POV Holder: | ? | Next POV | July 27th |
POV Used | ? | POV Ceremony | July 29 |
HOH Winner: | Aaryn | Next HOH: | Aug 1 |
MVP: | ? | ||
Original Nominations: | |||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin | |
Have Nots | ? |
12:40am In the lounge – Howard and Candice are talking. Candice asks if we go up on the block do we have the numbers? Howard says we have 4 votes. Candice says we need 5 votes or Aayn decides. Candice says you have me, Spencer, Andy, Gina and maybe Jessie. The option is to talk to her or to not talk to her. Candice says will probably put up you, Spencer and Me. Which is probably what they will do so if I win the veto I can’t take you off. Candice says I want to tell her my thoughts but if she rats me out if will fu*k up things with Helen, Elissa, Amanda and McCrae. If she rats me out I might as well go. Helen, Amanda plotted to use Elissa, just like they have used Aaryn. Candice says we would be the least likely for people to think we would be working together. She could take Elissa also who can’t play for MVP. Howard tells Candice to go get her bed. Candice ask what do you mean? I have my bed. Howard says last time I told you to forget your bed, now I am telling you to go get your bed. Candice is worried that Howard and Spencer are both bigger targets than she is, so they would go home over her. I want to protect my people just like they protect their people. Candice says either we go talk to her to try and make a deal or we throw Spencer under the bus. Candice says I am going to throw your homie under the bus to protect you. She says no one likes him any ways. Candice says she isn’t sure if she should wait to see what the nominations are. Howard tells Candice to talk to Aaryn tonight and he will talk to her tomorrow to reiterate what she says.
1am Candice heads up to the HOH room to join Spencer, Jessie, Helen, Andy, Amanda, Gina and Aaryn. Aaryn suggests that they make up a mini competition to decide who the host for the competition would be. The cameras switch to Elissa, McCrae and Judd talking in the kitchen. Elissa is telling them about how she bought a dog off someone because it wasn’t being treated very well. Meanwhile in the loung room – Andy talks to Amanda and asks they’re both (Howard and Spencer) going up right? Amanda says yes. Andy says that it couldn’t be more perfect for Aaryn to win. Amanda says I have been working on Aaryn for weeks now. Andy says he has too. Amanda brings up how none of the goof troop alliance have been up on the block. There are no other 4 person alliances. Amanda says no matter what either Spencer or Howard are going home. Amanda says Candice is going to go bat sh*t crazy. Amanda and Andy comment on how much of an idiot Elissa is. Amanda says we have 8 people, well 9 including Elissa. They discuss voting out Howard, Spencer, Gina and Elissa. Andy says that Elissa is the craziest person I have ever met. Amanda says I think that America likes the goof troop (McCrae, Amanda, Judd, Andy). If we fu*king Brigade this sh*t, that would be crazy. Spencer joins them.
1:30am Andy, Spencer and Amanda are talking in the lounge room. Spencer says he has a whole new found respect for Aaryn, I did not know she teaches snowboarding to under privileged kids. Amanda says nope did not know. Spencer says Aayn had a HOH photo and said this is wear I taught snowboarding to people who couldn’t afford it. Spencer asks did you get any talk out of her. Amanda say that Candice told Helen basically to get everything off her and Howie she blamed you. Amanda says and just so you know none of that came from me. Spencer says it doesn`t really matter until the third nominee is set. They discuss the HOH competition. Amanda says I think Aayrn is going to put Elissa up. McCrae joins them. They talk about how Elissa snubbed Aaryn after the HOH competition. McCrae says that Elissa doesn`t see it that way though. They talk about how Elissa will likely go up on the block. Amanda says and no one will take her off if they win the veto. Spencer asks am I fine against Elissa. Andy says people are starting to think she is crazy. Amanda asks starting!? They laugh. Amanda says hopefully Aaryn puts up Elissa and Candice. Spencer says that Aaryn said that I could potentially go up but that I am not her target. Spencer says I am going to talk to her again tomorrow to try and not go up. If Elissa is the target then someone that would vote for her should go up with her. Amanda asks Spencer if you are ready to go off on Candice and rip her a new one then I would love to be there to see that. Spencer comments that Jesse was drunk, hopefully Judd gets some tonight or at least sees her t*ts. Spencer says hopefully at least Gina is the third nominee. I really do expect to go up tomorrow after all of Aaryn’s bullsh*t. Spencer says if Howard isn’t on the block then I will get his vote and Judd/Jessie are straight. Judd joins them. They laugh about Aaryn teaching poor kids snowboarding. Elissa joins them.
2:05am Howard and Aaryn are talking in the HOH bathroom. Howard says that Candice wants to talk to her. Aaryn tells Howard that she made a deal to stay here with Helen that I would either throw HOH or if I won we could make the decision together. Aaryn says I did not want to win today. Aaryn says that Candice came up to Helen and said I know you made a deal with Helen and If you put me or Howard up on the block, we are going to come after you guys. Aaryn says that Candice said you better put up Ginamarie and Spencer and Helen relayed that info to me. Aaryn says you know I don’t want to do anything to harm you, my safety in this house relies on me doing what the numbers want. So I am going to have to figure that out. Spencer says I know you are smart enough and bold enough to know who is running this house. Howard says all I know is if you do exactly what they want you to do you are right back in the same position. If you shake the game up, everything is a freefall. Its not going to be the same four people running the house. Aaryn agrees. Aaryn says tomorrow anytime you and I can talk, nothing is set in stone yet. Big Brother cuts the feeds.
