3 PART FINAL HOH Competition:
- Part 1 – Spencer Vs Andy Vs Ginamaie = GM WON
- Part 2 – Spencer Vs Andy = Andy WON
- Part 3 – On Finale night – Ginamarie Vs Andy = ?
- FINAL HOH winner = ?
4:10pm The final 3 finally wake up from their day of napping. Spencer, Andy and Ginamarie are sitting around the kitchen table talking about the past house guests. They discuss the medications that the other house guests were taking. Ginamarie says that Amanda was a crazy b***h. People back in New York think I am crazy but this b***h takes the cake. Spencer says that it worries him the amount of Adderall medication that Aaryn and Amanda were taking. He says maybe if they have a credible doctor but I worry about the long term affects. Spencer says that he feels Kaitlin had the potential to be crazy, like cut your d**k off crazy. Spencer says lets have a I bet they could f**k your brains out conversation about the memory wall. Andy says I am going to go with the obvious answer and say that Jeremy could f**k your brains out. Spencer says he agrees.. he is big and had the cardio .. he is big enough that you would just have to lay there and let it happen. Andy says okay Amanda. Gina says eww not with her flabby a$$. Spencer says McCrae did say she was a nympho, so maybe throughout the day she could wear you out but not in one session. Andy says Jeremy could take you to plow town. Spencer says Candice I would say if you are a 60 year old African American gentleman I think she could. Jessie, yes she could f**k your brains out for sure. Nick has very Amish sex. I bet he doesn’t go down on women because of the riboflavin’s. Spencer asks Helen. No, she would lay there like a scarecrow. David wouldn’t be exciting at all. Kaitlin could f**k the sh*t out of you for sure. Gina says Howard yes, he would rip you in two. Spencer says Aaryn is a c*m guzzling sl*t. Elissa that would be like f**king a s*x doll, she could bend and contort. Gina asks so who is the best. Spencer says the Jeremy / Kaitin combo for sure. The least likely combo would be you and Nick. Gina laughs and says that she would scare Nick. He would leave the room if I even talked about $ex. Andy says Howard and Jessie would be a good combo. Spencer says yeah I would watch that for sure.
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4:30pm – 4:50pm Spencer says it would have been nice to see McCrae in the house without Amanda. Andy says yeah but he might have gone out 4th or 5th since he was a non-presence in the house as he hid behind Amanda. Andy asks what was the best fight? Spencer says when I was taken to Candi-land. They discuss past competitions of the season and how bad some of the other house guests were. They all head outside to sit on the backyard couch.
4:55pm – 5:35pm The Exterminators plan to write their alliance name on the bathroom door and each sign it tomorrow before the Finale. They all agree that McCrae will regret the way he spent his time in the house. Spencer says he would have sucked in the final HOH part 3 if its how well do you know the house guests. Spencer says both Ginamarie and Andy will do well at it because of the relationships you made in the house. I would suck at it though. Ginamarie comments on how fat and flabby Amanda is. Spencer says she wasn’t fat, she just wasn’t fit. Spencer heads inside. Andy explains to Ginamarie how the final will work. He says we will compete, then the winner will decide who to take and the final two will then answer questions from the jury. Andy says their minds are already made up, if anyone asks me a bitchy question I will just tell them to sit down. Gina says Spencer hasn’t asked me about taking him. Andy says he hasn’t asked me either since yesterday. Spencer joins them and the conversation ends. They talk about how the videos of McCrae and Amanda f**king are already on the internet.
5:50pm – 6:20pm Spencer says wouldn’t it have been funny if when Judd was here and we were told we were on a lock down.. that we would have gone inside and told him there was a banner that said don’t trust Judd. Spencer says he would have freaked the f**k out. Andy agrees and says that Judd is the weirdest person he’s ever met. Spencer says that he is a little unsure you are going through with a final two with me. Andy says I just don’t want to tell both of you that I am taking you 100%. Spencer says I know you are worried about me being better against a bitter jury. He says but Ginamarie has the credentials to win in the final two. Ginamarie joins them again and the conversation ends. Ginamarie asks Andy if he will paint her nails. Andy says no thanks. Spencer that’s one thing about not being gay people don’t ask you to paint their nails. Spencer says he might have done it once before to f**k some girl. It’s amazing what you’ll do when you want to have $ex with someone. They all head inside to each request games in the diary room. They request uno. They all say the don’t even want alcohol they would rather have games. Spencer says or 1 gram of cocaine. Andy and Gina both say they don’t want that. Andy says I’m a teacher. Andy says I hope we get to do something tomorrow. Spencer says he hopes it’s the day Elisabeth Shue wakes him up with a blow job. Andy says don’t say things like that because she won’t come.
6:30pm – 7:10pm Ginamarie, Spencer and Andy are hanging out on the living room couch talking about random things and people the know outside the house. Andy puts the eyes in and then Spencer tells Ginamarie to do it and dance. Andy says lets get day drunk tomorrow. Ginamarie says okay! Andy says lets try to wake up before 3pm.. Andy comments that he hopes he gets his own room when he gets out. I am so frustrated. Spencer says yeah or they put you up with your family and you have to beat off in the bathroom. Andy says it sucks that Elissa got Aaryn out. Spencer and Ginamarie agree. Spencer tries to get into the storage room and can’t so he bangs on the door and yells “What are you doing in there!!!!” After a minute he goes back and checks to see what they were doing and finds out that they gave him chocolate milk. Andy says that’s suck bullsh*t! (He hoped it would be games.) Andy jokes and says he is going to go and dump it all out.
Andy says I feel like everyone had hook up potential but me. Ginamarie says maybe you would have had a chance with Nick. Spencer says he didn’t really have the potential either. Andy says yeah but you came in being in a relationship. Spencer says yeah but it was hard for a dude like me to pick up chicks. Spencer says if I was a gay dude in Chicago I would hook up with you. Gina says I would too. Spencer tells Gina that he really hopes everything works out for her and Nick because she’s been so loyal. Gina talks about how she hasn’t had this feeling in 7 years..
7:40pm Spencer starts “pu$$y popping” with the eyes in and then does the running man.
Ginamarie worries she ate a bug.
7:50pm – 8:15pm Spencer says one of the grossest things to think about is Candice pu$$y popping. Now Andy I am a fan of pu$$ies but I don’t want to see hers. Gina says yeah because it’s a crab shack. Gina, Spencer and Andy head out to the backyard to lay in the hammock. When Gina gets in she tips it over and her and Andy fall out as Spencer shakes his head. They talk about how Aaryn hoped Jessie would hook up with David at the wrap party so that she could hook up with Judd. Andy says he doesn’t believe it but Gina and Spencer say they remember Aaryn saying it. Spencer asks what would you do if you had two hot chicks (Jessie & Aaryn) wanting to hook up with you. Gina says f**k them both at the same time. Specner says yeah that’s what I’m talking about. Andy asks who do you think will get America’s favorite if Elissa doesn’t get it. Spencer says maybe Judd. Ginamarie thinks Andy will get it.
8:35pm – 8:50pm Spencer heads inside and Andy and Gina talk alone. Andy tells Gina that its just one more day. And no matter what one of us will walk away with $50,000. Gina agrees and says that Spencer thinks we’ll take him. He always makes comments like how no one can beat you in the end. Gina says the diary room even asked me who I was taking to the final two and I told them you. She says they asked if anything changes to let them know. Andy reassures Gina that he will take her. She says thanks. Andy says that he thinks Spencer will be mad at whoever wins the HOH and kicks him out. But it’s amazing that no matter if I lose the HOH then at least the worst I can walk away with is $50,000. Gina says besides Spencer is walking away with half of that anyways. Andy says I like that I don’t have to worry about you talking alone with Spencer. Gina says oh god yeah. Gina says I shook your hand and you have my word, I haven’t broken my word till now and I’m not going to. Andy says I would rather you walk home with money over Spencer. Gina says yeah I think I deserve it. Andy says yeah that’s what I mean that you deserve it more. Andy says Spencer asked me today and I told him I won’t commit to anything ..even though I committed to you. Gina says yeah me to. Gina and Andy head inside. Andy lays down in the bedroom. Spencer and Gina are making dinner.
8:50pm – 9:25pm Spencer, Ginamarie cooks dinner for Andy and Spencer and chat about random things. Andy comments that he bets the jury people aren’t having a lot of fun. Spencer says lets go down the row and say what the most a$$hole thing each HG did. Amanda everything. Jeremy the wine thing. Candice’s speech on her eviction night. David didn’t do anything. Jessie getting pissed about the BBQ. Nick was a covert a$$hole. Andy says for Ginamarie everything she did was merited. Spencer says you being such a sore loser about the black box comp. Helen .. Andy says how she treated me. McCrae winning the veto and f**king up our plan and sending Judd home. Kaitlin threatening people. Howard didnt really do much a$$hole stuff. Andy says his speeches were a$$holy. Andy ..Spencer says just everyday being you. Aaryn making 3 havenots again. Calling Nick gay. Flipping Candice’s mattress. Judd’s POV speech and making up the lie to get Kaitlin out.
9:43pm Backyard Andy and Spencer chatting about being drunk in Chicago. GM is on the elliptical wearing a helmet so she doesn’t hurt herself.
