Amanda Campaigns “You will be getting rid of Elissa the person that got rid of Nick and Aaryn”

POV Holder: McCrae Next POV Aug 31st
POV Used POV Ceremony Sep 1st
HOH Winner: GM Next HOH: Sept 5th
Original Nominations: Amanda and McCrae
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Aaryn
Have Nots


3:12pm Shower Amanda and McCrae (Everyone else up in the HOH chit chatting)

Amanda wonders about the possibility of getting JUDD put up. McCrae thinks its way too much of a long shot. They both Agree there is no chance. McCrae mentions how last year they had a third veto one week they might do it again. Amanda doubts it because they had the bonus competition yesterday.
McCrae doesn’t think there is any harm in hoping.
Amanda – ‘You won that fair and square’
MC – ‘ I don’t think so’
A – ‘what do you mean you don’t think so’

MC says as much as he wants to be here it still kinda sucks, he says it’s like taking your freind out into the field.
A – ‘you comparing me to a dog.. your b!tch’
MC – ‘mans best friend.. I wish you lived in california’
A – ‘Why for work.. why you thinking about not coming to Florida’
MC says no he just thinks he might be able to get work in California. Amanda suggests they could live in California during the summer to work on Big Brother or maybe even get on the Amazing race. (Sounds like McCrae wants to stay in California to further his film production dreams)
Amanda – ‘No one liked Brendon he was a big punk b!tch
MC – ‘ you are going to be seeing him after this’

Amanda asks him when he would be thinking about moving to Florida he says End of OCtober beginning of November.

A – ‘do you think it’s going to be weird… being away from each other’
Amanda suggest if they will be apart for a couple months they should see each other in the middle.
MC – ‘ you should come to Minnesota.. I have no money’
MC leaves
JUDD rolls in asks Amanda how he did as a host. Amanda says he did great.
J – ‘Don’t tell McCrae but I was rooting for you to win’
A – ‘Who is going up.. Andy, you Spencer?’
JUDD doesn’t know says it could be him
A – ‘Will you vote for me to stay’
J – ‘I’m going to thinking about it seriously’
Amanda leaves Elissa comes in asks JUDD who was more memorable Kristen from BB12 or Amanda. JUDD says Kristen her 4 weeks in the house were memorable.

(Pretty sure Spencer is going up)


3:34pm Bedroom Spencer and Amanda
Spencer says he’s probably going to be put up next to Amanda.
S – ‘this is a sh!ty situation.. you know what i’m saying.. but uhh.. I f*** hated your guts through most of the game.. until a couple weeks ago’

S – ‘part of the reason for that is I was jealous you played the game I wanted to play’
A – ‘because we’re the same person’
S – ‘I know ‘
They both laugh
S – “I think you are totally f***g awesome I really do’
They hug
A – ‘I love you’
S – ‘I love you too girl’

Big Brother 15 N*de flashback times here


3:38pm Bedroom Amanda and JUDD
J – ‘I thought you had it because your technique was the best.. you practiced a zillion times because you went time after time after time’
A – ‘I just want to stay here so bad’
Amanda says she knows she’s f****d JUDD over and she wasn’t even going to ask JUDD for his vote.
J – ‘I’m not mad’
A – ‘you can win over me.’
Amanda tells him that McCrae is going to use the veto on himself no matter what.

Amanda – ‘If you vote for me to stay I will be loyal to you for the rest of this game because this game means so much to me.. I know I f** you so hard’ Amanda starts to cry
JUDD tells her it’s only a game not to get so upset. JUDD adds that Amanda isn’t liked in the Jury house so she’s good to go against.
Amanda – ‘If you keep us here Me and McCrae will never put you up until you are the only one here’
JUDD – ‘if I had won the HOH I wouldn’t have put you up’
JUDD says he thinks he will go up. Amanda say there is no way.

3:58pm Bedroom
GM tells them that her foot is bad she went to the nurse and he told her it could be broken but they won’t know for sure until she gets a x-ray.


4:02pm Have nots AManda and McCrae

Amanda tells him that she talked to JUDD and he said he wouldn’t mind her to stay because he knows he can beat her in the final 2. Amanda adds that JUDD will talk to her after the replacement nomination goes up
AManda thinks JUDD might be trying to give her false hope. MC suggests she doesn’t get her hopes up.
A -’Do you think he’s giving me false hope’
MC – ‘you never know with JUDD but he brings up a good point you are super hated in jury house’


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4:04pm bedroom GM, Andy, Spencer and Amanda
A- ‘Thats the person you decided to not put on the block.. when i’m obviously going home she says Who made more of a impact in the game me or kristen’
GM – ‘I heard that’
A – “She’s taking jabs at me while i’m already down’
GM – ‘I know’
A – ‘That is who you are deciding to keep here’
Amanda tells GM she doesn’t have to put up Spencer, Andy or JUDD they are not coming after GM.
A – ‘You can’t let that girl win she doesn’t deserve to be here’
GM – ‘I said that first week’
Amanda – ‘listen to your self then’
Spencer and Andy leave .
Amanda starts to cry says She cannot keep Elissa in this game Elissa will turn on GM like she turned on Andy and Amanda.
GM – ‘I know i’m not allied with her’
Amanda – ‘She is a evil person she doesn’t deserve to be here’
GM – ‘I understand.. if she had left Nick would still be here’
Amanda – ‘I’m begging you please keep me here.. Me and MCcrae will not come after you don’t put the guys up because they will come after you’
GM – ‘I’m not allied with her’ GM explains she made a deal with Elissa she wouldn’t go up as the initial nomination but she never said anything about a replacement nomination. GM says it’s a really hard decision she has to make.
Amanda – ‘Nobody likes me in the jury house and I suck at competitions.. ‘
Amanda – ‘Elissa has a lot of friends in the jury house.. everyone but Aaryn’
GM – ‘ I know I’ve been thinking about that before.. I‘ll sleep on it’
Amanda says if she put Elissa up MC, Amanda, Andy will not come after GM. JUDD and Spencer will go after Amanda nobody will be going after GM.

Amanda – ‘If i’m here the house till keep gunning after me and you will fly to the end.. I will give you anything.. I don’t know if there is anything else I can do.. Don’t go with her I saved her and she turned her back on me.. it would make no waves if she left.. she has no power she’s already had enough power in this game.. She’s going to go after you .. she did it to Andy she put him up’

Amanda – ‘You will win over me you will not win over her.. ‘
GM – “I know’

Amanda adds that taking her out will create enemies for GM but keeping her will gain her allies.