Aaryn, Judd, Andy, Jessie, Judd and Gina are in the HOH room talking. Aaryn says I know you don’t like to lie Gina but we might need to lie a little bit. Gina says oh god! What do you want me to say. Aaryn says later on down the road if he starts saying Aaryn said this I might need you to lie. Gina says oh no I will be your back up. Aaryn says I am honestly scared to talk to him alone anyways because he attacks like a heathen. Andy says that he is just super paranoid. Aaryn says he is going up even if I have to lie to him to tell him he isn’t so later I will have to lie and say look I didn’t want to have to do this I don’t have a choice. Gina suggests just telling him you haven’t decided who you are picking yet. Aaryn says I had to make fake deals with them. I am going to have to put them up and say that I heard they were trying to flip the house on me. I had no problem with them until they tired to campaign against me. Aaryn says besides I am doing what the 8 of us decide collectively sans (without) Spencer, Howard, Elissa and Candice. Andy says if Elissa goes up again this week we will know if America is MVP because she would not nominate herself knowing she can’t play in the veto competition. They all discuss how whoever goes up against Howard and Spencer will be safe. Andy says that Elissa calling the town meeting made you look sane and Elissa look completely nuts. Aaryn says that Elissa has been on the block twice, being on the block two weeks in a row is traumatizing, I am sorry but it is. Judd says sorry. Aaryn says me not putting Elissa on the block is going to mean something to her. And I know she hates me and will hate me no matter if I licked her butt hole, but like it is going to mean something to her for me to not put her up. I am not saying I want her here, but after Howard, Spencer, Candice I want Elissa gone. Judd says or even before Candice. Aaryn says Elissa fu*ked over Helen who she is in a mom alliance with, if you would fu*k her over you would fu*k clownie over. Everyone agrees to that they are the next four to go. Aaryn says that she has learned her lesson and if any of you fu*king a$$holes put me up I will flip. Don’t do that sh*t to me again that was traumatizing. I never put any of you up after two HOH’s. Aaryn says I am taking a bullet today so please if any of those 4 get HOH please protect me. Aayrn says if one of those a$$holes win the veto then Candice is going up and she can sit on my hat, I don’t care! Apparently it was only a $10 hat even though it was really a $25 hat. Aaryn looks at the camera and says Kara Monaco I want to be in Playboy with you! We can scissor! Spencer joins them and the conversation turns to talking about random things.
2:45am In the storage room – McCrae, Amanda and Andy agree that this week couldn’t be easier and that they want either Howard, Spencer or Candice out. Andy explains what Howard told Aayrn in the HOH bathroom. Howard then knocks on the lounge room and looks in he says na I am just playing. He tells them that they can trust him, it is getting necessary with some stuff that is being said but ya’ll just trust me. Howard leaves and McCrae and Amanda think that Howard heard Andy talking about him. Andy says I don’t think he did. Amanda says that Howard and Spencer will do whatever it takes to change your mind but you just have to look at the facts. They think Howard could still be outside the door so McCrae gets on the floor to see. Andy then goes outside the door to put his ear up to see if he can hear what they are saying. He checks and comes back and says it was all muffled, you can’t hear anything. They talk about how Howard and Spencer are acting paranoid. Andy says that he wants Howard out before Spencer. Amanda and McCrae agree. They talk about how they think Howard is a big threat and has a better chance to win competitions. They talk about how Howard has Spencer and Candice, and they need to cut the head off the snake. Andy says that after Howard goes up tomorrow, only the Goof Troop alliance (Amanda/McCrae/Andy/Judd) will have never been on the block. They hope that Howard doesn’t win POV. Andy says that he feels like every week, the person he doesn’t want to win the veto, always wins!

3:30am Up in the HOH room – Jessie, Gina, and Aaryn. Andy heads up to the HOH room and tells them that he was in the lounge with Amanda and McCrae and Howard opened the door and looked at them seriously and then said just kidding. Andy says that he isn’t sure if Howard head them talking or not. They discuss how Howard and Spencer need to go on the block. Andy says they both need to go up on the block because if they don’t one could win the veto and pull the other off. Andy asks Aaryn if she wants Howard gone. Aaryn says yes. Aaryn says that it’s hard to not put Elissa up because she feels Elissa is the only person guaranteed to put her up. Aaryn says that she is going put up Howard and Spencer. Anryn says that she is going to talk to Helen tomorrow and tell her that she is only doing it if they promise she won’t go up next week. Aaryn talks about what she will tell Howard and Spencer when she nominates them. She says she will tell Spencer that he voted against her in the first two weeks and that she isn’t going to make the same mistake three times, that is why you’re going on the block. She says she will tell Howard, you have been throwing competitions, you have lied to me several times, and you tried to flip the house on me this week and that is why you’re going on the block.
4:10am – 4:35am Candice and Howard are talking. Howard says that he will honor Candice trying to save him till he leaves or they win. He says that he has to respect that Spencer may throw him under the bus to save himself but I can’t do that. Candice says that the only person she told to put up Spencer to was Howard. Howard says it must be a lie because Spencer brought that information to him. Candice asks why he waited so long to tell her when they talked so many times. Howard says that he thought it came from Spencer so he let it go. Candice says Spencer can go fu*k himself and go home. Candice says that she doesn’t give a fu*k about him. Howard says that’s fine but maybe someone told Spencer that or maybe he made it up. Candice asks why she isn’t allowed to tell Aaryn that she heard from Howard about this rumor. Howard agrees that she can but he says that Amanda also told him that she heard the same thing. Candice asks why Howard doesn’t defend Candice with Amanda and McCrae. Howard says all Amanda said to him was that she heard a rumor that came from Candice. Candice asks Howard to defend her again. Howard says that he will. Howard says we just need to be cool this week. Candice says that it hurts to think that Helen played her just like it hurts him to think Spencer played him. Howard says we both need to work with them though, right? Candice agrees. Candice says that she wants to be herself, I want to be real, I don’t want to be an a$$ kisser. I am a competitor. Howard asks Candice not to lose it because she helps him keep it together. I need you. The end their conversation and go to sleep.