Andy goes on to tell Spencer all about his friends, past relationship and Chicago gay bars
Andy – “I really like grinder”
He goes on to explain what grinder is. He says he gets a lot of D1ck pics which he doesn’t like.
Movie talk starts up. Andy likes the first 45 minutes of Jeeper creepers but once you find out it is a dinosaur the movie goes down hill. Spencer says everyone did a awesome job in making the movie Shutter Island except for the screenwriter. Andy loves shutter Island. Specner says it was horse sh!t.
They all liked the first candy man movie.
10:50pm Playing cards
GM says uhaus is a wicked name. Specner – “You know what sounds awesome.. Ginamarie Uhaus”
Gm laughs says it doesn’t have the same ring to it as G-M-Z (Ginamaire zimmerman)
Spencer starts singing TNT by the band ACDC. GM tells them she found out about that bad by watching Bevis and butthead. Butthead had a ACDC shirt on.
Andy thinks Spencer is starting to catch on that he’s taking GM to the end if he wins the HOH. GM hasn’t noticed
Andy – “Like i;’ve said you have nothing to worry about”
GM – “Vice versa”
Andy – “I like Spencer but I really care about you more”
GM says people will like GM and Andy better than Spencer.
Andy says Spencer is already leaving with 25 thousand dollars. GM “Plus a trip”
Andy – “Even the prospect of 50 thousand dollars makes me want to cry”
Andy says him and GM have had a bond since day one. GM – “I know he was good with the exterminators but he never really did anything except for volunteer to be on the block”
GM says the exterminators never really needed Spencer as much as JUDD, Andy and her.
11:18pm Playing around with the Big Brother House Cameras. Spencer is in the diary room GM and Andy are both saying they will turn in early tonight.
11:40pm Spencer and Andy Spencer telling Andy how much of a honest game GM played and how the jury will vote for her. Spencer says he’s a huge floater to most of the people in the Jury. Spencer – “You were a boat with a motor navigating the waves.. I was carried with the waves”
Spencer points out how GM has made personal connections with many people in the house.
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Lesser of 3 evils is G.M.
I can’t believe they’re still talking shitty!!! STFU!!! If I was BB production, I wouldn’t give them any privileges at all. Not even a game of Sorry. Don’t you get the impression that BB production is just as sick of them as we are???
Why should BB be tired of them. This was their creation. Gina, Aaryn, and Amanda made BB a ton of money with all this hate.
I hope that at the live finale whoever wins money is served with a lien by Elissa’s husbands attorney, stopping the award and putting the cash in an escrow account pending a defamation lawsuit.
Elissa does not have a case for winning a defamation lawsuit. To win defamation in a court of law you have to of suffered a financial loss and nothing, even though it was crude and disgusting, arises where she could win a defamation lawsuit. Sad but true!!!
Actually, she could file for defamation because what they said about her could have negatively impacted her business. However, to notice the impact of their comments would require some time, therefor she wouldn’t have any grounds to sue immediately.
Wow, that was a pretty dumb statement. You should have tried to be a HG this season.
@House Ghost: “I hope that at the live finale whoever wins money is served with a lien by Elissa’s husbands attorney, stopping the award and putting the cash in an escrow account pending a defamation lawsuit.”
Rest assured those rights were contractually waived by all houseguests well in advance of entering the BB house. I’m also very certain that said contract heavily favors CBS in many areas including acts of defamation. And the houseguests are all Soooo Okay with that because:
Every person has a chance at winning $500.000. Some houseguests come into the BB house looking to enhance budding careers, and/or achieve low-rent national fame (i.e. Rachel Reilly Villegas). And I suspect, at the lowest level of all houseguest aspirations, the person knows for certain they’ll be a BB ‘star’ (alumni) within the BB Universe. Whether the houseguest be hated, disliked, liked, or loved: they know they were on TV and they know they’re now part of the Big Brother Family forever.
CBS cares about ad revenues, feed fees, and ratings. And as absolutely proven this year… little else.
GM: Amanda’s ass was fat. Uh, have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately, you ugly skank? Especially at YOUR ass? If not look at some of the pics that were posted of you lying at poolside. Amanda’s got nothing on you, stupid racist bitch. And Nick always walked out of the room when you talked about sex? The guy wasn’t even there two weeks and you are saying Amanda is a ho for having sex with McCrae? Time to look in the mirror again you desperate pathetic skank. At least Nick was smart enough to stay the hell away from trash.
Ratboy (to the pervert’s request for cocaine in the storage room): I can’t do cocaine because I’m a teacher. But I’ll bone Nick or have sex with a lot of guys to get it all out of my system. Twisted asshole.
Ratboy (if he gets asked a negative question from the jury): I’ll tell those bitches to sit down. Uh, no you won’t. You won’t give up a vote for $500k just because you were called out on being a Judas. He was another red-haired piece of shit. And Rat turd thinks McCrae would have gone out early in the game without Amanda? Who do you think you hid under until you betrayed her? Gotta love these asswipes who floated all season but think they were players. Smh.
Spencer: I hope Elisabeth Shue walks through the door so she can wake me up with a hummer? That will be the day you delusional pervert. I’m sure she’d love to put her mouth where your snot-filled hand has been all summer. Ewwww. And that was a really classy statement. Bet Marilyn was real proud of you for that one. Dickturd.
It’s weird that Spencer won’t look at Candice’s cat with him being perverted and all. I found Candice to be very attractive. I don’t find Spencer or Andy attractive at all. GM is kind of cute, but I think I saw a third nipple Sunday night. Did anyone see it?
thumbs up or thumbs down
You nailed all thier asses butt good!
And of course you and the legions of bloggers on this forum had nothing to do with it. I’ve read more despicable and appalling things here than the entire BB house this summer. Everybody who posted a poisonous rant about Amanda or Aaryn or Elissa is in the same league with Spencer and GM. Look in the mirror and ask yourself if YOUR mother would be proud at what you wrote.
lol “hate.”
Racial segregation is not some pathological social construct; its just a natural fact of life. Ironically, the ones who are intolerant in our society are the raging mysty-eyed liberal hypocrites like you that PROJECT your own socially constructed ignorance onto others. Probably to justify your own “hate”. LOL.
I bet you like the smell of your own farts.
You spelled your name wrong, it should be s-h-a-m-e. Your twisted theories are disturbing…and when someone has a nasty case of “liberal” blaming you know they have issues. Go browse one of the psycho right-wing hate/blame/conspiracy websites, go kiss your framed photo of Glenn Beck, go clean your ears out again as they are clearly still full of soapy water from all the brainwashing you’ve endured.
In all honesty, I don’t think BB production ever thought these degenerates would end up being their final 3. The ratings may be skyrocketing and they’re enjoying their profits from it, but I think they are disgusted too. After all, they gave them chocolate milk instead of Uno. Keep it up BB production-don’t give them anything. Let them keep talking and burying themselves into a deeper hole-if that’s possible.
Can you imagine what their families must be thinking? I mean, I’m a pretty tough metalhead and all that junk, but even I would be embarrassed to have my mother hear me talk like they do on TV. Jesus Christ. If i’m an employer, I am not hiring any of them.
I have not seen one BBad with Spencer not talking sex. I don’t care about their sex lives, but Spencer just obsesses over it. Its creepy.
The person that talks about “SEX” the MOST….is the person
that is having sex, the LEAST!!
Please CUT – OUT Spencer’s tongue, and he will STFU!
Yeah and the wooly red pervert’s father is a judge! OMG wish this season were over already!!! ELISSA FOR AMERICA’S FAVORITE!!!!
Bottom line is after Wednesday we can forget about these losers.
Really there is no one who is jealous of Elissa.
Why are they going there ?
S & D , I pledge $200.00 for your insight.
I will read your gems Wed. night.
Donation went through, no problem.
Looking forward to your BB Canada colour commentary Simon & Dawg.
Simon & Dawg, look at it as hazard pay, due to the fact that you worked 24 / 7, which could prove dangerous to your sanity.
All in the line of duty … Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot Bette, your donation is much appreciated 🙂
Its truly embarrassing how they can’t talk above base vulgarities. Lots of people watch American TV shows to learn English. I can just imagine how “well” they are learning to speak like an American. Way 2 go BB, you are making us all look like idiots as well.
BB must be oh so proud! F3 is the worst representation of us as Americans AND with the way everyone seems to be getting fired for what they have/are saying in the house, BB has increased the unemployment rolls. Yep, they get ratings and more money and we get to support these idiots in their unemployment. OH BOY!
This is a reality show, no one is watching it to learn English. Repeat after me, “This is a game, these people are not role models, nor do they represent the other people from their communities, cities, counties, states, or the US.”
This is just a low budget reality show which makes money off they train wrecks of other human beings. Don’t hate the players, hate the game.
The more they talk, the more endearing they are! NOT – Why does every conversation with these three moronic idiots have to talk about sex all the time? I guess because none of them can hold a real conversation without reverting to perverse talk or demeaning other people. What a sad group of people remain in this house. They are all so vile.
I had a dog who would lick other dogs asses. I got a video of it. I am putting it in instead of BBAD. Much more interesting.