Amanda – ‘THe only person i’m telling you to put up is her’
Amanda- “JUDD will be coming after me, Spencer will to’
Amanda – “I promise you safety, McCrae promises you saftey.. I guarantee you till the end.. I’ll be loyal to you till the end’

Amanda says she tried everything she could to keep Aaryn last week regardless of what Aaryn says the truth is Amanda really did try and it damaged her game doing so.
Amanda – ‘If you keep me I swear on everything I will not turn on you .. I need this’
Amanda mentions she even tried to get GM put up to sae Aaryn last week, “You know that we talked about it’

Amanda – ‘She’s a nasty girl.. she bullied you and Aaryn the entire time’
GM – ‘I know I know’
Amanda – “she’s a mean girl her leaving will create no waves.. everyone wants her gone’
GM – “I know believe me I know’
Amanda – “She was So nasty to you.. ‘
GM knows Elissa is mean she tells Amanda there is a lot to think about.

Amanda – ‘She walks around kicking and jabbing people when they are down.. and I look like a bully’

Amanda – ‘I know you want to break us up because we’re the power couple but why not use us’
Amanda tells her she can come out of this week with zero blood and some deals that will take her to the end, “People will stick to their deals because they know you go that b1tch out’
Amanda – “She doesn’t deserve to be here she looks down on us all”
GM – “I know’

Amanda – ‘Just because we’re together but we are together but not coming after you’
Amanda – ‘You can beat me’
Amanda tells her if she leaves the boys will put up GM and Elissa but if Amanda is left in the game they boys will put her and McCrae up.

Amanda – ‘You will be getting rid of the person that got rid of Nick and Aaryn’
Amanda – ‘She sat there and cried because she had to sit next to you and Aaryn’
Amanda – “The person that brags she has all this money, all these boats and all these houses’


4:48pm Backyard opens up

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180 thoughts to “Amanda Campaigns “You will be getting rid of Elissa the person that got rid of Nick and Aaryn””

      1. Won’t happen they used a soundtrack of an audience last double eviction. Remember when Judd walked out there was nobody there?

      2. This is so sweet. Elissa better be shitting her pants right now bc if GM is true to her exterminator alliance (made up of all dead beat losers) Elissa is the only one left. How ironic would it be that Elissa gets backdoored by the one she has shit on the most this season? Do it GM. Thumbs down if Elissa is a stuck-up asshole who should be backdoored this week.

        1. LOVE Elissa, but she did make a few mistakes – the biggest one being the admission of having money, such as when saying they’d bought a soccer (?) stadium that seats 5000 people. The guys (esp Spencer & Andy) seem to really be holding that against her. Amanda, who claims to have saved $25,000 only told her pizza boy of her money. Elissa doesn’t realize the jealousy that these imbeciles have toward her. And, speaking of whose time it is to go, I’m ready for Andy to get the heck out of the house! Right after his goddess Amanda!

    1. She interviewed Candice and Judd last time. It might be abbreviated but I’m sure she’ll interview both. If last week’s question to Amanda and the interview with Dan are any indication, Julie will probably ask Amanda some tough questions.

      1. Chen will make the time. Aaryn’s exit interview was twice as long as normal. Chen has set herself up as judge, jury, and executioner (as God, basically) so unless the CBS darling joker face goes, Chen is going to need a lot of time for her inquisition and crucifixion of whoever is evicted. Even if joker face is evicted don’t look for Chen to pounce on her one bit for the bullying she did or the constant negative gutter talk about all the HGs all season or for her being a stuck-up gold digger or even for her getting all those perks and special privileges that nobody else got, because she is Rachel’s sister. This game is so fake this year.

          1. Actually it was a fluff interview. The three big quotes were early on,
            and easily 12 more quotes could have been found. The first time we
            see the disclaimer is episode five, and the incidents she brought to her
            attention ironically were the ones Amanda talked to her about. The long
            interview could have gone on twice as long, as it is, since show 5 or 8
            we can assume Julie was going to politely ask her the things she did!!!!

            1. Aayrn keeps on repeating that her remarks
              are not as vicious, bigoted or hurtful as they
              sound and that she did not have a malevolent
              intent. She has not really changed her behavior.
              i admit she is not the only bigot, she was half the
              reason for the disclaimer. Julie was kind to her.
              Like Amanda, she can be extremely offensive.

    2. it’s great seeing Amanda being desperate begging for her BB life on the feeds. Amanda’s pure hatred and jealousy for Elissa is ridiculous. when the game is over, Elissa is going back to her husband and family. when the game is over for Amanda she going back to Florida without MC to pay her boyfriend the $1000 she borrowed from him. good luck selling swamp land in Florida Amanda.

      1. I’m not a fan of Andy’s not in the least but what does it matter if he’s gay or not? You’re not any better than the people in the house.

    3. Oh Amanda you don’t even have a clue. You are going out like Helen and having no pulse of the house. Who is Gina supposed to make an enemy of if you get evicted. Andy? Aaryn told you that he was working with Gina and Elissa. Just like Helen, you trust the gay guy. Judd who you had evicted once before, now you have to beg for his vote. Please save me Judd, so I can have you evicted in two weeks. I know you think Judd is dumb, but he’s not that dumb. So please tell me where all these enemies are?

      1. I really hope that GM does not listen to A Man Duh crap. She is just jealous of Elissa and insecure, seems that GM is way smarter than that and I hope that she realizes that Andy is need of exiting the house. I would love to see GM, Elissa and Judd as final 3, they are the nicest.
        They deserve to win!!!

      2. I’m not a fan of Andy’s not in the least but what does it matter if he’s gay or not? You’re not any better than the people in the house.

  1. Amanda please STFU and accept that you’re being evicted under GINAMARIE’s HOH you big “mastermind manipulater” LMAO

      1. Right now I think she’s gone.. But there is a lot of days left and Amanda is a smart player.

        I’ll blow the horn of gondor if I think she is staying.

        1. Simon, with all due respect, A-man-duh is not a smart player. I do believe there’s a house full of stupid ones. I don’t see them buying into her crap. I see them appeasing her until Thursday just to keep her from freaking out too much.