7:25am All the house guests are still sleeping..
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Aaryn…..please put up Spencer & Howard on the block. Don’t Backdoored Elissa.
I can’t believe Helen threw Candace under the bus. Helen told Candace she will try and get aaryn to put up Gina Marie and spencer and then goes to her alliance and lies and says Candace told me to put up spencer or Gina Marie or her and Howard will come after them which was a lie to throw Candace under the bus and also threw Elissa under the bus to get her nominated by leing it was Lisa’s who told Candace about their deal with aaryn when Candace told helen it was Jessie. I can’t wait till they turn on Helen. She’s forgotten who were there for her in the beginning. Candace needs to wake up and realis Helen is not her friend or Andy. I voted 10 times for Amanda and u all should do the same. Howard needs to start playing like Dan if he wants to stay in this game. At this point in time Howard’s only hope of survival is if he wins veto or if Candace plays veto and saves him if not he’s out the door. I have a strong feeling the veto comp will be endurance to ensure Howard wins coz it will be a nightmare for CBS if aaryn sends Howard home. I also hope CBS stops giving amanda and
Helen a good edit and show viewers their real colors.
I’m not surprised by anyone in this house. It’s a game of maneuvering and lying to stay in the house. Helen proved to be like all the over players when she won HOH. She is no different and is looking at how she can remain in the game.
Please don’t put Howard and DAn in a same sentence; they’re nothing alike.
Candice is such a great friend to Helen; she knows Helen and Elissa are Howard’s target, which is dumb because Helen has absolutely no power in her alliance. She will be the first person that will be voted out in her so-called alliance.
When Helen was HOH, it was Judd, Amanda and McCrae that were making the biggest noise about Howard being a shady f and bible swearing. They wanted Howard out; Helen wanted Jeremy out. That’s why when Kaitlin pulled herself off the block that Helen put Jeremy up instead of Howard. Helen said that Jeremy was her target all along.
Helen is one of the most annoying houseguests but so is Howard. What was up with Howard massaging Kaitlin’s and Aryn’s neck. YUCK!
I don’t give a fig what any ot the HGs do at this point. What I do care about is that as many people as possible vote 10x to put Amanda in the 3rd seat on the block. Her behavior towards Howard is reprehensible! I have a feeling that we might be pleasantly surprised by how many would vote her out. As much as Saint Helen has been getting on my nerves lately, even she is aware of the controlling Amanda is doing from everyone else’s HOH bed/room/bathtub. I sooooo want Howard to win the POV and save himself from an unfair characterization and eviction. VOTE AMANDA TEN TIMES!! Tell all of your friends and relations to do the same even if they don’t watch the show!
Rachel or Rachel wannabe, either way what you are doing is silly. This is at least the 3rd week in a row that you’ve been on here trolling for votes for Elissa… First it was for how she deserved MVP despite not giving any substantial reason why, then after you realized BB took Elissa’s MVP out of her hands, you came on here campaigning to make sure Amanda was the 3rd nominee over Elissa, THEN this week you’ve been on here talking down to everyone to “make sure you read the rules and website carefully so Elissa doesn’t mistakenly go up again’ like BB fans are idiots who can’t read (b/c in yours/Rachel’s/Elissa’s delusional world that’s the only logical explanation for America voting Elissa as a nominee…). As I have eluded to before, if you ARE Rachel you are pathetic for being on here trying to influence the game for your sister, and if you are NOT Rachel then you are just as delusional as they are. BB fans are NOT stupid, and they will see through your continued trolling just as the HG’s have seen through Elissa’s so called game…
This has to be the worst season ever in terms of gameplay. Aaryn is truly an airhead.
Aaryn’s an airhead, maybe, but she’s an airhead who is HOH. An airhead that’s going to help get Howard out the game.
then what? get nominated next week by whoever is hoh. she should have done what kaitlinn was doing last week, and that is aligning with those who do not fit into Amanda, mcrea, elissa and Helen group. however, it may be too late for her regardless, and if that’s the case she should at least try to shake the house up
first 😀
you held my comment to be approved so that i wouldn’t be first. how dare you :O
I checked the CBS comments and the facebook comments because it reflects more of the general Big Brother fans, and there were overwhelming votes and comments about Amanda and how she needs to go. There were also alot for Elissa but most were for Amanda.
I tried to give Howard the benefit of the doubt, but after reading his last conversation with Candice I feel like he doesn’t deserve to win BB. It is so disappointing to see his laid back, no plan of attack strategy. Talking to Candice is not going to accomplish anything you Knucklehead!!!! He needs to go to Elissa and Spencer and tell them to bombard Aaryn with different deals and possible game scenarios. He needs to confront Amanda and Aaryn and confirm their biggest fears!! Be the big scary black guy and tell them if they put him up and he manages to win the Veto that he is coming for them guns ablazing!!! This might make them a little scared and to avoid backlash nominate someone else and just try to backdoor him which at least buys him some time to work on other deals. He is at that point in the game where you go balls out to save yourself instead of trying to walk on water like Jesus Christ. No disrespect meant with the Jesus reference. He should warn them that a double eviction is looming and they might fall victim because people are recognizing that they are in control of the house. At this point in the game its time to lie, cheat and steal!!!!! Am I right or wrong my friends???
He might start playing the game once he is nominated, might. I think he is a great talker, but I haven’t seen much action for him yet. Only time will tell.
How is Howard a great talker? He hardly says anything in general house conversations and when he does open his mouth, everyone thinks he’s a lying son of a bitch.
so far, Howard has not been nominated and obviously is still in the house, he can’t be playing that badly, to me it’s whatever keep you in this house….