Yesterday when they were talking about wishing they’d get a movie to watch production announced You’re the reason we can’t have nice things. I think production has had enough of watching and listening to these vile creatures.
OMG!! After only 7 days, I would not want to be
around – ANY of the BB houseguests!
In the BB house for 30 days, 60 days, 80 days ….. HELL NO!
WTF! Where did they find these worthless…..a$$e$?!?
Andy the rat fink, Spencer the pervert, GM the foul mouthed fart bag
I hope Andy treats us to some tears when he gets voted out.
some of the posters on here are bigger ass-bags that the guests (except Andy- that shit stain of a human being gets not one pass).
before anyone feels cute about tossing me on that pile, i’ll do it my self, i am quite the ass-bag in my own right.
I bet Andy can’t wait to get back to work on Hilary’s makeup.
This is like a train wreak, a car accident that you cannot stop looking at, or in this case listening. We will all be better human beings once this this season ends.
I meant wreck…..
Wreak works just as well – as in wreak havoc on our senses and sensability. Will someone please just put a muzzle on these fools already?
It would be neat on finale night if the set was made to resemble a jail cell. Several of these people need to be locked up.
I was leaning towards GM too but she has said some things lately that were really gross and hateful, right up there with the other two jerks. It just stinks that any of them could win!
LOL! It was only in the last two days that Gina said something mean and hateful that changed your mind. Really? What changed your mind about giving Gina your support? Was it her attack on Julie and accusing her of being drunk? Was it the attack on Helen and her eyes? Was it the attack on Candice and you can fill in the blank about what Gina probably said? Was it the attack on Amanda and accusing her of being a shank? Ok, I kind of agree with that one. Was it about Jessie, and how she is always talking about how desperate Jessie is?
Yep, other then this Julie attack, Gina has been talking this way the whole season. She hasn’t changed her stick. Why did it take you so long to realize that Gina is who she is and its not pretty.
No, Name, I realized quite some time ago that GM was not a person that I would want to be awarded any money. Once we got down to the three, I needed to decide, out of the three, who would I be the least unhappy about winning. I felt like most of GM’s disgusting comments came out of ignorance more than genuine hate (though still repulsive). However, her comments as of late, like all the ones you’ve stated, are making it even more difficult to pick a least disgusting winner..
How about you? You seem like a Spencer fan, if I had to guess.
No I gave up caring about who won after Elissa left the house. I just want to see the finale for the fireworks. You have 9 jurors and at least 4 of them will be spiteful jurors. I anticipate a lot of jury questions will be like Jen’s from last year calling Ian a rat or Shane calling Dan the devil ( which at time he sure did seem to be some dastardly genius with some of his moves). Then of course there will be Julie asking all the house guests past and present what they thought about the season. That’s going to be the last time to get another dig in and I expect Amanda/ McCrae to take that opportunity to attack Andy and of course Amanda won’t forget about Howard. Amanda is fascinated about Howard for some reason and keeps talking about him or trying to hurt Candice by bringing Howard up.
Then their is the live audience filled with the families of the house guests that have heard Gina, Andy and Spencer just degrade their love ones over the last several days. There will be no warm reception and I expect a lot of boos no matter who wins.
Yep! I really don’t care who wins, just bring on the finale.
If you don’t care, why do you give someone a hard time about making their choice? Why even write if you don’t care? You just like to hear yourself talk. You should be on Big Brother!
I’m not really sure who would be the lesser of evil anymore. Gina might do something stupid and actually invest or save the money so really good people wouldn’t be able to use it properly. I mean how much does bling, makeup and crap actually contribute to our failing economy ?
Given their options, I would imagine that CBS is hoping Andy wins. It is undeniable that he has said horrible things and the level of offensiveness he has reached is profound but the other two have somehow managed to go far past that level.
I stress that I am not saying Andy is a good person, nor does he deserve a win on either a personal level nor a game-playing level. This trio has said things that have amazed me and as most here have said, none of them deserve to win…however a winner must be chosen and I do not think that CBS would want GM or Spencer to hold the title.
Exactly. CBS is going to do what’s, “good for business” if they can help it. Assuming they have the potential to rig the finale (which they do), they want the person who will best represent the Big Brother Winner’s title.
Gina Marie-horrifically offensive comments about race, and will likely suffer a psychotic episode after realizing Nick doesn’t want her…bad publicity. Likely the worst publicity since Adam from Season 9 won. (For those who don’t know, Season 9’s winner, Adam, used part of his prize money to finance drug smuggling operations on the East Coast…he is currently serving time in a federal prison. Adam also lost his job and came under fire during his time in the house for comments he made about the mentally challenged…starting to sound familiar?)
Spencer-misogynist comments and one of the worst players of the season. It sets a bad example that you can win the game by sitting around all season. BB13 shows that Big Brother will go to great lengths to prevent a winner such as this. They aided Rachel not only so that she might win, but so that useless players like Adam and Porsche didn’t.
Andy-They can at least put a positive spin on the fact that he’s the first, “out and proud” gay winner of big brother US. They can at least attempt to bury the bad press with good press, and that fact alone with generate positive press-especially given that he was one of Aaryn’s initial, “victims.” Plus, whether some will admit this or not, being a rat is a long standing strategy in this game, and people have won the game before playing the same game Andy has played. He’s far from an exciting winner, but in the long run, it’s the only way left to salvage this season from CBS’s perspective.
Doubt CBS is worried about salvaging anything at all. Its all about the ratings and those have happened. Plus no matter the F3 spin, its nothing but a crap shot as to which of these miscreants wins.
I am pulling for Spencer to win so that Julie C can sue him for defamation of character over the many disparaging remarks he has made against her. The damages amount should be $50,000 and one penny.
Make that $500K and one penny. If he gets second place then I hope Julie still sues – and then for 50K and one penny.
less than 2 percent of the u.s. population watches big brother the post seem like half the population watches the show
If CBS wanted to do “what’s good for business” they would have stopped these people from making all of the terrible comments they made and actions they took. BB UK does NOT allow this. House guest Jemima was called into the DR and was given a stern warning about her comments stating if she did it again she would be removed from the house. They went over the “rules” again with her and explained why her comments were no acceptable. AND ALL SHE DID WAS TALK ABOUT HOW SHE WOULDN’T DATE A CHINESE MAN OR A REALLY DARK MAN. CBS and BB turned it into the Jerry Springer show…UGH!
welcome to america.
Choosing between these three house guests is kind of like which plague you wish to unleash on your own household.
“Spencer says he hopes it’s the day Elisabeth Shue wakes him up with a blow job. ”
How about with a blow dart.
When I read that all I could think about was Elizabeth Shue yelling “Spencer keep my name out your mouth!”
I’m sure Marilyn was born as Mike.
If Marylin wasn’t born a Mike then, after what gems Spencer has spewed, she may want to become a Mike before BB is over.
I think it would be great if CBS would say , due to harsh economic times, we will be paying your winnings in installments, $10,000. per year for the grand prize winner, $1,000. per for the runner up……..and give Andy his $94.83 in one lump sum.
russ if you watch Americas got talent the disclaimer at the end of the show says the million dollars is paid in installments of 25k per year for 40 years just noticed that the other day
One word- GROSS
Second word-Vile
gotta have it
These people need to go back to bed! They don’t have anything good to say. GROSS!!! End the game!
What are these house guests supposed to do? The only thing they have in common is being thrown into a house and spending the last 90 days together. BB is not giving them anything to do but finish out their sentence before the finale. BB is not giving them any games, no tasks, limited access to the yard, dull food and nothing to read. So they keep reminiscing about past events in the house and what they remember is not good. It wasn’t good the first time they said it and its not good the umpteenth time they said it. Stop the insanity, either cut the number of days between the finale and the last HOH or give these final three players something to do. Because letting these idle minds wander is bad for mankind.
they could clean to ward off boredom. Well it’s not like they have ever done it before so it would be a new activity.
They actually have been cleaning a lot lately: Doing dishes, wiping down all of the counters and tables, even washing their sheets, blankets and towels. It’s the cleanest I’ve seen the house in weeks.
And we are surprised these 3 are all going to be jobless when they return out of the house.
Yes Andy and Spencer will be fired with Racist GM
Didn’t Amanda lose her job too?
Elissa for FHG. Do it for Andy.
No way in HELL would I waste one vote on Elissa Slater.
Andy resigned his job in order to be on BB. Spencer is in a very strong union and is safe. GM’s company are panty waists in firing her, as she never mentioned their name.
Andy did not resign. He is a sessional instructor and was just unavailable for consideration of an appointment for the fall term. However, it is implied that he won’t be considered for future postings in upcoming sessions.
Maybe you should resign from posting a 1000x a day. If you still can’t get a life then let me help you find a special doctor who can put you sleep forever and put you out of your misery.
Andy didn’t resign, he’s mentioned several times that he got extra time off and that he has be back soon after the show is over. He gave a date, Sept. 30th I think. He actually talked about it again yesterday. And he finally showed some concern about his words. He mentioned at least twice that he wonders if he’s been fired for the things he’s said about Elissa. And he has. Search Andy Herren Dupage college to get the details.
