About Dawg

CBS Interactive Inc.

During the summer of 2007 two HUGE Big Brother fans got together and decided to start a website were we would watch the live feeds and blog about it. To our surprise other people liked the blog and our spoilers site has grown ever since. Out first blog was bb8spoilers.com later we started bb9spoilers.com and finally we settled on onlinebigbrother.com

I have always been a huge fan of reality television shows with my absolute favourite being Big Brother. I began watching Big Brother from the very beginning in season 1 with my interest and curiosity growing along with the evolution of the show. After all these years, I have more passion for the show than I ever have and still continue to be drawn into the game play, strategies and backstabbing drama that comes from locking a group of people in a house for half a million dollars.

Its not easy blogging about Big Brother twenty four hours, seven days a week for 5 – 6 months out of the year, but Simon and I do it all for the fans and for the love of the game. We sincerely hope you enjoy the show and our site as much as we do and we cannot wait for each new season to start to share it with you.

If you have any questions ([email protected])

Don’t forget to sign up to our Google+ page we’re rolling out all the best most complete Big Brother Spoilers and google+ is a key component this year.

Keep connected with us and the BIG BROTHER 13 SPOILERS Facebook , Twitter, RSS and Email .

Have any questions send me a email @Contact

10 thoughts to “About Dawg”

  1. Hi all!!!
    Any one notice that Helen got pushed off the wall??
    Please tell me this game is not rigged!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi guys! My comments don’t show up anymore… Am I in a spam folder? Could you please fix it? Thanks!

      1. Thanks Simon! I sent you emails as well over the past days. Am I in a spam filter there as well? 😉

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