Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny Tucker
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself, Tucker nominated.
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa
6:05pm Living room – Angela and Kenny
Kenny – there are so many options now. They would have no idea who I would put up. Angela – everyone in this house is saying there’s no alliances yet. Kenny – there might be one. Angela – oh no there’s three. Kenny – ahhh…no big ones. There is one big one in my opinion. Angela – And two smaller. Kenny – yeah. Leah joins them. They talk about being havenots. Kenny – Those girls did an unbelievable job with that. They slayed it. Angela – it went by fast! It could be just me. I could not sleep on a box. I feel like it when by slower for the boys because it was the first go around.. but the girls just kind of kicked it out of the park.. but also I was living in that HOH room and going through hell. Kenny – I mean Tucker did kind of came up with some good recipes. Angela – yes they did. I could do the food thing, I just would not be able to do the box. Kenny – You would have no sleep. Angela – yeah again! Don’t do that to me kids. Big Brother blocks the feeds. Angela – he (Kenny) would rather go sit in and talk with Tucker. And Tucker has had it. Maybe he is telling Tucker what I said. He probably said get me away from this girl. She is trying to align with me and she is nutty! Angela is out there trying to get me to align with her. hahaha save me!
6:45pm Kitchen – Cedric painting Angela’s nails. Quinn, Rubina, Makensy also painting their nails.

7:10pm Kenny talking to the cameras
Kenny – I wish I could talk to you. I wish I could hold you. It tough. So tough, babe. I’m okay with being on the block though. I’m okay. I want to play the vetoes. I want to play the Al arena. At the end of the day, I’m okay. If I go out those doors y’all are worth more than $750,000. Even though we could really use it. Well, let’s see how things play out this week. Tomorrow’s a big day. Get the eviction and play for the HOH.
7:45pm Bathroom – Tkor and Makensy
Tkor – How are you doing? Makensy – I’m okay okay. Yeah, I’m okay. I’m good. It’s been slow yesterday and today. I’m good. I’m happy. I feel like one step closer to having peace in the house so I’m good. I’m excited that tomorrow we get to say something to my family and to my friends. So I’m looking forward to that you know, I mean, I think It’s hard for everybody right now and I think I’m trying to take that into consideration too like that I’m not the only one struggling you know?! I’m not the only one having a hard time. I’m not the only one still learning and adjusting and so taking everything with a grain of salt trying to enjoy myself and just know that this is a once in a lifetime experience and that even though I miss my family. You know?! When I am meant to see them I will see them so that’s what I’m trying to keep in my head and just stay sane. And the longer I’m in here, the closer I get to y’all so that’s nice you know. Tkor – that’s a beautiful way to frame that. Makensy – it’s hard, my family is my absolute best friends. I miss a lot of people in my life back home not just family. I don’t want to sit here and complain because I also have a lot to be thankful for in here so I’m just trying to look at the glass half full not empty you know?! So I appreciate you checking in though. Tkor – of course. Makensy – how are you doing? Tkor – good. Big Brother switches the feeds.
8:25pm Bedroom – Cam and Tkor
Cam – do you hear my name anywhere? Tkor – No I don’t but I think I will still start to hear your name because you’re perceived as a physical threat and like you’re very likable. Cam – Yeah. Tkor – Like you’re too good. Cam – What do you mean I’m too good? Tkor – you’re likable and you’re perceived as a physical threat. Cam – But I feel like everybody’s like that though but there’s no there hasn’t been one physical comp. Tkor – Yeah, I know It’s all perception. Cam – We actually have no idea what anyone can do yet. It doesn’t make any sense, bro like truthfully.
8:55pm Kitchen – Leah and Makensy doing the dishes / cleaning. Leah start planning what she will eat when midnight hits and the havenots can eat again.
9pm Bumper Pool Room – The house guests are hanging out chatting about random things.
9:30pm Bumper Pool Room – The house guests hanging out continued..
Joseph – Lisa, what are you going to eat first? Lisa – I’m going to have a cashew and then I’m going to have a grape and then I’m going to have the crunch wrap supreme. Leah – I’m so excited. Lisa – And then I’m going to have a bite of macaroni and cheese. Then I might make up a beyond meat burger. Joseph – that is a plentiful meal! Lisa – I love eating. I’m a professional eater and I love food. Joseph – and a professional chef. Lisa – When I’m not an orthodontist. Joseph – the truth comes out.
Leah & Lisa playing slide hand clap #BB26 @bigbspoilers pic.twitter.com/W9IfNarFhO
— Dawg (@DawgsBigBrother) August 1, 2024
9:45pm Bumper Pool Room – Quinn and Tkor
Quinn – So, you know, I told you I’m in a 5 with Chelsea, but I’m also in that same five with Brooklyn. We had a conversation because we were fourth and 5th being added, like, literally in that order. And so we are looking out for each other. So I think for that reason, Brooklyn might be more willing to flip on those three if she were to win an HOH. But it would also be beneficial for me if Jessie and I were together, because then we could, like, look at each other and be like, hey, we can get like.
