Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Jasmine
Nominees: POOCH and Taylor
POV Players: POOCH, Jasmine, Taylor, Ameerah, Terrance, Michael (Host Daniel)
POV Winner: Michael
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: Terrance, Nicole, Pooch, Daniel
Doesn’t sounds like Joe is going to be backdoored but it’s still very much a possibility. Chances are veto won’t be used leaving POOCH and Taylor to battle for votes.
Lock your ranks in before midnight
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4:50pm Bedroom. Ameerah and Kyle.
Kyle – what do you think I should do with my vote? Ameerah – give it to ah Pooch. Kyle – I was thinking the same thing. Its better to deal with Joe and Turner rather than the rest of the hour. Ameerah – I am thinking of giving mine to Pooch too. Kyle – wait wait, you think vote for Pooch to stay? Ameerah – yeah. Kyle – really?! Ameerah – you should vote for Pooch to stay. Kyle – if Taylor stays and she gets HOH.. Ameerah – I am trying to get in good with her. I am working on that. The only problem is she is definitely going for guys like 100%. The good news is we have the votes to keep you if she did put you up. Kyle – the thing is I was definitely leaning towards keeping her. If Pooch goes I can deal with Joe and Turner but Taylor is going to recognize Kyle, Monte, Joe, Turner .. with her going for guys already .. me and Monte are probably the biggest physical threats .. I just don’t want to poke that. Ameerah – me and Alyssa were talking about that because we’re friends with Turner, Pooch and Joseph. So me and her were thinking of telling them .. we were going to talk to you and Monte about this ..like at the last minute Hey the house has flipped, we’re just going to flip because we don’t want to be on Taylors bad side. Kyle – you and Alyssa yeah.. when they were talking about it they were thinking you were going to vote to keep Taylor. And they were like maybe there’s a shot they would flip it to Pooch but I am like.. Ameerah – they think that we’re going to keep Taylor? Kyle – not really, they just don’t know where you two are at. Ameerah – he’s only going to have you, Monte, Turner and Joseph? Kyle – yeah. Ameerah – and generally the house is okay with that .. except for Taylor.
Backyard Hammock – Taylor and Brittany studying the days / events of the season so far.
5:13pm Bathroom. Alyssa, Kyle, Ameerah and Monte.
Monte – how are you feeling? Ameerah – I am feeling like I am doing damage control. They comment on how they need to all talk. They come up with a signal to know when they should go talk. They will say they miss Paloma. Ameerah talks about Indy. She was feeling really down. She said that she told Joseph and Monte they better not do me wrong in this game. I’m trusting them. I’m like BRO, its a f**king game! Alyssa – Taylor is pissing me off! We need to be on the same page with the votes. Ameerah – She’s gonna home next week.. Monte laughs. Monte – here is the thing I think Indy is going through a little bit of a phase right now. I don’t see her being like a big threat of whatever .. she is a wildcard. At the same time Joe and I have a pretty good idea of where her head is at most of the time. She just like formed this alliance with me and Joe and I am like I don’t know what this is… so like don’t worry about that at all. Ameerah – we have to do damage control with her. Monte – what was she saying? Ameerah – I don’t trust the girls, I don’t trust anyone in this house. Like she is acting crazy. Just be really close with her still please. She said I see myself going to the end with Monte as a final two. That’s what she told Alyssa and Michael and they freaked.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
5:57pm The house guests are called to the storage room. There’s birthday cake mix, birthday hats, etc. for Joseph.
6:08pm In the storage room there’s alcohol. 2 bottles of wine, 2 stella beers, 2 coors light beer along with some food snack. They’re not sure if its for Joe’s birthday or Indy’s 1 year anniversary of being a US citizen.
6:16pm Backyard. Brittany, Ameerah, Jasmine, Nicole, Daniel, Michael.
Jasmine – they said its a level 3 sprain which is the worst. They said I almost broke it. Pooch said the with his athletes if they have a level 2 sprain they’re down for a week and if they have a level 3 they’re down for 2 to 3 weeks.