How could this comment be so upvoted. Howard the communicator??? No one can follow his scattered thought processes and aborted analogies. He cannot look into your eyes when he lies. His gameplay and social mannerisms resemble a child when engaged in his “gameplay” mode. Besides Elissa and Candice, he is the worst player left in then game. Even mediocre players like Jessie and Judd, run laps around his abilities in the social game.
Maybe Howard is ok leaving with 6k at this point because he found out the other night Candice is ready to have babies. Maybe he sees this as a way to save himself from the bigger game of life?!
If Howard goes to Elissa and Spencer threatening them it will never work, because threats NEVER work. If anything they’ll piss people off and who knows, what if he did that and Aaryn decided to show him who’s boss by putting him up against Candice? That’s a backfire right there.
How does that saying go? You catch more flies with honey…….
Oops I meant If Howard goes to Amanda and Aaryn threatening them……..
The basic error of Howard’s game is that he wrongly believes everybody is there with the singleminded goal of winning. That is why in his conversations he appeals purely to other people’s self-interest and assumes everybody else is thinking constantly about how to win, looking for coverage on more than a single side.
The only reason Amanda and Helen are excelling is because the vast majority of the cast have no plan to win, are largely frightened and motivated solely by fear, and for whom success is simply making jury. If the cast had more Alpha types (men and women), it would be Amanda and Helen who would be targeted since these types match aggression with aggression and will not be manipulated or managed. However, the last 5 seasons have featured only a handful of those who are playing to win…which is why in my opinion, BB America is meant for a certain type of audience, of which I don’t belong.
Case in point is Aaryn: Rather than make any attempt to use her week of safety to make a play to win, she is happy with survival and for her, victory is to be used just long enough to make jury. And since making jury seems to be almost everybody’s goal (which of course will change…but having no plan for victory now means they will start playing far too late), Howard is misreading their motivation and that’s why his words continually fall of deaf ears. He appeals to self-interest, when the whole house plays on fear, which Amanda and Helen stoke and direct.
Thank you. I was starting to wonder if anyone else was watching.
You summed that up nicely and concisely and better when I’ve commented along the same lines. I totally agree.And they definitely had to be casting based off audience demographic otherwise this cast would have had more of a mix. It’s like if you don’t look halfway decent in a bikini you were going to be considered. The odd thing is though if they did cast more alpha types or people with strong-willed personalities it would explode in there with drama and be interesting. I thought some of the most amusing scenes was with Evel Dick and the woman who was really religious Jamicka I think her name was. She sucked at competitions and the game. But some of their back and forth stuff was amusing being they were at the ends of opposite spectrum. But didn’t think twice about expressing themselves.
Seriously, whats with BB barely casting anyone over the age of 27, or an aspiring bikini model?
I get that America is all about “sexy” anymore but Big Brother started out as a voyeur experiment game-show that appealed to my grandmother and myself…. I think they need to bring back the Jerrys & Renys and generate a more “generalized” sample of society…BB is turning into “The Real World”..I remember the first 4 seasons when The Real World would cast REAL people (not actors) and now its a teenie-bopper orgy. I feel like that’s exactly what this season of BB is, nothing but young ridiculous showmances. Now I get that there are a lot of Spencers out there that want to see some steamy “Showtime After Dark” stuff and I am not some prude but I am also loosing interest in these same casts of Hollywood dream chasers…..
It is amazing that so many of them just want to make it to jury. Elissa says she wants to go before that, but gets upset if that might possibly happen.
Anyone in there who says they aren’t interested in winning is lying. You do understand the concept of lying, don’t you?
This season really does blow!!!
Elissa was 100% right in going after Aaryn last week, this the one person in the house that want’s Elissa out. On any other season all you people would see the monkey wrench she threw into the Kaitlyn plan as (yet another) attempt good gameplay. What’s more A week ago Aaryn was seen by the entire country and the house as an ugly racist bigot, Elissa is a champion for taking up cause against her. Of course Elissa is white so this isn’t as apparent to the audience as if it was one of the real minorities.
Amanda can cry all she wants about being told she looked gross in McCrae’s birthday outfit, fat or not it was very much stripper like. All this talk of Elissa becoming a selfish players, um anyone care to explain why Amanda wants Howard and Spencer out so damn badly, is that for Judd’s game, Jessie’s game? No it’s entirely selfish in it’s design.
That’s all for now.
Kara was the hottest BB player in history imo.
Agree on the Kara point!!!
Cassi Season 13 was the hottest IMO.
Jordan was the hottest girl ever on Big Brother. She was not a stuck up Beotch. She was a down to earth real girl who was also very sexy and sweet. That is what Jeff saw and he is a lucky man. HOTTEST PLAYER EVER!!!!
1) Her attempt to throw a monkey wrench into the plan to get Kaitlin out backfired on her completely. So if she were playing the game there, she did it terribly.
2) Are you aware that the House doesnt see what we see? No one except for GM and Kaitlin have heard every racist thing Aryan has said in the house. They are aware she has said some bad things but they dont know that all of america hates her, they have no way of knowing that.
3) In good fun and at the request of the her housemates for MaCraes birthday party she dressed up as a dominatrix. They were all having a good time, it was obvious that she was wearing riske clothing, its just rude, insensitive, and horrible game play to just start calling someone names to their face. Kinda like how Aryan was to Candice and Jessie.
4)God forbid, in a game where only one person can win, some one is selfish. Welcome to Big Brother.
Helen is one of my least favorite houseguests (along with Howard, Spencer, Candice, Amanda) but how did Helen betray/use Candice? I see it the other way around: Candice trying to manipulate Helen and Elissa, which she have effectively thus far, to keep Howard off the block. Candice is pretty good manipulator and would be effective if other houseguests didn’t find her so annoying and just doesn’t like her..
