Big Brother 9 Matt

**Updated** Big Brother 9 “Matty” Pleads Guilty to Drug Charges Faces 20 years …

Big Brother 9 Matt

Good old Mathhew McDonald has “pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute Oxycodone in connection with the giant drug ring” What giant drug ring? Apparently it’s Big Daddy Balla (Adam Jasinski) himself, using his Big Brother winnings to finance this lucrative business venture. Matt will be sentenced in April.

Thanks Chessie_K for the link to the TMZ article who originally posted this story.



Big Balla Aka Adam Jasinski was sentence to 4 years in federal prison for being the brains behind a prescription drug ring. Adam Pleaded guilty for possession of oxycodone with the intent to distribute them. He was caught when trying to sell a couple thousand pills to a informant.

39 thoughts to “**Updated** Big Brother 9 “Matty” Pleads Guilty to Drug Charges Faces 20 years …”

  1. Adam got 4 years in federal prison for the drugs and not filing income tax forms for his winnings. What is with these idiots winning this money and not filing income tax, they know or should know they will get caught, it’s public knowledge they won.

    1. Do you think Big Brother was training for him and going to prison? Again he will be locked away from everyone but a select few (or many in prison). However, 4 years is a lot more than 3 months. Pretty sad that he didn’t better himself with his winning. I hope he can do better for himself when he is released after serving his time. What a life lesson!

      Other than that, how is everyone? Simon, hope you are doing well up there in Canada. Can’t wait to see the site improvements you have spoke about. Mansion is 6 mos old and weighs 86 lbs! We can’t wait for Big Brother to start and stay up late with you again! Miss everyone!

      1. Hey BBGrandma…

        Everything is goood, Canada is rainy and grey right now and will remain that way until BB13 starts 🙂 Glad you still come by to check out the site. I guess your kinda right BB could be like a prison warm up.. prison preschool lol. I always expected big balla to use his money to start the clothing line he always talked about on the show. Didn’t Matt want to be a model?

        We started to roll out the improvements on Monday but you guys won’t see any changes until later tonight. We’re doing everything piecemeal so expect the site to look weird and function strange for the next couple weeks while we tweak things. I haven’t decided which look to go with, we’ve used this look for 3 season now and it’ll feel strange when it changes… Oh well Change is good.

        I want as much input from the regulars about what features they want to see. I have already received a couple emails from people ( with valuable suggestions I hope to get more.

  2. Simon,
    The site looks great!
    I’ve been rather busy, so I’ll offer suggestions as I can.
    Hello everybody! Special hello to you BBGrandma.

  3. Simon,
    The site looks great!
    I’ve been rather busy, so I’ll offer suggestions as I can.
    Hello everybody! Special hello to you BBGrandma.


    1. I like the new site’s shape and face, Simon and Dawg. Can’t wait for us all to get it hopping. Those Like and Dislike buttons……………oh, are those going to be fun! Miss you.

      1. Hi Grandma.. Hi Simon!

        The site looks awesome .. Wow. I love it however I totally hate those darn dislike buttons. Oh man. Every time I sputter off my opinion in July I’m going to get disliked. sob sob. I’ll be the most disliked again. None the less Facebook should be quite jealous. People have been begging for a dislike button for the past year or so and we have it here first.

        I cannot wait until July.

        ta ta

        luv to all

        1. Rockstar those Like and Dislike buttons were made for you! Hope all is going great for you up there. Miss you.

          1. Hi BBGrandma, and Kathey from Canada,
            Hope all is well with you both, we got so much snow here in my province that we are gonna be flooded out when it starts melting, gonna have to rip the door off the shit house and make a raft, using the shit house right now for an ice fishing shack. Im kidding….we need that shit house, lol

            1. Sorry I didnt know I had to type my user name in that box everytime I comment, its me Canadian Fan, not Name says:

            2. Hey Canadian Fan!! Good to hear you are surviving winter. Maybe because we live near a nuclear power plant in Ontario, but every time we have been warned about a huge pile of snow in the forecast, we just get 2-4 cms. Not that I’m complaining. Looking forward to the new season. I’ll try to be less conservative with my comments:)) hahahahahahaha – No wait – I’m Canadian and I just can’t do that!!??!!

            3. When you get on that door and start floating, you head south and float my direction. Miss you and can’t wait to have you make me laugh.

          1. Ah, Rockstar, who could dislike your comments:) Love your honesty, and you and BBGrandma always get things rollin’! Lovin’ the changes Simon!!! Much easier on these old eyes.

            1. Kathie! Hope all is well with you and yours. Miss you! Mansion is now 7 mos old and weighs 102lbs. I have no problem giving his weight. Mine, no way!

              1. Hey BBGrandma – I hear you about the weigh thing!! You must be so attached to your new little(?) buddy. That’s great. I have to admit I am missing dropping in on the site every day to catch upon the dirt. My son has talked me into a facebook page, but I gotta tell you, it just isn’t the same!! I get the feeling that many of us are itching to get into a new season. Simon has done a fabulous job on the site – even for technically challenged fogies like me. Take care and we will touch base again soon.

        2. Hi Rockstar, you know I love ya but I gotta be the first to hit the dislike button on, I don’t dislike your comment, I just want to be your first, ha ha.

          1. Now, Canadian Fan, you hit that dislike button on Rockstar and I will have to hit the like button to cancel you out your vote. Miss the fun with you two.

            1. Attention WalMart shoppers – just so we all know the ground rules – there will be NO disliking of any comments coming from Rockstar!! hahahahahahaha

  4. Speaking of their 15 minutes of fame. Matt is writing a blog on the show “Bad Girls”. Seems kinda lame. Rachel and Brandon get a couple of soap cameos. So much for Hollywood knocking down their door. Wasn’t Enzo gonna be a movie star yo. Britt was going to be a sportscaster or TV hostess. and on and on and on…..

    1. They daydream in the house, sitting around all day with nothing to do makes your mind do crazy things. They don’t actually think they will be famous and i would assume 90% of them want things to be normal again after the show. But that doesn’t stop them from playing “what if” games inside the house and joking about being super famous.

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