple of those women were not finished doing the whole photo ready makeup process until well into the afternoon.
Nominees will run to a bunch of video screens and count the number of times houseguests appear on the screens. The houseguest that appears most in the videos is the answer.
2 minutes to lock in an answer or disqualified.
the right answer in the shortest time is the winner, and comes off the block.
Episode airs at 8pm tonight, not 9pm.
recap shows just HOW MUCH they are skipping in the edit.
Post veto meeting.
everyone has it coming personality people… Karenism. NO if and or but.
Matt? Never looks at the world past “me”.
Eleven votes. KNOWN in the house….. so why are they talking TIE?
Kenney doesn’t have the drive to win it appears.
Matt is hunting for votes.
They cut the 2 hour Matt Lisa convo down to 30 seconds.
Quinn won’t vote out Kimo.
Since there isn’t a vote with the house agenda or blcok….. because the Head of House is nuts.
Barbershop…. was it Matt’s idea? I thought it was Cedric.
Cam and Chelsie were NEVER down.
Brooklyn wishywashy. Rubina was originally sympathetic to Matt.
PRE-COMMERCIAL WARNING: Angela goes off AGAIN. Doubt they show the Lisa fight…. so I’m guessing the not a big fight Kenney situation. He wouldn’t join her hate train and she flipped. That’s what started that little exchange.
The not a showmance pair get the showmance segment….. and my tv has paused….
Lisa Kimo talk vote…. making Kimo paranoid segment. Kimo was NEVER in danger.
T’kor realizes she has no alliance to back her up.
This edit is…. odd.
He didn’t jump to hate on Matt and fight for Angela. She twisted things. BUT Kenney wanted to quit. so…..
Quinn’s response d/r is performative. He is sick of Angela picking fights with 1/3 of the house. Kenney’s d/r is not Kenney game. MORE SHENANIGANS.
2 minutes. 16 videos. Houseguest appearing the most times is the correct answer.
kimo says quinn kenney says joseph matt says t’kor.
House told Kimo won the arena. Goes to fish on episode.
Angela is cheering like a psychopath.
Did Angela HUG every Nominee? No? oh. okay. by her standards she’s a brat and deserves hate.
They didn’t campaign against each other. Julie cuts it off.
Kenney talks family. Talks house. If they want to keep him do so.
Matt seems to think he’s cooked given speech. Wants to stay. Forgives Angela.
Angela rolls eyes. Keep it classy Karen.
Kimo, T’Kor, Brooklyn, Rubina, Quinn, Cam, Tucker, Joseph.
Lisa, Makensy, Leah
8-3 MATT is evicted.
His answers to questions involve so much not included in the edit. oops.
Well now Matt knows who has the powers. Sorry. Bad timing? LOL.
Anyone that calls themself the fun mom, is a major red flag.