        2. I will be pissed if both McCrae and Amanda remain in the house for another week. GM’s HOH will have gone to waste if Elissa is put up as a replacement and is then evicted. I am hoping that GM isn’t being sucked in by Amanda’s tears. In a perfect world, Andy would go up on the block to ensure that Amanda goes to the jury house.

      2. Why doesn’t Amanda order McCrea to give her the POV? He certainly doesn’t have the sack to say no to her!!

      3. I have a feeling Amanda is staying….AG doesn’t want her summer love couple to be broken up just yet. Whoever goes up will go home (won’t be Elissa) and then Amanda will win HoH and send Elissa home and then they will finally be broken up because “its the right time”…..although I really hope I’m wrong and Amanda goes. Maybe then we’ll actually get to know McCrae seeing all we know of him is he is a good shadow.

        1. Don’t like Amanda but geez will BB be even more boring without her. I mean it is already a snoozefest, but it will really be boring with the rest of those losers in the house. The jury house will be more interesting even watching Helen’s game night than the BB house.

    1. You’re endorsing the stereotype that Ginamarie is a bad player. She is a good player and that is why she put up McCrae and Amanda.

    2. In hindsight, everyone that were in a position of power made their move to early and ultimately it came back to bite them. The final five alliance of Amanda, McCrae, Andy, Helen and Judd were in total control of the game. All you want is to keep moving people out. Helen decides to have Judd evicted. Why evict a guy that reports to you everything everyone is doing and is showing loyalty to you. The final five alliance is down a man. Amanda/McCrae then decide to take Helen out. Why? Helen is loyal to the alliance, she keeps telling the votes she has under control it’s not time. The final five is now down by 2. Just like McCrae jumped from the Moving Company, Andy see’s that the final five has no loyalty. Now we have a game where floaters will be rewarded, those that don’t know how to play the game are now in control and those that do have no allies left to help themselves.

      Yep the final five could of made it far, but they were their own worst enemy.

      1. This is one of the most logical posts I have read all day, and I agree with you 100%. While I agree that Andy jumped ship from his alliance because he felt there was no loyalty, I also believe that he turned on Amanda and McCrae because Zing Bot called him a floater on national television. I do not believe he was a total floater, because his loyalty stood with Amanda and McCrae longer than any other alliance, but he was definitely incensed by his zing.

      2. Helen did not decide to evict Judd!! That is not how it went down! The week they eventually evicted Kaitlin is when AMANDA started her paranoia about Judd! It began when Judd told Amanda the lie that Kaitlin was going after Helen to ensue anti-K sentiments. Amanda by that point was playing the nice guy with Aaryn even though it was Aaryn who was supposed to go originally as she was the offensive “sh*t stirrer”. Also, late the week before, sensing danger Aaryn started throwing herself at Judd – she even told GM she was going to cry and use her feminine wiles to go after Judd (and make Jessie jealous, to boot) and lure him into being on her side as she claimed “I’m all alone in this house”. It worked because Judd felt sorry for her (while also being attracted to her) but I also think he thought that aligning with her might help his game. Judd also by that point firmly believed Jessie was hurting his game as he kept telling the “goof troop” (Am, Mc, Andy, Judd) any chance he got and started showing them a little attraction for Aaryn. Then, to make sure Aaryn stayed and Kaitlyn left, Judd intentionally got Helen paranoid by telling her Kaitlin was coming after her…remember, the “knockouts” were the goof troop plus Helen and Ellisa (not 100% sure on E being the 6th.). It was always Helen that did the majority of the work once a target was identified (usually by Amanda’s paranoia of getting wind [true or false because people would lie when they got annoyed then spread nasty rumors] of someone not 100% controllable by her). THAT’S when we saw Helen go all out like she always did , again working for the knockouts! This all transpired because Amanda thought it was both extremely clever of Judd to tell the H/K lie – she then told McCrae that she believed Judd was much smarted than she thought (remember Aaryn even said she thought Judd was brilliant!). BUT, because he told the lie independently, i.e.. he didn’t tell Amanda first, she started thinking that since Judd was a “super fan” that they had underestimated. She rationalized that he was MVP, had put her on the block, that he had to go and Aaryn was now the fourth “new goof troop”. Everybody ate it up! No one in that house ever privately goes to the source – they just believe what they feel, personally!! Amanda just wrote Judd off and convinced Helen enough (plus Helen now worried about K) that Helen became the front line and most visible anti-Judd aggressor (ie: doing the work necessary for her 6 person alliance and herself). That’s why it appeared to Judd that Helen (and Ellisa since Helen always spoke for E without telling her) and by default, Elissa, were the ones who went after him and convinced Aaryn he was a shady master schemer so she would put him up to leave at double eviction.

        Although I couldn’t stand Helen’s tactics (especially bad-mouthing her own allies), she always stayed loyal to the 3 (Andy, Amanda, McC) within the 6 person alliance even screwing over Elissa’s desires for who to evict. Helen also decided she wouldn’t believe the racist/homophobic “stuff” because she didn’t witness much and she now believed Aaryn (of course it was convenient as it helped her game in her mind). Because of the Judd MVP (Amanda’s concoction) and the knockouts, she welcomed Aaryn happily then proceeded to evict Judd – she didn’t care what Elissa thought as E. liked Judd and thought America was MVP, but, as usual, Helen dominated.

        Really sorry this is so long, but I had to explain how it was always Amanda’s selfish desires above any alliance she claimed to be “loyal” to – i.e.., she would dump anyone of them just like she did Judd when she didn’t even have solid facts to support her “theories” (in the past A. fabricated lies to get out people like Howard and Candice as they had independent minds). Personally, I believe she slandered Howard and that is her most heinous action… something never ever to be fooled with as sexual harassment claims can destroy someone’s career and life – just my opinion.

    3. Am I missing something? Amanda keeps telling GM that she tried so hard to save Aaryn. When did Amanda try to save Aaryn?

      1. Amanda really did try to save Aaryn. It was McCrae who wouldn’t provide the needed third vote. They tried to get anybody BUT Andy put up but when that didn’t happen Amanda knew that she couldn’t save Aaryn. But she did try to convince McCrae to do it. GM knows that too bc Aaryn told her.

