POV Holder: | Devin | Next POV | July 12th |
POV Used | YES | POV Ceremony | July 7th |
HOH Winner 1: | HOH Winner 2: | Devin | |
Battle of the Block Winner | Hayden & Nicole | Next HOH/ Next BOB | July 10/July 11 |
Original Nominations: | Devin’s Noms (Pow Pow & Brittany) |
Final Nominations: | POW POW & ZACH | ||
Have Nots | Victoria Brittany, Zach and Derrick | ||
POV Players | Host Donny, Players Devin, Brittany, POWPOW, Derrick, Zach, Amber |
1:30am In the fire room – Nicole says that she’s only ever kissed 4 people. Zach asks you’ve only kissed 4 people?! Want to make it 5?! Caleb tells Zach and Nicole that he wishes Amber would just say you and me date in the hammock. Frankie comes in starts doing his Claire Bell impersonation. He jumps on top of Zach and starts wrestling with him. Christine, POw Pow, Amber, and Jocasta join them and they get Frankie to do a meditation session with them. Caleb can’t stop laughing and leaves the room.
In the bee hive room – Hayden and Amber are talking. Amber says that she is going to dress up like Hayden tomorrow. She says that she’ll be the girl version of Hayden. She starts practicing his Teddy Spanks impression. Amber says okay I’m waking up on the right side of the bed as Hayden. So I can’t sleep with a shirt on? Hayden says nope.
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2am In the fire room – Nicole and Christine are whispering in bed. They talk about how they think Donny could be a biology professor because of all the things he knows. Nicole says Donny plays this so good. Like when I wanted to talk to him he pointed to the sky to make people think that’s what we were talking about. Nicole says that she thinks Cody is the best looking guy in big brother history. She says but Hayden is the most intriguing to her. She says that Hayden tried to kiss her the other night. Christine asks what did you do? Nicole says I turned my head. They laugh. She says he kissed me on the cheek. Christine asks I wonder if Cody is going to try and kiss someone. Nicole says he misses some girl from home. Nicole says he is the flirtiest guy in here. Christine says I wouldn’t trust him as a boyfriend. Nicole says but Hayden is different. He’s the sweetest person. Nicole says she is worried that Hayden will get sick of hanging out with her because he said he gets bored easily. Nicole says so I have to make sure we hang out sparingly. Nicole says I definitely not too nice in the diary room. I crack a joke or two or three. Christine says my goodbye message to Pow Pow was mean. Nicole says thank god we’re not the targets. I really don’t think you, me or Donny are targets. Nicole says that she hopes Brittany wins HOH because she’s been havenot for 2 weeks and so that she could see her children.

In the kitchen – Caleb says if I win HOH I am going to put Devin and his 3 personalities as havenots. Hayden and Jocasta talk in the hive room. He tells her about how he was forced to be a part of the bomb squad super alliance. I had to say yes. Its not like it was real any ways because it was just Devin forcing everyone to be together to get people out of the house. It was Devin saying you have to be in it or you’ll be voted out. Jocasta says that people came to her before Devin told her about the alliance. Hayden says I was brought into it 2 days ago and forced into it. Hayden says I do feel like I play a trustworthy game and try to be as honest as possible. Jocasta says I feel bad that the just threw you in there with the wolves. Hayden then talks to Brittany and tells her what he told Jocasta. Brittany says if I leave before Victoria and Pow Pow I would literally die! The past couple days I’ve gotten closer to Nicole and Christine and I love them.
2:45 – 2:55am In the living room – Derrick and Jocasta are talking on the living room couch. Derrick tells her that he respects her game. They talk about the drama with Devin. Derrick asks how do you go from hating and wanting someone out to using the veto on them and having a crush on them. Cody, Caleb< Amber and Brittany join them. Cody heads to bed. Everyone leaves but Amber, Caleb and Derrick. Derrick comments that too many people are going into that room (Hive room) talking about what happen the other night and their sharing more than they have to. They're giving more information than they were even given. Caleb says its all right its over.