I want Howard gone, then Spencer, then Amanda, then Helen, then Candice.
This is the third BB I watched: watched Jordan/Rachel (Jordan my fav) and Britney season (also my fav). I don’t like Elissa but she’s not on the bottom list either. I really don’t have a favorite but if I had to pick I would say Judd.
Though it would be funny if Aryn and GM make final 4.
Candice drives me nuts. She would be another Amanda if “Howie” wasn’t reigning her behavior in. Her straddling Howard every where is annoying too. All the showmance stuff with every showmance is annoying. If I want to see that, I’ll watch something else, not BB
If you want drama in the house vote Amanda as the third nominee… After her and McCrae talked all evening about how they’re set to win the game it would be nice to see her in the hot set for a bit.
I don’t think Amanda on the block this week would do anything except solidify a spot for her to go far. She’s going to be sitting against 2 people who would be votes against her. Most of the people that will support her will be able to vote. It’s not the right time to put Amanda on the block. We need to do it during a week where things are really up in the air. I don’t think this week is really up in the air. It’s pretty much guaranteed that Howard/Spencer/Candice will be going home no matter what.
She most likely wouldn’t be evicted, but you better believe the drama in the house would escalate and I could see a blow up between Amanda and Candice over this!
if Amanda becomes America’s MVP – the house guest would be stupid not to get rid of her – then MC could possible play the game without having to ask Amanda for persmissions to do whatever….to me she is the strongest person in the house – time for her to go….. It would be sweet if they had double eviction – then Andy could leave – a definite floater – he can float out the door….
when is jury house….
can someone explain the coup de (lol) power is – MC was talking about if Howard won it they would be safe…. something about switching the peeps on the block i think….
the coup d’etat was given to Jeff in Season 11 and it gives you the power to change the nominations.
Dawg/Simon, I don’t know how you do this! Stay up so late and write updates for us. Thank you. I’ve been staying up too late keeping up and I’m dragging a$$, and by late, I mean 11pm! I appreciate all you both do and your site!
You’re very welcome.. Dawg’s been burning the midnight oil lately
I know I would never be as into BB of I hadn’t found your site several years ago.
Why are they all, especially Amanda and co. so set on getting the Black house guests out?? I don’t see either Candace or Howard are big threats. This show this season is so blatantly racist and offensive. And the white racist Aaryn is going to put Candace and Howard up?! This show is despicable this year. I am rooting for Howard but he doesn’t have a chance. Amanda and Aaryn are the absolute worst people. So ignorant. The rest are wall flowers. Seeing Jeff last night was a reminder of how good this show used to be. Now it just makes me sick in my stomach with all the racism, sexist comments and so on. Sick.
Carl I feel the same way. I’m no longer going to watch the show. OBB is such a great site and Simon does such a wonderful job, I’ll keep up that way.
All 10 of my votes went to Amanda.
Nicely done!
All 10 of my votes went to Elissa.
Be careful Elissa can’t play PoV. She has to be safe until jury time.
Me too
My 10 votes too.
Agreed Simon the new alliance of goof troop has never been in the block. The house will be blown away if Amanda is the third nominee or Mccrea. Love to,see that happens. I supported them before but not for now. Let us see what happens next HOH.
I feel that OBB is in the minority when it comes to wanting Amanda put up… A lot of people wanting GM, Very strange GM going up will be a snore fest.
I’m disliking the BB twitter community more and more each season..
I think people just wanted the mean girls out – like last week, after elissa, it was probably aaryn then Kaitlin who had the most votes to be up for nomination but since they were nominated, GM is the last mean girl left…. the people who actually knew what they were voting for (the third nominee and not the MVP) probably voted for her knowing the other two were on the block
Candice, you have no votes. If you had stopped playing emotionally, you might of figured this out. Candice you are a very bad player. When Aaryn found out that Jeremy was involved in getting David evicted, she didn’t confront him. Aaryn kept the info in the back of her mind, but used Jeremy to advance her game. Compare this to Candice, she gets info that Helen and Aaryn made a secret agreement. Candice then confronts Helen which doesn’t accomplish anything except warn her that someone is feeding info to you, and it damages the game of the person that gave it to you.
Candice likes Andy as a person. Candice doesn’t understand that Andy wants to win a half million dollars as well and might be lying to her in order to advance his own game. Andy sees Candice as a weak player and Howard as a strong player. Is it wrong that Andy just might want Howard out to advance his own game, and doesn’t want to align with you?
Now Candice is in the HOH room trying to convince Aaryn not to put up Howard. An Aaryn that you kept throwing under the bus last week. Aaryn’s apology to you may have been fake, but you still had to play the game. You made it obvious that you hated Aaryn. Aaryn can’t trust you; therefore will be working with any side that doesn’t include you.
Exactly! I mean I wouldn’t exactly call Aaryn smart and she definitely screwed up with the whole Mean Girl thing the first few weeks but the past two weeks she’s really played well and stepped up her social game. Unlike Candace and Elissa she’s not pushing a personal agenda, which is definitely helping her game play.
if this was a perfect world i would love for helen and tits mcgee to be evicted this week………. both are trash at least aaryn doesnt hide her racism, tho she will deny it, but you know what you get when dealin with her.
I’m calling it: If it looks really bad for Howard/Candice this week and it is known that one of them is going home there is going to be a Pandora’s Box. Aaryn is going to open it ( don’t know why she wouldn’t) and something bad is going to happen to Aaryn but absolutely nothing to the HG. Mmmmmmm. Live eviction comes Howard/Candice gets evicted BUT since the box was open they are going to be able to go back in.
It really is that simple because making Aaryn look like she wants the black guy out is going to make her look even worst even though AManDuh is the controler of it all.
Thumbs up if you’re voting Amanda for eviction!
