Big Brother Canada 2 – The House Guests fantasize about their REWARD..

POV Holder: Kenny Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 7
HOH Winner: Heather Next HOH: Apr 10
Original Nominations: Kenny & Allison
Current Nominations: ?
Have Nots Sarah (didn’t use slop pass), Kenny, Rachelle

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2pm – 2:30pm Big Brother has the house guests on a backyard lock down after their cleaning task. They speculate that they’ll be taken off their slop punishment and be given food as a reward. Neda says imagine if McDonald’s was in there. Arlie says I would f**k that food and eat it! Meanwhile out in the hot tub room – Sabrina and Rachelle talk about Adel’s veto power. Sabrina is worried he will use it. Rachelle says there is no way he still has it! It’s done! Rachelle says maybe with the 6 million votes Canada will save someone… maybe they’ll keep you? Sabrina says no, they voted Allison into the house, they’ll save her. Rachelle says that Allison hasn’t done anything! Meanwhile in the backyard – Arlie, Jon, Neda and Adel talk about how Rachelle is Sabrina’s puppet. They talk about how Rachelle will literally wait outside the diary room when Sabrina goes in there. All of the house guests are laying around waiting for the backyard door to open. Arlie starts counting down from 10 – 1 as Adel motions for the back door to open. Adel yells open sesame!! After they reach number one Adel says aww.. I knew I was’t Aladdin!

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Adel opens up the dryer and finds keys. He says hey Kenny are these your keys from home or something? Kenny walks over grabs the keys and throws them up on the dryer. Sarah says what if those are secret keys Kenny. (What are these keys for? AND why would Kenny just toss them aside??? Or were they not even keys and it was just Adel messing with Kenny and that’s why Kenny tossed them aside. BB wouldn’t have let someone bring in their keys into the house, so what was this all about?) *** The keys are most likely the storage room cupboard keys that Kenny found weeks ago ***

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2:40pm – 4pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds… when the live feeds return the house guests are back inside the house. Sabrina says I want to see what’s behind the doors. Rachelle goes into the HOH room and yells out I am not going to eat anything. She covers up her mouth. Rachelle commments on how annoying Adel is being. Kenny agrees. Adel comes in and grabs some candy. Rachelle says she isn’t eating anything. Adel says its over (the 48 hour punishment) boo boo, don’t worry about it. Kenny and Rachelle talk about his Adel’s power and believe its over now. Kenny talks about Adel praying. Out side the HOH room.. Big Brother keeps zooming in on the flowers on the tables and when Neda walks by she keeps looking at them and picking them up. She heads into the HOH room and comments on how they are already dying. She says one of them is real.

When the backyard opens up the backyard the house guest run out side to see if anything is different. Big Brother zooms in on the puck at the bottom of the pool…

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4:20pm – 4:30pm In the storage room – Sabrina talks to Heather about who will be going up on the block as the replacement. Heather says its between two people but doesn’t want to say. Sabrina says that she needs to know because it takes over my soul. Sabrina says that Heather telling her .. she could prove that she can be trusted that she won’t tell any one. Heather then tells Sabrina that she can’t tell anyone but that its between her and Sarah but that she could still change her mind.

4:40pm 4:50pmALLISON just looked in the plant and pulled something out of it!! She shoved it in her pants and went into the bathroom to look at it in the stall. She then headed out in to the backyard to the hot tub. Allison talks with Sabrina and Rachelle for a minute and then heads back inside. She then headed over to the pool and picked up the pool floaties.. Allison talks about the clue in the bedroom. She says make a splash .. how will everyone not know I am there? (The other clue is at the bottom of the pool)

5pm Allison heads to the pool and puts her legs in .. She talks to herself .. how can I do this without putting my bathing suit on. She says I fell in?!? She goes in and grabs the puck of the bottom of the pool and rips the clue off the bottom of it. She reads the clue and gets out of the pool. She then heads back up to the bedroom and reads the clue again. She then changes out of her wet clothes..

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5:10pm – 5:25pm Allsion comments that she is going to go check to see if its light out. In the mirror she finds a clue. She reads it. Read it like a book from left to right .. look for 1 and 3 turn them left and right or the door wont open a crack. Once its open you’ll be out of sight. Allison wonders if its the secret room. Allison heads inside and runs into Sarah and talks about her being on slop. Allison heads over to the sit in the chairs under the stairs and looks around at the wall where the others believed there was a secret door. Arlie joins her and she stops looking.. She asks him how long he thinks she can still ride the middle. Arlie says not too long. Allison says so after Thursday I need to pick a side. Arlie says he is going to take a lot of heat .. we will need to pick a side and take a stand.