Andy took a leave of absence to do BB. He says he is a college professor. He is in fact a part time instructor and a community college. The way he was talking, he made it sound like he was a professor at Harvard. LOL
Spencer is in a strong union but if you read his answers for BB he says what’s he’s most proud of is he got his job on his own merit. So guess he threw a few of the guys at work under the bus. Then he will have to explain the side business he talked about–dealing drugs. And then his statement that he smokes pot while at work. Not to mention him saying he drugged women’s drink with Ruffies. If the union fights hard for him, they’ll definitely take a PR hit for that.
This post if for fans of big brother I want to talk about real gameplay so please don’t reply saying how no one deserves to win and they all suck I don’t want to hear it anymore I’ve seen enough comments about that.
I feel like no matter who wins hoh they will both take spencer so he’s guaranteed f3 against gm I believe spencer will win because I think this jury will be bitter and candice amanda mc and andy would all vote for spence to win.
I hate andy but I think of the 3 he is most deserving of the win he really did control a lot of this game he kept helen from getting amanda out because he found her useful to his game still then he made a big move and got rid off amanda and framed elissa but I also think jury will be bitter and vote spencer to win. Idk who would win out of andy and gm but I’m prettyb sure they won’t be f2 ne way what does everyone who actually still care about the game think?
If Andy and Gina Marie decide to take each other, I believe Gina Marie could possibly win. It all depends on how bitter Elissa, Amanda, McCrae and Spencer are on finale night.
If the final two is Spencer and Gina Marie, your guess is as good as mine. Possibly Spencer, but who knows?
If the final two is between Andy and Spencer, my guess is that Andy will win.
I am not a fan of the final three, but I agree that Andy has played the best game, and deserves to win.
I’m on the anyone but Andy bandwagon. He just creeps me out.
I agree. It should be Andy. Yes he has participated in the nastiness but his game was planned out. He made deliberate moves and set up those moves to benefit his game.
It’s true that I don’t like his personality or his “entertainment” value but he is the ONLY one to have played, smart, from the beginning. He didn’t let his emotions (kinda) get in the way of his goal to win the game. He was an opportunist when it was necessary. Yes he was an instigator and that was unforgivable but with the people who were in the house, maybe this was the only way to accomplish his goal. Anything else and he would have been seen as “stuck up” and a manipulator (easily recognized by this group and then shunned). Instead he blended in (too well but what can you do)
And Andy would be the only one who, even though he has been talking smack, can come out of it and not be a total embarrassment. Whereas the other two are beyond redemption. There nastiness has done nothing for their game. It has only been a torture for viewers of Big Brother. And a sad commentary on casting and maybe america. Something people will want to forget. But Andy’s rat game will be talked about and dissected for season’s to come.
No matter what, if one of them takes Spencer, he gets second place. It’s a little iffy on GM vs. Andy. I would tend to lean more to GM because she made some direct kills. Andy may have been involved with getting some people out, but he was always part of a larger group. GM has the balls thay Andy only dreams about.
ticofernandez….”control” is a very strong, and erroneous, term to describe Andy’s gameplay. His moves were out of fear and really…not as strategic as many want to give him credit for. He is in essence a fairly weak player.
They just don’t stop do they? Dawg, does it make you cringe when you hear the crap this lot speak about?
Yes! I can’t believe the things they say knowing full well they are being recorded 24/7 ..
Are you slacking. I just read this update and the houseguests only mentioned Elissa once. Are you sleeping on the job?
I wish I was sleeping..
Lord knows I feel for you Dawg. Btw – what do you think the count is up to now for use of the word “vile” in the comments?
Probably up there with the amount of times Ginamarie has said Nicks name..
Almost! 🙂
Andy says Howard and Jessie would be a good combo. Spencer says yeah I would watch that for sure.
Spencer would be beating off furiously while watching while Andy gathered the load to use in a smoothie later that evening.
ROFLMFAO !! So gross with those visuals but so dayum funny !
I think its a great idea. Jessie can start her acting career and it will help out Howard. Jessie should make a sex tape with Howard. It would be so hot. It could be called “Behind Close Doors”. Scene 1 cut 3 starts with Howard accidently walking in the BB bedroom while Jessie is disrobed. She is surprised to see Howard and yet excited as well. Howard takes her into his muscled arms, Jessie says I tried not to give into my desires but the flesh was willing. Jessie says just as she thought Howard was finished, he told her to turn back around and had his way with her again. Cut! Print!
The whole scene takes about 45 minutes, which really confuses Jessie, because it took Judd 45 seconds. Yep this is going to sell like hot cakes. I see this will be as big as the Kim K sex tape. Now we need to give it to someone that would leak the tape, so Jessie/ Howard can deny any involvement. I wonder if we can get Andy to release the tape and give us our cut. Howard always said, if in doubt, trust Andy.
They have No filter. Don’t they realize None of these conversations are private? That’s Why I liked Elissa, she wasn’t a robot, she was smart enough to be mindful of this. She bit her tongue usually… Howard and Nick did also I can’t remember If anyone else had a little class this season.
BTW – I think Nick has a gf That’s Why he put pillows between GM and himself. She will be crushed! She really shouldn’t profess her love (every 5 min) when she has No idea how he feels . None of my business but her personality is WAYYY too strong for him. It would be AMANDA and MC all over again. (With better hygiene lol)
Oh gosh. I still can’t believe how vile and disgusting these 3 are. It’s never ending. They just can’t stop. When u look at them u would never think these things would come out of their mouths.
I’m beginning to think they were all raised by a pack of wolves … no social graces in the least! And is GM oblivious to the fact that unless she wins round three, she is gone???? She talks all big and bad, but she will be out in the cold moneywise.
Wolves have much better manners and respect for humanity…
That sums it up pretty good INREALITY.
Wolves have much better manners and a healthy respect for humanity, which these ‘creatures’ obviously do not…
they haved turned on their own “pack’ so to speak.
No not by a pack of wolves, just from Brooklyn and another from Arkansas, which is essentially just like Brooklyn. Not sure about Andy, CBS says he is from Chicago, but CBS also said he was a professor. Andy’s employer took issue with that word professor. Apparently, Andy is not a professor and no longer employed by that institution.
Tell me again why its a good thing to go on BB? You have your whole life under scrutiny and you are being paid little of nothing for it, in the hopes of winning a half of million dollars. Lets see who has this worked out for: Aaryn unemployed, Gina unemployed, Andy unemployed, David unemployed ( lifeguard, summer is over), Helen a political consultant…she talks a lot but she’s pretty smart. I think Helen loss me when she said she cries to emotionally control her kids., Elissa, wow what a body…wonder if she has some class openings…not for me…the girlfriend, Candice, is smart, funny and naïve at the same time…she thinks with her heart to much and doesn’t examine the facts…but I think some of her antics hurt her as well but you might excuse it as being under so much stress, Howard and Jessie will be ok…they have a money making business in the proposed sex tape that Spencer will produce for them, Nick, not sure he makes it out the finale….talking about being under pressure…can you imagine if he embarrass Gina and have to go back to New York? All Gina supporters will be after him for dissing Gina. However, if he embraces Gina, all of those that are not Gina fans will be after him. Nick’s best bet might be to leave the country or go play BB Canada. BB Canada seems to be willing to take contestants from other reality shows. I am almost sure one of the babes was from the Glass House and then played BB Canada. If it worked for her it might work for NIck. Nick this time hook up with some hot Canadian babe. Preferably one from Windsor, Ontario. Trust me Nick…the ratio is like 4 hot babes for every ugly guy in Windsor.
Do these people even KNOW there are live feeds and BBAD.. I can’t believe some of the stuff they say!!!! OMG!
How does Spencer keep feeling that the fight with candi was the best fight.
He said jack all and didn’t fend for himself much ..just tried to keep peace.
All he wants to do is keep putting that out there like ‘remember me’ I did something….
Useless vile creature. If he wins or gets to finals. Eff bb!!!!!
Knock Knock!
-Who’s there?
Knock, Knock
Who’s there?
Vile who?
Vile you were away…
Spencer’s best fight was with Amanda pre-Candyland. He held his own and shook Amanda quite a bit.
When one of these dispictable trio receives $500,000, IRS & home state taxes will get a significant junk, a respectable amount will remain; however, any creditors will be “hot” on the trial. Long-term gainful employment may not be in any of their futures…a few exploitive short-term opportunities could be in the offing, but living only a fraction of an average life span….not enough money to live very comfortably. The only “friends” or family who will socialize/work with them are sure to be of a similar tiny minded status. (sadly, even educated folk may be tiny minded) While they would deny it, all in all they are “doomed” to live a sad existence……the most awesome parting gift for all the house guests, the entire BB15 show, 24-7 from entering the house to the very end, jury house, audience responses, tweets, every morsel. Pass the popcorn!
I really hope the other houseguests they have trash talked & said untrue things about will sue them for defamation & slander(or whatever the correct terms is). This would hopefully leave them w/ absolutely nothing! lol I am sure this won’t/can’t happen though. Oh well.
These three won’t be hired by any company that has: women, black, homosexuals (yes even Andy). So it will be hard for them to find jobs. I hope they realize how they hurt others by their words and turn their lives around.