6:25pm Kitchen – Kyle and Alyssa
Alyssa – are you guys having a thing? Kyle – no what?! Alyssa – are you guys having a thing? Kyle – a thing?! Are you outside of your mind!!? Alyssa – she said Kyle is so hot! Kyle – no you’re joking! Alyssa – no, she was like oh god yeah he is so cute! Kyle – I came out to the backyard and she was all the way across over there and she was low key like (twiddling with her fingers at him). Alyssa – She keeps like touching and she was like everyday I just want to touch someone.. Big Brother switches the feeds.
6:50pm Alyssa and Ameerah working out with Joe and Monte. Indy to Joe – when you went to DR did you ask things for me? Joe – yeah, that’s why I think its for you. Indy hugs him.
7:30pm Bedroom. Daniel, Michael and Nicole.
Daniel – I am naturally blunt and I am trying not to be offensively blunt because I am trying to just get to the point when I talk now. Kind of like Indy but she is funny and endearing. So I will say something and be like oh that probably came off wrong and like I will rethink it the whole day. But if you bring it up it becomes worse. Its like a relationship.. like dude shut the f**k up. Nicole – I think you’re doing fine… otherwise I would tell you. Daniel – I am also fearful of being portrayed as a villain on this show and I am not big fan of that.. Nicole – well you’re not a villain. Big Brother switches the feeds.
7:58pm Backyard workout continues..
8:15pm Joe is training Terrance and Michael

8:32pm Big Brother gave the havenots new floaties to sleep on..
9:15pm Backyard laundry area. Ameerah, Alyssa, Michael and Brittany.
Alyssa – that’s what’s got to happen unfortunately.. just to break up their little section (sending Pooch home). Its going to be a long day on Thursday that’s for sure. Brittany – I know. It is going to be. Alyssa – it will be the first eviction and I get to participate this time and so do you (Brittany).
Ouch!! The worst that has happened to me is getting a stress fracture as a kid from doing the AIDS walk when it was still 8 miles
wow, who knew she was so insecure.
her meatshield talks to Taylor. Taylor give meatshield a hug.
Taylor is now house whore. LMAO.
Her episode d/r vs. house behavior… suspect as hell.
Reality: she went in on the get Pooch plan because Kyle wanted it. Kyle changed his mind. She’s been trying to shift out of the plan since. Now he’s maybe changing his mind again… and nobody told Alyssa.
She’s making a clown out of herself.
Not really. At times you can tell when she knew she wasn’t a pawn. For instance, she did seem really fired up after the nomination ceremony. Once the veto ceremony occurs, assuming that Michael doesn’t use the veto on anyone, prepare for both players to up their social game to try and stay
What I’m saying is Alyssa and Jasmine have been talking like Taylor has a thing for: Daniel, Monte, and now Kyle. In the span of 3 hours they have her up on all three guys?
I’m calling it ridiculous that Alyssa is so insecure.
In this case, I don’t remember Taylor calling Daniel hot. I think Daniel said Taylor thinks he’s hot. I don’t recall Taylor being too much with Monte since the ‘misunderstanding’ (as they are calling it in the edit). and Kyle? He went up to Taylor earlier to say he’s thinking of keeping her (I believe). I think that is what the hug was about.
I just get the feeling that Alyssa is actually going to be one of those bigbrother showmancers that defers instead of plays as an equal to her showmance.
As far as Alyssa goes, the only way she makes it to the end is if someone takes her knowing that they can beat her
Do we believe Jasmine has a third grade lateral sprain… or do we believe she asked what the grades meant, and went back in saying she had a third grade lateral sprain?
Because I don’t trust one word Jasmine says.
If it is a lie for gameplay a diary room session will tell the audience.
I know i sound like an asshole when i ask that, lol.
But Jasmine… says lots of things and knows how to lie on a dime.
It is a fair question. In the past I could have seen at least a couple houseguests doing that: as gameplay: Dan (mainly because of the “funeral” he pulled off) and Evil Dick
A doctor cannot tell from an x-ray that you “almost” broke a bone. It’s broken or it’s not. I might believe the 3rd degree sprain, the rest is bs for sympathy and safety.