Bumper Pool Room – Tkor and Chelsie
Tkor – is there anyone you wouldn’t want to win? Chelsie – Kenny. Tkor – same. Chelsie – Lisa if she stayed. And maybe, I don’t know why I feel like Leah would. And I feel like Makensy would put one of us up. Tkor – yeah. Chelsie – I don’t know why I feel that. Tkor – because we don’t trust them. Chelsie – I don’t. And we have to make sure they trust us and that they would have our back. Even Cam is sketchy to me. Tkor – Mmmm… yeah. I don’t think he is loyal to us. Chelsie – It makes me nervous. The ones that I like for real know that I would trust and protect at all costs… obviously you for various reasons, Kimo, Quinn, Brooklyn and Joseph. I like Joseph. Other than that I am nervous about everyone else. Tkor – I get the vibe that Tucker wants to work with you. Chelsie – so do I…. big brother blocks the feeds.
10:07pm Storage room – Angela crying alone. I don’t want to go. I am just getting started. I don’t want to go.
10:10pm Bumper Pool Room – Chelsie and Joseph
Chelsie – The people that I trust the most that I wouldn’t want to see win this game if it wasn’t me, you, Quinn here. Cameron & Leah, they scare me. They scare me because I feel like if we’re in the collective with Cam and if he had an option to put one of us versus her or to vote we will vote for her. So it’s like are you in the collective just to use the collective to get you further or are you
in it to protect cause if I’m in an alliance. I’m making sure anybody
not part of that I’m protecting their name so that if MJ or Leah
brought your name, I will try to divert it or I would let you know I don’t feel like he would. I don’t think he’s playing and game.
11:20pm HOH room – Chelsie talking to the camera.
Chelsie – OK, I’ll tell this one. So cute. I’m like, did we forget that just yesterday, not even 24 hours ago your alliance member got voted out. Be simply for the fact that he was in a showman’s that was threatening to the house. But you not even a day later. Want to be cupcaking with Cam and then this is so juicy. I hope you all writing this down and then I’m up in the balcony up in the sun sweating in areas I didn’t even know I could sweating talking and… Big Brother blocks the feeds.
11:40pm – 12am The havenots are getting ready to eat at midnight. They’re prepping food to eat and chatting till its time.
12am – 12:20am Big Brother blocks the feeds.
12:50pm The house guests are heading to bed.
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As things stand right now, I think Lisa gets evicted no matter who she’s up against. Only the A.I. Comp can save her.
But if she wins safety, no doubt Angela gets evicted. The question is how will she reveal Quinn’s upgrade. Will she whisper it to someone? Or will she shout it publicly during her eviction speech or when she’s about to leave the house?
Does it matter now that Kimo verifed to Tucker (didn’t reveal to Quinn).
Tucker being tucker has already pulled the Lisa doesn’t have the power I know something you don’t know with both Chelsie and Rubina.
He’s going to out that secret right after HOH anyway.
T-kor making Angela comment about race is diabolical.
So because you have colored skin you can not be called out for being in a group of others who also have similar skin tone? Especially when it was true that you guys were scheming.
And then Angela goes crawling back and apologizing for having done nothing wrong. That shit is embarrassing.
You saw what happened to Kyle. Looks like all people need to do is make an alliance of color and you cruise to the end, because you can not be called out for it or even think one could be going on or you will be labeled.
I hope Lisa wins the AI comp. It’s stupid to take out the person that is nearly universally disliked and people don’t want to work with.
The funny thing is I like Lisa. I have nothing against her. Angela is the one who needs to go.
i miss the old days when wednesday night’s were intense with non stop game talk and strategy
They don’t even know who will be on the block.
This evening they already said that prodo doesn’t let them talk game on Thursdays.
This season big brother has decided mobbing and no campaigning is easier to manage than anyone even pretending they’re playing a game.
I miss those days when the HGs used the DR to reveal their true self and strategy to viewers rather than a production approved performance.
That started to go away after what happened to Dani in season 3. She played the gamed flawlessly and told the DR all about it and ended up losing the game because of it. A shame.
I wish they had the BBHOUSE26 AI Competitions on Wednesdays so at least the 2 on the block nominees would have 24 hours to campaign to stay in the BBhouse before eviction night instead of 2 minutes scrambling around on eviction night.… to be FAIR.
I think that’s the whole reason for it being on Thursday. It doesn’t give them time to strategize. If the person you want to go wins the AI comp, then you have to quickly decide which of the other 2 goes. I was hoping this would cut back on all the voting with the house nonsense. I wish they had even less time to scramble around.
Disappointed that Burgers and Bikinis didn’t happen. I woke up early on midnight(east coast 3am) just to see them block feeds. Well I still enjoyed my burger in my bikini!
Kenny sulking is he probably thought that Paramount Plus would pay for his ticket back home if he left game and when he found out since he didn’t fulfill what he signed up for he would be blocked for future media deals he said ok I am lone wolf and will do bare minimum. After reading all comments on previous posts save Angela I want to see her sleeping on a box and eating slop but like they bent rules last year for Jared they will bend rules for Queen of BBHOUSE26. Plus Makensy(22 years old) and mini me Leah(26 years old) –
M – let’s sleep in HOH room to avoid Lisa
L – No, think about it, it’s Chelsie last night up there she should have HOH room to herself ….
