POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | ? |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | ? |
HOH Winner: | Aaryn | Next HOH: | |
MVP: | ? | ||
Original Nominations: | ? | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | Last Evicted Houseguest | David |
Have Nots | Helen, Elissa, Candice, and Andy |
12:25pm When the live feeds return the house guests are inside the house. America voted for the havenot house guest to eat LIVER & LIMA BEANS. Candice is explaining recipes they can make with it. McCrae is super excited and says that he can’t wati to try the liver. He says that he has never tried liver before. The havenots thank America for the lima beans. Nick says that he is stocked about the lima beans but not the liver. Nick, Jessie, Andy, McCrae and Jeremy start chucking the lima beans at the liver.
12:35pm In the bedroom – Jeremy, Andy and Gina are talking about a girls period. Gina says that she fights a lot and gets angry when she is on her period. Nick and Gina decide to go back to sleep. Meanwhile out in the backyard – Jessie, Spencer, Amanda and Judd are talking about religion.
12:40pm – 1pm Up in the HOH room – Aaryn and McCrae are talking. Aaryn says that Helen offered her a deal that if I go with her she will go to the end with me. Kaitlin joins them. Aaryn says if I wasn’t HOH I know I would have gone up this week. McCrae agrees. Kaitlin says that she knows she is going up for sure. McCrae tells them that they need to be very careful about what they tall Elissa because she will use it against you. Kaitlin says that she can’t use the veto if she wins it because then Jeremy would go up and go home. McCrae tells them that they need to make a deal with Helen so that you have her under your thumb to do what you want. They don’t don’t think Helen will do what they want. McCrae says that this is tough, the MVP bullsh*t makes it so difficult. Aaryn says we just need to figure out who needs to go home and how to make it work. McCrae says if you put up Candice right away that gives her so much time to boil over. He says that Helen takes things in such good spirits. Kailin is freaking out that she will go up. She is in pain and says that Big Brother is calling the doctor and will call her back in when they have more information. They talk about how they don’t want to put Candice up because people will vote her out over Elissa. McCrae tells them that they need to bring everyone up here individually and make deals with them. Jeremy comes up. Aaryn tells him that they need to starts talking to people and making deals. Aaryn tells Jeremy that they need to put up Candice and tell her she is the pawn. We will get her out next week. If we put up Helen and Elissa they will work together to get out the MVP nomination. Jeremy tells them to do what they need to do, that’s why I gave you the key.
1pm Up in the HOH room – Jessie is in the bathtub talking to Aaryn and Kaitlin. Jessie says that Elissa asked her if she knew who was going up with her on the block. She is already talk about and assuming she is going up. Jessie says that Elissa tells her that Elissa says that Aaryn isn’t someone she would even hangout with in the real world. Jessie says that Elissa thinks Aaryn only won the HOH because of her ADHD medication. Aaryn says that she would have been flying in the competition if she wasn’t taking the medication.
1:15pm In the lounge room – Judd and Jeremy are talking. Jeremy is trying to find out if Judd will vote out Elissa. Jeremy tells him not to lie to him. He tells Judd to not go back behind his back telling them things. Jeremy says that he is going to be winning HOH next week and will be coming after those with Elissa. It should be a land slide to vote Elissa out. I want to believe will vote her out. Jeremy brings up how Elissa is talking about wanting to vote out all the guys and make it an all girls season. Jeremy tells Judd to vote her a$$ out! She has made personal attacks against me and my mom. Judd says that he is worried that someone else will vote the other way and blame it on me. Jeremy says that he has ears everywhere and will know. He says that he knew David was going home before it happened but didn’t tell the girls because they would have flown off the handle.
1:20pm – 1:40pm Jeremy heads up to the HOH room. He tells them that he still thinks they need to put up Helen and Elissa because she is a fighter. They don’t think that Candice is a fighter. Aaryn says fine lets do that. Howard comes up and they asks him who to put up with Elissa. Howard says that Helen is fine with him. Howard says that he will vote out Elissa. It’s a house vote, it’s a common sense vote. Aaryn says that if Elissa doesn’t go home we are coming after everyone. Howard says he’s down with it. Candice comes up next and they ask her who she wants up. Jeremy asks what would be best for your game. Candice says starts going through all the house guests and why she can’t say each of their names. Candice stops at Nick and says that she would say him because he is a straddler. Jeremy tells her that she voted for Elissa before and we need you to do it again. Candice says she will vote her out. Jeremy tells her he found out who didn’t this time and he will find out again. Jeremy tells her that she isn’t a target in their eyes. Candice says that she wants a chance to win MVP, along with everyone else. Candice heads down stairs with Jeremy. Jeremy calls Andy up to the HOH to talk.
