POV Holder: | HEATHER | Next POV | April 26th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | April 28th |
HOH Winner: | Jon | Next HOH: | May 1st |
Original Nominations: | Heather and Sabrina | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | None |
11:25am – 11:35am Adel says you and me are literally thinking of winning the paper right?! Jon says yeah. Adel says say.. you did put her up as a pawn.. at the end of the day one of us are going to have to take her out. Jon says yeah, just a matter of when to do it. Adel says yeah, and this time its not like we would be the ones doing it to her because Heather will still have your word with her and everything right?! Jon says yeah. Adel says I just don’t want us to lose the odds. Well it wouldn’t even be like losing the odds .. I would go up and go home and you would still have … Jon says if you did go up, I don’t think you would go home. I don’t want to put you up and be like I don’t think he would. Adel says but see how easy it was .. you had a final 3 with Heather and Neda.. look how quick Neda said okay! Jon says yeah real quick eh! Adel says she has Sabrina’s vote 1 billion percent! She has the gremlins, the other Allison. Jon says yup that’s three right there.. and she’d have Heathers too so that’s four. Adel says Oh yeah she is going to be the one to go to Heather and be like Jon and Adel approached me for final 3. Adel says I am telling you bro I will start playing for second place. Jon says yeah we just got to see how it plays out in the next 24 hours. Jon says he thinks Canada will name the replacement nominee. Adel says just really think of it bro .. you’re right at the money .. you never made one mistake. I know I don’t have a chance ..maybe against you but I will throw that out the window if you give me the nod bro. I will make these girls cry! I want to at least win 20G’s! Adel says just say the word and I’ll make them cry! Neda can touch the money with her hand she has all the votes in her back pocket! You give me the nod and I will go rip everyone a new a$$hole. Jon says lets just wait to see what happens today and tomorrow. Adel asks why does she feel so good ..because she has you manipulated in her mind!? Adel says yeah its your move, you just tell me when. I just know I only want you and me to get paper man!
11:35am – 12pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds.. When the live feeds return Big Brother opens up the backyard. Heather and Sabrina are in the kitchen eating the breakfast that Heather made. Sabrina says oh my god it’s so good! Adel heads outside to see the weather and grab towels out of the dryer. Sabrina heads out side and Jon joins her. Sabrina says if you’re worried that I am going to tell her .. I’m not .. Jon says I hope not! Sabrina says no I wouldn’t I’m really not a rat face!
12:25pm – 12:40pm Heather, Adel, Jon and Sabrina are sitting around the living room couch talking about how they think the last couple weeks will work. Sabrina says today is episode 24, one person leaves this Thursday, then another person between this Thursday and next. Sabrina says considering certain things .. maybe we’re seeing family today? Jon asks what certain things? Sabrina says I can’t say… are you missing someone? Jon says Oh! That one.. that was yesterday. Sabrina says mine and Neda’s was today. Sabrina starts talking about the freeze challenge with Andrew and his twin brother Pete that happened last season. Neda, Jon and Sabrina talk alone in the living room. Sabrina asks them to just please tell her if she is going. Neda says I will need to think about it before I say. Sabrina questions if what they told her before about final 3 was a lie then!? Neda says no not at the time I just like to run through all possible scenarios before I say. Jon agrees and says that he doesn’t think that things have really changed for me. The conversation turns to talking about how Sabrina and Neda won money during last nights POV. Neda comments that the money is enough to pay off her credit cards.
12:40pm – 1pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds.. when the live feeds return Heather, Adel, Neda and Jon are in the living room talking about random things while Sabrina is in the diary room. Big Brother warns the house guests that they will be on a backyard lock down. Jon comments on how he can’t believe Arlie predicted there would be a final 5 girls alliance. Jon holds up his baby soother and says this is Arlie right here! A DUMB T!T! Jon then gives Neda a piggyback ride upstairs to the HOH room and main bedroom.
