Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Tkor
Nominees: Tucker, Makensy, Cam
POV Players: ?
POV Winner: ?
Veto Ceremony: ?
Havenots: ?
10:50pm Bathroom – Cam, Angela and Makensy.
Angela – honestly though, I don’t think I handled it they way that you guys are (being on the block). I was literally like emotional. I was crying. I was, I just wasn’t present. You guys are like so awesome and like handle it like with so much grace and sportsmanship. Its just.. Makensy – Athletes! Angela – I think that’s what it is. You both are really really awesome! Makensy – we just take losing like a champ! Cam – yeah we just basically know how to lose. I guess. Makensy – losing with grace. Angela – I could learn a thing or two from you guys seriously. Makensy – I just look at the glass half full. Cam – yeah. Angela – I do to in life but like this is really major and you both are just handling it with the utmost respect for the game and for yourself. Cam – I appreciate it. Angela – its just really refreshing. Like its awesome. Its not what you would expect. Like for you as individuals, but just happening to anybody like what happened to me. I was just like nobody likes me. Cam – yeah, no but like you still get those feelings but I try to be more optimistic. Angela – I feel like, I mean now at this time in the game you know people like you. Cam – that is helpful. Angela – because its further in the game. Cam – right. Angela – where you already have connections and people do genuinely like you, you know what I mean? Makensy – yeah. I mean honestly weirdly enough the week that I got closer to people personally was the week that I was on the block before I wasn’t really that open. And I am still at the bottom of the totem pole for where personal relationships are.. but I just don’t open up. That’s my own fault. I think that I am liked. I don’t think I am disliked.

Angela – I think you’re both very liked. And I know you (Cam) have been hearing around the house that I think you’re HOT! Cam – they did tell me that. Angela – but I can go ahead and SAY that because I can LOOK! OK!? GOSH! Because I already know the way you are looking at me you know something! Cam – ah yeah that was the tea. Angela – I can go and say that you’re cute! Is that okay?! Cam – yeah you can! Angela – IS THAT OKAY!? Cam – yes, that’s fine. Angela – you are the most attractive guy to me in the house. Cam – I will take that. Angela – Thank you! You know when you’ve seen a movie star and you’re like oh so cute right!? Okay, there you go! That’s all it is! I PROMISE! Cam – either way, I’m not trippin! I do appreciate that you
11:10pm HOH room – Tucker, Kimo, Rubina, Makensy, Cam, Quinn, Tkor, Leah, Angela are all hanging out chatting.
Tucker getting a little to close for comfort.. #BB26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/pwo3hHs4mO
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 24, 2024
11:14pm Unicorn Bedroom – Joseph alone talking to the cameras.
Joseph – God, I have such a crush on her (Leah). It’s disgusting! I disgust myself. I was supposed to be f**king secretly aligning. I’m supposed to be a robot with no emotions. You’re here to win. You’re here to win.
HOH room – Kimo, Rubina and Tkor.
Rubina – it was subtle he (Tucker) grabbed my hand. I know you don’t believe me but I swear. Kimo – no I believe you. I believe he grabbed your hand 100 percent. Tkor – Yeah. Rubina – What I do about that guys about what? Kimo – let it ride.
11:40pm Bedroom – Quinn, Makensy and Cam.
They talk about how they think Angela might be in the instigator. Cam – Listen, you’re (Quinn’s) power took her (Angela’s) power away. So then she gets to that would be cool. And the way she acted
when it happened just seemed so like what? Makensy – And then know about people holding hands. Quinn – I feel like she’s like three months late every time. Makensy – That’s what. That’s what I’m saying. Cam – What grade are we in exactly?
11:45pm HOH room – Rubina, Kimo and Tkor are studying the days/events of the season.
12am HOH room – Kimo, Rubina and Tkor
Tkor – Are we still trying to get to final 6 with 6th Avenue? Or is that just a contingency plan? Rubina – I mean, I feel like I would. I asked Tucker about Angela being just like a casualty of war and he doesn’t care. Which like low key.. Kimo – I mean well realistically though, that is going to happen. Rubina – that’s what I’m saying. Tkor – say one of us wins the veto right we could not use it or we could use it. Rubina – and put her (Angela) up? Tkor – potentially, or is that too soon? Tkor – like say for example we use it on Tucker and he takes himself off the block, you know? Rubina – I know the problem is she is a good number for us right now.. That’s a solid. Tkor – I know. I’m just saying like, maybe there’s a hypothetical situation where and maybe not in this one, but a future one. Yeah, we used to be though on someone else. Yeah, that we like. Yeah. And then we pulled them in as a number. Rubina – Yes. And then I agree. Are you talking about Chelsea? Tkor -Oh I’m not talking about anyone specific.
