Angela “I will never take responsibility for somebody threatening me like that.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?

7:35am The house guests are woken up early for the day. Today they will have the power of veto player picks and later the power of veto competition.

8am Kitchen – Angela goes off at Matt in front of all the other house guests.
Angela – I love all of you. I’m a little hyped. You can’t go up on the block. I’m not done. This isn’t amazing. And I’m so sorry because I freaking love you and I’m if this is it for me. I’ve had the time of my life and that’s truly what I wanted. And I already know I have genuine people in this room. I just know it because you were that way to me before I went HOH and I want you to know I’m thankful for that. But there’s still a lot of game left. There’s a couple. There’s a couple games today and there’s a couple games next week too. So you don’t know who I have. Matt. And you know what? I would like to go back to where I was. I’m a little heated right now. I really hope I’m not making you guys feel some sort of way. Like I’m mad at any of you because I have. I don’t know who that woman was last night. I don’t know her and it was sad. It was so sad and I was like, why people shouldn’t let people predict how they feel. That’s something that we can control. But I need you guys to know with that being said who you’re following. Who you’re letting lead this house I still want to continue relationships with every single one of you and what I was doing yesterday with my HOH was trying to get the majority of the house. It’s going to be out there. I want the majority of the House to be happy because I’m a people pleaser and I’m I’m not too a fault.

Angela – I really just want to have fun with you guys except for you don’t talk to me. I want to have so much fun with all of you. I literally have had a traumatic experience from him and. I think MJ could do better. But with that being said, please could we just put this behind us. I’m so sorry that I had to do this, but I needed everyone to hear and see this and crazy eyes. I mean look at your freaking eyes Matt. Matt – You’re talking mile a minute! You’re crazy. Angelia – I’m crazy **** Matt if you can threaten me am I really like I am flattered. Matt – Honestly, while everybody’s here. Let me let me respond. Let’s get some clarity. Angela – I honestly don’t wanna hear you. Matt – Are you gonna? Are you gonna hear you? Are we gonna talk? Angela – I don’t wanna hear you honestly. I am trying to be very mature about that. Matt – She is a little bit raised voices. It’s already not mature. Angela – Sorry. I’m sorry. I thought I’d hear. I want everything out. This man made me apologize in my Hoh room. Like for 30 minutes about a misunderstanding. I am a mother to a fault. When I see this man walk in and how good looking he is. But I don’t think that anymore. When I cuz you know what you can’t be pretty on the outside when you’re ugly on the inside. And when when you do that, I don’t go ahead and do it. See if you can get everybody to really believe you. I don’t. Think that they will. I really don’t. Matt, I mean, damn, we’re done. We’re done. You know what you did? You know what? What was the threat? He doesn’t even listen. Did I not say it? Was I not clear I spoke really loudly. Matt, one person to say what the threat was. Just to rehearse. Angela – Anybody wanna help me out? If you don’t, that’s fine too. Put it me the block. Matt – How would I put her up on the block if she’s HOH? Angela – Ohh, my God, idiot. You’re not even listening. I guess you’re not that smart. Matt – What is? What? Angela – I guess you’re not that smart because you told me again. You’re not listening I guess that’s your maturity level. I mean, obviously. So I don’t want to be heated. That’s like, not me either I just honestly on the block. Sorry that I can one.

Angela – Yeah, I’m gonna get some water. Matt – You’re gonna put me on the block this week. You guys are playing. If I have power like you’re going on the block next week which like she could because she’s not. She can’t be HOH next week. So OK So she claimed to say to him. if she puts me up and I get off the next week she will go. That was what cuz you’re like I’ll take myself off the block and then I’ll put you on.

Angela – It’s absolutely not. Have fun. I’m gonna have fun because. I’m gunning for you. Come on with this. Ohh, I’m coming. Come on with it. I’m coming. I’ll. I’ll. I’ll take it. I mean, we’re back to where we started. Right. And I forget. I forgave you. You started it. I did. I never have had to apologize. You should have to. That is a lot straight. That’s a lie. I’m telling you, you should have because you stereotyped. All right, false target on my back the first night. Now you use that. That’s true to do this. And I’ve told everybody no ones stupid in here. These are very sharp minds. I talked to everyone. Everybody knows they’re all sharp. 100%. And I would.