1:10pm – 1:50pm All the house guests head out by the pool for the backyard lock down.. The conversation turns to talking about the meaning behind dumb t!t. Sabrina says that its offensive. Jon says its not. The house guests talk about how they had to watch a video of them being disrespectful to big brother. Adel said the c-word… he says I wasn’t saying it to anyone I was saying it to the sky. Jon says I hate the c-word. They all head out to the hot tub room to talk about random things..
2:15pm – 2:25pm Jon heads inside … Adel asks so do you think Heads and Ned’s are.. you know .. do you think I’m good? There’s so much whispering going on. Jon says no matter what I’m keeping you. Adel brings up how Neda was going for the money. Jon says that Neda is pissed that Heather isn’t leaving and even said she wished she would have gone for it. Adel says I saw her all she was going for was the money. Jon says so was I. JOn says that Neda said her ultimate final 3 would be you, me and her. Jon complains about having to go to the bathroom really bad. Jon says I am actually debating on getting in the pool and letting one go.. Adel laughs. Big Brother blocks the live feeds ..
2:35pm Adel is laying in the hammock. Jon and Neda are laying on the backyard grass. Jon wipes his hand on Neda’s mouth. Jon says that was down my pants. Neda says eww! Jon says its not like you haven’t had that in your mouth.. Jon yells out to Heather and says congratulations on being final 4! Over by the pool – Sabrina and Heather are talking. Sabrina tells Heather that there something she needs to tell her but can’t right now. Sabrina asks who would you take to the final 2? It stays between you and I. Heather says probably Neda. Sabrina says that would be stupid. Heather asks who should I take? Sabrina says you would win over Adel. Against Neda it would be 50/50. Against Jon he would win 100%. Big Brother opens the backyard and the house guests head inside.
2:40pm – 3pm Neda lays on the stair landing and Jon goes over to a camera and says lets play a game call find NEDA! He then goes to each camera and says to each of them lets play a game called find Neda! The camera each zoom in on her. Jon finds Neda’s ipod in the storage room. (He had requested a different ipod because he was bored of his music.) Neda and Jon run up to the HOH room to listen to the music. Jon listens to it first..

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Go Adel! Go Heather! Jon and Neda are power drunk.
lmao now everyone is suddenly heathers best friend again… this is house is so dumb… look at sabrina sucking up to heather…
Jon made a mistake. He should have told Heather she was the pawn at least until veto. He was too arrogant . Glad to see Adel telling Jon what to do.
Jon did tell Heather she was a pawn so im not sure what you mean
Evo means before the nom ceremony. Heather was very up set no one took her aside before nominations.
oh ok thanks for clarifying
Neda suggested to Jon to not tell Heather before Nominations. Adel blamed for not wanting to be pawn. Neda then comforted Heather after. Neda comes out on top in Heather’s mind.
Nice play by Neda.
I hate it when people go through and are never put on the block. Like Jillian last year, she won, but was never put on the block. I would have loved to see her campaign because that’s when you really see their line of thinking. Jon hasn’t been on the block at all yet. I would love to see him campaign for himself, just to see what he would say and do. Hopefully this year it isn’t just like last year where Jon steamrolls through never having to be on the block at least once. But that looks like it is going to happen. No one can compete with him at this point.
It seems Heather can give Jon competition.
Well I hope you are right. She was useless for the first half of the season.
Plus, Jon said him and Neda didn’t try for he veto.
Neda not trying, and going for the money, should be a light bulb moment for Jon. Neda wanted Heather to stay. He needs to think about why Neda didn’t for the veto to keep the noms the same.
if Jon doesn’t put up Neda he doesn’t deserve the win
I wish Adel would start campaigning with Sabs and Heather. Heather is very quiet today. I would like to see Neda get nervous and all hell break out.
ok i dont understand adel at all…. why is he trashing neda and heather to jon? does he not know that if jon puts him on the block his going to need neda or heathers vote to stay? his thinking makes no sense he needs a vote from heather or neda…. also if he pisses off jon to much talking smack about neda he might break the tie and send his ass home….. his logic makes no sense at all… he should be befriending neda and heather for votes…
Adel’s trying to convince Jon to nominate Neda and not Adel. He mentions Heather in F3 scenarios if Adel gets voted out this week and what trouble Jon is in. Most of us clearly think Neda won’t be nominated. Adel has bought into the JON/Adel F2 deal fully. Think he’s in for a big surprise. But I think the girls will vote out Sabs but who knows.