California tax laws will tax their prizes 1/3 of the gross automatically and before the check is actually cut. Their state of residence will get their fair share of taxes, and the federal government will tap their new taxable income. Non-monetary prizes will be taxed as well and they will receive a 1099 form as a reminder. That being said, they will get 50% of the actual “prize”; and it is obvious to everyone that these three misfits are not financially savvy at this point in their lives. My prediction is that they will blow through that money in no time, how deserving would that be?
And in 6 months:
Gina will be washing car windshields in New York City at stop lights for spare change,
Andy will be hanging out at the public library giving BJs for $10
Spencer will be drawing unemployment and food stamps while order Marilyn to get him another beer and something to eat.
Take you meds, you are a bitter, little person. No one should be hoping great problems befall another. It shows you are worse than these HGs your are judging.
Stop the insanity!
Hahah Spencer, you would know about blow up dolls, wouldn’t you.
I never hear people talk about their worst enemy this much and hate on them as much as these people do! Can we get over the previous houseguests? You don’t have to have contact with them afterwards, so move on! This is so much hate….I can’t stand to listen anymore.
Please don’t say that GM is the lesser of “3” evils….she is utterly disgusting…who the f*ck is she to criticize other women on their looks ? She looks like a haggard old Cheri Oteri with a gutter mouth to match…..Spencer will be on a list for neighborhood watch for sexual predators and Howdy Doody will be a reality show whore….can you say Amazing Race…or perhaps a dating show for gay men
Spencer is a disgusting pervert.
Really he seriously makes me want to gag. I can’t believe he can claim he has a gf & then is constantly talking about other girls & their bodies all the time-all the while knowing that his gf may be watching live feeds. wow! Seems like he talks about Jessie A LOT. I would be pissed if I were Marilyn, but THANK GOD I am not!
And that is just the nice stuff about Spencer.
CBS/PRODUCTION and BIG BROTHER Don’t CARE what WE/General PUBLIC think!!! It’s ALL about the RATINGS and the bottom dollar!! To prove that it was just announced YESTERDAY: That BIG BROTHER was picked up for a 16th SEASON!!! THEY tried to let the public pick the WINNER (Season 1) and it didn’t work because NOBODY!! knows if they REALLY count the VOTES or NOT!! By showing the LIVE vote! they have no choice but hand over the $500,000.00 to WHOM the HG’s choose!
DRAMA and SEX SELLS which causes HIGH RATINGS! and makes MONEY for CBS and JULIE and her husband! HOPEFULLY next year they will have BOUNDARIES!! which the HG’s can’t CROSS! But I DOUBT IT!!!
I think there will be some changes. I think less people will buy live feeds, and read from site like OBB. It would be Better to wait some time before purchase. I bet a lot of people wish hey had not purchased live feed. This season feeds should have been 50 cents a month.
in a bucket
Just when you believe these 3 have topped it all and couldn’t possibly say anything worse than before…..here they come again and hit yet another low….I think we all have fantasies that they will be taken to task but I fear we won’t see it. The fallout will hit after the show and we will be left wondering. What a shame.
Ian just announced on Twitter that Aaryn, Demanda, and Helen will be coming back for All-Stars…. not Elissa!
Get ready for Aaryn to win next season, haters!
Sorry, he announced it on Dick Donato’s show, not on Twitter. Still though, LMAO at Brenchel fans!
Why is Ian announcing this & not CBS. How does he know?
He had lunch with people in production and asked them and those are the names they mentioned.
Listen up people – Evel Dick has made it very clear what he thinks about this entire cast. If you don’t know take a look at his twitter account.
I don’t get Dick’s show. it is by subscription I think. Did Ian mention if it was a Good vs Evil next season? I am hoping for Amanda and Evil Dick vs.???
Oh my eye, my eyes. Why did you put those two names together the same sentence. I immediately saw them together in the HoH bed. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
Oh no, not Helen again. She seems like a nice person, but really she was annoying. I would like to see Amanda again though.
Nothing to get ready for cuz I won’t be watching…Elissa has too much class to come back to this show that is going to the “gutter”
It is not a matter of class with Elissa. That is the most asinine statement made on this forum since the season began. Elissa’s name was not mentioned because they asked Helen if she wanted to play with Elissa again. “NO!! Hell NO, I don’t want to carry that dead weight for another season.” she said Fact is Elissa has no ability to play this game as demonstrated by her performance this season past. She doesn’t play well with others and she is as dumb as a pie of donkey dung. This is why her name was not mentioned. Why any of the players from this season would be invited to play in an All Star year is beyond me especially Helen and Aaryn. These two have strengths but they played Amanda’s game for her. Aaryn was the competition half and Helen was the social half of Amanda’s game. Individually all three were mediocre at best but the three together made one tough BB HG.
Nick and McCrea would be the only HG I’d want to see again from the season. Aaryn won comps but then did what she was told to do by others. . So no to her.. Helen ,, ahhh …No. Too trusting vs too bossy. The rest not even worth a mention… And please no MVP… Bring back where players are offered cash to do pranks on other HG instead..
Just a question………What did McCrea do this season that so impressed you that you would want to see him back in the BB house?
Bring back Ratman and Pervert boy. They are the best dynamic duo in bb history.
Perhaps, CBS is “leaking” info to generate response and gage audience response,or believe controversy will help raise tanking viewership. Then again the CBS staffers may simply want to present themselves as insiders, whispering production secrets (ego boosting). And then, Ian could be promoting himself for a return to the BBH. (more likeable, than not, a proven commodity with a seemingly, more healthy ego; than not) Who knows, he could be working with CBS production…. Regardless, producers and CBS have much “on the line”. Will the audience return and remain, if the “Toxics” reappear? The current severely diminished audience in large-part have rejected the “Toxics” (although, final will likely provide a “spike” in viewership), which leads to the sector most important to CBS….ADVERTISERS (corporate sector). Diminished audience, diminished exposure to advertising, diminished profits and the worst case scenario, a long-term audience rejection of products promoted. Don’t wait for quarterly balance sheets to “wake-up” the financial gurus, let corporate sponsors know products are rejected because their advertising dollars are supporting/funding an unacceptable BB season. The audience does have the means to influence the BB future.
Ian has zero idea who will be future All Stars. Heck, the producers have NOT decided 9 months in advance. Ian can merely make an educated guess like the rest of us.
Not sure if I missed it but don’t remember seeing a luxury competition this season????? if they haven’t get it I hope they didn’t get one (fingers crossed) they didn’t deserve it. I will watch the finale, won’t celebrate the winner but will celebrate the look in their faces when Elissa gets the 25K !!!
The balloons in the house were pure luxury, that Spencer won. But you are right. I don’t remember hardly any fun stuff happening. Nothing happenend on Labor Day? I also noticed they did not have any catered food brought in that they did not have to cook themselves. no pizza party and stuff like that. Except for the final 3 brunch. Let me know if I’m wrong and prizes weren’t thin this year.
Not only has dilusional rat boconvincehimself that it was rat boy himself that got Aaryn out of the house, now he has the other 2 jackasses believing it too. Those 3 loosers bragged to McCrae about all of their “big moves” and included Aaryn’s eviction. I guess if you keep repeating the same lie over and over it DOES become the truth? I hope that someone on the jury calls ratboy out on all of his bs. Over inflated ego and overly inflated gameplay.
WOW, What a lucky gal Marilyn is(**sarcasm**)
I think Spencer mentioned at some point that Marilyn’s mom was enamoured with him. He was hoping that being on BB would make a difference. WOW … he sure has done all he can to win her over! Can you just imagine how she feels about him now??? GAG
Oops … left out the most important word. Marilyn’s mom was NOT enamoured. Sorry I was typing way ahead of thinking.
Amanda had a boyfriend when she entered the house and his mother had signed up for the feeds. I bet she was upset but I bet now she thinks it was the best money she ever spent.
I’ve been around many years and didn’t always have the best judgement but never ever been associated with someone who would talk such evilness against another person on and on and on. I would think of people like this as toxic and stay away…These people need serious help. I don’t think I could face the “outside” world acting so deplorable…I liked Howard, Candice, Jessie and Elissa. I would have been chewing off my arm being stuck in the house with this bunch…
Unfortunately, the least despicable house guests this season were also the worst players. In past seasons, the game players may have (generally) been annoying, but were obviously playing a? game. The jokers this years are dark moral disasters. GinaMarie is too much of a dullard (seriously, she has to have an IQ of “80”) to be truly evil and her game has somewhat improved, so I am rooting for her. Spencer and Andy can rot in a living hell.
Andy needs to be buried with his cat shirt.
GinaMarie will need the 500K for psychiatric treatment after rejection from Nick……..Spencer will need the 500K for legal fees .
The real show should be following the cast around AFTER the show. So we can see their disappointment when they realize how much they suck AND when they find out they lost their jobs due to their disgusting comments.
I would pay money to see that!!!!!
I bet they could all get jobs delivering pizza with McCrae.
It would be scary if Spencer delivered pizza: he’d keep a little book of tips. If you didn’t tip enough the next time you’d order and he was delivering, he’d add another layer of cheese just before taking it to your door.