1:45pm – 1:55pm Andy comes up to the HOH room. Jeremy tells him we are putting up Elissa, who should we put up and why? Andy says that he is on board. There is a double edged sword if Elissa get MPV she is going to put up one of you guys. Andy says I think you should put up Candice. He says that Candice would ruffle the least amount of feathers. They talk about how Helen would be a good option too. Andy says that he is in with voting out Elissa. Andy says that Elissa is full of bullsh*t. He says that Elissa said she was sick and asked if she could use the HOH bathroom. Andy says that he told her no, Aaryn is using it to talk to people. Jeremy tells him that if any votes don’t go the way they should he will know and be coming after those people. Jessie comes up and tells them that the TV says Nominations Today. Jeremy tells her that they know, they saw it. Jessie leaves. Aaryn comments on how Elissa is just here to get endorsements. Andy says as much as he likes Helen he would be okay with her going up. Andy asks who else they are thinking about. Jeremy says Candice, Amanda and Helen. Andy says that Helen is logical and will understand if you tell her what’s going on. Andy ask if this not leave this room but Nick is not picking a side and maybe putting him up will get him to pick a side. At least get him up here and get information out of him. Andy says that he doesn’t give a sh*t about Elissa. Andy says just thinking about Helen going up makes me want to cry because she is a good person, but just know if I cry during the nominations I am still on board with the plan. They end the conversation with Jeremy saying 100% vote her out!
2pm – 2:20pm Jeremy calls Amanda to come up to the HOH next. She asks if McCrae can come with her. Jeremy says certainly. Up in the HOH room – Amanda starts talking about how she knows Candice is talking about her. Jeremy asks who should go up with Elissa and why. Jeremy says that Candice isn’t so smart to put up right now, she can be a target next week. Amanda asks are we all together? Jeremy says yes, I would be willing to make a final four deal with you two. Amanda says maybe you should make a deal with Elissa because you don’t know how the votes are going to go. If Helen wins the veto, who would you put up. Jeremy says then we put up Candice. Jeremy says that Elissa is riding on Rachels coat tails. Aaryn says that Rachel is ugly any ways. Aaryn suggests that everyone ignores the MVP vote and that way it doesn’t even matter. Jeremy asks are you going to vote out Elissa. McCrae says I will put my word on it right now. Amanda says I still think you should make a deal with her. Amanda says she is 100% down. Aaryn says that Howard, Spencer, Andy and Candice said they will vote her out. I know they might lie but.. Aaryn says I think Nick is playing the whole house. Amanda wonders if Nick is related to Brendon. Aaryn says I don’t think so, he is just a sketchy fu*k! Jeremy says I don’t think he voted for David even though he swears up and down he did. He is not the issue right now any ways. McCrae and Amanda say that they are down with it. McCrae shakes their hands and says my word is bond.
2:25pm – 2:43pmJeremy calls up Judd next to talk. Judd says that he doesn’t think Candice would have any votes against her. Judd says if it was me I would put up someone who everyone likes. He says like Helen. Judd says that he is pissed right now and isn’t going to talk game with anyone but them. He says that someone is going around saying that I am trying to get information and relay it back to Elissa. Judd says he is going to find out who it is and wants them to back him up and get them out next week. Jeremy tells him to vote Elissa out and we will back you up. Aaryn asks who told him that. Jeremy tells her that he told him. Judd asks so who should I watch out for. Jeremy says everyone on their side. Judd says that Andy pops up like pop goes the weasel. Judd says you scratch my back I’ll scratch your back. Aaryn says just so you know my back is on my cock. (It’s a line from the movie “Superbad”) Judd shakes their hands and head down stairs. Judd leaves. Kaitlin starts freaking out because she thinks she is going home. Kaitlin says that she doesn’t want to talk about. Kaitlin leaves. Aaryn tells Jeremy that Kaitlin is my girl but she needs to relax and calm down. She is yelling and people are hearing it. She is super nervous and loud. Kaitlin says that she doesn’t want to talk about it. I am more mad about not feeling good and wondering what is going on in my body. Kaitlin says that she doesn’t feel protected right now. Kaitlin says that isn’t even going to win the veto because then you (Jeremy) are going home. Jeremy tells her to win it, I am fine. You are not going and I am not going home. Jeremy asks her if she is Jessie in Kaitlin’s body. You are acting like a two year old. Aaryn says that she needs Kaitlin to relax because she is already freaking out about the nominations and I need my team to trust me. Kaitlin is pissed the Big Brother hasn’t gotten back to her about the doctor. Big Brother cuts the feeds and when they come back Kaitlin storms out of the HOH room because Jeremy told her something about her acting like a child.