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3am Derrick whispers to Brittany in the havenot room. They talk about how Pow Pow is trying to swing the votes. Derrick says it doesn’t matter any ways because she is going home. I am voting to keep Zach here 100%. Brttany says I don’t think Cody is working with them. I trust Cody. I think Caleb is going out of his way to act like he isn’t working with Devin. It makes no sense him saying that he would never put Devin up. Derrick says I think Caleb will vote with the house. The wake up Victoria. They talk about what the HOH competition will be like. Derrick says it’s not going to be difficult tomorrow its going to be pure luck. Brittany says one of us is winning HOH. Derrick says if Pow Pow goes that’s one less number for them. And if Devin doesn’t win next week he goes home.
3:30am – 4am In the living room – Amber, Caleb and Pow Pow are talking. Amber asks Pow Pow if she will give Zach a kiss if she goes tomorrow. Amber says I am going to ask Zach the same thing. Pow Pow says that she would do it. Amber asks how would you do it? Pow Pow says I would grab his butt first! They all laugh. They think it would be better if Zach doesn’t know to see his reaction. Pow Pow says she thinks Frankie would be heart broken. Amber says no, Frankie doesn’t like him like that. They just joke around. Amber suggests we practice it. Caleb jumps up and says yeah lets practice! Amber asks really!? They start talking about Donny. Amber says that she and Donny never talk game. She says when she first saw Donny it was love at first sight.
4:35am – 5am Pow Pow asks who Caleb would rather stay. Caleb says for game Zach and for personal you. Pow Pow says damn. Do you think I’m going home? Caleb says I don’t know. No one tells you what they’re going to do because it could affect their game. Amber says I am playing this game by myself now until I figure things out. Caleb asks if she’s serious. Pow Pow says you can’t play this by yourself. They continue to talk about random things and the head to bed.
8:45am All the house guests are still sleeping….
9:45am Big Brother wakes up the house guests..
Where is the vote
Zach staying POWPOW leaving it’s on lock
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Derrick is the one talking too much at this point. Everyone knows about the BS, just play it like Hayden and stop denying it.
For sure – Derrick is talking way too much & he actually said others are talking too much! LOL! He & Donny have been my favs from the start, but Derrick seriously needs to take a chill pill & take it down a notch or he is going to undo all the good he did the other day. He also needs to give Brit a break & realize the girl just needs some SLEEP!!!
Cool let’s have a guy surprise Julie Chen with a kiss and see how the gender role reversal goes over. Would love to see how many episodes of her crap show, The Talk, would discuss sexual harassment that week. Every time a host laughs about mutilating male genitals you have to take a shot:
Wow, is everyone really sleeping? I hope that Simon and Dawg are getting done rest too!
so basically TA mission is already completed? lol
And TA didn’t even have to be involved. “Money for nothin”…
What will they do if Devin wins HOH again? They all better think out a plan!! Haha because I have a feeling..trying to get him out will not be so easy.
-_____- u do realize that u can’t win HoH two weeks in a row right
Zach staying? What are they thinking? Some of them have been talking about how it will be nearly impossible to get rid of a strong player(physically)with the two HOH twist. So, what will they do when one is up on the block? Vote to keep him? Why?
Some HGs are saying its better to keep Zach because he’s a target. Yep, better for who though? For the other strong players of course! Plus, the other HGs now know that the stronger players had formed an alliance to keep all of themselves there. So, they’ve decided to help them by….keeping the strong players there.
If Christine is wise, she’ll remember Jocasta’s advice. “Don’t let anyone else play your game. Play your game the way it will benefit you. You need the money to help your family. Do what you need to do to make sure they get it.”
Cody has already said he and Zach are good buddies. Break them up. Derrick was campaigning hard for Zach to stay. Let him go.
Um… why do you want Zach gone over Paola though? -_- Zach will bring more drama and excitement and will probably push Devin’s buttons all week long.. Paola is just useless, but yes for a strategical sense it’s better, but not for entertainment purposes.
Even strategically Zack is the better choice. If you are one of the stronger players, you will want a meat shield like Zack, and if you are one of the physically weaker players, you also want him there because he will stir up drama with Devin and let them fade into the background. I hope Zack and Cody win HOH, just to see if they are all talk or if they really are willing to take down a big dog. I’d like to see Hayden win too, but I think it would be ultimately dangerous for him to win so early. Hayden is becoming one of my faves.