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5:35pm – 5:55pm Arlie finally leaves Allison alone by the door. She sits there looking around to figure out exactly what parts she needs to move to open the secret door. She then heads back to the kitchen to eat dinner. (Allison is waiting till no one else is around to try and open the secret door.) The house guests talk about their first time having s*x.

Meanwhile – Sarah, Kenny, Rachelle and Sabrina game talk:

6pm In the kitchen Allison picks Neda up..
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Out in the hot tub room – Kenny talks to Sabrina and Rachelle about how nice the others are being.. He says and just watch next week they are going to be the same smug vicious a$$holes again. Sabrina says that she was going crazy yesterday and says that she even had to see the psychologist because she was ready to self-evict herself..

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34 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 2 – The House Guests fantasize about their REWARD..”

  1. Watching the live feeds when Adel was opening the dryer he said there was some keys in their, and Kenny jumped up and started pulling his clothes out and threw the keys away, then Sarah said Kenny why throw those away they could be there for one of us. So how did Kenny end up with these keys??????

    1. Dawg or Simon do you have the video downloaded yet on these keys that Kenny threw away in the back yard?

        1. Thanks Dawg….just watching when they re-entered the house and they keep zooming in on the plants that have been added to the tables upstairs by the chairs outside the bathroom and bedroom. Neda noticed them right away but she only looked at them but didn’t pick them up. I’m thinking something to do with the Secret Veto????

  2. Weeks ago Kenny, Andrew, and Arlie found keys to the storage room cupboard. They wanted to hide something up there and then realized the keys didn’t even work. Kenny ended up putting them in his pocket just in case.

  3. Well the feeds seem to be focusing on the plant on the table by the 2 white chairs on the 2nd floor balcony. Think they are implying it might be the spot of the hidden veto. Use to be a favorite deli spot but they are hanging in HOH. Id say Ratchet and Sabby will sit there 1st. No idea if they find it. Seems it is hidden in a place where pairs would sit. Sarah and Kenny even maybe. I’ll pick Ratchet baby by a hair over Sabby finding it. Certainly doesn’t favour the outsiders or Allison 1 bit. They have the HOH room, ect. I expect it to be found by someone and used on the second eviction Thursday but who knows.

  4. I have a question….how do they know Canada voted Allison into the house? She was told not to tell anyone or face an immediate eviction.

    1. I think there needs to be some calrification here because a lot of people have asked the same question lol. Allison’s instructions were that she was not allowed to tell the houseguests about: (1) the existence of the secret room; and (2) that she was watching them for a week.

      She was allowed to tell them whatever she wanted regarding HOW she got in, and why she was late. Hope that helps 🙂

    2. i think it’s just Sabrina’s theory, which she now just claims as fact cause she knows something must have been up.

    1. Sarah has said that if she goes up on the block and goes home on Thursday, she will whisper into Kenny’s ear about who flipped. Although Sarah knows that Sabrina does not like she knows Arlie is working with the other side. Therefore she will know where the fourth vote is from. So if Kenny or Sabrina/Rachelle/( which he can sway) win the veto Jon and Arlie will be up. If it’s Sabrina/Rachelle probably Arlie and Adel will be up!

  5. Those keys mean something. Remember at 6 million views Canada gave someone a special veto power. Could those keys mean it is locked up somewhere?

  6. it might be the keys Kenny used to lock to the pantry cupboards a while back. He and Andrew hid something there.

  7. The keys they found could be for 2 doors that they were checking a few weeks ago that won’t open the War Room door under the stairs and the door in the have not room. I can’t understand with Neda and Arlie being so keen on changes that happen in the house that they didn’t check better under the plants or try the keys in some of the doors they couldn’t open. Maybe I’m grasping at air here but I remember from other BB shows that other players like Boogie, Dan & Evel Dick always checked everything that was in the house that was newly added. Dan even mentioned to the BB Can house last year why they haven’t found any hidden veto or special items. These guys who always state they are Super Fans of BB should clue in to this. This is so boring listening to them talk about celebrities and nothing important as to the game…..YAWN Neda or Arlie find the Hidden Veto liven it up in there !!!!!!