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If Nick, Jeremy or Elissa wins MVP, they should put up GinaMarie, Kaitlin or even Candace. That way, Aaryn’s face would be priceless and I would love to see her look that her closest ally is nominated. That’s suck for her.
Why would Nick or Jeremy put up Gina or KKKaitlin?
because they’re not actually with them
Gina and KKKaitlin are with Nick and Jeremy and will do anything they say. Nick and Jeremy aren’t going to throw them out unless it’s completely necessary. That would be the dumbest thing they could do at this point.
Actually that is not a bad move, if you do not tell anyone you are the MVP. It increases the target on Elissa because everyone thinks she’ll be MVP and if she denies it “…Elissa is such a liar.”. It would give the MC an unmeasurable advantage.
That would be pointless. They already hate her and want her gone, and Nick/Jeremy would be risking the loss of an ally.
It’s an immeasurable advantage because the advantage is so small that it can’t be measured.
Is Jeremy the next Dr Will? Or does he lack the intellect and will play himself out of the house? He seems to have some Dr Will-ish traits but may lack the charm and intelligence. we’ll see….
You’re talking about Nick, right? Not Jeremy. Please tell me you’re not really talking about Jeremy.
Liver and Lima Beans?? This is what America gives their MVP??… No Love
LMAOOOOOO!!!! This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read on this site! Jeremy is nowhere close to Dr. Will when it comes to game, looks and especially when it comes to brains! Jeremy is a disgusting, joke of a person and his game is WHACK!!!! He’ll be out of there this week if he’s not careful! His MC buddies might be the ones to vote him out! Jeremy = GREASE BALL!!!!! Ughhh
Sorry Name this was meant for Will Kirby above your comment! I don’t know why it went to yours!
i know lets start a bragade, and go get side alliences, genius, this is so a imitation season 12 except for the ratings grenade booom!!!!!!
No better than Elissa attempting to play Rachel’s social game which didn’t work at all for Rachel in her seasons, it was her winning comps that kept her safest.
Copycats rarely work in the BB house.
Jesus even I wouldn’t be so cold as to put the same people as last week as the have-nots again
What a boring buch of insecure childish morons. I am glad I didn’t buy the feeds this year. I rather watch a dog turd slowly dry under the sun….
yea your were smarter than me, i bought live feeds and this shit is torture, i just wanna pimp slap all these dumb asses,this could be the worst cast ever,whoever casted these noobs should be fired immediately.
It is been discussed on the internet that this IS the worst cast ever. They should refund you!
What are your top 3 favorite players?
What 3 players are playing the best game?
There’s so much hate for the biebers it’s hard to figure out who everyone actually likes
Nick, Amanda, and Howard, I feel both will surprise the audience.
The rest of the HHs is either mean, useless, or just too sensitive.
Nick is the only one I really like so far. I have nothing against Helen, McCrae, Judd, Elissa and Howard because they seem to be decent people, compared to the rest of the house. I don’t care that much about Andy and Candace.
Favorites? Nick, Elissa and maybe Mccrae (I’m not really sure about him)
Best game? Nick, Howard and Helen is pretty smart.
The rest of them are gonna start dropping like flies soon!
At this point I think Aaryn and her bunch aren’t thinking long term which is stupid!
They can’t look past Elissa and see that their is bigger fish to fry in the house.
Nick, Howard and then I guess McCrae are playing the best game. Although Nick seems to be skating on thin ice sometimes, it’s just lucky that the girls in the house are so catty they care more about tearing down the other girls than trying to be strategic and win.
It’s hard to have any favorites, but I guess Nick and Howard. Howard seems like he’s playing well, but he just might suck at everything and is just playing off that he’s purposefully sucking.
The Cherokee & Aryan Nation are awful. Not even fun to hate, ugly people and without anyone there to stand up to them, it’s just no fun to watch.
Elissa is kinda dumb. She’s okay at comps, it seems, but she doesn’t have the maliciousness of Rachel to push her to win. She’s not good with people, just like Rachel. She cannot get her point across or manipulate people.