Makensy thinks of herself Leah thinks of others. Both self centered mirror/ camera seeking but the age difference really comes into play they BOTH still slept in Chelsie HOH room on her last night. *sigh* This year players are more entertaining since they allow singing and dancing now. (I really don’t mean that)
No waffles. Feeds cut so much…. no popcorn….
Wednesday Assessment.
we’ve had a nope for a week. Karengela.
Never done this before…. but i’m giving the rest of the house a yellow card…. except Lisa because unlike the house, I don’t punish someone for getting mobbed. You’re annoying and loopy, but really, naah this shit ain’t right. Not asking for production to step in cus for real that is not warranted yet…. but I think Prodo should edit this week accurately.
SO. Everyone else is on a warning….. I’m not dealing with a house full of Ravens without kvetching to high heaven.
Extra special warning: Tucker and Chelsie. Birds of a feather and I see exactly what they’re playing and exactly what the edit is playing. And if edit plays any harder…. ick.
As they cut the feeds again for the umteenth time…. I’m thinking of Canada’s last feed season. Remember 10? i think feeds were active for under 40 percent of the season….
and STILL the nutjob part of the fanbase found a way to cyberbully and attempt to ruin the real world lives of 5 or 6 houseguests AND their families AND their employers?
Result: digidumps. result: cancellation.
Nutjobs: touch grass, get sunlight. take a midol and relax. this realworld attack shit is backfiring.
Hey community, if you know a nutjob…. educate them. Kvetching is one thing, boiling bunnies is another.
Yup I said it
Quinn bugs me. He acts like he is god’s gift to Big Brother and he is really a lousy player. He is trying way too hard on so many levels. Why he told Angela so fast about his power is beyond me. Then he tells secrets about her and she is holding his secret. He has alliances with everyone in the house and it will catch up with him. Brooklyn is the female version of Quinn. People are either know it all’s or people who have no chance because at this point they should have an alliance. At this point in the game only about 6 people have a chance to win.
makensy really should’ve leveraged her power more. similar to yul on his first season of survivor using it to win over penner, makensy’s power makes her invincible so she’ll never be nominated until it expires and people should want to work with her. if i had her power i think there’s a chance i’d just openly tell the whole house.
If Angela is out tonight will Julie roast her? Especially about the “crazy eyes” comment.
I’m so disappointed in this season so far. The feeds yesterday were pretty much unwatchable from all the cuts and there is NO GAME TALK happening. And why are they going back like 5min of feeds when switching cameras? Anyone else notice we’re rewatching a whole conversation we just saw in another room and then, when it starts to catch up guess what, feed cut.
Angela and her psycho babble. Are these naive girls going to buy it…….A leopard doesn’t change its spots. Take time to think ladies and don’t believe her lying eyes. Angela thinks you are all dumb and she’s a genius.
Why is it SO HARD for those players to understand the definition for the word SECRET? Why reveal to everyone you have a secret power? Keep it quiet. Deny, deny, deny until the day you “die” if you must, but don’t reveal you have a secret power. Those twists never work because production don’t force them to keep quiet.
I like the cast but I can tell this season is lukewarm coz people are not commenting much here on the blog. Not surprised. That’s CBS and Grodner after 20+ years.
Last night feed cuts.
I’ve heard things…. not sure how true. However in absence of feeds we have to at least look at the rumor.
Kenney yelled at the house for being too loud when the have nots were making their meal and eating because they were keeping him awake?
Leah had some sort of medical call for something about her chin hitting the counter?
That’s the rumors.
Jokersupdates caught the live feeds. The rumors are correct. Leah icing her chin and Kenny has rule book out. He needs his sleep. LOL
The rumors are true
The houseguests that thinks Angela will “calm down” when Lisa is gone are kidding themselves. Angela is the classic bully. She’s extremely insecure and targets “pretty girls” because she may have never been seen as that. She targets the “popular guy” because he never dated her in school … At best she’s exhibiting arrested development at about age 14 which is why her attacks seem so juvenile. Unfortunately for the house, this IS her personality and it will ALWAYS require her to have a target. Send her home…
I’m so disgusted they kept the emotional, immature bully. And Karengela is so delusional, she’ll see it as them loving her, and them condoning her crazy outbursts and attacks.
Lisa didn’t deserve this. I liked Tucker at first, but he’s as crazy and as much of a bully as Angela. This is because of his delusions.
Kenny: I want to go home
House: NO, you will not go home
HOH: NO, I will not put you up
This is Kenny’s life for the rest of the summer. He’ll find himself in F3 and complaining, but still win final HOH.
Kenny: I choose to evict, YOU, Kenny
Julie: You can’t do that, you’re automatically in F2
Kenny in F2 speeches, tells the HG to please not vote for him.
After the winner is announced, Kenny and Matt will hug and cry. Kenny’s family will quickly leave the studio.
Kenny wins AFP. He tells Julie that he needs to sleep, and the Finale is keeping him up.