  8. im nervous with allison winning the pov im not sure what she would do with it…could screw everything up..;(

  9. Allison found the clue in the plant and now on the hockey puck in the pool and then she found a riddle on the fireplace in the hot tub area. She needs to find a door that has a lock with 1 to 3 on it. Sounds like maybe Pandora’s Box room…….go Allison.!!!!!!

  10. If I have to listen to Kenny floss his teeth one more time, I’m going to lose the plot! Who does that in front of other people? In the kitchen even! Sarah needs to go so Kenny can be punished and feel alone, having nobody but Sabrina to hypocritically cling to for support. I’m sorry but I want Kenny shunned like he did to several others. He needs to feel what that’s like.

      1. ErrrRRR, who would want to touch that stink looking creepy creep. Put some damn clothes on Kenny you disgusting creep.

    1. It’s just you. How did she step up her game? By accepting to be in alliance that approached her to save her this week?
      Or by luck, finding the clue in the flower pot?

  11. I have read comments and noticed myself that Sabrina does not shower very often and wears the same clothes for days – couldn’t help it, but I just had the most horrid visualization of her rolling around in a very large mud puddle! I have a very active imagination 🙂

  12. If there is no random way for the other HGs to pick up the clue trail she is racing against time. Veto ceremony tomorrow. Been bright enough so far. If she finds veto then we may get a different house dynamic. A little tricky to…. where is Marcaleus for advice. OK he made the worse play in BB history she won’t be accused of that at least.

    So we are hypothesising here on the power 1st. It has to be played at the Veto ceremony. I’ll call that a given for now. But maybe it can be used at the eviction ceremony. Don’t remember how that was handled in BB US. I believe she’ll get 2 weeks to use it. Be surprised if it is more. Not much else we need to know on the front end if she finds it.

    Now the fun and tricky bits. She’s up Thursday and lets say she gets to play it on eviction night. This severely takes the less than 24 hour time crunch out of needing to find it ASAP. Oh I forgot another biggie. 😛 She most likely won’t be able to tell anyone. A very big point I think. 1) She has got Arlie “pinky swearing” he’s voting Sarah. 2) Seems to be a girl thing forming with Neda and Heather. 3) If it’s good 2 weeks we get the big question. Does she use it this week? That is the 64K question. She has to trust Arlie completely. He votes her out she take the veto out the door with her!

    Would be easy enough logic wise in a game like Survivor. Just show Arlie the veto and swear to work together. Arlie votes out Sarah(who ever in a heart beat). She’d have a veto for the 2nd 1/2 of the double! But I’m 99% sure she won’t be able to tell anyone.

    Gamble 1 in not using it is she goes home. But if she stays 4-3 then she has a big decision Thursday on using it. She likely isn’t on the block eviction 2 either side. It gets Juicy if a combo of Jon/Arlie and Adel is up. Arlie likely to get saved if he is up. Either girl gets saved. She won’t save and of evil 4 I don’t think. but she could flip the house potentially. I say no to this option. but if it’s Arlie and another guy then what. lets say Jon wins veto and up. He comes of and Adel goes up versus Arlie. Allison saves Arlie but now the renom is Heather/Neda. It could be a 45 minute hot mess Thursday! A lot of if’s have to happen 1st off.

    Twists are getting interesting at least. She has perhaps 16 hours before Veto ceremony. I gotta think she can use it Thursday in both rather than 1 eviction. It’s a lot simpler if she can only use 1st eviction Thursday. She goes down and Sabby/Ratchet go up versus we think Sarah who is getting nomed Monday likely. Nice twist in light of the game situation/dynamic.

    PS Who thought I’d be watching Allison on the feeds tonight. She might make lemonade out of lemons yet. That newly forming girls alliance could get very interesting, especially if Jon goes as well Thursday. Heather/Neda/Allison…. the “Sha NAH Nah” alliance. Please begin your polite boing at the cheese!

  13. No………………………… Looks like she was just figuring it out. the feed got cut. she found 1. It’s a slat on the rear wall red and white beside the door. Dang this is like a treasure hunt! Feeds cut on for a minute. She found slot 1 moved it then screws up. She puts the moved slot back in position. Thus 3 won’t move/work. Leave 1 moved she’ll be able to get slot 3 to move. Easy in the end. Hurry up lame brain! :PFeeds cut again.

  14. why does arlie always overemphasize ever single word when he talks in the DR. he stresses every word. its annoying as f**k. its like peter with his yelling

    I just watched the andrew eviction and learned he’s a restaurant manager. OMG imagine going to his restaurant seeing him pick his nose in on national tv. the food!! excuse while i throw up

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