        1. Not exactly true. If she could have guaranteed Judd’s vote, she would have got GM’s vote and she just needed one more. Amanda’s. Amanda refused to vote against McCrae. So no. Amanda really didn’t try and save Aaryn. They wanted Andy to stay.

      2. Its all in her mind and spin. Just like she is friends with Elissa and protected Elissa in the game. Just like she didn’t want to vote out Judd. Just like she wants to work with Gina. In reality everything she said is the complete opposite. She wanted to get Elissa out right after Helen and always had something bad to say about Elissa. She wanted to get out Gina to seperate her from Aaryn. She wanted to get Judd out a second time. Its not a lie if they don’t call you out on it. Also Amanda has nothing to lose, she’s on the block and going to lie, lie and lie all week.

      3. Carrie, Amanda tried to save Aaryn by getting Elissa to put up GM instead of Andy. That is why she was going after Elissa,taunting her and tooting the horn etc….the plan was for Andy to then go console Elissa, telling her that he doesn’t agree with Amanda treating Elissa that way, that Elissa has his support, etc. Obvously the plan didn’t work and Amanda is being called a bully….which she was being, no argument there, but the fact that it was part of a plan to save Arryn isn’t talked about. The second time Amanda went after Elissa was After she had apologized to Elissa, and Elissa kept making snide comments, saying things she knew would push Amanda’s buttons. They can both be mean girls, one is just more open and forthright about it and has apologized for her actions, while the other does it more subtley, then denies it and never apologizes.

    4. If GM has an ounce of intelligence she should put joker face up because the weeks are getting to the point there will be only two more realistic chances to get rid of the gold digging flake. Amanda made great points! Since Elissa isn’t part of the exterminator alliance what do they care if she goes out now rather later? Plus Amanda is public enemy #1, so it would be smart to keep her around because she will keep being a target. Plus this would be great payback for getting Nick and Aaryn evicted to say nothing of joker face’s constant looking down on and insulting GM the entire season. I love it! Please GM, make a big game move for once this season and get rid of the stuck-up beotch already. And let dictator Helen know that her last opportunity to manipulate you to work with duck lips didn’t work.

  2. This comment is a reply @ Deedeemaha August 31, 2013 at 3:17 pm—>Yes!!!!!! I just think it was a bad move to get McCrack out. Only because of Andy the Rat I don’t trust him and Amanda together. I still think he I loyal o her.<—

    I have been saying for over a month now that I think Amanda & Andy know each other outside this game… She has never once questioned his loyalty to her, ever, she has even questioned McCraes loyalty to her a couple of times but NEVER Andys… Even now she knows he's loyal to her..As soon as the noms were over he flew into saying they needed to keep her over McCrae…It's like it was Andys job coming in to that house to report every conversation back to Amanda. She laid in bed keeping McCrae (a vote) literally under cover, not socializing with anyone else but her while she had Helen & Elissa on board with her & Andy so just right there it was, 1)Amanda 2)McCrae 3)Andy 4)Helen 5)Elissa & most likely 6) Candice & that's 6 votes every single week & all they needed to work on was a couple more people to have majority until that "voting with the house" nonsense started…To me, Amanda & Andy were just TOO loyal to each other to be complete strangers & his tears for her are for real….

    1. Bravo Pearl, you are exactly right. I said this before in one of my comments. The game is rigged and Andy was hand picked to protect and report to Amanda. And Judd for Elyssa. That is why production rigged that game and tapped out Helen and Candice and mad them jump so Judd can get back in the door.
      Ellyssa- second place
      -Mark My Words

      1. I am thinking GM is going to flip on Elissa and keep Amanda. This game is so rigged for Amanda. If she wins some kind of power or the house flips i will lose all respect for the game. It will be proof enough for me that Amanda was prechosen. I wouldn’t be tuning in next year.

        1. I honestly do not believe it is possible to rig this game. I think if Gina Marie decides for whatever reason to not put up Spencer as a pawn, it will be to flip on Elissa. Not because the game is rigged, but because of the animosity between the two of them. Despite the fact that they are getting along at the moment, they have not played well together in the past.

          With that being said, I think she will stick to her plan to put up Spencer, and Amanda will go to Jury.

    1. I feel so sorry for Gina Marie having to listen to Demanda’s voice every minute until Thursday’s eviction. If she doesn’t stick with the plan, people will lose respect for her.

    2. Amanda is delusional. Andy well let’s just say the guy is a foul mouthed, whiny, lying floater. Wonder how he is being perceived by his friends. They’re probably comparing notes as I type, seeing what he said to whom, when, etc. and finding out he lies to everyone.

      1. I really question his credentials as a professor. Maybe he is an adjunct professor for a junior/community college, who teaches a couple of classes and is not full-time. That would explain why he has no money and says $10,000 is half his salary. No self-respecting four-year college or university would employ him unless he is the complete opposite of the way he has acted in the house. GM, don’t listen to Amanda’s s***! Put up Andy–he is not to be trusted!!

  3. Wow, Amanda’s groveling is embarrassing to read/listen too. You’re going to be evicted, take it like a big girl.

    1. Wondering Why…..Amanda’s doing what she has to do to try and stay in the game. Why should she give up? It’ a game and she wants to keep playing it. And she just might be successful, by reminding GM what a bitch Elyssa has been to GM and Aaryn until recently, and reminding her about Nick. Hate Amanda all you want, but it’s a Game.

      I don’t like the way Amanda has acted, but she has been an active and strategic player all the way through and I do applaud her for that. Elissa is just as mean, she’s just more subtle about it. She makes her snide comments and then plays her ‘righteous’ card…who me? I am a nice person I am a mom I do nothing wrong. She’s attacking me.” She lies a lot – which I’m all for, how can you win BB otherwise — but people villify Amanda and Andy for lying, not Elissa. Rachel had sex in the house, left cum stains on the sheets but Amanda is a villain. No one is bashing Candace for the *job she gave Howie, or the vile things that came out of her mouth at times. And apparently GM is no longer a racist, she gets a pass, but Aaryn and Amanda are KKK members according to some,

      It makes me laugh when people refuse to admit that Elissa is, and has been, a mean, manipulative bitch. They are like the HGs. All voting in a group, don’t have the courage to speak against the mob mentality of those who would rather bash people than talk game, and refuse to give credit and criticism where they are due.