1A – Nick
1B – Howard
3- tie Amanda/Spencer (need to see more diary from both to make a call)
You don’t like Aaryn yet you are nicknaming someone “The Cherokee”? I don’t get it.
I think the person was making fun of the fact that Jeremy prides himself so much on being 1/16 Cherokee. 1/16, what a joke. As a person who is 1/4 Apache, I hate when people with negligible amounts of Native in them try to act like they are full blood. I bet Jeremy knows nothing of Cherokee culture, or much about Native history in general, considering he hangs out with Aryan Nation.
Well said.
I know eh. Big effing deal. My best friend is 1/16 black, yet he is blond hair, blue eyed and cannot tan ( burns actually).
He doesn’t run around acting all black cause its simply rediculous.
Yet its somehow ok for jeremy to make indian war noises and act in a stereotypical/ hollywood version of a native American??? NO.
ummm… what is “going around acting all black”… I guess I don’t understand. Do black people really act differently from other people. I’m watching ghe show and the feeds and the two that are on the show don’t seem to be acting any different that anyone else, besides being more quiet. Is that what you mean, being quiet? Cause blacks stereotypically (tv, movies) aren’t portrayed as quiet and I don’t know your 1/16 black friend but is he or she quiet? I’m just not ready to say that blacks or any of the rest of the U.S. citizens who are considered “minorities” genereally act any different that the rest of the population.
Favorites are Nick, McCrae & Amanda.
Playing the best game are Howard, Nick & McCrae. People are feeling sorry for McCrae after his HOH which rarely happens. He had the perfect HOH week getting out the MC’s target but getting no blood on his hands. I like Amanda but she is the only reason he may be targeted. No one is really suspecting Howard of anything and he is in tight with a lot of the houseguests. He is being underestimated. Nick is playing really smart but he may need to take a step back for a week until people stop suspecting him of everything. He’s playing with idiots so by giving 100% there is a target on his back. I mean really… He’s Elissa’s actor cousin put in the house to give her votes… Really? :/
I don’t think I have 3 favs for this season lol. Playing the best game so far are Howard, Nick and Amanda. Howard because he’s likable and flying so low under the radar he isn’t a target for anyone. Nick orchestrated the plan to get David out and with Amanda’s help did just that. Amanda is smart at the game. Maybe playing a little too fast but she’s good. She aligned herself with the right people. Out of those three I could pull for Howard or Amanda. Not a Nick fan at all.
Top 3 favorite:
Amanda, Nick, and Howard
Top 3 best game:
Once again, Amanda, Nick, and Howard.
For me, I can’t really tell who’s playing the game the best this early on….so I have to choose based on who I like….and at this point? It ain’t many! This is who I like so far…..
1. Howard – He hasn’t won shit yet, but I think he could…even if he doesn’t? He’s playing SOO cool, he’s not ever mentioned as a serious threat or shady….people like him….while the other HG’s can’t wait to dive in and play play play the game…he’s sitting back relaxing…..playing the cards he’s dealt….and he seems like a good guy…..that always wins points with me….
2. McCrae – Off to awesome start, he’s now faded off…kinda hiding behind Amandas skirt…..which is just what he needs to do…..downplay his role in the house…..Being in a showmance can be risky, but in this case it could work for McCrae…..if the house wants to split that showmance, surely it’ll be Amanda, she’s on the radar for sure….McCrae is a solid threat in comps and socially in the house……he’s likeable, easy going and a guy who could be in the final four no problem….
3. Judd – Judd seems as down to earth as they come…not a big Jessie fan but I thought that was cool as hell of him to console her like he did….that had to be annoying listening to her whine like that but he sat there and listened, had some kind words…seems like a class act…..not so sure he can play dirty like he needs to do though….not a pick to win it, but I dig Judd….plus Jeremy doesn’t like him so that alone makes me like him!
Jeremy needs to stop saying Elissa made personal attacks against him and his mom, he’s the one who made personal attacks saying “that her husband should divorce her.” Jeremy is the new Frank, he’s a total hypocritical concieted moron.
3 favorites are Amanda, mcc and Elissa. Best game I’d say Nick because he sees the bigger picture, Howard because he lays low and hasn’t pissed anyone off and maybe Amanda, actually Candace has potential because she’s put all the pieces together about the MC, if she acts on the info she would definitely move into my top 3. I wish hope they get Jeremy out this week…someone has to realize that with Jeremy gone Aaryn and Kaitlin are only 2 and won’t have the power to make decisions.