Who would accept a pizza from Spencer? We all have seen where he keeps his hands.
Andy would.
If that’s true about all stars…the only reason Elissa wouldn’t come back is because she chose not to…she’s way to classy to put herself through that bs again…IMO.
elissa, while a somewhat nice and classy lady, is unworthy of being called an All-Star.
Beloved doesn’t equal good player.
Proceed with the thumb downs.
Elissa would be a good player if he’s bozos would have listened o her about Andy. They had so much hate n jealousy they could not see or hear. Elissa started the ball rolling to get some big players out that’s why Andy is there.
I was always told that people who always pointing the finger at others, don’t realize they have 3 pointing back at themselves. That’s why there is so much bad mouthing other houseguest. I believe they already know they or hated. This is why they have so much hate for the others. Mostly hate for Elissa he called them out for the dirty birdies they are. Candice for showing up heir racist thoughts. Jessie for trying to stand up against.them and exposing them.
As Ayn Rand writes, I used to think that sharing the wealth from the rich was only right, until I realized millions of people thought I was rich too.
I think she is glad to be out of this train wreck
Class is spending lots of money on plastic surgery.
Class is marrying a man with four children , 13 yrs your senior , and not having a real career before 1) you married a rich husband and 2) followed into the footsteps of the most obnoxious, most hated on sister into reality TV.
Class is NONSTOP bragging about material things ( ice hockey rings) that you could never afford on your own.
Class is giving up on a game show even though you’ve had the easiest road to victory.
Class is you have a personality THAT NO ONE CAN STAND.
Even if she tries to make a little coin off BB, Elissa will never be respected just like Rachel and will always fit into a class of talentless reality TV stars that will always be mocked. There’s no class in that.
Oh agreed. There’s a lot about elissa as a person I don’t like. She’s just somewhat classy compared to some of the other houseguests she shared space with this season. I hope we never see her again in the Big Brother universe.
Put a muzzle on you mouth and shut the hell up. Ellisa still have more class then all of them.
Brandon’s a loser that will always be Rachel’s toy. Elissa is just as screwed up as Rachel although she tries to hind behind her husbands’ money. BB staff must be doing a search on another crazy sister of Rachel/Elissa bc these two are so dysfunctional and make for great ratings.
Who’s Brandon?? Now Brendon is working on his PHD at UCLA doing research work finding a cure for Alzheimer disease. If that’s your definition of a loser then it explains why you’re Andy’s #2.
Case closed. Does he need any rats for lab experiments?
Just bc Brandon’s getting a PHD doesn’t mean he’s immune from the train wreck that is Elissa/Rachel combo. Many BBers have held PHD’s but none of them have bragged about it as much as the Neanderthal. I can vividly remember B yelling at Kalia in S13 and boasting about studying ‘Rocket Science.’ He was eliminated from that season twice.
Just bc he’s getting a PHD doesn’t mean he’s not the pathetic turd everyone in both seasons had him pegged for. He is essentially Rachel’s codependent and codependency is a very nasty disease. Ppl who stay in highly codependent relationships usually have severe personality disorders ie R/B.Most psychologist would agree Brendon and Rachel are the epitome of a dysfunctional relationship. Toxic personalities attract one another. Brandon social skills were just as deplorable as Rachel and Eliisa’s. Brendon is no genius and no where near on the level if a true Mensa Genius like Ian. Ian never bragged about it though.
Btw: the name is just a joke.
I thought the name meant you were a bottom.
No true bottom feeders are Brenchel Army losers such as yourself who see B and R as reality TV heroes. Ppl such as yourself only hope you could move your pathetic little lives up to the really pathetic high profile lives of Brendon and Rachel.
Anyone remember how distressed and miserable Brendon/ Rachel were in S13? They were always bragging about how they’re relationship was better than Jeff/Jordan. But if you watched the live feeds the truth was in the footage- they had a miserable relationship where they were always fighting and Rachel was acting like a needy kid and Brendon was acting like overprotective parent. That season was testament to how severe, codependency was a central theme to B/R relationship. On the other hand you had Jeff and Jordan- who were polite and cordial throughout their relationship in S13.
I hope. Actually I pray Brenchel don’t have children. Life is difficult enough and having parents like those two wont make it any easier. I would easily pick J/J to be a much more healthy one.
Elissa has all the elements of a severe personality disorder- plastic surgery, chronic unhappiness, obsession with yoga/body and severe interpersonal problems which was very transparent in the house.
I would never touch a E/R sisters with a 1000 foot pole. These girls are very pathological and have severe deficits in their personality- which realty TV producers love. It’s pure exploitation if you ask me.
In relationship it is better to have a little fight it makes it stronger Rachel and Brendon relationship is normal. What is not normal is Jeff and Jordan two sweet people always happy make me wonder if it for their image to the public. Why have Jeff not marry her as yet such a sweet girl when the questions is brought up Jeff always try to say soon. Give me a break as Beyoncé will say he needs to a ring on it. Nobody can be that nice the two of them are fake as hell. In relations people fight and make up.
Name- I don’t think your problem is that you don’t understand logic but rather you just don’t know how to use any. You really do fall into the gutter class of Brenchel followers. Yuk.
Yeah Rachel was a loser and Brendon was her lap dog. They probably have enough disorders to fill a textbook. But they always compete hard and keep showing up despite what anyone thinks. Theirs respectability in that isn’t there?
Jeff and Jordan had an okay relationship but it seemed kind of fake at times. Dominique and Danielle seemed happy. I dont think McManda will last much longer. But yeah Brendon and Rachel relationship is something I give 2 more yrs top. Brendon having that affair on the phone was wacky. Just typical Brendon and Rachel for ya.
I wonder how looney Elissa’s husband is?
You have so much hate for people you don’t know word of advice to relief some of you hate take a poop then stick your head in it and then flush it you asshole.
Name- you have your had so far stuck up your azz that the you can’t see the writing on the wall- Brenchel Army supporters such as you are the scummy lowgrade degenarate society. Maybe Elissa, Rachel and shit stains like you should join my cult instead of the Brenchel Army so I can make sure to have you weak minds commit suicide and put all your money in my pocket.
Btw Name: Everything about you reals of a fat, unhappy, depressed, parasitic lowlife who stuffs her face into a big ole tub of Haagen Daaz ice cream everyday bc her life sucks. And if you’re a male then…Its beyond sad.
I. Hate. Them. So. Fucdsdddng. Much…..&. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. For. Life.
If you hate them so much then end your life you moron.
Ginamarie asks Andy if he will paint her nails. Andy says no thanks. Spencer that’s one thing about not being gay people don’t ask you to paint their nails. SPENCER SAYS HE MIGHT HAVE DONE IT ONCE BEFORE TO F**K SOME GIRL. IT’S AMAZING WHAT YOU’LL DO WHEN YOU WANT TO HAVE $EX with someone.
Huh, he refers to his pet goat as ‘ girl ‘……
I feel sorry for the goat!!
Is there any way that none of these 3 ungrateful s will win the $500,00. I hate to see any of them win. CBS please donate this money. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! It would be a shame that any of these 3 a..holes win. Remember next year you will lose viewership.
Let’s try to look at this in a positive way: if Andy wins, America won’t stop talking about what a nasty guy he was and that he didn’t deserve it for all the backstabbing he did. If Spencer wins, America will laugh at the absurdity of it, and if GM wins, America will be breathing down her neck about all the filth that came out of her mouth. So, in any case – the prize will come to them with a bitter aftertaste and whole lot of people to answer back to, and hopefully they will feel embarrassed by how everyone hates them. Does that make it a little less tragic? Personally, I think I will be the least suicidal if Spencer wins. It would be a good joke. I pretty much hate GM for all the filth that spills from her mouth so I don’t want her to win anything, and I think Andy can choke on whatever money he wins, so it’s all good.
“if Andy wins, America won’t stop talking about what a nasty guy he was.”
He doesn’t need to win for us to say what an asshole he is.
Spencer: When I was a teenager, I went through various stages of drug use. It all started with cigarettes, then cannabis, amphetamine, then ecstasy, cocaine and finally heroin. With hindsight, it was a stupid thing to do. It ruined me. But, f*ck me, what a night.
SHE (ELLISA) wants more money to return!!! $10,000.00 a week isn’t enough EVEN though the other HG’s ONLY! got $1,000.00 a week NOT sure if AMANDA got more or not she never said!
I totally agree
You would
I keep trying to put myself in their shoes and try to imagine having these conversations. I keep wondering why someone doesn’t just say no. No Spencer,that is sick? No Andy,that is wrong? No GM that is Highly innapropriate. I am waiting for Godot.
None of these three have kids and they all appear to be stunted in their emotional development. Total self involvement. Total immaturity. Total lack of concience or far reaching effects of their words/actions. It makes a person sad.
Seriously though….I have a very high tolerence of shit-talk and this is way beyond normal. These are people who chose a southward road of negativity and haven’t strayed once.
It’s like watching a group of 14 year old boys. Poop, sex, gonnna beat you up.
I believe there has to be some arrogance on their part to talk so vile as they do…..I bet they think ” we” find them witty and hilarious, that they will be considered Big Brother royalty and surely will be ” All Stars” at some point……I hope reality bites them real hard on their pathetic a$$es ! They make me sick !