I really hope aaryn shakes up the house this week,still dont like her though, lol.
if only aaryn’s ball had not fallen into 36.
if i’m howard, i tell aaryn that not only is the house using her, but they will turn on her as soon as they can. i also tell her who it was in the house that led to her original friends of david, nick, and jeremy getting the boot…the people that are now using her. and finally throw in a comment about its a game and how her gameplay would totally be remembered if she was to play for those things she was just told and flip the house.
As with every reality television show, there are good seasons and bad seasons. If anyone remembers the very 1st Big Brother it was absolutely horrible. It was straight forward nominees and evictions. There was no veto and it was a much older cast. This season is kinda drab, but hey what are you gonna do?? Its not a crime to turn your computer off or change the channel if you are not interested. I want to give Simon and Dawg Thanks for giving us this opportunity to meet different people. Share different points of view and escape our everyday lives and enter the world of social paranoia. All i hope is that Helen, Amanda or McCrae does not win this season. Jeff Schroeder picked McCrae to win this season. I’m gonna go totally left field and pick Andy. He is sitting very pretty right now. Jessie will make it to jury, but will be evicted for her allegiance to Judd and Amanda.
I voted via text 10 times for Amanda is the MVP nominee, however, it seems that I am having problems signing up on the CBS.com page to also vote online. Has anyone else experience this problem? Maybe their servers are being bombarded with people voting and signing up to vote online. 🙁
I hate to be a conspiracy theorist…but I do believe that production does cast the show with an idea of who they want to win and in my opinion Amanda is the chosen 1 and Elissa is just the distraction, somebody who generates drama and has no design on winning. Nobody has received a better edit than Amanda, heavily protecting her, while portraying her in the absolute best possible light (although Helen is right up there). But putting that aside, the biggest reason I’m close to being done this season is what I believe is the contrived nature of casting.
The standard battery of psychological tests given to the potential cast must resemble what many employers use. One thing that is easily found in these tests is whether a person has ambition. Whether they are the self-starter, self-motivated type. Whether they are the type to lead or the type to follow. Whether they thrive in a competitive environment or are more apt to shrink from it and look for somebody else to get behind and help that somebody win. In my opinion, BB of seasons past tended to weed out the follower type, allowing maybe 1/3 of the cast to be the type who is just happy to be there and is easily co-opted by a stronger player. However, the last 3 seasons, it feels like the formula has been flipped and now 1/3 of the cast are the type who are there to win, the type for whom there is no difference between “making jury” and finishing dead last, as both are losing all the same. But in the last (roughly) 5 seasons, those “winner” type personalities largely identify each other early and attempt to get each other out of the game as fast as possible. This was fine in seasons past precisely because the cast was 2/3 filled with these players and that’s when those with more rounded gameplay were able to find paths to survive and advance. However, the last 3 seasons we see these players ultimately eliminated fairly early, leaving one or two real players battling those who will eventually try to win, but lack the acumen to actually challenge the inevitable end.
The number of people who consider “making jury” a success is why this show is dying for me. Aaryn has made this decision. She no longer has any design on winning, no desire to find allies or partners, and no plan to be anything other than somebody else’s drone with the hope they will find her useful for long enough to make jury. It would be one thing if she kidded herself into thinking that somehow she could supplant all Jessie, Andy, Judd, Helen and join Helen, Amanda, and McCrea at the end…but she’s not saying that. Aaryn is saying that if she can allow them to totally dominate her as they take out Howard, Spencer, Candace, GM and Elissa, before they discard her into the jury house.
She’s not thinking of or trying to find a way to win. Basically she is the football team down three touchdowns in the 4th quarter who stops passing and starts running the ball. And in my opinion, she is in lock step with Jessie, GM, Elissa, Candice, Andy, Judd, and even McCrea (Who I think knows how to play to win, but lacks the confidence to play that way and is instead completely subservient to Amanda) all of who only seem to want to survive and have their fingers crossed that somehow, maybe divine intervention, they will make it to the end. Which means in a few weeks, after Howard and Spencer are gone, the house will split…but a majority will go en mass to either Amanda or Helen, then we will have a majority who will be easily played a single person and then eventually they will try to pretend they’re there to win and we will see a very uneventful and largely boring final month or two.
Basically once Howard goes, the game is largely over for me from an entertainment standpoint and I believe production prefers it that way because the audience prefers it that way. Production is right to tailor the show to what their audience enjoys, with predictable drama and melodramatic “stories”…but I don’t fit their demographic. I’ll just wait for BB Canada, which is a show that casts like the early BB days and produces a show tailored to people like me. 5 seasons in a row means this is the new reality and baring a complete overhaul of the American production team, I think I might be done.
Yeah you are a Howard supporter alright. Now you are so disillusion that you think the game is rigged for Amanda and have given up hope. Howard is a nice guy but he likes bad girls and that’s who he put his faith in. That’s not my opinion, Howard said that himself to Spencer. So lets go back to the beginning of the game and examine who Howard tried to align himself with. So instead of building a relationship and natural ally with Jessie, he chose Aaryn. Jessie and Howard had their faith in common and she read the bible as well. However, Howard would rather work with the racist, Aaryn. An Aaryn that never liked or trusted Howard. Howard didn’t develop a relationship with Elissa. He even told Candice to stop hanging with Elissa at one point. An Elissa that also had her faith and read the bible, something Howard naturally had in common with her. Instead Howard tried to develop a relationship with Gina and Kait, both of whom didn’t like Howard. Howard chose the Mean Girls and they lost out to the Super Friends. There is no conspiracy, Howard made bad decisions on who he thought would go further in the house and now he is going on the block. Howard supporters are now jumping off the bridge, but don’t jump yet. Howard can win POV, wait until after the POV to jump.