      1. What???? Have you been watching the same show and getting the updates from the live feeds as the rest of us????? I am pretty sure that Elissa has made snide comments (who wouldn’t when you have been a constant target the entire season) but I am also pretty sure that she did not talk about raping Jessie and slitting her throat and punching GM in the face with brass knuckles. No, I actually think it was AMANDA that said those things. Hmmm I also remember her smugly telling Elissa that Helen is going home and nothing can be done… now Amanda you are going home and nothing can be done. The majority of the things she says and does is not gameplay, it is PSYCHOTIC behavior and there is a huge difference. In other seasons houseguests have said mean things in the heat of the moment or during gameplay but most of them end up becoming friends after they exit the house. Do you really think any one of these houseguests will want anything to do with amanda after this? Highly unlikely and I guess you think talking about sexually assaulting and murdering someone is acceptable gameplay. Check out youtube and type in social justice warrior Amanda and see how crazy she really is.

      2. I do not understand why so many people hate Amanda, she is the only person in the house that has actually been playing a game….is it her fault that people listened to her, do they not have free will to align with the other people in the house….why is she attacked for playing a game and a dam good game considering that she hasn’t won a single HOH and still makes her plans happen through other people. As for her being a bully…..give me a break, she had moments that I didn’t exactly agree with her behavior but Elyssa and GM have been just as rude….Elyssa has handed out just as many backhanded and horrible comments to people in the house, the only difference was her delivery. Elyssa has a few bricks short of a load and watching her give the deer in the headlights look with her spider lashes and duck lips and listening to her make the dumbest comments and live in her delusional world is not good entertainment. She hasn’t done anything and ironically won MVP and was voted on the block by the same people, this doesn’t make sense, she only received votes because of her sister, who by the way was just as annoying as Elyssa. The house has been full of floaters and then they have the nerve to complain about the people “Amanda” who actually played the game. What has GM, Spencer, or Judd done in the game except go along with the house, they could have voted how they wanted but chose not to.

  4. U all are crazy if u think Amanda is going home!!! Trust me BB of course has fixed it so she won’t go….. BB will save her just like they save Rachele and Jordan… Didn’t she find a token in one of the balloons during the competition??? I hope I’m not right!!!!

    1. Amanda is a classic narcissistic sociopath, completely self-centered and without any ability to empathize with others. She cares only about herself. Though I love to believe in Karma and think she’s leaving this week, I never underestimate the ability of a narcissistic sociopath to get whatever he/she wants. Sometimes I think evil really does win out. But I really have to laugh at the complete hypocrisy of her talking about Ellisa kicking people when they’re down. That’s Amanda’s forte. And her goodbye messages to her housemates have all been geared to provoke them. I find it hard to believe anyone would vote for her to win.

    2. Omg if she gets a power because of that stupid token then big brother is definitely a fixed game and will prove it to many. She has to go. I think everyone has had enough of her crap. Karma is a b*tch and when she is back in the real world she will be getting what she gave x3.

  5. Gina learn from Elissa and just lock the HOH door when Amanda tries to come upstairs. She is really going to be desperate this week.

  6. GM DO NOT GIVE IN!!! PUT UP SPENCER AS THE REPLACEMENT!!! If GM puts up Elissa and Elissa goes home, i will not be watching the rest of this RIGGED season!

  7. Amanda is truly a trip. They better vote that self absorbed, can’t take responsibility for her actions, delusional ass bitch out!!!

  8. OMG!! Amanda shut up!!! Elissa is not going anywhere!!! You can beg whatever you want. GM is not buying that crap.

    1. I am curious if Julie Chen will call
      Amanda out for HER racist remarks
      As well even tho they weren’t aired.
      Or will she be protected from it?

      1. Amanda will get a fluff interview because Chen will not pick on someone that will fight back, and Amanda would. Chen is a bully in her own right and just picks on the weak and young.

  9. While everyone chit chats upstairs, I wish Amanda was alone downstairs sulking and feeling depressed. The same viciousness she put so many people through. Now she gets all of this sympathy even if it’s fake. This is gonna make her last week easier for her emotionally and it shouldn’t.

    1. I totally agree, I would love to see all the house guests give the BB Bitch the silent treatment until her upcoming eviction… including McCrae. I think he is really annoyed by her at this point. I like to see her worried and scrambling but I would love even more for GM to tell her to get the F**K OUT of her HOH room… that would be awesome!!!!!!

  10. Lmao!!!! It’s official Amanda is still delusional as ever!!! Funny how McRae is telling her he wants to go to California and she says they can go there for summers and work for BB….wow….maybe her and grodner are buddies if she thinks she can get a job with BB. Anyway I can’t wait for her to lose her shit…it will happen just a matter of time. If she gets saved THIS week then I will cry foul dammit!! Lol

  11. After first watching DeMANda grovel at first it was hilarious, but now watching her beg is getting very pathetic like whiny brat who cant get her way. I guess you can’t blame the girl for enjoying be on her knees so much, SHOCKER!!!!! Please please please … Lmfao.

  12. Glad to see Amanda leave because the HG’s voted her out, rather than because of all the morons emailing and tweeting CBS begging for her to be kicked out. I believe Amanda to be a vile human being, and a succubus, but I would NEVER sign the stupid online petition to remove her, and no self-respecting BB fan should either. We’re not on the show, it’s not our job to do other HG’s job

    1. I signed the damn petition and so did over 30 of my friends…and I’m not ashamed of it. It would not be the first time they made someone leave BB for violence. I have a seven year old that loves this show and has been watching it with us since last year. She talks about being on Big Brother when she grows up all the time. Amanda frustrates the crap out me, and she’s making Big Brother look bad. I will literally stop watching if she doesn’t get voted out this week. Especially after all this talk about how she has a close friend inside Big Brother. How do we know that their not rigging it for her. That’s bull crap.

    2. To me, that petition wasnt so much about having Amanda removed from the show, because we all know thats NOT going to happen. Ratings are up and thats the bottom line. To me it was a statement attesting to EVERYTHING thats happened this season, it had reached its apex and just got to be too much when Amanda went on her torture fest against Elissa. I know what her plan was but it doesnt excuse anything. I also know Elissa is not perfect either. But if people dont take some kind of action to let CBS know that this kind of behavior is/should be unacceptable, it will just continue on….becoming progressively worse as the years go by.