Spencer thinks he is funny. the DR told him he wasn’t funny. I guess he doesn’t believe them. Cuz what do they know, eh?
I’m sure they are stars in their own minds Pig’s R Us.
CBS needs to use some of the money to help GM with her eating disorder. She just threw up again.
I think Andy should take Spencer. Because at one point all of thm used Spencer so why not take him. They did not think much of Spencer he was it a pawn.
However I think Gina should take Andy. I think the will be bitter.
Candice – Gina
Helen- Andy
Amanda- Gina
Elsssa- Gina
Spencer – Gina or maybe Andy
Not sure if you watched the live show. but Julie asked Judd who he thought should win during his latest exit interview and said Gina-Marie
I doubt Candace would vote for Gm due to the racism and I think Helen would vote for GM for taking out the strongest players, but still, GM would win
I’m sure production manipulates the jury just as much as they do the house guests.
I really don’t see Spencer or Andy winning the big money since they both stated that Julie Chen was drunk off her ass and slurring her words not too long ago.
I know I may be stating the obvious here but, Andy eerily looks just like the cartoon rat in the Disney movie, ” Ratatouille”
Pigs, you know what? Andy talked about that movie saying it was his favorite one from Pixar.
Geez Andy!! Your brain is full with cats!!!! Go cry at the jury!!!!!!
SIMON…….I would like to take some time away from the BB houseguests for a few moments and ask that all BB fans take a few minutes to say a prayer for Britney Hayes 2 month old daughter who on September 1st was diagnosed with cancer. We can only imagine how devastating this news is to a mom and dad who was enjoying the joy of being first time parents. It was reported on TMZ today that Tilly who was born July 13th 2013 joined the 720 sets of parents who find out daily this crushing news.
So please take the time away from all the rehashing of this season, the backstabbing, the speculating of who will win BB15 and turn our attention to someone who was just starting out in life. My thoughts and prayers go to Britney and her husband Ryan Godwin and more so to Tilly. May she find strength from the love and support of her BB fans to get her thru the next several months as treatment for whichever cancer Tilly may have begins. My prayers are with you Britney…be strong.
Yes, that’s devastating news. God bless Tilly and her family. May she be cured in Jesus’ name. Amen.
I come on here on a regular basis and post the odd time but I am surprised there isn’t a retweet pic or comment from Simon or Dawg about this. I just found out about this now. I am devastated. I sadly know what they are going through. My son was diagnosed with cancer when he was 9 months old. He is 7 and cancer free now, but my heart goes our to her and her husband. Prayers for Tilly. I wish she could win America’s favourite…..They would really need the money for sure. xoxo
Tammy I too just found out about it when I went on TMZ.com and it was the first story. When she came on BB15 the first few days of this season she was glowing and looking so forward to Tilly being born. I pray as well that things go smoothly and she has a long productive and happy life. Prayer is a remarkable thing. I feel the same way about it being posted here as a story or something to let people know what is going on in Big Brother world from season 1 to now. I often wonder what the other houseguests are doing and if they have made it “big” like most of them said they were going to. I often wonder about Lawon…LOL…..funniest character so far….who would think they were getting a special power?
But again prayers to Britney, Ryan and most of all sweet baby Tilly.
GM just puked again? Bet Nick can’t wait to kiss that pretty mouth ! (**sarcasm**))
Worst bb season ever!!! I really don’t care who win’s……………..
You know , I don’t care about their huge ratings this year. They have lost me as a BB fan and I have watched every season. If every fan felt this way, I wonder if they would change the trash that they put on BB and try to win people back. I don’t trust them now to make it right next season because they allowed all this trash to continue this season. Totally disgusted with a vile disgusting person winning this season. Makes me want to vomit to think one of these three that has spewed hate all season will win BB15. Elisssa to win most favorite. I am not a member of any army either fyi. I liked her for being the most decent and respectable. Ready to celebrate my last season of watching BB. 🙁 It has been so painful this year. Totally quit watching after Amanda and Elissa got evicted.
The worst houseguest I hope that elissa sues spencer, Andy, and Ginamaria for character assassin on how they talk about her. Shame on them nasty house guest
I still wish GM could be adopted so she can have a chance to go to school and learn about good social skills. Her parents failed her. Candice was adopted … She is SLP, her adoptive parents did a good job
What is SLP?
In early days I felt that Elissa would mentor Gino after the show. Unfortunately GINO has blown any chance of that.
Well, Well, Well what to do, wish we were voting on the win, if I were voting I would give the money to Simon or Dawg! stopped watching the show after McCrea left, just couldn’t watch anymore, I have never in all the years I have watch Big Brother seen 3 people that are so hated by all and by there own doing, Not once have I heard any of them say anything nice about any of the other House Guests, very sad to me, took off After Dark also, which I loved watching but not this season, so I will now tell you who should win the game and mind you this is my opinion, Andy will win the game, he was the best player of the 3, not person, because none of them are good people, but as far as play goes Andy was the best backstabber, liar, deceiver, kiss ass of all! he aligned himself with the right people then switch to another one right on time. Kills me to say this Andy for the win!! GM should be dropped off in East LA or China Town and left to find her way back to Jersey, This is one girl that has not only no brains but NO CLASS!! Spencer forget it don’t have enough time for this loser!
I am NOT going to miss these 3 , they are the most disgusting, vulgar group of losers. Also not going to miss all the Elissa lovers, just do not get it. She really does not walk on water! Horrible season!!
Wasn’t Andy wearing that fugly shirt yesterday?
I don’t know why but every time I have expressed my dislike for Candice on this forum, I get attacked – like I HAVE to like her because Aaryn was a racist or something. That being said, I get pleasure when these 3 trash Candice because she was trash and all her conversations were really skanky. She didn’t even take off her ghetto fabulous earrings for a lot of the competitions – shows where her priorities were. Poor boo – she’s going to have to pay back her Katrina loan now that everyone knows about it.
It’s amazing these three are in a supposed alliance and they are still talking shit on each other. Ratboy and racist are still hedging their bets and telling each other that they will take the other no matter what. How many times have you said that this game Rat turd and then gone back on it? Your credibility is zero asshole and the skank knows it. Likewise the bimbo sewer mouth knows that Ratboy arguably would win against her. Spencer is going to final two. You two deluded assholes should just say it already and maybe just maybe spend one final day in the house where there is no lying, scheming, or trash talking. Geeez. What a bunch of loser assholes.
Speaking for all of Canada, yes, I am taking it upon myself, we would not like ANY of the houseguests to show up on or near BBCanada. Please we do not need the infestation of such bad karma. Aside from coming over to increase our countries economy for a coiple of hours of shopping STAY OUT!
After GM put the shredded cheese in the pan, it looked like there was something crawling around in the cheese. I can’t imagine that someone standing right over a pan would not see something crawling around in the cheese… maybe it was just a smudge on the two way mirror, and as the camera moved it gave that impression. IDK, that house is nasty.
lmao!!! GM worried she swallowed a big?!? SERIOUSLY! Can these people get any dumber? That’s one way to exterminate – you eat those bugs Girlie!!!
*** correction; GM worried she swallowed a bug!!! Lmao! They r such jokes!
I liked Candice a lot at first but when she started taking things from others without asking and wearing them, I just thought she acted very entitled. I did like Howard though, and thought he was a nice guy.
Careful – some people may call you a racist trying to save face by adding that you like Howard. Some people are reeeeallllyy ignorant when it comes to just plain old-fashioned dislike without making it about colour. Candice was disgusting.
How sad for you that you can’t see the difference between your attacks on Candice (“skanky”, “ghetto”, “trash”) and Name’s expression of dislike where the statements were actually based on game and the worst word used was “Entitled”. The other poster made an intelligent comment and got thumbs up, you made an asinine attack and got thumbs down. Still can’t see the difference? Well, so sorry, but some of us can.
That’s just dumb! I took the name ‘name’ without asking…do you not like me now?
I am watching BBAD, there they are naming the “assholes” on the memory board. You gotta be kidding…?…. and I just watched Andy eat GM’s quesadillas. Now if someone would just sew Andy’s mouth shut, we all would be happy.
I think Andy and Spencer kept GM so she would cook and clean for them. If it weren’t for her I don’t know what those two would eat and the house would be filthier. I don’t like any of the three but at least GM has that redeeming quality. GM for the win, Spencer for second, and Andy for third place.
Elissa for America’s Favorite Houseguest.
Did anyone see the news today that Britney Haynes 2 month old baby has cancer? My heart breaks for her and her husband.
What’s wrong with the pool and hot tub? Why don’t they use them? Are they too dirty?
I mean that the pool and hot tub are dirty from past use, not that the HGs are dirty. I find it strange that they are not being used.
Have to laugh at how GinaMarie has to make a caustic remark about every other female in the house……jealous much?…..she is now a jobless, skanky old looking “broad” who has a delusional relationship with a guy she barely knew…..can’t wait to watch her paint herself with gobs of make-up and tight fitting dress all in a pathetic attempt to look good for Nick, who I would not be surprised to find out is gay…..CBS would make a lot of us disappointed fans if they confronted these douchebags hot and heavy….NOW that would be good TV
Vote for Elissa to win the $25,000.00 for America’s favorite. She’s a sweetie and the only one of the rotten bunch who truly deserves it.
