Ika says Sabrina talked about Adel’s sexuality The Mooing and fight was “tit for tat”

POV Holder: IKA Next POV ?
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 17
HOH Winner: IKA Next HOH: March 20
Original Nominations: Paul & Heather
Current Nominations: Paul & Heather
Last Evicted Houseguest Kyle, Anick
Have Nots Jon, Allison, Paul

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7:03pm Storage Room Neda and IKA

Neda says she has a feeling the guys are going to fight tooth and nail to save Heather. NEDA wants them to stop playing down Heather’s abilities they need to make her a threat especially around the boys.

Neda says if the boys had won HOH they would have put the girls up. IKA tries to explain why she didn’t make a big move, she says next HOH she’ll put up the boys. She wanted so bad to put up Kenny. NEda understands says there’s nothing that could be done. IKA says it’s better for them to keep Paul and Adel in teh game.

IKA says all the girls will stick together they have enough votes to get out Heather. Neda is hoping all the girls will.

IKA – “You’re the last girl I am putting on the block.. I felt that way about Racehlle but I don’t know. ”

IKA says Sarah and Sabrina are very tight plus they are with the guys. IKA will put Sarah/Sabrina up before Rachelle.

IKA – “We need to keep Adel in this game as long as we came.. he’s a vote”

Both these girls are worried about Allison’s physical strength. IKA says she went to a personal trainer for 2 weeks before start Big Brother Canada.

7:36PM Living Room Ghost stories and Big Brother Dreams

8:00pm theres 12 people in the living room and 6 different conversations. Random chit chat.. (Photo collection of Adel and Ika laughing at IKA’s Jamaican family story)

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8:10pm Sabrina, Andrew and Allison Everyone is happy

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8:13pm HOH IKA and Paul Paul says his circle of trust goes three ways. HE thinks that moving forward it’s going to be the three of them vs the entire house. (Paul, IKA and Adel)

Paul says the guys are not happy about him staying this week. IKA doesn’t care Paul is staying this week.

8:26pm Andrew is telling Adel about his ex girl friend who was part Lebanese. He adds she had very dark hair like Sabrina.
Adel – “Was she fit”
Andrew – “Oh ya very fit”

8:37pm Adel tells them about his invention https://www.tonguetoteeth.com/ He says the patent for his invention is 30 pages long. He says he has 4 patents in total two in Canada and two in the US.

Adel says he got 20K from the Albertan government to build a second prototype. Adel adds that 4 days before the show started his second prototype was supposed to have been complete so he’s looking forward to seeing it.

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8:42pm Neda and IKA in the storage

NEda says that Sabrina hates that new girl so much and if she can laugh and be nice to her then what is she saying about them. IKA knows it’s really worrying her.
IKA – “If she can be that fake to her and laugh at her at curl her hair.. If she hates us we’ll never know”
Neda – “I’m afraid”
IKA – It scares me
Neda – It scares me too
IKa says Adel’s “Mooing” and bad behavior was “tit for tat.. she (Sabrina) just got more upset and it made him looked worse”
IKA “Sabrina talked about his sexuality”
IKA – “I’m not going to lie I said things to him to..”
IKA mentions Adel singing “From the Ghetto” Around her. She doesn’t think he was singing it about her but he was singing it about himself but he knew it would get under her skin.

Rachelle walks in and starts to shake her “Booty” game talk ends and they leave.

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16 thoughts to “Ika says Sabrina talked about Adel’s sexuality The Mooing and fight was “tit for tat””

  1. Dick and Jane are playing outside. Dick has a bat and ball. Jane has a doll. See Dick and Jane play. They play all day.

    That’s about the level these people are playing this game at. I had to take a couple of days off from the Live Feeds because people were getting so stupid that I was actually getting angry!

    I caught up with all of the updates (not much has changed) but why is Heather on crutches?

  2. By the way, here’s the proof for those who don’t think Ika knows full well that she can’t trust Sabrina. The problem is, all Sabrina has to do is act disappointed in Ika and Ika will cave in once again and believe her. Ika wants most to be liked and popular among the girls. Period. Her mind changes with every person she talks to.

  3. Neda is pretty smart girl I really hope by her analyzing sabrina and her action will really get her and Ika far in this game.

  4. I have three questions:

    1. Ika has a toothache. BB gave her Orajel but it’s not working. If Ika has to go to the dentist, does BB pay for it if it’s not an injury due to the show? (I’ve always wondered about that.)

    2. Has Allison talked game at all? I took two days off the Live Feeds but I haven’t seen her talk game yet. I know she’s not close to the girls and tends to only hang around Andrew and Kenny but, is she on board with them?

    3. Sabrina seems to have figured out that she’s Canada’s vote to come in and that she knew where everything was and didn’t ask about seeing the house. Doesn’t that count as Allison’s secret being out? (Even if no one believes Sabrina.)

    1. Allison only got 2 restrictions: she must never reveal there is a war room, and she must never say that she watched them for a week from it. If she does, she gets evicted.
      All else is fine, incl. speculations.

  5. Adel to Ika : when trying to get the guys out they will have to use Sarah as the pawn since no one will vote to evict her. 

    Love love Adel’s strategy

  6. It doesn’t matter if Allison’s secret is out, as long as she(Allison) wasn’t the one to tell people. Allison was told that SHE could not reveal the secret or she would be evicted. If Sabrina figured it out on her own I don’t think it really matters.

  7. **** everyone neda for the win. She’s actually the only female playing the game. I have high hopes for her potential hoh win

  8. These feeds are INCREDIBLY boring right now other than the Adel/Ika convo. If I hear them talk about Heather one more time I’m going to throw my laptop out the window, they bore me, get a life and play the game!

    1. obviously they are so jealous of Heather . Seriously they are vicious weman and ugly inside and out. Sabrina reminds me of stupid big mouth italian garbage supervisor I used to have.

  9. Oscarfelix2 says: Please make Sabrina go away !!!! Soon!!!

    Say what you will about her, she is a good cook! Who’ll do the cooking when she’s gone? I don’t like her two-facedness but I love to watch her cook and she certainly keeps the kitchen sparkling!

    All the other girls in the house are useless pieces of “fluffs” including Ika who surprises me because of her West Indian background. West Indian women love the kitchen…….the motto being “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”!

    I watched the new girl wash drinking glasses on the After Dark show and her manicured hands never touched the rims…..a little bit of liquid soap with some water sloshed around, then rinse and drain. That was her way of washing dishes. I hope there isn’t lipstick/lip gloss left on the rims….ugh! I guess the only time water and soap gets on her hands is after she visits the bathroom. Pretty looking but useless in the kitchen!

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