It is surprising that Sabs is the only one that sees how tight Neda and Jon are and that they are making decisions together. It shows how well these two are playing their alliance.
sab should make a f3 with neda and heather… just atleast attempt it u never know it could work… f3 with sabrina is a good game move for neda an heather.. sabrina is easier to beat at f3 comp.. the two should really think hard about that……
Neda wants this but has to be careful about not outing herself to Jon before he heads out the door.
I just think it is a pointless argument, but adel is campaigning for himself. I kind of feel that Jon and Neda have a ‘never put you up’ and ‘never vote you out’ arrangement. plus i have been of the opinion for a while that Jon may want to be F2 but that he doesn’t really care if it is 20K or 100K, and that who he might be F2 with isn’t what motivates him in the game.
Jon needs to see that he probably won’t win against Neda in F2. The jury will see that she was the mastermind behind it all and thus she deserves it more than him. Now would be the best time to cut Neda. I think he would win against any of the other three, for sure he will have Allison, Arlie and Rachelle’s votes (assuming Sabrina isn’t F2).
Put Neda on Jon!100% winning big move!
I hope Adel doesn’t wind up going. Would love to see Neda go up as a pawn or even be the one to go. This might liven the show up a bit! It starts to get stagnant toward the end each year (talking US too).
Jon will take Neda out, gutted but knew this was coming… surprised many feeders couldn’t see it too
I’m not buying into Neda taking Jon F2. As for the renom I think Neda is OK. Yah it would be flashy to put her up and Heather would vote to evict Sabs and Jon would have to break a 1-1 tie. All would be very good TV. I’m thinking before the end of the day Jon will have told this convo to Neda in it’s entirety. Strategically it might be stupid but I don’t think Adel/Jon F2 deal is real and the Neda deal is. Neda will think Thursday that could have been her leaving and Jon is in deep sh*t if he doesn’t win POV F4. Neda is no dummy and she knows the scenarios I’m sure. I’m picking Neda HOH F4 and she tanks POV hoping for a girl win to take out Jon. I think she can do it herself and still get the money easy with or without Jon’s vote.
Heather will not vote out Adel wants the F4 deal kept. Neda votes strategically and Sabby evicted 2-0. Crazy dumb azz feeder I guess, that’s me!
its funny how the 3 stooges dont want to leave heather alone with sabriana….. scared that sabrina might spill the beans and tell heather … but i tnink heather allready knows the plan was to get her out this week i hope she did anywaYS….
Heather’s not stupid. It was obvious for so many reasons. They were all acting shady towards her; couldn’t look her in the eye. Also, if Sabrina didn’t know she was staying, she would have been MUCH more dramatic than she was being.
Heather’s head is in the sand regarding Neda, and I think Jon also. I am not convinced Heather is still suspicious of her being placed on the block. Heather going for POV was the only smart thing to do as that is the only way to assure her place in F4, regardless of wether she trusts the others or not.
Sabrina will turn Heather’s head around, I hope. If Heather doesn’t listen and think…she is not as bright as many assert.
The worst thing for Jon’s game is taking Neda out. I hope he doesn’t let Deli talk him into doing something stupid. Jon is not the brains of Joneda. And I disagree with the idea that Neda would beat him in final 2. I don’t think anyone can beat Jon in front of the jury, and if he is there, he gets Canada’s vote. If Neda goes, Jon is a lame duck next week. If he thinks any of the ones left want to be sitting next to him, he is mistaken. Not even Neda, but she is the only one that might take him. One of his strongest points with the jury is that he made game with all of them, but he was always ultimately loyal to his day one alliance. If Neda goes this week the only way Jon doesn’t go to jury right behind her is by winning POV. I really hope he puts up Adel and the girls vote him out, then it’s on!