I love seeing duckface suck up to Aaryn. Maybe she shouldn’t have been such a bitch to her last week. “I don’t have anything to say to you Aaryn”. I knew she was being stupid since she can’t play in POV this week. She should have been nice to everyone, instead she pissed everyone off and now the worst case scenario for her has happened. She is probably safe unless one of the noms comes down or if America puts her up, which I doubt, but I will be happy the day Elissa leaves. Amanda played smart by protecting Aaryn, one more vote for her. She is running the game right now, but I think she needs to be brought down a bit. I don’t get all of the Amanda hate. She is playing the game. When Dan, Will, Dick and Jeff did it, people swooned over their smart game. But a girl does it and she is the devil incarnate. Amanda is doing something right because she pretty much gets people to do what she wants, and so far there are always bigger targets than her. She will be in trouble when Elissa and Howard are gone, though. She has exposed herself less than Helen who will soon have to own up to her lies, like she made Spencer and Howard do during her HOH. I have a special bottle of wine standing by for that happy occasion. Helen got my 10 votes this week. Elissa isn’t going anywhere until production says so, so why waste my votes. Putting Helen up would cause some grenades to go off!!
this is kind of irrelevant but i feel like there’s gonna be a brawl when elissa leaves. Julie just announced that she has just been evicted by a landslide. Elissa’s fuming. One of the house guests tries to give her a hug and she just stiff arms the shit out of him/her. Mortal Kombat commences…..
I have nothing to say right now except how handsome was Jeff last night? nobody will ever compare to Jeff and Jordan for me. Nobody. TeamJJ TeamJeJo haha
I hate that douche Jeff. I remember him saying that shit about gay schoolteachers. Also, why do they have a BB LOSER on with Chen?
thumbs up if you can’t even vote for MVP cause you don’t live in the States. lol
What a awful season and this weak is going to be horrid on the feeds
week* damn autocorrect
I bet Aryan mama’s PR team is salivating at the possibility that she might flip the house towards Candice and Howard. All she needs is GM or Elissa onboard.
this is exactly what these idiots (HELEN, ELISSA, CANDICE, SPENCER AND HOWARD) deserve. they had the votes to send Aaryn home and they basically gave Amanda what she wanted. theses idiots actually thought Aaryn was gonna keep them off the block. I don’t understand why they keep using the “voting with the house” excuse, they all voted with Amanda not the house. when Amanda confronted Kaitlin and embarrassed her in front of the other house guests, that was when Helen should of made a deal with Kaitlin not Aaryn.
Had Kaitlin survived and won this HOH, the dynamic would be no different. If anything, Aaryn seemed to have to personality to be defiant and independent and at the very least go after her single biggest enemy who is completely vulnerable this week without Veto…but instead she’s doing what Kaitlin would have done, which is kneel before Zod…uh..I mean Amanda and do what “the house” wants…which is Howard’s head.
Aaryn could totally make the argument that she will put up Elissa and Spencer with the plan to backdoor Howard and be in line with what the Superfriends in two straight HOH’s “claim” was their goal. If Aaryn won’t make that case, Kaitlin certainly wouldn’t have had the gumption to side with a disjointed minority.
Excellent point BB Production. However, the person who is most responsible for this is Helen and to some degree Howard, Candice and Spencer. Helen because she can’t see the forest because of the threes, thinking she will go far in this game with the Superfriend Alliance. Howard, Candice and Spencer for not approaching Helen, Kaitlyn and Elissa in regards to forming an alliance that would have protected Kaitlin. Then they all agree to keep this alliance to themselves and once Aaryn was evicted they could have possibly gotten Gina Marie (not mandatory) to come on board. Then it would have been 6 against 6. They would have had strong competitors in Kaitlyn and Helen, potential strong competitor in Howard (not evident yet) and Elissa as a potential MVP threat (if it change from America being MVP). But alas, would’ve, could’ve and should’ve. Cest le vie.
Are you kidding me? Helen is going to work with Howard and Spencer? Howard who voted against her HOH and lied about it. Howard who said there was no Moving Company. Spencer who told Jeremy that it was better to vote Helen out versus Elissa?
Aaryn will not flip the house . How ard or spencer go home. Aaryn lays low for 2 weeks, while Bully Hog directs the eviction of Candice,Elissa and How or Spencer (who survive this week). Helen finally makes her move. Fails. Bully Hog takes McDuck (who can’t win…coattailer ) and Aaryn (most disliked) to F3. Bully Hog wins. Vomit.
The only hope for the future of this house is that 1st Amanda is put up as MVP! She isn’t going anywhere and I have no illusion that will change over the week. What the nom will do is get her parinoid to the point maybe she starts thinking it’s Ellisa and Helen doing the MVP nom. Anything that gets Judd and Andy to pick between Helen or Amanda might make the game watchable. Other wise this looks like a snooze fest down to F8 or even F7.
Second and most important to all the Howard, Candy fans please just let it go. They aren’t making jury unless WW III happens this week. I don’t dislike either person but can’t root for them either. Just mediocre players without numbers who’s sole strategy is to “stay under the radar”. How’s that working? They actually voted out Kaitlyn and helped a racist get a free path last week. Again I ask how’s that working for you? To the great Helen it strikes me as incompetent that you do not see the picture of a Racist nominating Howard at your request is anything but purely terrible symbolism. I won’t hire her to run a 1 car funeral!
Barring something unforeseen I think putting Spenser, Howard and perhaps Ellisa out before Jury is a realistic scenario. Just figure Ellisa is in a bad spot if MVP nom is Amanda. Either they decide America has the vote and not HG. If so no need to keep Ellisa around. If on the other hand they think she nominated Amanda they’ll be out for blood and Helen would be looking for a big rock to hide behind.