I know, I feel like I’m becoming like Devin – changing my mind every second – first I wanted Zach out, then wanted him to stay because thought he would bust Devin, Caleb & Amber up, now that Derrick has convinced Caleb & Zach to make up, I’m kinda thinking they should get rid of Zach while they have the chance! Though I still really do want Devin out. Devin made me mad from the start when he brought Amber & Christine in the alliance without consulting with the others. I wish Derrick would have let the vote alone – makes me nervous that Caleb & Zach are together again – and really didn’t want to see another “house vote!:
The biggest problem here is that most of them are scared of Devin and Caleb. Which they should be in the game because they are both competition beasts. So, they need other strong players to help get them out. That is why it is good to keep Zach. He is a good player in comps, and Zach will be going after Devin and Caleb. They need as many of the strong players they can get to take out Caleb and Devin. Once they are gone, then they can start weeding out the rest of the strong players. Pow Pow can do nothing to help everyone else out. She is not a good comp player, and she has been working with Devin. Nobody needs her in the house except Devin. So IMO its not a bad idea to send her out the door. The people like Donny, Brittany, Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, and Frankie need to realize they do not stand much of a chance at controlling this game with beasts like Caleb and Devin around, and they need people like Cody, Zach, Hayden, and Derrick to take them out.
The only reason why Zach and Cody are so keen on getting rid of Caleb and Devin is because they aren’t the ones in the TOP power position. But as soon as the power shifts in the house into their favor they will be impossible to influence and sway. They’ll “bully” everyone into voting out who they want voted out.
This happens EVERY YEAR, I don’t know why people go into this game expecting to see saints, because everyone tries to dictate the game into their favor when they have power and when they don’t they try to throw the person with power under the bus as a “dictator.”
Grow up and get real!
The biggest problem here is that most of them are scared of Devin and Caleb. Which they should be in the game because they are both competition beasts. So, they need other strong players to help get them out. That is why it is good to keep Zach. He is a good player in comps, and Zach will be going after Devin and Caleb. They need as many of the strong players they can get to take out Caleb and Devin. Once they are gone, then they can start weeding out the rest of the strong players. Pow Pow can do nothing to help everyone else out. She is not a good comp player, and she has been working with Devin. Nobody needs her in the house except Devin. So IMO its not a bad idea to send her out the door. The people like Donny, Brittany, Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, and Frankie need to realize they do not stand much of a chance at controlling this game with beasts like Caleb and Devin around, and they need people like Cody, Zach, Hayden, and Derrick to take them out.
Mister E, isn’t Pow Pow mad at Devin too now – since he lied to her & took Brit off the block instead of her? I’m confused, is Pow still with Devin?
I do believe Pow Pow is mad at Devin, but she nobody else in the house that want her in a alliance. Devin I think is her only hope. She has friends in the house, but nobody is worried about teaming up with her because nobody believes she will win anything. Most everyone has mentioned she does not deserve to be there and want her gone.
Thanks Mister E!! Guess you are right – noone wants or needs poor Pow!
delores – this isn’t about zach vs pow pow, any more than last week was about donny vs joey.
this is about devin (and his buddy caleb) vs the house, and how the house is done with the strong-arm tactics, including members of the alliance.
I really wish Christine would abandon the BS and form a Secret Girls+Donny Alliance. They need to get backbones, and stop letting the guys control the house. With the exception of Derrick, all of the guys could be manipulated by the girls to do what they want.
I feel like Caleb/Amber/Devin are going to be targeted before Frankie and he might be “forgotten” about for being so close to those 3… I think Christine is closer to frankie than you’d think and I think her and Nicole are getting closer to Brittany. I think the girls know the guys Cody/ Derrick/ Zach are working together and might pull in Donny and Jocasta to take them out. Brittany seems to see it at least.
can’t wait for tonight!
I feel like zach isn’t going to want to kiss pow pow…
I thought the vote would be close, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was 12-0 at this point. Zach owes Derrick big time.
Caleb gets a “defender of women” edit on the show. Meanwhile………he’s wearing the Amber’s clothes around his neck.
Serial Killer Guide:
Step 1: Identify Victim
Step 2: Obsess about victim until that’s all you think about
Step 3: Get rejected by victim
Step 4: Take victim’s clothes and wear them in attempt to be closer to them
Step 5: Carry them to the end of a game show so they can win enough money to hide from you forever.
