POV Holder: | Jon | Next POV | ? |
POV Used | NO | POV Ceremony | March 31 |
HOH Winner: | Canada | Next HOH: | Apr 3 |
Original Nominations: | Andrew and Sabrina | ||
Current Nominations: | ? | ||
Have Nots | Jon and Adel |
2:15pm In the storage room – Allison comments to Rachelle about how obvivious it is they are all working together. Rachelle says I know. Allison says it just makes us more hungrier to win. Rachelle says its just too bad Andrew has to leave. Andrew joins them and they head out to the sit out by the pool.
Meanwhile Neda and Jon are laying on the backyard grass talking. Neda says she hopes she wins HOH so that she can get a 2-6 of rum. Big Brother puts them on a backyard lock down. Jon tells Neda that she looks pretty. Neda tells Jon that he talks really loudly in the diary room and people could hear him. She says that she started tapping her foot so that people couldn’t hear him. Jon says that’s f**ked up. They talk about who they would nominate if they won HOH this week. Neda says that Adel promised her that if she went up on the block he would take her off but says that he also promised Rachelle that too. Jon says that its smart he saved himself for 2 weeks with that. Neda agrees that Adel is smart. Neda talks about how she couldn’t win HOH this week but in two weeks she could. Sarah joins them and Jon starts spooning her. He says you spoon like a BOSS! Adel joins them. They talk about being called out for farting, burping, grabbing their crotch and picking their noses. Adel says he can’t believe Heather and Nead weren’t called out for one burp or fart. Jon says no one even knows Neda is on the show. Neda says shut up. Neda comments that she snorted lines of sugar in grade 4. Sarah says OMG! My kids are in grade four!

Out in the hot tub room – Rachelle, Sabrina and Sarah are talking about Heather. They talk about how much junk food Heather eats and how its starting to show in her face. Sabrina says go eat Nutella fingers! Sabrina comments on how Ika naming Heather creepzilla was so good. Sarah says that she really wants to win HOH. Rachelle asks you would put up Heather and Adel? Sarah says yeah. I wouldn’t put up Jon right away because I feel like I have some trust with him and I wouldn’t want to ruin that. Sabrina comments how she was shown picking her nose. Sarah says you pick your nose A LOT! YOU NEED TO STOP THAT! Sabrina says I have a scab! I can show you!! Sabrina comments how she looked big on the screen. Do I really look that big? Sarah says you look how you look.
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Kenny just said Sarah he’s gay!
Just coming on here to say the same…love how he told Sarah. I bet her ego is a little bruised. i would have more respect for him for telling someone, if I wasn’t convinced that he has only done this thinking that Canada might be pissed that he is hiding it and worried that they might have control again in the future…so he is trying to save face with them as a back up.
Ugh! Sarah saying that she was worried about what her husband thought of them and glad that she doesn’t have to now. And then shouting out to her husband that it is o.k. for them to cuddle in bed, he doesn’t have to worry about it. Ummm…you didn’t have a problem cuddling with Kenny when you thought he was straight and liked you…but now you are glad that your husband doesn’t have to have a problem with it since he is gay?? I knew she was secretly hoping her husband would be jealous…cause otherwise she wouldn’t have done all of the cuddling…that she is now relieved won’t get her in trouble…in the first place. I would bet money that she is embarrassed…and should be.
Sarahs hubby has every right to be upset with her for all the flirting and touching she has done in the house! Plus all the stupid stuff she has said about him : ie getting them young and treating them like shit..and using her viberator to pleasure himself!and that she doesnt worry to much cause he doesnt watch the live feeds!…dude you really need to check your lady when she gets home!
When Janelle was on the couches season she never slept with any guys. I remember her saying ‘im married, I will only sleep with a girl’ shara I have no respct for you. And just because her man might not watch live feeds (highly unlikely) his friends are. Im sure hes also getting tons of emails and links sent to him about his wife.
so sabrina says a scab is an excuse for picking your nose? and the “sun” is why she has cold sores? is everyone thinking she’s a pathological liar?
thumbs up if you think sabrina is a pathological liar inside AND outside the house.
thumbs down if you think she’s lying a lot only for her game/strategic reasons inside the game.
Big Brother should make her wear a cone to keep her from picking that scab then…
The scab thing makes sense, I had a scab in my nose for a few months and it’s actually annoying as hell!
I want to see Kenny tell Sarah that he is gay!!! Please post as soon as you can.
it’ll be up soon.. I think they are still talking about it in the Hot Tub
Thanks Simon. I know you guys work really hard to keep us updated all the happenings in the BBCAN house.
I think Sabrina must have idolized Amanda from the last season of BBUS. She tries to be snarky, insulting, crazy, and over the top. She’ll never quite reach the atrociousness that is Amanda but it’s clear that it would make her happy if she could.
Oh just have to add that two traits that she just about HAS reached Amanda on are her pathological lying and low sense of security.
Sabrina was telling someone on AD that if she was in the house with Amanda, they wouldn’t be friends. 🙂 Amanda found herself a man. Sabrina hates that LOL!
She’s right – they wouldn’t be, because they both want to be the alpha-female.
Ok neda if you’re not going to make a move until two weeks from now…you can just leave. This floating business is nonsense.
Also does anyone think that Kenny telling Sarah he’s gay now is strategy ? I think it is…his main man is on the way out and he needs to get tight with some females….he’s good.
I wish I liked him more
Darn right it’s strategy… Kenny as well as Sarah have become very sensitive to how Canada views them. They have both distanced themselves from the 1st5 particularity Andrew and Sabina. Perfect time for him to come clean.
Kenny told sarah hes gay now were really gonna see sarah go hard for jons dong!!!! WATCH OUT NEDA the snake is gonna rear her ugly head in your mans direction!!!
Doesn’t Jon have a girlfriend outside the house?
Kenny sounds more bi-sexual than gay.
“Sabrina comments how she looked big on the screen. Do I really look that big? Sarah says you look how you look.”
Someone needs to tell sarah how big she looks on camera!
Why? She didn’t ask anyone, unlike Sabrina. You sound like you want to shame her for not being super-thin, which is messed up.
I cannot stand Sabrina and Sarah!!! plsss another HOH for Canada so we can get rid of COW and cougar
Gotta love the line by Sarah, “you look how you look”, in other words, yes you are fat…
A b%tch making a b%tchy comment what a surprise.
Given the number of times Sabrina has fished for compliments in the house, I’d say it’s more a frustrated comment than a bitchy one at this point.
Ah no not frustration … It because she knows Canada
Hates Sabrina and she is trying to please us ….
Sarah is a bully .. Once again she is bashing Heather
Sarah is an aweful human
They’re camping in the back yard tonight, getting locked out of the house all night. Should be interesting but, if they have alcohol, I won’t be able to watch much for long. These kids get L O U D and obnoxious to the point I just can’t take it.
It’s so annoying to me that Neda calls Jon her “big brother” and then flirts with him, but then pushes him away when he initiates it, AND he has a girlfriend.
im cheering for jon and neda
i dont see any issue with jon and neda harmless fun friendly flirting and humorous banter
i like their strong game trust and mutual respect for each other
neda looks so gorgeous in the video above talking game lying down in the backyard…she is an intelligent, delightful girl