Alyssa and Brittany nominated for eviction – Turner – “facts”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Monte
Nominees: Alyssa and Brittany
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

10:23 am Alyssa and Brittany
Alyssa – more likely than not it’ll probably be us. It doesn’t mean we go home.
Britt – I don’t know how this week will work out.
Alyssa – even though we are up there against each other we still have the opportunity to have each other.
Britt – I feel the same way.. I’m trying not to give up but I’m tired.. just gotta win.

10:30 am Brittany alone starts to whimpers.. “This sucks so bad”
Britt – alright production everything in the centre isle is for Michael.

1:00 pm Nothing is going on


1:40 pm Brittany is up …

1:55 pm We have movement..


2:00 pm Turner out of the shower.. Blows a kiss.
2:25 pm Everyone up

2:44 pm Feeds

2:46 pm Feeds go to pound for nominations

4:00 pm Feeds return Alyssa and Brittany on the block.
Looking at the memory wall
Turner – facts


4:14 pm

4:14 pm Brittany is telling Monte about Full circle… (She’s short circuiting)
Monte tells her he’s been saying to the rest of the houseguests he’s hands off this week. .

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22 thoughts to “Alyssa and Brittany nominated for eviction – Turner – “facts””

  1. Taylor, Turner or Monte need to win POV so noms stay the same and Britt is evicted. Of course it’s a good time to take out Turner too, but Jury might be bitter against Monte if he makes it to the end

    1. I would like to see Taylor win. Use veto take down Brittney. Monte puts up Turner the ladies vote out Turner. That would take the smile off a few faces. Lol
      That would be my game move if I’m trying to get 750.

      1. I would like for Taylor to win too but Britt will stab her in the back. Let noms remain the same or see what Monte wants to do

  2. Don’t really get the logic behind the noms. Alyssa and Brittany are players you’d probably want next to you at the end and are so bad at comps you give yourself a better chance getting there

  3. So Michael’s fans and interviews are all over the internet and he’s being referred to as a Legend! He is happy and humbled to be receiving this honor and knew beyond a doubt it was his night to go.

    He’s even humble enough to saying he’s not quite a legend, but in reality he is! Janelle has told Michael’s fiancé that she can’t wait to meet for celebratory drinks when he’s back in Minnesota.

    And his exit is being referred to as “iconic “ , it was brilliant and how nice of Michael to give us that last inkling of drama. Loved it!

    I’m happy for Michael that he has attained fame from this experience. What struck me the most in the interviews (ie Entertainment Weekly) is how much fun he clearly had this summer, and says that they absolutely did the right thing evicting him as he was too much of a threat.

    He is now a BB legend and for a super fan, that’s a huge honor.

    And now for dumb and dumber remaining in the house, what a disaster of HG’s. The only one I want to win is Taylor because I think she’s a kind person. It would be funny tho if Alyssa , the float of all times, won BB!!

    1. Yuck. I’m just trying to figure out which of Michael’s moves was more responsible for his downfall. His trying to sow division between the pound instead of trying to unite the leftovers, getting out jasmine instead of monte, sitting on kyle’s views on race until he could use it strategically. I think being willing to target and take out monte could have prevented his ouster and maybe even saves us the cringe of the whole situation with kyle

    2. He sucked at the game, oh wow he can win comps against a cast that sucked at comps.
      His gameplay and strategy were terrible.
      He wasted 2 of his HoH’s getting out Jasmine and Terrance.
      Brit tried to tell him, he wouldnt listen.

      i bet CBS brings him back, and hes sent out early LMAO

    1. because thats how it started in the early seasons, you went home instead of a jury house, but now the jury house is their home when they get evicted, plus it just sounds better

  4. The comments never cease to amaze me! Some of you are so woke you can’t see the hypocrisy of your thoughts and virtue signaling. The difference between me and you is that I’m white who recognizes that Monty is a standup guy whom I admire. Can’t see his color. Don’t care! One the other hand, I despise Michael and his snake like character. Don’t care if he’s skybluepink. The real Michael stormed out of the house. Many of us saw the snake in him from the start. So woksters, what does that make me?

    1. It makes you asleep.If you hate Michael’s gameplay,fine.If you like Monte’s gameplay,also fine.But if you want to judge people as good or bad,Michael never made personal attacks,Monte did.

  5. QUESTION: Do the ones shipped to the jury box have access to the feeds to keep up on what is going on in the house (presumably to keep “educated” on facts to cast an
    educated vote later, right?), OR are they kept in the dark and as ignorant as possible as it is the practice in real-life juries in judicial trials???

    1. they only get to compare notes between each other and see the little highlights on comps and ceremonies when a new juror comes in.

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