If Devin self-evicts before the vote tonight, will the two nominees be safe?
most active, exciting, confusing and difficult week one on the feeds since I start this site is BB14
most active, exciting, confusing and difficult week two on the feeds since I start this site was BB16
You and Dawg are doing an awesome job! By far the best BB site around….thanks so much! Keep it rockin….
Thanks ken! and thanks again for the plug on the podcast. Feel free to post a link to it here in the comments
Simon , you guys are doing a great job ! I always come to this site for all I need to know about bb16 , and this year I got the live feeds for the First time from your site.thatnks and keep up the good job!!
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Caleb would probably agree to go on the block next week & get voted out the house just to kiss amber on his way out.
I just wanted to say peoples hit list is a bit off.
I am gay I know Homophobic… Caleb is not homophobic. He has actually taken a few bullets for Frankie.
The head of that snake is not who you think it is….
Devin you can’t talk to him, that guy is a train wreck.
Caleb, I think he is in reality a nice guy. I think he feels that he is doing the right thing. It is all wrong but I think he is doing it out of loyalty and what he feels is right.
Frankie, that is the actual head of the snake.
So what I think should be done if you want to pick these guys out.
Devin, he is really not good for anyones game. His word is worthless and his self destructiveness has collateral damage.
Frankie… Get him out he is the worse thing for all of your games. He is the actual head of the snake. I know Frankie is in an alliance with Donny and Derrick but he is terrible for their game…. he is too selfish.
I don’t think they need to get rid of Caleb. I think if you free him of Frankie and Devin… he will chill….. get Amber out and he may be a great asset.
Devin knows that his old alliance is against him now. Saying he isnt good for anyones game is total BS. He can be used as a weapon and a shield for all the none alliance members. If they would get over all the moral bullcrap and use him to help go against the other guys in the house it would be a great game move especially for people like Brittney Jocasta Victoria Nicole and Donny. But they are all hypnotized by Derrick and Cody and them being the “good” guys in the house while Derrick and Cody are sharpening their knives to stab them all in the back.
He is a terrible tool in the house.The only thing you would get from him is trouble in you game.
You can’t use him all you can do is hope that you aren’t hit with shrapnel when he explodes.
You can say he is a target but he isn’t the other half of the equation he is not a vote.
Get him out now before it get’s worse.
Then Frankie
and then Zach.
I think you are spot on Erica! Devin & Frankie for sure need to go & I think Donny & Derrick would do much better without Frankie. Heck – they ALL would be better off without Frankie – he is loyal to noone but himself.
Does Devin know that Zach is staying?
Thanks Simon! And no problem on the plug….im sure ill mention you guys every week cuz youre the BEST! You guys deserve it for sure….BTW, thanks for the retweet!
Its funny that the people who won the HOH are the people that are being lumped together. If they realize they are being lumped together and just accept it they can definitely make it to jury. Maybe final four.
Frankie is in huge trouble here. People all around the house are throwing his name in with the other three big villains (Caleb, Devin, Amber). Derrick and Christine in particular have done a good job blaming the entire BS on those four.
Agreed…Frankie needs to get a clue or something that he is seen negatively by the rest of the house in terms of game play. I am not sure why he aligns with himself with Caleb and Devin and not Zack and Cody more? He is not playing the game very smart here…I hope he gets a clue soon.
The truth is and I am being Honest
Devin is responsible for his own mess
Frankie played to much shade. He caused huge amounts of the rifts in the alliance, he reveled in those rifts and spread toxic gossip. The hugest reason this alliance turned on each other is Frankie. He made sure he was all of their eyes and ears and was the conveyer of information.
Amber, I never thought of her as the femme fatale… she is just a pretty girl that made some dumb game choices. People thinks she uses Caleb, but I think it is not Ambers fault.
Caleb, his biggest problem is two fold. The dude is too athletic he screams physical threat and his second is that he is foolish in his affections and wants too hard to believe in team members loyalties. Yes he can be a bit physically imposing, blame his genetics more than his nature. Getting rid of him before jury is a bad move. Getting Devin and Frankie out that is a good move. I think Amber is terrible for his game but not in the way other people do. I think she clouds his judgement but she is not doing it intentionally.
There is a part of me that would love to have the lines of Caleb/Amber more clear cut. I wish in good conscious I could despise them with the vigor that is required to cheer on those I do want to succeed…. but I can’t despise a foolish heart and another that is just not into that foolish heart. I think I require some malice to Ambers lack of affection and Caleb to be the beast he is portrayed to be.