      Its the natural order of things when people remain silent. I have no doubt in my mind that ALL networks monitor every aspect of their shows and those of other networks, to see just how much further they can “allow” it to go. There was once a time when profanity wasnt heard on tv and sex wasnt shown….. look how far we’ve come…….To some it wont matter. I like the game of BB but dont watch the feeds because I know im not interested in seeing people behaving badly or otherwise. And theres no quicker way to gain fame in this world we live in. It just doesnt hold my interest to watch anyone for hours at a time. But I do love to read (my vice). Im just wondering how many more years we have before they will advertise for live executions on pay per view….if no one ever steps up and takes action to change things when the opportunity is presented. Jmho.

  13. Amanda to Gina Marie, “You still have a chance to make a big move”. (BLANK STARE) then FLATLINES_________________________________________________________________________________LOL wake up Amanda! She did make a big move…….THE biggest move yet! Don’t be mad because she had the balls to put up you and your girlfriend mcrea! LOL SMH Tricks are for kids silly rabbit!!!! Don’t fall for it Gina Marie!

  14. Ik that Amanda can turn on the waterworks at times, but I really do think she suffers from bipolar disorder. It’s so weird how she just goes from extremely happy one minute to depression the next. She needs to get serious help after the show ends. She flips out in ppl and cried for no reason sometimes.she needs to get serious help after the show ends. Still don’t like her though.

    1. She’s not bi-polar. A person who is bi-polar has lengthy periods of extreme ups/downs. I think she has histrionic personality disorder or in layman’s terms=psycho, slutty drama queen.

      1. I think she has BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). I have worked in mental health/nonprofit world for 24 years, and she shares a lot of similarities with folks do with BPD. But I am not a Psychiatrist so I cannot diagnose her. But …yeah, I think so.

  15. I posted this on an earlier feed on this site but I feel the need to post it again

    Here is my prediction for this week

    Dumb or Dumber will win PoV and take them self off the block
    GM being that she is in an alliance will put up Elissa telling her she is okay and safe
    Ratboy and Sicko seeing it as the perfect oppertunity to get rid of Elissa voting her out with witchever dumbass comes off the block
    Thus concluding that the Duo of MCmanda will still be in the house next week.

    As it stands Prediction number one (Check mark)

  16. I am so worried Amanda is going to talk her way out of this one- again. Or the ghost of Helen is going to come and tell them, “It’s not time yet.”

  17. Hey BB fans! I have a strange feeling that (this year) a couple “finale” votes might be very surprizing. That made me wonder. Over the years, which (single individual) “finale” vote surprised YOU the most? To get the ball rolling, I will give you my top two.

    1. BB11 – Jessie voting for Jordan over Natalie.
    Even though Jordan had four votes locked, (and was going to win anyway) I was stunned when Jessie’s vote was read. For the record, the locked votes were: America’s vote, Lydia, Jeff, and Michelle. At the time, I had Russell as a “coin flip.” I had Jessie and Kevin voting for Natalie. Jordan picking Natalie was Jordan’s best move, because (while I love her dearly) I believe she would have lost against Kevin.

    2. BB13 – Shelly voting for Rachel over Porsche.
    Even though I list this as my number two, this vote obvioulsy had the bigger impact. At the time, I predicted Porsche winning 4-3. I had Shelly at 90% voting for Porsche. In hindsight, I think that Shelly felt bad for hurting Jordan feelings during the season. Her vote may of been a way to make ammends.

    I would like to hear you picks. 🙂

  18. Amanda’s only two arguments (for a full summer of living in the BB house) are pathetic:
    She voted Nick out” “She didn’t want to sit next to you…” So weak. Sadly, though it could work. Not many fishes let in that bowl, only circles to swim in, and most of the others are clown fishes (sorry Nemo) .

  19. Oh oh! Elissa is going under the bus. She has been off the radar since her HOH ended. Now we’re getting all the strategies to put her up next to Amanda and blindside her. I like Spencers self serving plan to go up as a pan so he doesn’t have to show his loyalties in the eviction vote. Actually no one has any loyalties at this point do they? Just to themselves.

    1. I think gm is CRAZY for letting Andy and Spencer pull that crap! Who does she think will be nominated if MC wins hoh?

    1. Yes Someone, there will be an interview for whoever is the second person evicted that night. Judd got an interview when he was evicted so I expect the same next week.

  20. Amanda, just go away. Why does she feel all the other couples needed to be split up, but here and McCrae need to be left in the house. I’m so tired of her bringing up Elissa got rid of Nick and Aaryn, what about Amanda was not there for Aaryn when Aaryn needed her vote? Everyone knows now, Amamda and McCrae need to be split up, Amanda cannot call anyone a bully, I cannot believe she thinks anyone wants to keep her, other than the rat Andy, I don’t trust Andy at all, and I will be glad when everyone else learns he is not to be trusted.

  21. The next feed will probably be about Amanda doing Blow Jobs to the guys to gain their vote to keep her she is that desperate to stay in the BB House and go the distance. She hate Elissa because she is jealous of her simple as that. Amanda is so slutty in her talking and actions…..disgusting.

  22. Spencer is going up?, wonder why I believe that’s GM’s decision???

    Amanda is staying this week.

    Thanks AG, I predicted you were up to something, and ONCE AGAIN, I was right.

  23. I hope GM is bullshitting about putting Elissa up if a double eviction. Rat Coward Sickening Andy needs to go! GM , Judd and Elissa need to go to F3! I hope GM knows her best alliance would be with Elissa. Creeper Spencer and Annoying Disgusting Andy need to get evicted after the McNastys. Amanda is consumed with hate and jealousy regarding Elissa. Her Sybil Multiple Personality Disorder is in full bloom. Amanda will be obsessed and stalking McNasty when BB is over. The bitch is so needy and twisted! I can’t wait to see what Julie brings up in the interview! Hopefully exposes some of her vile behavior.

  24. Gina will not put up Elissa. She said they had to break up the two disgusting slobs so none of Amanda’s fake crying and bs is going to change that. So unless amanda gets some kind of miracle she will be going home.

  25. Please be smart GM get rid of Elissa. That rich snob does not deserve the money and the feeds will be so boring without Amanda!