Come on. I am wise beyond. 0K, I may have. Clearly not screwed up now, right? I know everyone’s like, damn.. she can’t keep a sentence. She can’t keep names. She can’t do that. No, you won’t. Because if you sleep deprived, it would be one thing to even take what you just said and say, hey, I’m going to talk. It’s the same thing I did to you. You said you we we could have talked your words are. So you should just put it back in your **** Wow. Wow. I can fight too. All right. 0K. I see you. Crazy eyes. Every conversation. Remember I’ve had with so many of you guys about how people would treat you outside of the house. You know what, Matt? There is no one in here that has treated me disrespectfully other than you. Not one

Angela – MK You could do so much better, honey. Honey, please. See. See, she’s did it again. Matt – Now she puts a target on her. Angela – Like there’s some. things like, like, nobody knows. Come on. Like what? Brought it to me. Stop it. To say what? They’re there. Look, here’s another cut. Just shut off. You’ll see it. It’s falling apart in your diarrhea today You know what? New Angel. Matt – You know what’s tough? Is my mom is gonna watch you as a mom. Angela – She will be so she’s gonna be her son’s a brat. She’s gonna be her son is a straight up *****. It’s gonna be hard to threatening. Brat. Hard to watch. Ohh, I’m so sorry, honey. You’re a brat I hope you guys, when you look into his crazy.

Angela – Sorry to the houseguests. It was very heated. I apologize to you guys. I need to move on now. Fair enough. At the end of the day, you gotta get your piece out. You gotta say how you feel like. And I just want to say one more time. I do love every single one of you. I hope that, you know, I didn’t gonna be this minute, but I hope that we can talk and I can just be Angela again and just be happy. That’s what I need right now. Understand. And even if you’re faking it, I don’t care. I don’t care. All right.

Do I show it? I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m like, this is a nice, I know. I think we’ve been in here too. We’ve been in your time. No, no, it’s not that honey. It’s him. Yeah, it’s him. It’s not the length of time. It’s not even the sleep deprivation. It’s him that the sleep deprivation is my bed. The way I played was my bed. I get it. It’s cool. I know it’s it’s Ok! I take that responsibility, but I will never take responsibility for somebody threatening me like that. It’s cool to like, say it behind your back. Like that’s the game. It’s Big Brother.

8:30pm Bedroom – Makensy and Leah
Makensy – And I know I’m emotional, but like when people yell and like, I know I get, like, triggered a little. No, but whatever. Whenever she was like, he said my mom is gonna watch this and see. I was like, my momma’s gonna watch this. I’ve been comparing you to my mother. My mother would never do Mama. Oh, my momma would be. I know you would never do that. I don’t know what that was. And I retract all statements. And that man, that woman is not Mama no more.

The house guests are continuing to talk about the drama from this morning and rehashing what happened.

9:20am Bathroom – Makensy and Kenny
Makensy – I don’t know how everybody else is feeling right now. I really like. I haven’t talked to anybody. I think nobody wants to be associated with me right now. Probably because I’m going to crossfire. Kenny – I don’t think it worked. I don’t think what she tried to do worked. Makensy – I don’t know. But it’s still The thing is, even if it didn’t work, it’s still got everybody riled. So it still got emotion and it got separation and it’s got holy **** You know. Chelsie and Cedric joins them. Cedric – there’s a divide though now clearly like clearly there’s a divide. Chelsie – I don’t think there is. Not for the other players are there? Cedric – what **** mean? There is for MJ not not for the players but there’s a divide in the house. I’m gonna be paying attention to people I’m pick aside there’s no way it won’t be like not now it is now.

9:25am Big Brother blocks the feeds.

10:14am Still showing the kitten cams..

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un autre nom

In the past 24 hours, Angela has been convinced that Joseph and Quinn and Cam have turned on her. She’s spun out crying about how Lisa wasn’t sympathetic enough to Angela for Angela nomming Lisa with no warning or heads up after they were inseparable for the first 2 days (according to house talk).
Why am I saying this?
I’m having a hard time reconciling Angela’s view of reality with… reality.
We heard Matt’s version of what he said to her during occupy: Storage Room. I figured it was likely a retell subdued by 20%, but even then, it feels like Angela took the conversation, ramped it up by about 200% and now she’s ramped it up even more.

Perhaps editing will show us what really happened, but at this point we can’t take Angels’s word for anything. She’s batshit fukakta paranoid.
Not a fan of the douchebro attitude as a rule, so I’m not actually TRYING to defend Matt.
We’ve just taken Angela’s word for it, and she’s been full of paranoid crap since feeds began that got exponentially worse after she made noms.

Feedsgold for pointing at a train wreck. If it’s succesful, she’ll make this strategy for sympathy and attention, and next week it could be anyone she calls out… even one of social media’s faves.

PERSONAL READ: Angela couldn’t find the manager so her Karen tendencies just exploded.