I like Helen, Howard, Elissa and Nick. I am convinced he read Dan’s book before he came in here.
My favorites are McCrae, Amanda, and Howard. McCrae has been my favorite since day one.. Best game play so far, Howard, McCrae, and I guess I would have to go with Nick.
Since I no longer have the option of After Dark, this is the first year I have ordered the live feeds. I honestly think a lot of people are playing too much too fast.. The first week has been insane!
I am confused at how Aaryn thinks that saying we’ll go after everyone else if they don’t vote out Elissa is a threat….if Elissa is voted out there is no one else to go after except for the people that voted her out anyway.
OK so let me get this straight Aaryn says that Spencer feels guilty for voting David out, then later on they are talking and Spencer says that he always had David’s back and then after that he said he told David that several times and he meant it.
How stupid is Aaryn that should tell her something but apparently it doesn’t register in that pea brain of hers.
She already said she doesn’t trust Nick, so she should put him and Spencer up, let Elissa put up Jeremy after she gets MVP and then begins the downfall of the MC. That’s what she should do but instead she’s too worried about getting Elissa out, playing with your emotions instead of your brain will f*ck you over everytime and her time is coming.
Why do they keep threatening that if Elissa doesn’t go home they will be coming after them? If Elissa goes home who do they plan to go after, Julie? Regardless if Elissa goes home none of them are safe, I hope these people aren’t complete idiots and if they have the chance they vote to evict kaitlin or gina. (I’m assuming Elissa wins MVP and she nominates one of them)
“Candice says that she wants a chance to win MVP, along with everyone else.”
This is precisely why the house needs to be nudged to the idea that Elissa isn’t the only one with the sibling advantage in the house.
Jeremy is going to get himself kicked out of the moving company
Me thinks Kaitlin (especially) and Aryan are jealous of Candice… See I believe the Ellisa hatred is based on popularity from her sisters fans and they believe she is undeserving of it. The Candice hatred is about her being a pretty pageant girl and an ex NFL cheerleader which gives her a level of status that they will never achieve… AND… You know how catty women can be regardless, but mix in a little racial bigotry and watch the sparks fly. Now their not overbearing with it, its just enough to clue off anyone who love watching women squabble as much as I do. I also bet they can tell that the guys leer at Candice a little and it bugs them. lol with Jeremy continuously campaigning to keep Candice off the block, its really messing with Kaitlin head since she believed she was the best looking in the house. lol
Hooking up with the pizza boy. No 1 saw that coming.
When I first seen the update that she kissed McCrea I smiled and laughed.
I for sure he would be the last one in the house to have a showmance. Good for you McCrea.
Should be number one but because of McCrea he had to slip down.
Seems like he knows the game. Strong player. Remember he wanted to keep Elissa. I think he will be fun to watch.
I would say not good for McCrae. He’s hooking up with a girl that has a boyfriend outside the house and is probably using him. I think he should have used some better judgement because this type of decision is something that shows a lack of character. But in this house where character is lacking almost all around, it might not come back to bite him.
I don’t know. He’s a pizza guy and this older hot woman is coming on to him non stop, in his bed, flirting, kissing him. What’s he supposed to do? Toss her on her ass out of bed? I think he still understands that they are playing the game, and I think they are both playing each other, but having some fun. They should now just leave it in the HOH room and stop being an item. If they are really there for the game, that’s where their heads should be. This could ruin both of their games.
When are noms?
I really hope everyone is lying to jermey up in the HOH! If they all go against aaryn and her clan which is like 3 people, how qill jermey come after them without the votes! If Elissa wins mvp next week they can easily get aaryn up and evict her if she doesnt win pov! If these people evicct elissa they are really not that smart!
*will* not qill
That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking!!!! There are 3 people telling 11 people how to vote or “they’re next”…wtf! Can’t one of those 11 or Elissa figure out that they have the numbers not the HoH crew?! The MVP is definitely not going to aaryn Kaitlin or Jeremy so the other 12 HG’s can not only decide who to put up but also who to vote out. The HoH no longer has all the power! These people are clueless…
You know what I don’t get is why Elissa doesn’t say something to that dumb ass Aryan, she isn’t shit, just go up to her and slam her with words she won’t have any idea a what she is saying she is just hateful! and the reason Elissa isn’t able to play Rachels game is because SHE ISN’t RACHEL! she just needs to play her game, first order of business get that jackass out Jeremy OUT!! I know alot of Native American’s and he isn’t one just a MORON! don’t get it why nobody said anything to him when he came into the kitchen and said what he did, at least a go F yourself asshole, poor Helen cried, he is a piece of Shit!! please give someone the mvp that will put him up and everyone vote his ass out!!