  26. Ok Amanda it’s time to put your big girl panties back on. We all know you own them, you where wearing them like pants for several days. Elissa goes on the block with her best friend gets upset and says I want to just leave and Amanda puts her down for it. Amanda goes up beside MCnastypants and cries I want to go home!!! It’s great watching her silk in bed all alone. Her man out in the house finally playing again.

  27. Why is it that everything Amanda claims Elissa did is what in fact she did? Who’s up who’s a$$ now? Give me a break Amanda! She’s blaming Elissa for getting rid of Nick and Aaryn when she voted them out as well. She is claiming that Elissa bullied Aaryn and GM. Give it a rest. WTF have you been doing to Elissa for like ummm….forever? Like she never spoke ill of GM and Aaryn. She is the one that wanted GM out.

    Amanda NEVER had Elissa’s back. She used Elissa because of the MVP, so she could use it to her advantage. Why is everything ok for that dumb a$$ twit and not anybody else? All that ever comes out of her mouth is something about Elissa. Jealous much? Elissa does not think she is better than everybody. Why would she give them the time of day when they don’t like her. I know I wouldn’t. Pretty sad that she can’t defend herself without being bullied for it.

    Aman-duh, you’re the biggest, most vile pig I have ever seen!!! Get a life you loser! Go cry in a corner some more cause nobody likes you. Boo-freakin-Hoo!!! Buh-Bye Skank!

  28. California is perfect for the McCranda’s to open their own Pizza Parlor.
    She’s already been baking her own special bread for him…

    1. Hell no, I live in Ca and the reason our state is messed up is because of douchebags like him and Amanda that come in by the truckloads and infect our state. He needs to keep his happy ass in his original spot. Ca was lost when all the dirtbag hippies from all the other states came in and squatted.

      1. Well if you do see a McYeasty’s Pizza Shack anywhere, DO NOT HAVE THE “MCNASTY SPECIAL!!”
        We all know where that crusty dough was made from…

  29. Andy wants Elissa out because she is on to him and he knows it. Amanda told GM about her alliance with Andy and that Andy would never put her up either if she got rid of Elissa. GM can not be that stupid to not realize that Andy is a snake. He obviously is being nice to the couple for a jury vote, actually he will get 2 votes automatically so they all have to realize that he should go too. It will be interesting to see if Andy gives Amanda a vote to force GM to break the tie. If he does he will lose everyone in his new alliance and if he doesn’t he will lose McCrae and Amanda could very well be pissed too. Either way the jig is up with Andy come this weeks vote. As far as them having a second veto, that would be total BS. The rumor is that something will happen to keep Amanda if she is in serious trouble but at this point it would be so obvious and fans would be in a total uproar. Hope Julie’s interview is as good as last week.

  30. I have a feeling they’re going to get rid of the yeast bag this week then the guys will get together and keep McCruddy.

  31. GinaMarie/Andy/Judd were talking about how gruesome the movie Hostel 2 is,
    and Elissa just said “EWW! I watch Wizards of Waverly Place!”

  32. If Andy were smart he’d volunteer himself to go up… Now he’s going to have to show if he’s loyal to 2am or the Exterminators… Shall be an interesting next few days!!

  33. this is my prediction:
    Amanda is gone 1st
    double eviction
    Elissa is gone 2nd (hope ot)
    they can’t just get rid of one
    they have to get rid of both
    (i’m talking about BB)

  34. If you think GM is buying any of Amanda’s bullshit
    Let me tell you SHE’S NOT!!!!
    GinaMarie has proved she’s a master at Poker Face
    and anyone that blindisded Amanda & her lapdog
    needs to know she’s a force to be reckon with.
    Ellisa going up as a replacement AIn’t GOIN TO HAPPEN.
    In the immortal words of Ellisa
    “Amanda you have been evicted, All Day, EVERYDAY”

  35. How is Amanda saying anything she can to stay pathetic. Everyone on the block begs and pleads. Do you not remember Aaryn saying anything and everything she could to stay. She threw everyone under the bus. What Amanda is saying is true. She isn’t trying to screw over McCrea (before he won the veto) like Aaryn was willing to do to GM. She never once told Amanda to not try and get GM put up. Aaryn even said at one point she new she had to get rid of her. Amanda has stuck with one guy but she is a whore. Jessie tried to go for every guy in there and Aaryn started with David and then moved on to Judd. I get that the stuff Amanda does and says is not okay but are the blinders on as to what everyone else does?

  36. With how stupid most of the players are and with the rumour that CBS wants Amanda to win and that Thursday is still 5 days away I’m thinking McC and Amanda will work their magic on Andy who along with McC will then convince Spencer to convince gm to put Elissa up as a pawn against Amanda and then vote Elissa out.

    Amanda then wins HOH and fans of BB leave in droves….

  37. I really want to see a replay of that story session with Andy and Judd last night about 10-11 pm PT on the live feed. It was so funny and they kept straight faces as they told their fibs to each other about having wanting to get a call from his pet sitter about his cat that is now a tiger that Andy gave a gun to once because the tiger was babysitting and you know that’s the best way to get a baby to stop crying, and unfortunately he lost 2 or 3 other children that way…. Is there a way to find replays?

  38. I can’t believe Amanda asked for the HOH room for a night! What nerve! Has anyone else ever asked that in this game ever? Why is she special? Gina Marie should get to enjoy that the whole week. Now when they are done w/ it the sheets will be stained & nasty. I wish GM would just say no!

    1. GM did the same during her last HOH but it was the last night of her HOH. GM sure has a bigger heart than I would have but maybe she is looking for jury votes…but still…ewww!

    2. GM had already offered them & anyone else that wanted a night up there. Amanda was only asking to make sure Gina hadn’t changed her mind after she nominated them.

  39. Begging and pleading works and saying you will do anything they want. It worked for Aaryn she got Helen and Elissa to keep her. Why is Amanda to blame for Aaryn leaving? She did everything she could to get Aaryn to stay. Elissa put her on the block but you will keep Elissa over Amanda. At least Amanda tells the truth. She told GM she tried to get her out. Elissa wouldn’t have admitted it. She would have said “I never did that.”