And what sense does it make for those three to turn on the HOH when they are not on the block?

un autre nom

Doubt it was her intent, and dude does make with the spotlight eyes a lot….
but Salt Lake City Karen making fun of the 1/2 Filipino guy’s eyes after his intro was about being ostracized for being biracial…..
Again…. not intent, but good look?
She practiced the speech while she was spiraling that the have not room green men were conspiring against her. Sideye.
Classic Karening behavior.
I don;t have to check bbtwitterverse to know their opinon…. but this is FrenchieDiscountElvisRiley crap allllll over again.
Take the remote control away so she’ll stop watching the HOHtv and get some sleep. Give her somebodies meds…. anybodies. I’m just saying. We heard her practice for effect. That makes the entire performance bullshit.


At least she’s right that she’s not long for this game. I had that feeling beforehand. You are correct that we need to see what actually happened because Angela gets paranoid easily due to the video screen and while I didn’t hear the words Matt used Joseph made reference to the threat yesterday when he was talking to another houseguest about him trying to form a bond between Matt and Angela and said “That will never happen now”

un autre nom

Isn’t it for game? it really is. She feared yesterday that Matt was stealing all her people and turning them against her. She wanted to look like the victim in order to get everyone on her side. She practiced it with intent.
Again, not his fan, at all. This isn’t even about him to me fir the most part, this is about watching this crackèd paranoid woman descend into madness.
She is most definitely trying to manipulate emotion by victimnoising but not owning that THAT is her game play.

Team Taylor

My God — what is wrong with Angela?!

Zero chance of ever winning this game now.


I figured Angela might be 1st boot after the interview but now she may be 2nd. Matt himself has been a bit delusional and has made at least a few mistakes including staying in that damn storage room for so long (which started her paranoia) and staying up so late. I do think part of her Matt paranoia is justified; it’s just the rest of her paranoia that was in full display yesterday afternoon that wasn’t

The Beef

She may not make it to 2nd boot. Once she gets Nominated next week, my guess is she’ll just up and quit.

Michele Smith

I don’t know if it was just trying to keep up with crazy Karen…I mean Angela’s rage fest of what but I couldn’t understand any of that synopsis above at all. Just enough ,plus what I saw last night, to see that Angela is totally unstable.


Angela’s rant reminded me a lot of that viral video of the woman with her little dog in a park, who tried to threaten an innocent black man to call the police on him (famously dubbed as a “Karen”). Remember? She said she’d just make up that he was threatening her, and that “you know who they’d believe!”…
Sorry, but Angela could have owned up to being a mess, partially blamed it on being sleep deprived, or even told him that she changed her mind and didn’t feel like she should have apologized. While still talking like a grown up. She did none of that. After all her crazy paranoia, she thought her spot in the house was totally f’ed, and she desperately wanted to dump the entire responsibility for all of it on “not her”. And so that “not her” dump became Matt.
Not particularly a fan of him, but this was a pathetic showing of Angela. A “mom” her age should not just randomly attack someone publicly this way. “Crazy eyes”, “your words are shit, and you should put them back in your ass!” “don’t talk to me! I don’t want to hear you!” after accusing him for 10 minutes straight of “aggressively threatening her”, refusing him any right to clarify or refute what she said. She said he was “ugly on the inside” and his mom would see he’s a f’in brat.
What a nasty, classless person she is.

Biff Tannen

I’d love to be able to go back and watch this on the feeds. I guess the science just isn’t there yet.


Calling a woman a Karen implies she is being racist…
Angela is bat-crap crazy and it has NOTHING to do with her being a white woman and him being a POC.
If the EXACT thing had happened with Ken or Tucker, she would have done the exact same thing. She was clearly playing the ‘victim card’ but there is no evidence (that I have seen/read) to say it was b/c of racism. I see it more as her claiming victimhood because of her AGE.

Please stop assuming racism when one of the people involved is white and the other is all/part (like ½ Filipino) POC. Jumping to racism (without REAL proof) diminishes real obvious racism accusations/consequences.

That said, apparently the other day, Angela promised Matt that she would not put him up and then yesterday (for whatever reason) Matt thought she might go back on her promise and he over reacted and in turn, in the morning, she over reacted EVEN WORSE than he did. AND, just because someone is a POC (full or in part or all white for that matter) should not automatically make them immune to criticism.

BTW, I do not like either one of them.


Actually, calling someone a “Karen” is not anything to do with racism. The only part of race in any definition is, slang term typically used to refer to a middle class, white, American, sometimes blonde woman who is perceived as entitled or excessively demanding.


I think Angela should be removed. She seems unstable. She was the one who was threatening to Matt. That was so wrong!