Neda would get my vote, and maybe many others, but i can totally see Jon thinking that he would get them over Neda. I think since he has played sports he sees it as a simple win count, and he has more wins that Neda? (if he does). why they both should have tried harder for Veto, to up their wins. you go to F2 if you are a non BB follower athlete and you are going to say I won 6 comps, 3 HOH and 3 POVs, plus 3 of the 8 challenges. If you can say that against someone you point out only won 4, 2 HOH and 2 POVs, and only one of the 8 challenges, you are going to think you are in an ideal spot.
But Neda knows that as a BB follower, that isn’t it, and popularity/friends in the jury also isn’t it. Other BB fan players would vote for who played all the points in the game, including backstabbing, backdooring, manipulating stronger players and HOH winners and POV winners to do things that are good for your game, not necessarily their games, etc.
As Arlie and Allison see in the jury house, Neda is the power behind the Jon. As BB fan players, they will vote for Neda, i am just not convinced that Jon knows that would be how they would vote.
Neda will take Jon out if she gets the chance . She knows she cant beat him in final two.
Neda would beat Jon F2. I think the only vote she is not assured is Adel’s (I am excluding Canada), and even Adel may swing it to her as he is aware of how good she is playing.
1 minute please. You forget Neda did Allison in. And Allison is not the “super fan” we were sold. Jon gets that vote and a lot have forgotten Neda’s good bye message to Arlie and the look on his face. Jon was HOH so I put Arlie a toss up. Adel likely goes Jon. So the Gremlins can likely crown the winner. So little social game from both Jon and Neda with the gremlins. Jon gets both he wins and I figured that a couple weeks back. I still think Jon gets Canada so Neda needs Heather(done), both Gremlins(no idea) but a Roro/Sabby split would be bad for Neda and I say Arlie is the likely/unlikely 4th vote. I wouldn’t want to be sitting there finale night after her good bye message counting on Arlie for the win and a 100k.
2 weeks ago Jon was the only one who could beat Neda IMO. Neda’s chances are improving slightly. She needs both Gremlins for a 4-3 win IMO. Just one last point and that’s Adel. He will not give the vote based on game play. He doesn’t know the game well enough. His social is all big Jon. For him to go this week and both girls vote him out as a renom Jon would have Adel’s vote locked up.
It was funny how Emmett and Jillian had to warn Neda about her goodbye messages. Then her next one to Rachelle was so fake and over-the-top that it ended up being patronizing, and Ro just had to roll her eyes. The girl has no social game at all.
Clearly you do not watch the interviews after the show. If you’ve been watching the google q&a with the jury you’ll see that Neda has Allison and Roro votes on lock down, Allison stated that she will vote based on gameplay (and only bitter towards adel) and Roro clearly stated that for now she will vote Neda. Arlie is still on the fence but I think unless Adel is next to her, she will also get his vote. That’s three out of a possible seven, unless she messed up the next two weeks, Heather or Jon will also vote for her and that’s a win for her.
At this point I actually think that the only person that could beat her is Sabrina, with her sitting at the final two Neda would lose Allison and Roro. Arlie may also vote for Sabrina for beating the odds against everyone. Adel and Heather may also swing the other way just because of bitterness.
Wrong! On thursdays episode they showed the jury house and Allison and Arlie both hinted at voting for Neda. Allison is far from bitter about Neda taking her out and has spoke positively about her game. Unless she is up against Sabrina, she will get Allison’s vote.
Stan, your scenario is banking on a bitter jury. I disagree that this jury will be bitter. Allison and Arlie have each asserted that Jon is playing Neda’s game. Rachelle has stated if Neda is beside anyone except Sabrina will have her vote. Heather will give Neda her vote and if Sabrina is in jury will give Neda her vote as she also see’s what Arlie and Allison do.
So Neda/Jon F2…solid 5 votes for Neda: Arlie, Allison, Rachelle, Sabrina and Heather. Adel and Canada are the unknowns.
Please save Adel ! I am hoping Sabrina is voted out this week or Neda goes up for the love of God.