Devin I don’t know that guy… in the house he is a schmuck and a bully. Frankie, I think is a shady Queen… I know Shady Queens… get him out.. he is toxic even to himself.
Derrick is taking this TA things too seriously. It was a popularity contest and he came in fourth ( speculating, but I think Frankie would have beaten him in votes). It doesn’t mean America chose them because it’s the team they want. They were just the ones with the most votes. A certain demographic voted for each of them as individuals. Donny and Frankie get that and neither is going to let TA ruin their game which I respect.They didn’t come to pick up some extra cash, they came to win the game. Derrick needs to shut up and let things play out. He was in an extremely good place at the start of the week. If he wants to go for the TA money at the expense of his game, fine, but I will lose admiration for his game play if he does that. The way he convinced Caleb the other night was masterful, but he is squandering it now. If he was thinking of the game and not of TA missions making two people kiss or starting a rumor (how stupid is that?) he could be in the best place in the game. Before the last couple of days, everyone trusted him. Now Brittany and Nicole know he is lying. Christine has come clean about everything and they all know that Derrick was on board with the 8, but he denies it still when he should have just admitted it and used Caleb and Devin as the scapegoats. If Donny and Hayden get through the week without being on the block, they will be in the best place going forward. I hope the double HOH ends soon, it is a stupid twist in a season where there are so many strong guys.
Tonights HOH will be mainly luck, but definitely something Zack could win. The first few tries last night he nailed. Then I think he realized that it would be bad to look like a threat when he is on the block and eviction is the next day and threw the rest of the practice. He is a golf nut, and I think he could do well tonight. As long as Amber, Frankie and Caleb don’t win HOH there will be a shift in power this week. Caleb, Devin and Amber have always had the power so far, I want to see what they can do when they don’t have the power. I am suspecting that Devin might go Hantz this week if he is on the block after POV is played.
I might be wrong here, but I think Derrick is using TA to keep a leash on Frankie and a bit of the enthusiasm he puts out is exaggerated. If you’ve paid attention to Derrick, he constantly spreads mistrust of Frankie to everyone he talks to.
I totally agree his enthusiasm is a bit unusual. Before this twist dropped Derrick said he didn’t trust Frankie.
Good point. I hope this is true. Frankie needs to be kept on a leash if anyone else wants to win the game.
Devin and Caleb will make up very soon … they always do. I think getting one of them out is necessary before they become friends again.
Exactly! And Zack & Frankie will become Zankie again & then they are all gonna kiss & hug & cry & make up & we’ll still have the same B.S. B.S. – Caleb, Devin, Zack, Frankie & Amber!
Simon or Dawg, if Frankie goes home, can Donny & Derrick still continue to play for T.A. ?
Good question, I think so but not sure
Yes, if any of the members are evicted … cbs will have another vote to vote in a new member. Just like how Joey was the first member and got evicted.
Thanks Dawg! Glad to hear that Frankie could go home and Donny & Derrick could continue playing for T.A. Not sure I want another one in the group though! LOL!
Are you sure about that? I thought they only did that because Joey was evicted before they could even attempt a task.
I don’t think that would be good for anyone’s game. If you brought in another 3rd person, then that person would know the other 2 had been working together and automatically not trust them.
I would not be shocked to see Caleb and Devin work together again. Most of them see that Caleb is the biggest threat in the house, if Caleb feels threatened he will turn to Devin. I am hoping the imaginary showmances (Amber/Caleb and Devin/Brittany) blow up this week. It wasn’t even a week ago when Devin was accusing Caleb of being pussywhipped, and now he is doing the same with Brittany. I think he has been sitting alone in HOH since he put Zack on the block, watching Brittany brush her hair and make slop and suntan in the BY. Creepy…….
I don’t get why people keep including Devin/Caleb/amber in an alliance. Caleb doesn’t like Devin. Devin told Brittany to go after the other two. Also the only move amber made in the game is what Derrick told her to do. I feel bad that she keeps getting called a villain when she’s never had power and seems sweet.
its going be 2 hoh everyone again ,,,possible caleb and devine or devine and amber or brittaney and devine,,whomever wins the golf challenge,,,why julie chen aint gave no prizes,cash,trips and events like last year yet ??????