Voting out Elissa has to be the dumbest move in BB history. Her getting MVP is tantamount to having a back-door eviction every week regardless of who wins HOH. All the MC alliance has to do is make sure Elissa is willing to work with them and let’s face reality—Elissa needs the MC more than they need her.
There will be plenty of opportunities to evict Elissa after the MC gets rid of all the other threats. These house guests are clueless and then some.
Well Jeremy might be the dumbest player ever. So the MVP is still out there…and he’s going around threatening everybody? He must assume what people tell him is the truth because if he makes the MC nervous and he’s on the block by Elissa’s hand, then add on his bully routine, he might be done. Kaitlin seems to see it, but her moron allies are oblivious.
Bets…if Kaitlin does get kicked out Aaryn and Jeremy will start hookin up?
Yup, and if Aaryn Nation goes he will get with Gina, Bigots gotta stick together..
jimmy spot on thumbs
And they’d be perfect for each other! Just read the recent blog and it doesn’t seem to far off to say they may not wait for Kaitlin to be gone!!
It’s not Big Brother, it’s Big Bully!
I know this is the biggest pipe dream, but I hope they take away Aaryn’s HOH from the cheating , have a re-do and Ellissa wins it. Imagine the fireworks that would start in the house. Jeremy and Aayrn would have an instant meltdown.
1) Howard aka ” The Sleeping Giant”—laying very low; I’m not believing that he really sucks at these comps; he’s staying off the radar and will kick in overdrive soon
2) Amanda aka ” Sleeping With the Crae-Crae”- VERY smart of her to hook up with the pizza delivery guy, this shields her somewhat from the moving company who early on ( ala Spencer) talked abt getting her out of the house, this will def buy her more time
3) Nick aka ” Poor Man’s Dan”– I had him as the best at one point but he overplayed his hand and now may be the new target of the klan
favorite honorable mention : Elissa- only because NO ONE should be treated so horribly as she has been. In some respects I’m rooting for her just to see the rage spew in the greasy guy and mean girl’s face should she stay……HOPE SHE WINS THE VETO AND JEREMY THE JERK GOES HOME !
While I realize that Elissa is not Rachel and needs to play her own game, she is only a target because of Rachel. I don’t see how Elissa ever had a chance to play any game let alone her own. I am hoping that Elissa channels her inner Rachel before she leaves and puts these “children” in their place. Regardless of when she leaves, she will have a job to return to and she will also have the last laugh. I was never a fan of Rachel and was quite pissed that BB13 was so obviously rigged for her to win but as time has gone on she has grown on me and from what I see Elissa is a sweet lady who has difficulty communicating with these neanderthals. Even if she was final 2, I don’t see her getting the votes to win. This jury has the potential to be the most bitter jury in BB history.
My favorite 3: Howard, Elissa, Judd
Top 3 who are playing the game: Howard, Judd, Nick
Howard: I don’t think he sucks at comps. He threw the first one to not come off as strong. I’m not sure what happened at the Have/Have-not comp, but at the veto, he made sure didn’t look like he was either throwing the comp or trying to hard. Howard is laying low, remaining calm, and keeping his mouth shut. He has not started any problems with anyone. He’ll fly right to the end while everyone else try to murder each other.
Judd: First impression, I thought he was going to be the overly emotional crackpot( which is now jeremy, heh), turns out he’s juts like howard. He’s laying low, and he has an excellent social game. No one dislikes him( at least that’s what i Think) and he hasn’t made himself look like a threat.
Nick: This guy might be playing to hard, but he knows how to play. He’s a bit of an undercover mastermind, who pays attention to the situation. He’s not making the game personal, and he is able to keep his head in the game.
I just can’t stand Jeremy. He’s the biggest douche! The way he steamrolls everyone really makes me angry. If these houseguests had even a tiny bit of sense they’d get him the hell out of there. He’s also gonna win a lot of comps. They’d be dumb to keep him. Even the MC should want him out, bc none of them will b able to beat him in comps.
***Sidenote: THIS CAST SSSSSUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKSSSSSS!! And they’re all dirty. I was watching BBAD earlier & the kitchen is FILTHY. They didn’t cast anyone over 30 somethin this season so they don’t have anyone to clean or pick up the house. No house mom this season. They were going for catty drama & showmances:( Which is stupid!