1am Most of the house guests are sleeping.
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Oh, Angela. Because everybody always really likes the sullen, miserable person who says out loud, “I think that I am liked. I don’t think I am disliked,” to people that cannot get away from them.
Win Friends and Influence People Through Social Agony, I always say.
I hate she ruined my name.
At this point if you ever want to target Chelsie, you have two nom chairs filled because you have to nom T’kor too. Renom Kimo. See who T’kor values more…. sorry Kimo.
At this point if you ever want to target Rubina, you have three nom chairs filled because you have to nom Kimo and Tucker with T’kor as renom. Flip that…
At this point if you want to target T’kor…. nom her because even Kimo is getting ready to bad ally her again. You KNOW Kimo is wanting that veto used when T’kor doesn’t want to make a renom this week. HE. IS. he’s asked about who would be renom 4 times after she said she didn’t want to have to make a renom.
Chelsie won’t fight for her as long as they’ve reached jury. She wouldn’t. As long as she has that jury vote she doesn’t give even 1/2 a shit. True story.
At this point if you want to target Tucker, back door him after asking production if you can nom 4 people instead of 3. lol. What… Kimo is insisting everyone help Tucker study the days. I mean… the idiot is truly playing for fourth place and will stab everyone that has his back to lay at Tucker’s feet in a dog costume… and he’s fourth or fifth on Tucker’s priority list. Gee Kimo… you really think Tucker takes you to the end over his condom holster? Really?
The options of who to go to the end that T’kor and Rubina and Kimo are going to discuss:
outsiders (Quinn). or Friend zzzz (Tucker), or Chelsie.
sideye. Ain’t nobody in no damn alliance with Chelsie. What’s this shit? No wonder Kimo gonna shank her.
I would have had an alliance meeting last week, asked T’kor if Chelsie is an alliance member…. so what the deuce? She talks about her alliances not listening to her wanting to protect non alliance members…. and thinks she’s the reasonable one.
No seriously.
Great points, un! Just to add to what you are saying. T’kor didn’t want to put Chelsie up because of her connection with her and she doesn’t want to put up a women of color..??? If T’kor was on the block against Brooklyn, Cheisie would vote out T’kor with no hesitation. T’kor would have voted to keep Cheisie if she was up there with Cam. Keeping Brooklyn and Cheisie together would have been a bad move for T’kor because Chesie would not support T’kor over Brooklyn!!! I think Tucker will remember that. He shouldn’t of volunteered to go on the block so T’kor would have had to show her cards. If Tucker wins HOH, I hope he returns the favor to T’kor.
omg angela is scary
Cam should be able to press charges… or at least get a restraining order!
That poor guy is probably traumatized for life!
my previous comment was written before Rubna and the Godots started discussing forming an alliance with Chelsie and Quinn.
IF they’d formed this week 1 or 2… it could work. Forming this week 6 after jumping from the Collective, then jumping alliance again… does it look sketch to the ones just being brought in that know a trio when they see it? They know their games were blown up in large part by this trio. The new 2 don’t want to work together and Chelsie doesn’t trust MOST of them including Quinn.
Why did QUINN expose the Pentagon? Because a trio brought him in and he was obviously on the bottom. What do YOU think Quinn thinks of this alliance with the 3 and CHELSIE if history is ANY indicator?
Questions they don’t ask: Do these people we want in final five / six want to carry us there? If we bring these people together… could they pull an “US” and backstab us next week since we’ve flipped our allegiance 3 weeks in a row?
Questions the other 6th Avenue members need to be asking… so why aren’t we having any alliance meetings this week?
Scenario: What if Quinn and Chelsie demand proof of loyalty? Target Tucker or get rid of Joseph if you want us to believe you are actually serious about working with us?
Scenario 2: Who tells Tucker first. Look at Kimo’s track record. Look at Rubina saying he’s her person.
Dude, they need to cast YOU!
I would be special evicted on day 2. I edit myself in comments on here compared to my real life comments. THIS IS ME PLAYING NICE.
UN, I will join you on the cast and we can see who gets booted first for telling people to not be crybabies it’s a game and if you act like a Karen that is you name from me the rest of the season lol.
When are these idiots going to wise up and get Tucker out? He’s going to run over all of them and win.