EXACTLY – a grade 3 sprain would mean she almost tore the ligament. Pooch is also full of sh*t b/c in the NBA if a player sustains a G3 sprain they’re out (typically) between 3 to 6 weeks (and that’s with them getting DAILY physio). For a non-athlete it can be anywhere from 6 weeks to six months.
Where the sprain is also matters – for example the higher up the ankle the sprain is the longer it usually takes for full recovery. She grabbed at her heel so that’s good news for her.
I don’t think anyone needs to feel bad about questioning Jasmine b/c she LIES (and NOT just about game related things). Yesterday after the POV she asked Taylor – would you mind making me something simple to eat? Tay said – ‘of course, what would you like?’ Jas requested shrimp & rice so Taylor made it. Later, she told Pooch that Tay keeps trying to kiss her ass & completely reversed that above situation saying she said let me make you some food.
It goes to show how easy it is to get away with lies b/c someone was sitting there when when she asked Tay to make her food but unless Pooch repeated that story to someone no one would know Jas is lying.
Actually you can’t see any sprains on an X-ray. If you don’t see a break you suspect a sprain or a hairline you can’t see on the X-ray…., a physical exam and moving the joint in the only way to tell without anCY or MRI. Regardless non weight bearing 6 weeks….at least this isn’t a Christmas needing surgery fiasco…ugh
Has anyone else noticed how much allyssa and Angela from season 20 look alike?
best looking of their seasons
Angela is okay looking. Alyssa and Angela only have similar hair styles. They do not look alike. I think Ameerah is actually prettier than Alyssa in a nerdy not trying too hard way.
Given that I and others saw Daniel tell the story about his brother on the feeds and now with Nicole telling Daniel what her former profession was, do you think that they will air it on one of the episodes? I think it would be good for this to make the airwaves
Ok, that was a quick camera switch. Camera switched off NIcole, Daniel, and Michael for a bit after Daniel said that he was being portrayed as the villain. Makes me think that someone in Production told him that even though it isn’t true
I think they may have spoken to him about a couple of the things that came out of his mouth yesterday, and he’s conflated that to mean portrayal on the show.
The thing that popped out of his mouth when Nic was teaching Monte how to cut an onion.
The whole ‘stalker’ talk (i can see them eventually telling him to drop that word because it’s loaded, while not stopping him from the sentiment).
Add that to his ‘little, innocent, looks 18’ stuff last week.
Dateline i mean Daniel has some verbal diarrhea that he really needs to watch.
I mean, the show is not painting him as the villain. His words on the feeds are making it easy for social media.
He also said (about Taylor)…
‘I f*cking hate her – – okay that sounds terrible. I can’t stand her because she’s stalking me & I don’t trust a thing she says. So forgive me if I throw her on slop. She doesn’t deserve to live normal right now. I’m not living normal, cause she’s stalking my ass.’
I think the party hats and cake Miiiiight be for Indy’s one year citizenship anniversary.
Joseph’s birthday is next week.
They are trying to find out from d/r?
Honestly, Veto ceremony isn’t even done, and look at the Mamba shenanigans.
That alliance is doomed.
The split will end up Nic, Michael, Ameerah on the outside, because Monte and Kyle will never accept not being the leaders that get followed without question, and Alyssa will make sure to stick to Kyle as her shield.
Just my opinion.
Just like Alyssa, I don’t think Kyle will make it to the end unless someone takes him because they know that they can beat him. I think that some people are cultivating Kyle as a Jury vote though while Alyssa needs to be evicted before Jury because she is the most likely one to be a bitter jury member
I find Jasmine so annoying. Everything about her bothers me, and when she speaks, it is nails on a chalkboard. Not surprising was her winning HOH by acting like a pig. Am I the only one who really dislikes her so much?
I’m so DEAD at you not being surprised Jasmine won an HOH competition where acting like a pig helped!
I agree though that she is very annoying as well as is a manipulative liar.
I hope Kyle gets to take that snake out soon.