    1. Begging and pleading works and saying you will do anything they want. It worked for Aaryn she got Helen and Elissa to keep her. Why is Amanda to blame for Aaryn leaving? She did everything she could to get Aaryn to stay. Elissa put her on the block but you will keep Elissa over Amanda. At least Amanda tells the truth. She told GM she tried to get her out. Elissa wouldn’t have admitted it. She would have said “I never did that.”

      As I said in another post. Amanda did not do everything to get Aaryn to stay.
      Lets look at this from Aaryns eyes for a min.
      She needed 3 votes to stay. She was absolutely positive she had GM’s. She worked on Judd. If she had of guaranteed Judd’s vote, she only needed one more to stay.
      This is where Aaryn got very upset with Amanda. Amanda could have saved her if she really wanted to. But her excuse was, McCrae wanted to keep Andy, so she wasn’t going to vote against McCrae.
      So please stop spouting the crap that Amanda tried to save Aaryn because its not true.

  40. McCrae



    The fake Exterminators alliance in the center will implode when Andy and Spencer immediately side with McCrae.




    Andy and Spencer will 100% throw the next HoH to McCrae – with Judd or Elissa being voted out.

      1. The crucial mistake GM and Judd made was to look like they’re working with Elissa – which they sort of are. How can all three of them not realize that Andy and Spencer are bound to be concerned if McCrae gets voted out. I have not heard Judd, GM or Elissa verbalize this issue at all even though Andy brought it up a couple of times already. They are all stupid, especially Judd who has such one dimensional thinking. Every strategic conversation he has with people he keep saying stupid crap.

  41. Andy needs to go up as the replacement nominee. His irrational loyalty and fear of Amanda is beyond ridiculous. He hasn’t really had to fight for his life in the house at all so now is a good time to pit him against his alter ego Amanda.

    BTW, Elissa has brought back an old BB skill, the art of the eavesdrop. It was way more prevalent in earlier seasons as a way of gaining knowledge but died down in later seasons because HGs were too lazy to play the game,opting instead to use floating as a strategy or too distracted by showmances. Good to see it’s making a comeback.

    1. Would LOVE to see Andy on the block with Amanda. She would throw him under the bus so quickly he won’t even know what hit him.

    1. The only way Elissa goes up is if the rumors of saving Amanda when she is in trouble are true. The DR would be the only ones to convince GM to do that and she seems pretty strong in her conviction to get rid of one of McCranda. If that does happen, the fix is in a true that Amanda will be saved when in trouble and is pre-determined to win.

  42. Wont there have to be TWO DOUBLE Evictions in order to meet the deadline of the 9/18 finale?

    Im doing the numbers in my head and on 9/5 we go from 7 to 5. Then on 9/12 wont we have to go from 5 to 3 in order to have the final 3 compete that weekend and then the final 2 on 9/18 be voted on?

    Im probably missing something but not sure what… 😀

  43. I really think McCrae and Amanda think GM is stupid.

    How many times does a person have to tell you that you are a power couple and need to be broken up? DUH!!!

    So, if you don’t put up GM, if you when HOH, then basically you are saying you will put up Spencer and Judd? LMAO?

    Man these two are fricken delusional…..

    Amanda, just pack your bags, get your onion powdered and get your bleached butthole in that jury house.

  44. I liked Amanda the first few weeks. It was sad to see her go crazy as the weeks went on. She has to go this week and work on getting her sanity back. She had a fantastic mental/social game going for a long time. No physical game though. I do agree with Amanda in the fact that Elissa has a condescending, holier than thou, better than you “little people” attitude. She’s a snob.That seems to have been forgotten since Amanda’s tirade. Elissa would fit in perfectly in one of those shows about rich housewives.

  45. I will be pleasantly surprised if Amanda actually goes home. I think they are going to back door Elissa, sadly.

  46. I hope GM does not fall for Amanda’s bad imitation of Dan Gheesling from bb14, after all GM is not the brightest. Amanda at this point seems afraid to leave the house because she honestly does have a clue of what might be waiting for her on the other side of that door unlike Aaryn. Plus she does’nt want Mc cry baby to have any time to think without her manipulating his thoughts, because already he’s not moving to Florida as fast as she wants him to. Amanda see’s Mccrae is becoming annoyed with her now and a few week’s separation is all he needs to see he’s happier without her. She seem’s desperate to stay not so much for the money anymore but for what she thinks is the main prize Mccrae.

  47. I hope Gina Marie nominates Andy. My gut tells me…..

    If GM nominates:
    1. Elissa – 50/50 who gets voted out.
    2. Judd – 50/50 who gets voted out.
    3. Spencer – 75% Amanda gets voted out.
    4. Andy – 1,000,000,000,000% Amanda gets voted out.

    Again, PLEASE GM! Nominate Andy.

    1. If Spencer goes up – he better worry since he won a trip & then that $10k. That’s more than anyone else & Andy could probably sway a third vote….

    2. Whay I said the above:

      1. If Elissa is nominated, Andy could talk Judd and Spencer to keep Amanda.
      2. Spencer couldn’t beat a blind women at pictionary.

  48. feeds are worse than before. everybody napping. got tired of watching Elissersise. Just waiting for the POV ceremony- maybe then we’ll get a little more excitement. I hope they never do an extended season – unless it was All-Stars.

  49. I think it’s pretty funny that everyone is talking bad about Amanda talking bad about others…see my point? No? Can u say hypocrite?? From some of these comments I think alot are just as bad or worse than she is . If your this riled up over just watching..i hope no one here ever go on the show!! Lets put this in is a tv show….for entertainment..not real…mostly scripted…you may argue the fact that its suppose to be reality but we all know that it is all just make believe. Now stop making yourself look like an idiot and enjoy the show for what it is..geesh!

    1. Yes I can say hypocrite. Specially to one who comes on the boards to berate others for berating people on tv. See my point???

  50. Hey, I love your site, but have a request for the rest of this season and for future seasons. If there is more than one house guest with the same first letter in their name, like Aaryn, Amanda and Andy. Could you do more than just the first letter when more than one or two are in the same conversation? It gets sort of mind numbing trying to figure out who is saying what when it’s A: …… A: …………. and A: …………………

    Thanks! and thank you for such a great site.

  51. This feels like it will wind up as the season 11 final 3 with 3 floaters. Andy is so going to be one of them, no one even bothers putting Spencer up anymore and though GM just won a 2nd HOH, her being the best player of the 3 doesn’t make for a good finale

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