Gag, puke in a bucket, cough, cough, gag. vote elissa vote for garbage. JESSIE is deserving of AF.
Does anyone have any idea when they’ll tell GM and Aaryn that they lost their jobs? Hopefully in the live show. Has anyone on BB history lost their job because of things they said or did?
Name — it is not up to Julie to tell them they have lost their jobs. Gino and Aaryn’s parents may tell them after the live show but legally it is the responsibility of the employer to inform them.
Actually, I’d say that once it hit the media, it became fair game for Julie or any other host to bring up on the show, as part of a discussion on the reactions to the house guests. So long as they keep it to a discussion of what was actually printed in the media, it seems like a very fair basis for a question. Maybe that’s even why Dr. Will will be there – to ask them questions on stuff like that.
That or they could just invite the employers to come tell the HG’s live during the finale. 🙂
This show would really take the cake for a show sucking if Duckface plastic Elissa got the 25k. You will probably hear about Duckface nonstop once she gets some Yoga endorsements and appearances.. Duckface, like Rachel, will have no problem making a total azz out of herself on interviews just to get publicity. Ellisa should use that money to get sex change bc she’s already half way there. Plus the sex changes in Canada are legal so she’s already got home court advantage.
Don’t disrespect but you sure is a big asshole.
NAME look in the mirror you pompous piece of shit.
Okay does anyone else see ‘pugsly adams'(with an awful beard), ‘grandma adams’ and an emaciated/emasculated ‘lurch’????
Hey hawg and zimon, who are you rooting for?
sLP : speech language pathologist
Actually Candice inflated her job title – she just went on calls to assess children through home visits and stated she hated it. To be a Pediatric Speech Therapist she stated she would have to get her masters degree. On top of everything else, she is also a liar.
I really don’t like ellisa nothing against her but she is weird as f**k, and she had basically no gameplay along with the rest of the house but I hope she gets the 25$ just to rub it in rat boy, GM, and uncle Spencer face!!!!!!!
Make them chew with their mouths closed!!! Or turn their mics off!! My 3 year old has better eating manors.
Kind of unreal when you know you are living in a fishbowl for the last three months and you chose to show your ass the whole time and think you are the world’s greatest human being. This fits this final 3 to to a tee.
Spencer is playing a Dr. Will game. Billy was called a great player for surviving and winning despite the fact that all his comrades were voted out very early.
If Spencer wins, he’ll be the SAME type of player as Dr. Will was during his winning season.
Funny how the masses are calling Spencer a worthless floater. Do you folks remember that Billy did NOT win a single competition? The Houseguests kept him for many weeks because he was so impotent.
On finale night, wouldn’t it be funny if they had a new key marked “For Charity” because no one left deserves the money. Just a thought!
Where may I watch BB Canada and Australia? Sorry, new to all this. I’m in the U.S. and don’t know where to watch, (You Tube, perhaps)? Those shows have to be better than BB U.S., especially this season. Thanks for the information, appreciate it.
Where may I watch BB from Canada or Australia? You Tube perhaps? Sorry new to all of this. Those have to be better than what I watched on BB15. My gosh I couldn’t believe what I was watching if I was being punked or what? Totally gross and despicable language and behavior from those HG. Worst of any reality show I have watched. Thanks for the information appreciate it!
I can’t believe CBS is going to pay one of these people big bucks, None of them deserve a penny. The money should go to charity.
Odd to hear them wondering who the top 3 assholes from BB15…..top assholes = bb15 final 3
I knew spencer was gay! Own it spencer, stop it with the “ifs” and “buts”
I read on one of the other message boards that Spencer and Marilynn broke up before he entered the BB house and were going to see how it worked out once he left the house. It stated he was just bragging about being with her to have some sense of “importance”.
If you have any doubts about Nick and Gina Marie’s relationship, I watched the feeds in June, specifically June 5, 8:11pm, camera 3, and it appears to me that Nick is pretty enamored with the Racist Princess Gina Marie. Going through the feeds they spent a lot of alone time together and the word marriage was thrown in their conversations many times. I really think the reason you didn’t see Nick have a showmance right away is, he is from what I have seen off the show, just a different type of guy and has a lot of respect and didn’t want to jump in the sack, like the rest of the HG. Now, why he would want to be with Gina Marie is beyond me, but I feel he saw a lonely, sad, pathetic woman he believes he can save. Nick was on one of the series “Dates From Hell”. So, he and Gina Marie have both starred in television episodes. Having something in common. Also, both from NY. I don’t know guess we will have to see as he has nothing bad at all to say about her to anyone that has asked him. It will be interesting to see if they actually do get together after the show. If she wins he will never want for anything, she will buy him the world. Not that I think that is what he wants from her, he is genuinely just a good guy.
For some pretty gross footage on Amanda and just one of many worst moments on the show, showing it all, go to July 7, 11:17pm, camera 3. UGH! Pretty pathetic.
It’s funny you mentioned that and I’m glad you did reread past post…when Rachel Reilly interviewed Nick, all he kept saying was that he was going to be a positive role model to Gina Marie and that he cared for her a lot…but on a radio interview, he stated that he wanted nothing to do with with GM and her racist statements were beyond unbelievable…but now he is not answering any questions regarding her, until I found out through here that he was doing a contest that would involve him & GM…so who knows what he is thinking nowadays…next year will be a new group…and Survivor is coming on the same night.
On finale night Julie Chen tells the final three “Final Three, when you entered the BB House, you were told to always “expect the unexpected”, therefore; the final winner of the 500.000.00 is . . . . . . . . . crickets . . . . . . . . . . The St. Judes Hospital For Children! Sorry, final 3 you proved beyond a reasonable doubt that NONE of you actually played the BB game, therefore; we cannot hand any of you the winning prize money. It will instead be donated to charity. WOW! The looks on the final three’s faces is “timeless”. Andy begins to cry uncontrollably, Gina Marie begins to spew out filth from her mouth and Spencer’s eyes bulge out of his head. And the fans go to bed and have a nice night knowing they “hopefully”, will NEVER have to see or think about any of these BB 15 HG EVER, again!
Random question: Did it ever rain this season?
don’t think so
Just a thought.. Wouldn’t it be nice if the jury members were allowed to watch after dark without the hags I mean hg’s knowing? Couldn’t ya just see the jury members sitting there with daggers coming out of their eyes as the hags I mean hg’s walk out. They’d all be smiling, waving, acting like they are so happy to see all of them again not knowing what they know? Just a thought. Julie would have a better show if she did interviews with the three. I’d love to see their reactions to the news what America thought of them and the loss of jobs etc. We know Andy would sit there and cry.
Ginamarie’s greatest hits:
Sept. 16, 12:09AM (Cam 1/2): GM talks about Helen’s slanted eyes and impersonates her
Sept. 6, 10:16PM (Cam 3/4): GM wants to rape Elissa with a dildo.
Sept. 4, 6:15PM: GM’s anti-Semitic rant about Amanda big fat Jewish nose
Sept. 3, 3:09AM: GM says Elissa’s son looks like a fucking Spanish Puerto Rican little dirt fucking…
Sept. 1, 2:53AM (Cam 1/2): GM says that nobody is going to recognize Helen because all Chinese people look alike
Aug. 12, 9:28AM (Cam 1): GM calls Candice a crack baby and her mom a crack whore and “she’s white and black so you know she was definitely whoring”
Aug. 10, 12:35AM (Cam 3/4): GM’s revisionist tale of the bed flipping incident.
Aug. 7, 1:53AM (QUAD): GM finds out Helen/Elissa are sleeping in her and Nick’s bed and goes insane. She even trips in the dark.
Aug. 4, 8:42PM (Cam 3/4): GM about Candice: “She is such a degenerate that her own mom didn’t even want her.”
Aug. 2, 11:11AM (Cam 3/4): GM whispers “white power” during a discussion about the fish
Aug. 1, 2:03AM (Cam 1/2): Aaryn sees Candice on the spyscreen in the HOH and says, “Hey Aunt Jemima, make me some pancakes.” GM is with her.
Julie did it again- she boosted CBS’s ratings. Even though its pretty evident how we all feel and all the racist- fouled mouth, can’t watch after dark because of audio being turned off for the f bombs ( yes run on sentence there ;)) we are still watching and posting. All we have to do is show Julie and CBS our disappointment and shame is stop watching. Maybe if the rating was to drop, they’d cast better people next season. They have learned what gets people talking and watching. If we don’t speak up, next season will probably have the same quality of people if not worse. The networks aren’t dumb. We allowed them to take what used to be a good show and trash it. Did you not notice there were more mixed races in the house than before? I will not be watching the final show because I don’t want to give them my rating vote. Yes the cable/satellite boxes keep track of what we watch ( on directtv the active channel will show you which top five shows are popular for that hour). Bring back the BB we loved to watch. The one where we would fight over our favorite players and who we wanted to win. Anyway it’s just my opinion. Thank goodness for duck dynasty on Wednesdays 🙂