On the outside looking in GM, Arryn and Jessie. One of these 3 will likely make top 4 as the “player everyone can beat” F2. Mumbles and Andy have to pick McManda or Helen eventually. I’m figuring goof troop. Leaving Helen out of her own birthday party and 500K. Lets all be “friends” will be her downfall in a season where less floaters and more ruthless people are in the house. When Helen puts thumbs up to Ellisa’s departure she’ll actually will seal her own fate. I figure McCrae gets sacrificed at some point leaving Amanda, Andy, Judd and a pawn F4.
Just thought of a last point. My favorite week usually is F4 because people are able to play themselves into F3. But if they keep 3 noms then F5 is the old F4. They gotta get rid of MVP no later than F6 in my opinion.
Judd won’t last that l ong .he’s a tweaker .adderal and atavan can only postpone the nightmare.
Well said! I totally agree for the most part. I do wonder though if amanda being on the block (if she is the MVP nom) will prove too temping for power hungry Helen to resist. I don’t think for a minute that she’d actually succeed, but I’m really hoping she’s foolish enough to try! And this of course will be her downfall, essentially insuring GM and Aaryn jury spots. Helen, Elissa, Candice and Spencer/Howard would all go before aaryn and GM were even back on the radar.
I like Amanda and think shes playing a great game but I may have to vote for her to go on the block because this game is getting boring! Spencer and Howard will go on the block for sure Aaryn doesn’t want to ruffle any feathers!
The smart play for Howard/Spencer/Candice would be to convince Aaryn that she’ll go right back on the block after they are out next week courtesy of Amanda/Helen/MC. No one has honored a “deal” in this game yet. The worst thing Spencer/Howard/Candice have done all year is trust Andy. Howard is the only one actually opposing the house and all Spencer is concerned about is going with the group so this show will continue to be boring until Howard and Spencer are gone. Somebody make a freakin’ move.
My 10 votes went to Amanda. Let the game, eh, I mean drama begin!!
Elissa is going to cry a lot because they will think she is MPV.
Manda is going to be mad!!!
The best way to finish this sentence about this years cast is:
Young, dumb and full of ________________.
A) C*m
B) Sh!t
C) Themselves
D) All of the above!
You will be graded.
Have no idea why everyone here hates Amanda. All the other women on the show are so boring and
yappie (maybe not Jessie). Ellissa is the most boring person I’ve ever seen on the show. I hated
Rachel but her sister is so much worse. And why does everyone like Howard so much. He hasn’t
done anything except ruin Candice’s game. He’s a snoozefest. I think they’re all worried about
him for nothering. Big muscles doesn’t make you good at any of the competitions.
I think it should be in everyone’s rule book not to talk game the night that someone wins HOH. Just take a breather after a stressful day. Im not saying you cant celebrate with your alliance and party, but why is it necessary to figure out your final plan THAT night, you have an entire week! You get alcohol, so just relax and have fun, maybe get a little too tipsy and cause an argument for entertainment. But I think its beyond stupid to immediately go up to the HOH and start plotting right after they get their room. I like Amanda, she may be crude, but I think shes funny and entertaining and up until this week has played a pretty good social game. I think she would have been good if she had just relaxed and talked to people casually last night but instead was basically bashing Ayran over the head with her agenda. I think there is a good chance that either Elissa, Helen, or Amanda is on the block as the MVP vote this week and Im kinda hoping Amanda goes up just to teach her a lesson. I don’t want her to go however, cause I think the house would get much less entertaining with her out of it. But I will say if I were actually playing in the house I would definitely want her gone after last night.
She dismantled the Moving Company by being LOUD! Loud works for her! That’s her style- what’s wrong with you?
Amanda must go at least let her go on the block
I don’t get it:
1. Amanda told Aaryn(HOH) to stop her racist comments on Week 2
2. Amanda Stood up for Candice when Aaryn flipped her bed
3. Candice tells Aaryn that she needs to put up MC/Amanda
and you don’t see why the woman is pissed off? What is this?
I’m just wondering what happened to Helen? Lol. I thought she was part of the Goof Troop alliance?? I guess they just decide who they want & when they want them in it.
Goof troop is JUDD, MC, Amanda and Andy
Superfriends AKA knockouts are Goof troop + Helen, Elissa, Jessie
Aaryn’s dream alliance that exists in her head is GM, Aaryn + Goof Troop + JEssie
The most feared alliance in the house = Howard, Spencer, Candice
Helen has final 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 deals with almost everyone in the house
BBBunnies = GM + Aaryn
and team tenexas is judd/jess final 2
Voting for Amanda now seems fruitless. Nobody is going to vote to evict her. All of the votes will be concentrated on Howard and/or Spencer. Amanda is on Cloud 9 right now, nominated by America or not.
LAST WEEK was the time to vote for Amanda, but that didn’t happen (Thanks plenty, America! durr.) Not saying Amanda would;ve gone then, either. But at least there would have been a better chance if Howard and Spencer worked some magic.
But everyone is under Amanda’s thumb. Everyone is scared of her. Well, maybe except Elissa but she has nobody. I dislike Amanda just like many others do. Especially with putting the race situation at the feet of Howard somehow. But she knew exactly who to target as her minions/lemmings/Igors to do her bidding at her beck and call. Yes, these people may appear weaker compared to the mean girls and the former MC alliance, but together…well…you know the rest.
Could it be…that Amanda has the “mist”? Is her mist better than Dan’s?
Aaryn’s HOH is still very new…as the week goes on, I wonder if she will have her fill of McManda and start to plot against them? Amanda may think she can push Aaryn around all week, but Aaryn has a strong personality (and all that psychology, too!). By the end of this HOH, I’d bet Amanda will wear thin on Aaryn and things may change. Aaryn won’t put Amanda or McCrea up but I think she’ll start to feel some resentment toward Amanda at some point.