It’s funny cause Jon’s not gonna put up Neda but if Neda were HoH she’d jump to put Jon up in this position. Neda is playing better than Jon socially in that way.
If Jon is smart, he’ll go ahead and get rid of Sabrina now. She is developing way too much of an underdog’s story to sell to the jury. And she already has votes there. Cutting Neda or Adel at this point just leaves him way too vulnerable next week to some Heather-Sabrina plot. And I really think the only person he could beat at the end is Adel. He can’t beat Neda and it would be really close with Heather. But I suppose the other issue is that Adel could get Canada’s vote if he’s up against Jon, although I think Adel’s public appeal is really on the decline right now. We’ll see. Jon has a predicament – enjoy that trip! Shouldn’t have let Heather win dude! Also, I’m probably wrong people.
I would be completely shocked if Jon put up Neda as the replacement…it would be a royally dumb move on his part! Next week, he can’t play the final HoH…so he’s banking on Neda. Also, he’s banking on himself and Neda in the final POV to win so they can go to final 3… Jon has no idea that Neda would cut him… Now between Sabrina and Adel…they should cut Sabrina because she’s not dumb and she will get jury votes! The next HoH and POV comps will be probably be question based about past events, etc…and Adel definitely doesn’t have the brains for that one! Time to finally say goodbye to the gremlins!
did sabrina just spill the beans to heather? convo between heather and sabrina now ?
Sabrina’s gift to Heather…turning the lights on.
Please backdoor Adel this week. That would make for good TV and the ending would be a lot more exciting with the other 4 left…. Plus it would be cool to see Adel “take the walk of shame” …Right Bud!!!
You can’t backdoor someone who played in veto!!!!!
I honestly can’t see why people think Jon is too big of a threat to take to final two (for Neda or Heather or even Sabrina) . At this point there shouldn’t be anyone neither in jury or in the house who thinks it was Jon who came up with the idea to get rid of Arlie. Sure, he has won a few competitions, but in my opinion being Neda’s puppet and uncontrollable drunk player speaks way more against him. What strategic things has he done on his own to deserve to win?
As far as Adel is concerned, I think he can only win if the jury is bitter agains his opponent, which looks more and more unlikely, considering how big of an asshole he’s trying to come across. Oh, and he still has to get through this week.
nope my bad … she telling heather to take adel to f2
My god Jon put up Neda blindside the hell out of her
makes for great t.v. and you still will be in the game
as next HOH really doesn’t matter it all comes down to
who wins the veto that person will have the ultimate
Power and decide who to send packing ugh wake up Jon
Adel you been in some shit this whole game, if u can climb yourself out this one, you will deserve to win.
Adel will not give his vote to a woman over Jon. Just sayin.
So true. His respect for women is null. He probably wouldn’t even want to vote if two women made it to f2.
Oh shut up! That is total BS. He (like EVERYONE ELSE IN THE HOUSE) thinks Jon is running the show which is understandable cuz they don’t see Neda pulling the strings the way we do as viewers so shut your mouth. The girls (even Sabrina) have all commented on how much of a gentlemen and respectful Adel is to the women so stop trying to dig for reasons to hate him.
I disagree. I don’t think Adel would have a problem voting for a woman. I also think Adel knows more about the game than he let’s on…he is just playing it differently than we would expect.
I think it’s smart that Adel is telling Jon that Neda will win over him (cuz its most likely true) I just wish he would stop this stupid “I’ll be mean to the jury members so I go to the end” strategy. It worked a little in the beginning but now he needs to realize that if he’s sitting next to Jon in the F2 like he hopes for, he doesn’t need to make jury members angry cuz they wouldn’t vote for him anyway.
Put Neda up as a pawn and take Sabrina out would like to see what happens with Adel Jon Heather &Neda play it out
Stick with final 4 and send Saba packing! Would like to see them fight it out
Tonight’s episode was pretty weak.
The aired segments were a challenge to take care of babies and BB production acting as if the house was haunted:( A really lame episode in what has been a great season.
And the Sheyld still really blows!